Milk the Co-op Way

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[Music] good cattle grazing on good pastures make a mighty pretty scene it's a scene that's restful and satisfying what is more than that daring is the greatest single enterprise carried on in rural America today it produces more dollars and employs more people than any other farming activity in fact the deer industry occupies a very important place in our national economy what is still more the dairy farmer is a conservation department legumes and dense growing crops needed for cow feed also prevent erosion and help build soil fertility their products are in heavy demand wherever people live for milk is the most complete food known to man it supplies 1/4 of all the food consumed by American families but many things happen before the milk of the dairy cow reaches the table as a helpful beverage or in some other form of food the modern-day barn must have equipment that is clean efficient and labor savings cleanliness is the key word to the good dear the other must be thoroughly cleaned before each milking and it's a job that must be done right the milking machine is sterilized before using even though it was cleaned after the last milking another precaution to guard purity modern machinery takes much of the drudgery out of this operation the milk flows from the character the machine without contamination not even exposed to the air the Deerman can check the production of each cow to see if she is a good milk producer within only a few seconds after nell plays the cow it is told to remove by the heat only clean cool milk retains the quality that nature put into it [Music] after cooling the milk flows into sterilized cans and is kept in a refrigerated room until it can be transported to the dairy plant it must be kept cool even during transportation modern refrigerated trucks of the answer they keep the milk cold even on the hottest days and give it fast transportation to the milk plant [Music] after the milk is on its way the Dare farm is not through there's cleaning to be done each piece of the milking machine must be taken apart piece by piece specially designed brushes are used to clean every place where milk can collect each piece is given individual attention they got there and must be eternally on the job in this cleanliness program not only because he wants to sell a quality product but he also must pass rigid inspections to stay in the business care is taken to be sure that no milk is left in any of the equipment the cans must be cleaned the barns must be cleaned all of the modern equipment are next to work for producing clean milk cost money but it assures the consumer a safe high-quality food [Music] the truck picks up milk from a number of producers along this route at the plant milk is unloaded and carried by conveyor belts into the planet every effort is made to save labor and that machines do the work automatically the milk starts on a continuous flow through the plant and machine eeveelutions the lids on the cans what machines can't do all the work no one has yet invented a machine that can face or smell and tell for milk and good and only the highest quality milk is accepted in this planet in the plant life on the farm carers take them to keep the milk clean each good can of milk is emptied into a weighing tank a small sample is taken to be tested in the modern well-equipped laboratory for bacterial friendliness and butterfat the producer is paid on the basis of weight and butterfat before returning to the producer this machine's sanitizers the cans rinsing washing and a compound and then scalding with live steam even the ledger automatically returned to the proper containers [Music] the weighing tank is large enough that all the producers entire volume of that delivery from the weighing bank you know prices loose and typical fire fire another step in safeguarding fault between their close to the flash cooler where the temperature is brought to just above the freezing point in stainless steel is used throughout this modern plant huge refrigerated tanks hold the milk temporary until the next process all milk through this plant is pasteurized and saw mr. Majin is modernizing breaks the pattern small particles which spread uniformly throughout the milk milk is quickly heated in the pasteurizing machine and then immediately cooled the process that improves the milk by partial sterilization and the cycle only requires 17 seconds a continuous permanent record is kept of the automatically controlled temperatures [Music] milk is piped into a variety of stainless steel thanks for making cottage cheese butter milk cream and many other products hammer but this modern plant before filling the bottles passed through an automatic training machine here they are thoroughly rinsed washed in hot water and washing compound and sterilized out become clean bright and shiny [Music] even though the machine does the work a final human check is made to assure that the bottles are ready to be fell even the cases to hold the bottles are thoroughly clean the operation is planned so that the correct amount of cases bottles and milk are at the right places at the right time clean efficient machines can bottle and cap several thousand bottles of milk each hour friendliness is the watchword each bottle receives an accurately measured amount of milk the milk falls quickly in the cold tank to the bottling machine and within a few seconds in the refrigerated room ready for the consumer when kept the lid of the bottle is completely covered and sealed to assure further sanitation the fast-acting machine bottles the milk from the cold tank so fast it doesn't have time to warm before it's again on refrigeration many people prefer milk in a paper box modern machines take the flat paper and shape it into a container then is coated with hot paraffin to make a fluid type after being filled with milk steam heated hot plate seal the power this one machine shapes the and co2 container without the process even being seen by the human eye [Music] [Music] paper containers are becoming more popular since they may be thrown away from it there are no bottles to wash no empties to return no deposit of the store in their clean sanitary and economical laboratory technician is an important person in his modern plan he must constantly test the various processes to maintain high quality close cooperation is maintained with health officials to assure that all daily products because specifications necessary for high quality product as in any business careful supervision and direction is important this plan the BIOS dares proactive of Columbus Georgia was organized but they have the local County agent and other members of the Agricultural Extension Service it is owned and operated by the dairy farmers who form the cooperative an experienced and capable manager operates the plant the president is elected by the Board of Directors who are elected by the membership many of the original founders act as advisors in this modern enterprise it's one of the most modern milk plants in the nation one that Georgia can well be proud to claim lactam the plan a huge machine is used to make powdered milk part of the waters removed from the fluid milk and a condenser the condensed milk is then sprayed through a jet and the high-pressure into a large hot chamber raised completed drive still containing all the nutritious food elements that was present at the start of the process at finding many uses in bakeries kenda factors ice cream maker and home in the Mammoth's churned butter fat not needed for other products is made into high quality butter another tasty dairy product cottage cheese another delicious dairy food is made from milk after the removal of the body fat the current is cooked and seasoned ready for the table ice cream mix is prepared in large bags next then flows to a continuous freezer until is partially frozen and put into cartons to give birth to this pace for food sugar and a selection of fruits flavorings in the correct amounts are added the cartons moved immediately into freezer vaults where is hardened at about 20 degrees below zero from there removed to eat a lot [Music] many boys and girls prefer ice cream on a stick the ice cream mix is poured into forms and frozen the molds are dipped into hot water bath to loosen the ice cream and from there they passes a chocolate coating bath enrich syrup made of finest chocolate and sugar is used as a podium to give added flavor each piece is placed in an individual sanitary paper bags and put on refrigeration writing delivery their products must be kept food at all times before delivery I suspect on the cases to keep the milk cool during transportation often refrigerated trucks are used to assure the consumer milk and other dairy products that are fresh and pasty as nature intended them to be much of our milk is sold through retail stores and markets stores offer a convenient place for the housewife to get fluid milk and a choice of other dairy products as well [Music] the milkman is a familiar figure in every town and city making delivers right to the doorstep when you count to the table milk must be kept food to have it at its best [Music] the Lyons housewife puts the pressure livery in the cooler before his has time to get warm milk is often thought of as a child's food but a person never outgrow the need for milk milk is nature's most perfect food rich in calcium proteins minerals and vitamins it's economical to wear in no other food can a person get so much goodness at the same price growing children of course need this imported food to develop healthy strong bodies and older people needed to maintain their vitality so a person can help himself to help drink plenty of milk eat stayed or enjoy ice cream while many other dairy products it's a long way from that pastoral scene of the cows grazing lush grass to a glass of clean fresh milk but modern science is shortening the distance and today everyone in America can enjoy the benefits of this rich healthful food [Music] you [Music]
Channel: US National Archives
Views: 2,194
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: US National Archives, NARA
Id: -LS-Z8FukYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2017
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