Miles Morales LOVE LIFE.. Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse Movie

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foreign [Music] there was some impressive use of the Spidey webs miles so how did you get your powers tripped over a radioactive spider on your way to school nah it's way more dramatic than that you ever heard of Mega City let me guess it's Mega sized I was always into graffiti art and uncle Aaron he was the only one who really got it we spent hours painting the city making it our own and one day when I got bitten by a well a very special spider at one of our secret spots [Music] and after that it's got a little bit more Webby that's one way to put it and they say art doesn't have an impact [Music] you know if you dance us now he'd probably arrest us on the spot nah he'd probably just give us a lecture about the path of righteousness your dad might be a bit strict means well he just wants the best for you are you trying to be the responsible adult here someone's got to be but seriously don't let your dad's lectures get to you he's just being a dad yeah I guess it's just hard sometimes you know that's life kiddo it's a mix of the hard the easy and the downright weird just like our art hey Uncle Aaron check this out [Music] ouch that little bugger bit me [Music] oh did the big bad spider bite the big bad Spiderman haha very funny this is a laughing matter relax kiddo it's just a spider bite you'll live besides how bad could it be [Music] uh what the [Music] okay okay deep breath Smiles this is not normal [Music] okay super strength cool cool cool okay seriously what is happening [Music] I'm like Spider-Man great just what I needed puberty and superpowers at the same time everything okay in here son yeah Dad just uh doing some spring cleaning in the middle of fall and stay out of trouble you hear [Music] a mile stay out of trouble [Music] eat this this is it Revenge at last [Music] well well if it isn't Spider-Man's newest sidekick I don't know what you're talking about [Music] holy innocent and not at all evil science project you took everything from me Spider-Man and now with this doomsday device I'll harness the energy of different realities and take everything from everyone [Music] most people just said Australia when they're upset miles you you need to disable the device well all right Morales you've got this you're the new Spider-Man no pressure [Music] oh no no no no [Music] I'm sorry I didn't mean to [Music] ah great now I'm apologizing to inanimate object I'm not giving up Spider-Man didn't and neither will I [Music] whoa you're Spider-Man too oh great another one just what the Multiverse needed you can teach me show me the ropes or uh webs uh kid I'm not exactly in the mentor business I can barely take care of myself I uh I might have broken this but if you help me fix it I'll I'll do your laundry for a month kid you've got yourself a deal but I warn you my socks are a nightmare miles left foot first it's the universal rule of stealth Universal rule of [Music] what's this Spider-Man and a mini Spider-Man playing spies all right oh you guys were doing so well I like her can we keep her I saved Our Lives dude that voice of the prowler it sounds so familiar I can't get it out of my head well that's great my uncle Aaron is the prowler just when I thought my life couldn't get any weirder I need to track him down I need to know what's going on [Music] uncle Aaron we need to have a chat about your career choices miles foreign s [Music] well at least our family gatherings will be less awkward now miles I know you want to avenge your uncle but you're not ready yet I am ready Peter this isn't about avenging Aaron it's about stopping Midas from hurting anyone else kid you've got the heart of a superhero but the jokes they need work like you're the king of comedy well at least I'm the Spider-Man of Comedy [Music] [Music] nice layer Midas I see you've got a thing for oversized glowy stuff you won't be joking for long Spider-Man A minus I've got a memo for you it's about respecting other people's families and who's going to make me you yemi and my spider powers well you know what they say all the Glitters Is Not Gold [Music] [Music] wow that was intense I mean did you see the look of midas's face when we kid can we can we just take a breather for a second oh so now the seasoned superhero needs a break huh okay okay you got me there but hey did good out there miles really really you have the making of a true Spider-Man just maybe work on your timing almost gave me a heart attack back there [Music] hey Gwen fancy running into you here fancy this is fortnite Island we literally live here right right so um I think you're cool like super cool wow you really know how to make a girl feel special I meant it though thanks you're not so bad yourself you know I could introduce you to my friends we could always use more superheroes around here there's a lot of evil in this city really that'd be awesome all right cool your jets Spider Boy let's take it one step at a time when you get pretty good at this web slinging thing it's almost as good as me Smiles I've got style finesse and a killer sense of humor I'd say that makes me better than you Gwen I can handle myself just fine but I'll admit it's nice to have a partner who's got my back [Music] you know miles you make a pretty great team maybe we should come up with a cool superhero Duo name to spider friends the dynamic duo how about the web warriors it's catchy right web warriors huh I guess that could work as long as I get top villains fine fine you could be the star of the show spider Gwen just don't let it go to your head another successful Mission spider Gwen we make it look easy that's because we're the best miles no one can top the web warriors [Music] oh well well perfect team miles and Gwen swinging through the city saving the day it's almost too heartwarming but what if there's a way to disrupt their little partnership to keep Morales in check and prevent him from becoming too powerful perhaps a little manipulation is in order after all power is a dangerous thing and it's my duty to protect the timeline [Music] Miles Morales soon you'll realize that no one can escape the web that I'm about to leave [Music] impressed spider Gwen welcome to the Future well look at you Mr future Spidey are you going to show me flying cars next no flying cars yet but there's so much more that I can teach you together we can be a formidable Force across time and space I don't know Miguel miles and I make a great team I don't want to leave him behind I understand Greg just imagine the possibilities the hour combined skills and knowledge we can protect the Multiverse like never before all right I'll give this future thing a shot but remember if miles needs me I won't hesitate to be by his side I won't regret this Gwen Stacy together we'll create a legacy that transcends time [Music] man I miss her Gwen and I had so many fun times together swinging through the city cracking jokes and saving the day feels like we were Unstoppable [Music] but lately things have changed she's been spending so much time with 2099 it's like she's slipping away from me [Music] thought our friendship was strong enough to withstand anything [Music] I never expected her to get tangled up with someone from the future I just hope she remembers the bond we shared whatever happens if she needs me I'll be ready after all true hero stands by their friends [Music] foreign [Music] miles my friend what's got you Tangled in your own web [Music] it's Gwen she's been spending so much time with Spider-Man 2099 and I can't help but feel like she's slipping away from me I don't know what to do uh your crush it can be as tricky as a web trap can it but trust me moms Gwen's just exploring her Horizons I know but it's hard not to worry but why does she find something more exciting or someone who understands her better miles listen to me Gwen chose to be your friend because she saw something special in you you have a connection that goes beyond time and space [Music] you really think so well you did save the Multiverse kid that's not something that just anyone can do plus you've got the whole cute awkward superhero thing going for you trust me it's a hit with the ladies and here I thought you were the only one with that charm Peter there's enough charm to go around in the spider-verse but remember relationships take time and effort talk to Gwen be honest how you feel you're right I won't let my worries hold me back I'll have an open conversation with Gwen and let her know how much her friendship means to me that's the spirit my friend remember with great power comes great responsibility and a little bit of humor goes a long way you got this miles thanks I appreciate your advice and faith in me [Music] we need to talk I can't help but notice how much time you've been spending with Spider-Man 2099 feels like you're pushing me away and it hurts this is my life my choices you don't get to decide who I spend my time with or how I live it mind your own business Gwen I'm not trying to control you I just care about you and it feels like we're drifting apart I thought we were a team but now I don't even recognize you and what miles you think you have the right to judge me you don't know what I've been through what I'm trying to figure out this isn't about you I never claimed to know everything but we've been through so much together I thought we could rely on each other and support each other now it feels like you're just shutting me out I didn't mean to hurt you I'm just trying to find my own path figure out who I am I can't let anyone hold me back not even you I never wanted to hold you back I just wanted us to be there for each other like we've always been miles I I didn't realize how much this was affecting you I can't deny who I am and what I want I'm sorry maybe it's time for me to step back and we both need some space to figure things out [Music] never wanted it to come to this I care about you I really do but right now I need to focus on myself [Music] I can't believe this Gwen and I we were supposed to be a team how did everything get so messed up I need to talk to him man to man Spider-Man 2099 needs to understand what he's doing to us to me maybe you can shed some light on what's going on I won't let this tear us apart I'll find a way to bring us back together to restore our friendship [Music] what's your game Miguel you've been spending way too much time with Gwen I know you're up to something oh miles always jumping to conclusions Gwen and I are just working on some future projects no need to