Trafic de migrants, les filières d'Europe de l'Est

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Mulhouse, six o'clock in the morning. border police is on the go. These individuals may be armed. They will do anything to escape to arrests if we do not freeze the situation quickly. A high-risk intervention for this dozen police officers. Police, don't move! In this apartment, a gang of Kosovars linked to organized crime, robberies, burglaries. These men are suspected multiple crimes. The five individuals are under control, but now, you have to find evidence. Soon, investigators fall on a strange paraphernalia. Whose is that? A crowbar, gloves and a professional grinder. Yes, it's burglary equipment. This is used to cut armored doors. What interests the police the most, this is the other facet of their activity, international traffic in false papers. The culmination more than a year of investigation. Twenty thousand conversations listened to. Hours of hiding. - One of the two people, we already know her from a previous case of narcotics and help to immigration in the Albanian environment. - Long-term spinning to try to put the puzzle together. - There, I thought I saw him in the distance turning right. You are behind me behind the truck? Yes that's it. - In this place, it's not easy to get a confession. I don't know what he did and what does he do. I swear, I don't know. He has the right to do assert their right to silence. A challenge for the police, break the code of silence to put an end to this unprecedented network which mixes illegal immigration and organized crime. According to the Interior Ministry, there would be in France between 200,000 and 400,000 foreigners in an irregular situation. They come from China, from Africa or from Eastern countries. To arrive on French soil, most of them used smugglers working in sectors of illegal immigration. Networks linked to organized crime authorities are looking for eradicate at all costs. In 2013, more than 200 were dismantled on the territory. Only a few kilometers from Germany and Switzerland, the city of Mulhouse, in Alsace, is particularly affected by the phenomenon because it occupies an ideal position for candidates for exile, and especially those from from Eastern Europe. In Mulhouse, business migrant smuggling are processed by a very specific service, the Mobile Squad border police search. The BMR, its HQ, is behind its windows, at the last floor of the sub-prefecture. At the head of this service, Frank, 47 years old, police commander stationed here for five years. -How are you ? -How are you. And you? In shape ? Hi ! How are you ? You have time see you five minutes there? For many months, Frank and his team are on the trail of an immigration network from Kosovo, one of the countries the poorest in the Balkans. Illegals who would arrive on French territory through Germany. Alright, let's take a look at it a bit. see what has been brought to us more at the level of the immigration stream. A complex case which started following an alert given by the prefecture. We are confronted to an upsurge relatively atypical in asylum applications lodged by Albanian speakers Kosovo and Albania, in the Haut-Rhin. A total of 500 Kosovars have applied for asylum, three times more than last year. A surprising increase which pushes the investigators to look at it a little closer. An item goes right away hold their attention. Here we have an area which is Kosovo. Most of the illegals who are all from from the southern zone Prizren, Pristina, Bujanovac and especially Gjilan. We can smell that there is a network behind the scenes. - Asylum seekers are all from the same region. For investigators, this is a disturbing first sign. Frank begins to investigate and his informants will give him an answer. He's a Kosovar currently in France which would pass the border to illegal immigrants. - We learned something very interesting, he is a Kosovar national, designated as a leading organizer would currently be on Mulhouse and would have taken charge precisely a section of channels between Hungary and France. - Here is the leader who would give himself up illegal smuggling of people. We will call him, Anton. For the French police, It's a man on which there are suspicions. But what Frank ignores, is that in his country, he is not quite a stranger. - We had a pleasant surprise for us investigators, is that this individual was wanted under an arrest warrant issued by the authority judiciary of Kosovo. - Here is the document which proves what we are saying. According to Kosovo authorities, Anton would be on the run and prosecuted in his country for organizing a network of human trafficking. Problem, Anton's network would already be well established in France According to Frank's clues. - Informations gathered from its sources also tells us smugglers who act on behalf of these organizers. - Thanks to the commander's informants, the police men were able to obtain the name of a smuggler as well as the license plate of his vehicle. Precious items. - Regarding the license plate, we checked with the Customs Police Cooperation Center, we have the identity of the person. It is located in Germany, based in Germany. The vehicle matches to a BM Series three. - The investigators are therefore now on the trail of two suspects. The so-called Anton who would be the brain of the sector, and a ferryman who would drive a sedan black German. Two mysterious faces which won't last long. By doing research, Eric will realize that Anton applied for asylum to be able to stay in France. By contacting the prefecture, the policeman finally gets what he is looking for. -We have his photos now we have a face on a name, it's really interesting. - Anton the Brain alleged illegal traffic is a stout man forty years old. According to this document, he would be domiciled in Mulhouse. Unfortunately, Eric will discover that the address indicated is just a simple post office box. Impossible to know where he lives. Then remains the second man. Afterwards, concerning the trafficker which is in Germany. There, we checked with of the Customs Police Cooperation Centre. - To try to identify the alleged smuggler. Eric asked for help to his German colleagues. Thanks to the names provided by the informant, they will be able to perform search their database. Results ? - We received a photographic snapshot of this person, who was obviously known in Germany for acts of violence. - From now on, the investigators know the faces of the suspects. Anton, the organizer presumed from the immigration network based in Mulhouse and a smuggler based across the Rhine, who would transport migrants in his vehicle. To ensure that this sector immigration is very active, investigators border police will monitor phone numbers of the two individuals, mobile numbers given by French informants. From now on, the suspects are put on call 24 hours a day. In the following days, the whole team is mobilized to monitor closely their phone lines. Foreign language conversations in Albanian, precisely urgently translated by an interpreter. The right pickaxe, Frank comes across a suspicious exchange, an eloquent conversation where Anton, the alleged organizer of the network is directly in line with Kosovo. - Our target here, who in France, asks if there is something new on a passage, if a named *** succeeded to have passed to the other side. It refers to illegals. Pass to the other side, it's crossing the border. It's definitely the border between northern Serbia and Hungary. While being based on French territory, our target continues to manage passages that are happening there. - The sector is therefore very active. Investigators are now convinced, the suspect would be at the heart of a network on an international scale. Kosovar illegal immigrants are currently being sent to Hungary to enter the European area, then transit through Austria, then by Germany, before crossing the Rhine and to arrive in Mulhouse. Better, it's not just Anton, the alleged brain, which confirms that the sector clandestine is indeed in activity. The alleged smuggler, who lives in Germany, he also said the same thing. He announces his upcoming arrival in Mulhouse, probably to smuggle in illegal immigrants on French soil. So there is urgency. - The next step will be to set up a monitoring device on the Franco-German border in order to try to see it pass and tail him to try to find its base in Mulhouse and see where he drops off stowaways. - To organize this surveillance, investigators have valuable information because on the phone, the suspect gave the date details of his arrival in the city. That day, investigators decided to go to the German border to try to find the suspected smuggler. - Hop, let's go! - The major index of the police, this photo of the plate registration of his car. The police do not want stop it immediately, but watch it, because in case of