Migration Webinar | Hassle-free Migration from Google Workspace to Zoho Mail

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so uh hello everyone uh good afternoon to everybody joining from the us and good morning and good evening from uh people across the world as well uh so this webinar is aimed at giving you a better idea about why moving to zoho a mail or soho workplace is beneficial for your business and how basically how easy it is to really do that so and your host for the day would be me so i am rakib i am a product marketing manager for uh the zoho workplace apps and i'll be talking some something about uh the product side and we'll talk about we'll discuss about how zoho compares with something like a google workspace and uh i'm joined by uh an amazing expert here who was uh priyanka who will take care of the migration part of today's session so she will guide you through how to migrate from step one to step three all the other steps and uh get your data moved from say a google workspace over to uh zoho say hi to everyone here yeah great so i'll just start my session uh so like i said basically the agenda or the my goal for the day would be to uh principal in between can you just mute your audio great thank you yeah cool so yeah so like i said uh our goal of the day would be to give you an idea about how about zoho and general uh we'll talk about the workplace platform and how it stacks up against the competition especially uh something like a google workspace later on during the session we'll also give you a quick demo of some of these products that we're talking about and i will pass it on to priyanka who will give you a brief introduction about migration how you can move your data from uh you know from a google workspace or something like that to over to zoho mail and so for workplace what are the different options really there as there is a can you move certain accounts first and move the rest of the other accounts and we'll discuss all those different possibilities of migration uh in that part of the session as well uh so to kickstart uh zoho uh has been in business for over 25 years now with uh 75 million users across the world uh we'd like to call ourselves a very different kind of a software company so we're focused on building long-term solutions and sustainable solutions really for business across the world so the way we approach uh different uh scenarios and the way approach all all the decision making is completely frugal and we try to translate that into uh over to our users in the form of uh great benefits in the fame in the form of cost making and the others uh as well so in a nutshell this is what zoho is we are 10 000 strong our employees across the world with over 50 apps ranging from anything that you say from from hr to sales to marketing uh to email and collaboration that is the suite that we're discussing today uh so be very big believers of uh the connected ecosystem there is uh and helping users run their entire business on the cloud so just to give get a quick idea about my audience today here i'll just run a poll and just to understand how many of you are actually on zoho already and how many of you are completely new uh to zoho products as well so there is a there's a green banner on top you can click that and start filling up your answers great i see answers coming in slowly now amazing so yeah looks like a lot of people are actually on soho workmail zoho workplace and uh some people are on use on some of the other products as is great that's amazing that gives you a lot more perspective about how to take this session forward as well so coming back to my slide so based on the legal regulations and the local laws uh we have data centers across the world so we have 10 data centers now across the world so we have two in the us uh we have two in japan in uk two in india and two in the anc side of things so based on how where you're logging in from and where you're signing up from your data automatically gets transferred to either of the data centers nearest to your location so when i said we are a different kind of a company we also do things quite differently so we are firm believers of data privacy as well so we stand strong against the misuse of users data for ad monetization so any data that resides in our servers basically we we know this is a very basic thing but they just it's the time has come that we have to reiterate on this that we strongly believe that any data that resides in our servers uh strictly belong to the user and nobody else so your inbox is basically nobody's business feeling so uh we also try to uh bring this commitment and stay committed to this no matter what plan that you're on so even if you are on the free plan of zoho mail that that we have for the five user free plan or whether you're paid and whether you're an enterprise we treat your data uh equally so there is no difference in the way a free user is treated as opposed to a paid user so both of them get that ad free experience no tracking free experience as well across the board so this had this strong commitment to privacy and extreme focus on data security uh has uh also helped us receive some compliance standards across the world uh with hipaa being one of the latest uh compliance that we may be received for the health care sector of our apps of course all our apps across the board are also gdpr compliant not only in the eu but also across the world so whenever that so when actually that that regulation came into picture we're very happy to move on actually you know complying to gdpr and uh just just accepting and then implementing that across the world as well not in just eu we are also because of a focus on privacy and the user experience we are also rated high among our users among all the other publications so our user satisfaction rates have been increasingly uh becoming better over the years and uh to a point that uh recently called as one of the best productivity tools out there uh that is basically a mixture of both ease of use and uh cost effectiveness so that's basically what a great business is like how many hours would be looking at so we are happy to uh get that validation from our users and publications across the world as well so that is what uh that is a quick update about what our platform is now moving over to uh the product is such so the products that we're talking about today is the platform that we're talking about today is zoho workplace so that is a collaboration and productivity offering basically uh which consists of three different suites so zoho males i mean soho workplace starts with the mail suite which comes with of course zoho mail which is a flagship product and everything else basically you need to run your business on the cloud so it has group calendars good tasks to share and manage your tasks you have shared nodes and other other collaborative features right inside the mail suite from there we move on towards the office suite so zoho workplace also comes with built-in word processor spreadsheet and presentation editors that helps you bring in your office files or create office files and export them as a compatible office file you can share with the rest of the world as well we also have our own desktop sync and file management app on the cloud in the form of zoho work drive and zoho work drive sync so that lets you sync all your data from your native explorer or finder over to the cloud seamlessly as well of course uh in the in the recent times this is one area that is becoming even more popular than the other apps that is the communication suite so our communication apps uh come in the form of zoho click which is admin messaging and collaboration app uh we have zoho connect that is our uh social uh network inside your company that is an intranet for your own company uh and zoho meeting which is