get all worked up right future projects so what's next you gotta take around a time traveling adventure oh I wish but no no time traveling just yet we're just exploring some Advanced Techniques and Gwen is okay with this just abandoning our partnership for some Advanced Techniques of course she is we're expanding our Horizons but don't worry I'm sure she'll still have time for you in between all the future excitement you think this is a joke you think you could just come in and take Gwen away from everything we've built oh miles don't be so possessive Gwen can make her own decisions besides who wouldn't want to team up with The Amazing Spider-Man 2099 well maybe she made the wrong decision maybe she doesn't see what I see but mark my words 2099 I won't let you come between us we'll see you miles we'll see but for now I have places to be and people to inspire good luck catching up this isn't over 20.99 won't let you tear us apart [Music] thank you miles has been acting strange lately I don't know what to make of it maybe he's not who you think he is I've seen the darkness with you really trust him I fought alongside him he's always been good to me is that so and if you ever wondered if there's more to him than meets the eye Secrets he might be hiding but what if you're wrong miles has proven himself time and time again sometimes people aren't what they appear to be trust your instincts you deserve better I just I need time to think I can't make any decisions right now take all the time you need Gwen [Music] [Music] how could she do this to me I trusted her I thought we were a team natachi understood me and now it feels like everything we had was a lie I don't know what to do now can I even trust anyone anymore guess it's time to face the truth find a way to move forward and then he said why did the spider go to school because he wanted to learn about the World Wide Web [Laughter] oh Gwen that one's a classic you really know how to spin a web of jokes well being a spider person does come with its perks you know [Music] they look so happy together maybe it's time to accept that things have changed [Music] I miss him I really do miles was always there my partner in crime my friend but why does it have to be so complicated he was wrong though trying to control who I hang out with like he knows what's best for me that's not how this works it's just me now against the city against everything I can't believe I let myself get caught up in all this be so blind but still I can't help but feel this void without him the way we used to laugh and have each other's backs it was special blackwen was different I thought she had my back no matter what but maybe I was wrong 2099 can't believe he played me like a fool how did I not see through his act I wish he could see that I'm not betraying him I'm just figuring things out exploring new possibilities can't he understand that guess I'm not as good at reading people as I thought Spider-Man great judge of character yeah right I won't let this Define me I won't let their portrayal break me find a way to set things right no I won't reach out to him if he wants to be stubborn and hold on to his insecurities that's his choice but I won't let it hold me back I'll uncover 2099 scheme expose him for who he really is and maybe just maybe I could win back Gwen's trust I'll prove to him that I can stand on my own that I can make my own decisions and maybe just maybe he'll come to see that we can still be a team even if things have changed is it the end of the day I still believe in second chances it's time to show them what I'm made of Spider-Man never backs down from a challenge time to put the past behind and focus on the future spider Gwen is ready to swing into action [Music] thanks for the assist miles you really know how to make an entrance well you know it's all part of the spider package but I gotta say you were doing just fine on your own I just couldn't resist jumping in to be your backup dancer backup dancer huh is that what they call it these days I thought you were more of a sidekick hey now I prefer the term partner in crime fighting but if you need someone to bust out some sick dance moves I'm your guy oh really so you're a hero and a dancer that's quite the combination care to show me some of those moves you don't think I'd reveal all my secrets that easily do you but maybe one day if you're lucky I couldn't have done this without you thank you for having my back [Music] consider that a thank you you deserve it thank you I uh Wow Come on hero we've got more baddies to take down ready for the next adventure always with you by my side there's nothing we can't handle [Music] you know I never thought that fighting crime would lead to such beautiful places it's like a vacation but with more web slinging ninja kicking who needs a tropical getaway when you can swing through the city and have a beach like this is your secret hideout The Perks of Being a superhero right absolutely oh but don't forget it being a superhero also means dealing with villains in their evil schemes so any updates on our latest Nemesis ah yes the notorious Beach Bandit rumor has it they've been stealing sand castles and seashells well we can't let the beach Banner wreak havoc on our beach time our mission if you choose to accept it is to save the sand