Midsomer Murders - Season 17, Episode 2 - Murder by Magic - Full Episode

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[Music] very good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is an ungodly outrage [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lovely two evenings out in one week - you're looking after Betty tomorrow night remember your first time in sole charge no that's no I've got it all planned we're going to watch a classic film Fantasia a thirst for blood or maybe the mummy Rises bet you can choose you looking forward to your wild night oh I'll wait yes Nelson sorry sir since Cyprian's church midsummer oaks I'm afraid he looks like murder [Music] dr. early did you Magnus Luke there's been an accident severe cranial trauma from the impact of the box there are also two separate penetrations in the neck from shards of perspex there was a flash and a bang before the box fell but the audience thought was part of the Act it looked like a terrible accident but it wasn't this was done with explosives what do we know about the victim Hannah Altman owned the village pub tonight was a church fundraiser and she was playing the piano and the magician in the box Gideon Latimer hmm is the famous illusionist this is one of his signature stunts and why was this famous illusionist performing in a church in Midsomer Oaks he owns Malmuth hauled a big house outside the village so who was meant to die the magician or the publican well they can't keep us here all night you've already spoken to the police Carol why don't you just go what went wrong I don't know we've done that stunt a dozen times you're Gideon's manager now how could you let an accident like that happen I'm sure it wasn't Theo's fault DCI Barnaby Causton CID sir this is Gideon mr. Barnaby my son has had a terrible shock and he needs to go home not before I've spoken to him mrs. Latimer but if you've given your statement you're free to leave [Music] please [Music] it's all pre-programmed Gideon's performance is time down to the last second who rigged the equipment Theo and I did this afternoon and you did all your standard safety checks yes the church was unlocked all afternoon while everything was being set up could anyone have had access to the rig after your final checks it's possible how many people knew that the box would be revealed while Hannah Altman was playing all of us anyone else involved in organizing the concert and the vicar said he tell her that pianist so she wouldn't freak out how well did you know Hannah Rothman not us all we hadn't met her before tonight you never go to the local pub we haven't lived in Midsomer Oaks for long a Gideon only bought malmö thought a few months ago and we've been touring look [Music] oh look how did you get into the box you can't expect me to answer that mr. Lattimore someone died here this is husband I'm sorry for your loss mr. obviously we gotta talk somewhere else anyone's dead because of his stupid trick it's your fear the trick didn't go wrong the equipment was sabotaged this is murder someone tried to kill me [Music] a judgment from God on you for the losing his house god works in mysterious ways but are you really suggesting this tragedy is his doing this village has a dark present and an even darker past it's the battle to bring it into the light requires violence and suffering then so be it I'm sorry I can't carry on working with someone who worship such a petty vindictive unimaginative God such as yours I'm sure that our parish is crying out for your vigorous brand of Christianity but it has no place in Midsomer Oaks speak to the bishop I think you'd be more interested in what I've got to say will he will he really trouble no bluster that's all [Music] if you're a newcomer to midsummer oaks why do you think someone here and want to kill you Gideon has hordes of fans sergeant Nelson but there are the haters - some of them are quite poisonous obsessives lunatics who claim Gideon stole their tricks religious fanatics you name it they post things online all the time anything specific since he came to the village actually there was a letter it said Malmuth Hall was cursed threatened Gideon with Hellfire and damnation if we didn't abandon it move far away you didn't tell me about that dealing with hate mail is my job do you still have the letter it went into the shredder like all the other rubbish the fact that you've been targeted by someone who knows where you live is cause for concern tell me everything you can remember about that letter hannah was playing a solo at the concert tonight hmm was that a big deal for her was she nervous a little maybe she was used to playing in the pub I'm wondering why you didn't come along to listen to her one of us had to stay and look after the place we find anyone prepared to verify that you were behind the bar all evening Magda was there she helps us out sometimes I was down in the cellar for a bit we had a problem with one of the barrels how long is a bit five maybe 10 minutes and it was quite young to be a pub laity wasn't she she heard the Green Man when her dad died I think she struggled at first but she was determined to make it work and it was the one good thing that's ever happened to me oh I want to walk back I need some air I'll come with you if someone needs to go in the car since my mother's father to wait like some time alone with my wife if that's okay with you Thea be cross now no she won't not with you with me never have allowed you to buy mammoth Hall if I'd known she'd be moving in with us what's wrong with their old house it's not as if she'd have been that far away she was lonely hardly short of space I know you owe her a lot but she's everywhere she's my mother would you want me to do throw her out and I'm your wife but it takes a murder to get us 10 minutes alone together she's just feeling a little redundant since the heir took over be kind Annabelle go get easier you really think someone was trying to kill you the most likely explanation