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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video yeah we are back for a brand new tycoon today we are gonna be doing a building tycoon I hope that you're an amazing builder gen but don't worry I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure all we do is click button so I'm probably not actually gonna need a build anything it's actually a little bit more complicated we have blueprints that we must use No so I'm gonna beat you basically architects I am an architect yes and my grandfather was I am as well oh he really was you build a bridge really no he really did he went to Yale it really did go downhill after Yale well I'm playing Minecraft grandpa he's looking down on me right now so today to make my grandfather proud guys please subscribe to my youtube channel and also please drop like of my video also check out my other channel Patton friends I don't have a lot of friends but - OH link down below to where I play with my two or three friends if you guys do want to check that out seriously check it out please I beg of you so here we are we're playing building tycoon I read a couple things it said plan easy difficulty not peaceful we got that got that down perfect right click with your blueprints then right click what you want to build then right click with your pickaxe to start placing okay right click a padlock - a lot better at blueprints okay I'll build a final blueprint to win the game tip you can only place one of each type of Louvre at a time but you can place multiple types of blueprints down example you can't do two trees but you can do one tree plus one table okay okay cool come stand near build with your pickaxe to hand in hand to build it alright so this is a mount you can buy a pickaxe and a sonic screwdriver those are the prices this is created by love cuffs and add key so thank you you guys and think are we ready if you have a piece of paper the resource pack is working we do oh and then there's helpers we can get well they must help us build you can find multiple of the same type of helpers all right guys step just go let's do it okay okay build earn gold I'm not blueprints upgrade tools by helpers and complete the final blueprint to win okay okay so we just build anywhere hey what do we got how do we do how do we do this okay so unlock the first one Oh a tree oh how did you do that oh I got this okay oh okay maybe we so long so I have pressed the tree build the tree okay okay how do that you know the rules are very complicated okay the bridge maybe use the branch oh yeah I built the tree oh me too no I didn't okay so now I have a tree built so we get okay and then we could build trees everywhere those trees oh my god I'm so talented my mom would be so proud of me right now the forest mom do you see what I'm doing mom okay okay okay I have 50 50 gold to go okay so the blueprints how do we okay the omelet costs 30 I think I've just unlocked it yes I have no switch to this one okay wait the tree oh it cost 30 okay let me go to the next one oh this is nice I built a little table oh this is very nice oh oh I need to build them the other trees this is my logicals yeah all right next to the trees you know I need a nice little spot well there's so much money everywhere um me more room lovely it's like a little parka building I know I have no more room for mine apparently okay tonight deliver something up because I thought to build this right now okay go right there why can't I put another one down you know I have like I've built the mat Oh we're still building oh you have to be near them for them to build - I'm realizing okay okay this one's finished Billy okay now go over here I really want to build one near my tree so I think they're gonna look good put one over here all right what's the next Clause 150 I don't have 150 yeah all right I have only 100 and oh I don't know 40 oh okay okay where can I put another one right here okay okay go go go go go go go go go pick that build thing go okay here we go come on or I'm building what looks to be mmm an amazing table it's the best table I've ever seen in my life it's not even a table it has stairs it's a piano oh my god this is the best VN I've ever seen wait so we're putting down pianos yeah what it's just a nice piano - it's like a fancy piano there must be a piano Reeves Keanu Reeves piano Keanu Reeves right yeah the matrix the one I like I'm just building my grand pianos in the middle of the woods yeah I know piano Reeves would be proud okay here we go boom okay it's going it's going nicely swimmingly you have so much money right now this is not good I I'm not done yet bow I need to build more for piano rebuild another one Oh Jen you're a little bit behind on yeah you know I should really build other things in the meantime they're not very good at switching oh is that oh my god that's what we're supposed to do I get it now thank you for the tip no I understand what they were saying before now yeah you can build one of like multiple things but not multiple of the same thing I get it now it's all perfect okay I'm happy so now I should probably switch again you know the switching not that easy I'm gonna have a car I just built the car all right so yeah this is all about your switching capacities right yeah the whole gonna be a good switcher okay it's like runescape all