castles and restore peace to the shore consider it accepted agent Morales time to put our beach skills to the test [Music] well well well what brings you two to the beach together on a day like this I thought we were having a date today miles oh you know just discussing our battle strategy against uh the incoming wave of seagull attacks yes it's a serious matter miles and I were just going over our tactical plan to outsmart those crafty seagulls seagulls huh well if you say so just remember the seagulls can be quite unpredictable stay safe out there we'll do high wire we'll be on high alert for any feathered fiends [Music] seagull attacks seriously months hey when you get caught off guard you improvise it's a worry I've got a real Secrets locked up tight One's Gonna know about our kiss not even my girlfriend high wire I'm glad we can have these moments together away from the chaos you make every Adventure feel like a joyful Breeze you bring light into my world I can't imagine fighting crime without you and the beach well let's just net a bonus [Applause] [Music] you know they say secrecy adds a certain thrill to any kind of relationship there's a whole new level we're like the ninjas of Love hiding in plain sight oh I always knew you had a way with words but let's not get carried away with our superhero romance just yet but can we just steal a moment away from the chaos [Music] what's going on here Patrol Duty I assume oh hey there 2099 yeah just doing our rounds making sure the city's safe from uh pigeons they could be quite ruthless you know yeah those pigeons have been spreading their feathers and plotting to take over the world it's a tough battle but someone's got to do it well keep up the good work we can't have the city overrun by those feathered fiends absolutely we'll protect the city from any avian adversaries [Music] really miles you have an uncanny ability to come up with the most outrageous excuses hey when in doubt blame the pigeons but you know Gwen even with all the chaos and covert meetings I wouldn't trade this for anything not even a city overrun by feathered fiends [Music] kid got something on your mind uh yeah Spidey it's just I care about high wire I really do but there's something about Gwen something special I'm torn between them Love's a tricky web my friend it's never easy when the heart leads us in different directions but it's important to follow your heart you're right Spidey you keep pretending playing both sides it's not fair to anyone involved I need to have an honest conversation with high wire and let her know how I feel that's the spirit it's not an easy conversation but it's necessary for everyone's sake and hey if you need any tips on breaking up I've got a few stories to share thanks dude I'll keep that in mind that's what friends are for now go have that heart to heart and remember with great power comes great responsibility even when it comes to matters of the heart I've got this thanks for always having my back [Music] Miguel we need to talk I value our friendship but I need to make something clear My Heart Belongs to someone else I see so it Smiles isn't it yes it's miles there's something between us that I can't deny I care about you but not in the way you may have hoped don't like when it's not the answer I was hoping for but I respect your honesty this isn't about you or anything you've done wrong it's about following my heart and being true to myself [Music] it's just I allowed myself to hope for something more but I won't stand in the way of your happiness thank you your friendship means a lot to me and I hope we can be friends of course I value our friendship too and I want you to be happy even if it's not with me friends always [Music] I don't understand what's going on why are you breaking up with me I have to be honest with you there's someone else in my life that I have feelings for it's not fair to you or myself to continue our relationship knowing that my heart isn't fully in it who is she how long has this been going on for a while I tried to deny it but my feelings for her are too strong so I was just a distraction a placeholder until Gwen came along no no it's not like that we had something and I genuinely cared about you sometimes you can't control who your heart chooses oh how romantic so you're just going to dump me for Gwen that's not fair it's not about dumping or replacing anyone it's about being honest with ourselves and finding happiness well congratulations I hope Gwen makes you happy forever thank you I genuinely wish you all the best you deserve someone who can give you their whole heart that's just not me [Music] I guess this is goodbye then yeah I guess it is but I hope we can still be friends you're an amazing person and I don't want to lose that connection completely we'll see miles maybe someday take care of yourself I hope I made the right decision [Music] you know I never thought we'd be here just just the two of us under the stars yeah who would have thought right slurp juice and Starlet Skies the perfect date well it's not like I planned this or anything I just stumbled onto the best three-point in town and you happen to be free oh so this is all just a coincidence huh well I must say you have an impeccable sense of timing of course I have impeccable timing impeccable style and