Migrate Wordpress Site Manually from one Webhost to another in Godaddy 2020

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in this video tutorial I will show you a very simple process to move your WordPress site from one post to another before that please subscribe to my youtube channel and click the bell like in your subscription means a lot please subscribe we will download this infomercial site from a GoDaddy account and upload it in furnish lab site in other GoDaddy hosting account under this process we need to download only the wp-content directory contents and the database file of the WordPress site so let's get started login to your GoDaddy account click manage tab under web hosting section and next click cPanel admin see panel settings page is more or less similar in all the web hosting sites in cpanel settings page click file manager in the file manager plate click public HTML and I select a site folder on the right side in this video we will see how to move this information site we need to double click into the site folder and next we need to download this wp-content folder the wp-content folder contains all the wordpress themes and plugins we currently installed and all other media elements like images and videos we have uploaded so let's compress this folder into a zip file and next we need to download it to a computer next we need to view and note down the database file from WP config dot PHP file let's open the file here and this file named WP three we need to download under database section in cPanel manager from PHP myadmin we need to download this wb-3 database file these are the only files we need to move the WordPress site to new hosting account next we will see the process of uploading this infomercial site files into furnish labs in the other hosting account next let's login to the other GoDaddy hosting account click manage under web hosting and then cPanel headsman now here we need to install WordPress site first so in cpanel manager we need to click WordPress icon under web applications we are on the WordPress application page next we need to select the website domain on which wish to install or you can also install WordPress in a directory or subfolder of the site so let's install WordPress in furnish labs com domain name here we will install it in the main domain itself next enter login details for the WordPress site like username password and admin email and as well as WordPress site name and tagline and finally click install button in the bottom to install the application the WordPress site installation is under process and now it's done we need to upload infomercial files in this WordPress site next we need to go to the cPanel file manager and upload WP content folder and update the database file so let's get started here same process click public HTML and double-click WordPress site folder next we need to change this existing wp-content folder name of the installed site and next let's upload the infomercial wp-content zip folder and next extract it here next we need to update the database file in PHP myadmin so first let's open WP config file and note the database file on this Amish labs WordPress site database file named WP click PHP myadmin and here we can see all the database of wordpress installed in our hosting site we need to go to this wp5 database we need to select all the files and delete so click empty or drop here and next we need to upload the infomercial wb-3 WordPress database file that we downloaded from the other hosting account and once uploaded we need to change and update the website domain name furnish labs in two places search for WP opt-ins on the left click and open first change it in site URL option we need to change the old domain name to new domain name infomercial to furnish labs next in the home option we need to change and update the same if the old and new domains are one and the same then no need to change now we can refresh the WordPress site and verify if there is no issues with the entire site all the pages menu and interface are working just fine we have successfully done moving WordPress site manually with this we come to the end of this tutorial video please like comment and share the video if it was helpful and also subscribe to my channel to get updates when new content is added thank you
Channel: Designo Page
Views: 7,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress migration, migrate wordpress site, move wordpress site from one site to another, godaddy wordpress site migration, cpanel wordpress migration, how to migrate wordpress site from one host to another, how to move wordpress site from one webhost to another in godaddy, How to manually migrate Your wordpress site, Simplest way to transfer your WordPress website to another, How To Migrate Your Wordpress Website For Free, wordpress migration site to another webhost in cpane
Id: -hx9fM211mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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