Minecraft Adventure - HOW TO BECOME THE GRANNY!

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okay so can't believe I'm about to do this but I haven't played this game in forever okay here we go oh this is gonna be scary and I don't know why I'm playing it outside in the dark but I'm a weirdo okay okay why did that even that scared me it's just started a game okay day one waking up in granny's house [Music] hey granny got a scrambled egg and begging for bread yeah right okay check around ooh bacon umm okay you got a fine things is the whole objective Oh maybe if I just hide in here door oh I think the door is locked don't let get out of here if the doors locked not good got to find a key for there oh so painting I could just hide in here yeah I think I'm just gonna hide in here shut the door it'll be all fine granny will never find me and I'll just wait for morning and oh wait she's actually here oh she's got a baseball bat oh dude it's so scary okay okay okay maybe if I just sneak behind her no she's still there okay okay I'll just sneak no oh she heard me she heard me oh no she knows where yep ready okay okay one more game where did you come from and I was a sneaking around your house all the chocolate that was left in there we just got chocolate for days you can have whatever you want you don't need to sneak around my house and you definitely don't need to scare me dude I was in the middle of playing granny she bashed me on the head with a baseball bat she's super creepy man and it freaks me out so much another way of bother playing these games at night I'm on my own I'm Superman to thing about having chocolate for days yeah it's maybe I was kind of hungry I didn't have dinner and you know to chuck this the only thing that was left for Jack yeah yeah salad we decided double cheeseburgers please yeah you might be noticing why I'm running out the front door dude I am so going down to the library to see you oh thank you oh I guess I'm to say and the thing is our poem to reason a car around so I eat is am I was a home playing this game it's ask was Carl a granny and I want to become Freddie okay alright bro come on you know the drill dude I am becoming granny plus you don't want to wear a dress do you yes i do you leave me alone first what ok now I gotta find this I gotta fight what do you always get down here before me dude because your buddy would you can't picture the doors no I always jump and I get stuck in that thing ok ok no what did you actually get it yeah yeah what are you give why are you giving it to me you picked it back up o hey vairy it's behind you I feel like you're lying I feel like you're not telling the through the truth spider-man I knew it I took it off but I thinking it went into your image you know Dracula I don't want to become Dracula seriously huh where is the rope oh uh I don't know I don't have it ready yes got it sweet okay how I become granny dude are you ready I'm gonna read this thing okay to become the relation that nobody wants oh yeah well in fairness everybody does want a nice granny they just don't want an evil granny the evite no you must complete the following okay many well granny sounds kind of cool to me imagine imagine going around for some cookies and creams and there's spiders in them yeah and a granny that bashes you over the head with a baseball bat no thank you okay number one the most important part of grannies is her house and how she secures it from people breaking in get down to the local hardware and buy materials to lock up the house okay that's fun number two next if you if by some chance that intruders managed to break into the house she always has a weapon to defend herself the bat get down to the local baseball practice and steal a bat be careful though the players you do love their bats oh dude we you have to steal bats from baseball players they're gonna kick our butts okay number three to be the granny you must dress like a granny Oh seriously go to a place where old people they have steel the granny's clothes we had to rob from grannies that is so mean okay number four finally use the gathered security materials to lock up her house when the golden lock is placed you will become granny oh my goodness dude this is insane okay now think of what we got to do we got to go to like a nursing home or old folks home because that's where old people live and we're gonna steal some granny outfits hilarious number cute we've got to get like locks and keys and barricades and key cards and stuff like that down at the hardware store and then we gotta steal baseball bats from baseball dudes well they're gonna kick yours because I'm not gonna need them you're going you wants to become daddy that's always so freaky okay um we know this party oh no what is it I lost my new Rolex your new rolling you got a Rolex yeah I lost it the poor how did you afford a Rolex Rolex are like ten to twenty thousand dollars yeah I found a money in your safe oh you're so dead dude come on okay the harbor is round here there's a lot of people up for it being nighttime this is kind of weird but hey what's up hardware dudes construction worker bros we're looking for some locks and oh it's cool bro I see him down here oh you got some okay so rope over remember how many rooms were in grains hips we used to break in and she used to be so slow get enough flux for all the rooms and we only need one called a lock for the main room because once the golden luck is on the wall then you become granny dress and stuff I've got 4 rusty 4 red 4 blue and for golf okay well why why would you take 4 I told you to take one yeah okay and so what else we need barricades by mary-kate oh sweet okay double back yet take a lot of vamp am I just in case you yeah just in