Minecraft, But EVERY ORE Is SUPER!

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and I have a full inventory of totems no you don't hey J can you have five real quick Jesus we replaced all ores in Minecraft for their super form that means if you come across these rainbow ores in our Minecraft world you're going to get op drops all the way ranging from ached golden apples to netherite gear an even insane enchants you've never seen before after 45 minutes who will survive the final battle be sure to leave a like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video okay let's go guys now remember guys each and every type of or has a super form the higher the tier of ore the better the drops you're going to get from it but we don't know what's inside it could be anything could be food could be more resources could be armor weapons anything at all it's going to be good dude also one life Steve head it I mean it could be a Steve head I don't think your head but it' be a Minecraft Steve head maybe okay I'm down oh also I'm going to find the first Steve head all right you do that Steve you do that good luck all right guys I just muted up cuz I don't want him to hear my strategy but I want to go ahead and find Extreme Hills biome as soon as possible Extreme Hills have a higher spawn rate of emeralds and emeralds are technically a higher tier than diamonds in this mod so we need to find where these emeralds Are All Hiding I actually just found I think the first Super ore the cus has a slight blue tinge to it so it's not really that that rainbow but I mean mhm I found some it's different let's see what's inside I just got Enchanted pants yo to oh Steve I got Pro four buddy get with the T times ender pearls bro okay we're off to a good start I like I'm liking what I'm seeing here so far dude I have 48 iron already what what uh okay so if that's the base level oh wait I found a super iron ore let's see gold apples bro what I need to just get in the mines dude seriously just find some coal it's insane yep yep the coal is broken the H is broken bro Pro three Helm iron oh my gosh I mean it was super or we probably should have seen this coming but dude this makes things way easier stuff oh I got ender pearls funny enough I got emeralds from the iron okay does this go down any deeper it do go down deeper let's go I found more coal oh hey I got those emeralds you were talking about guys good news super copper or is still poopy okay something never change I don't know about that but I'm not going to like give you a hint oh you know what no you're right I just got bottles of enchanting from that one so you know what I I'll eat my words bottles of enchanting are important and I of Ender bro imagine this but beating Minecraft be over 20 minutes 20 minutes flat dude I was really hoping the super Co ore would have the chance to drop steak or something I just need some basic food I have so many golden carrots oh okay I haven't actually checked for that let me see I don't have any golden carrots got golden apples though ooh gapples I just throwing away my my iron cuz like I have such good iron stuff oh I now have 32 golden carrots yeah I guess that's going to be my new food would you found real diamonds yeah I'm starting to get diamond Enchanted gear now oh my gosh what is that from it's not iron is it I don't know I have no clue what it is what St the or still look is like the other ones okay then I guess it's iron yeah I guess it's iron dude gold or is op actually hold on a second here let me grab this stuff there's some kind of looks like a diamond sword perhaps oh what is that I think I just found lapis you lost no what you found is a lost Steve you found an L why hold it did you hold the L I need to mute up here got sharp 10 fire aspect 10 looting 10 sweeping Edge bro gold ore is cracked I sure don't know what they're going to do but actually I do know what they're going to do they're hold this l oh guys guys guys it's going to be a rough showing that's all I say so with this pickaxe that I just got I got about probably 10 stacks of golden carrots with one one break br oh I got a fortune X pickaxe Dr oh my Steve I just got diamond leggings with Pro four on them I think that's about as good as it gets uh no combat ahead of time correct no no no no combat oh okay I only asked because I found Cappy all right guys I just muted up I'm going to start my long Tre now going to find an extreme Hills biome hopefully doesn't take long but we just need to get some super emeralds in there and super diamonds we got to figure out what's in both of those we got 36 minutes though plenty of time I've got my food ready to go I've got some armor I got my probably the best sword I'm going to be getting I'm assuming anyway there's no better sword Maybe I'm Wrong uh and then from there I don't know if we want to build a base or what but you know just make sure we get all the basics more rolling apples too I'm just saying guys if this is all the stuff from just iron gold and copper I can only imagine what happens with the better orbes like lapis Stone then of course diamonds even oh I've been finding diamonds real diamonds dude you're lucky I haven't found a a stack a stack of obsidian what that's actually pretty funny I have gotten diamonds but only from like lower ores I haven't found a diamond ore yet I need to yeah same yeah my pick is sharp X efficiency X Unbreaking X