Middle Tennessee Mule Skinners | Tennessee Crossroads | Episode 2602.1

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it was face it of all the typical Tennessee farm animals mules get a bad breath they're considered stubborn lazy not very pleasant to deal with well those people probably really don't know mules not like members of the Tennessee mule Skinner's association Rob Lau's went to Woodbury where to these folks driving mules is a lot more satisfying than anything modern and mechanized on a beautiful Saturday morning in Woodbury these folks gather to do something their ancestors would have considered back-breaking work cutting hay using the latest technology of the 18th century the mule T they are members of the Middle Tennessee mule Skinner's Association their president Andy Duggan says to them mules are just about as good as it gets our mule is is really a smart animal they get a bad rap you know of course they're stubborn and and they get sitting away but they're really smart take for instance if you if your horse gets out and gets hung in the fence he'll turn yourself all the pieces to get out if that mule gets hung in the fence he'll wait for you to come Eady he'll take care of sale and if you've got him trained right he'll take care of you too mules are smart smart enough not to work unless they're are asked to which means Thomas summers who lives outside Morrison has put on a lot of harnesses over the years as Gavin Muse when I six-year-old by myself the way in then I play with him ever since it's bad mr. summers has a profound respect even affection for mules even puts them through their paces at shows around the country he's a national champion mule Skinner who believes mules should be recognized not only as showbiz animals but the hard workers they are younger generation that is so anything like this peoples raised in town so they give people a chance to see you know how move yesterday York when they had to make him for ladies so that's we just like yelling do it step up our boss the younger generation is also into mules take Trent Hancock of McMinnville he used to be a horse lover but now finds he's really more attracted to spending times with Ike and Pete his mules well they just work just amazed you'll see after a while how they work they just so smart and easy I love the old heritage I just I just love to keep it going for the motor focus stuff it's just people love to talk to you and come out and socialize about it and stuff sure there's plenty to talk about when a bunch of mule Skinner's get together and enjoy each other's company and experiences with animals they all respect and appreciate in a shared relationship it's kind of a swap off they asked us to feed them and we asked them to work so far they hadn't said anything against it so so they were telling me anybody could learn to drive this at true yes sir I'm put you to the test cuz I'm anybody believe me how would you how would I Drive this thing you just woke up our stoop upper okay money in your right hand one money left hand alright so just sit up here on it one on the right hand one on the left hand ask him to step up ask him or get their attention yet but every way you can do alright step up there step up step up Pete come on boy step up now there we go that's good it's easy since the meals are smarter than the driver for sure keep my boys once the mules are harnessed and set to work the labor for the human driving them can be relaxing harkening back to a day when people didn't have to have music blaring all the time the sound of the labor itself could free the mind to actually think when you get a haircut in this hay and your list of that mower click off and you're just in your little world just meditating it's it's it's enjoyable it's really a lot of fun you might say these mules and mule Skinner's are harnessed together by an appreciation of and an attachment to the past and in turn they do their best to make certain that appreciation is passed along to the much younger generation who may grow up themselves one day to be members of the Middle Tennessee mule Skinner's Association you
Channel: Tennessee Crossroads
Views: 142,993
Rating: 4.9061832 out of 5
Keywords: Tennessee, Crossroads, TN, Mule, Skinners, mules, Middle Tennessee Mule Skinners, npt, wnpt, nashville public television, tn, tennessee crossroads, People of Tennessee, nashville pbs, tennessee pbs
Id: 0bZqBeyISqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2012
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