impeccable taste in bubble tea flavors wow you really are the whole package aren't you what other impeccable qualities do you possess let's see I'm an expert web Slinger a master at video games and I can do a mean moonwalk impressive right foreign [Music] awe of your talents but can you cook because if you can whip up a delicious meal then you might just be the perfect catch well lucky for you I'm also an impeccable Chef I can make a mean PB j sandwich but don't worry I spare no expense on the crust removal I want you to know that I'm glad we're here together you make me feel alive you have no idea how much you mean to me being with you makes me feel like I found my missing piece well don't get too attached to that missing piece you might lose it in one of your web slinging mishaps hey I'm a professional superhero now no more web slinging accidents for me promise [Music] enjoy your little date love birds soon enough I'll show you what true Peril looks like thank you I can't believe this how could he do this to me I thought miles was different that he actually cared about me but now here he is all lovey-dovey with Gwen I trusted him opened up to him and for what to be tossed aside like it meant nothing I deserve better than this well I won't let this break me I'll show them both that I don't need their love and affection I'm strong on my own and I'll Rise Above This [Music] Fate has a funny way of playing with our hearts doesn't it who would have thought that love could lead to such pain it's like we gave them our hearts on a silver platter and they just trampled all over them [Music] they've made us feel like fools didn't they but Revenge won't solve anything it's better to rise above and show them what they lost you're right Miguel we'll make them regret ever hurting us let's show them that we're not ones to be taken lightly oh I have a few ideas up my sleeve we'll make them feel this thing of rejection and heartbreak but let's do it with style and finesse shall we style and finesse huh Count Me In we'll give them a taste of their own medicine and they'll see how it feels to be left wondering who would have thought high wire that our broken hearts would unite Us in such a way let the games begin oh they won't know what hit them it's payback time [Music] this is perfect I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful evening I'm glad you're enjoying it Gwen you deserve nothing but the best they have no idea what's coming for them it's time to show them the consequences of their actions oh they'll learn their lesson let's make them realize the price they pay for breaking our hearts I'm so grateful to have you in my life you make everything feel brighter and more exciting I think I'm falling in love welcome and I think I'm in love with you too enjoy your Blissful ignorance while you can young lovebirds the storm is brewing and soon you'll know what it means to have your hearts shattered [Music] prepare yourselves for Payback show you the consequences of playing with our emotions [Music] Grizz you've got to look after Ella for me now okay I will and Ella try to keep Grizz out of trouble for me I'll do my best I promise I'll see you two as much as I can or as much as Gwen will let you yeah well we'll see how that works out be safe kids [Music] I just said goodbye to the kids all right so where to now I'm gonna stay with peely for a while and get myself a new place eventually all right welcome Gwen I just needed to know why you never believed me what made it so hard to trust that I was telling you the truth goodbye Peter oh man rough it is what it is just keep walking [Applause] [Music] I guess I better get some food for myself huh instant noodles serves one I guess that'll do [Music] what the reason you're doing the Batman up there I just like to keep an eye on you okay creepy I don't trust you Parker I don't want you to feel like I don't know you're up to something like what Morales what am I up to I don't know you got a backpack on supplies what are you going camping yeah I'm going camping you got me [Music] wait up why the bags you moving somewhere leave me alone miles [Music] wait I know what you're doing kicked you out he said leave me alone I'm warning you she dumped you didn't she that's too good she must have dumped him look at him he's heartbroken well that's what you deserve Parker [Music] so that's it that's it it's all over wow you know I never thought I'd see it well neither did I to be honest I always took Peter as a pure guy but I was wrong we couldn't make it work the damage was done sorry to hear that what happened he kissed three different people while we were still together and played it off like he hadn't set it up for himself he said it was all of them trying to get at me but three times in a row sheesh who was it my sister the Chrome Queen and his xmj oh my gosh uh-huh [Music] hey Gwen can I talk to you for a minute I won't take up your time I promise all right [Music] what's the matter nothing I just wanted to come by and ask if we can form a truce together a truce yeah I don't want any bad blood between us I just want to move on and forget about the past I get it if you don't I just thought that it would be best to come and tell you well I guess I do need a fresh start I could do with wiping the Slate clean too oh yeah so if we