case what you place a Lux in the wrong place I also think we're gonna need some keys to open back up again 35 barricades hey what's up bro um I got the keys okay I'll just thank you I'll take two of each sorry sir and I'm just Robin I mean ropos blimey sir sir yeah I've got four rusty locks four red locks for blue box for golden locks 35 barricades and as you can see my friend is just looking for some keys I took eight keys trying to double because there there is a golden ones there as well thank you mm and he's got all the money Endora dude you can just put that on my card okay hey you two get out of my shop before a coma cops okay sorry sir Jesse I just gotta take this here as well just in case okay I'm getting into that portal dude we are out of here hey Robo come back I can't your present I should get a birthday present for girly Thanks one property okay okay you know what you just go to the portal dude we've got to go and get the baseball bats out players getting dizzier and dizzier bro where are we um we're in a hallway okay well I can see that we're in a hallway but I thought we were coming to get baseball bats we're in some sort of weird corridor and weird real look what is this place and leave 200 Giants do wouldn't is the Red Sox they got red hats obviously the Red Sox oh yeah I have to get Red Sox on if they haven't got Red Sox under not the Red Sox um no this dude number two he's got like black don't see any Red Sox he's got a red hat and red gloves well Dan Durda red hats there's no such team as the Red Hat's red gloves no they're the baseball Furies do you know anything about movies okay um dude I see a chest like right there are the feeling that there could be baseball bats in it so let me just sneak up no no get back here Jaguar okay show a little bit of finesse this time the last time you just ran into that place we nearly got the cops called on us cuz you stole all the keys out of the safe bro just chill wait here um duties okay okay guys gonna win those bats you punk okay take me to the ballpark hey what are you do stop bringing them this way okay I've got a first base and go to first base oh okay sorry we're doing guys oh he's about control baseball that you don't think I've made our cyber sigh guys oh okay dude you dropped a baseball bat this one looks even stronger okay I've got what I need dude let's get out of here oh good oh dude okay probably the evidence room please both yours oh okay you know what okay bunch of pulled out oh dude this place is it's probably full of cameras look look up there just like there's apartment blocks just going to be people staring us we're gonna go to jail for beating up a famous baseball team do we need to get out of here quick jump back in there or Brooklyn you know any famous baseball players it's gonna get us out of this mess okay I'll go never gets easy uh tube okay bro where are we what are we doing in a parking lot this makes no sense I thought we were suppose we gone to like an old folks home or a nursing home or somewhere where old people go Oh bingo we need to go to bingo awesome okay find a bingo store bingo be ing yep whoa no I know where we gotta go to the grave disagree oh dude that's harsh man come on no nursing home across the way I think so look how cute the two old people on the door look like they're like goodies my name is Marjorie and this is my lovely husband Rupert say hello robot Oh Rupert Oh give over we gotta find a bingo hall no deal we don't have to find a bingo how all we got to do is go into the old folks home are you serious yeah bro what there's obviously gonna be old people clothes in the old folks home all we gonna do is find an old person granny dress and once we have that we've got the baseball bat we've got the locks and keys oh you don't do Nana's go to granny's house and put the bat away but the better way they're not gonna let out damn it seriously no crevice into a nursing home if we were wielding baseball bats just let me do the talking you just zip it okay okay okay I'll do the talkin use it but okay okay hey people all people look after in Stoops oh wow stand there and just don't make a sound okay um good good evening ma'am and a doctor yeah I like your luck your fringe we're here to visit our our granny yeah our granny um Granny Smith yep that's that's it we're here to visit granny smith apples okay gentlemen let me just check the schedule here oh it doesn't seem that cruddy Smith is expecting anyone today but well she hardly remembers to tell us anything hoochie must have taken her pills today but anyway come on upstairs you can visit Granny Smith she would be delighted to see her two little nephews huh oh yeah yeah hug good girl Granny Smith and forgetting things I don't even got a granny thanks thanks guys they think they think their nephews oh you smell what is it it smells like pee pee well I think it's just the smell of old people Oh pee pee no can you smell me it's disgusting he's stopped making an old people pee pee song seriously oh hi doctor just here to see Granny Smith okay he's looking at his way you imagine imagine poop that time was the scene in this time hey oh people are any of you Granny Smith no you know what Oh awesome dude they're watching they realistic minecraft is superhero okay when I'm when I'm Thor okay okay we've got a mission on our hands come on don't worry guys we're just here to didn't even hear ever hear a toilet stop respect your elders if you never heard that okay yeah okay guys poop and pee wherever you guys want no don't tell him to poop okay oh sorry um oh dude Bert Bert okay that's a that's a guy he's not gonna have a nervous oh good evening go buona notte told you what story uh no thanks it will be here all day gobble it sit down I'll