right now I'm gonna go back to here how much is the next one by the way Hoppus 321 eeee oh snap okay oh man okay so switch that one and then build that and you always have to have this in your hand to actually build it - got to have thumb why can't I build the table oh because I wasn't here when it oh it didn't complete okay okay we have to complete everything perfectly my car is looking fantabulous and so is this at the same time okay let's switch back to that again oh I can build the car now yeah okay you're doing very good thank you do you mean that um of course let's see the next one is 640 so we're get very pricey Chad alright building the car then I'm gonna go back and build another piano okay so this is really fun this is coming along I feel stressed it's all I could say okay don't worry I'm okay the piano almost killed me that was terrifying I mean that's not how I want to go if I'm gonna die from a piano I wanted to fall on me anyways alright so that is complete and so is this the car not done what is happening alright yeah you have to complete all the job okay okay okay [Music] so I'm gonna come closer to you after these things build because I want to see what you're up to another tree over here let's see I want to unlock this whatever that is I just unlocked okay I'm gonna come see you in a second how are you doing so it's 6:42 unlock that one what is it my greatest idea must be insane no money right now I'm coming to see your snow a little bit I'm coming I'm coming to see what you got where you at hey hey yo it's an L for loser wait wait watch this get ball hold on I'm trying to build my grand piano okay I'm gonna build something else while this um goes okay there we go I really want my robot to finish 140 that's so much what's the one after that cost oh it just doubles every time so it's really pretty simple oh my god it's a robot oh my god please finish give me money build another piano it's done five hundred forty dollars okay that looks pretty nice I can't build p.o it's cuz this one never finished okay you have to finish everything alright yeah I forget that when you like walk far away that it doesn't actually complete so do you remember when we play this in roblox we play this exact game yeah we did where we have to build a thing and then we could have people help us build them okay so that's exactly what we're doing right now okay okay alright so almost have the money that I need to buy a helper I think all right so what am I at five forty I just need to build a few more things all right things are going pretty well over here the same I'm getting my house built I'm a robot I want some helpers though what's going on $1,100 what all right I'm gonna go get a helper cuz I think it'll make me go away faster right yeah definitely all right let's see so in here we had a couple things we could buy we get helper so what exactly did it say the pickaxe did again don't remember I think it helped us build maybe maybe all these things do okay um a helper I can get one for 500 gold that'll probably help definitely do that nobody a level 2 helper okay I have one out you bit me I got that expensive version oh okay so how much um he was a thousand but they have ones for 500 oh wait this is building way faster I think with the helper here okay he built that so quick I need 500 for the level 2 a builder um that is all for level 1 builder level 1 okay alright so with the helper it definitely is going quicker now like a lot quicker good all right so thank you sir you really are a true asset to my team let me build another car right here okay good idea pretty smart and now I'm gonna build another piano although it tried to kill me again oh yeah I'm a little scared of the pianos there a little bit violent I'm not gonna lie all right so this robots about to be dawn I got 800 bucks all right let me switch back to the robot yeah I'm actually getting used to switching now and I think I'm getting good I'm actually gets you actually I'm actually getting actually pretty good too actually actually I'm not okay it's actually not it's actually not cool if I actually am that way actually Morgan and Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan actually okay it's almost done Chad oh yeah do you see my money I'm gonna go buy me a helper you should they're very helpful oh my god wait how much is the next one cost the pig I don't know I'm afraid to buy it now buy is so expensive all right unlocked something amazing okay and I hope I'm building a giant frog wait what I think I am I'm really jealous right now I wasn't build a giant I'm pretty sure that's what I'm building and I've never been happier in my entire life it sounds absolutely amazing it really is amazing I'm gonna buy the car I'm gonna build a car as well so there's my helper you're out um you should follow you that's his job okay help oh he's right there he's so little wait every thing is building you do anything he's just a little baby oh yeah he really is kind of cute okay I almost got this dog are my car is gone all right let's store it out another car right there maybe throw down a nice little table set all right robot is complete as well probably gonna want to build another one of those I build it right here perfect my frog is still building oh the frogs done another car I want another frog see that's the thing like you're like they even