Minecraft Arctic Peril

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hello everybody Welcome to Arctic Peril an adventure map by Cipher Studios let's begin you're responsible for maintaining an Arctic research station while the scientists are not here in the dead of winter you wake up Suddenly in the middle of the night something seems wrong my arctic senses are tingling oh God what could it be [Music] weird this light won't turn on is the power out it must be weird is the power out um what about this are we dispensing water no water okay well don't worry I'm gonna turn the power back on oh my God I'm in a Mr Beast video in Antarctica surviving for one week I guess this door won't open with the power out I'll have to find another way at what oh okay guys I've been jammed into a pipe by an unseen Force I don't know how it happened but it was very uncomfortable and unpleasant yeah I don't know sounds like a horror map to me it's not dude this is not a horror map we're just having to fix the base I'm the Captain Sparkles a suss he was venting error error looks like there's a problem in the greenhouse show removal protocol inoperable critical door manual override error electricity interruption in the greenhouse error error error okay don't worry I'm gonna go to the greenhouse I don't know here it seems more like a White House Mr President get down where did the snow come from oh my god oh freaking ouch it's cold and my legs are broken uh uh critical generator failure Greenhouse power interrupts oh God oh God oh God um dispensers locked Boiler Room storage cool I love cobwebs got any more than cobwebs yeah there we go give me all your oh ice climbing boots okay these might come in handy these boots have spikes that can be used to travel on packed ice yo we got crampons oh okay uh Boiler Room I don't know it heats water what do you want me to call it well can I do anything with it can I I guess it's just there for show at the moment too bad I can't punch it uh so can I get up is there a way for me to you know get back up to the packed ice on top with my ice climbing boots is there any way to put an arrow in here in order to shoot the crystal so that things go kaboom I don't know I don't think I can use the cobwebs they can't say they're I think they're just for show to show that the chests are very cobwebby and old and not cleaned so the question is how do I get back up using my ice climbing not that way wait a minute there's more to this tunnel that's probably something I should check out ah stairs that go back up that's great we love this oh locker room um manual door override do I want to go outside like this or do I want to stay nice and warm maybe these are oh these might be snow suits over here this looks like a snow suit yeah snow pants parka snow cap and then ice climbing boots snow capped in sparkles oh let me take a nice shower in my snow gear smoker is locked oh this is for cooking me all right maybe I don't want to do that and then we're all good there all right so yeah good probably good we didn't just hop out into the cold without putting on our stuff I should check on the greenhouse before leaving I say to myself is that over here sus can't get in there though manual door override admin room Greenhouse oh Greenhouse is that one oh wait wait what do I want to do first oh admin room is where I was but here I can now that's just not even cool that that you would allow me to fall off in my ice climbing crampons if only I could have just vented to the other side that's probably what happened here is this is we're actually uh in Polaris and this is super sauce venting wait so is it just do I just walk how the frick does this work like what the what do you want why is it like do I just there we go okay you just gotta spam it bro so Greenhouse not looking too hot um why have so many things looks like there was an avalanche I'm not sure I can repair this I should call for help with the electricity out I'll have to head outside to the radio tower yeah it looks like a lot of stuff got a little fricked up um you know it's not looking great is there anything down here no that's a bummer at least it's not in outer space you know it's looking kind of space stationy but if you had the glass break in outer space you'd be in a you'd be in a wee bit okay just doesn't these ice climbing shoes suck very bigly yeah the greenhouse like I said it looks like a White House Mr President get down all right here we go where to God this place is barren who would occupy a place like this it doesn't look like a lot of fun to be had around here man excuse me it just looks like a lot of cold and frostbite it's a good thing the president wasn't in the white house when the Avalanche hit or I'd be out of my job here in the Secret Service oh we're gonna go boat racing later on okay I take back everything I said this place has an awesome boat racing course and that's just wholesome fun thank goodness all right oh frick dude is the bridge out oh no I have to use the freaking oh God not like this not like this man it doesn't work it doesn't work what do you want me to do what do you want me to do when it doesn't work maybe there's a way that I can work around this maybe I can work around this right oh that's balls okay nope gotta go back to the ladder surely I can just go back to the ladder easily and then do it again okay thank goodness I thought it was going to make me go like all the way around which was going to be very is it like do I do I shift do I Sprint I don't know what it wants I don't know I gotta this this has to be my practice here how do I use the ice climbing boots because they are just terrible I see something appears under my feet don't know how it works help make me understand what oh okay I don't want to jump I don't want to jump I just mother trucker bro mother trucker I had it so you just kind of walk along but then when you get to the edge of where you need to go can you jump okay I can jump at the end all right so do that and then jump okay I do that and then I jump okay there and then jump oh it's all starting to make sense now now we're getting the hang of it this will make it a lot easier to go around the near packed ice hold the ice pick in your hand while jumping to boost off the ice walls while jumping to boost off the ice walls do I need to get up uh higher or something like that okay wait oh it wasn't trying