Mike Johnson LIVE: House Speaker Mike Johnson Slams 'Anti-Israel' Joe Biden | US News LIVE | IN18L

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these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are H back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration immigration policies every American should be paying attention to the representative votes on that we've been talking about this at nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about N9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and in a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetect the guideways number I don't know close to U 3 million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorist watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this and that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with him it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbari terrorist and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and Med in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tags that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI is has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans allows us to track shipments of Il illicit chemicals used to make fenel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by boothy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we yield do a few questions Chad this with Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she wouldve vac chair if you put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hide in her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter and a very compated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's requ is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and when and those things the margorie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is in historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck scherman and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding Hall that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margorie and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore discuss it with y'all I discuss with her have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not gonna comment on that here I talk about back back leadership be against the Judiciary amendments um on warant requirements no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work as well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it into the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms in this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank youall for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden Ministry thank you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this at nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years in in a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number's probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorism watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on the campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this and that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fentanyl it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws the statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I and in our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we you'll do a few questions Chad this with Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would move vacation chair if you put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and when and those things margorie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sherman and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding Hall that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does a motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margorie and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore discuss it with y'all I'll discuss it with her y have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversations with with the president Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about private back back leadership going to be whing against the judici um on warrant requirements for the no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process I mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force work together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank youall for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden Ministry thank you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this at nauseum in this room and everywhere and every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific EXE itive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about nine million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally under the gotway is number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were they were suspected on the terroris watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on the campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choic choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this and that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fentel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by hthy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws the statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we yield do a few questions Chad meeting later this morning with marjerie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would move vac chair if you put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I I don't think on any matter of philos philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and when and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment but there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sherman and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's it's a matter of math in in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding Hall that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does a motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um and I are going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with yall I'll discuss with her have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversations with with President Trump I talked to him frequently but I'm not gonna comment on that here I talk about back back is house leadership going to be whipping against the judiciar amendment um on war requirements the no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and U there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process I mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation at whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as a Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ you all for being here good morning hope you had a good Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this at nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome of message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years in in a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetect the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number's probably somewhere close to 16 Mill ion people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorism watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think it been in 23 States now the last uh few months uh on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this and that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatum to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with play getting the anti-Semitism in his in his base than then standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the white house no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by pining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for B to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows the Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order AA order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI is has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to um to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh pie of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of Il illicit chemicals used to make fenyl it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by hthy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I and and our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we you'll do a few questions Mar Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would vac chair you put a ukra Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margerie and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and win and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Scherer and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being to totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um marger and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with y'all I'll discuss it with her yeah have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversation with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about private back back um is house leadership going to be whipping against the judiciary's amendment um on reir no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process I mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and U there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank youall for being here this morning and uh stay tuning for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ than you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number's probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorist watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapproved of Biden's decision to open that border that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means convers that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with him it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of Il illicit chemicals used to make fentel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by hthy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I and and our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we heeld do a few questions Chad Mar Taylor what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would vacation chair if put