Microsoft Project 2007 Pt 3 (Resource Levelling & Reports)

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this is the third video in the series for off Microsoft Project 2007 and in this video we'll just add some more extra elements we've already got the important things done and this I wanted to talk about something about how to check for over allocations setting baseline looking at some different views and also printing your reports so first earlier that was the last video I was trying to get to the timeline for some reason I couldn't if you didn't see the timeline option here you can go to view more views and then you can look for timeline in here somewhere you might see it listed here and you'll be able to add it to your project for some reason I've got it missing the other way to get the timeline if you can click on View and then click on View bar when you do that you get all these buttons here so you see you can go straight to calendar network diagram tasks usage tracking Gantt resource graph and you can scroll down and for some reason my timeline is missing on this one however I've got another file open in which I've got the timeline so I don't know why that is happening maybe I want to look into it later I think I'm dr. Gantt chart and you can always go to view you can always use these option here and you can also turn off the bar if you wanted to and also one more thing if you ever wanted to add recurring tasks so I can go to insert and I can add a recurring task tags which are repeating all the time so if you have wanted to have a meeting every Friday at 3 o'clock to make sure everything was fine you can set it up like that and then maybe once a week or you can say every two weeks and you can choose when it should end up do you want it to end at a certain date or after some occurrences and then you can just click OK and you can put the name up there for the task and that task will be added automatically in your project I'm going to go ahead and change the date on my project again so I'm just going to highlight these things I did and I'm going to set it back to zero percent another thing that we had used this percentage is our options in the previous video you you can also double click on it and you can go to you can go to the general and then the general you can put a percentage here like forty five or fifty or fifty-five sixty four different percentage rather than 25 50 75 so that's an option that you can use if you wanted to and I can go to project project information and I'll set the start date back to say first April and also there is an option here that if you ever wanted to you could actually set it by the finish date you can set the project in the reverse rather than going forward so in here you can do that if you ever want it you can schedule it from finish date and then set the finish date appear rather than the start date and project will automatically adjust it according to the number of days to each task is supposed to be there I'll just cancel on this and now I'm going to what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and add myself to a lot of the jobs because I want to do something to show you about or allocation so there are multiple ways of adding the resources you can use this resource button that's it's already added there and you can also always go to view not view just something if you double click on it and you'll get the resources option and I can add myself here and there is one more way when you go to the corner here the right-hand corner when you go to the drop-down button there you get that symbol if you look there on the corner and if I double click I'll get this details section here which I can use so I can click on this job and I can see there's no resource so I can add myself like okay and I can keep doing that for all the jobs that I want I can keep on adding myself or anybody else right in the bottom section since I'm adding I'm getting added to the list so I'm just trying to put myself in a place of or allocation so I'm just going to go ahead and do that so I've added myself to hold bunch of jobs using the details section on the bottom which I got through double clicking here which you can also get rid of by pointing there again look for that symbol on the right-hand side between the split double click and it goes away and again bring it if you right click here in the section and you can also choose to show the resource cost so now you can see the cost associated with this particular job and who's assigned to it and what the cost is so you can feed things by different options so it's a very thing you can also look at notes and things now if you don't need it I can just double click and get out of there now if you look at what's happening with my usage I can go to view and I can go to resource graph if I want and you see it's showing me here that the over-allocated people will show up in the red color so I can just scroll across to the date and there it is showing me that some people are on a low or allocated and that would be me there's been over allocated extra in a couple of places there are many different ways to fix this problem one way would be that I can go to my resource sheet and I can you see it's showing me here in red that I'm kind of working way too much and there is the exclamation sign should be level based on a day-by-day setting so the one way to fix this problem is I can remove myself from some work or I can add my brother or my dad and then assign some work to them and or I can change my hours and increase my hours if I had availability and there is a way to do that too if you wanted to it's under tools level resources and there is the man you day by day level resource that you can go through that you can level the entire project there's an automatic option they do not recommend this so depending on how big your project is sometimes you might just go to individual jobs and then you might be able to do it otherwise you'll have to use that's leveling because it will take you and it will level everything for you another way to level resources by splitting some tasks so if I go to view Gantt chart now if there is some tasks where I felt like you know what I should make some changes I can actually go to that task and I can split it up so say for example this task I can use the split button and then I can point to it and if as I'm moving that split it will tell me where it's gonna split and I can just click it and the task will get lidded so that's another way of fixing problems of or allocation by separating the jobs in two extra days so that's all about our allocation even before you get your allah allocation once you get to the finish the planning phase there is an option in project where you can set a baseline so that once you set the baseline as you are going to the project you can set it and you see what's going on with your project as the changes are happening with the baseline so to set a baseline you can go to tools and then you're looking for an option called tracking and in there you see an option called set baseline and there are like multiple baselines you can set so you want to be careful bikes not setting too many because your project file will start to get big so this baseline can be very good because you can look at it in the future and see what's going on as you are updating your project because States will be changing things will happen so you'll know where you are in terms of your baseline that you had thought about when you started the project also under tools and tracking you see options where you can update the project so you can update the project or reschedule it or whatever is not completed so halfway to the project something happened you can actually make changes the update project option and once you add the baseline I've gone ahead and added the baseline to tracking set baseline and if I right click here I can insert a column and tie base and as I type base I can see baseline budget cost baseline budget work baseline cost baseline diora Shane so I can have these columns sitting here so I can see what my baseline was and if there was changes happening here you know some day something changed where the tiles job I couldn't have the labor guy for example and that was the problem so if I just click on that labor and I hit delete that guy's removed click okay now it's gone back to five days and I'll see that my baseline initially was two days and I'm - five days and you can do the with all the things like cost and everything so it'd be a good way to verify to make sure that you are on track and if you're not on track how far off you are now let's look at some printing options so at the end of the days you may want to print stuff so if this is your Gantt chart and you can always move it around and adjust it to whatever information you want to show and you can go to file print preview and here there is your grand chart with the legend on the bottom because all of these colors represent something here and you can go to page setup and you can choose to have it both rate landscape I can increase the size can manage my margins I can add something to the header so say I wanted to put the project title I can click add now the project title is added I can even put the percentage complete or actual cost add and it's adding the actual cost to the project or I think I should just go for the regular cost can remove that and I'll just look for just the cost and I can do the same thing in the footer I can add different things in the footer and there's the option called legend which is the information that is on the bottom and I can choose it to have it on every page in my case I don't have too many tasks but if you had a lot of tasks you could have multiple pages so you could choose to have it none or you can choose to have it on the last page which we like the legend page and I click OK and now I'll see on the top it saves the name of the project and there's the cost on top of it you can also print reports if we go to reports and then go to the report option here you can double click on overview and you can have a project summary click select and there it is so under projects and you can go to cost click select you can even edit it and you can make certain changes what kind of you want and click select and there's your report you can close it you can close this you can also email to somebody this project right from Microsoft Project by going to file and then you can go to sent to and you can mail recipient as attachment this will most probably try to open Microsoft Outlook or some other program which you've setup in your computer and it will try to send it to that so in this video we looked at a few things with viewing and how to level resources base setting baseline splitting your tasks updating your projects printing and you can always insert columns into your charts like say for example cost I want to add the cost column here so that I have it available to me all the time and I can print this in the next video which was the fourth video I'll talk about some advanced formatting and also macro thank you for watching
Channel: Amir Parmar
Views: 69,655
Rating: 4.8469944 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft project 2007, project 2007 reports, project 2007 baseline, project 2007 print, project 2007 email file
Id: 34YNdBfW-qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2013
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