your personality conferencing and your meeting app that that covers uh all the other needs that you need to meet and greet people uh online so that was basically how the different eight products of workplace would stack up against each other so just quickly touching upon uh the pricing of things so zoho mail only plans so we have both a mail only planned if you choose to uh go with something for an end for a for a test less worker or a frontline worker we have something called a mail-only plan that starts with uh email your your video calls and stuff like that with a free version of your video call uh happen in zoho click and stuff like that at one dollars and from there if you move up the ladder there is a workplace which starts at dollar tree for the for the basic collaboration suite and uh the highest plan being zoho workplace professional at six dollars of course there is a free plan that starts before this for zoho mail that start that gives you access to uh five users for your custom domains uh that you can run through soho uh another point to note here is that none of these uh none of these editions that we have here have any restrictions on the number of users that you can put in uh so we've seen this as a common trend among the other vendors in the market as well that certain editions can only have say 300 people or 500 people and stuff like that but in in the plants that we offered uh none of the plants even from the smallest plant to the highest plant can have how many other people that you want in those editions you can also mix and match these editions for example you want a certain group of your organizations or say a frontline workers or your sales team who actually basically does not sit in the desk and they're always traveling so you want them to have a quick access to email on your video chat and stuff like that group collaboration and textbook messages and stuff like that you you can choose to have them in the mail light or a mail premium plan for example and you can have the rest of the team who sits in the office with the workplace plan as well so you can you have complete flexibility to uh to choose what products you want for what i mean what a kind of an employee what group of an employee and then bring it all together on the single building for zoho workplace of course if you have any questions regarding in your piece i see that some of you have already asked some questions in the questions tab please continue to ask our experts will continue answering them on the chat tab as well and towards the end of the session we'll also discuss uh some of these questions on a public forum as well moving on i'll just give you a quick idea about the highlights of the workplace bundle starting with zoho mail of course zoho mail is our flagship app inside the workplace bundle which uh serves almost 16 million users across the world with a very safe and private uh email inbox that they would want to run their business on so a lot of the things that we do in far zoho mail focuses on stability privacy and enterprise great features so we focus on uh giving users at most more stability so there is a 99 guaranteed up time where we provide for zoho mail we are also focusing a lot on lately on features like email archival retention and yeah discovery so that your your organization can be easily compliant with some of the security regulations out there in different countries as well so just below the mail tab is your calendar tab so zoho calendar is one of the products that we recently revamped to help hybrid teams manage their schedules appointments and resource booking better whether they're at the office or whether they're working from home so it's it's got everything basically you can start your meetings right away from from your calendar you can set up meeting links from here using the integration of zoho meeting and you can also create group appointments that reflect in both the shared calendar as well as the individual calendars of people who are involved of course you can export and you can sync this with the other calendar platforms out there so that you don't miss your notification getting on your devices and your tablets moving over to zoho task this is another product we recently revamped for uh again the hybrid teams that uh that use the whole workplace a lot these days so it's basically it's perfect for teams to catch up and work and understand what stage you know what stage each item is so you have your own uh boards you have your your own task you have your own personal tasks that you can see and manage and do on a day-to-day basis you can also have group boards where you can list everything a task related to a marketing team that is supposed to do you can have all your tasks related to the development team or the sales team and stuff like that and of course if you're a manager if you are if you are in multiple groups and managing multiple things you can easily go around to all of these group task boards and see what's happening and who's working on what very easily so that is zoho tasks for moving from there we'll talk about the office suite things of things so uh obviously things of uh part of the workplace so zoho work drive like i mentioned is our file management and cloud storage uh solution uh it's built basically uh it's built compared to the other uh productivity of the other cloud drives out there it's built with teams and it will built with collaborative teams in mind so you have your own folders and you have your typical uh folders and files and everything in one space that you can upload and manage your files on the cloud like every other cloud drive it also has something called a team folder structure where it's basically a space for everybody on your team to drop in uh things they like and and updated versions of files and stuff like that so that everybody else on the team also gets access to that so this is one of the complaints that our users also had when they promote that they have to ask around and they have to talk a lot about you know talk to each other about getting the latest version of a file and then use that as a collateral and stuff like that so so what drive solves that in in in a way where you can just go to the team folder and uh right click on the file and see uh when the last time the file is updated and look at the all the other versions that has been updated in the file and see whether you know whether you are on the latest version or not and just get forward with that so part of our office suite is our work our word processor zoho writer so if you've been around those scheme of this this is one of the first apps that we introduced on the cloud so we recently even read it the word processor experience and zoho writer is actually widely popular for its ease of use and interface so like all the other office editors that you have you can also import uh your office or microsoft word document here and export it to a microsoft word document or a pdf without actually having any of your formatting or your layout getting affected uh it comes with uh an ai assistant called zia it's a very interesting uh feature where it corrects your grammar writing style and your spelling instantly and just makes your bet your writing much better before you share the document with uh someone else it also has an offline mode where it can create and edit documents without an internet connection so now moving over to uh [Music] the editor that you know most most people actually use inside the office and then when it comes to an office feed is the spreadsheet so people who depend on numbers would absolutely love what they've done with zoho sheet so as soon as you see the interface you'll understand that what we have done here is to keep the learning curve for your sales people or your numbers people very less so as soon as you land on zoho