Midsomer Murders - Season 9, Episode 7 - Death in Chorus - Full Episode

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[Music] hello where are you I'll be waiting why not sit see okay okay all right call me later when you get a chance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look I know this is a difficult piece that's the point it'll impress the judges but only if it's sung well and that's not happening you have to come off the line endings together at the moment you sound as if you're gonna collect a stutter also someone is singing a semitone flatly oh I think it's you I don't think it is well I think it is you it's you or Connor right let's just try that again please from the letter C [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay get a min to recover you seemed fine when you saw my past I'm also sorry but it's coming down do you think I've ever to continue no no I suppose I were going to call at night how do you feel okay I'm fine yeah your chair when you fell go and see your GP and get a checkup yeah come on Connor I'll give you a lift um no no I'm all right really in no fit state to drive I'll give you a lift back look I don't need a lift I will get a checkup and I'm all right thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will give it to the whole Stephen no I'll be fine thanks I thought we were rather good tonight didn't you join I don't know Lawrence would say sir Lawrence Lawrence is a perfectionist sounding very good kamma Simpson say anything you know about feeling unwell before choir practice I don't think so no he did seem a bit quiet hey that's a [ __ ] why not we always do yeah let's thirsty work this singing [Music] Ginty I could do with the dread after that yes and or something to eat [Music] go off my house awesome sorry I was just making some notes fistrick tomorrow yeah left my folder on I found this must have fallen out of comas pocket when I find it I'll drop it off on my way Lawrence I wonder if you realize how hard you're pushing us it's not an easy piece he said that itself and we're all amateurs Akeem amateurs but I think it's really beginning to come together don't you come together I'm gonna win this competition serum I don't want it to come together I want it to be glorious [Music] laws [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was someone lurking in the churchyard earlier took off when I arrived taking a shortcut perhaps no donek so whoever was seemed very anxious not to be seen I think I'll have the wild mushroom risotto don't suppose you're gonna take a risk for once I mean there's also buco or sweetbreads orders chicken pie please and another pint of your excellent bitter I'll try the osso buco next time oh dear give my best to Lawrence remind him that it's a lost cause Francis Crawford he's the conductor of the Aston weary choir oh yes well they usually win [Music] well kkona kkona [Music] Oh [Music] Connor Connor be there Oh at last oh sorry jumped closer okay meet you there I'm sorry James um see you home okay alright I'll get a cab no so I can walk there yeah check the car oh well yeah there's our sir where the chicken pie well Stephen let him Audrina he found the body sir he says he picked up collars phone in the church bought it long to return it perhaps it did put someone in the car with him it's the suspect sir it isn't apart from that finding a body can be upsetting experience you don't want him Keeling over unattended in the police car to me George Hotz on it's not difficult there's a massive blow to the head extensive trauma a resultant shark causing cardiac arrest Cena so matted hair fragments on scalp smears of blood on the handle up to here clean as a whistle from then on killer wipe the handle so brandy in that class will be wouldn't you faint brandish the best pickle looks like there's a struggle this got broken hmm right let's take a look around [Music] [Music] you found anything it's sense to have a girlfriend sir but no idea why well it's either that or he's a crossdresser what do you think [Music] [Music] anything spare bedroom and looks like it's never used condensers something I wanted to see konna Simpson wasn't the only one to have a brandy Conner's glass smashed when he fell after the attack the killer brought his owned was that one back here wash it up put it away and judge this more much more look at this human that's pig's look it out ah [Music] [Music] look safar mr. Simpson had a more complicated life than anyone imagined [Music] DC Jones tells me he came around here to return a mobile phones and right the door was open call but no one answered I thought he'd fainted again and I saw the blood then his mobile phone rang the one you found who was it I don't know but was it a man or a woman she just said hello Conor are you there then she huh call his number withheld I'm the man mr. Lattimer oh well did you know Conor Simpson well we great friends anything now you were there when he fainted won't you assume jumpy I thought Lawrence might be the course he's very eager isn't he to win the four choirs competition look for competition is a big issue with Lawrence but Francis Crawford's know better why are they such enemies Francis was recently appointed organist at Causton Cathedral nice job nice stipend nice house in the cathedral clothes Lawrence wanted the job he accused Francis of lying on his CV and did he wouldn't put it past him I used to sing in the Aston weary choir I'd have had an easier time as a callous life is that why you switched allegiance to Midsomer worthy that's right nothing to do with Carolyn Armitage oh I'm sorry I couldn't help noticing you know after the choir practice you and she Carolyn and