Miller VS Everlast: My Thoughts Will Surprise You

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[Applause] so today I'm going to be doing a review as well as tips on the Everlast power TIG 250 e^x I've had this machine for about three years now so I figured this would be a good opportunity to give it like a three-year review a lot of people have videos you know when they first get it but this is gonna be more so what I learned about using this machine for the past three years and honestly I would give this machine great reviews I bought my machine off of Sears calm because I was able to use a 10% off coupon for the welder itself as well as the water cooler which is down there the first thing I did with this machine which I'll recommend with it is the torch that comes with it is junk just throw that out I immediately upgraded to a well tech torch I think with the Superflex hoses I have it hooked up to the water cooler down there and I use a w18 torch WP 18 or WP 20 it's a WP 20 torch it comes with the WP 18 which is real big I also use a push-button for what I'm like welding inside a car and then I also have a foot pedal which I use and I'm working on the bench I do automotive fabrication here at my shop at night and then during the day i weld industrial gas piping and cryogenic work and I'll put the Everlast on the same level if not above a miller actually I'll put it above a Miller for what you get for it's around $1,800 for this machine I believe for what you get for 1,800 bucks Miller offers for around 4,500 dollars and this also does a little bit more than that package so if we want to go over what all this machine can do obviously you can take well that can stick well that can take weld aluminum and it also has a spot welding timer which I never used it has the for touch you know trigger control which is where you push the button once the weld starts and keeps going you can release the button then when you push it in and release it again it cuts off the weld we also have an upslope and downslope timers that's for you know if you set your amps to 100 amps and you have it set to a 5 second timer it's gonna take 5 seconds to ramp up to 100 amps and it's the same transversely on the downslope we have our gas pre flow and post flow pretty much exactly as it says sets a timer for how long the purge goes well your torch gas flows before and after the weld this dial is the main amperage control then we also have our pulse turn settings we have two stages of pulsing ones really fast and ones you know the lower setting range this is where you set whether or not you're doing your 2 T or 40 button control then we have AC which is for aluminum and then DC for when you're welding steel and also high of your high frequency start which obviously I use all the time when I'm TIG welding there's lift arc which I guess you could use out in the field if you know you have your lead strong 200 feet and can't really hook up a button and they have a scratch start which is the same thing as well as for stick well and then down here we have our pole settings your pulse frequency is obviously how many pulses per second it'll go from your pulse amps to your background amps here's your your pulse amps knob this gives a percentage reading of what you have so if you have it a hundred amps and your pulse amps is set to fifty when it pulses every time it's going to drop down to 50 amps and then your pulse time on and that's how long it goes from your onstage or offstage and that's a percentage as well I can make a whole nother video about setting up the machine for pulsing which if anybody wants to see that be sure to comment below and I can do that and then down here we have our AC balance and AC frequency your balance on the older machines you really want to be the older transformer style machines you really want to be on the positive side whereas with these newer inverter machines I like to keep it between 30 and 40 you know cleaning action and it works really well with these new inverter machines as well as with the frequency range on your older transformer machines you're locked in at 60 Hertz once you have the option it's pretty amazing because I really never go underneath 120 now if I am doing something where I need a really focused art like I'm welding a really thin piece of aluminum to really thick plate I'll pretty much crank this sucker all the way up and it gives me a real defined arc and then we also have the arc force on our stick which I don't really stick well too much so I wouldn't really know the best way to explain it it's kind of something you feel but pretty much if you turn your arc force up it's gonna take a little bit more than that you know it's hard for me explain that like I said change out the torch first thing you want to do I also changed out the ground just to give me some extra length so now why don't we get into the nitty-gritty I'm gonna fire this thing up I'll give you some mark shots and go over some how it welts so this right here is me doing a filling well t-joint stainless steel and if you notice just look at how nice the arc is it's steady I'm using the foot pedal to move up and down the amperage it's like dab my wire and as you can see everything is just nice and easy to handle next I'll be doing a fill it well while walking the cup once again the Everlast performs just as good as the Miller I wouldn't necessarily say that the arrow laughs performs better than the Miller however at its price point it definitely is comparable machine I use a Miller every day at my full-time job and I don't notice any difference between the two machines here we have a 1/8 aluminum lap joint as you can see with the Everlast you throw the wire doesn't fall up too much and the puddle stays nice and clean really good cleaning action not too wide like you'll have with a transformer style machine the other last is an inverter style machine and once again like I said you can weld aluminum perfectly fine with a sharpened function give you a really nice tight arc really good deep profile so yeah you can see it machine works great and the last shots I'll show here are me welding some very thin wall titanium the tubing is 0.0 xxx wall thickness and the filler rod 33 diameter as you can see once again the arrow s has no problem keeping a nice tight uniform arc helmet during my closing here I'll show a bunch of projects I've worked on with the Everlast welding to summarize at its price range that's a third of what Miller offers the Everlast can hang with the big-name machines with no problem not only that but ever Alice offers a five-year warranty on the machine whereas Miller only offers a two-year warranty the only bad thing about the welder is that the accessories that have come with are junk and should we've replaced as soon as you get them if you're looking for a welder for your home shop or garage go with Everlast if you go with one of the sub $1000 machines you'll be replacing it every year but the Everlast is built to last if you enjoyed this video found it useful please leave a like and also don't forget to comment any questions you may have on this welder and subscribe for any future videos that we have [Music]
Channel: Danmo's World
Views: 160,763
Rating: 4.8797107 out of 5
Keywords: miller welder, everlast welder, miller vs everlast, everlast welder review, everlast powertig 250, powertig250, miller dynasty200, tig welder, welder review, stick welder, aluminum welding, ac balance, everlast welder 200, miller welder machines, miller welder 215
Id: zJY330lOG3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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