isn't it maybe we should go away for a while just in case why because if someone is trying to kill you they'll be okay darling I promise there are many people in the village who probably objected to the presence of mr. Barnaby how is Luke as you might expect Reverend Sam was just telling me that Luke was supposed to be here tonight singing with a local band but he didn't turn up yes he must be feeling dreadful about that were Luke and Hanna regular church goes no but they were very community spirited Anna played the piano with us and so on I understand you had some people walk out during the concert as soon as Gideon appeared yes I'm accurate and Andrew Maplin among others and one of the church wardens I'll sir Probert Andrew strongly disapproves of magic he believes it encourages people to meddle in the dark arts where does he stand on turning water into wine please don't ask him unless you're in the mood for a lung and rancorous debate the concert was in aid of the church restoration fund yes we need vital building work done and the diocese would give us a penny if we don't raise the money in the next couple of weeks it will be the end for some Cyprian's [Music] so he's crouched down bottom there's a trick of light the glass goes black trapdoor opens he pops up and suddenly there he is in the box the modern equivalent of smoke and mirrors well thanks Kate Nelson was just explaining to me how Gideon's stunt works I had to threaten to arrest them all before they tell me well they probably guessed that you had an ulterior motive Nelson had one of those magic sets when he was a kid I think he cherished hopes of turning professional the magic circles lost his CI Dee's gang I was pretty good actually I'll take your word for it good night Kate they're taking the cabling back to the lab but preliminary tests for nitroglycerin have come up positive and we found fragments of what looks like possible bomb casing no traces of a timing device though that suggested with activated by remote control which means our killer wasn't necessarily in the church at the time Gideon and Annabel Latimer and Theo Bainbridge still had by far the best knowledge and opportunity but they say they've never met hunted before tonight do what you can to see if that's true if Gideon was the target and Theo and Annabelle the prime suspect but I can't help thinking that neither of them would have made a mistake if they meant to kill Gideon he'd be dead but he's not and Hannah Altman is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Didion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that must be Andrew Maplin standing next to the vicar he's been busy posting comments on Gideon's website real fire and brimstone stuff we'll talk to him when he's finished singing about love and mercy let's go and find out why Luke Altman lied about the concert [Music] Oh only me I'll do that it's no bother it's all Gideon stuff Carol just leave it to get him sleep well yes he's not as robust as he appears you need to look after him hey I'm gonna bail it'll get easier did your wife make a will not by no so you'll inherit the pop fact a lot of good it'll do me I mean this place is mortgaged to the hilt Hannah did her best to make it work but it's a money pit last night you said you'd never planned to attend the concert would you like to reconsider that statement what I was supposed to be there yeah there's a local band I sing with him sometimes what made you change your mind Hannah and me having a few problems and yesterday afternoon we had a bit of a row but nothing serious would have worked it out why didn't you tell me this last night I would have done but once you said it was murder what was the argument about it was nothing to do with any of this but something must have triggered the Rio yesterday something specific what was it look she had a fling who with a guy called Rodri probin his wife he used to be Anna's friend you were angry with her presumably of course I was but that doesn't mean I killed her are you here about Hanna detective sergeant Nelson Causton CID this is DCI Barnaby you are Elsa Probert I understand you joined the walkout last night yes fakery is no place in goes house but I wanted to go back and speak to Hanna afterwards make sure she knew that it wasn't aimed at her you were friends we hadn't seen much of each other lately because I'm busy with the children and the church we'd like a word with your husband actually sit with you he's at work and the florist on the green why do you need to speak to him we told your offices everything last night just routine thank you mrs. prober Harry flora come on search teams at the pub now should I go back over after we've talked to the curate Andrew we should talk before you do anything rash I'm afraid I have nothing left to say to you Lorna but I have plenty to tell Magnus I'm sure you do he is your vicar after all for a little while longer and remapping why we have a word please object the use of so-called magic anywhere and in the church it's an abomination Gideon's an illusionist it's not real magic you and I know that sergeant but there are plenty of gullible people out there who think otherwise even the pretense of sorcery is dangerous as well as is wrong if you think that why not simply boycott the performance altogether instead of walking out that would have been cowardly and less dramatic and you're rather fond of drama aren't you and thinking of the message you posted on Gideon latins website accusing him of being the son of the devil I was quoting the Bible inspector was it you who wrote the letter threatening Gideon with Hellfire if you remained at Mill mat Hall and I'm sure those were my precise words but I urged him to leave that house of sin and darkness yes you feel very strongly about this don't you indeed strongly enough to attempt to bring Gideon down in public what are you suggesting that someone made sure the stunt went wrong possibly intending to humiliate or harm Gideon but not necessarily