I used to be close and now she's married she made a bad choice [Music] it was spur-of-the-moment wasn't it gone if the killer had gone round intending to murder Simpson he would have taken a weapon with him but he didn't that's why I used the fire iron oh it sounds right to me this pig's heart and note crime of passion well people in love do do desperate things Hey look area's again oh I don't know yet pull up stop the car police police yes Oh Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby what are you doing here twitching what I'm a bird watcher a barn owls are nesting up there in the hollow tree I was after a photograph I might've got one too if you hadn't rushed in shouting your head off Sam Joe Disney is the estate manager at hearts meet it used to be I was laid off for what reason no reason Giles Armitage fired me reckons he can handle the estate on his own the place is going to wrack and ruin damn fool he deserves all he gets why did you run well you were chasing me I didn't know you were the police the funny things happen in graveyards were you here earlier no were you here earlier going across the graveyard with your tripod not me I was over at Hart's made there's a pair nesting in a barn I've only just got here so if it's all the same with you I'd like to carry on twitching [Music] [Music] have you been out maybe you've been quiet practice as you know Stephen Latimer breathing down your neck Charles please Stephen and I finished a long time ago I'm sure you thinks of it like that have you spoken to the bank yet I will Giles you fire Sam Judd without bothering to consult me to save money since when things have only got worse I saw home but it is also a business I can't manage on my own kara should stop worrying for God's sake come to bat it'll be fine I know what I'm doing oh you're doing something are you I haven't noticed I show the punters round running commentary and all in a bored monotone I've seen visitors fall asleep standing up I didn't sign up for this Kara to be a meet and greet monkey what did you sign up for Giles well among other things I signed up for this [Music] [Music] hello yes this is call it how is it very good question [Music] the bar for breakfast instructions all yours a man is a phonetic you are right [Music] [Applause] [Music] now either Sam Judd was laying or I saw someone else here last night take a look around okay so it's mrs. Barnaby all right yes yes thank you she felt this sudden when it turned out everyone in the choir got the same letter [Music] have you seen Carla no she's probably on her way there the Pearson hello thank you now it seems that everyone has received a little like this with your morning mail now obviously we're going to get a statement from each of you but before that happens may I offer you a few words of advice best advice might be to withdraw from the competition are you serious it's taken weeks to get you anywhere near competition standard and you want to chuck it in this is a death threat Laurence a death threat you don't really think someone's plotting to knock us off one by one do you it's a practical joke it's got to be a joke Leo you didn't see Connor stretched out on the floor and covered in blood all so much the lava we ought to think carefully whether to stay in the competition you seem very keen to pull out Stephen King to stay alive oh please I've been a member for six years and we've never won the four choirs well seven is my lucky number and I'm going to sing alright alright let's see a show of hands good good now all we need is another tenor [Music] I don't [Music] when it's the personalty tomorrow a full report the doubt of that I could give you the results over dinner what dinner dinner your place Joyce and Catherine stick oh that dinner yes yes mr. Park we do need to take statements from everyone who received a letter including you so just stepped out for a smoke you were standing next to Connor Simpson 20 when he fainted and he said anything about you know feeling unwell yeah not a word do you think he was anxious about something if he was he wouldn't have said anything to me I mean he was just an acquaintance someone I saw in the choir practice how long have you been a member of the choir then a while sir have a look at this Sam Jones tripod that's what I thought when I found this but why here you right from this position you can't see the hollow tree get statements when the choir members meet me up at the hall in half an hour I want to find out why Carolyn Armitage wasn't at the meeting so why would he put his camera here I've got no idea Jones I look forward to hearing your theory you say every member of the choir got one yes all of us well then it's obviously someone with a warped sense of humor and too much time on their hands Carol We Need to Talk [Music] Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby Sarge of Ketchikan Giles Armitage laughs no sir I was hoping to have a word with your wife about Connor Simpson's death I imagined yes so shocked when we heard about it look I'm afraid Caroline's out on the estate somewhere with a mobile phone and their signal from afraid thank you for a message yes yes you can could you ask her please she'd get in touch with me as soon as possible on that number of course haven't been robbed of you manner of speaking then London being reframed or cleaned cost a small fortune how do you think I felt coming back and finding it married I don't know how you felt I know how I felt feelings changed Stephen people change look we're inside the hall you better go if Giles sees you they'll be troubled sure Josh can go straight to hell so wasted journey Jones apparently mrs. Armitage is unavailable