Millionaire Reacts To: What I Spend In a Week

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foreign okay so here's what I spend in a week Sunday I bought two five pound bags of Sour Patch Kids for 49.99 now we actually don't have the cabinet space for them in the kitchen so I'm keeping them in the linen closet and I grab them to snack on while I shower I call them my shower patch kids all for more gen Z hacks okay none of that is true but I've seen these videos on social media these what I spend in a week videos and basically it's where people keep track of every time they spend money during the week and then add it up at the end of the week and make a video about it for I don't know approval and validation I have no idea anymore but real talk they are entertaining and they are shocking like a 20 year old YouTuber who spent thirteen thousand dollars in one week and if you search what I spend in a week on Tick Tock you could scroll all day long which I do not recommend although if that's how you're spending your day at least you won't be spending money so there's a bonuses So today we're going to take a look at a couple of these videos I'll throw in my two cents and at the end I'll give you a breakdown of what I spent in a week that's right I'm gonna break it down like Timberlake on the troll soundtrack baby can't stop the feeling that song slap I don't care who you are I don't care where you are you're gonna be vibing you're gonna be bopping then when we're done you can compare mine to others and we'll see who's the smarter spender spoiler alert it's gonna be me but before we look at what other people are spending do me a huge favor and spend the next three seconds clicking those little buttons they say like they say subscribe they say share all right let's take a look at the first video everything I spent this week as a 27 year old who is irresponsible and has no self-control that's good on Sunday I spent 44-24 on leggings and 25 on coffee so we're already off to a bad start on Monday and Tuesday I spend zero dollars that's because I did not move from my bed I was so sick these two days on Wednesday I spent 46.85 on groceries and 24.99 on my gym membership I also spent 15 on laundry on Thursday again I spent zero dollars but then it kind of goes downhill on Friday I put 10 on a sports bet I also paid 93.50 for some textbooks 25 56 on drinks and 33.34 for cat food on Saturday I spent 50.98 on groceries 5 24 on Amazon 35 24 on gas 185 on some permanent bracelets 10 on coffee and 99 for post Malone tickets which brings my grand total to 703.94 for the week okay well starting out props to you girl for acknowledging they are irresponsible self-awareness is the first step to recovery at real talk this is a great place to remind you that you need a budget okay and every dollar is a simple dare I say fun way to track your spending especially you free Spirits out there who are spending 185 dollars on bracelets can anyone explain do you know what these bracelets are perm break permanent bracelets wait this is permanent the only thing that was for Saving Grace was actually getting sick here because it caused her to not be able to leave the house because every time she leaves the house homegirl's spending 100 bucks okay and wasting your money on Sports bets what are you doing here okay now I get it some of these expenses I'm like all right she's got to get the groceries she apparently needed the textbooks she gets a pass on that but I do not understand the permanent bracelet and honestly concert tickets for under 100 bucks I'm kind of impressed by that now we don't know her situation if she has debt what her goals are but this is a great picture of the average Millennial and 703 bucks a month I would venture to say she might be overspending and not spending less than she makes which means she's having to go into debt to afford this lifestyle there we go let's see if we can do better with this next video this is what I spend in a week I've seen a lot of people do this so I was hoping the trend um this is everything I bought in the last five days oh five days moving out is costing me an arm and a leg Wednesday I went to Eastside Marios with my family and I I got the check they deserved a good meal so I got him a good meal um I went to HomeSense and I spent 16 dollars Thursday gas 55 Starbucks 570. it's Friday stop Friday Canadian Tire 570 HomeSense 140 Dollar Store 80 Walmart 45 Walmart 330 phone bill 70 farm boy six dollars Saturday I went to the patio with my friends 20 food 94. Starbucks 570. Sunday car insurance 230. Monday grocery store 70 Walmart 48 dollar store 15. for the grand total of 1 600. oh gosh okay there's a lot going on here she was clearly a little more out of control than our previous video I love her generosity here but it sounds like she can't afford to be generous and just get the check and she was very proud of herself but you're broke okay this is Bad News Bears now I don't know if she makes ten thousand dollars a month we have no idea but I do know that she's just kind of floating through life and spending whatever she needs to to afford her lifestyle I would have saved some money by cooking a good meal for the family tons of budget friendly recipes out there and you can also check out my video chat GPT meal planning if you want some ideas I don't even know that I could spend eighty dollars at the dollar store how many things were you buying for it you had to buy like 80 things this is insane I don't even know what they sell there that would be valuable to my life to the tune of eighty dollars if she's trying to save money I tell her not to go to the Dollar Store maybe find a cheaper phone plan Ryan Reynolds he's always doing ads for these like super cheap mint mobile stuff maybe that could work and then the food 95 for was that just for her she covering the tab for all of her buddies too I don't know I don't know that I could spend 95 on a casual patio hang Plus for me and then she went back to the dollar store and then home sense I think she needs to stay at home that makes more sense so again very entertaining but also slightly disconcerting but also very honest and vulnerable and for that we thank you and clearly with 91 000 likes on that video a lot of people are relating connecting but you know what we can't just sit in our own misery and be like oh my gosh