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all right we're up here at our buddy mark's uh museum you guys were here last year with us mike was uh fixing this generator here what year is that mike how what year is that mark mark probably turn the century yeah eighteen hundreds teams yeah probably eighteen hundred teams yeah right but anyway yeah mike was uh gonna repair it but you know you can't do a fuel repair on this and mark uh tried he tried to get these uh what do you call that mike ree uh so we lacquered we had we had leakage from the windings in the armature to ground or to the shaft and we think that the armature windings may have gotten hot at some point some of the insulation is is damaged mark mark looked into having the armature re-insulated pretty much having it dipped in varnish and then baked you know up right that's what i was looking for re-insulated right re-insulated now yeah mike mike thinks that this this was had a fire at one time not fire but burned up there was a short on the line and uh it was impaired damaged so but um uh he wasn't able you weren't able to get anybody to do it for your mark but i didn't want to touch it unless they were gonna completely strip it and rewind it right because of uh their fear of there being asbestos in the insulation and it the asbestos contaminating their their varnish so you know we're gonna go ahead and we're just gonna try to power it up because the leakage was minimal it was a hundred and i well we'll check it again but i think it was 168 thousand ohms leakage per gram or just to the frame so we'll see i mean that was that was with a you know a a digital multimeter with only a 9-volt battery so we might encounter some problems when we only energize it because you're going to have 120 volts potential to ground so we might we might have a higher leakage current so we're going to keep an eye on that pretty closely right so and there's a couple things that can happen right yeah well we certainly don't want to damage anything um the rotor may have may already be compromised we we don't want to damage the fields but this what we're going to do is not going to damage the fields there's no way we can damage the fields so yeah so we're going to give it a try and start it up well we have i got a thermal camera so once we spin it up and we start applying uh excitation uh we'll pull the thermal camera out and we'll watch the rotor and make sure we don't have any abnormal heating occurring when we're while we're running with no load if if while we're running with no load making 120 we see heat building up we're gonna we're gonna shut around because we don't wanna we don't wanna have a catastrophic failure right so oh well that's all right all right is that clear yeah well we should update i'm gonna know what's going on so like i said it's been been a year since this uh our last video but uh we got our little buddy colin over here sorry calling me to catch a pick in your nose but you got what's your channel come over here you're standing this is 101. camerawork 101 you don't shoot into the light all right all right noted what's it what's your channel colin underscore 583. um okay he's he's probably going to do a little bit of video on this himself so but i don't catch you guys might catch over on his channel was it just one there was just one let me leave him alone for a little bit so he can do some work all right hey i'll give you guys another refresher on what he has here this here is uh just some basic hand tools bruce bruce macbeth this is what's running the generator you got you got wire like hook up watch you might hear a high-pitched sound that's just a an air leak that we're not going to have him fixed because it's going to take too long but he's got some big stuff here fair backs what was this one called mica merrick yeah myrick yeah i mean these these ends are so high-end i i'm not familiar with any of them really unless what it says like an auto that's crazy so let's take it let's take a little walk back here and a foos you know stuff like this you don't see you don't see shows not only because they're so big you might see them in the museum but nobody nobody brings them to shows another foose oh he just fixed that air leak or whatever it was thank you mark [Music] here's a charter here's kind of stuff you don't see let me try and squeeze back here and this one you know i've never even heard of this one blackstone the blackstone oil engine i think yeah our other buddy joe was trying to start this earlier he's not here right now i think he might be picking up dinner but when he comes back and we might see this one running he really did a nice job with his place and it's so it's a work in progress all kinds of collectibles here i don't even know what the story is on this but it's uh somebody did a beautiful job restoring it all right let's turn these back on when mike gets a little further he's a bulldog all right all right for the most part it's nice and quiet up here but we are on a main road you know this is a highway here double line in the middle so every once in a while it goes by you're gonna hear you're gonna hear some noise but uh there's not much we can do about a matter of fact you'll hear a narrative a attractive trailer a logging truck or something don't know what it is but you hear how noisy it is but that's what we're dealing with so i'm going to keep the door open all right i don't know how mike's doing here but it might get a little loud here because a whole bunch of people going to show up so we'll do the best we can but i seen something right here and until i put the bucket in front of it there we go looks like a splatoon from the 1800s this