it's matter yes it is that's Stephen Latimer with her you're trespassing Latimer get off my land and stay away from my wife oh for God's sake child how pathetic you look hanging around her like a wig dog oh stop them Jones before someone gets hurt Hey that's enough [Applause] you all right absolutely wonderful sir what are you waiting for a drying wind and permission to go home and change sir my place is closer than yours unfortunately Sam Judd hiking across the estate as if he owns it he's bird-watching Giles Hertz means a second home to him not now time to keep off Carolyn Armitage what yes well yes alright I can meet you there but tell me okay and now I wouldn't say anything but why [Music] what [Music] oh I bought that when you were a lot slimmer which is why it might fit Ben [Music] i tenor right let's go have a chat with orange pakka does it fit yes sir does him unfortunately the choir is short of a tenor mrs. Barnaby heard you singing in the bath she thinks it would be a useful addition to the choir and so do i in more ways than one [Music] nah no there must be some other way and must [Music] alright alright alright chuckle no leave it to me [Music] of course the business of Commerce is terrible they said that he surprised the burglar once possibility yes I do you notice any difference in common recently seemed little well tempered when he recovered from his faint really hey just to see your faces to me and a sound although it's a sound that could stand some improvement look I know there's always been though a friendly rivalry between the choirs but just lately it seems more like musical warfare well I think you'll find that Crawford is responsible for that is he in what way it's pompous he's aggressive he's smug and he's a pretty poor conductor who landed the plum job of organist at costal Cathedral with a do BC being and a sick of fantex smile tell me mr. bargain if the Aston we're acquire is such a thorn in your flesh why have you got a picture of their church on your wall not my choice I bought it is it my wife Ellen Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby detective constable Jones Causton CID mrs. bunker isn't it one of Connor Simpson's the towers embedded with Flint he liked the way the light struck it were you a friend why'd you ask that mrs. Batra no not really I like his work Lawrence doesn't sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I just came to pick up these is that you rainbow mm children's entertainer birthday parties mainly are you the fairy on the front hairy pixie butterfly whatever you order my personal choice was a failure but the Royal Shakespeare Company weren't very impressed I'm to think of it no other costume players I hear you're a useful Derek tanner why don't you come to the next rehearsal we'll find out how good you are do you think there was some tension between mr. and mrs. Barker oh just a bit she'd been crying how could you tell I've been married a long time Jones he knows something's wrong bother me he knows we've got something to hide things could be the way they were no one has to know if corporate have lied and wheedled to cheat me out of the cathedral job things could have been different and you start for us no it's too late Oh sick of it I'm sick of Astin funny wearing slush [Music] I thought quiet practice would be over by now Lauren saw some at least I can do is make my apologies I'll give it a Miss hmm we could I can make a meal get a big drunk [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes well it's a possible voice it's richer than Connor so that's all to the good is it charmer isn't he you've noticed right I daresay you all want to get away so let's just have one last go at our farm apiece [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in here for a while 15 hours maybe more give you a better estimate after post-mortem method shot from close range at the 12-bore standard game loading by the look of it everyone round here uses that no sign of a cartridge justice how are you thinking fingerprints no well I don't think he was shot here in fact I'm sure of it what body was moved when the heart starts pumping blood stops flying there's no significant blood spot here there's no rain here last night it was exactly yeah oh yes I know crows they always go over the eyes sir he see something looks like he was dragged through here didn't find his camera not on the churchyard sir I suppose we better ask permission to search on hearts me lens sergeant quite casually asleep [Music] as planned take a look [Music] [Music] sir [Music] Sam Jones hat killed here then moved somebody improvising yeah except I I found this and the photographic vest Sam Judd was wearing get it developed as soon as possible yeah and get a search warrant for the Hart's real estate sir retrospective authorization [Music] Charles is that you remember what no no no you must rest feel better if you rest [Music] mr. Barnaby I hope you haven't come to talk to my wife again penny she's um Sam Judd was killed yesterday mr. Armitage kill now he was murdered God he was taking photographs of owls roosting in your barn when he was attacked it is murdered on my land I'm afraid so yes then maybe I'm used to be our estate manager maybe he fell foul of the local butchers oh this is terrible I really come to give you a warning what for joining a guard oh yes yes thank you and to ask if we can have a look around this say Genoa for possible forensic evidence is all right whatever you need so will we be seeing mrs. Armitage had quite practice tonight oh I'm afraid not she rolled the quad bike out on his State bad concussion sure no she's fine okay the doctors prescribed a strong