Midland - Fourteen Gears
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Channel: Amarmend Altankhuyag
Views: 8,841,473
Rating: 4.8098483 out of 5
Keywords: Midland, 14 Gears, Fourteen Gears, Country (Musical Genre)
Id: ppRvLqgS2BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
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YES! New Midland!!
Nothing like some Midland and a cold beer after a long day on the clock.
I was on the fence about these guys. Their radio stuff is above average- not as good as Sturgill, Colter, Max Stalling, Turnpike, or Childers, but better than the pop that's more common.
But now... now I definitely love them.
If you like this then check out Whiskey Myers.
The fact this song is not on iTunes, Spotify, or other music streaming apps is completely stupid, it is easily one of their best songs. At least put it on a single, please!