that was not my intent there it's a boost off the ice walls eh hold it in my hand to boost off the ice walls whoa okay so what uh do I do I use that for something back at the base I wonder maybe the whole idea was just to get up here in order to get that and now I'm supposed to return to the base and use it in order to get across something I otherwise wouldn't have been able to you like this um okay yeah you hold the I speak in your hand while jumping okay I see now whoa there oh God probably not there but it seems to boost you sideways I guess um I just don't know if there's any more to this path but we obviously didn't need it in order to get across there so hold on I can just view this first all right we do that we jump at the end get over here get over here and now the question is is there any other packed ice that we can like boost off of right oh there is more of a path over here it looks like oops all of that follow that snow follow that snow wait where does it go up here oh over here okay okay following no it's cold and snowy dude I don't like this it's so cold and snowy the main path is covered in snow I'll have to find another way oh don't worry I can hardcore park or maybe not uh this stupid path is perfectly engineered to prevent me from being able to Simply Hardcore Parkour up oh I bet there's packed ice that I can jump off of over here though oh there we go now that's the Hardcore Parkour I'm talking about um also it hurts but you know there's that too wait no don't go that way freaking heck nope stop oh you can like double jump up that's kind of cool all right any more sick obstacles to make it through R.I.P video compression um okay okay okay probably don't fall into the Frozen River but I don't think this one's actually gonna help yeah but we need to do this [Music] then yeah there we oh wait there's a bridge over there why did I go this way wait am I maybe I'm supposed to go follow the Coast over to nope not supposed to do that is there uh oh we got a structure in the distance let's go guys why does it have to be snowy in the Arctic this is the worst I didn't sign up for this I thought when I was going to the Arctic it would be perfectly clear beautiful weather snow on the ground but never any more than that oh God okay a rope I wonder who left this rope here item can be right clicked underneath chains to deploy a rope hold sneak to climb okay so it's like a grappling hook caution taking any damage here will sprain your ankle well I mean is it just that cold that my bones are literally freezing taking any dip but but but taking damage when I do the ice jump because of the way the mechanics work I always take damage okay thank goodness I was no it's not Mo okay it's not doing the launch forward thing guys it's not doing the launch forward for some reason I have why okay please do the Lunchable why don't you launch forward it does it there okay there we go there we go that actually worked that actually worked you okay that was the worst engineered distance of all time it's like goodbye the down the middle see you later um okay so it's like a don't take bubbles okay okay can I just go over here nope dang it how do you want me to do this so that I don't take damage um is there something I can rope to I don't see its elbows someone preemptively said oh balls in chat as I said oh balls IRL that was impressive okay there we go and then there perfect perfect and then from here down to here am I that predictable that I'm always gonna say oh balls all right here we go here we go right rail was it uh um oh okay I'm I I hacked I hacked the video game guys I hacked the video game let's go um because I assumed we were supposed to work our way down but we're I you guys here's the thing I I put I remembered my ankle warmers and so I was able to actually um you know warm up my ankles so that they didn't take damage when I fell forgot your rope nope I would never here we go and then shift up and then you shift in order to climb yeah actually pretty sick what how do I go up from here ow well oh do I have to do maybe I have to do like another I gotta do like another rope skis from here can I I can't shoot the Rope High Enough um balls so it's the idea to like just get up a little bit like that and then go higher from there maybe uh okay that's probably it cool and then to there yeah okay okay oh God wait wait wait wait wait oh cool cool it kept our checkpoint up here though that's good now e perfect perfect no ankle shattering on my watch nope nope in there oh wait that must be rope yeah I'm assuming we're dropping on there probably yeah okay cool oh man I'm so good at rope climbing that's why I'm wearing my MCC skin because I'm a professional climber the radio tower whoo why would they build the base across a gigantic ankle shattering ravine if in case of emergency you have to go all the way over to here that just doesn't seem like wise thinking you'd probably like why isn't this our base this seems a lot safer but okay you know whatever maybe there's special research things going on over at the other area that and there was no reception like the radio age oh thank goodness I'm finally out of this God forsaken freaking uh wait what do I just oh okay the stairs are out the radio tower isn't in great shape either um finally I'm out of the storm though thank goodness thank goodness away we go call for help oh no they're still using Windows Vista there's no way the radio is gonna work now this is so bad oh look at the map over here that's pretty cool all right all right emergency radio you made it help is on its way oh oh we did it that was it we won it was it was for a Minecraft map cam so that does mean that it just you know it was a it was a shorter map for a map jam and hey look at that we get to use pigstep which at one point did get claimed but now wouldn't because it's not one of our two Horsemen of the Minecraft map apocalypse dmca music and other pain anyway all right pretty cool stuff well thanks for tuning in a short little one but pretty cool it was very fun I always appreciate a nice short level map you know it's kind of like me nice and short okay see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 20,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, minecraft map, adventure map, puzzle map
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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