see each other in the street it won't be weird sure why do you ask well because of Parker obviously oh you won't have to worry about him we're uh not really gonna see each other again oh no way and that's crazy it sounds like you're doing the right thing though that guy's trash anyways yeah I guess he is can't believe I didn't see it for so long I was always on your side Gwen I never liked him well thanks he cheated on me at first I was shocked but then I realized I shouldn't have been surprised I'm so sorry that's cool I've accepted it [Music] I won't take any more of your time but are we cool [Music] miles [Music] all right see you around Gwen [Music] well that was interesting it was miles is a strange guy but one thing's for sure he's always been there for me didn't he try to kill you a few times yeah but that's all behind us now us huh oh you know what I mean woohoo [Music] hey dude oh hey Spidey what's up not much man just said my farewells to everyone and left oh buddy you doing okay [Music] no I just have to keep telling myself it is what it is I can't change it here there man I know it sucks but it's a free start believe me everything's gonna work out for you yeah I hope so well it's a good thing you called me because we're gonna hang out chill and let those troubles wash away what do you say man yeah let's do it I'll try anything [Music] there he is how dare he be so awful to Gwen what an idiot cheated on the most amazing girl on the whole island for Shane Parker what the hey will you get lost I heard what you did what get lost man no one cares I know you cheated on Gwen she told me herself hey that's not true get lost Morales I'm warning you I won't let you get away with hurting Gwen Parker what are you gonna do about it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you want some too banana man it's agent peeling to you you don't want to try me this isn't over Parker [Music] how long is it gonna take before my troubles start to wash away no idea thank you I'm sorry to drop in on you like this but I had to come and tell you what happened can't believe Peter did this to you I was just minding my own business walking down the beach he jumped me there that should do it [Music] thanks Gwen I want to go back out there and find him you can't get away with this no Miles leave it alone hmm all right if that's what you want not worth it okay if you're sure so are you doing okay you need some company that would be nice let's maybe get out of here though sure [Music] gotta get Billy some takeout to say thanks for breaking up that flight [Music] kidding me oh I should have known miles didn't just fight me to defend her honor he's trying to get with her [Music] so I've been thinking Parker you should report him to the seven for what being an idiot and a bad boyfriend well that and what he did to me we can't have people like that protecting the island let me deal with Peter all right It's gotta go Gwen you know it [Music] thank you [Music] yeah that'll do huh peely I'm preparing for a fight this is a precaution man [Music] [Music] peely I don't want you to get involved I have to deal with this myself Peter you can't I won't let you dude let me in the car no I don't want you to get hurt sorry man I have to do this [Music] dude what are you doing I can't let you after miles dude drive me to the mansion now you'll see that I don't want to fight but I do need Justice I don't know about this Peter just drive [Music] we don't want whatever it is you're selling I've come here for one thing an apology you're kidding right Gwen Gwen you know in your heart that I never lied to you I don't care that we're over now I just want to hear you admit that you knew the truth all along what do you want me to say Peter it's a misunderstanding but you refuse to admit it [Music] time you left Parker you know what Gwen I don't care anymore I wish I could have seen how awful you really are before that you believe whatever lies you make up you've got a lot on your hands now miles thank you that's it Gwen I can't hold myself back miles I told you he's not worth it he needs to leave you alone I'm gonna go and remind him why [Music] satisfied not really they believe this lie there's no way they'll admit to it let's get out of here so what did you bring all the guns for I told you it was just a precaution I had a feeling miles might try to pick another fight jeez I wasn't wrong [Music] Peter I don't know about this ah peely get him off us I can't get him just do it the RPG role-playing games aren't gonna help us dude oh this isn't over Parker I'll get you I swear it [Music] dude you and him have got beef uh-huh you can say that again I'm sorry I had to do that Gwen what happened [Music] him and peely ran me off the road shot at me and tried to blow me up it was a trap you made me mad enough to go after him he tried to kill me Gwen that's it I'm done with him first thing in the morning I'm going to the seven to report him and peely they won't get away with this I promise miles [Music] [Music] you're so good at that I know you're like a street performer Spider-Man [Music] thank you thank you can you do a backflip back flip of course I can and for one single kiss I can do that for you [Music] oh and what if I gave you a kiss we'll have to see [Music] [Music] you ain't got no skills man I