intending to kill anyone that's outrageous accusation even though a man that is a wizard shall surely be put to death I was referring to spiritual death evil didn't arrive in mid-summer Oaks with Gideon Latimer inspector he made himself heir to a very old and dark legacy it's my job to root it out and that's what I intended to do an affair with Hannah where did you get that idea from her husband look Luc's was being a bit paranoid I heard him and Hannah were having a rough patch but there was nothing between us are you sure about that mr. Probert this is a murder investigation look it was a one-off thing you know how it is a one-off okay a few times then and this was when a couple of months ago it was a bit of fun like I said Luke and Hannah were having difficulties and Elsa had just found God seem to prefer him to me whose decision was it to end the relationship it was mutual no I Phoenix I assume your wife knows nothing about any of this no you aren't teller will you and you left the parish when okay thank you sir would you no thank you what did you say about me to that detective nothing but the truth who strongly objected to Gideon's participation in the corset thought you tried to cast blame on others perhaps you should look closer to home what on earth you're talking about I've suspected for a long time and now I have proof you said business was struggling that's what Hannah told me so where did this come from I don't know [Music] thank you nice sweet huh everything all right what's the kids say next what did the police ask e they wanted to know if we supplied flowers for the church last night nothing about Hanna how would i Muir I kind of thing and did you tell them 20,000 pounds Luke claimed you have no idea where it came from he was right about one thing though the perv is in dire straits the mortgage is massively in arrears and the bank is threatened to repossess try now if there are any rumors of dodgy dealings at the Green Man drugs me all stolen goods one other thing we found Hanna's passport but Luke said he doesn't have one I just checked and he never has it could be he just never fancied going abroad on the other hand you should do a full identity check I've already set the ball rolling good Rhodri Probert says that his relationship with Hanna was long over but we only have his word for that nor can we be sure that his wife didn't know about it anything else Andrew Maplin has worked in four parishes in the last five years seems like a lot I can't say I'm surprised but he's not mad and he's not stupid when he says there's an ancient evil at work in Midsomer oaks he means something specific what [Music] [Music] gideon the curates on the front lawn praying seems to be performing some sort of exorcism don't worry i come a salty man tried to Spirit said he was out of this house of shadow you're on private property late summer oaks may be free from fear and calling the police [Music] grant us the strand Maplin isn't it how kind of you to call has anyone offered you tea so even you must realize the time for mockery is passed he didn't heed my warnings and now a woman is dead what a wicked thing to say just being honest mrs. Latimer others may stand by and watch while your son pollutes this village by invoking its foul past but I will not may I ask how you proposed to stop me by exposing your purpose in coming to Midsomer Oaks and showing the world what you really are all of you murderers fornicators sorcerers idolaters and all Liars shall have their lot in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur which is the second death you're insane [Music] go in peace you may have turned your back on God and you will not escape the fury of his broth [Music] [Music] it's okay [Music] silence child it's your father so how did you get on Betty finished her bottle and Sikes injured his bone though was it the other way around how was your evening splendid three hours of drink and debauchery and expect nothing less from the quarterly meeting of the midsummer Historical Society it was very interesting actually a local historian gave a talk fascinated don't mock some of the grisly episodes in the past make your schlocky old horror movies look tame don't say anymore Sikes has already spent half the evening behind the sofa not cause you're scared is it psyche see he just prefers wrong poems [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm here where are you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah thanks Josie trick is it too much to ask to just have my coffee in peace no no come on watch I'm gonna make a coin passed through a pack of cards and drop into that glass behold a shiny coin watch it pass through solid pack of cards 1 2 3 there are two coins one is in your hands the other was concealed under the deck of cards from the start [Music] and room Appling curative this parish he was wearing this when he was found it's made out of oak leaves looks a bit like a ceremonial nurse perhaps some kind of sacrifice ashes are cold so that fire wasn't lit last night it looks as if he fell over here and was dragged to the big stone in the middle there was a clunky old mobile phone found here it's being dusted for prints now then you can take a look chances are it was the victims because we wouldn't be lucky enough to find the murderers phone at the scene exactly well this swaddling is gonna make it tricky to pin down time of death I'd like to take him back to the table as soon as possible fine it'd be good to know what we're dealing with here Nelson come look at this [Music] so Hugo Malmuth born 23rd of January 17:58 died June 23rd 1882 in flemeth's Vita v2 his life isn't it an Italian anyway out of the flames comes life and yet this place feels full of death you always followed the same route when you run no but I've been that way a few times did you ever met Andrew Maplin he came here yesterday evening what did he want an audience he could rant at after Andrew Martin left what did you do for the rest of the evening