arrest, the ferryman could be lying. - The goal, is that he can't tell us, I just dropped off a family, they were just friends. It was to help them. There it is really materialize the offense with several family deposits. - After half an hour of driving, the two investigators arrive at the border between Germany and France, in this parking lot reserved for heavy goods vehicles. A place where surveillance is difficult because passing motorists over there drive at more than 100 km/h. - It's quite complex because the speed now is 110 on this highway where before, we had a border post which allowed us to have more facilities and it was limited to 30. Today it rolls, you have to have good eyes. - That day, Eric and David watch the road relentlessly, eyes glued to their binoculars, lingering on black cars identical to those of the ferryman. It's only late at night the vehicle appears. Investigators take advantage to photograph it. The car is spotted and taken in tail, the smuggler heads for a hotel. Investigators choose to monitor it remotely and prefer to wait that he left the establishment. The night has been long for investigators, but the next morning they had time to recover the essentials. Images hotel CCTV. - So we could have this recording from the lobby where we see the German smuggler accompanied by the clandestine. - The ferryman is the man with the white cap screwed on the head. On the left of the screen, the clandestine and him at his side. Both discuss with the man dressed in black, the hotel receptionist. For Éric, there is no doubt, it is property of the suspect that interests them. - We recognize there the German passer compared to photographic images that we have received from the German authorities. It's the exact same person. It's the same corpulence, the ears, big protruding ears, beard, mustache. There, we can see that it is him. - From now on, the police just have to wait let the smuggler talk about him again. It remains to know the extent trafficking in illegal immigrants in Mulhouse. To evaluate it, only one solution, listening. For many months, border police investigators will continue to dig communications from suspects. A long-term job which is slow to show results. The network organizer is discreet and the passer which had been subject spinning is no longer talked about. Are the police deadlocked? The appearance of a new protagonist will make it possible to relaunch the whole investigation. One more time, thanks to his informants, Frank just received essential information. We spoke to him of a Kosovar living in Mulhouse, likely to play a central role in his business. - It is someone who is designated to us as having been involved in the counterfeit of several hundred registration certificate in Kosovo. We were told this guy came to go green in France and he would relate with the main organizers of our industry of illegal immigration. - A regular at forgery. The ideal profile of the counterfeiter including Anton, the suspected migrant smuggler might need in order to achieve false papers for illegal immigrants. Frank therefore hastens to consult all these files. - There, we see that he has a residence permit valid which mentions an entry into France which goes back several years. He is married and he resides in the city of Mulhouse. - On the copy of the residence permit transmitted by the prefecture, the investigator discovers the photo of the individual and his address. Here is the face of the third man. The forger. We will call him Boriam. From now on, everything will depend on him and frequency of his relations with Antoine, the brain of the sector. So the police are going be particularly attentive to telephone communications d'Anton, the head of the wiretapped network for many months. Conversations that you will see it, will make it possible to give a boost to their investigation. That day, unexpected event at the BMR in Mulhouse, Eric just learned A very good news. - We have something new on the forger of Mulhouse. The translator translated two lines, two interesting listens. - Listening in which Boriam the forger phone to Anton the boss of the clandestine network. Exactly what investigators hoped. He is in contact with him. He asks to arrange a permit for someone. We have orders false documents. He says it's doable and so he will give a guy's number who will call him back the next day. It confirms the fact that this individual is still involved in the production of false documents. It's very good for us. It's kind of what we expected now it will go further. We should have soon still some interesting stuff. This time, it's sure, for Frank and his team. Boriam the forger, has become an essential link in the network. That is sure thanks to him that the police will reveal the functioning of the whole sector. So, without further ado, investigators decide to verify Boriam's address, the only track now available to the police. It is Éric and his colleague who are responsible for carrying out this mission. In order not to compromise their identification, we follow them on hidden camera. - The target's building is just to the right. We'll go quietly. - A question worries them. Does the man actually live at mentioned on his residence permit? The police men will soon find out. - Okay, here we go. - Once in the building, Eric and Renaud immediately check the mailboxes. The good news ! - There, we can see, there is the name of our target on the mailbox. We will see if there is not of mail, so he has to pick it up. Apparently it would be the right place here. All you have to do is go upstairs to see if there's a name on a doorbell, it will save time. This is the right address. The name is on the doorbell, the mailbox. No question of ringing or get spotted. Eric decides therefore hide the eyecup. Now we need find a way to watch discreetly his comings and goings. Investigators notice a real estate ad which falls steeply on the other side of the street. - Actually, there is an apartment for rent opposite, just above, opposite of the target's apartment. We will try to see if we can't occupy it for monitoring. - Good news ! Accommodation is available and the rental agency agree to give them the keys. - We'll check the interior, if it is possible to put a camera. - The police hope to monitor the activities of the alleged forger and maybe discover new faces, potential accomplices involved in this case. First of all, the location is perfect. - That's not bad. There, we are really well placed because we have a view on the balcony, on the window door and in addition, we have a view of the entrance to the building. - Boriam's apartment, here it is. He is on the first floor, just above the entrance to the building, but at this early hour, the shutters are still closed. - By placing a trigger camera automatic, it will be really ideal. - A surveillance camera which records as soon as there is movement, allowing the police to keep an eye on what is happening 24 hours a day. Investigators plan to return install it in the afternoon when suddenly, an unexpected event will surprise them. - It's him. - Under the eyes of the investigators, Boriam, the alleged forger, just popped up on her balcony with a baby in her arms. This time, no more doubt, the man lives well here. Eric immediately tries to fix these images with the only camera he has on hand, his phone. Unfortunately, barely out, the suspect returns inside, but not for long. - We have the target just out. We will try to spin it a little bit, see their contacts. - Would Boriam have an appointment for his business? The police men want to get to the bottom of it. - We're going to have a look if he's gone to the usual cafe. - The usual coffee, it's the café where they meet all the Kosovars of Mulhouse. An address well known to investigators border police that they regularly monitor and which is at the end of the street, behind its columns. - Obviously, he is at the cafe, seated at a table. We will try to go take our soum, try to take pictures, to see the guys he's with. - A soum, i.e. a submarine in police jargon. It's an unmarked vehicle with one-way windows, which allows you to see without being seen. - You have to be reactive in this kind of monitoring because there, as we have seen at the cafe, we have to hurry to take snapshots before he leaves the cafe. - Investigators do as soon as possible because they fear to have lost their man. - He's not here anymore ? - He's on the right? - Yes OK, agreed With the shirt checkered, the blue jacket. Yes ok, I see. - In the middle of a discussion, the suspect is still quietly seated. To avoid being spotted, Renaud leaves the vehicle. While Eric, hidden in the back, starts shooting. The goal is to have a maximum snapshots of all individuals that revolve around Boriam. One of them will intrigue the policeman. - He is with two people, they talk. One of two people? We already know her from