Midewiwin (English)

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okay at this time I'm going to talk about our module in ceremonies a lot of that has not been talked about over the years um the people that raised me we're both through the midi lodge and I can remember all those years of living with them they never once discussed or talked about the MIDI wind ceremony it just was though I don't know if it was because of oppression that you didn't talk about it but maybe it's for the best you know people that are that go to the ceremony and something new to them it's never been brought out for them so it's kind of like a new experience for them when they go through the midday ceremony and I'm just gonna cover a little on how this ceremony came about way back are nationally people are really pitiful they were really erdan was almost like they were going through depression they weren't able to take care of themselves and the Creator they had wanted to realize that and came back and told the Anishinabe that is good Debbie was gonna help them and that's when he called on some money dude to come and help the people and that's when those money dude showed up and they brought just the ceremony tour Anishinabe people from the East Coast and traveled and set up those MIDI lodges wherever they saw our people living to the point that they got here in Minnesota so that's why we have armidale our December Day ceremonies and the reason I people go through this particular ceremony is usually they have been told to do so usually if they find a Magus of the white shells that's a message message that this should go through the lodge also a lot of our people have dreams where they were told to go through the lodge or somebody had to dream about them or maybe they were going through some illness and somebody recommended that they go to the Medina lodge and this is why we're given that ceremony also to help us with in the illnesses that we have that's about all I want to say about her my doin ceremony this is what we were given as the people way back before our ceremonial drum s'en we still have our largest operating in Minnesota and in Wisconsin our people are still being helped through this Michael
Channel: Lee Obizaan Staples
Views: 6,868
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: obizaan, ojibwe, ojibwe language, anishinaabe, mille lacs, aazhoomog
Id: _VpMNA8z5as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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