we had supper cleared up nothing special you were all here the whole evening the two of you mr. lattimer's mother mr. Bainbridge yes we all went to bed quite early we were a bit shaken by that scene on the lawn to be honest the mask on the body had you ever seen anything like that before no mr. Latimer I didn't see it obviously but no Annabelle's description didn't ring any bells you didn't go and look after your wife came back here course not Annabelle needed me what's happening the tracks the samples line was police cars the curates dead when he came to the house last night murdered your daughter-in-law found his body on the altar stone no you poor girl tell me about the site you called it the temple the pagan temple that's what the locals call it there are all sorts of stories about what used to go on there I saw the Hugo mammoths gravestone I take it Mel math Hall once belonged to him yes he was the last of the family I believe darling this doesn't mean we're going to have to cancel tonight does it why should it tonight another fundraiser for son Cyprian's no big stunts promise just a few card tricks in a bit of mind-reading in the drawing room people have paid a fortune for the chance to meet Gideon we can't let them down as long as no one goes near the temple I'll send along a couple of uniformed officers to keep an eye on things here there's really no need it's for your own safety mr. Lattimer Thank You mr. Barnaby it's good of you to do so much for the church given that you're new to Midsomer Oaks I grew up not far from here Midsomer mere my mother's keen for us to get involved in the community Ilana stone can be very persuasive I wonder are there any books about the temple in the library here there isn't a library the last owner sold off the books in converted the room into a home cinema luckily I'm not really interested in the past we're looking for information on this place is the usuals stuff about architecture any mention of a pagan temple not so far Andrew Maplin visited here last night warned Gideon Latimer to mend his evil ways and left around 8:30 allegedly he received a call at 9:23 May from the unidentified mobile we're trying to trace it but I'm pretty sure a turnout their prepaid job anything else of interest Andrew called the bishop at two o'clock yesterday to ask for a meeting he insisted it had to be today but he wouldn't say what it was about get a couple of PCs up here tonight [Applause] no one could accuse and rebuff I love living in luxury andrew is no hypocrite whatever his false did you know he was seeing the bishop this morning no he told me yesterday he was going to demand a meetings and that reversion see what about my many deficiencies personal and professional most of them alcohol-related you know where his body was found yes everyone in the village knew by 8 o'clock this morning no one at Mammoth Hall could tell you much about the site except that it was called the pagan temple it was built in the 18th century by Sir Hugo middle-earth though it's similar Oaks is believed to have been a center for pre-christian worship so Hugo was very interested in what he called the old ways pagan rituals you think did this still exist in his day if they didn't he probably invented them other pagans active in mid-summer Oaks now I understand they still mark the seasonal festivals in a purely symbolic way do you participate no but I don't object your cure it did though yes what about the bishop if it were brought to his attention I'm sure he'd feel obliged to take a dim view would you mind telling me where you were last night say from 8:30 to 7:00 this morning at home is my wife thank you slim pickings from the laptop records of parish council meetings draft thesis on st. jerome not much internet activity except recently on gideon site and no photographs or film which is odd because i found this it's quite new but it looks like it's been in the wars i can turn it on can you salvage the memory card yeah probably Kate wants us back bring the camera with you are you busy yes of course I am why it's done is best but I think I need a historians input century paganism in mid-summer oh okay I wasn't expecting that am I allowed to know why okay kind of you were supposed to come with me this morning I overslept Gideon's not gonna carry on with this stupid pagan stuff now is he it's obsessed with it thinks it's gonna help the act the other thing where murders not gonna stand in his way I just keep seeing the body lying there he was already dead when he was wrapped up a knife entered the heart and penetrated the right ventricle so whoever shot him afterwards had to work around the knife no that's the interesting thing there are two wounds almost certainly made by the same weapon the first before he was swaddled and the second after that must have been obvious that he was dead so the second one was for sure could we borrow your computer for a few minutes Kate sadly Nelson worked his magic on a broken camcorder while we're driving here surprised it open with a penknife oh that's as close as Charlie gets to sleight of hand you can mock we will in the meantime look at this you film his own murder then look at the Dame his footage was shot but Andrew Maplin was still very much alive [Music] [Music] Luke Altman it wasn't an attack I didn't touch the man I grabbed his camera and threw it on the ground why he was spying on something sacred pagan rituals we just celebrate the natural world the Sun and the seasons and yesterday morning we were welcoming in the summer solstice that all sounds very innocent and not at all like what Andrew Maplin filmed the knife the fire the body on the altar stone that wasn't a body it was a straw man he symbolizes winter and we kill him every year to mark the return of summer he is no sillier than what happens in church here's the person wearing the crown your leader the high priests of Sulis soulless a Celtic Sun Goddess apparently and who is the high priest the inner circle holds a secret