another case. A case of narcotics and help to immigration in the Albanian environment. - The men gathered around this table would they be there on business? Eric Hope surprise a transaction. - On telephone interceptions, there are already hints to permit orders. What we can check is if there is an exchange of envelopes, an envelope of a document against possible remuneration. - Minutes pass and still nothing. - If it's not done here, if it happens, it's probably at home. - After two hours of hiding, investigators decide to give up for today. - This monitoring is positive, it's a good start. We have some contacts. Afterwards, it is to be checked and confirmed. - Today Boriam and his friends seem to have reunited just for a drink. The police are hoping keep learning more on the entourage of the supposed forger, in order, in particular, to establish if other people are involved in migrant smuggling. Police investigators at the borders don't know it yet, but it is actually what's going to happen and it's going to be quite spectacular. Today, the camera installed just opposite Boriam's home, the forger will reveal a few surprises for Eric. Visual evidence. - We will try to see if he has contacts, if he has any customers who came to his house and check if possibly people come looking for false documents at home or come to get tampons or in fake stamps or fake visas. - When Boriam appears in the picture, he seems to have the daily from Mr. Everybody. He is seen here with his wife and her child, or go out alone to get bread. After a moment, the policeman will realize that all this is only a deceptive appearance. - This sequence is interesting because there are two people passing in front of the building, they exchange a wallet. There is one of the guys ringing at the building. Apparently it has no key he tries to come in, he rings, then we open the door for him, he enters the building. - Why these men did they exchange a wallet? So what's inside? Above all, the man who received it was he going to Boriam the forger? The policeman has serious doubts. So to find out, he will stay vigilant hoping to find these same individuals on other images. Indeed, a few days later, stroke of luck, the man who had given his wallet, suddenly reappears. - It's our forger from Mulhouse who arrives with a person, this gentleman in white. I will go and check with the photo of the last time there was the exchange of wallets. - At first glance, the description seems to match. - That's it. The jacket, the black jeans, shoes with bands white below. Yes it's him. - The investigator is sure it's about the individual who had handed over the wallet to another man. Today he enters the building alongside Boriam, the forger. Both come out of the building a few moments later. - They stayed four minutes because they had returned at 2:54 p.m. It's 2:58 p.m. Afterwards, you have to see if he came home to look for a document, it happened quickly to receive a tampon, four minutes, it was very quick. - Just the time needed for a formality. Would the man in white be a customer of the alleged forger or an accomplice Who would he have made an appointment with? To try to find out, Eric will bend over on the suspect's wiretapping. - I'm on interceptions that we have in this case. I will watch if over the period in question, if possibly there would be eavesdropping which would refer to an appointment. - Apparently, no trace of this meeting. But parsing the last calls, Eric is going to fall on a defining conversation. Conversation in which Boriam appears to be on the phone with a client. - He still talks about an order. He talks about a week's delay, but he talks about passport stuff, stuff on the passport. He talks about the price €150 per stamp. Our forger tells him that over there, it's good. - Over there, according to the indications of the suspect, it would be in Kosovo. - We can suppose that the document over there is ready, he only has to get him repatriated. - The forger of Mulhouse would therefore content itself with affixing, for a hundred euros, A rubber stamp to authenticate documents manufactured in their country of origin. Obviously, the mechanics are well oiled. A perfect organization. - It is a well-structured organization, there are intermediaries in Kosovo, there are people who are responsible for delivering the documents. The final recipient he's our forger which is located in Mulhouse. - For the investigator, the modus operandi of the counterfeiter becomes clearer. Gradually, the elements pile up against Boriam and the police still hope learn more by surprising him, for example in flagrante delicto. - Now, what we're waiting for, we would like to have an exchange on the territory to can proceed with the arrest. - But the investigators also want to cast a wider net and discover all the ramifications of this network. An international organization whose we now know how it works. Anton the bridgehead supposed from the sector would bring in Kosovar illegal immigrants in France. Once in Mulhouse, The new comers would address Boriam to obtain false papers. The latter would make documents in Kosovo and would bring then its final touch, A rubber stamp. Now the police count on the forger to lead them up to Anton the brain. Anton that they still do not have managed to locate. The police don't know it yet. but their investigation is getting ready to take a whole new dimension, because behind this migrant smuggling network, they will discover criminal activities much more worrying. In a moment, on D8, the hidden side of the underground network. - This is serious. They rode in Germany on robberies, burglaries. In pursuit of the brain of the network, an incredible spin. - I left some slack because it turned orange. I'm not grilled. How will the police succeed to trap these ruthless outlaws? - Police, don't move! With an essential question does it exist within the organization a killer with multiple identities? - It would be considered dangerous, capable of being armed. He is registered under 16 different aliases. - The answer in a few minutes. A month later at the mobile brigade border police searches, skimming the conversations counterfeiter's telephone numbers, Eric discovers an exchange which will mark a turning point in the investigation. - This communication is interesting, because there is ***, our counterfeiter, who online with a with a named *** He tells her it's in Mulhouse that they arrested these friends, it just happened. He asks our forger if he knows a lawyer. A telephone call which intrigues the investigator. A few days ago, he was rightly informed by the Mulhouse police station of the arrest of three Kosovars during a routine traffic check. Quickly, the investigator discovers that the date of arrest precisely matches to that of the call he has just heard. - There, we make the connection. It's those three friends he's talking about. - The three men are apparently in contact with the forger of the network, an armed trio with a disturbing profile. - He has a nine mm automatic pistol. Yeah, okay, that was heavy including a chambered cartridge. - A loaded gun. An attempt to escape. Eric decides to call the police station for more information. - Yes, greet Stéphane This is Eric from BMR. - Investigator is not really going regret his call. - We did a search with the Swiss and German authorities. These guys are known and wanted for theft armed robbery and kidnapping. - OK, in Germany and Switzerland. - In Swiss. - Weapons, Robbery, kidnapping. Eric just discovered around the counterfeiter very dangerous characters. - It's serious, they are guys who rode in Germany on robberies, about burglaries, were discovered balaclavas, weapons after a search. - Even if the three men are already under lock and key, this new information worries Eric. If the sector were closely involved or from afar in violent holdups? - Now we will be careful next listens, see if he speaks correctly of offenses against people or property and then see if there are appointments. - As the weeks pass, the more the police wonder if they didn't bring to light illegal smuggling much darker with protagonists who would actually be linked to international organized crime. If the mystery seems to thicken, the sudden reappearance from an old acquaintance will relaunch the whole investigation. A week later, in the early morning, Eric is already hard at work. Anton's laptop, the mastermind of the migrant smuggling network between Kosovo and France, just suddenly turned on after more one month of inactivity. - We see our trafficker from Mulhouse Who is online with people. On the other hand, these are communications in the middle of the night, 3:30 in the morning. who talk about coming to recover, where you dropped us off the way, the road. You do 500 meters at the roundabout on the right and beware of the cops. - Anton the main suspect, would indulge in curious night