sedative she's dead to the world just stay where you are we're on the way there's been a break-in at Conner Simpson's cottage sir we were supposed to put a watch on that place apparently a house alarm started up nearby the PC went to investigate came back to see someone running off who's only gone for a few minutes let's take this out let me disturb you you're running some checks on Connor Simpsonville yeah and the results complete blank sir it's as if he didn't exist before he moved to Midsomer worthy and now someone Burkle's that dead man's cottage looking for what every man keeps something of his past Jones are you gonna call anyway I forget who's to blame it's me to you I don't know somebody's to blame and it must be me [Music] any luck nothing so photos of the area mostly maybe I use them as a reference there's paintings and some of the men himself hmm well maybe we've been looking in the wrong places okay put that one on the police computer get someone down to the mall to take his fingerprints well well I Simpson himself remove these photographs for some reason Oh the break-in yeah where'd you find this album over there [Applause] hi it's me Alan um we have to talk and other things have happened bad things but it's nothing ever do to change that now I'm scared I'm really scared everything's gone wrong it's all such a mess sir pint of bitter and a large brandy our brandy love life not going well impending defeat of the four choirs you need something to keep your spirits up you're a bit of a drowning your sorrows oh I don't think so experience will tell Barker oh if you're working with amateurs it's a good idea to steer away from the more difficult pieces in the repertoire other you know we're saying something difficult it's always the desperate man who makes that sort of mistake no we've got someone reporting back to you a spy oh dear you are getting paranoid think up sir a lot a bit of a large brandy you can't win by honest means so you cheat just like the Cathedral job fake a CV ingratiate yourself with a Dean nothing so sad as a poor loser I got the job because I'm a better musician than you and will win the four choirs for just the same reason so I don't need this Thanks saying oh this isn't for you this is for you [Music] [Music] [Music] it's Horford I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby from Causton CID you took your time [Music] it was a completely unprovoked attack I hope you've arrested him oh I'm sure that would suit your purpose early for choirs competition being just a day or so away but I've read the witness statements and unprovoked is not how they described it so we won't be bringing any charges against either of you that's outrageous I shall take the matter further oh please feel free sir but I wonder how the Dean and chapter would feel about their organist being involved in a public brawl you have a pleasant living here Tony sir very lucky luck wasn't the issue it was Talent and a very impressive CV until [Music] [Applause] well it's not perfect but uh not a complete disaster either right let's see what we can do with the Madrigal piece is that what passes for praise and is realized Barker's concern all right I'll give you the note right [Music] [Music] [Music] who's there johann sebastian bach by elias Gottlieb Houseman it's a local treasure so we thought we put it on the front of our program luke'll oh the originals up at the hearts mead hall it's their prime exhibit you said she was plenty no well she seemed to at what the choir anyone in particular not that I could see and Leo Clark quarter when she fainted yes luckily under whom she was pointing out why don't you ask her well isn't that right well I called the hall just now Charles Armitage informed me that she was seeing a specialist sometime tomorrow morning and she might be available to speak to me after that it's still nothing on Conor Simpson sir well mystery man he circulated his photo in the fruit we're standing in line as usual keep at it he was noticed wasn't he what do you try the art world dealers galleries that sort of stuff Oh Lawrence Barker used his tuning fork at rehearsals last night did he indeed [Music] Oh that's lucky you can get the wine Joyce I'm on police business it's just the wine I'm not asking you to cook dinner will you give it up have you decided yet also buco and sweetbread sprouts bones and awful doesn't George get enough of that at work don't get any cheap stuff [Music] [Music] hmm drink this make a feel better hmm drink it you have to trick you so sorry [Music] as you majority' they've post-mortem on collar Simpson was routine it's a perfectly healthy champ apart from the fractured skull of course I gather he wasn't the only one to pass out in church I ran jaws Armitage to find out how Carolyn was is she better under sedation you were there sure professional opinion that what did you think about I didn't examine her husband wanted to get her home but she seemed unfocused there was a sort of foggy look around the eyes I'd have thought it was something more powerful than a mere sedative Oh Tom this wine is backed up with good grief this must've cost when you put a bottle 25 no cheap stuff here keV don't suppose that Carolyn Armitage is with your practice by any chance is she I know what you're asking me to do Tom and it's strictly unethical every years but will you do it I expect you get some sort of warrant if I said no wouldn't you definitely it's our last rehearsal tomorrow I'd love it if you came tell me what you think Tommy trusts my ear what do you trust you to say what you think [Music] hi this is Colleen I'm not here at the moment so please leave a message hello darling just confirming the