MikroTik Enterprise Wireless Networks. How to have a working CAPsMAN in 5 minutes

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hello everybody first of all thank you for welcoming you now in this beautiful city its Budapest it's my second time here I really like it anyway I'm going to talk today about my critique enterprise wireless networks and how to set up caps man in five minutes for sure I'm not going to talk just five minutes but after all all the configuration can be done in less than five minutes I wanted to tell just a little bit about me I've worked in IT industry since 99 I've worked in IBM servers in those time it was the Windows NT some of you may remember it I've worked in my critiques since 2006 and in that time we also create our own company called ez network solutions we are now the biggest distributor in Albania I've got my in this time it was not yet called empty CNA but mikrotik router has certification in 2007 and then after all in 2011 in Budapest and the CRE and only in 2019 I decided to get my trainer certificate I'm very happy to be a marketing certified trainer because we already did many trainings but now the people started to to like more to be also certified not just trained we worked in many different projects all these years we have set up many networks we trained stuff of ISPs we helped a space to expand big and small in different countries near Albania I've just added a photo here of a router board 1000 just because I saw it some weeks ago and it was still working from 2009 it's just an interesting photo to show that some not some I think most of the magnetic products can be very durable in time and very confident we also just created our mikrotik training center in Tirana when we have already did many NTC innate trainings most of them were from ice peas they wanted to have their stuff certified you can check us in Internet for more information what are wireless networks just to pass it what we are going to discuss today what are wireless networks and why do we need them the most important thing is because it's very easy in our everyday work to lose focus we just start to make things just out of habit that we do things so we need to turn back a little bit and to see why we need some things and why we need to do better those things wireless networks are everywhere because nearly all mobile devices support them every cell phone every laptop every I don't know communication device Kindle and that you can think of has already a wireless card the preferred way of connecting to the internet by most of people are wireless networks many people don't like cables even my wife at home doesn't like the cap the cables she likes to be connected if possible even without a computer or cell phone but since we can't use we can't take rid of them at least take rid of the cables they offer Liberty of movement and wireless networks that's mostly the most important thing can go where no wire can go we can do networks with wireless that can't be done with wires how did all these came to be first we created networks with just one ap which we took one a pin back in 2005 or four and that IP that AP was more than enough for us to be connected as soon as we started to need bigger networks we started to add more and more and more APIs also we started to or thought to do to make bigger a piece and many vendors as you may already know have done bigger a piece with bigger antennas but this didn't work as expected you'll maybe know that bigger antennas was were not just the solution for this thing that's why we started to add more and more access point and how did we finish we finished by creating these big monsters big networks with 40 with 50 access points uncontrollable ones for every thing that we wanted to do in those networks we had to enter in every access point to see where a client was connected to see what was the problem for the client so we thought to create those that we call today while it enterprise wireless networks multiple access points because multiple access points are needed for multiple areas to cover the necessity for higher bandwidth also made us to make to need more access points and the problem that we got when we added this big with this big number of access point was the fact that the bigger the number of APs the more difficult is the control and as some of you may have heard power is nothing without control so my critique came so us like this little baby is crying and afraid about what we created and decided to give us a tool in my opinion the most powerful tool that it's in wireless they created what we call the caps map a controlled access point manager what is caps my capsule is a centralized system it gives the possibility to create a system of control access point that are controlled by a controller that it's called caps manager one of the most important things is that it's free so you get it with every router board and you get it even with every CHR with every virtual machine that you install my critique since 2014 we started to make everything wireless in caps man we changed the way that we planned and designed our networks what is needed for a custom installation only at least one device with one wireless card when I say one device it seems a little bit odd because what one device with a centralized controller that is done for many devices I say this because even with just one router board I and my colleagues have started to configure caps man because it's nearly certain that a person now would it will need more than just one access point in its insulation so as soon as a client asks for a router board we start and before giving him that other board we don't configure it as an easel a DTP but we configure caps man there and we had the cards of that other board to that capture an installation HP mini it's a device that many of you may know and already got it as a gift from my critique magnetic has been so general to start and giving for free these other boards in every month you can use it even because even since it is very small you can use it to test the caps map but for just one device as I said or two device it caps man doesn't give you the idea of its powerfulness so I can give you a bigger set up a bigger set up that the Duras Harbor container terminal that we finished some years ago that has 27 towers with two or three a piece for each tower they are run by a CCR CCR 1009 and all the antennas are configured in a capsule and managed by PCR if you think about a bigger setup than this we just finish it now your