sheet you'll immediately understand how to get through this app and how to start using the app so we've maintained the classical ribbon interface on the top and with the the tab structure and everything so all you have to do is just start entering your data and get on with it so similar to the ai assistant in writer we also have an assistant here as well which actually makes a lot of you know saves a lot of time for someone who can who crunches numbers as well so i'll give you a quick demo of that later during my presentation as well so what it basically does is creating instantly creates a summary of your data from the numbers that you've entered in the spreadsheet it creates charts it creates pivot tables and stuff like that automatically based on the data and you can just pull it and start put it into your spreadsheet and get on with it very quickly moving over to the presentation app so zoho sheet so i'm sorry zoho show is the presentation app here uh that basically is running this presentation that i've just created so a lot of the focus that we do with zoho show is on designs and animations so uh it is everything that you would need to basically make your presentation stand out and create that impact in the way you present your uh your ideas as well so it has a third third-party add-on marketplace as well where you can bring in like a stock image from an unsplash or your videos from youtube and stuff like that of course third-party developers can also build extensions over it and put it on the marketplace so that's basically an idea about the products that are part i mean the highlights of the products that are part of the workplace bundle now from here we'll talk about some of the uh the advantages or if you ask why switch to zoho workplace we'll talk about some of those advantages as well in terms of user experience and features like i said if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the questions tab and we'll have our uh experts answering them as well thank you so yeah so moving towards the uh the competitive advantage that we have in soho workplace uh starting with something called a unified experience so as soon as you log into workplace.zoho.com uh we list everything that you would need to uh get into and get them get on your day with you just you just very quickly understand what you have to do for the rest of the day and what are the things that you need to put your attention into uh directly so as soon as you log in there there are different widgets from your email to your to the the messages that you're tagged in your upcoming meetings and stuff like that you've also unified the notifications that you would need from all these different apps into one place uh so even a very less tech savvy person in your team can instantly log into uh zoho workplace and understand what's going on what work they have to do and actually even quickly switch between the apps that the eight apps that come with zoho workplace right from the top as well so that is the unified part of it we are also making sure that our apps connect with each other so anytime that you're using one of our apps we also put in areas where you can move into a different app from there so it is it is easily connected from one place to another so that you don't have to manually do that yourself so there is a lot of context that we take from an email and then we take that and put it into something like a zoho click with your team chat and stuff like that and from there you can start a meeting or discuss on a document and stuff like that so everything all our apps have those interconnections built into them so that you know it kind of helps you boost your workflow on a daily basis so workplace and so mail comes with something called email sharing this is a very interesting feature is one of my favorite features as well so what it basically does is that as soon as you receive an email from a vendor or a client and you basically have no idea how to respond to that email uh what we typically do is as a person what we normally do is we take a screenshot of that email and post it in our team chat or something like that or we just blast it as an email forward to everybody in the organization looking for inputs so instead of that email sharing in zoho mail gives you an opportunity to have travel conversations over that email so there is an email and you can also have a very social media like conversation over that email with your people involved so you can just mention them or bring their group in and whoever is interested to you know take part in that conversation can add their feedback and once you have an idea about how to reply you can also reply from there and everybody who's part of that discussion can also say you know take a look at the reply that you've made so this saves a lot of uh space in yeah in people's inboxes where any time otherwise anytime people were making a suggestion you're just cluttering their inbox with one new mail so instead of that this kind of makes it a very voluntary kind of an approach similarly we have something called streams in zoho mail where this again is a feed based uh collaboration place for an entire team so instead of depending on males they can also have you know quick conversations with the rest of the team they can post a note they can post a complete description of where they've been or what they've been up to and stuff like that they can have long posts short notes uh anything on a very feed social media like interactions and people on the rest of the team can add their comments like those posts and stuff like that right inside your email app so that is streams in zoho mail so we've also made sure uh our communication app kind of uh connects to each other so there is the email is one part of communication we also have meetings that is a very common kind of a communication uh today so we've made sure that anytime you receive an email you also have an option to start a meeting with the people who who are actually part of that email so all you have to do is click on the zoho meeting link uh right on the on the right side of the of the email inbox and you can create instantly create a meeting with whoever is part of that email thread because you can do that right now or you can also do it schedule it later with all the other options as well similarly if you don't want a meeting you want to start a chat with them or group chat with them or get on a call with them internally you can also do that with the zoho click integration right inside zoho mail so like how the other integration works anybody who is part of that email will be instantly created in part of that pulled into the group chat and you can have that kind of informal communication there instead of depending on the more formal structure of the email finally we have something called an e widget tab in zoho mail which basically lets you uh bring in data or export data from zoho mail to any of the other third party or zoho extensions that zoho mail supports so we treat this equally like you see in the interface we treat the zoho extension z as equal to our third-party integrations as well for example you you want to bring a file over to google drive from zoho mail you can just directly use that our google drive extensions and do that instantly as well so to quick give you a quick comparison if you're thinking about where zoho mail stacks up against something like a google workspace this is how it would it would stack up really the kind of features that we offer and the comparison is what you see here moving up to the ladder this is how zoho workplace uh compares to a typical version of a google workspace business plan like i said there are no limits on any of our pricing plans where you can have any of any number of users on any of these plans as well we've been receiving uh some love from