vote I am not part of the inner circle as far as I'm concerned paganism is not about worshipping gods and having priests and hierarchies a man known for his hardline Christian beliefs was murdered that your pagan temple in a way which mimics the very ceremony he filmed and you think one of us did it that would be very clever burnt um but you can buy these masks off the internet that's where I got mine anybody could have killed Andrew and tried to put the blame on us [Music] no not there that's the castle and about caramel circular if you make em since you work this side of the room not a few one-on-one tricks before you make the way to the center fear this is my show I'll take the creative decisions you just do the job of people you don't pay me to lie to the police I pay for your loyalty which is the word that you don't seem to me the door was opened just came to see how poor Annabelle was feeling after her dreadful shock I'm fine thank you mrs. Suen oh I see everything is in train for tonight jolly good so tell me what you have planned give away our secrets you can trust me you know that can we of course we trust you mr. so we don't share the tricks of our trade with anyone tricks disappointed idiot I thought your magic was real I'm not sure about tomorrow night don't know if we must honor the place is crawling with police you're playing with fire that's the idea isn't it this is so please leave Gideon alone we'll go through it tonight but don't ask him to do any more it's too dangerous they start doing any of this for me he's doing it for some Syrians Gideon couldn't give a toss for scent Cyprian's and I don't believe you do either you had a nasty shock this morning why don't you go and lie down what you done yet nearly mrs. Lattimer therefore did the footage to the tech department and asked them to blow up as many shots of individuals as they can the leaves on Luke's masks were made of leather the ones on Andrews are real there was another difference - did you notice Andrews mask didn't have an opening for the mouth and now he's been silenced [Music] [Music] you've chosen him instead of me no I still want to be with you but I don't want to hurt him he's hurt you often enough that's not fair I can't leave Gideon while someone might be trying to kill him [Music] early except on if you learned you'd be posh nibbles up at Malmuth hall you're going to need something to soak up the booze I can't go to a party why not I just think it would be better if we both stayed at home tonight Magnus you can't give up on this two people one of them accurate have died under the most horrible of circumstances and I'm very sorry but somebody has to try and save since Cyprian's it's what andrew would have wanted if we lose this church you'll be sent to a different parish and I won't be going with you I'm not ready to leave Midsomer Oaks [Music] [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen but I your attention please over here hey welcome to Mammoth all tonight I'm going to make over your money disappear and reappear in the safe st. Cyprian fund thank you okay thanks Luke and Hanna's personal finances check out they certainly weren't cycling any money from the business and there's no sign of any other source of income a tech of Justin over file and say the quality's not great zoom in on that Nelson I've seen that ring before Rodri Probert wears one good evening mr. Probert why didn't you tell us about this before you didn't ask I'm sure you heard about the circumstances in which Andrew map Lin's body was found why didn't you come forward then mr. Probert you were present when your former lover was killed and now a man caught filming your solstice ceremony has also been murdered I suggest you start talking either here or at the station you can begin by telling us about the high priest of Sulis Hanna wanted it see the high priest hood so did I if you'd like to shuffle the deck oh I understand now what were the two cards you were thinking of oh um yes the jack of spades and the four of diamonds jack of spades the four of diamonds how do you do that it's perfectly simple I deal in thoughts you could think of anything now a few moments ago I asked you to think of something you like to wear think of it now I'm sensing something beginning with J no G something green it's something that goes on your head a hat a green hat his cell green fishing hat is quite revolting now I asked you to think of something that you fear think of it now I'm not getting anything there was something you feared wasn't until very recently [Music] you don't anymore [Music] [Laughter] don't worry mrs. soda I'm not going to read your mind believe me I wouldn't dare [Applause] Luke and some of the others didn't approve their Hanna was excited by the idea and so was I to be honest but I changed my mind a few days before why was that Hanna said if I didn't stand down and vote for her she tell Elsa what happened between us she was blackmailing you in effect how did you react well I wasn't thrilled obviously did he think she'd carry out her threat he could never tell Winona I wasn't about to lose everything I was stupid title 12 magicians lost their lives performing this next feat put a mark on the top of the bullet place your initials if you like Danny Mark will do as long as this distinctive and you a good shot Lorna better-than-average that's relief now forget about the glass aim in my mouth I'm going to catch the bullet between my teeth all of you witnesses if any harm comes to me Lorna Sony's not to be held responsible ready aim fire so who was left in contention after you withdrew and Hannah was killed who is the high priest of Sulis the obvious candidate I suppose so Hugo male must descendant and who is that Lorna's son if you'd like to confirm that's the mark you make [Applause] [Music] gunshot straight to the heart looks like an antique it was on the lawn into the drawing-room window been wiped clean surprise surprise time of death with the usual caveats of course