remember the time that I was in the war I got shot in the leg oh it was a wonderful time well no it wasn't a wonderful job because I got shorter the leg but let me tell you the story Oh what what was I talking about again ah nothing dude see you later bro that guy was insane no wonder people have a granny dress granny monkeys I mean Smith Oh me no look it's Granny Smiths room dude get in here oh it's actually a granny dress oh my goodness okay let me try this thing on bro Hey look hey check that tuna I'm granny I'm gonna pass you get over here don't be scared all right granny oh I do this is okay bro we got we got what granny I gotta be home behind what ways is granny blind yes just use their senses Harry remember oh yeah because when you like open like the wardrobes and the presses that you're hiding it's like she knows you oh okay yes she knows you're dead okay dude we've got the locks you've got the bats we've got the dress all we gotta do now is get to granny's house and lock up the house and then we will become granny this isn't gonna be good save you oh um mr. Smith is um yeah I think she ran away dude you think I didn't make an apple tart guys sorry guys the head just kinda jumped over there all right come on yeah back to the portal bro let's get in let's get to granny's house we're nearly there dude oh dude holy moly that's Granny's house that is Granny's house bro you know um because we've been here before it's the creepiest house of all time do you remember the time that we came here and like came to casita it was like dancing in the window this is almost as annoying as don't you dare sing that song dude come on we've got work to do stop it okay I love the front door nope stop singing at South Jersey stop it stop it okay yeah this good good work okay so you just got a patch up that hole now that I've got that on there okay whoa rats rats was it close it man okay barricade this place up as well rusty key going on there brewski please stop dude seriously no not scope you can you can lock it up we don't need to go in there okay yeah if you could break this home I'm gonna pull a blue key on this one on okay if you do do the - okay here we go boom okay blue lock I'm that one okay please stop singing that song okay I've got a block up outside as well stop humming the song as well bro seriously dude you've gotta be the most annoying person in the whole world Oh put a barricade in the wrong place dude can you okay good job um okay okay now I can't get by because there's two barricades there oh okay came through oh yeah dude oh yeah I kind of did it again my bed I know do you want me to do here Robo let me just put some locks on these okay blue oh it kind of made a mess of a lot of things up dude okay - yeah okay I'm sure okay let's get up to granny's bedroom because that's where the going key goes I've got pure red locks so I just got a lock up a few more of these doors maybe this one yep here we go and stop please just stop singing okay no I don't know West Side West Side there may be trouble oh yeah because I mean I have to go outside to come back in or something like that okay get out of my way okay here we go and read lock on alright dude the only one I have left now is the what's in here open a key card okay where's Brandis room yeah okay good job where's Ranger I thought it was done this way that's gonna get you that's seriously okay did we come up the wrong stairs maybe putting the lock on this door anyway so I think we have okay um I don't know dude we gotta find it quickly oh maybe it's this one I locked up over here okay get on get on me bro get on me okay that one either I think it's on me rope oh yeah it is on me where are you I'm already other side I think I'm stuck I can't get over this lock I need you to come past me out bro yeah okay let's go ud oh yeah sure I have the keys you have the keys so I can't even take anymore what you're gonna unlock this up no whatever dude doesn't matter come on I want to just get up and get to granny's room I didn't know what his granny's room is is it here thank you you think so go into this room right break this break this break this break this prick you know I never break tit no I meant break the wall dude okay I found it I think I found it two grannies wrong Oh smash the wall special one special what do you nice nice nice okay let me just write and that golden like okay you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna wait outside and then you're gonna say something like la we should want to become granny then I'll open the buck and then you'll see if you're going you're not okay all right okay well um I'm just in granny's room now dude and doesn't seem like anything is happening hmm interesting yep nothing is okay starting to feel where start sob it's happening Jimmy are you sure do we shall be in this house it was very very scary come on don't be such a little boy she was we just got over out open up these doors and when we do it's okay the Pacific already can't catch him because she can't hear us I don't know I heard that she's got a baseball bat and she patches all the little kids and it locks them in her dungeon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Little RoPo & The MineVengers
Views: 298,924
Rating: 4.7856746 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft mods, adventure, the minevengers, how to become, the avengers, little ropo, minecraft granny, little club, action, fun, funny, custom roleplay, marvel, little lizard network, challenge, creepy, new, scary minecraft, ropo and jack, evil ropo, ropo exe, how to become granny in minecraft, granny the horror game, granny game, scary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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