our users uh on social media as well so there are people who've been using google for a long time recently especially after the the news of legacy plans being faced out a lot of people actually moved over to uh zoho mail we actually interestingly uh the number of migrations actually increased almost 120 percent uh just in january as soon as the news had announced a lot of people were actually moving over from uh google oh and to uh to zoho so if you're wondering do you have company to do to do that you actually have a lot of people who have been doing that over the last couple of months so they've also been talking about uh multiple things that they like about zoho it's not just one or two things so we noticed that some people talk about the experience some people talk about uh the the support system that we have and stuff like that now moving over to the topic a lot of people are interested here as he and the questions and the chat tab as well that a lot of people want to talk about migration so just quickly moving over to that so migration is something that we focus a lot on so we want to make sure that your the switching cost involved uh for your organization to migrate from a google workspace or something like that over to zoho uh is very minimal so that your finances also you know kind of match out that the savings that you're doing here and the cost benefits you're receiving here is also not overthrown by the switching cost so we have something called a one-click migration so if you're coming from google workspace or a microsoft 365 you can transfer all your data from your email contacts and calendar in a couple of clicks via the built-in wizard that we have in the admin panel uh anytime you you get stuck during one of these you know migration processes that you're doing yourself uh we have a 24 7 support that is available on call or via email so you can always get in touch with one of us and we'll help you you know fix that problem that you have currently facing and just assume the migration for you immediately uh we also monitor your so as soon as you you kick start a migration process typically it would take a day or a couple of days so as soon as we give you kickstart we monitor your process uh during the entire stages of your migration so and we also notify you uh along the way so whether it's happening well what is this current stage and what is the state of progress that is happening in your migration we monitor that and we will keep you informed uh throughout the process of the migration as well finally we also make sure that your data and your structure is actually replicated well when you're moving from uh another vendor over to zoho so we've put in a lot of work in order to especially within ourselves and also working with the other vendors out there to make sure that your email folders and the other structures and the labels that you have is is easily translated over to zoho and your people can just get started with that immediately without any hustles so uh talking about getting started there are multiple ways you can get started you can of course move your entire data over to zoho mail and get started but you can also do something called a split delivery which is basically uh transferring just a part of your user base uh over to zoho and keeping the rest in the the other vendor that you're coming from it's whether uh what i say a google workspace or a legacy server or anything like that so you can do that as well so once you you you know kind of trial it out with a particular group of users and if you find success there you can also kind of continue moving the rest of your accounts over to zoho as well on the other hand if your uh organization is looking to you know automatically back up your emails as soon as that be land in your inbox you we also support something called dwell delivery where any any email that lands onto zoho mail inbox also creates a copy in your your legacy server or your third party server that you already use inside your organization again if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the questions tab we'll have our experts answer them as well i'll just quickly introduce the migration assistance program from here and then we'll go on to do a live demo of the migration program as well so this is how you can do all the migrations by yourself so but if you need further assistance if you need a person from our team to work on your migration by i mean on your behalf we also have something called a migration assistant program that we are introducing today as a part of this webinar uh you can we will charge a nominal fee on that and you can once you pay that an assistant will be exclusive assistant will be assigned to your organization to carry out your entire uh migration of your files and your email as well so anybody who is holding a google subscription whether it's a legacy plan or a any other google workspace plan is eligible automatically eligible to to be associated with this program uh of course we have we do have a limit of of up to 50 users to be a part of this program but in case you have more than 50 users you can also always contact our sales team at sales in zoho car and we'll figure out a way to create that pricing plan for you and get on with the migration for you so anybody who is the good news here again is that anybody because we are announcing this as a first basis anybody who's part of this webinar is instantly can instantly avail a ten percent discount uh for this program all you have to do is contact uh this email address migrationworkplace.com uh with the email that you've registered for this webinar so the same email that you've registered this webinar just will send it send us across with that information and we'll we'll get it started for you uh from here i'll transfer uh i skipped the product demo because i think we're already running late so i'll transfer it over to priyanka who will take you through the migration process one by one as well over to you priyanka thank you thank you thank you for that i share my screen okay can you all see my screen yeah okay so many of you are waiting for this part and some of you were mentioning in the chat box so let's just without any delay we can go to this card so how do you market from uh gsu to zoho is that you have three different methods starting off with the api migration and then you have server to server migration and then you have a separate tool called exchange migration wizard so uh to start off with the one is exchange migration wizard is that if you want to uh transfer your remail data in the form of eml then you can go with the eml method or if you want to transfer your files that is of psd format then you can use the pst method and the last of all if you want to uh transfer data from the exchange servers then you can use the exchange server migration all of these three are present under the one tool that is exchange validation wizard all right and then you have api migration and server to server hydration right so what is the difference between these two is that if you're going to uh migrate thousands and thousands of users uh then make sure you choose the api migration though it is a bit technical process but you can migrate thousands of users with just few steps but if you're going to go with server to server migration um it's going to be a bit complex because uh you will have to need all the credentials that is the username and the password of all the users that you want to migrate from google to zoho but api migration does not need that only the admin credential is something that you will need in order for you to do the api migration right that's one difference another is the data if you're going to use api migration you can transfer data according to your willing uh it could be calendars contacts mails or would be all the three