Mike Portnoy Hears "Burn It To The Ground" For The First Time

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all right let me hear this thing I don't want to play that you know like I don't want to do that of course everybody in the world knows these songs but I don't and now here I am going to be looking like a 56-year-old Santa Claus playing Nickelback the things that you never wanted to ever see or here dromeo is making them happen for [Music] you I'm bailing if I don't hear something the next 10 seconds I'm out of here all right man it's uh it's your turn man I'm scared waited a long time for this one you're a hard one to pick some songs for because you listen to a lot of new music that comes out and you've toured with a lot of people we have to dig deep Jose your drum Tech may have given us a few pointers oh boy yeah Jose's been taking a beating for me for 30 years like literally he's been abused so yeah this is his his revenge Ho's Revenge all right so we'll load up the song I wonder if I'm going to know it we got a bunch prepped so just give me the thumbs up if you know the song Oh if I know it I'm [ __ ] doing it I'd rather do something I know bleed by the suar oh my God no I know I'm like the Prague metal guy but I don't want to play that [ __ ] you know like I don't want to do that well then why did you come [Music] here [Music] oh midn is this is this Nickelback This is Nickelback yeah okay wait I have to tell the do I I have to tell the story right please tell the story oh God okay well at first I heard it I I I was like wait is this uh Wolf Gang I thought it might have been Mammoth then I thought it might have been extreme there's a song on the new extreme album that has a bit of that Vibe then I was like is this God Smack but full full disclosure I told you guys earlier but the world doesn't know this where am I looking which camera that one the world doesn't know this and I hope Chad and the band doesn't mind me disclosing this I got a call from Nickelback in Spring of 22 uh their drummer I guess was having surgery and they asked me to to play a show with them and I said yeah yeah Nick yeah that would be a fun gig so I was all set to play this gig with Nickelback it was for a festival and the festival ended up getting cancelled so I never played this gig but I was this close to playing a gig with Nickelback but now here's the story and this is why Jose's [ __ ] me of course everybody in the world knows these songs but I don't I don't listen to the radio so I don't know any Nickelback songs so I I don't know what this song is I mean part of me just wants to get you to play it all right let's let's uh let's just have Mike pornoy Jam some nickel b this is what the the world almost experienced this Mike pornoy playing drums for Nickelback it never happened but here is dromeo making your dreams come true or should I say your nightmares the things that you never wanted to ever see or here dromeo is making them happen for you I'm I'm living for this moment all right all right let me let me at least I'll start with just the arrangement when I do charts when I'm doing sessions basically the left side is the arrangement Verse precour Chorus Bridge solo and then the right is what I want to play so I'll do one of my typical charts all right let me hear this [ __ ] thing see I thought it was I thought it was Mammoth or extreme uh intro [Music] four times in the [Music] verse that's twice as long as I would have expected for the first [Music] verse all right I'm going to do double base on the course but there a triple field while we the ground oh That's How It Ends wow so I take it this wasn't one of the ones that you uh reviewed on your set list from Chad Well Chad sent me to set list and my daughter and my wife are like oh you're going to know every one of these songs and I was like I've never heard any of these songs so I don't remember if this was on the set list or not but I swear I'm not cheating it's not like I know the song I don't I I'll I'll let's give it a whirl but that ending was abrupt that was that was a premature evacuation it's funny too I during co uh my hair went completely gray as it is now and then when I got the call to do the Nickelback gig I I ended up dying it I was like I can't do a gig with Nickelback looking like a fat old [ __ ] 50-year-old Santa Claus so I ended up coloring my hair then the gig got cancelled never happened and now here I am going to be looking like a 56-year-old Santa Claus playing Nickelback you're back in Dream Theater so it's all good that's right I don't I know if if Dream Theater would have taken me back if I had done that Nickelback gig I don't know no I I know nothing about nickel but I know that is as much as they are hated I know they they are just as loved even more and I know I know they were down with the panta guys too which is good enough for me they're Canadian royalty so and they're local that's right the gig was supposed to have been here in Vancouver all right let's let's let's give it a shot I can't wait to hear this first take Mike pory Plays Nickelback oh my God so this is this is what could have been [Music] woo will to midnight them R up too [Music] tight I got a fist full of whiskey the bottle just spit me that [ __ ] makes me that [ __ ] [Music] crazy we got [Music] no [Music] in we're going on tonight got every life take we want take everything the world while we to the [Music] ground we're screaming like demons swinging from the ceiling I got a f full of 50s tequila just did me we got no class no taste no [ __ ] [ __ ] face we got lined up shot down firing back straight [Music] ground we're going up tonight to KCK out every light take anything we want take everything inside the world stop turning while we the [Music] ground [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're going to like a Time bone drinking down the night's gone get your hands off of this glass last come my [Music] ass no lock this St won't [Music] stop we're going on tonight to KI every light take anything we want take everything light we go the world stop turning while we burn the ground in we're going up tonight to kick every light to get we want take everything we going until the World Stop turnning while we burun into the ground and [Music] night a there was that premature evacuation that's a good song man the world needed that Mike you know what like I could do I could fine-tune that and make a really cool drum part but I think it's better I think it's better just the first impression are you sure you want to go back to Dream Theater that might be your new calling dude I'm I'm sure if I ended up touring doing shows to touring with them it would probably be the most fun shows I would ever play in my life so yeah I'm kind of kind kind of regret that that gig didn't happen but you know what we got a little taste of what it would have been right here on dromeo that's a good tune what's the name of that song that uh that was Burn It To The Ground Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback with Daniel Adare on drums of course let's play the original so you can hear the part oh yeah yeah how how how off was [Music] I ah oh wow oh shoot wa I for for starters if I was a part of this writing it would the drums would have come on like uh with with an extra Odd bar like okay let me keep list wow I'm completely way off oh wow more of a pump wow completely [Music] different wow this is why they're rich and famous and I'm just a [ __ ] prog [Music] guy ah no double base it's all it's all that I would have been fired immediately no come on where's the double [Music] base it's almost like pant's walk I missed that my notes weren't good [Music] enough the world stop while we the [Music] ground wow so if those guys end up seeing this video they're going to be like thank God that gig didn't happen this guy would have [ __ ] up all of our songs wow so it was like all pump and kick drum the whole time I mean I kind of dig the double bass though in the chorus Prett sick and actually yeah I mean I like that well that's why they are multiplatinum rock stars and I'm just a just a prag metal guy playing odd time signatures [ __ ] up every song wow that's a good [Music] tune
Channel: Drumeo
Views: 1,881,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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