a Ukraine a bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to margerie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend Margery and I don't disagree I I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and win and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sher and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally patrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does a motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margorie and I are going to visit later today and um look forward to conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with y'all I'll discuss with her yeah have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversation with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about back back um is house leadership going be working against the judiciaries amendment um on warant requirements no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process I mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing mro yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation at whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh they're massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I me that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you'all for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution solution to denounce Biden's Administration immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that had been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorist watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months uh on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than then standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the white house no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it shock to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for B Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a f at order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI is has frankly he failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fentel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get a protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we yeld do a few questions Chad this with Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would Mo the vacation chair if you put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different op ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and win and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sherman and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding Hall that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margorie and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with y'all I'll discuss with her y have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about private back back leers the judici amendment on no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process I mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it into the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation at whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms in this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I me that's really that's real teeth there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you allall for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are H back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about nine million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and in a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetect the guideways number I don't know close to um 3 million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorism watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un on undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on the campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbari terrorist and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meding in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base taags that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI is has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorist before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fenel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we you'll do a few questions Chad this morning with Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would move the vacation chair if you put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding or hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague of always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and win and those things the margorie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously we're Chuck Sher and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margerie and I are going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with y'all I discuss with her y have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talk to him frequently but I'm not goingon to comment on that here I talk about priv leers the judici amendment war no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it into the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation at whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian iier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be SPI on and uh there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms in this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among the efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the repres resentative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about nine million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to 3 million now I think it's the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorist watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this and that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorist and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in is isra's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that in the base TXS that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house we'll be able to to um to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they to kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of Il illicit chemicals used to make fenel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our College colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we'll yield to a few questions Chad with Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would move vac chair if put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and win and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sherman the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math and in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does a motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margorie and I are going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with y'all I discuss with her y have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not gonna comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about priv back back leadership be whing against the judici amendment ons no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process I mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it into the base text and we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir well I I look for talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms in this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh stay T for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these eorts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden ad Ministry you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative vot on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary May orcus and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about N9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and in a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetect the guideways number I don't know close to 3 million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that had been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorist watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans dis approve of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months uh on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the senate in the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill America Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fentel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our College our colleague I think we'll support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we think the house will take the right steps and with that we'll yield to a few questions Chad with Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said she wouldve vac chair put a Ukraine Aid bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and win and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Scherer and the Democrat are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margerie and I are going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm I'm not going to discuss it anymore discuss it with y'all I'll discuss with her y have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not going to comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talk to him frequently but I'm not goingon to comment on that here I talk about priv back back leadership beiing against the judici amendment on no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing back yes sir inste to well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I mean that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden ad minist you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome of messaged everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about nine million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorism watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapproved of Biden's decision to open that border that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrat PR today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with him it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer has did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elect leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the senate