weekend so good you're going to be here for the choir competition I'm getting nervous already see you then bye speed dial what speed dial [Music] [Music] Oh Ellen Oh Tom it's Kath I check my records you said the jars Armitage claimed his wife has seen a doctor yeah well it wasn't a doctor from this surgery and no one has ever prescribed to track risers or sleeping pills thank you oh you didn't hear it from me [Music] is this going to take long I'm trying to prepare the concert just long enough to warn you about the penalties for common assault Sir Francis Crawford went bleating to the police did he trying to get me arrested well he made a complaint sir yes but I don't think it'll come to anything I'd like to break his neck oh please don't sir no this was quite enough oh for God's sake Alan Connors dead it's not Connor so I know how much you'd like it to be him Martin glitter found some of that in Connors cottage in the bath it started as an affair just sex plain and simple except it was neither plain no simple really he was mad about me he wanted me to go away with him and I wanted so much to get away from him I knew he had secrets he would never talk about the past was it the past I cared about it was the future well I have enough money to start a new life the life you deserve did you tell you where the money was coming from yeah it's be honest I didn't much care I'm sorry I should have left you years ago there Electress alewife things could be different Ellen even now I don't love you I don't know that I ever did I'm in love with a dead man Lawrence you've dropped this collar Simpsons cottage no no no but yes might it's only one music shop in Causton and they know you very well you bought a new tuning fork two days ago there was a police watch on the place thought I'd have to give up [Music] [Music] you had enough months time I just wanted to destroy any evidence of Ellen's affair with comma they wanted you to find out but I didn't want anyone to find out about it I thought that with Connor dead then perhaps Helena like I still love her mr. Barnaby and I didn't kill Connor no no I don't believe you did what will happen to Connors things to his possessions well that depends on whether he made the will whether relative this painting of midsummer down he did it for me he told me said he had it framed the day before he died we used to meet on the Dow it was a special place for us please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] our conductor is not a happy man and with good reason Hey [Music] tripod marks we found on the two audio salutes to June knowledge is power got that right you eavesdrop on Midsomer worthy choir and that gives you the edge it helps to know what kind of standard you're up against and Midsomer worthy are good but not good enough you'll do anything to win won't you sneaking out of a church with your expensive surveillance gear playing postman in the dead of night and please don't put me to the bother of getting a DNA saliva test because that doesn't come cheap either Parker has been accusing me of doctoring my CV to get the cathedral job all lies of course but I need to win this competition need to show people that I don't have to cheat I'm a good conductor Barry and sending death threats is just part of the game is it I'll be charging you with issuing those death threats Oh Barnaby please very lucky you might get bail did you eavesdrop on every Midsomer worthy choir rehearsal so you'd be snooping around Midsomer worthy on the night that Connie Simpson was murdered you didn't think I had anything to do with that yes I know what's at stake and yes I know what has to be done No stay away leave it to her [Music] move to me motor whine ah sir what Sam Jones photos back from the lab Oh last these were on the front of the film charles heritage Thomas Olsen and Leo crock Judd was falling there wasn't a make a record of their meetings looks like so job might have taken other photographs like this one day yes but Carolyn Armitage must have been on her way to meet him so if Judd had picked up his photos on the high strain and was on his way to show them to Carolyn Armitage he was killed for those photos I look at this sometimes we've got to talk to mrs. Armitage over indisposed she might be [Music] it's gotta be fun just fine [Music] that's right steps [Music] good [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right when did you first decide that you had to kill her got a wrong Barnaby I've got it wrong there by you just tried to drown it your wife no she was trying to kill herself I was trying to save her you ran off I wasn't running from you I I didn't even know you were there I was running to get help I can't swim I'm just gonna be your story it's not a story it's the truth I want to speak to my solicitor and so you show mr. Armitage show show in the meantime I'm arresting you a little and I'll be charging you with the attempted murder of your wife get him out of here let's go [Music] sir and that have finally come up with a match on Conor Simpson seems he did have a past after all his name wasn't Simpson it was Pierson Conor Pearson and he had formed two went down for five served three of him art forgery seems he specialized in old masters did he know so still a 24-hour watch on this cottage yeah lift it remove all the scene a crime to make a show of it I can't remember I'm just moments fragments you were being drugged with rohypnol short-term memory loss is one of the side effects why would he drug me we know you're on your way to meet Sam when he was killed it seems pretty certain that Sam was going to show you photographs like these he must have thought that would mean something to