finish that stuff builds all over the place all right this one is building oh yeah me too when you get more robots going all right get that one and that's for when this one finishes are you seeing my money's rising pretty quick now right all right as you should be anything besides robot so you still need to get the frog right yeah you just got up to that amount okay that's good okay he looks huge I'm probably gonna need like a level 3 helper or I'm gonna need another car um so let's get a car going over here that is a huge frog that's gonna take a while I know I love the Frog he's so sick all right let me see if I get another fright oh wait I must have finished the Frog oh are you not done mr. frog are you not done right next to you okay this this robot and everything okay and you fish this car over here it's so complicated okay taken forever I have enough money to unlock something new you know what I'm building now what are you building a tank no wait how you only have two more laps unlock you do know is that how do you win I think so I think you have to unlock the last one to win Oh Oh more helpers no oh I'm actually happy bad okay wait what do I need to build next I want helpers everything probably do you think I need like really good helpers or this will go really fast yeah what are you just trying to slow me down no I think it's good just buy all the helpers uh-huh no I probably destroy you if I buy all the helpers I'm gonna regret it like so bad actually I wanna buy it I'm gonna buy the next one I think it's 9 something all right so this was even up for that one so this little guy I think he's helping me but I could be completely wrong okay so then how's the Frog doing oh so slow okay do I buy that pickaxe and see what what it is do it maybe it builds it quicker didn't say something about right-clicking with the pickaxe I don't remember I don't know that I was paying great attention um there was just a lot of confusing rules all right 1200 I want to finish this tank and I'm gonna head back all right so I know that the next one's gonna cost 5,000 which is gonna be extremely expensive dude dude this is a nice tank all right I need to build another car I think all right you my friend you you go work on this okay okay so right now Jen it is almost dawn I could see little thingy on the tank okay your $800 frog is just unbelievably slow um this one is a little slow chew that's why we need the helpers because without them everything I just finished mine I have 2,500 to spend I'm gonna buy the pickaxes it spoke good things of it - what is it - it's a robot pickaxe it's got to do something important right definitely it was kind of expensive I'm gonna get another level to help her okay and a level one helper something up all kinds of helpers let's go team okay I think the car is complete I could build another one all right so two level two helpers and the way to level one helper at level two I got all kinds of stuff okay okay the two level twos in a level one okay so now we're gonna oh so now the robot will to us wait so this is cool so now I don't have that thing anymore all I use is a pickaxe to build so it replaces the stick that's what is so fast I built a robot in like 10 seconds are you serious oh my god wait how much was it again I'm just like 900 okay alright all you guys help me build this frog so how does it work so you just it just replaces the tree leaf okay oh man I'm building the frog so quick got it oh man this is so sick bye and the frog is please there we go this is really good okay I need to catch up alright now time for them to build a tank what's the update they can do it see how fast it is so I no longer have a branch wonderful I'm also getting a frog next to it because I want the Frog bill as well and I'm also going to build a robot next to it so I want a robot bill as well okay I'm like that and boom everything team need to build another car alright so you need to get to that tank so is that what you're saving for next yeah how much is that again 2500 is my fraud did it ever complete oh yeah do you build another frog we have a frog it's like the big cash object right now frog okay this one is completely build real fast now alright looks like my robot frog dude he's about to be done I think my tank just finished - at 3200 now what oh that's crazy isn't it okay this is perfect okay so I want to build another tank really quick and then after that I'm doing upgrades guys alright so that we switch back to the frog - so they can built the same time saves me a lot of time and money and then switch back to the robot so it's build like instantly now okay got the robot going perfect did you buy anything beyond the tank yet no I have not because it's over 5,000 for the next right all right but things are building so fast now oh wait no I can't afford that yet so I need twenty-five hundred to unlock the tank all right so is that's what you're going for that's what I'm going for right now okay I am going to have five thousand seven all right all I have to do is finish my tank and it's gonna be done that all the helpers working on the tank right now it finished I gotta for the next thing okay my frogs done I was wrong I'm building another one it's ten thousands it's oh okay well that's good no it's not good my helpers just like hurt me oh yeah it bit me before - attacked me okay I need another