is a five dollar cigars on there or something five cents five cents you're right thank you carl yep a little disgusting but it is what it is all right all right i think mike's heading into us here it is not an impact not an impasse an outpatient step in the road okay here we go on the road all right so now right now you see that yeah all right so i've got one lead connected with the come on what are you doing i'm sorry about that i'm trying to hold it all right so we got one lead of the meter on one of the armature output wires sitting down there all right right the other armature output is isolated and the other meter lead is on frame ground right so right now we've got 256 ohms leakage to ground right now that's bad right right right so i recall when we were here back in october that we had issues with these insulating discs and the block on these brush rigs so watch this i'm going to loosen this up loosen it right watch wow now we're at 10 11 kilo ohms right right so 9 10 000 ohms crank it back down 200 ohms so we got major leakage right there and this that's just with a nine volt battery imagine what you're going to have when you pump 125 volts above ground through there right bad news yeah we're gonna take this apart and inspect it closely and see if we can salvage these discs i have a feeling we're not gonna be able to we're gonna have to make some new ones tonight hopefully the block let's let's take it apart you're rolling you're right yeah you're you're on all right action action i'm gonna pull this off and i remember yep that pops off there and this whole brush rig has to wiggle on out wiggle wiggle out come on almost there there you go all right so this whole thing right here is a fibrous block you can see probably i don't know fibrous asbestos maybe yeah that's asbestos yeah okay so so it's that's that's what that's what you're looking at so maybe we'll try to clean it with some we'll try to clean it with some brake clean and then blow it away right yeah blow it you know we shouldn't do it yeah really so really in order to make this thing right you just need they need to be made so you make these out of uh acetyl or delrin yep you can make them out of fiber if you wanted to but or phenomenal anything that works and reinforced uh phenolic so let me get to clean it about rubber you don't want to use rubber because these can't vibrate they have to be held steady you don't want any vibration here so uh you know somebody was gonna ask that question i'm glad i did i'm right let's get the cleanup all right let me let me get out of your way buddy all right we're outside here mark's got the half a dozen c boxes and some of them are full of some high-end engines here this one here let me turn the light on i don't know how well you guys will see that is a big fairbanks i don't know exactly what size but uh see what else you got here back there he has uh more engines but right here is a old model model t model tt it's a truck pickup truck pretty cool i don't know if i can get back there to look at it but hold on hold on guys do i have the light on yeah okay huh very interesting [Music] i can't tell i can't tell if it's uh original but it looks to be all there oh you guys can't see this i know it's dark but you got another another six engines here came back here to see this model t sorry for the lighting but that's all we got man that's all we got all right let me get out of here i'm choking on my mouse poo all right we'll see who's outside sorry about that all right we've got a march starter fuse up for us here it's quiet because yeah they had the exhaust run outside governor ball there there's the exhaust going through that pipe there out the wall there's a neat little feature a little bird very yeah you hear this thing sort of like singing very cool yeah sorry i'm not getting that greater footage because uh everything is pretty tight but uh you're doing the best we can here for you doesn't start when you're watching it so especially when you've got two guys videos yeah i've got my little apprentice here look at him look at his camera there you go oh came back he actually caught me without my camera using his cell phone all right maybe we'll get him after he started all right let's check on our buddy here what's this mike some kind of uh load load panel or something no that we're not using that for loads uh we don't have any kind of voltage regulation or means to control the output voltage so what that is is just a bunch of light bulb sockets in parallel and i have an assortment of wattages of bulbs that we will install in there and switch on and off to control the amount of current that passes through the shuttle field once we get our output voltage where we want it we can take a voltage and current a voltage drop reading across at a current reading across those bulbs to determine how much resistance those bulbs have added to the field circuit so we can size the reason you know what kind of wattage are you talking i have a couple 300 watt bulbs a couple 200 watt bulbs and then a couple of like 10 watts two three hundredths to two hundredths yeah i don't know exactly what i've brought with me but it's an absorbent they're gonna be pretty bright well it probably won't be to be honest with you oh because they're not going that right they'll probably glow fairly thinly for the most part interesting yeah but again it's not it's not too to put a load on the generator it's to regulate the output voltage oh okay i understand what you're saying yeah all right i don't think it's gonna be much longer no i need a little bit more wire to hook up i gotta put my meters in and um go from there all right all right as you are mate right now