Mind-Blowing Paranormal Revelations | Top Moments of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (Season 2)

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wait we got something we got something right here this is the most unique science project of its kind ignition what that my name is Travis Taylor I'm an optical scientist airspace engineer and astrophysicist one year ago I was invited to join a small team of scientists who were investigating a place called skin walker Ranch the ranch continues to surprise and astound I think all of us that are involved with this investigation remarkable things happened this past year and to build on that momentum we're bringing the whole team out to the sinkhole so we'll have more eyes to look around in case something happens our plan is to use a green dye that's a Tracker die and you pour it in the water and you watch for it to come out somewhere and you'll know that that's the pathway that the water is taking we didn't find anything by drilling but now it's strange that all this water is draining down somewhere right next to where we found those anomalies so where did it go is there an underground opening that the water fell into Brandon gave us permission to dig so Thomas got a mini excavator delivered to the ranch the first step is to dig down and try to figure out where that water's disappearing to you guys should take a look at this I don't have any control over it it's shut itself off it's turned it back on and it just goes right past my pass code even the National Security Agency doesn't even have the technology to hack that kind of encryption just a little more than 8 hours after digging down at the pit by Homestead 2 on the ranch Caleb shines his light into the woods and I'm like what's going on uh and he says well do you guys hear that and as we turn the corner there is this unmistakable rectangular-shaped object that was glimmering or shimmering and then the thing instantly vanished as soon as I stopped the video looking due south something darts across the sky it was just a bright streak just boom real quick at first glance you might think it's a meteorite or a shooting star Eric and I looked at it closely and it kind of has a different trajectory it's going more almost perfectly horizontal as opposed to coming down like a meteorite does when it's when it's on a trajectory impact course with the Earth what we're seeing are continued correlated events all of this collectively speaks to something much more mysterious and potentially Insidious going on I've worked with this team to do everything we can think of to apply hard science in our investigations and got no definitive answers so I've decided to invite a special guest to see if his methods can help Rabbi Ariel zad do is not only a scholar and teacher of Judaism M but also an expert in how that belief system might explain the portal phenomena that we've been investigating I don't generally conduct mystical experiments or rituals but at this point I don't know what we have to lose I came to look at what is expressed here not from a point of a scientific anomaly but from a spiritual point of view the Hebrew rabbis know of a thing called tonal Technologies it's an acoustic technology that is believed to be able to open up the Heavens or a pathway or a doorway a portal if you will we are going to create a sacred place and do the traditional prayers for the opening of The Gates I already sense it holy right there what is that what is that we got we got something hold on right there right under the sun and it was right in that portion of the sky yes this object that we're seeing it shows up it glints really brightly and then disappears as if into a [Music] speck according to religious Doctrine this particular tonal ceremony could only be effective if performed after dark I do sense a presence in this land and I sense that this is a very old presence here I asked for its permission to be here I asked if I could give a blessing to the land it shouldn't have changed that drastically all of the sudden immediately after the ceremony had drawn to a close the temperature around the homestead itself began to drop that's usually indicative of a presence suddenly the temperature over the homestead area turns extremely hot and then it starts to fall and it wraps around the homestead it is freezing cold right here in front of the homestead I'm shocked the temperature difference it makes me wonder if we weren't walking through some type of Dimension that we could feel but we couldn't see there is one other feature I don't know what to make of it whoa oh who what was that well why is it cold yeah if it were an animal it would be it be hot hot this is only one more chapter in a Never Ending Story several of our investigations have led us to focus attention on on what we've been calling the triangle we have magnetic anomalies we have equipment I would say malfunctions I'm thrilled to have Zach zyla coming back out to the ranch we're going to be taking a careful look in the triangle area where we got those very strange Vector magnetometer readings hey why don't you uh come take a look at this that's going crazy you see all these black and white lines this is actually because you know the soil in the you know ground beneath us is highly conductive what the heck we do have a mini excavator on the ranch that Brandon the ranch owner has given permission for us to conduct shallow digs with when we find evidence of anomalies all right Tomas what what the I don't understand what could be making the metal detector register strong hits and then nothing once again it's a transient anomaly that is occurring that's weird man the deeper we dug there the stronger the signal was getting