you but would I new trials gambled I knew he had money problems did you know Conor Simpson and Leo Clark were friends of your husband's no well what difference does it make I'm not sure well it come back my memory I hope so at the moment were as much in the dark as you so are you telling me he tried to kill me [Music] which adds [Music] is she alright she will be they said I could go in once you'd loved so why don't you she needs a friend right now shouldn't lorry Lots have arrived by now where's your father he'll be here [Music] got it yes best full sketch by Elias Gottlieb Houseman was portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach my right mr. Clapp hey we're on last cuz there's a chance to assess the opposition wants to be here by now I'm bankrupt so for you it was the business Conner Simpson wanted to start a new life with Ellen Barker and Giles Armitage had to be Giles Armitage did it because he had access to the Houseman gambling that's why we all met [Music] I don't think jaws was a bad player really he just he just never got the run of the cards [Music] we open to a bar one night after the game it all lost but Ted Jones was him for thousands you could always sell hearts meet saw the buddy house when said Karim I never agreed what's the Houseman picture Kara and inherited famous unique worth a packet I knew the caller was a painter but I didn't know he'd done time for forgery so its absence would be noticed definitely a lesser a2 of it it was a conspiracy wasn't it between the three of you Armitage removed the picture saying it was being reframed along with several others that needed attention kana Simpson was to copy it and your job was to ship it out jars already had a buyer in America then Armitage would replace the portrait with a copy but things didn't go quite according to plan did they because color Simpson had ideas of his own once he got hold of the past all Connor realized he didn't have to keep his side of the deal he could keep the original and what could we do about it very clever it's being clever that got him killed so you up to the pressure on him threats big shot but things got out of hand didn't they how do you found yourself capable of cold-blooded murder I came around to the cottage after choir practice no sorry I was gonna talk to him but he wasn't having it what are you gonna do go to the police tell them I've stolen something you already stole [Music] [Music] and after you killed him he washed up the friendly glass and put it away and then I started looking for the past all but Stephen let's him I arrived I ran out that way and Sam shut it started by following Giles trying to get evidence of his gambling some sort of revenge for having been sacked as a berth the three of you were meeting on a regular basis would you smelt a conspiracy and those photographs each other they were potentially damning evidence he had a shot of us with the house that's what he told Carolyn it's very impressive I'll only take to finish it to three weeks can you work with him so after one murder a second didn't seem so difficult [Music] Taron alarm tidge and to meet judd and she heard the shot we didn't know what to do just to go back to the hall but we realized we couldn't keep her under lock and key for long and then I had the idea of chemical handcuffs rohypnol it seemed to work fine she didn't know what day it was but we realized we couldn't keep a drugged forever it'll have to look like an accident good it's getting late Sir oh yes yes you go to the church jump I'll put your hand Sebastian under lock and key there's a couple of things I need to do today easy yeah he's on his way Lawrence no mr. Barnaby Lawrence you want to know how you get to the point where you're going to kill your wife it happens bit by bit like a game of consequences you get married and you're happy and after a while quite so happy in fact things aren't working out the way you thought they would you think running and estates glamorous you're a farm laborer here at Navi you know when the season starts your bloody tour guide so you look for ways to take the edge off a diversion could be booze women or gambling you will little you lose a little then you lose a little more than you lose a lot and still you come up with a plan a victimless crime but the plan goes wrong I just want this it keeps going wrong and you're making it up as you go along and it suddenly I don't know where you're making up the bid where someone that's to do it my Carolyn Esther died there is another version of that story the one in which there are no excuses [Applause] where are these Lauren's honey could you go and see if you can find out what happened to late we're on what are you gonna do withdrawal I suppose your conductor gone missing sparing himself the humiliation perhaps well he knew you couldn't win Oh for heaven's sake we know these pieces backwards all that hard work all the bullying from Lawrence it's only a matter of beating time we can do this you're on police bail remember see you very soon [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey co-leads reframing I'm afraid thank you doesn't cause any friction Lawrence has gone he's gone yes he finally accepted that it's over between us he packed a few things and left but what about the choir the competition he said he said he didn't care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she was [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 325,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: d_sbw0q9IwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 16sec (5596 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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