like I'm so broken we got to do something about it so to be a little humble show some humility go first be vulnerable I thought I would show you what I spent in a given week this summer so starting with Saturday Sunday and Monday all those transactions hit on the same day in my bank account and here's what went down at the Ramsey cafeteria where I eat lunch and breakfast at work sometimes my wife spent six dollars and 31 cents she then went to a movie with friends to see Barbie and got some very sad dinner at the movie theater for 25.88 later that day she stopped by Trader Joe's spent 17.58 she then went to Burger Up which is a great little restaurant here locally in the Nashville area spent 32.91 now so far you're going wow she's the Big Spender no no cause your boy over here got some instacart from Costco spending 148.97 after tax service fee and tip then of course you got to pay the piper Doggy Daycare ain't cheap at 35 a day we also had a dog walker somewhere in there with a venmo transaction that was another 15 bucks then we had the target transaction of 69.23 for some curtain rods for some very naked windows that needed need to be covered up okay so that brings us to a grand total for those three days of 351.88 let's move on to Tuesday let's see if we did any better Target 47 bucks for some household and personal items anthropology my wife finally got her tapestry in that will go somewhere in the house she's been waiting a long time for this we've been budgeting for it 156 dollars for a tapestry that is a beautiful tapestry then because we were sick all week we decided to kind of meal plan the hacky way and so we got Taziki's Family Feast for six to eat for the entire week spending over 79 for that Natural Gas bill came in at over 27 that brings our grand total for Tuesday to 311.92 we gotta do better guys Wednesday started off with a order for two bags of prescription dog food at 134 dollars because my French Bulldogs are so needy then nine dollars was spent at the Ramsay Cafe and again we had some Doggy Daycare at 35 and a dog walker at fifteen dollars which brings the grand total for Wednesday to 193 dollars and six cents we're doing better let's see where it goes from here Thursday Marco's Pizza 23 bucks for some delivery then 36 on Amazon for some clothes hangers and Magic Erasers you know the random household stuff and then again another instacart at Costco because we were sick to get some food at 70 bucks there after tax service fee and tip ending it with my very pregnant wife's craving of Chick-fil-A at 11.79 that brings the grand total for Thursday to 140.99 we leave on Friday but Friday was a good day my friends zero dollars was spent and dinner was covered thanks to my awesome Ramsay personalities team who got us some dinner because we were both sick all week God bless their souls grand total for the week 997 dollars and 85 cents all right now here's the thing your budget will and should look completely different from mine you hopefully don't spend hundreds of dollars a month on dog food and Doggy Daycare that's my life they're living their best life while I suffer but here's the key we worked our tails off to get to this point where we can budget for these luxury and entertainment expenses and you may not be there yet you may be in debt where you're going hey I can't eat out right now I can't invest right now I'm really focused on paying off debt I've been there and for years I was working this plan to get to the point where we were net worth Millionaires and we still do a budget every single month and we're still investing 15 percent of our income toward retirement and we're able to cover all of our bills without stress and that's what I want for all of you watching out there so you got to run your own race okay don't compare your budget to other people's there's no set number that you have to be spending on groceries there's so many variables here but the key is you're paying attention to your money and your income and giving every dollar a job and that's where budgeting comes in you've got to not only create the budget it but track the expenses to make sure you're hitting those goals you're able to put extra money towards that able to put money towards savings and retirement and all those good things and speaking of money goals you need to have some for them to happen so write them down on paper in your notes app on your phone and next time you pull up to the Starbucks drive-through to spend 25 dollars like some of these people are doing remember that sacrificing for your goals for an artificial sugar rush high it's not worth it and according to one study the average American spends 41 dollars a week on coffee or 2 130 bucks a year so watch your spending because it does add up thanks math was that a geometry joke and why you're budgeting keep track of those spending items they can creep up on you like eating out in the aforementioned frivolous and luxury and entertainment expenses it's all in the details now once you create your budget you gotta stick to it you have to track your transactions to actually know that you're hitting your goals so track your transactions once a day to keep them from stacking up every dollar makes it super easy you can just drag your transaction up and it can take about one minute so drag and drop to the right category and make sure you're not blowing your budget now I want to know from you how much do you spend in a week you be vulnerable now what is the dumbest thing you spent money on what is the best purchase you made let me know in the comments below and if you want some sweet budgeting content you were in luck I've got plenty of videos on that I will drop links in the description below and don't forget you can start your free budget today at and after you smash those like And subscribe buttons make sure you share this video with someone who really needs it you know who they are send it to them they'll appreciate it thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: George Kamel
Views: 207,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money, budget, how to save money, personal finance, financial advice, finances, money trends, investing, crypto, retirement, smart money, george camel, george kamel
Id: 5jTpVRxQIko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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