on the metal detector but we found no metal object at all in the spoils at that point now it's just like wigged out it's malfunctioning what's going on what in the world it's detected everywhere there's something about this hole I think what we need to do next is to conduct a deeper magnetometry scan of this area to figure out just what's causing these energy [Music] spikes after our shallow dig with a mini excavator at the triangle area didn't really find any definitive evidence of a structure or a tunnel so we invited Juniper unman a company that specializes in both magnetometry and lar Technologies to help us perform a deeper and more comprehensive scan of the triangle as well as other hotpots around the ranch starting the route Juniper's drone is is equipped with a sophisticated magnetometer device that will scan the entire area sensing for any magnetic anomalies 100 or more feet underground so if there are tunnels or structures there we should get a good indication of it bear down after conducting comprehensive magnetometry and light R scans across the ranch with the representatives from juniper we got the data bat which revealed that at each area of Interest the triangle Homestead 2 and in the EAS field there appear to be anomalous features or possibly structures below the ranch we've identified multiple locations where we feel like there will be a an Insight payoff if we do some drilling after doing everything that we can in a non-invasive way it's gotten to the point where you know we kind of need to really start exploring under the ground here if you're prepared to take on that responsibility then I I'm comfortable with executing immediately and taking a very aggressive approach on this property I guess we've got marching orders Eric's brought out a team from Pete Martin drilling we're going to poke two holes right at the vertices of that triangle we'll be taking some measurements while you're drilling the drill rig hit water really early and it was starting to cave in so now we have these big metal casings we're going to put in the ground and hopefully it'll help stop the water real soft and wet material can be dangerous how deep are we here about 25 25 see how it's just running in y it's falling apart that is really flowing it's like a river down there look at that this active Peak is really interesting here it's not the frequency itself but it's the behavior of that frequency that's caught my attention Travis my compass is saying that that's due north right now dude it's spinning it's telling me that North is right at me now Look at that whoa as far as you're aware do you have anything magnetic on you no this would require a transfer of magnetic or electromagnetic energy all the way across the ranch over miles of distance maybe we're drilling down into something that's causing this when we were able to reach a depth of 100 ft the Drillers pulled out this strange black sub substance now we won't know until we test this black substance if it is gilonite or not but if it is it could be evidence of something that originated in outer space I got the data back from the analysis it doesn't look like gilsonite well there strontium yep barium strontium and barium both of which have radio radioactive isotopes I found that interesting so Eric and I have devised an experiment to actually measure the conductivity where we're going to use the whale pipe and a conductor grounding rod separated by about 50 or 60 ft and we're going to connect those to a wire through a multimeter that will measure voltage and current and then that to a 12vt car battery there look at that oh wow wow signific that's almost a a third of an amp it's trigger somehow is triggering that thing what we that's repeatable look at that where was the power coming from that went into the Earth that created that lightning discharge that made Eric's meter go off that's pretty crazy and that shows us that this soil really is highly conductive and can even possibly store energy Cameron Prince is a good buddy of mine who's also an engineer and an expert on Nicola Tesla so I arranged with him to bring some different size Tesla coils out to the ranch let's fire this thing up Cameron coming up there you go go oh look at that that one lighting up it is lighting up all right Eric what' you see I didn't see anything that I would call a response maybe we needed more power more power ready yeah energize boy look at that oh that's cool oh wow check it out there's no way that coil can produce that frequency it's it's too high I don't know what else we could do here while Eric and the team kept analyzing all the data we collected from the ranch I was also remotely monitoring the security cameras mounted on my trailer that face the triangle area but I saw that a really volatile lightning storm happened that doesn't look at all like what I was watching I mean I was watching a thunderstorm hey wait wait wait wait what is that right there right yes you seeing that yes what is that I don't know yet then it's diving down now watch right here it's like it goes behind and through this cloud you see that and then look look it just stre off what in the world that's clearly I mean call a UFO if you want to cuz I don't know what it is it's flying and it's unidentified the scope of the Rockets we're shooting off this year far exceeds anything we had last ready for a countdown skies are clear good to go ignition there it goes let's take this inside and see what it has to tell us unfortunately the analyses that were performed shows us the Gamay instruments did not log any particularly High radiation levels go all right team keep your eye on it whoa whoa wait wait what's this right here what's this what's this what's this we got