see 30 minutes before she was found though it might have been less you delivered the flowers for the party this afternoon why did you come back to the house I heard it to Andrew to carry on his fight against Gideon against sorcery I was watching while they were getting the room ready and I realized how the mirror worked I wanted everyone to know how easily they were being fooled how did you get in through the kitchen the room behind the mirror is completely dark I felt my way to the switch and flipped it I didn't know there'd be a body okay you can go and help with the witness statements thank you what's the story the two pcs left their post in the drawing room because mr. Bainbridge told knows a prowler in the back garden I'm sorry are you saying you were lying Gideon insisted on doing the bullet catch he was adamant go on it's perfectly safe the gun is specially modified it's all done by sight of hand we didn't think that your officers would see it like that so he got me to get rid of them for a bit by sending him on a wild goose chase I didn't know this would happen didn't you of course not Anabella and I were friends a little more than that I've suspected for some time now but I didn't think Annabelle would be so stupid and I'm grateful she's lying of course Annabelle and I were close we spent a lot of time together and talked but we never I heard you today in your bedroom Coralie because she changed her mind about leaving Gideon for you you were listening at the door she's probably got the room bugged I look out for my son's interests that's all thank you mrs. Latimer can we take it you are no longer denying that you and Annabelle had an affair why did she change her mind she was worried about Gideon he was convinced he was the one meant to die at the church in Annabelle half believed him you didn't heed Ian's always has to be the center of attention Annabelle was rattled by Andrew mapping stress too and she thought the pagan stuff was dangerous is Gideon involved in that he thinks that act needs a new angle he went to the Solstice celebration at the temple and there's something else tomorrow and escapology stunts I think but he's been cagey about the details I thought you were privy to everything not since we came to Midsomer ax after you entered through the mirror you circulated talking to guests and doing tricks is that right yes why did you choose Magnus and Lorna sown as subjects they're well known in the community people like to see authority figures put at a disadvantage you went straight from one to the other in full sight of everyone in the room yes everyone who's here will confirm that how does the mirror illusion work it's quite technical lights hidden panels Theo will show you but someone or more than one person can be behind the mirror for any length of time without being seen on the other side as long as the lights are off right naturally that's his function before embarking on your routine with mrs. Sohn did you notice if your wife was in the room is that impels job to be aware of me not mine to look out for her sorry first sounds arrogant it's just the way it was I'm not sure why does it matter because there's a possibility that Annabelle was dead before mr. Latimer made his entrance what are you implying he's saying that anyone could have killed Annabelle including you don't meal Gideon don't you dare mrs. Latimer please any of you recognize this gun yes it's the one that Gideon used for the bullet catch no it isn't the word on the handles much darker look stun guns in my study may we see it please mothers wrong Annabelle was very happy being married to me I'm afraid mrs. Latimer was right mr. Bainbridge has confirmed and you believed him fear is not happy working behind the scenes anymore he wants to be me so of course he's going to pretend that Annabelle was his lover now she's not here to deny it this gun has been modified so doesn't she real bullets right yes if it's the one used in the stunt mrs. sands prints will be on there great and Rico it's my father I didn't know he was a magician - did he teach you all his tricks he died when I was a child he didn't exactly have a glittering career so Hyuga yes that came with the house it's the anniversary of his death tomorrow isn't it you obviously know a lot more about the old chap that I do the date is on his grave mr. Bainbridge says that you're very interested in paganism he thinks you have big plans of your own - one mark the day I did not anymore the paganism was just a new gimmick to help sell the act that's all I did love Annabelle mr. Barnaby I don't know what I'm going to do without her here you get up yeah Betty woke at five once I'd settled her back down I thought I might as well stay up and tell you what I'd found out about midsummer oaks and your friends so Hugo somehow I don't think we'd have been chums even if I'd live 200 years ago well it's not much I'm afraid not even in the local Historical Society archives it seems that Hugo was a little eccentric and held some rather unusual views on religion but other than that he was a model landlord and landowner that sounds like the official version yeah listen to this bit though the exact circumstances of see Hugo's death remain unexplained but it was widely believed that he jumped into a fire in the belief that he would be reincarnated like the Phoenix did you say a little eccentric so what's going on see Hugo finally mastered the art of reincarnation do you think he's your killer not quite but his pagan practices seem to be flourishing again and not everyone is happy about it as you can imagine is that what these murders have been about I'm not sure yet maybe or maybe that's what someone wants us to think I'd like to know the truth about Sir Hugo well if anyone can tell you that it would be dr. Granville she's the lady who gave the talk the other night give her a call would you do you think Gideon didn't know about the affair no the question is is he lying because he's guilty or because he's afraid