resort with 123 antennas one access point for every room imagine to have a resort or hotel like this one that we are here today and every room needs nowadays to have its own access point and preferably dual-band ws ap does a very very good job about this when we talk about wireless installations and so we have the difference in fragment I'm not going to talk here about was it what are the differences in 2.4 and 5 gigahertz each of them has its own pros and its own cons the hardware depending on environment is multi choice but the most used hardware that we can see to every missile are the dual a piece dual band a piece in 2.4 and 5 gigahertz give the best solution that you can do for a network installation if the hardware or the client cell phone or laptop supports 5 heard he is going to prefer that 5 gigahertz because it it will give higher speed but if not older phones or all the laptops can also use the 2.4 gigahertz say s AP AC and WPA C dual bands are most successful products from my critique about these installations how a capsule works a custom can be installed in two ways the topology can be in two ways the first is the one I'm showing here that we have the access point that are going to be controlled all connected to a switch preferably PUE e then with a router that router has the connection internet but also a capsule can be installed in a chr way or for example in a virtual machine that is not in the client premises but gives much more Liberty about administration we can talk about them later I promise to tell you about to set up an easy set up of capsule and for just five minutes so I'm showing here a simple topology the simplest apology that you can think of what do we have a router or router 1 we have it connected to the Internet and we have two routers connected to it imagine there are access points that are going to be connected in this r1 where we are going to configure caps map we take is granted that our everyone already has internet connection so we are not going to talk about that just think of it that we already have we have connections through everyone and we start by adding a bridge we need a bridge because you can think of caps man like a controller that is going to get all the wireless clients the wireless cards of the clients and add them to its own hardware so we are going to finish it's not just that it's not that but we are going to finish by having a router board that has caps man and having multiple interfaces so we add a bridge without any ports because after that we are going to use this bridge as a data path we also need to give to this bridge an IP and this IP is going to be the Gateway for the clients of this wireless network after we do the IP we add the role of masquerade if we use masquerade in our network these are basics of computer networking so I think many of you already know we also need a DHCP the DHCP server is the most preferred way of having an IP from a server or from a wireless network so normally if we don't have a network where the money asks for the IPS to be put manually in the computers or in the cell phones of the employees normally in an open place like in a hotel on a resort or a beach normally we need a DHCP server so every con every client that connects with his cell phone gets an IP and connects to the internet after with the top of this is this time to start the top in caps map caps man is in the left in a wing box and in every wing box you can see that entry when you open the window cap of caps man we have different tabs and the funny thing is that always we have to start from right to left not like from left to right so the first tab that we can start off is the security configuration tab why normally we can choose to have security or not in our wireless networks so the clients will need to be connected by entering a password or not if not we don't use this tab if we need security we start by this tab in the security configuration we see that we have the same options like the security configuration in normal Wireless a piece so we had them type of authentication type encryption and then we have we had the password that is going to be used from all the clients in that are going to be connected to this network we can change the name or we can leave it like that it's not a problem the second tab so remember we are going from left from right to left the second tab is the data path what is the data path you can think of it as a route as a way that the packets are going or the packets from these clients are going to use to go in the internet we can create a breach and now we just add the data path the name we also can leave like it is now we can choose the bridge that we created I also signed there the client-to-client forwarding that's an option very interesting it's the same as default forwarding in AP in a normal AP you also should be very careful to choose it when you have big networks because communications between clients can make you your network to be more busy than normal after we create the data path we go in the configuration tab in configuration tab we can add the mode that our Wireless is going to work and now it's only ap we can choose any other modes in mikrotik we had the SSID but we don't press apply and we go in data path we choose the data path we created and in security we choose the security that we created after everything we press ok provisioning is the tab that is going to tell our caps man how is it going to add all the access point the controller access point to our network the option that I mostly use is action create enabled because this is going to create static interfaces in caps man and the name format identity the identity there shows the catchment to add the interfaces from the controller access point based on the name on the identity identity that we have added to our caps that is why very important and that you may already know to have a identity in all router OS that we use lastly in cap interface in the main tab of caps man we go to manager we click enabled we can just press ok and our setup will be finished but also we have a button there interfaces interfaces is a button that was added recently that gives us the opportunity to choose in what interfaces our caps man is going to let's say serve or is going to look for cap connections normally in a router that it's connected to the internet and we don't want to get controlled access point from the internet side we just disable or adjust for bit the other one that we have for internet connection anyway if we choose the