tank over here and then I'm gonna kneel I'm a frog going right there's another car okay got all that going my stuff is building but I want I just walked all the way around the building for no reason I'm going to cry okay I have a ton of stuff everything's building right now level four helper completed I bought him oh I can buy the tank now is that crazy that I bought a level four helper that's really insane and it's crazy I walked all the way around the house again okay sure they come put down the tank oh you did how is it it's really nice okay I have a level four builder and his head is huge alright building over here alright come on little dude this is why I got you so you can build tanks for me my frogs almost about to have some money okay now they're working on this object over here let me get another tank building my frogs so quick yeah I really need to buy more helpers oh I know you do make such a huge difference okay get back going okay look done why can't I not build you again all right maybe not far enough or maybe there's like one that you just didn't notice isn't finished somewhere maybe I'm not seeing your money increase advice oh oh man here we go and another tank going alright build that wall right here [Music] alright another tree man frog coming down my side another robot how's that tank going the tank is super slow by the way that's why you need the level four helpers I can't afford a level four helper you can't even afford level four helpers who are you go check the price alright this is sick okay so we got the tanks just about finished for a 7703 I might be for that next I got another tag going I mean 1900 do you see my money right now take a little it's a little look look on the side of the screen I saw it pains me it's an eight thousand three hundred and seventy and I love these little McDonald's guys I built the entire map spilled out at this point you know wait really oh maybe does this appear after a while I'm 9600 okay you guys finished this and then we're gonna buy a new thing we're gonna build an extra check oh I see you I'm coming to you John okay so what I want to do is I want to unlock whatever this is it's a will oh well I'm a bill wheel um no oh okay there's one more there's no room for it okay me a lot of room apparently it's the final one do you know it's 20,000 oh why does this take so long for me to make the money why is there no room to build this one I don't know I can't even build the frog for some reason I'm trying to get them I keep like getting a position where it like says I can build it no oh okay now I can sweeter like sometimes it only lets you build it in certain spots all right mine's building right now you're gonna be really proud of me I need as soon as possible all right we're gonna build a tank as well right over here boom okay and then next to that were also getting built another frog right here okay everything's building now working and the other frog disappeared so clearly it was done all right yeah you finished yes very more room okay wait Louie are you seeing this are you seeing my money I can afford to buy the helper oh I forget about the tank oh no oh no you have a Sangha ready yeah all right wait maybe I should save up to and just go straight for level 4 cuz its 3,800 it honestly might be worth it do you see my whale no you see a building look at it it's almost done it's nice I'm building another tank right now how much money things gonna be probably a lot since it was so expensive I Matt 9:30 right now it's almost done okay have like 7,000 I don't think so three thousand five months it's not bad it's really good um you guys finished my tank and my frog for me please I can't even build anymore oh the eyes were never done that's why oh my god no that's what you've to get close make sure they've done all right I'm getting another helper now he's done mom ten minutes later all right let's get another one of these level four helpers another one helper and I'm ready to build superstars another car oh I'm now level 4 that's gonna be so helpful it's so hard to place down the whale because it takes up so much room 1 a level 2 and a level 4 helper well I have two level 4 helpers now so I think it's gonna go a lot quicker very nice for remember Jan 20,000 is the price on the file item enough closing in on it I'm doing pretty good though I've unlocked only um I mean I like all of them I only have two left oh wait so I only have one left but you're just one away yeah I'm just one away from you I'm not that far off all right my whales coming along alright and then she gave me a good amount of money okay let's see here are my frog has to finish - all right there we go there we go alright let's switch back to let's build another whale it's so hard to place him down alright let's get this one okay get that down and let's change to the Frog I mean I'm getting better at it but it really wish they did place a little easier this one down the robots just build so fast now with all these helpers I know I'm almost considering getting one more helper but the thing is they're almost 4,000 gold ain't you is so much look I don't know if I want to spend another 4,000 on them maybe you should um make a larger team so I'm thinking yeah you think I should get another one should get like a few more you know that way you just have an epic like powerhouse of a team