Fortune X why does it have sharp I don't know that way you don't have to switch to a sword when you got to lay the beat down 30 minutes of just digging in a straight line let's go Steve why am I still using a stone ax this real wait I have a fortune 3 iron axe does that multiply wood yeah I don't think it works like that bud more wood per wood the mining on this pickaxe reminds me of like prison servers when you get like super op pickaxes that's what it makes me think of all right I'm muted up so I can do a little bit of a sidebar here we only have 30 minutes left and I spent about 10 minutes looking for the Extreme Hills biomes and I still haven't found one yet so either this is going to be a zero payoff for me I risk it all and I lose or this is going to be the ultimate strategy that catapults my loot above theirs all that we're looking for diamonds right now to my knowledge not a single one is hoping to get themselves some emeralds I have the secret SAU all right so good news these are technically Windswept Hills now I know ear I was saying Extreme Hills I know that that's like an outdated term they're technically mountainous biomes however mountainous biomes plus Windswept Hills have a chance to spawn emeralds so technically this biome will do despite not being as super mountainous as you might be expecting I wonder the city is going to be worth it for you guys loot wise definitely not unless there like an extra Notch Apple in there you know well I finally found what I was looking for and I'm hoping it pays off big but I'm not having any good luck so far you're going to share with the class or reveal your master plan later later cuz there's still 23 minutes left and you guys could yeah boy I got what I needed nice dude why is this lagging so bad what the heck dude Cloud not happy all right here we go big moment big moment please please please oh do you want to trade for um an elytra huh I've got an elytra no what I mean is like I'll buy one off you if you have pants I'll take those gladly oh my gosh guys that just dropped a netherite shovel now gr is a shovel so who cares but the point is that netherite is now spawning so if I break Emerald blocks I can get full netherite gear and probably sweep these guys I'm so pumped right now yes I think I'm going to get the win they're talking about diamonds and we got nether right bro yes y boy the Strat paid off I was so nervous I was like these guys are going to make a fool out of me but not today what I just summoned a warden I've got to go I've got to go these caves man oh my gosh they are dangerous oh but the payoff for where I'm in could be great there we go I'm going to the end guys kid I could I have 17 under eyes but unfortunately there are no ores there I wonder if like nether quartz super or anything like that nether quartz I don't know I finally found my first to beat the game I'd be down I feel like we would end up beating it so quick but if we all did our own worlds no no no yeah all of us we're not working together this is it's it's a race comment down below if you think dropsy idea is a good one we should do it on this channel I got something good here you boy I got something really good that's ridiculous that's even more ridiculous I finally got that diamond axe you were talking pickaxe you were talking about Steve the the really good one yeah X Unbreaking X Game Changer everything yeah it just dropped like a 100 diamond chest plates yeah are they all the same yep yeah they're all the same that's so funny that's that that was my message earlier that I was like oh I realized my mistake that's incredible dude I love that all right I got to be careful cuz I just ended up in a flower forest biome so unfortunately we don't know what biome we're in down here so we just got to be mindful of that hitting F3 every once in a while and checking cuz otherwise we are going to be out of the zone and not getting those emeralds like right here these juicy emeralds that was a lot of golden apple that's more golden apples than we're going to need actually to be honest oo diamond swords potentially could be good wait am I able to just can I just turn that into hold on a second here with the netherite I have I actually don't know the answer this I can no I do know the answer this I could totally put that on right let me see bro we're trying we're trying to cook over here all right we're cooking we're cooking over here buddy now that you don't understand get out of here so if I take this then I put this on top right now we have the smithing table okay that's cool but you know what's cool in that oh my gosh we don't have smithing template I Hate Everything Rats the worst part is I have netherite ingots guys uh but I don't have any smithing templates dang new Minecraft so netherite is per is is pointless unless you get unless you just blocks of uh there's 17 minutes left like it's not impossible to think you're going to find it but now guys it also just dawned me we did end up getting the elytra we got to keep that secret so things are going haywire we can just build up a giant Tower and then elytra off while they climb all the way to the top buying us a little bit of time to get away I I might be fighting with an axe dude which not the worst but yeah I really need a helmet like really badly hey man I've got one you just need to give me what I want I don't have what you want Oh My Gosh well I just got what I