in the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill America it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fentel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I and and our College our colleagues I think will'll support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we'll yield to a few questions Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would Mo V chair if you put a Ukraine a bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's a very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and in and those things the margorie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Scherer and the Democrats in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does a motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um marger and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore discuss it with y'all I'll discuss it with her yeah have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not going to comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not gonna comment on that here I talk about priv back back um house leadership be whipping against the judiciar amendment on warant requirements for no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole fiasa was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh there massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or legal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden ad minist you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorism watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un on undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapproved of Biden's decision to open that border that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one is forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer is did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the Base TX that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fenel it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by hthy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws the statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I in in our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house so we'll take the right steps and with that we yield do a few questions Chad Marie Taylor green what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would move vac chair if you put a a bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and when and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck schimer and the Democrats are in char and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get a 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margorie and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I discuss it with y'all I'll discuss with her yeah on have you have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not going to comment on private conversation with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about private back back um is leadership be whipping against the judiciar amendment on requirements no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing back yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and U there are massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh state for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden Ministry you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary May orcus and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message M to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetect the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terrorism watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapproved of Biden's decision to open that border that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats to day to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into a anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer is did The Unthinkable by pining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to uh it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to track shipments of ilic illicit chemicals used to make fentanyl it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by hthy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws the statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I and and our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you get to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will we'll take the right steps and with that we yield to a few questions with Marie Taylor what is your message to her and previously she had said she would V if you put a Ukraine a bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding her hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss her options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to Margie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margre and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and when and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we've got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sherer and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid U TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding halt that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um marger and I are uh going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore and discuss it with y'all I discuss it with her yeah on have you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not going to comment on private conversation with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about private back back um is house leadership going to be whipping against the Judiciary Amendment um on warrant requirements no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process made over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and and agreed upon this long list that made it in the base text and we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation at whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and uh they massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms and this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden administ you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration uh immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere in every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well had 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to every body around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terroris watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un on undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border and that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months on the campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this and that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with him it'll be yet another sign of the American people that Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border it's Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer is did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to u to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows us to continue killing Hamas terrorists you have to stop the terrorists before they kill Americans it allows us to trct shipments of Il illicit chemicals used to make fentanyl it allows us to protect us warships from attacks by houy rebels allows us to stop China from stealing American intellectual property and and it prevents ransomware attacks against American companies that's that's all the things that are empowered and Allowed by this this set of laws this statute and we we can't allow that to expire or lapse our bill provides that and uh for all these things and I and and our College our colleagues I think will support it uh we can protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans clearly and we can we can protect them in their person as well we have to strike the balance government always does you have to protect jealously guard the fundamental Liberty of the American people which I made a career doing before I came to Congress as a religious liberty defense lawyer and a constitutional defense lawyer in the courts so you protect the Liberty but at the same time you got to protect their security and we can't allow a critical tool like this to just expire and and go out of use so um we we think the house will will take the right steps and with that we yield do a few questions what is your message to her and previously she had said that she would move vacation if you put a Ukraine a bill on the floor we haven't seen hiding or hair of that bill yet is that part of this conversation well on the supplemental that the house members are continuing to actively discuss her options on a path forward there are a lot of different ideas on that as you know it's very complicated matter at a very complicated time uh and uh the clock is ticking on it and everyone here feels the urgency of that but um what's required is that you reach consensus on it and that's what we're working on with regard to margorie Taylor green she's a colleague I've always considered her a friend margorie and I don't disagree I don't I don't think on any matter of philosophy um we're both conservatives you know but uh we do disagree sometimes on on strategy and uh with regard to what we put on the floor and when and those things the margerie is um is frustrated by the last Appropriations package the spending bills and you know what so am I I mean here's the reality that we have to remind everybody and you all know in the room because you're here every day but some people back home don't realize we have the smallest majority in US history we' got a one vote margin right now um this is an historic moment there's never been anything like this and at the same time uh we Republicans only have that majority in one house we don't have it in the Senate obviously where Chuck Sherman and the Democrats are in charge and we obviously don't have the white house right now that's a Democrat there too so we are not going to get because of that reality we are not going to be able to do big transformational changes that that we'd like that we know are necessary and for example the budgeting and