we'll think he's guilty Thea thinks he did it and Carroll would love it to be Thea Gideon had motive means probably opportunity and a motive to kill Andrew but not Hanna we still don't have a real link between the victims and not a shred of physical evidence a Luke Altman wasn't on the guest list at mammoth hall last night not that that puts him beyond suspicion no you're right just because Theo lied about seeing an intruder doesn't mean there wasn't one [Music] did you idea did you sleep have you eaten this morning yes thank you really I'm fine good Magnus will be up a little later but that I wanted to see you first because this tragedy must make no difference excuse me it has to be tonight earth magic and fire magic combined at midsummer the power of the wizard harnessed to the service of the goddess I know how much this means to you no it isn't about me it's about the village midsummer oaks is never really prospered since the Hyuga died it's up to you and me to revive his spirit and carry on his work how well did you know Annabelle Latimer we've spoken a few times charming young woman and how long have you known about your wife's involvement with the pagans well she's never made a secret of it at home in in public of course she's discreet for my sake was Andrew Maplin threatening to expose her he told me he planned to discuss it with the bishop yet could you have lost your job it's not that easy to get rid of a benefice tetraman of the Church of England but he wouldn't have helped the campaign to save some Cypriots in any case I figure that's a lost cause the bishop called this morning to say he's shutting us down there's no such thing as a lost cause Magnus mrs. Sohn I should tell you that I talked to Rodri Probert yesterday he was very forthcoming no reason he shouldn't be nothing we do is illegal but it is highly unorthodox for a vicar's wife to lead a pagan cult even one founded by her ancestor paganism isn't fundamentally at odds with Christianity inspector both traditions have existed side-by-side in Midsomer oaks for centuries and the village flourished in see Hugo's time as never before or since you were both present at the scene of two murders and Reverend Sohn has admitted that his relationship with his curate was strained to say the least if every strained relationship between vicar and curate resulted in murder half the clergy in England would be in prison or dead I'm not concerned with every strange relationship mrs. Sohn I'd like an account of your movements last night from the moment you arrived at Malmuth Hall as precise as possible please [Music] it's very kind of you to see me it's such short notice dr. Granville not at all my dear teeth no thank you I don't want to take up too much of your time I've been working on this book since the last century another half and I won't make that much difference Oh what about the baby would you like a biscuit no she's fine thank you you mentioned that your research had taken you into the archives of most of the big pre Victorian houses in the county I wondered if Malmuth Hall might have been one of them why do you wonder that my husband's investigating a series of murders in Midsomer Oaks recent owners [Music] find thanks if you couldn't send the report through his seems he kept Lorna stones prints are on the stunt gun so are gideon's and Theo's but no one else's ballistics say the real gun was fired once with the silencer now all the victims had some kind of dispute with Lorna so but I think we're missing something another link between them so I wasn't having any luck finding Luke's birth certificate so I'll run a check on his fingerprints Luke Altman's real name is Seth Ferenc Dale and he was convicted of manslaughter when he was 13 years old [Music] hello sir I've been expecting you [Music] young Seth was messing around with fireworks in an abandoned small hoping outside Midsomer mayor when an outbuilding caught fire the homeless man called William Holt was asleep inside Seth schoolbag was found at the scene he admitted everything he'd been in trouble before and he served four years on a secure unit he wasn't given a new identity on release but he seems to have been calling himself Luke Altman ever since and it would have found out Luke's real name when they married if not before and she's bound to have asked why he changed it or perhaps it's more complicated than that [Music] [Music] Badri where are you I'm frightened you promised me nothing was going to happen tonight [Music] [Music] mr. Oldman shall I start a search for him yes put out a call to uniformed I want to look at the scene of the crime which one we've got three oh four in fact at the moment I'm interested in the first one the one that I think all this has been about Luke built a circular metal frame out of chicken wire eight feet in circumference and six feet high six feet yeah the fireworks were just cheap things be constructed two mortars one did what it was supposed to and set off the bang is in the frame the other went through a hole in the roof and set the place on fire it gets worse they think Holt woke up attempted to run out the building he was probably drunk and he went straight into the frame it's a pretty horrible story and not very plausible what do you think Luke knew someone was in the building and it was murder not manslaughter no but I don't think he was alone one thirteen-year-old transported all that stuff up here and built a frame that big are you right it would be no fun on your own either would it think of all the stupid things you did when you're a kid you did them because you were with your mates egging each other on speak for yourself Nelson but yes you're right and Luke was a loyal friend back then at least do you think he's out for revenge now or profit that twenty thousand pounds Hannah was the only victim without an obvious link to Gideon Latimer Gideon and Luke at the same age on them and they both grew up in Midsomer mere we need to find Luke no [Music] it wasn't just whiskey