Mince Meat In Mashed Boats

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hi people and I'm back cooking again and today I'm doing Mash Buds and beef boat in beef boat oh no I don't know beef minc meat in in the boats and that is all my ingredients oops hold on missing one which is salt pepper T hone in mint me and it's still in the pcket and lazy garlic so first I'm going to start by cutting the honey and up right I've got my red chopping board out which I don't think it makes a difference to me it don't make a difference I'm going take the top off these were freshly bought yes yesterday yes yes yesterday take all the out skin off ah didn't quite cut myself buty hell that hurt see get all the outer skin off and get all the outer skin off come on get off did that cut my thumb no but it hurt all right honey honey is is skied right let it come back here right now it doesn't say how it just says cut this up so I'm going to dice it cuz it's going to go in with the minc meat first I'm going to cut it in half why do I always get them in middle of my honey and I don't know probably where you're buying them from okay might need to change a place so yeah I'm going to D some up well actually these I made a mess of it already uh so these what I've cut off don't know why I cut them off uh so yeah that's it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get a is I'm going to dice it well I'm going to slice it one way then I'm going to turn it around and slice it the other way but you've all seen me doing that haven't you right now I've done the honey but first I'm going to add can you see it the mince meat now I know there's going to be a piece of paper on bottom of this so we take that P piece of paper off it's not coming off in one piece damn damn damn come here I think it's still a bit Frozen it's coming off now nicely nicely see see don't know it come off I don't there still oh still some bits left is that it get that my now that's meat yeah that's all meat now that's all meat all oh you didn't see a bloody thing did you hey there when I took the paper off it's um it came off in bits it came off in Little Bits but it's off now so the minced meat can cook on it cook on its own uh I'm going to get the uer doofers out and start chopping away it yeah right the minced meat has all got defrosted why don't you pull the meat back onto the ring cuz it's not on the ring is it it is now little bit s me is escaping oh dear oh another bit there escaping never mind put them all in now I'm going to check in fact I've already checked but all that is unfrozen now so what I'm going to do is oh dear can't pick it up in fact might let it cook a bit more right now it says to add get off touching it wires salty oh that's a lots of pepia oh what are you doing k i you know about pep a oh another bit escaping come here and stop escaping now and then it says to add some garlic I need a spoon for for garlic then it says to add a teaspoon of garlic oh there's not much garlic left in here ow there's your garlic in there I think I throw that one away because that's finished nearly so let's keep mixing that around now it's time to put move that half of honey in there now it's time to put the honey ends in with the minced meat 90% of these or even 99% of these are cut up diced actually [Music] diced onions kept running away as I was trying to cut them so I can only leave that to cook a little longer the SP potatoes are doing in a different pan well obviously cuz they'd be in this one wouldn't they which are which are there and they doing like come on K get it on get it on camera get a good girl I'll move the camera so you can see that's it so I'm going to turn that that was on number six so what I'm going to turn down is I'm going to turn it down to number three um I don't think this will be done yet so I'll turn it down to three is that number three yeah I can see that b oh I can see today so yes that's all I can do is just let that cook bit more Let the onions cook until the SPO tatoes are done um I will be putting is it th in with the oh it's a brand new one in with the SP Tes that's it plus oh plus a little bit in here so when the spes come back from being mashed they will look as though I don't know they look just look as though they've got some green on them that mold or something not that much time but I'll been putting some in and it just said to to um oh to the to to mash this SPO T it says to use water water use milk and butter well I don't use butter only for cooking so I'll be using Marge but it's your choice you can use butter and it's hair fever is killing me right that's the SPO Tes all mashed with bits of tin in it I know you can't see it but it's there's about three spoons full that's gone in so there's definitely some in I've hiled my treay and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to get some SPO Tes out make them into like a ball shape in the spoon and put that can you see s that a lot don't put that in the middle it's not actually a ball but you can see the um parle you not partly the time Kate's falling down Kate's Falling Down K I'm just going to I'm not going to just put one on I'm just going to put one on to show you do get here did I say you could go home no wait and then what I'm going to do is this is going to be right hard is I've got to make like it um into like a boat shape I think that spoon's a bit too big so let's get a teaspoon now I'm back with a teaspoon and all I'm going to do is I'm just going to well it's like meing a well but it's supposed to be in a boat shape so I'm making a well spreading it out a bit more that's it so I think that's it's not like a boat but uh it's like oh okay he just nearly knocked your boat over right so now we've got some minc meet and everything else oh you can't can't do it with a teaspoon you can't do it with a teaspoon my girl right so that is a boat it do look nothing like a boat so there we are that's like that's the boat for Min meat with a bit of shaping and a little bit of time not time on the you know but time taken I've made it into like a Dinger or as you call it a ding so hopefully they're all going to turn out like that all way B and then the Min me on and that is my five boats I know they don't look like boats but they're good enough I think they're good enough so yeah five boats they're going to go in the oven until the till the sptes turn red oh red God i' got blood on brain till the SPO Tes turn brown and oh we'll see how they are with the attempt to have them go Brown failed dramatically but as you can see some of the boards have opened up anyway I'm going to put some on the plate seeing that that was the first boat I'm going to have some of that right I've only pinched the bit of SPO potatoes and a bit of boat a bit of boat bit of minc meat so let's cut into the M I thought the meat would be dry or cooking it all the J the SPO potatoes are still soft very nice it's just like having meat and potatoes really but anyway it don't matter oh there one one at boat starting to go brown on the bottom never mind don't matter it's too late now but that's really nice well K said it's nice um well that's all chicken really it's nice taste is nice um there's going to be a link oh let's SK this r right there's going to be a link in the description to my merchandise that's definitely right um if you like what you see please keep viewing me if you want to give me a thumbs up please do if you want to leave a comment please and recipe please feel free the more the mer are and if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed get them subscribing get yourself subscri ring get everybody subscribing thank you bye [Applause]
Channel: Kay's Cooking
Views: 18,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: plHhYv7-pgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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