activities. What purpose ? This is what Eric will now seek to discover. A word in the middle of all these translations will attract the investigator's attention. Something that makes you think to a burglary. - The interlocutor of *** says that he forgot the gloves, but *** says he will do turn around in this case. - Eric starts to wonder if Anton would not actually serve from driver to Kosovars to carry out burglary operations. Another message will lead him at the beginning of the track. - He speaks of a city Heimerdingen and it's just over the border between Strasbourg and Colmar, but on the German side. - To get to the bottom of it, the policeman will ask to David his colleague, to check with German authorities if burglaries took place on the evenings of the calls. A few minutes later, this answer will raise the last doubts of the investigators. - There I come to receive an answer revealing six burglaries in the nights that concern us. The elements that are on our plays are corroborated by burglaries that actually happened in that sector. So everything fits. - Migrant smuggling. False papers and now burglaries. The investigators seem to have put the hand on a network of criminals with multiple activities. Through listening, the police know that Boriam, the forger of the sector would be in contact with men who committed robberies in Switzerland and Germany. As for Anton the traffic mastermind, he himself would be involved in burglaries which took place recently across the Rhine. For the commander, it is urgent to intervene to avoid a bloodbath in case a future burglary would go wrong. - There is a very significant risk that one day the team who goes up to burglaries on these residences come face to face with the owners. We want to avoid that there is a skid we will say, what potential there, the offense, we will have to put an end to it relatively quickly within the folder. - So the boss decides to summon his entire team to establish a new plan of attack. Now the squad has top priority identify Anton's address, the brain of the network. - The most important point, identify the current home in Mulhouse. His vehicle. Then we will take action a little more precise to try to set up more constant monitoring and rigorous to see if in addition, if he goes up to Germany on burglaries, if it serves as a support for a team to ride on burglaries in Germany. - Once again, thanks to the plays that the investigators will find two essential pieces of information to house the elusive Anton. He would live near of the administrative city of Mulhouse and he would also use a black station wagon spanish brand, an unusual brand. - It's not very common as a vehicle. I think that will be enough easily identifiable, especially in neighborhoods in the areas where it hangs out. - Without waiting, the investigators will leave in the streets of Mulhouse, on the vehicle track of the smuggler. Direction, the neighborhood where Anton would be housed. Eric hopes that the prime suspect parked his car near his home. - There, the objective, is to determine its precise address. Know exactly its input. - The police set up a two-car device, because they intend to position themselves at the entrance of each end the street where the vehicle will be parked, to observe the comings and goings. First of all, you have to find it. Eric reviews all cars parked on the side and won't wait long before hitting the bull's eye. Stroke of luck, the vehicle of the head of the network is there. So, Eric will park about fifty meters further, while his colleague, him, stands back. - We're not bad there. - In his rearview mirror, the policeman can observe the vehicle without being seen. He hopes to see the main suspect. - Like this, the person, if she goes out, she has no face to us. Here we are anyway hidden behind the seat. This is not bad as monitoring. - An hour passes, R.A.S, nothing to report. Eric is worried. Was he in the wrong vehicle? One thing is certain, the investigator knows that he can't stay still here for a long time. - Stay that way extended in a vehicle It's still quite suspicious. We wait half an hour it's ok, we can wait for a colleague, or someone, but there. - Finally, it's when Eric gets ready to lift the device that a man suddenly appears. He crosses the road in the direction of the black station wagon and from where it is, the policeman can perfectly see his face. It is indeed Anton, the leader of the illegal traffic. - On the other hand, we did not see it exit the building. - If Eric did not succeed to see where Anton came from, he hopes that his colleague, positioned upstream, had more luck. - Yes I saw. - The second policeman think I have identified the alleged trafficker's building. But the investigators don't have time to say more because the suspect's vehicle is already leaving. He decides to follow him to see where he is going. Éric transmits to the brigade the news information he has just obtained. - Xiaomi saw it in his mirrors exit the last door. Yes, I left some slack because it is gone orange, I'm not toast. - The policeman knows that he has nothing to do with anyone and that the slightest misstep could jeopardize his shadowing. He prefers not to take any risks and leaves several hundred meters between him and his target. - I thought I saw in the distance that he was turning right. He returns towards the door Two bullets? Are you behind the truck? - Yes, that's it, yes. - A few seconds later, Éric in turn takes the street where Anton's car turned. Very quickly, the policeman will realize that he lost track of the target. He decides to go near the cafe that Kosovar nationals are used to frequenting. - He is the one entering in the cafe there, right? Shaved, back yes. - Remember, it is in this establishment precisely that the policeman had photographed several weeks ago Boriam, the man who would be responsible to provide false papers to illegals. Eric prefers to end the spinning because he is too afraid of being spotted. The policeman leaves the scene without any worries 'cause there's another way to know what happened at the cafe. A few hours later, David, Eric's teammate, bring back to the brigade a DVD which will provide valuable information. - We recovered city videos. - Very well, we're going to watch this. - The police will watch video surveillance images of Mulhouse and what they will discover will exceed all their expectations. - The image is of very good quality. We are in HD quality so suddenly, we really very good quality. - Very quickly, they find a usable video with stunning views on the café where Anton sat down. So we see *** on one side yes. The investigators finally face them the brains of the immigration network who for several months, keeps playing hide and seek with them. A man who would also be at the center of a team of robbers, And that's not all. It is on this point, we have who comes to settle with an incredible terrace. Anton the brain is with Boriam, the forger of the clandestine network. The police probably housed the HQ of the sector, the strategic place where they meet to establish their traffic. From now on, the investigators will do everything to discover the identity of all accomplices of the smuggler. Men who would participate with him to holdups abroad. Malefactors who, you will see, stop at nothing. A few days later, border police investigators will make a great discovery, a major step forward in their case On Anton's tapping the mastermind of human trafficking. They will intercept nocturnal communications where the prime suspect is online with one of his accomplices, probably a burglar. We have a chain of communications particularly interesting. There, we see really very well guys get ready and go on a burglary. That evening, an unexpected rather comical will change everything. A real godsend for the police. He has a little trouble with his vehicle, he breaks down. Once it's down, he calls with his phone people to come and help it out, ask everyone to come together to come and help him out, etcetera. In the rain he will give names, he's going to be a little more impulsive. Taken aback, Anton the head of the network lowered his guard. He delivered the name of his potential accomplices. Four men who would share the same apartment as him in town. So, without delay, Frank and his team will exploit these new elements. We have individuals who are visually his roommates. We should check it out on Facebook. To identify these people, the policeman will draw a formidable weapon, social networks. Frank only has nicknames, but he will quickly find them in contact of the course organiser. We did not know their face, but we will be able progress a little faster and retrieve at least profiles. A few clicks and photos of these individuals appear in the picture. Here are the faces dubious dating migrant smuggler. Frank will linger on the profile of one of them because he posted