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[Music] so it's around 457 458 or 459 and I'm about to get picked up by Brandon from Allen's camera to head out to a place called Conowingo Dam where we're gonna shoot some bald eagles and see a bunch of photographers I've got my Apple I got my banana I've got my nuts I got my d5 and I'm not taking the kitty but we're off to shoot some Eagles this cold it's actually not really that cold it's like 37 well I got a nice rim light of red on my hair sweet rim light right Brandon you see this rim light dude that's a great rim light look at it oh yes right there there we go boom [Music] what's going on Julie oh it's cold out here for a pimp yeah so we've arrived to Conowingo Dam that's this thing back here you know it's a dam where they dam water and stuff but a lot of people come out here and there's hundreds and hundreds of photographers with lots and lots of glass we're talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars worth of glass out here they come out here to shoot Eagles now they're not sure if any Eagles will actually be here flying because you never know what birds are gonna do because they're birds so there's people that have been waiting here since 5:00 in the morning to get their spots so they can hopefully get a good sight line now I want to take a walk around and see what lenses people are using see what people are shooting with and really just see where the people are coming from and and go from there so let's have a good day I think I spotted a JPG shooter somewhere I don't know that's not what I've heard on the internet these days I've heard there's other things going on like JPEGs look guys it's the cool crowd they all shoot JPEG actually just one shoots JPEG everybody's like what are you shooting with today to be honest I decided I wanted to mostly make a vlog and not really shoot that much so I did pack my d5 without any lenses because the longest lens I have at the factory is a 300 2.8 which isn't really long enough for being out here and that's why those new 100 to 400 come into hand come in handy and then the Sigma 150 to 600 and I guess the Tamron 150 is 600 which I haven't actually used yet but a lot of people seem to like those I mean that seems to be what has changed in the past couple of years I would think back in the 90s and even back in the 80s people coming out here you wouldn't see as many photographers but you start to see more photographers today because it's more affordable relatively to go get cameras and to get big glass that is really good in especially like a 200 to 500 nine-time you can just come out here and shoot and get some cool things so I'm seeing a lot of Canon cameras there seems to be more canons than Nikon's but I have spotted Nikon but you know what I haven't seen a lot of well I definitely haven't seen Pentax I meant to say Sony but I just thought of the Pentax there hasn't been a lot of pen does anybody have a Pentax anybody Pentax raise your hand no nobody shoots pentek's who knew anybody have a sony Sony somebody has it's that one guy has a Sony who except he's shooting video so no Sony's still cameras what time do the birds tend to come out well about 8:15 tea time they usually come out 11:30 Karen that's when the birds are supposed to come out my question is do you just stand here waiting for stuff to happen I don't you just wait for birds to fly are the birds are the birds gonna fly wait Marlina what is it so what do you do do people just come out here line up and wait for stuff guys I discovered the secret to how to get the birds to come out that's an eagle call guys you want to hear the call of the eagle Julie oh yeah how's it going you getting anything yeah better than tired I'm not quite high enough even though I've only had like two hours all right trying to get some sharp pictures with the Sony cuz everybody's shooting wrong anybody not shooting wrong no Karen are you shooting today huh well maybe maybe he's shooting wrong I will be better be yes I will anybody not so I can not yell at them you're not shooting this guy right here I'm sure you draw you're shooting okay don't lie to me are you lying to me no show me on the back of the camera let's go let's see this we're all in the back of the camera where is it point to it let's see oh you're always shooting we're all large and raw large two cards and that's not slowing down your workflow at all I didn't think so Brandon how's it going got to keep it interesting I'm not going to scare the birds Am I you did I did they don't mind so nature photography you know what the nature of nature photography is wait because that's what everybody's doing waiting waiting waiting waiting for birds not hearing lots of clicks and it's not because they're shooting Sony it's because there's nothing else going on right now I seem to be the entertainment while the birds are not flying [Music] so what happens is nothing for like an hour and then all of a sudden a bird swoops down and all you here's the thing and then it's over that's what happens [Music] [Music] if everybody was shooting Sony this is what you would hear yeah you hear that well not that that's clicking this is what a Sony would sound like so the best part of nature photography is going back in the car to warm up so there's a secret to nature photography I just don't know what it is all right so we're about to head home stood out here from like like 6 o'clock in the morning till right now and we're gonna head out of here but it was pretty cool seeing all the different photographers people with all their cameras people motor driving people shooting raw but to be honest it wasn't that great of a day for shooting birds because they are sporadic you don't know when they're gonna do what they're gonna do so part of the cool thing about coming out to something like this at Conowingo Dam is just going out and meeting other photographers that's the cool part and though there weren't a lot of birds fly I mean the Eagles were flying but they weren't swooping as much as everybody hoped the cool part is you can just hang out and talk shot with other people that like the same thing that you like so don't forget that go out there shoot have fun meet people hang out enjoy the day that's it we're gonna get in the car head back home about an hour and 16 minutes back to Philly and that's it we'll see ya [Music]
Channel: Jared Polin
Views: 136,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FroKnowsPhoto, nature photography, photography, bald eagles, birding, bird photography, eagles, american bald eagles, Conowingo Dam, How to photograph birds, bird photos, vlog, camera gear, canon, nikon, best camera for birding, best camera, best lens, sigma, best lens for nature, best super zoom
Id: eiz5w1hHy_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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