i think he's going to try and uh start his blackstone back there look at that jump on the flywheel get a rhythm going [Music] here we go so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and i'm going to shut this off till he starts it a lot involved here if these guys get out of the way i'll turn this back on next to each other not much room but they fit they fit all right look at that you know look at that look at how you get that 16. we've got another feeler gauge here these guys you know that's a 300 watt bulb right there so is this it's a different manufacturer oh wow so it looks physically bigger but it's the same wattage i don't think any of this oh he's kind of american i think mike is pretty much ready to go here and i'm going to start is the bruce macbeth they're going to start that up and use that to run a generator [Music] got air hooked up there's an air start i think [Music] it's gonna be a little loud in here but we'll do the best we can [Music] [Music] it's funny you can't see any smoke in here bro you look through the camera this place is loud mike's looking over i think he's got a couple meters hooked up down here two uh one dc bolt one dc meter and he's got his uh flute over here correct residual what do you need my little caregiver somebody kicked it over here thank you big operation first then we'll uh we'll give it a test mike's got his thermal gun out anything uh going on here mike oh we got some heat built up right there but that could be the brush is dragging it's not seated right there's a ring of heat right where these brushes are so that's the because it's not heated correctly right [Music] about 82 degrees you know no i mean the ambient temp of the machine is 79. so we got a maximum heat of about 84. so that's just friction all right you can hear the brushes they're not they're not correct are we at rated speed mark 750 3 am put another 300 in there all right touch everything else [Music] i know you can't really see anything can you no now you cannot see the red yeah you can see the differences i think they crank the engine up a little bit and mike says it's getting about 80 volts foreign that's checking well out rough i mean it's already taken apart and clean you know it's kind of hard to make something work when everything's dirty you know exactly so well this should be appropriate for the unit it's gotta make these guys about four or five [Applause] everybody likes fire all right so what we need to do mike's gonna try and put a load on this thing this is the ac here ac dc yeah a little is k-tron i think he's ready to put a load on it let's do that again mike like four am four amps out of 292. let's see what it pulls on start you know what let's do a little bit of work with it is that something to grind on you got something you want wire wheel mark let's do a little bit of work five and a half six seven eight nine ten you hit 13 for a second oh you hit 12. you hit 12. the highest i saw was 13. so early we did work you know in business all right let's go up here take a closer look at this thing what do you think's thrown off a little bit of heat this thing will build on its own at full field like from a while from a dead stop which it should so i'm going to close the field i'm going to short the field directly the uh the shrunk field you're happy with your results so far yeah i think it's good i think it'll be it is for for what it is so all right so the field is shorted the bulbs are all off let's see what kind of heat we got in here yes it's 550 modern technology for the wind more power here we go going to ludicrous it's honored bolts yeah the whole building's shaking what do you got mike buddy you gotta crank it down what uh we'll come out to mike the top all right so figure another 80 rpm would probably put us in the 120 range 125 range cranking it down over there just throttle yeah you want to go much higher you gotta remember these engines are over 100 years old same with a generator all right what's today's day colin what 15th 16th june 16th june 16th and it's about the 9 15 in the evening and it's still light out look at the nice cloud formations there pretty good it's going to it's going to be light to at least 20 after that's pretty cool love it yeah you can stay up later working outside on projects i think after after the 21st it starts changing all right i think we're shutting down this is the second time [Music] what do you think michael's conclusion here buddy yeah uh i think that it's it's oh my god it fell off so that's the life left looks like it got hot but it survived whatever happened to it in the past it survived and i think it'll be a great uh display unit for sure that's good and it'll be able to use it make some electricity out here i don't know if i want to power the old mill with it but it'll do some work around here mark as for as soon as we leave he's gonna transfer everything over to this thing so all right so there you go we're going into here we say guys enough of this all right you
Channel: 805ROADKING
Views: 17,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, f100, ford f100, truck, pickup truck, 805roadking, fun, funny, crown vic, crown victoria, chevy, dodge, fix, repair, restore, paint job, paint, body work, bodywork, panel replacement, acrylic enamal, urethane, epoxy, panel repair, conversion, Rust, rust repair on car, rust repair on truck, weld, welding, how to weld, mig welding, mig welding tips and tricks, paint removal, restoration, floor pan replacement, reupholster sun visor, rebuild carburetor, generator, generator repair
Id: c5-bN8VyLgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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