wanted asking you shall receive oh my gosh all right that bow is such a game Cher I straight up think that that's going to shred through him I know we all have super powerful gear but Power 10 on a bow is just silly and punch 10 as well is also silly now I would love to get full netherite for the knockback resistance more than anything else cuz they're all probably going to have the super knockback swords and punch on their bows so we could use something like that to our advantage dude one shot him oh my gosh night and day having this bow up by our side all right let's see let's see what this axe is all about sharp T see like that axe is better than netherite one that's so silly sharp 10 yeah that's that's better than our netherite one it's even it's got more attack damage than the sword although the difference is the sword is quicker DPS wise sword still better but that diamond ax is better than the netherite one uh that we can use to defend ourselves in case we need to take down their Shield also we've officially now left the Windswept Hills so we're not going to be getting emeralds from here I can go back to wind swi toes and dig deeper it might be worth it it might be worth it the whole reason we went on this expedition was to find emeralds right so might as well just keep going silk touch I don't think I really need that oh wait I just stay quiet drop I got pants you stay quiet right now Steve you KN stay quiet right now you knew this whole time wait [Laughter] what I mean I I'm in a p now just recently now yeah maybe like I don't know 3 minutes before you I found that out so oh man oh man now just to find a find what I need oh I'm going to guess I'm going to guess okay and you don't have to tell me if I'm right but I'm going to guess that it still drops things even with silk touch you can just drop this you can just mine the same thing over and over again oh you guys are dirty am I right I I mean I haven't tested it personally but that's my theory I haven't tested it on I haven't found it yet uh diamonds I need to it work I need to it I need to ref it BR that's nasty I need to find I saw it now like silk touch and then I almost threw it in the lava and then I was like wait a second I've been sitting here just I've been sitting here just mining the same uh gold over and over again Steve Jesus no I don't blame you dude no no that's that's big UPS I think I'm hilarious oh my God as soon as you were like silk touch I don't think I need I was like oh my goodness I hope she throws it away oh no I I I thought about it I gave it a second chance and I was like now hold on this could dude I need a silk touch pickaxe that I had one earlier I threw it out cuz I was like ah what's the point threw it away too quick you didn't know its value wait are you what I think you are a silk T touch pick no Notch Apple huge oh yeah those are pretty big okay I'm going into the nether for the last 10 minutes just to see no shot actually no shot that's amazing I just got uh totem break totem of undying a I'm jeal but since I had fortune on my pick it's a million of them oh bro they don't stack so there's that at least they don't stack yeah it is space in your inv yeah but that's a small price to pay oh no yeah I agree I got nine of them out of it oh God I managed to upgrade to a diamond helmet which I'm pretty happy about so quartz does work but I have no clue how I would possibly find a template in here no oh wait there's super quartz oh come on now I find the elyra I think it's technically any ore Jerry but like there's no resource pack for quartz so oh they weren't expecting it cap you'll never see me coming well I wish I had thought of that silk touch idea ster Steve but I I I don't think it's going to happen for me no that's fair uh like I said I've just been using the um the gold blocks cuz the gold still gives you really good drops I managed to find diamond and it it doesn't work on it I I tried the so touch doesn't work on it no oh so the whole master plan is gone or maybe or maybe Steve has something extra that I don't but like it's it's not working as I hoped I'm only using it for gold so I have no so you don't need silk touch for that Steve oh I didn't know that you didn't need silk touch for that yo oh my gosh how okay how am I going to get a netherite sword that's worse than my diamond that's that's what yeah yeah that's the whole problem Diamond Helm okay I still need get rid of these iron boots at least all right now there's not enough time left for you guys to do anything with the information my big master plan that may or may not have paid off I don't know yet is I was looking for a Windswept Hills or mountainous biome the whole time for emerald ore and I've been having a ton of emerald or and some good luck with it I got like a netherite chest plate netherite leggings you know Notch see what's the enchantments on that netherite is like a different table no same loot table Pro four on the leggings okay you're the diamond's way better what do you have a super diamond uh my diamond chest plate has protection 10 bro what I was going to say my boots have Pro X feather falling X Thorns X deep uh dep Strider X Unbreaking Soul speed X here I was thinking that I was the big cheese in town you weren't you tried to cheese the system and it failed dude I thought I was the big cheese I really did this final battle is going to be insane though I think it's going to