that made me sleep through those nice when you went creeping out to your temple was it a harmless sleeping draught I thought you'd be happier in ignorance I pretended to Inspector Barnaby that I knew all along but I didn't suspect anything until Andrew told me the Dame was murdered and what really hurts did he seem drama sorry for me I don't know you anymore lon all this high priestess nonsense have you told Gregory it's nonsense for him to call himself Bishop believe me I've been tempted I can make a joke out of most things Lorna but not this I warning you don't go out tonight this has to stop no Oh what don't push me John I've just got back from dr. Grenville's so huger mammoth didn't set fire to himself the villagers trapped him and threw him into the flames and I don't blame them he wasn't the harmless eccentric that we've been hearing about thanks for that kiss Betty for me midsummer oaks pagans honor Sir Hugo Malmuth on Midsummer's Eve every year but they don't know the truth his death wasn't a self-sacrifice that went wrong it was murder yeah it's DCI Barnaby I need urgent backup at Malmuth Hall fire service and ambulance as well as police what's happening so Hugo was a ruthless tyrant who invented his own religion as a cover for his rapacity and greed and made human sacrifices of those who stood in his way and now someone is following in his footsteps why you still here haven't you done enough damage I've still got things to do what things tonight for Starr Gideon doesn't need you for that I can do everything that's necessary I intend to finish what I've started this is lit summer Eve the time of year when Sir Hugo mammoth who did so much to revive the old ways of midsummer oaks threw himself into the flames and was born again in spirit if not in body [Music] every year we mark his sacrifice but tonight we are going to recreate it with a new Phoenix who will be consumed by the fire and then rise again from the ashes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or they're fired there's someone inside the box of course there is it's Gideon it's perfectly safe he's not really in there you're exceeding your authority here we are commemorating the death of a nobleman opinions differ on that mister so call your men off everything's fine her safe but who is that [Music] it's Luke Altman sir he's still alive [Music] I didn't see him I was only in there for a few seconds this is your fault the fireman sacrificed me your idea no one was supposed to get hurt Annabelle begged me not to have anything to do with you and your pathetic cult Luke could have died why are you not arresting her because she's not guilty all the victims had a link to mrs. Sohn and paganism but that was just a classic piece of misdirection they all had something much more important in common they all posed a threat to Gideon I barely knew Hannah or Andrew Maplin but Hannah knew all about you from her husband Luke took full responsibility for the death of William Holt but he didn't act alone you were with him on that day we were just children we didn't mean to hurt anyone Gideon don't say anymore Luke never said a word until he married Hannah and told her the whole story even then nothing might have happened if Gideon hadn't come to live at Malmuth Hall you're completely wrong Gideon wouldn't kill anyone of course you believe that mrs. Latimer you're his mother but I have to consider the evidence against him the killer was someone who knew a great deal about magic in general and about Gideon's tricks in particular my son is not a murderer no he doesn't need to be you take care of his enemies for him this is absurd what is he talking about everything was going so well wasn't it Gideon was rich and successful living with you Atmel math Hall but then Hannah Altman appeared blackmailing you threatening to ruin everything by exposing Gideon's nasty little secret this sabotage of the church that was you Andrew Maplin knew nothing about the death of William Holt he just had a gift for choosing the right words at the wrong time so when he started talking about exposing liars and murderers you thought he must have found out the truth he was going to destroy us I was only protecting you my darling like I always have done you kill the honeybell fire she betrayed you you know she always said you couldn't bear the thought of sharing me with anybody else Nelson all my life you have been there controlling my every move he brought you the money and fame your father and I never had you you were just his assistant that's all I was allowed to be but I was better than him don't forget I taught you everything you know but you surpass both of us my darling that means nothing now because you destroyed everything that matters to me it's all finished it's done [Music] yes [Music] you do not have to say anything but whatever you do face inspector Barnaby somebody said you'd arrested a woman Carol Latimer likeness take me home mrs. Somme I believe this is yours before you celebrates the Hugo's sacrifice again next year might I suggest you get in touch with dr. Dorothea Grenville Lorna and I will be leaving midsummer Oaks long before then mr. Potter we both need to make a first start all the pagan and Christian stuff was just more smoke and mirrors wasn't it this wasn't about religion at all this was about mother love that can be as powerful as any religion on the whole Nelson I'm glad your parents didn't encourage you to pursue a career in magic it's never too late for a change of directions last I thought you'd vanished into a puff of smoke right I've got a really good trick for you I'm gonna make a bottle of beer disappear oh that's easy okay that's brilliant it's magic psyche see what are you doing sorry rikes the art of misdirection k9 [Music] you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 517,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: UCwPNokgAnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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