Midland MXT115 GMRS Radio Part 2: Features and Functions. How Does This Compact Radio Stack Up?

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[Music] hey guys it's eric owner of farpoint farms here in the mountains north carolina today it's time to take a look at the midland m xt 115 i've got this installed in the truck it is a good spot to have at the radio but it is a bad spot to film the radio so bear with me the camera's not on a tripod because i couldn't get any tripod that actually remotely worked in this setup but i'm going to go through these with you and i'm going to show them to me and hopefully i don't fat finger my way through this mess but we're going to start off with this this is our volume on off right here simple enough a lot of the features that i'm going to show you are related directly to the mic this is the ma115 push to talk and channel up and down the channel up and down also moves a lot of the features so hang tight on that and i'll go through them with you first button we're going to take a look at this one right here that one right there if we press it once we go into scan mode like the fact it's got scan mode press it again it goes back to the channel it was on press and hold and i go into monitor turn off my squelch pretty cool this one here lock there's a ring i'm sorry but i don't care about that press and hold the little lock symbol comes up now if i this is so much fun guys now if i try to change the channels nothing's happening right so press and hold that again it goes off and then we have this button press that one and we go to weather channels monday night mostly clear i like that as well this last one this is where things get a little more complex this is our menu system and it stays on the menu but just for a brief amount of time and i don't like that but it is what it is it's it turns off well before you have a chance to think about what it is you're doing since everything is an abbreviation it takes a little bit of memory recall to figure out hey wait man what is what does pe do but it is what it is okay so let's go into the menu here and that's where we're gonna start i'm gonna use the up and down keys and let's go with db db as background display so oh see what i mean it's a little bit short for making a video i'm going to go into db i'm going to press that button and now i'm going to use my key up and down to cycle through the colors that are available and that's kind of cool that it does have some colors for the sake of the video today i'm going to leave it in the color it was because it felt like it was the it really showed it the best so that's it just press it again it goes back and now we're locked in on that color right so let's go in here again we'll move up one all right our b our b our p i'm sorry rb rp is repeater channels do we want to have the repeater channels in on the scan i've already got it set to yes as you can see it goes through all the channels right right on right on well now if i go back in here oop i'm in scan got drawn off scan there and i might press that button and turn it on right now right so once we've set that now we've got the repeater channels turned on all right let's go back into the menu and see what we got next bp bp well that stands for silent operation want to get rid of the beep that's what bp is right go in here turn it off and now it doesn't make any noise i'll leave that off for right now so that's that one there we'll go back into the menu and we'll move up one more c a c a and that stands for call alert tone so if you wanted to use this with a particular group well that's how you do it you could just send out a tone so they know that that's you talking that's kind of cool there all right let's move to the next one oh wait i'm going the wrong way there's my problem all right yes that squelch right there squelch sensitivity do i want do i want to change the squelch sure let's change the squelch down till absolutely maybe just the bare minimum there we go now we have squelch on its very lowest point let's go back into menu and go see what else we got that might actually be it that appears to be it i'll tell you what uh i'm a little frustrated to be honest with you just slightly frustrated with the amount of time that it leaves it on the menu it doesn't really give you time to think you know i've been playing with this radio for about two weeks now and i've certainly done some talking in town with it but when it comes to changing menu functions uh don't try to do that while you're driving because it gives you about three seconds before it's like nah i'm done so other than that though i am quite pleased with it i love the fact that it's got weather i like the fact that it has a multi-function and multi-colored display and it's just easy it's a small it's it's smaller than the president andy so cb versus gmrs it's a smaller setup and i like that anyway the next video you'll see in this series is going to be the gmrs range test i've got a 6db gain antenna up on the roof and i got another one on the roof of this truck so we should have some pretty interesting range test results with that so i hope you'll stick around that'll be the gmrs uh that's the 40 watt you know midland and this 15 watt and i've also got the handhelds and a crank radio so we're going to try with all different levels of radios from midland and see how it plays out until next time my friends take care
Channel: Farpoint Farms
Views: 15,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CB radio, Homesteading, how-to, sideband, realistic, radio shack, CB, HAM, ham radio, reviews, gmrs, midland, mtx115, mtx400, boufeng
Id: SSgu0xU_1kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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