last a hot minute we're GNA just keep not dying I squared up pretty strongly against the warden when I fought him yeah Captain totem I'm sure you did that was before I had totems all right all right how many many tots you get nine Jesus oh my gosh so I got my Mo most of my stuff from like gold and Lapis and uh Redstone like for the diamond loot interesting yo I got a Stevie you got the totems I got the totems yeah although dropsy are you in the same cab as I'm like do you have Pro 10 gear cuz I don't have any Pro 10 so I my netherite is my helmet and my boot but I managed to get Pro 10 and stuff on my chest plate and my leggings oh I'm getting get shredded oh my God Jerry if you've got I did not get 10 on my chest plate if you've got anything worth trading like since you got some totem of UND I will trade you one totem ofine per each piece so give me three and I've got a diamond helmet chest plate and leggings that you can have with good Pro yeah with Pro 10 Cappy think you got yourself a deal my friend oh come let's make a deal yeah yeah Jerry I almost got so affirm I did SL kill that it would just steal my totem and I'd come back okay uh well I'll uh you offer three piece here one two three you know I have more totems than I do I'm kidding bro get scamed Steve give me this Steve give me the stuff back wait I didn't I didn't get your stuff get it okay okay never mind I got it just in I didn't have any open inventory slots diamond boots wait you gave him three pieces of gear for one piece of gear no for a totem each a tote yeah so he had the extra gear so I gave him a totem he gave me the extra gear you got any extra gear No I gave it all to drone man so what do you have products on Jerome uh chest plate and leggings only he just gave me normal diamond boots which I mean technically my iron boots are better for now I'll put them on just be weary that they're going to break only 20 seconds left and I'm using it wisely I'm going up the only problem is with all the feather falling and protection we have I got to go like a 100 blocks up to get a kill yeah so maybe I won't do that I'll just go up a little bit all right everyone return to spawn then time's up this is it then it is one life that matters oh I'm not the guy I'm not oh I lived oh bro well now I know I need to make this Tower taller we're going up more well I to let you know I didn't TP to you I TP to Luke and he's in your head get out of my brain luk dang I totally I totally beefed it and now I don't have arrows I just dropped him at some point oh No Cap oh my god did scared me I thought I earlier if you come to the base of my tower you'll find 32 arrows good luck drops anvil on head say or was it all just deployed to drop a stack of TNT on your head what was that we just flew by oh you've gotten elytra oh what was that my TNT it's a little it's a little too tall exploded above you need to go a couple lower all right plan is are we fighting I don't I yeah go big okay dude I think the bows might be your most powerful tool bro cuz the punch on it that's why I wanted hold netherite for the knockback resistance mostly stay over there oh I feel like eating this up stay over there get some fire resistance going oh Steve dropsy actually you did like a heart and a half of damage to me with those arrows so they do a lot yeah even with good armor they do a lot oh my God Steve stop spamming arrows have I hit you a single time no but it's aggravating I don't even I even know if the swords really do damage at all I think with the resistance on I think it should just the bow no the swords are doing some damage stay over there but not much I'll be completely honest I think the bow is the best asset any of us has dude it's it's a shredder ow there's also a crossbow but I didn't bother reading stats on it and I don't know if I'm G to come to regret that or not all right Steve is this what you want yeah this is what I want I'm sending Steve deeper and deeper into the pits TR you look like a pin cushion yeah cuz you keep spamming the bow in the most aggravating way possible bro hey I'm trying to get I'm trying to get my freaking pickax on board oh J your shoes broke yeah I wonder why Steven bow spam Libby all right we need to think outside the box here because no one's going to kill anyone like this yeah and I have a full inventory of totems no you don't hey J can you have five real quick Jesus hey C bring it dude your Thorns actually did some your Thorns didn't have the heart to me gosh that's pretty nutty Thorns X is a lot well the bad thing about Thorns though is it wears away your armor quicker too because it takes damage to do damage oh oh that's something I didn't consider my armor is going to explode pretty soon actually I have half hearts on it so oh wow yeah once my armor is gone once you I was going to say this is an armor game at this point yeah so bring out the pickaxe you asking with the pickaxes for C oh okay you got we all asking about the pickaxes this is what you get I used the pickaxe a bunch on Steve and eventually his helmet exploded that's really funny that's a pretty big Advantage here oh yeah we're bot fighting in the water oh in the water oh I'm I'm focusing Steve's uh Steve right now cuz he's the king of totems but if I can get this armor off him that's fair I broke another piece broke your helmet no I broke my helmet good thing I have a backup done oh my goodness do you want to