never learned to dance this is difficult how is it that we both share the same body but you're so uncoordinated I don't know Mark maybe because I'm not a mercenary who regularly engages in knife fights that's right I do I win no want to go again [Music] no you're all right I'd only make a fool out of myself again just like when you try to take Southpaw out on dates we leave it Mark me and selfie have a good thing going is that why she hasn't called you in three days what's he saying oh nothing he's just being stupid she hasn't called me in three days because of you you haven't talked to Southpaw in three days no oh man that's rough come on let's go get a slurp and talk about it [Music] so what do you mean she hasn't called you because of Mark last time we saw each other Mark tried to set the prowler on her the prowler he insane yes yes Mark seems to think that he has a better understanding of relationships than I do I did get a date with black widow come on you know you're still jealous were you ever gonna let that go you got a date with black widow and won't stop going on about it like Widow man that's wild he gets it oh would you ever leave it alone I think any one of us has equal chances of being with black widow you just got there first I wonder if she go out on a date with me I believe she would miles doubted he's too nice hey hey I've got an idea what if we have a contest to see who's better at meeting ladies now we're talking miles this kid's great miles you're not serious are you good way to prove a point mark wouldn't it well when you put it like that [Music] all right is Mark here I'm here he's here unfortunately all right well let's go over the plan we all in on this contest I am I have some questions before I agree oh here we go go ahead [Music] why are we doing this again and do I actually have to kiss people to prove that you're the best and yes or receive a kiss either way get a kiss but wouldn't a nice firm handshake do if you like the sound of losing to me I suppose Mark is a sore winner he never lets me forget I imagine that's a pain when you have him living in your head you have no idea all right I know what needs to be done Mark let's get it started already [Music] all right here are the rules each person or personality has to get the most kisses by the end of the day to be the winner yes and how are we meant to do that you take your insurance to control the body one person at a time no exceptions I can do that he agrees suppose it's only fair all right then we'll meet later to check in Good Luck you two foreign you ready to lose Stephen oh shut up you donut I'm up first [Music] yeah totally gonna pick up loads of ladies in that thing [Music] I'm a little bit nervous I don't know how I feel about being a part of this competition why it's only a little fun I haven't heard from selfie I feel like I shouldn't be doing this dude she's not gonna call you back it's been three days time to move on I don't want to move on yet I really like her well are you both officially seeing each other no suppose not we didn't talk about it I just don't feel great about kissing other people you can always forfeit just saying but then I'll win never I could take you on right now [Music] if only bullets worked on you what is he doing here to get a closer look [Music] hey look there's someone oh my she's a bit intense looking you scared no um hello nice too you like an old white Deadpool Deadpool the red bloke Ryan Reynolds plays the very same one [Music] Fuzzy's all right anyway I was wondering if you can help me out with something you lead him with that good luck what is it well you see I've gotten roped into a silly contest where I have to ask people for kisses and whoever gets the most wins I know it's silly but [Music] no way oh my gosh I wasn't even finished explaining that's all right kind of wanted to give you a kiss as soon as you started talking with that cute accent well you did you think of a cute accent well what are you doing later Stephen Focus don't fall in love with her I mean thanks for your help you win thank you beginner's luck I don't know mate I think I have charm [Music] kissing contest what the heck these guys have way too much time on their hands but I spy an opportunity to get him back for what he did [Music] you are so good at that I know you're like a street performer Spider-Man [Music] thank you thank you can you do a backflip back flip of course I can and for one single kiss I can do that for you [Music] and what if I gave you a kiss we'll have to see foreign [Music] there's no one around here Stephen why did you bring us here we're burning daylight if you've got such an uncanny talent for talking to women then I'm sure you'll manage that's it I'm taking the body [Music] all right let me show you how it's done thank you [Music] there's someone do you have any idea who that is sure it's DJ Marsha yeah DJ marshmallow's girlfriend duh oh great oh hey sorry I thought the door was closed uh yeah sorry I kind of want it in that's okay I'm just sitting up I like your cake oh you do thanks it's uh ceremonial what are you doing mock she has a boyfriend and he's a little weird uh say do you have a boyfriend you're dating marshmallow right oh no we broke up actually a couple months ago oh that's rough I'm sorry to hear that well uh well if