interfaces we press ok and our setup is finished so for now in the router one we already have caps man installed and running it is waiting for connections from the controlled access point the configuration the controlled access point is very very easy with just one window and just two or three buttons to press we go in Wireless and with the button cup we choose if it's enabled or not we choose the interfaces if our outer board has two interfaces we choose both of them if we want to add them to the cap to the caps map and in discovering their faces we choose the interface where our cap is connected to the caps map we just press ok and we see that after we press ok the wireless interfaces in that router board show that they are like disabled but show in red they are managed by caps man also they give some more details about in what channel they are transmitting also about theirs SSID and the caption is forwarding the packets if we do after some seconds in the main router the caps cap interfaces we see created for interfaces why because our r2 has two Wireless cards and has two interfaces here and also the main caps man has two wireless card that we can add also to this install the most-used tub from drop administrator point of view is registration table there we can see all the clients connected to our caps man installation we see the interface SSID mega address of every of them the same that we would do with any cap but now we have all of them in the same window I said five minutes and it's like 20 minutes that I'm talking now but if we are going to do everything manually via wing box or also by using command-line interface it just is just like eight or ten maximum ten comments to set up caps man so everything was going to be done on in like three minutes or even less if we are a little bit familiar with command-line interface in the cap is just one line of to add a cap to a capsule I want to ask you if you see any difference between these two pictures they are the same or they're not the same why do you think it's the same but still the image is different what it's the same statue but in the first one it was like a work of about one day in the second one it's the same statute that has been worked for five six or eight days why because everything needs more work the more work we do in something the more complete state you Omer or the more complete work we get so normally I talked about an installation that is going to be done in five minutes but for hot like this is normal that we can't do anything with just ten comments so what can we do and what caps man gives us for more configuration the frequency tuning it's a very important step that we can use to have an extensive setup vir toil SSIDs in different companies or hotels we can need more than one more than two or more than five or six SSIDs different SSIDs for staff different SS ideas for guests and so on usage of VLANs gives much more options to have networks separated from each other still being in the same wireless networks in the same infrastructure and also a second access control we can play with access control to have more possibility over the clients where they are going to to connect their signal and so on so the first thing that we can do for the channels in 2.4 many of you must know that there are only three overlapping channels in the band so we need at least for our access point to be able to be as more separated as we can so we add manually the band and the frequency and then we use those channels in every interface that we have in caps man to make roaming is as possible in a network we can use access lists to permit one client to connect to an IP and to deny or to reject one of them if it has very low signal so it makes the client be rejected from the access point and be connected to another access point that has stronger signal maybe in caps provisioning we can also add these that are called the slave configurations the slave configuration make possible for access points to be added with v1 Wireless cards and we can have different SS IDs and when we have differences SSIDs we can also have different security different data paths and so on so when we finished all of this our setup is not like it was before but now we can see that we also have these virtual interfaces these virtual interfaces give us the possibility to have different SSID is different data paths this different security and so on so when I talked before about a multi-room resort I talked about like 150 access point all connected to main router add to them the fact that we are going to use like 2 or like 4 different societies the final caps man is going to be like this we have like five hundred and twenty or like five hundred and forty interfaces in the same caps man imagine a different network this size and it is running it's already running and it is running in justin one CCR one thousand and nine it's not a very powerful router but for now it is doing a very great job so when using caps meant the maximum think that you have to do is to also check in what hardware you are going to run it so don't use a very low-end router you already can use the mini ap that you got in the month but just for testing purposes and then you nearly have no limit on ways of configuring a caps man and on the tools that it uses after we do this in a network we have much more control over the Wi-Fi network we now know or can see in any moment where our client are connected where is the problem different messages in the logs from clients passing to one ap to the other and so on we have easier expansion so as soon as we need more a piece we just add them to this Capps man and caption is already set up we have more stable connections because we also played with the network with the band and the channels in different frequencies practically practically caps man gives us a very big big number of possibilities and what is important more for us is that after all of this we should have happy clients and also paid invoices so this was all I was going to talk to you about I know that I've been more longer than just five minutes but if you try your this setup at home I assure you it is going to take much less than five minutes if you have any questions I see you already are too much familiar with caps man maybe thank you Aryan for our present
Channel: MikroTik
Views: 10,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikrotik, routerboard, routeros, latvia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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