fight him down here or see I may have totems but you guys have excess uh you know what you don't have though stuff covered your toes Steve Steve broke up a totem he finally broke one like all of my find how to get to where you guys not going to be a problem oh hey hello I didn't get backup gear where Steve you got to be the first one gone bucko yeah what's new pickaxe he's running away never mind he's not going to be the first one gone he's just going to be flying away forever D I don't think you I don't have armor wait I hit him up there wait at least look I hit him up there you actually hit him that's pretty fun yes but now your armor must be pickaxed he was on fire man I don't want my armor to be pickaxed no I'm just using a pickaxe dude until people's armor starts going away I'm only using the pickaxe where in the heck is dropsy at she just let down Steve try to bust each other's armor up that's what me and cap have been doing i' my protection 10 Thorns 10 gear is all Breaking too I think that was my chest plate yep now I'm just your pants broke I got that I got netherite pants but they don't have the enchant so I'm now significantly weaker like dropsy did three hearts of damage weaker does the pickaxe actually do more durability damage unless just doesn't want to waste his weapon Oh I thought it did do two yeah I I've never heard of that well now I want to Google it but I feel like I can't trust any of you Hooligans no I'm just I'm just telling you I haven't heard of that that drum now is not the time for Google I'm Googling pickaxes in Minecraft don't break armor faster but they do remove durability from the armor so isn't that the same thing for every four damage points a player takes their armor durability increased by one point each hit from a damage source that can be blocked by armor removes one point of durability okay so dude I don't know technology is weird anyone else know noticed a little bit of a problem what what where have you been cap don't worry about it I have a feeling are you still break hold on are you still breaking stuff no no I'm not what are you doing over there you keep going to that same spot what are you doing over there I'm going to go look what's going on ke no I'm going to go look what are you doing over there what's going on K hold Onre I'm on on I'm on a mission I'm right behind you you're not going to find anything over there oh there's something all right you're not going to find anything man what have you been crafting nothing that's not true that's just not true you guys should focus more on fighting no I want to know I that's for cppy to know and us to never find out yeah I'm completely out of not oh my god dude he knocked me into the river to make my way back dude I fight this this is the most annoying fight I think I've ever had in Minecraft because it's just run up to somebody and get bowed away and [Laughter] then you're getting scammed guys oh my God Kev why are you running [Laughter] away Steve don't come at me bro I don't even know where you guys went he's all the way in the trees over here uh far away very far away back off my dude I'm working over here stop being such a Comin what do you want me to do let you just run away I want you to go fight everybody else while I do these I don't have anything cap I have pants die ow that was a good hit that was a home run hello baby I've lost cap oh my God J well I got another one else to hit capp's gone Steve's flying around yeah I know I'm trying to follow him there's no point you're not going to catch him never going to catch him so we might as well fight I I have a feeling if cap gets in just a one-on-one with someone you don't okay I was going to say you don't win that's why I'm trying to chase him down I have nothing else to do I'm not playing catch he not you're not going to catch him well uh this fight will decide who probably fights Cappy and uh I don't know what he has up his sleeve but his armor has not broken you're going to you're going to crush me so don't even worry about it yep there goes my one piece of armor and I have two hearts that's how low I am at this point I've been just whittel down yeah woo okay yeah GG okay now that it's down to one person I feel comfortable telling you guys what I've been doing I've been running away and I made an anvil and I've just been repairing my armor oh my gosh I'm impressed you had the levels for that bottles of enchanting no yeah I it still takes levels and I didn't get that many okay are you going to fight now can we yeah yeah yeah well I just had the I had to like run away so that I could repair I just need to find where spawn was it's over this direction I'm here ke I think you are very lost I'm very lost oh my goodness oh Lucan could I get a TP hey the final show it's theal I thought you were healing your gear what in your chest plate oh right my bad oh my gosh I shouldn't have said anything ow hold on I got to build out with TNT it's one of the only building blocks on my HPP bar right now hold on let me g g GG
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 47,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but mod, minecraft but you can, beating minecraft but, minecraft but you, minecraft but i, minecraft mod, beating minecraft, jeromeasf, jerome, jeromeace, no cursing
Id: XSitenQVzc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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