MIG-29 High Altitude - 8-Camera view + Flight Data
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Keywords: Space Affairs, MIG29, MIG-29, Fulcrum, Aviator, high altitude, Supersonic flight, Soundbarrier, stratosphere, edge of space, space, MACH number, Aerobatics, high speed, action cams, ejection seat, adventure, aerospace, cockpit, jet, fighterjet, flight, flight experience, Stratonaut, Stratonauts, action, Flight data, supersonic, Earth, curvature, movie, production, g-force, acceleration, black sky, sky, heaven, point of view, overview, flying a MIG, flying a jet, pilot, jet pilot, high alitude flight, view
Id: nr3RDLDs0fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ahhh, the "true horizon" kind of like the true Scotsman but with less fish-eye?
Well, obviously all the cameras they are using are wide-angle lenses so it's really difficult to judge the actual degree of the curvature. But even with a wide-angle lens we can detect if there is a curvature at all. The only real way to measure if there is any curvature at all is when the horizon is in the center point of the picture frame. And not surprisingly at all when that happens we can detect the subtle curvature of the Earth's horizon: http://i.imgur.com/n4EyuSn.jpg
I know you want to frame this video as somehow being a sort of center point to both sides of the debate, but frankly when you take the time to actually measure it, it's just yet another video which shows the subtle curvature of the Earth, allow me to add it to the long list of videos put forward by the Flat Earthers which actually shows the curvature:
You'll never find a video or photo where the horizon is situated in the exact center and you'll see the horizon as subtly concave, it will always be a little convex. Because the Earth is round. If it was flat, then the horizon should be perfectly flat and straight, it should be either convex or concave. And yet it is always convex.
The horizon does not rise to eye level when the aircraft is at a high altitude. Therefore, the Earth cannot be flat.