[Mine-imator] Bendy And The Ink Machine: Sonic Edition [ALL PARTS]

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[Music] what is this place [Music] huh um [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] huh [Music] [Music] huh [Music] at this point i don't get what joey's plan is for this company the animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore and i certainly don't see why we need this machine it's noisy messy and don't need that much ink anyway also get this joey had each of us donate something from our workstation we put them on these little pedestals in the break room to help piece the gods chubby says keep things going i think he's lost his mind but hey he writes the checks but i tell you what if one more of these pipes burst i'm out of here [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] me not again [Music] he appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me the figure of ink that shines in the darkness i see you my savior i pray you hear me those old songs yes i still sing them for i know you are coming to save me and i will be swept into your final loving embrace but love requires sacrifice can i get an amen i said can i get an amen huh where'd you go [Music] what what is that thing welcome committee's out [Music] [Music] and guess what i can't find my stupid teeth it's like they disappeared into thin air or something all i can think of is that they must have fallen in one of the garbage every artistic person needs a sanctuary joey drew has his and i've got mine to enter you need only know my favorite song the violin shudders with a piercing voice the drum thunders in triumph the piano delicately calls the banjo playfully plucks sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you [Music] [Music] god [Music] so [Music] huh hey hey play time's over pal oh rest your hand it's time there we go now nice and tight we wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now would we no we wouldn't i must admit i am honored you came all the way down here to visit me what it almost makes what i'm about to do seem cruel but the believers must honor their savior i must have him notice me no way i'm sticking around here there's nothing to run on listen i can hear him crawling above crawling let us begin the ritual must be completed [Music] soon he will hear me he will set us free [Music] [Music] time for sleep rest your hand it's time for bed in the morning or in the morning you'll be dead [Music] [Music] i am [Music] ugh [Applause] [Applause] wow [Music] what's going on it's not a dream after all i've got to get out of here [Music] thank you [Music] hmm [Music] okay [Music] ah [Music] ugh [Applause] [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] [Music] everything feels like it's coming apart but i walked into the recording booth today sammy was there with that alison apparently i didn't get the memo owl's angel will now be voiced by miss allison pendle a part of you died when he said that there's gotta be a way to fix [Music] oh [Music] you're so interesting so different looks like you've got a date with an angel come to me now level 9. come on step off your cage there's a whole twisted world out here look around it took so many of them to make me so beautiful anything less than perfect was left behind i had to do it she hate me what now we come to the question do i kill you do i tear you apart my heart's delight the choices of the beautiful are unbearable how's the girl to choose i'll even let you ascend and leave this place if you will do a few eensy weensy little favors for me first return to the lift my little errand boy we have work to do [Music] my machines are hungry but there is one rule we all know [Music] now let us [Music] uh [Music] have you seen them the swollen ones they're just stuffed full of extra thick ink it makes me sick if you're gonna catch them you'll have to learn to move quietly [Music] turn the little wheels then bring me their power huh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you see those grinning demons let's remove them shall we i've got just the tools now that was fun oh but i forgot to mention he hates it when i do that what [Music] the disgusting questions [Music] i hate leaving work unfinished fortunately i have you to pick up the pieces but you'll have to go even deeper down down into the abyss sending you a little present a little firepower i forgot it's a little hard to get a hold of [Music] there he you be sure is stay out of his light if you don't want [Music] it seems we've reached the end of my to-do list return to the left it's time to go home [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] let me go now come down and spray me back my forehead [Applause] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Applause] hey so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Applause] i see you there my little errand boy your angel is always watching what is it that keeps you going the thirst for your freedom or perhaps you're just looking for a little friendly wolf better hurry errand boy he's good for him he always finds me oh no i just want to go home when do we go home when do we go home [Music] for 40 years i've built attractions that stagger the imagination colossal wonders such as the world has never seen i have earned my legacy with sweat right in front of everyone high-level investors wall street tycoons the ever tactless joey drew introduces me the great bertram piedmont as bertie like i was his child you may be paying me mr drew but you don't own me i'll build you a park bigger than anything you could ever possibly conceive but before you go taking any bows mr drew know that this grand achievement will belong to me and to me alone [Music] [Music] tell me are you having fun i'm sure boris doesn't mind waiting for his rescue party [Music] ah [Music] not each one more grand than the one before it it makes my eyes come to tears at the thought but then oh mr drew for all your talk of dreams you are the true architect behind so many nightmares i built this park it was to be a masterpiece my masterpiece now you think you can just throw me out trample me to the dust and forget me no this is what what is that thing [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] it's a funny thing how so much can fall apart so fast i just wanted what was promised to me i just wanted to be beautiful surely you can understand that hang on tight i've got a surprise [Music] oh now tear him apart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no no no no [Applause] why can't you ever just die i'm sonic the hedgehog [Music] [Applause] [Music] who are you why are you here what are you talking about down here strangers aren't good things how can we trust you we don't even know what you are i'm sonic sonic the hedgehog i i honestly don't know my name so they call me alice but i'm no angel you go back and rest we'll talk again later here you must be hungry i know you're watching me it's just a little creepy no way i'm sticking around here let me show you something a while back i was mapping out one of the upper levels when i noticed something reflecting off a piece of glass i held up the glass looked through and on the wall behind me was a hidden message take a look [Music] i don't know who's leaving them but i think they know how to get out of here i don't think i meant to leave this place but maybe you are well it's i've got to get out of here tom thinks you're dangerous and what do you think i i think you're the hope i've been waiting for me you've got to be kidding you're gonna make me blush go to sleep maybe tomorrow will be better we can't just leave him not with the ink demon right outside the door what's going on he's coming we have to move on we have to let him out [Music] i'm sorry hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh what is this place [Music] one [Music] [Music] you said i'd be free well i'm going to lead you now free your head right off your [Music] shoulders [Music] ah that was close you're lucky we were in the neighborhood [Music] what the searchers and the lost ones built this place sammy must have been keeping them at bay looks like we're in for a fight get ready guess they won't just let us through sonic wind thank you i think that's all of them but you never know where they're gonna crawl out of next think you can lead the way [Music] i'm okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] interesting [Applause] [Music] not again [Music] [Music] so oh looks like whatever was here was taken long ago hey can you take me to him you want to go to his lair that's why i'm here after all well it's probably close by probably through that door but it won't be easy to open i'll need three gears a crowbar some kind of counterbalance huh well that works too [Music] it's him quiet [Music] wow i've never seen this before i don't see any way around leave it to me it's time set us free it's simply all inspiring what one can accomplish with their own hands a lot of play can turn to me if you straight live with enough enthusiasm look what we've built we created life itself not just on the silver screen but at the hearts of those we entertain with our fancy moving pictures but when the tickets stopped selling when the next big thing came along only the monsters remained shadows of the past but you can save them me you can peel it all away you see there's only one thing bindi has never known he was there for his beginning but he's never seen yet you just don't give up do you [Music] [Music] wait [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh uh [Music] too bad it's all over for you [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: SotLegend Animations
Views: 3,066,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bendy, bendy, Bendy and the ink machine, bendy and the ink machine, Sonic, sonic, Sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, Sonic in Bendy, Minecraft, Mine-imator, Bendy and the Dark Revival, Revival, Alice, Dark Revival, Boris, Angel, Scary, Scary Video, 3AM
Id: zW7MRf9cdjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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