you ever need some company maybe you can give me a call I'm Mark by the way and you told me not to get too invested sheesh shut it Stephen I I really appreciate that Mark I'm Marsha but you probably already know that oh I've been lonely I haven't had anyone show me affection since him oh Mark you have to stop this she's gonna get her heart broken listen I I don't know if I oh you got a kiss off you're all want to get out of here go on a date somewhere wouldn't that be nice Mark your dress kind of funny all white and a mask you're just like him sounds like she's not quite over marshmallow yet uh look I don't want to disappoint you but let's get married [Music] man I lost him where are you going thought we could be something special this was not part of the plan I don't know why you're so upset you still got a kiss yeah but at what cost get back here doesn't this thing go any faster [Music] what the heck [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah that was a close one hello to you too hey miles how you doing I'm you run into some trouble tell him I may have given DJ Marsha the wrong idea but I still got a kiss so it counts gotta judge you man so how you two doing Steven has two kisses I've had one no wonder you two are terrible at this alright then how many do you have Smart Guy I'm already on five five wow he's good you two need to catch up if you want to win found him wait a second the kid where's he been hiding oh this is a perfect opportunity to get my old job back all right well we better get back to it if we're gonna beat this kid yeah right let's try and work together so far ahead we can't let him win see you kid don't get too ahead of yourself good luck [Music] you're all alone finally the boss is gonna take me back for sure [Music] I don't think we've changed over so many times in one day I'll sleep tonight I'll tell you that eyes open Stephen there's a lady over there [Music] that's Wonder Woman I think so what it is I guess you can consider us even over the Black Widow thing I do not compare People based on their looks Mark you really are the worst yeah nothing to say have you don't be so childish greetings oh hello sorry to disturb you I just thought I'd ask you a favor that would depend on the flavor [Music] he's not gonna do it man well we see I've been asked to take part in a silly kissing competition everyone believes I don't have what it takes to win but I want to prove them all wrong I understand proving yourself within your own plan is a hard task to achieve of these trials I know well come on how does that play keep working for you here take this kiss meet assist you on the trials [Music] thank you you are the long and good tidings thanks yeah same to you dude maybe I was wrong about you never judge a book by its cover mark I don't I judge you slowly on your personality see it's not all about looks with me shut up Mark [Music] the guys are so far behind there's no way they're gonna win this [Music] all right here I go again [Music] [Applause] how you doing hey I know you you're Spider-Man right that's right I'm Brooklyn's Finest wow I've met the other Spider-Man but I don't think we've met before I'm calamity Miles Morales nice to meet you miles is there anything I can do for you well let me tell you I'm having a competition with my friend Moon Knight gotcha nice guy I hope he wins now's my chance what the mouth oh no I don't think that's part of the contest I'll need to get some help thank you all right I don't want you to repeat what just happened to anyone your secret's safe with me I can't believe she dumped a slurp on me maybe you're the one who can't talk to girls all right that's pushing it Stephen come on I'm not that bad oh hey look here comes someone now I think you should be more careful Mark hey are you Moon Nat why yes yes I am come here for a kiss that's exactly what you said before you got that drink poured on you no miles has been kidnapped what see by who some purple guy how I don't know who probably he's taking him to his hideout thanks for telling me I gotta go help him but first are you for real may I have a kiss [Music] oh no [Music] man what the heck why are you still after me because I swore I'd bring you in that mummy freak kept getting in the way until you decided to have this little contest and then I had you all to myself you're a creep [Music] hey boss it's me it's Prowler he's gonna regret taking miles just get miles out there [Music] miles let's go well that was a close one wasn't it yeah certainly spiced up the competition probably even the odds of my ride miles well how many kisses did you get I got four and what about Stephen tell him mark Steven got ah six those are weak numbers I got 10. ah and I lost [Music] yep I remember privacy you got it he says he remembers good so what you want to do what the heck I can't believe I bailed before he paid me huh that'll have to do [Music] Stephen your car oh that's Mark's Car I'll drive a scooter you're definitely Stephen foreign
Channel: Seasons 3
Views: 1,156,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, miles morales, movie, fortnite movie, spider-man movie, love life, love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 16sec (4276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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