spending we're not going to get all of our priorities we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country because that's the reality it's a math it's a matter of math in the in the Congress uh the numbers the votes that are available and so it it doesn't serve our interest I didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down at this critical time because imagine a scenario where border patrol agents aren't being paid TSA agents aren't being paid flights start getting canceled we're not paying the troops you know all the things that the government does would come to a grinding Hal that would put a lot of pressure on the American people the American economy at a very desperate time we can't have large sections of the Border being totally unpatrolled some of them are right now we can't not pay border patrol agents so that just wasn't an option and I don't think that would be helpful to us from a political standpoint for the Republican party to continue to govern to maintain keep and then grow our majority in November I thought that would have been a great hindrance to it uh and and so that wouldn't be helpful and nor nor does the motion to vacate uh uh help us in that regard either it would be chaos in the house so um margerie and I are going to visit later today and um look forward to the conversation and I'm not going to discuss it anymore I'm discuss it with y'all I'll discuss with her yeah you spoken to Donald Trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job um I'm not going to comment on private conversations with with President Trump I I talked to him frequently but I'm not going to comment on that here I talk about back back is house leadership be whipping against the judiciar amendment on requirement no we don't we don't whip on amendments um we had a conversation in the Republican conference meeting just before this and um there's lots of ideas and thoughts on the Amendments and uh the body will work its well but um we're we're really we're really enthusiastic about this U revised this package because remember it these 56 reforms were reached by a real consensus process mean over many months and many many weeks of a special task force working together countless hours and you had members of Judiciary Committee the intelligence committee hipsy and you had three members who were uninvolved in that uh before who came together and agreed upon this long list that made it into the base text and uh we'll see what happens with the Amendments but I think that's going to be a very very important thing back yes sir in well I I look forward to talking with him about it I mean here's the thing about fisa he's not wrong of course they they abused fisa the whole Carter page uh investigation that whole Fiasco was built on a false premise as we know the uh the the fake Russian dossier and all the other things um but these reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed president Trump's campaign to be spied on and they massive new for example criminal and civil penalties uh for using opposition research or for leaking fisa applications or illegal spine if if an FBI agent or an attorney is involved in something like that under these reforms in this reform package they could get 10 years of jail time 10 years of jail time if they commit those abuses again I that's really that's real teeth and there's a number of other reforms and measures in there um president Trump used the Intel from this program to kill terrorists and we have to kill we have to uh kill the abuses so that we can do uh both of those things and continue and that's what this bill does so um thank you all for being here this morning and uh stay tuned for more developments thank you good morning everyone thank you for for being here this week House Republicans are advancing several important items on the floor uh but among these efforts I want to make take a moment to highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on Israel as it battles Hamas our conference believes that any effort from the Biden Ministry thank you all for being here good morning hope you had a good uh Easter we are back in in in business a lot going on this week as you've heard and and I know you're all in tune to all that as you know has been noted here today the house is going to be voting on this resolution to denounce Biden's Administration immigration policies every American should be paying attention to how the representative votes on that we've been talking about this ad nauseum in this room and everywhere at every press conference and every media uh appearance that we've had for the last many months for the last three years for that matter because since Joe Biden went into the Oval Office beginning on day one they began to open that border wide we you know the people in this room know very well we've documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorcas and others took intentionally deliberately to open the Border wide and send the welcome uh message to everybody around the globe including violent criminals and terrorists and foreign Nationals here coming here to do us um harm and and the numbers the official number is about 9 million people have been encountered at that southern border just in the last three years and and a few months uh but we all know and I think intuitively we understand the numbers much much higher than that because we don't have we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetect the guideways number I don't know close to three million now I think is the official number but look I think I say this often I think the number is probably somewhere close to 16 million people by now that have gotten into this country illegally where are they what what are they plotting what are they doing we we would suspect that there are terrorist cells set up now and and some of these known terrorists the 340 plus that have been apprehended at the border that were there were suspected terrorists on the terroris watch list um we we got those but we don't know how many of them came in un un undetected and and we know that 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's decision to open that border that's the official number again but I think anecdotally I've been out I think I've been in 23 States now the last uh few months uh on a campaign Trail and doing events around the country I'm I'm telling you the sentiment out there is almost Universal that people know this is a disastrous situation it's a catastrophe that was caused by intentional policy choices it also means conversely that policy choices can get us out of this that's why this election cycle is so important but that's another subject for another day this is an opportunity for Democrats today to distance themselves from Joe Biden's broken border and if they stand with them it'll be yet another sign of the American people the Democrats don't want border security good luck with that argument uh with regard to Israel it's not just the Border its Democrats are weak on Israel as well and it's it's it's their support for Israel it's rather stunning to us that there this dramatic shift Hamas is holding more than 130 hostages as you know including Americans and these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and Joe Biden is meanwhile giving ultimatums to Israel not Hamas and shamefully since October 7th Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-israel president there's really no other way to to to characterize it he's more concerned seemingly with plating the anti-Semitism in his in his base than than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally and it's not just the White House no one has forgotten of course that Chuck Schumer is did The Unthinkable by opining on and and meddling in Israel's elected leadership I mean it's just these are Unthinkable um developments and it's shocking to us but it continues just days ago over 50 house Democrats called for Biden to withhold arms transfers to Israel it's wrong and it's dangerous and it shows that Democrats are losing their moral Clarity on the issue uh this week uh we'll be uh reauthorizing fisa and we're going to do a big reform on the intelligence program we're enacting sweeping changes over 50 reforms 56 to be exact to the program that are in the base tax that will stop uh the abuse of politicized FBI queries and prevent another Russia hoax debacle among many other uh important reforms no more steel dossier no more no more of the intelligence Community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order no more collusion the these changes will make sure that that doesn't happen and Congress is stepping in because the FBI has has frankly failed to adequately police its own agents and the agency is in need of dramatic culture change this is a important first step in that and the real culture change will come we know after the election cycle when when Republicans are in charge again in the White House and the Senate and the house and we'll be able to to um to really do the dramatic reforms that are necessary it's critical we address these abuses because we don't want uh to be able to use or or to to lose section 702 of fisa it's It's a critically important uh piece of our intelligence and law enforcement in this country because it allows
Channel: CNBC-TV18
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Keywords: mike johnson live, joe biden news live, gop news conference live, mike johnson, mike johnson joe biden, mike johnson biden, joe biden, rep. mike johnson, speaker mike johnson, mike johnson house, mike johnson for house speaker, rep mike johnson, house speaker mike johnson, mike johnson biden impeachment inquiry, mike johnson gop, mike johnson and joe biden, mike johnson house speaker, mike johnson speech, mike johnson biden decline, us news live, Marjorie Taylor Greene, live
Id: -rleaPX_jS0
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Length: 155min 44sec (9344 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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