but if you want to use server to server migration the only data that you can migrate would be males all right so that will be another difference now talking about server to server migration you have imap and pop both right those are two different protocols which uh has two different tools right a different set of rules so for example uh when you use imap migration okay uh if i'm going to uh migrate my emails the folder structure will not change okay when i use my imac migration to migrate my data my folder structure will not change but in pop you cannot expect that when you use pop protocol to migrate all of your mails will be uh migrated as direct mails and the folder structure will not be migrated all right and another difference would be that if you started your migration with imac protocol if there's an error while the migration is going on you'll be able to track it if you use imac migration but if you're doing a pop migration then um so if there's an error you won't be able to track it there's a lot of difference between imac and pog but asking me i would say that imap is a lot advantageous compared to bob but still some choose pop to certain requirements so you can go to our help page and read all about pop and imac and choose the protocol that suits you better all right so finishing off with this let's just move on with how you do api migration so for you to api migration make sure to log into zoho account and then get into the admin console page there you will find data migration option in that you will give a name for your migration and then you will fill in the server details if you've already saved the details of your server then you can click that but if you haven't then go over the new server details and fill in the details and then you will have to uh select the protocol application you will have a drop down where you will select google workspace all right so when you select that that is where you choose api migration and then you have two different fields where you will manually fill a google admin email address and then service account email address and then last of all you will upload a secret key i'll be showing you that now this will be your mail page and here in the avatar by clicking on that you will have admin console so now we've entered the admin console page here you have data migration on the left side of your page click on that now this will be your migration page all right so let's just create a new migration and in the same server details we've already saved then click that server detail or if you're going to select new one over the add new server details and then the protocol and application select google workspace so now you have two different fields that is you will fill in the super administrators email address of the google account and then a service account email address is needed and then you will have to upload it secretly so if you ask me where will i get the service account email address and the secret key that is something that i'll be telling you now where do you get that is you will uh use this link that is google workspace developer console after you enter into that link you will create a new project for your account and then within which you will create a new service account and then you will download the secret key the secret key is found in the details of this service account and then you can download that into your local computer and upload it in that particular migration page all right after you do this you will have to enable certain api accesses starting off with gmail to people when you do where you will do that is you will get into the api library and then you will give api access for gmail calendar contacts admin sdk cal dab and people and last of all would be you will get into your google's admin console in that particular page you will go to security and manage domain delegation once you get it to that page in the client id you will have to fill in a unique id so if you ask me where you will get that unique id is that once we create the service account we've we created a service account in google developer console right there in the details panel you will have the unique id present for you you can copy and paste it right here and then you have scopes that you will have to fill where you will find the scopes is we have a page where we've given you the values that you have to copy paste in that scope section and then you can go with the authorize so after you do that this particular page will be filled and then you will move to the next page that is the settings page in the settings page what you will be filling is that you will select the data that is needed to be migrated starting off with emails contacts calendars and then you will select the folders and emails to be migrated and then last of all you will select the connection limit and storage limit so these are all the instructions that you'll be giving for the migration and then you will add the migration right so let's just see that how that happens uh let me not show you the api because uh this will take a long time but i'll just show you how the settings page will look i'm just going to select one server detail that's already been filled which is an imap server detail so you will have new settings yes this is the name of the settings that i prefer to give one a particular option that you'll have extra here is an option that will enable you to select all the data that you want to migrate like for example we have an option here that enables us to select folders right folders to migrate if you select all folders all of your folders will be migrated if you're gonna select specific folders then only those specific folders that you name here in the box will be migrated right same way you will have another option which will enable you to select the data which will ask you contacts calendars and mails by clicking on those data you can specifically migrate only those takers and then you will have these consider options as well available for you in the emails to migrate you will select all emails or emails in a specific date range and then you have pop access uh if you want to give access to the emails migrated emails to your migrated users go over the yes or go below and then the other preferences section uh this section enables you with certain options that is uh for example you know that gmail allows you to mark an email as important or you can start an email right so if you want those emails when they are being migrated here if you want those emails to be tagged then you can go with these two options and then you have excellent inbox names with both one label so uh labels always works as folders in soho so for example if you enabled the particular mail and when it falls here it will fall into the folder and in the inbox right so if you don't want that duplicacy to happen then you can select this option so once we do that you're done with the settings and last two options that is available is maximum connection limit what this says is um if i'm going to specify a number here say for example if i'm going to specify two or five uh it means five of my users will be simultaneously migrated instead of one by one right uh in short you will save time by specifying a number here but it should be accordance with the server capacity and then you have cost migration and storage reaches either of this storage limit so if it's going to be uh 80 then when the storage reaches 80 percent while the migration is going on the variation will suspend after which you can delete the unwanted emails and resume the migration right so once you're done with that you have to add users so only when you add users you can start the migration you have different steps through which you can add your users manually or you can upload a sheet where you can fill in the details of the users