something we got something we got something right here guys we just had a UAP appear uh in the same spot as last year during la the electromagnetic spectrum is going crazy Spectrum analyzer just died I got Flo Eric Spectrum analyzer just died that is's no way to explain that well I'm looking forward to this report ready to dive in I do have one of the clips as viewed from down here just as the rocket launch had initiated wow our speculation is that there may have been a response to what we were doing there mhm wa we believe that we're zeroing in on a spot that might be a source for all the bizarre phenomena that happens on Skinwalker Ranch but also where our own experiments have repeatedly measured high levels of radiation and stimulated the appearance of unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP so now Eric and I want to conduct the riskiest and most focused experiment yet to figure out just what could be up there using Brandon's helicopter this is our last opportunity this year to make any major breakthroughs Cameron fug agreed to take us to the Target altitude incrementally we'll be flying at different altitudes and at different radi from the center point above the triangle 2500 per all right I've got the 6:00 position at 2500t radius so I'm showing radar alimer showing we're only 40 ft above the ground right now that's not good that's a little bit disturbing so something could be under us while you're down there we've had the radar altimeter show that something was below us here it goes again something showing 50 ft underneath us they're talking about seeing something tracking them on the radar below the helicopter I don't know exactly what that means but we're not seeing anything looks like we're just tight around the triangle now we keep having this indication that something's just below us there goes it's picking up frequency as we're approaching 10,000 ft guys I'm I don't know if I feel so good about this it's like it's following us whatever it is I say I say we go to the ground we're going to abort this Mission and come back for safety sake as I was flying into the ranch today I knew that Eric and dragon had pulled together the team really for the purpose of reflecting and Reporting on all of the events of the past few months you know I'd like to hear more about what happened with the helicopter which has really Disturbed me wow the closest thing to us was supposed to be 3,000 ft away and if you look it's moving whatever it is it's between 45 and 50 ft then all then then it goes away we have seen a lot of aerial phenomena this year this is not one that we've talked about before the object is right here oh yeah and I think we found as many as 13 from the very same day in this relatively small region of the sky what you know we talk about craft you know flying in at incredible speeds question I want to ask is is this evidence of that sort of thing I don't know that I can answer that hey look the cows something's got the cows going nuts wa what what the hell is going on something spooking oh it's increasing dramatically the magnetic field on the ranch was suddenly double what it should be look at that Due West is is due north right now so your compass reading is way off 90° off yeah look at my North this is an old school Compass there is a phenomena taking place right now well let's go back and pre convene seems like the deeper we dig both figuratively and literally the more we scratch our heads and the more we seem to be baffled by what we're observing I do have a theory now this is a heat map of asteroid impacts on the planet over millions of years scientists have documented numerous times when massive asteroids have struck the Earth such as the one that's believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago and if you look at this ginormous asteroid impact the epicenter is right on top of us right where we're sitting that happened 10 million years ago it does feel like we've reached a Crossroads I am talking to some folks that have a small satellite that can use a ground penetrating technology and look as far as 2 km underneath the surface here and I'm hoping that they'll be willing to take data over the ranch as it passes over that's next level that's exciting stuff well with that I want to thank every everyone for your sacrifice the time all of the attention the dedication that you've had to this project and this investigation in service to the truth we'll make that a wrap for now thank thanks as I'm driving off the ranch and I'm watching it fade away in the rearview mirror I'm looking back on all the amazing things we uncovered but I'm also looking forward to the next cycle of this investigation what else are we going to find in the future what crazy things what exciting things are still left to be uncovered here at Skinwalker Ranch it might change the world as we contemplate the future at Skinwalker Ranch we all carefully consider the gravity of what lies ahead and what we may yet reveal I think Having the courage to not only take that step into the darkness but also having the willingness to reveal that which we discover is something very special and unprecedented and we look forward to helping the public take that Journey along with us
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 141,141
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, Top Moments, recaps, secret of skinwalker ranch, skinwalker ranch, skinwalker, ranch, Mind-Blowing Paranormal Revelations, paranormal, revelations, portals, paranormal revelation, secrets of skinwalker ranch, season 2, season 2 recap, exclusive season 2 recap
Id: qiKf-ABwQrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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