a snapshot more than disturbing. You can see. This is a photo that was taken inside a Volkswagen vehicle and you clearly see a rifle there, a rifle-type rifle 12 gauge pump. With the butt folded down. Bingo! Frank is convinced of this, those guys would be nice very active burglars currently alongside D'Anton, the head of the network. It is highly probable that they devote themselves to other criminal activities, such as burglary or even robbery. This is what may be coming through. The police are now on the trail of four new suspects. Men with the profile of thugs which would gravitate around migrant smuggler and who would participate with him to holdups abroad. In this case, the list of suspects keeps getting longer. Investigators are not at the end of their surprises, because in the entourage of the brain of the network, they are about to discover a new criminal, a major criminal which will upset their investigation. This morning, Frank, the captain, just received a call of prime importance. One of his informants is at the end of the line. He will give him information on another dating of Anton, their smuggler of migrants. OK, thank you. -Come on, please. -Goodbye. A dangerous man. We have an individual who would have escaped from a remand center in Kosovo where he was serving a long sentence duration for acts of murder. He would have benefited an exit permit and would not have reinstated and he would have been exfiltrated to France, just through the network. It will eventually be someone who would be involved in armed robberies abroad, not on French territory. A killer sentenced to 18 years in prison. Like everyone else he too would have benefited some help from Anton the Brain of the sector to enter France. Frank immediately wants confirm this information delivered by his informant. If it's true, it means that Anton would now be in contact with a murderer on the loose. For now, we only have a physical description and a nickname that goes with a physical description, the bald. The bald is how the man would be called Frank doesn't know his name, but with this simple nickname as a keyword, he will be able to sift all contacts of Anton on the plays recorded on their phone line. The policeman will fall on a series of suspicious communications. The bald he says that he is in Germany. He says there is a good car In my opinion, it is not a car. He tells her a Land Rover, if you know what i mean at €30,000, there are tires to install on another. Do you understand me well? Here we are in the middle in coded language between criminals. Would it be a next burglary in preparation? Obviously, the two men would do well together, as the informant clarified to Frank. Would the bald lend a hand to the small group of burglars that would gravitate around Anton, migrant smuggler? To find out, the investigator asked the help of the German police. Its good, because I see that the colleague, the German colleague fired me. They made connections with other facts. An answer that will confirm this information. They actually found just an overlap with the robbery of a casino which took place at the end of April in Germany, in the border area. They, on their side, made a connection with their Swiss colleagues Basel criminal police and noticed that there were three facts or four similar facts that could be attributed to this team of robbers. Thanks to the collaboration between fonts, Frank got a photo of the infamous bald, a man in his forties years with a shaved head. By consulting the police files, Brice, a peacekeeper, will make an edifying discovery. It would be considered dangerous, capable of being armed. He is registered under 16 different aliases. He is known for offense drug laws, violations of the law strangers, robbery with violence, aggravated theft. The list is still long, but not possible to know for now the true identity of this notorious criminal. Unlike other members from Anton's team. He does not live in France. For investigators, the chances of locating him are slim. However, a new information goes quickly change everything. a few more days late, the whole mobile brigade team research is on deck. We just got some information last minute there. Commander's clues showed up again and apparently, the man nicknamed the Bald would be about to arrive in Mulhouse by car, in the station area. We won't have another chance to question with caution, with maximum security, this guy. He is in Mulhouse today, you can't miss it. For the police, no question to leave this killer on the loose in nature. Especially since it regularly seems in contact with the men of the D'Anton network. He would participate with them to burglaries. He spends his time on the sector to commit criminal acts while surfing on the different small teams with drawers, including our main targets. The organizer, the forger, all the guys around. The investigator knows that the bald would have obtained false papers thanks to Anton, the head of the network, and Boriam, his forger. Since he carries false identity documents. We are going to organize ourselves to make a totally random check, so as not to attract the attention of the rest of the group. A banal identity check, this is Frank's strategy. But despite appearances, the operation looks very risky. You equip yourself, bulletproof vests, and the usual equipment. sentenced for murder, the man could be armed. The police will have to increase vigilance. That is the main objective. One last look to the photo of the individual and Frank's team is on the way. The bald must arrive in about twenty minutes. Investigators leave the police station and leave with three cars to criss-cross the station area, located a few minutes only from the brigade. They know the man has to come in a blue vehicle registered in Germany. Yes, it works, yes. A first police car will position itself just in front of the station. An ideal location to track comings and goings. Nickel, we see it nickel. He has to go through it or the other side. Frank, him, is parked in another car, just a little higher. We, behind, we will block the back to prevent the car escape from behind. A little further, two policemen on foot stand watch near the bus shelter. Everything is in place now to give the suspect no chance. But things will rush. Yes, we are coming. Frank just sounded the alarm. He saw the suspect across the square and against all odds, the man is not in the car but on foot, with two other people. The police are coming from behind and challenge the three men by surprise. Don't move, raise your hands! People are on the ground. They offered no resistance. Not moving ! Where are the papers? Where are your papers, sir? Lift it ! On his side, the bald, more to the right, remain silent for the time being. Escorted by the police, the three suspects walk towards their vehicle because the bald man would have left his papers there. Once facing Frank, man presents italian documents and claims he is in good standing. You speak Italian ? Only Italian? But a few seconds later, David will make a find. What is that ? Are you that Asylum? It's not the same asylum, it's not not the same name as on the documents there. In the suspect's wallet, the policeman unearthed a Kosovar document and the registered name is not the same than the one who appears on his Italian papers. You know these are false documents. Is he Italian or Kosovar? No, these are false papers. That's his real name, right? Ask him. We'll check all that at the office. OK ? The man, the bald has he procured his false papers via the network of Anton the migrant smuggler? That's what the police think. His companions are in order. So they leave with their car. The bald, on the other hand, will be taken to the brigade to be taken into custody with this individual with multiple identities, the commander knows the hardest part remains to be done. This guy, that we now have in custody, for forgery, use of forgery. As police officers, we know that he has a profile that goes much further. It's up to us now to prove their identity, his real identity under which he is wanted for his escape following a murder, from the Kosovo Remand Prison. Facing Frank, the man will accept to reveal more, but in the absence of any camera. As he claimed speak only Italian, he will finally trade in German with the commander. Ten minutes later, Frank is already satisfied. He spontaneously recognized his true identity and especially that he was on the run from a remand center in Kosovo. where he had already served a sentence fourteen years in prison, which is not nothing. He had four years left to be purged for justly to be totally free following a murder conviction during a burglary committed in Switzerland. Obviously, he preferred to put green in France. Arrested when with a simple identity check, the man cannot be interrogated about burglaries which would have been made by Anton and his potential