just get a bunch of them wait you're writing you're right Jeff yeah are you right all right I think you're actually right I actually think you are yeah I think you're trying to sabotage me but I actually think you're actually right I think you should have a huge powerhouse team I think you're right only way to win this you're right about this yeah I'm going do it I'm gonna do it right now go do it I'm gonna get at least two more all your money to more level force yeah okay one two more level force have tons now okay you don't think the strategy's gonna work did you decide yet cuz my frog just got built in one second I just need 20,000 I'm just saying my frog was built awfully quickly okay let's just like sabotage myself yeah look at them look at my screen so they're building a tank right now okay um in epic speed Oh unbelievable speed okay it's already built wait is let me build another one I'm just powerhouse in three right now okay our house in thrill I just need a place down another one of these right here that I need switch to my little frog please down my frog right okay got my frog bear my perfect robot another whale over here I just need room for the way out which the hardest thing to place down by far all right you guys finished this frog perfect good job okay what do I need now um do they finish the tanker but unbelievable they already finished the tank how is that be impossible tanks done - they're so fabulous okay building tank right here okay perfect and then I want to build another frog right working on a robot wait look at my bunny I'm at 5500 right I'm going straight for 20 I just passed you in money no wait that's probably bad yeah I should probably unlock the next one yeah well you can't go straight for 20 I think yeah you literally need although um please make some room for me to put this down it's so hard to place down the whale it's trying to be crazy robot friends I just I just wanna put you down I can't put a down job oh no what are you gonna do wait they did finish it right you guys finished this dude oh no I'm upset I can't place it I can't place down job that's real good where can I put it I'm just running out I'm running everywhere I'm trying to place down my whale I'm gonna cry because I don't see a whale spot to put it down why can I not please so I'm switching you know what set them and then put them they have to be working on something or I'm gonna be sad I got the Frog going down - I got the whale down alright we're good okay I just put on my very first whale alright how's it feel it feels amazing okay I'm gonna put down another tank so I should probably say okay okay my money is almost at 20,000 maybe it takes a long time to build the final one though yeah probably cuz it's the final one so it has to be like really hard to build alright oh my money's coming mm Oh plenty of room for that whale okay so you guys finished this one home no room for anything alright let me go back to my tank okay maybe that's what the mallets for me it's to like break your items like to get like more room maybe I don't know Jen the money difference is becoming pretty drastic now I know my tanks building at the same time it's my well my whales almost done um and my way I was about to finish 17,000 I sleep without another whale oh there was a spot right there have you started building well yeah my whales building right now did you have trouble placing him down yeah but you can never get like a good spot for right oh my god I don't care about the way off I'm so log frog you just need some eyes okay there you go perfect I'm just gonna build a tank really quick and then I'll have twenty thousand not what I want to hear all right so it looks like in the 19,600 episode my frogs almost done I mean my whale it's done look I have 4,800 nice I see it build a few more of those I'm building the final thing now I think you should probably um get some more helpers I don't know what this is but I'm building it so what is it called finales all says what it says um it looks like it's a person I'm building oh it might be um it does look like it's very large oh it's it's you it's me you and me oh that's cool oh I like this is sick all right Jenny I want to see it where are you I'm coming alright there's huge statues oh this is so nice oh they're building this for us so this was 20,000 yeah 20,000 was money I get for this one oh there's my big face oh dude it looks like I am victorious today but it's not done yeah I'm just saying although I kind of stopped I know you're a real Aussie you've won the build job you are an awesome minecraft player I got 1 million gold I know you told me to get more I know but yeah I just hope you enjoyed today's video looks like it is victory for me definitely smash that subscribe button smash that like button as well and ring the bell that would mean the world to us guys they you so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 1,385,741
Rating: 4.9261847 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, building simulator, simulator, minecraft simulator, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, structures, 1.15, minecraft 1.15, tank, robot, whale, statue, minecraft minigames, minecraft mini-games, minecraft mini games, crafting, craft
Id: jRFKPVu18tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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