and upload it there and then you can start the migration in the users panel here you have a plus icon here you will fill in the source username and then the destination email address as i promised you before in api you will not need the uh credentials of all the users you want to migrate right you don't need the password you don't need to specify the password of the users that you want to migrate at all all that you have to do is you have to enter under the username and the destination email address so make sure you create an account for all the users for every individual that you want to migrate from there to your so that you will have an account here where their data will have a destination to reach and then you have priority how priority works is um for example if i'm going to migrate 10 users okay so i want five of those users to be migrated first regardless of when i add them and during the migration then i can prioritize them here okay if i'm going to prioritize some of my users as high and some of my users are slow then however i have prioritized as high will migrate first and the rest of the users with my game later right that's how priority works so one thing that we have to remember is when doing an api migration you do not you don't have to uh have all the passwords of the users uh only the admin credential is more than enough right so as we finish seeing the api migration let me just show you a short video where you can see all of these steps depicted so this is a youtube channel where you can see a lot of how-to videos that is shown right so now we'll be seeing the api migration shown in this video so as we already discussed we'll be going through four different steps in order for this particular migration to be done the first step would be enter your migration details so you log into your account and then the admin console page you will get into the migration page and you will select google workspace then you will authenticate your google workspace account by first getting into the google developer console yes there you will create a service account and then you will enable apis that we mentioned that we saw earlier and then you will copy paste the scopes in your admin page and authorize and then you will select the user that you want to migrate how do you do that is you can manually add them or you can simply upload a sheet with the details of the users and then you can start the migration yes so that will be the four steps that we will be doing yes status of the migration is something that i'll show you this is a help page where you have step by step procedure of how you can do the migration you can use our help page if you have any doubts while you are doing the migration right i'll just show you where you can see the status of the migration so if you see here we already have a migration that's already been done so when you click on that here is in the configuration page you have this migration status shown for you so here you have uh saying that this migration status is completed and total harmony users were added and the initial migration was one and then completed one in progress migration is zero and fail is zero right so here you can come and see the progression of the migration anytime you want and by clicking on the refresh you'll get the updated status of the migration right so that is about the api migration and now moving on to imap and box migration so what will you need for this particular migration is you will enter into the same admin console page and you will go into data migration page and then you will fill in the server details and then you will uh after finishing the server details you will import the users either manually or you can import the sheet and then you will start the migration and then you can again check the reports for any failures in the migration right so we will see a quick demo of how we can do that right and before we call an application make sure you choose imap all right so gmail what is the advantage is uh if you select gmail or all rest of the information will be already filled view so that you don't have to manually fill anything in this page up after that once you're going to select other you will have to manually fill right so that is a privilege for the gmail users so click on gmail and all of these videos refill go with add and now we finish with the first step and we are coming to the second step is the settings with the same that we already saw the only thing that would be missing is you won't be able to select the data that you want to migrate either mail or calendar or if you want to also migrate contacts that option won't be available for you because imap and pop enables you to migrate only the main data right so skipping that one option we'll have all the other options listed for us which is folders to migrate emails to migrate and then pop access should be given or not and then other bluetooth section and then clicking on add you'll be taken to this page create and maximum connection limit and storage limit that will be selected then clicking on create you've done with the instructions and server details and then you can add the users and start the migration right that's how imap migration is done if you're going to do pop the only difference will be in the settings page others will be almost same and pop migration you will select fog in a protocol an application here you will fill in the server detail and then pushing off the first page you will go to the second page settings the only settings that is allowed for you to do is if the pop access should be given for your migrated users or not and then go over yes or no and then click on add last of all you have create maximum connection limit and fast migration will solid features if you finish both of this you can go to create again our migration is all the settings and the server emails been created and now we have users add the users and start the migration right so i think that's the steps that you that you'll have to follow in order for you to do the imap and pop migration so since we're done with the migration steps and methods i'd like all of you to participate in a poll that will be conducting right now so uh it will be a little more engaging for you i hope the poll has been shown yeah there is a tab that is on top of your page that you can use to participate in the poll [Music] okay yeah i'm really glad to see all of you have participated in that and it seems that male is playing a very important role in our day-to-day life right so it's important that we choose the right provider for us who makes our communication needs easy and effective as well so as we are done with the poll let's just move on to the next procedure that we'll be learning and that is if you wish to migrate from google drive to zoho workshop how do you do that is something that i'll be showing you now so uh if you see you have two different methods through which you can migrate from google works right to so for work right right the first method is you will use this particular link all right takeout.google.com while you use this link you'll be able to select the data that you want to migrate so for us we want to migrate the folders and files that express it with the drive so you will select drive and then you will select the specific uh delivery method that you want to migrate through which and then you will have you have to choose the format intervals and size that you want to export and then then you will go into the google work drive and there you will create team and then you will add members and then last of all you can upload all the files in the respective team right this is something that we will be seeing right now so uh yes this is the particular link i have test account for which i'll be showing you a demo here i will unselect all the data and i will only