accomplices. As it is of a wanted criminal, Frank wants at all costs to be able to extradite him to Kosovo, where he was incarcerated. He immediately contacted his liaison officer in the Balkans. It seems that he is subject an arrest warrant, but I find no trace of it anywhere. I turn to you to know if you could act quickly to see in Kosovo, if we could have like we did last time, the court documents who come to us on time so that we can switch requesting provisional arrest. To resend the bald in prison in Kosovo, Frank needs a document official of the justice of this country. In the meantime, he would like to know what the rest of the hearing gave. Did the bald talk about Anton, the mastermind of the clandestine network, or of Boriam, his forger? It's midnight, the interrogation of the suspect is over and apparently, he gave details to the police on obtaining his false papers. It recognizes fake docs, there's no problem. False Italian documents and the fake map of Kosovo. He recongnizes, he got them for €800 for three. Apparently he was with a smuggler, he crossed the Serbian border. Kosovo Serbia on foot after the car, picked it up after Serbia, Hungary on foot, retrieved Austria, Germany. OK. In fact, he does not give details more specific about what he knows. -Nobody -Okay, it's not surprising. Frank knows from his informants that the murderer would have benefited network services to come to France, but the man didn't want to say anything about it and gave no name. There he couldn't deny document fraud. He couldn't deny the fact that he is on the run and he has problems with the authorities judicial Kosovo, he does not deny it I seriously think that he's not going to go to hell in spontaneously recognizing facts for which he is suspected. The police think they won't know any more. From now on, the urgency is to return this dangerous criminal in prison in Kosovo. The next day, the Bald is taken away at the Colmar Court of Appeal, the competent authority for extradition proceedings. The arrest of this man who was in contact with Anton, the presumed mastermind of the sector will precipitate events Because from now on, the investigators will have to call him as soon as possible, him and his accomplices, lest all members of the network do not vanish into nature. The very next day, Frank summoned his entire team as well as several police departments, and especially men Mulhouse Public Security. Your attention just a few moments. In total, about sixty police mobilized to challenge a dozen objectives, all directly or indirectly related to Anton, the brains of the immigration chain. That the investigations were able to determine that we were facing to a structure particularly organized. Border Police investigators decided to strike strong the next morning triggering a wave of arrests on different sites in Mulhouse. Near the apartment of the administrative city where would Anton the alleged mastermind live of the immigration channel, with at least three accomplices potential for burglary. But also at Boriam, the forger, this father who would provide illegal immigrants with false papers. But problem, it looks like he's missing. The little thing that annoys a little, it's been a week since our friend *** went to Kosovo for technical and family reasons, but more technical. That is to say, he is likely to come back with false documents. Unfortunately we will not have time to wait. Investigators want still search his home in the hope to find evidence there. Faced with all these high-flying traffickers, the operation is risky. Frank wants to warn his men. The rules must be very strict. I would not accept that a colleague be injured on this kind of intervention. You all know that. So, I repeat, we are looking for people to the established dangerousness. Tomorrow, if they want to put a halt mafia activities of the Anton sector, the police cannot afford no faux pas. In a few minutes, high-risk arrests. These individuals may be armed. Suspects who taunt the police. It's been three or four years that people have these debts because he was doing grow potatoes in people. Despite the evidence found at their home. The names of the illegals with the debts. Especially stunning confessions from a thug found in extremis. Have you been involved in burglaries? All the answers in a moment. The next morning, at dawn, This is the big day for investigators border police. The culmination of a year of investigation. We're finally going to see our targets up close. We will finally talk to them after all these hours of surveillance, telephone tapping, etcetera. With about fifteen colleagues, Frank, commander, will take care of the main target in that case, Anton the migrant smuggler who would live with other evildoers. The police expect to find at least four people on site. So there are many of them for this rather delicate operation. These individuals can be armed and especially, there is a high risk of leakage. They will do anything to try to escape to arrests if we do not freeze not quickly the situation. On site, the neighborhood is still asleep. Investigators intend to pick the suspects out of bed. The police rush in quietly in the building. Through their supervision, they know that the apartment is here, on the ground floor. is Anton well behind this door? Police, don't move. In a few seconds, the police raid the apartment. Stay on the ground. Individuals are stunned. Surprised by the speed of response. You have no light. A total of four men and one woman are immediately under control. Frank is satisfied. It's good, it's fixed? It's okay, light. The commander is smiling. Yes it was fast there is a switch there. Anton the wanted trafficker is there, sitting right on a mattress. It does not lead far. And among his roommates, there is a couple that investigators do not know. Illegals without papers who obviously, have just arrived in France. Investigators will now move on the apartment with a fine comb in search of the least conclusive evidence that can attest possible burglaries. Every corner is meticulously inspected and it is first of all a bulky object which catches the eye of the police. Yes this it's burglary equipment, It is used to cut armored doors. It can be used for many things, but this is the perfect tool. It really is preferred tool. It's not over because a little further, Frank falls on an equally interesting bag with inside, a crowbar and gloves. Whose is this? No answer. Anthony and his friends remain silent for now. The police are now going tackle their suitcases and oddly, they find packs of €2 coins small change resulting from a burglary, Too early to say, but it's in another suitcase What Frank is going to do his best find. In this binder belonging to Anton, they unearth a small paper folded in four. A discovery that is in his eyes unequivocally the occult accounting of the brain of the sector, written by hand. You see, there we have, the name of the illegal immigrants with the origin, the city with the debts which are mentioned in euros about what he is due to the title of the passages. The sums at stake are not small, neighboring on this sheet €22,000 in all. Real physical evidence to establish illegal smuggling. The intervention is a success for investigators border police. Problem one of the targets missing this morning. Remember, it's about the man who exhibited a shotgun on social networks. Investigators hope to find locate him within the next few hours. In the immediate future, the first suspects are taken away to the brigade to be auditioned. Stay now the delicate question of the counterfeiter. Another team goes to his home. First floor right. Here, the intervention is less risky because the man would have gone on a trip in his country, in Kosovo, leaving wife and child in Mulhouse. Here, therefore, no question ram to break down the door. Open up, it's the police! Hello ma'am. Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is the police. We will enter. Good morning ! Inside, everything seems calm. That the three there yes, I have a grandson. She was near there. As expected, there is only the Boriam's wife and children. The man is not at home. Immediately, the police begin the search. They hope to find material intended for the manufacture of false papers, and in particular the famous stamp pads that Boriam would use to authenticate their documents. First of all, they collect cell phones and computer hardware. The USB sticks are there. Looking for small objects Investigators search everywhere, under the mattress, in drawers, at the bottom of suitcases, and they end up finding jewelry and a sum substantial cash. seven hundred fifty euros six hundred. But still no proof confirming the alleged activity of the forger. Until a first discovered in the living room. For the pictures identity of his brother? As the wife speaks in his native language, a translated interpreter. In fact, he warns me I think it's too early Because the person in question wished to actually make him a visa -So he can... -Which person ? Her husband is going to give her a visa? That's nice of him. An answer that does not really seem convince the police. They think they're on the right track and indeed, a few moments later, their suspicions will be confirmed thanks to these photocopies identity papers. It doesn't explain why. I have several brothers. I don't have their ID. Clearly, investigators don't believe it, but no trace of the ink pads. Worried, Frank joined his men. He wants at all costs to put his hand on something significant. I can see you for two minutes. The boss is convinced that the key to the enigma lies within its four walls. So he will persevere with a new group of police. There are three more staff who will arrive. We are going to redo a total search of the House because what is hidden in here. We do everything, we redo everything thoroughly. The commander does not want to give up. He knows well that a multitude hiding places are possible. He decides to return the entire of the appartment because without any physical evidence, it will be difficult to confuse the counterfeiter. We know there is something we are almost certain, so we really have to find it. These things, these little tampons. It left for a second search. Through perseverance, Frank ends up falling on a strange little bottle. This is ink for ink pad. That's a little blotter, which was used to affix stamps, visibly. The determination of the boss finally paid. The police will keep this bottle preciously because they intend to use it during interrogation of the wife of Boriam, the forger and play the element of surprise. In the end, the search will have lasted several hours. Departure for the brigade where the woman of the forger will now be heard as a witness because it is not directly implicated in this case. In the corridors of the BMR, all suspects arrested this morning waiting 12 people in all arrested at their homes. A wide sweep for PAF officers. Now the hearings will be able to start. Starting with that of Anton migrant smuggler, the main suspect in this case. He will be questioned by David and by Brice, a colleague from the brigade, in the presence of a lawyer and an interpreter. From the start, the man is relaxed and unimpressed. Why did you leave your country? I left because I was [inaudible]. He did not commit an offense in Kosovo who could worry him, wherein he can be worried by justice? The interrogation immediately takes a strange turn. The defendant does not want say a word about his criminal past. However, these documents addressed to the Chancellery prove it. It is searched by the Kosovo authorities for illegal smuggling of migrants. So the two investigators will make him understand that they are not there to waste their time. You suspect well, I allow myself to touch him. Doubt well that if you are asked these kinds of questions, we are waiting for an answer a little more relevant. It's that you have been accused of certain crimes in Kosovo. So what have I been accused of? Suspect found the parade. It would have been nice and well accused in his country, but according to him, wrongly. So, in an attempt to destabilize him, David will change the subject and ask him about Boriam, the forger of Mulhouse because the police are convinced of it, the two men would work hand in hand. Does he know a certain *** in Mulhouse? 'Cause if I ask you, you know I know the answer. Waste of time, Anton claims not to know that name. So the investigators present him a photograph of Boriam. What's his name? He said I know him, but he. is not called ***. The man seems to take this interrogation lightly. So the cops go fast make him understand that they are one step ahead. We heard everything you said We've been listening to you for months. You have to stop trying to talk bullshit. We have to answer because we all know that. As I told you earlier, the judge knows it too. Within seconds, David takes the pressure up a notch and he will immediately submit to the suspect a telephone conversation very particular which proves that he knows very well the forger. You are online with ***. This person there wanted to send. You want to send her a friend to discuss you ask him if he can paint the guy's apartment? We imagine well that he is not a house painter. It's once again a coded communication which refers to to document fraud. Nothing works. With confidence, the suspect claims to be white as snow. An untenable position for the police because they have against this man enough dependent items to confuse him. David is therefore not very worried. We have evidence on this person and there he is to sink completely in refuting all of our findings. So, the more it will go, the more he will deny the more he will be caught at his own game. There will be a little less indulgence on him and suddenly it may take a little more in the end. Meanwhile, in the next room, the forger's wife is heard. As her husband is traveling in Kosovo, investigators want to know if yes or no she is aware of his activities. What does he do with his days? apart from looking for a job When he was working, what else was he doing? How ? Does your husband have many friends? No. Monsieur ***, is at the cafe every day with your husband just downstairs. The woman claims not knowing who Anton is. The presumed mastermind of the sector. Besides, she seems to know very little things in her husband's life. Stay at his home, a compromising document was found. So, during the search from your home, we also discovered a photocopy a French residence permit in the name of. Who is this person, how a photocopy of title of residence is at your place? Boriam's wife flies to the rescue of her husband. True or false ? Anyway, the police don't get discouraged though. They return to the famous object found when search of the couple's home. He had been discovered this bottle of black ink. For the computer. Who uses this? There is someone who uses it is yours. The forger's wife has the answer. She doesn't show herself taken aback by this finding. So the investigators will push the questioning a little further and try to make her react talking to him about telephone communication between her husband and a mysterious client. He asks her if it is possible to arrange a permit for someone else. Your husband, answers yes, it is doable. Seen the face you made, what else do you doubt? I swear, I don't know. You are still surprised regarding what... The forger's wife claims not be aware illegal activities of her husband. But investigators are skeptical. In other offices, everywhere, it's the same refrain. All other suspects don't give any information on the illegal immigration network and its main organizer. Same silence on the side of the roommates of the brain of the sector, men suspected of participating to burglaries who say as little as possible. Are there any statements spontaneous to do to us? What you did before is this what you continue to do today. Why all the suspects are they prisoners of the law of silence? In fact, there may be an explanation, because one of the accomplices of the network is going to make a significant revelation. He knows nothing ? He's sure he doesn't know anything? You must understand that even if we know, with us, we don't say if we have the answer. if i know something concerning this gentleman and I say, I know that something bad thing will happen to me. Omerta would therefore reign supreme of the 12 suspects. On the one hand, the boss who says nothing to protect your business, and on the other side of the beneficiaries suspected of the network who remain silent for fear of reprisals. This is why investigators face a wall of silence since the start of the auditions. Interrogations that get bogged down. While the investigation seems to have reached an impasse, the police will get their hands on a new man which will change everything. To relaunch their investigation, border police investigators only have one card to play find the man as soon as possible who was missing this morning when of the wave of arrests. An accomplice of the brain of the network who could, you never know, turn out to be more talkative. Remember, this man, probably a burglar, had been very talkative at the time where Anton, the organizer of the sector, had run out of gas. David and Brian decide to try everything. A final gamble. They decide to wander all the places where they have a chance to hit their target. First step the famous coffee where the alleged brain set his appointments. Investigators are crossing their fingers. I thought it was *** who was coming in front. It's a disappointment. Their suspect is not here. The police are chasing their road then separate so as not to attract attention. David then makes a discovery unexpected, almost a miracle. Wait, I think they're here. I