select drive yes i have right here so once i select that i can go to the next step okay here i'll be allowed to select the delivery method so first we finish with the last four option which is add to box add to one drive at a dropbox and i can drive so if i'm going to send one of these options uh then all of my files and folders will be moved to these uh locations and then i'll be sent a link to my email so that email will directly take me to the particular location where my files and folders are present in one of those locations right and now you have the first option which is send download link for your email when you click on this option a link will be sent to your email by clicking on on that particular link uh all of your files and folders that you wish to migrate i mean which to migrate will uh be exported and be downloaded in your local computer right so if that is a downloaded new local computer you can upload that particular files and folders in the soho work drive later right and you have other options available for you which is export once or export every two months for one year and then what type that you want to export if it's going to be dot zip and then you have the storage limit that you can i mean the size level that you can specify which is i'm going to specify 2gb which simply means uh if my files or my folder is exceeding this particular storage limit then it will be broken down into several other files so that um it will be under uh you know restricted to a storage of about 2gb right and create the export depending on the size of your files or the amount of your files it might take from house to days for your files to be ready for the export so once it is ready the link will be sent to your email by clicking on that email you can download all the files and folders into your local computer right after you do that you will enter into the zoho workdrive so this is how this overwatch drive will look here you have uh team folders right can you see on the left side of your page here you have a plus clicking on that icon you can create a theme folder and the public simply means like whoever has uh access to this particular team folder can you know access the files and folders but if you're going to select private only the members that you add in this particular team will have access to this files and folders and only they can modify the folders right click on create and here you can add the users that you want to add in your organization and then you can give them a role which could be admin organizer editor commenter or viewer and then you can create it right now my theme folder is created here i can create a new folder and then inside which i can upload all my files all right here i have an option called as upload files under this new option right that is where i created the folder as well so when i click on this new i'll be listed with these options under which i'll find upload files clicking on this option all of the files that is present in my local computer will be listed so uh by clicking on that i can upload them in this particular folder right so that is how i will migrate from uh google workspace over what works right this will be one method but if you say that i need help with this kind of migration then there's another method that you can use is a migration tool on demand what happens here is uh you can raise a request to our support team and they will give you a form with the following information that you have to fill you will have to provide your contact details cloud service that you use and then your current plan the number of users in your organization total size of data for all of your users and then whether your company use share drive or team folders and last of all you'll be saying number of users to be migrated to work right by fulfilling all of these details you will submit the form and then our support team will enable this migration tool for you for your migration to happen from google work right to soho workshop so i think um i think that's my part i hope i was clear but if you have any doubts you can drop it in the chat box with that being said let me just move it over to lucky hello everyone thank you so much priyanka that was an amazing session i think a lot of questions a lot of people have been asking questions about uh migrations and the other information so please continue to ask questions on the question tab i think our experts are answering them one by one as as we speak right now in the meanwhile maybe we can pick a couple of questions and discuss it here as well uh so priyanka james is asking how do we apply for the migration tool on demand i think you just spoke about that right you're a new trainer okay i'm sorry we have a page where we have a particular link i'll be sharing with that few minutes i'll just see if i can find it but simply by sharing searching for that you want to migrate from google soon to soho you'll have which you can access and you can provide that you want to migrate from g suite to zoho and then you have a specific uh form that will be sent to you which you can fulfill and submit and after you do that a support team will get in contact with you for the migration you know so that they can help you with the migration so there's another question i think james is asking about the right time to do the migration do you have any uh information on that we can ask for the uh experts to be you know yeah i think experts can answer that question yeah so i think there's another question about google takeout is it only for google drive or is it for email i think you can go to the migration itself if you want specific results this is just specific for drives then i think uh an expert from our team has answered the other question so generally weekends like saturday evening or sunday early mornings uh are basically the best times to initiate your migrations i think it wasn't james who asked that question i think that i hope that answers the questions we'll just wait for the other questions to be answered as well uh in the meanwhile uh we've added some handouts in the handout session sorry about the technical issue before it was not there so uh the there are three handbooks which talks about the email routing uh the mix and match plans and the migration assistance program that we just announced today so you can download that share it with your team and then share the information that you seen through today as well uh yes yes we'll uh we'll have a recording of this being shared with you as well as on youtube as well yeah jason now about the handouts we have to remove for some reason but we will attach all the handouts while we are sharing the recorded session by our email after the session thank you jason and sincere apologies to everyone as well for starting the session late we had we ran into a couple of technical issues in the beginning because of which we had to delay the session by 10 minutes so since your apologies for that as well we'll hang on for a little while we'll i will uh let the experts answer the questions on the questions tab and we'll discuss some more questions that possible will take i want a cool t-shirt now thanks it's actually been a couple of years since we actually got these because you know we've not been going outside and meeting our customers like you guys for a long while now we hope we can do that we can arrange those zoholics and the other meetings some meetups pretty soon across the world so if you have any technical related questions we really appreciate if you post it in the question tabs that uh our support team will be able to tag your questions and answer easily so um yeah thank you so much thanks for yeah thanks for understanding it we did not i mean we did actually did a couple of dry runs and we didn't have any of the issues then just five minutes before starting the session i think we had some kind of technical issues so you will be able to work that out with the team thank you castro uh i have uh joseph uh if you can mention the particular product that you're talking about in zoho one maybe we can help you answer that better so there are offline versions and offline features for multiple of our products i am not really sure about the offline feature in crm uh where it could be from the email and collaboration app so we might have to get get that checked with someone from the team as well yeah about that chess i really appreciate uh supporting we answering you that question real soon uh catherine uh if you're asking about the difference between zoho one and zoho workplace so zoho workplace is an email and collaboration bundle with eight different apps from the soho suite so that is your email your office suite or your communication apps like the first part that i explained the three different suites are part of zoho workplace zoho one is an even bigger approach from zoho it is our operating system for business so it has all the different 45 plus apps that we provide with zoho it comes with crm your other accounting apps your hr apps and including your email and collaboration apps so it's a more bigger bundle and zoho workplace is the focus bundle for email and collaboration uh like uh priyanka said if you have the technical questions if it is posted on the questions tab i think it will be better because uh we want the experts to actually answer those questions uh better so instead of giving you a wrong answer it's better you post them on the question step i think that'll be easier for you to get the exact answer that you're looking for uh about the question that marvin has asked right now i think it's better you uh finish the authentication of your domain and then you add the email addresses and then you start the migration because once once if you find the domain in the right mx only then you will point to the right server and then if you add all the all of your data that will be better right so always start with that add your domain verify or verify your domain and then you add your email addresses and start a location uh one regarding your question uh about uh support in spanish i'll just get checked with that uh with some of my teammates and i'll get back to you just a couple of minutes um uh which migration is better for 100 gb data user or user is i would say whichever feels better for you that is if you're good with the technical skills then you can go with the you know uh the first medical api method itself but if you think uh if you want to use the easier method and you're okay with just your main being you know migrating then you can go to the uh yeah jason we do have uh so if you're talking about the family editions of microsoft 365 we do have something called uh zillum that we recently announced i'm just posting that link onto the chat as well uh but if you're just asking about comparison to microsoft 365 in general of course zoho workplace uh is the better plan for you that directly compares against something like a microsoft 365 i hope that answers your question great still see some more questions coming into the question tab and we can just go through some of those okay uh if you want uh simultaneously if you add something uh near me asked this question i guess once we had something on soho drive would it would the file be in google drive for that you will have to sync but for now we just talked about migration uh for syncing we'll be doing another webinar in the near future i guess but for that you have different options available for you where you will sync both of them so that when you add or remove something from the one drive the other drive will also respond uh the same way yeah i think knowing me if you if you look into zoho world drives uh help pages with respect to sync i think there will be some information on that you also have of course something like a zoho flow and a zapier integrations where you can also set up that automation uh every time you drop something into this folder you can also have a create a folder similar to that in the other drive as well thank you james so far so happy that you found already getting late for a lot of people here because we started late are there any other general questions that you want us to answer on the video we can do that or you can ask those technical questions on the questions tab as well uh michael yes i just saw your question yes this will be recorded i mean and uh we'll give you a recorded file uh i mean send across a file to you later as well including the android sorry about the handouts thank you jc thank you so much thank you jason cheers thank you here and then if you've configured your um domain and you verified your domain then all that you have to do is try to play start with the migration you can add the email address of your users that you want to market and you can start with the migration yeah so they have a zoho one account already so yeah of course uh you know me if you have is over one account you can start uh the migration process like how playing explained go to the admin panel and get started so just to reiterate uh do not miss to avail your uh ten percent discount that you get through the session so uh feel free to go to the migration assistance program email to the webpage and fill up the form uh along with the email that you've registered for today's session you can avail the special discount that we are announcing today yeah i think we'll be ending the session in a few more minutes but if you have any more doubts you can uh contact us through our mail which is support and sofomail.com uh through which you can ask all of your doubts and uh we will have a supporting ready for you 24 7 who will aid you with all of your doubts right now just copy paste that for the playing relationship over the chat so that will be our email address so while you're doing if you have any doubts or if you have doubts in general you can contact us through this particular email address and you can post your doubts uh jesse is asking questions can you see the question completely like if i buy some of my emails using imac vibration api it is a complex process but if you decided to do uh either way then you can do with one itself if you ask me if there's a possibility to do both the migration i think yes cool so yeah i think we can slowly wind up the session thank you guys thank you so much for the instantly waiting for us to start the session yes yeah like priyanka said if you have any more questions feel free to shoot a question to the support email address that we just shared and we'll get our support reps will get those answers for you so uh once again thank you so much for joining everybody so sorry about the technical glitch that we faced earlier and the delay in starting the session uh special thanks to ramya and the supporting vivek and the others for answering the questions in the questions tab and giving us with all the information that we needed right away so yeah we'll slowly wind up the session thank you so much for uh joining session thank you james thank you all the others hope you had a wonderful time have a great rest of the day as well
Channel: Zoho Mail
Views: 1,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoho mail, zoho email, business email, professional email, enterprise email, secure email, email hosting, migration from gsuite, migration from google workspace, migration to zoho mail, how to migrate from google, how to migrate from google workspace, how to migrate from gsuite, how to migrate to zoho mail, migration, webinar, migration webinar, migration video, webinar on migration, video on migration
Id: 1FeQmklAoBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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