believe they are on the terrace on the right. Unbelievable ! The man they are looking for is seated in a fast food restaurant quietly. David hastens to join his colleague. There are. On the terrace, all alone? All alone. The police immediately contact the brigade to bring in reinforcements. In the meantime, each on their own, investigators will watch the target remotely, because David feels that the suspect remains on his guard. I think he knows of what happened. It is not for nothing that he is head spinning all the time. What worries me is that he is finishing his can. In my opinion it will not take long to rise. Bingo, it's moving! Did the individual notice the presence of the police? Maybe, because he is going away. For his part, warned by David, Frank leave the squad by car with a colleague. Be careful, he may be calibrated that guy. Investigators are suspicious because, remember, on his Facebook, the individual in question did not hesitate to exhibit a weapon of caliber 12 in his car. A few minutes later, Frank, the commander, arrives on site to lend a hand to David. While the suspect is to return to his vehicle, the police decide to intervene. Not moving ! Raise your hands. Don't touch anything. For investigators, it is a huge reward. Their persistence paid off. The man offered no resistance. He is immediately taken to the brigade. Now investigators bet everything on him, because according to telephone tapping, the man didn't have his tongue in his pocket. So will he speak when of his interrogation? That's what the hearing is all about which will now take place in French. The man masters the language and for good reason, this Kosovar works in Switzerland as an insurance agent and has been for several years. In the last three months. have you stayed in an apartment in Mulhouse The man looks tense and uncomfortable. So the investigators will increase the pressure and try to destabilize it by questioning him on a telephone conversation. At the time the suspect was online with Anton, the head of the network. An exchange where it was a question of a fuel shortage. Go tell us this story. What happened ? When was that? Roughly. Who were you with ? I was not alone. with Antonio, I know you remember. The man is silent but begins to break down because he realizes that the case is more serious than he thought. The investigators will therefore rush in this breach to make him speak. You are a good guy because that you work, you have a situation... Tell us, what happened? Do you owe them money? They threatened you? What did they do for burglary with them? I didn't commit a burglary Tell us what you were doing I was just posing. What the hell were you doing with them? They, did they go there? If you're not there, what were you doing with them? I thought that's all. Under pressure, the man begins to recognize a minimal role in a burglary, then breaks down in tears. Do you want to take a break? Overwhelmed, he finally goes break the law of silence. I didn't understand. I owed money. Who did you owe money to? But to whom? How many ? Twenty five thousand francs. About 25,000 francs. The man explains that he needed 25 000 Swiss francs, i.e. approximately €20,000, to cover an intervention surgery for her mother. And finally. You have participated in burglaries for the purpose of reimbursement. That's it ? I helped others I helped. It was to win money ? What did they promise? He will even give the names of all who were present. Who was there that night? There was ***. The man ends up delivering to the police the entire network headed by Anton. It also explains why we found small change during searches. What they robbed that night ? They did not return with their arms full. Pieces of two? Remember, €2 lots indeed had were found at the trafficker's home. The audition is about to end. For the police, it is a real success. For the first time with confessions of a man who broke the omerta. Frank, the commander, is over the moon. It is indeed a medium where silence is king and very compartmentalized. We are not used to on this community to have spontaneously recognition of participation to criminal acts. The man who allowed to advance the whole investigation goes to his cell for his first night behind bars. After this damning testimony, Anton, the alleged mastermind of the clandestine network can't keep saying that there is nothing to it. This is the second day in custody. The police are optimistic because they collected first-hand testimony who directly accuses Anton to be the mastermind of the whole thing. They are therefore logically convinced that this one will not take long to crack. All the more that they have in their possession a dependent element a handwritten occult accounting. A paper which, in all likelihood, was used to record the debts of illegal immigrants having used his services. What is marked above of the document ? What does it mean ? At this precise moment, the investigators think they put the suspect up against the wall. But against all odds, the man will provide an explanation. Rather far-fetched remarks for justify the sums due to him. He says it's been three or four years that people have his debts because they grew potatoes in people. Potatoes. For potatoes, it's expensive for potatoes all that? You get that €57,000 fifty-seven thousand euros reimbursement of potatoes. The defense strategy is absurd for the police, but no matter, the suspect sticks to it. Investigators include that he won't give up. So they count ask him one last question about burglaries, by sharing with him the damning confessions of one of his accomplices. The migrant smuggler suddenly becomes mute. He still wants to talk at the audition or does he want to stop there? -What does he want ? - He doesn't want to talk at all. Useless to insist the brain of the sector will no longer speak. The police men won't get any confessions from him. He asserts his right to silence. We tried a little to make him understand where his interest lay. It is his right. We don't discuss anymore. The investigation is over, well almost. To everyone's surprise, an unforeseeable event will allow the police to close permanently investigations in a totally bizarre way. Because a man who had disappeared will do it again suddenly his appearance. This morning Boriam, the network forger gone abroad at the time of the arrests, just got arrested at the airport. It's another room master of the sector. A stroke of luck that the police would never have considered. He was returning from Kosovo. He flew back and he got checked getting off the plane and that's where he got arrested. The man was on file wanted people. Stopped at the airport, he admitted having provided false documents to Anton, head of the network. Investigators now want get clarification on the modus operandi of the counterfeiter who, a priori, provided false papers to multiple illegals once arrived in Mulhouse. Concerning tampons, people who wanted a stamp, you took the document, you went at home and you would return them later There remains a concern during the search at the home of the counterfeiter. The police men grabbed a bottle of ink. They are therefore convinced that Boriam used it to make fake papers. It is a mistake. this is ink What do you use to make stamps? It's not that ? So the forger's wife was right. She was apparently not aware of nothing. The ink found in the bottle served the family computer well. The man actually had another method to operate. You dip the toothpick in the felt, in the tip. What is the toothpick used for? does it provide more details? After many twists and turns, the investigation is coming to an end. The Mobile Research Squad arrested the last criminal. For fraudulent supply administrative documents, he faces up to seven years in prison. For Anton, the head of the network and his accomplices custody also ends. They go to court to be brought to justice. All risk up to ten years in prison. for criminal association. They will be remanded in custody while awaiting trial. As for the Kosovar illegal immigrants having benefited of the services of this mafia network, they will be expelled to their country of origin. Investigators Mulhouse border police will have taken a year to dismantle this organization on an international scale.
Channel: Investigations et Enquêtes
Views: 1,412,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reportage, documentaire, Haut Rhin, Mulhouse, France, Albanie, pays de l'Est, enquête, investigation, Trafic d'êtres humains, faux documents, faux papiers, police aux frontières, police, policiers, forces de l'ordre, filière d'immigration clandestine, clandestins, asile politique, criminalité, Brigade mobile de recherche, investigatio
Id: XpZk3z9vCQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 51sec (5991 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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