Microsoft PowerApps: Hidden Gems series #1

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[Music] [Music] hey everyone this is Daniel and this is actually the first of many videos that I'll be putting together I'm calling them as the power-ups hidden gem series and the reason for that is because there's actually really neat features in power apps they're just not really visible to the eye because they're kind of hidden in different places and the settings but they are very useful and I actually use them almost in every single app that I've made and every time I talk to people I say hey did you try this thing these Cena's things you click over here click over there anyways I just thought I'll start coming up with these series of videos and here's the first one so in this one over here there's actually five different things that I want to show you you may have actually heard or you know seen bits and pieces of this everywhere else but I thought I'll just go ahead and kind of consolidate them together and show them to you so enough that the talking let me just jump into the power app studio itself build something and show you where these gems are alright so let's jump into the powerup studio so I'm here I'm on the browser on go ahead and you know create a new canvas app and as a canvas I was loading what I'm gonna tell you is actually a couple of things that I want to do obviously there's gonna be five of them that I'm showing but specifically there's going to be four the canvas app and in this case I'm gonna use the tablet layout so one of the first things is to do with galleries and there's actually three different hidden gems that I'll show you specifically to do with galleries so let me just go ahead and actually save this app I'll see hidden gems demo or name you're gonna start let's try this start here save it at bay I've gone ahead and saved my demo alright so the first things first the first hidden gem that I want to talk about is the one which is the gallery and columns and specifically how many of those that you can act now not not how many galleries you can add on how many rows like where the items come in how many of them no this is not not about that this is we specifically do it actually each of the data cards and images images is a great example because this will be a great place to demonstrate that so in order to actually explain the tio let me get some nice data in so I'm gonna go into my data sources over here I'm gonna add a data get an Excel spreadsheet and it's Excel spreadsheet you may have actually seen this is a very popular Excel spreadsheet that uh and this data that I've shown in so many media's so now I have that first things first is I'm gonna go in I'm gonna go to my gallery and let's do with the vertical one so I click on the vertical and and that I'll just go ahead and say I don't want all of it I don't want this one I'll just get one image and one title that's good then let me go ahead and get the machines and this looks pretty good right I'm going to close that in fact I don't want this icon so I'll delete that and this is pretty common everything is good you know I'll spread out and nice but there's one little hidden thing that is actually something that you've not been over it off and that is very specifically in the gallery over here when you scroll all the way down there's something called as a wrap count when you click on wrap count by default it's one two check this out if I go ahead and change that to ten and I just hit enter see what happens all these images fill up over here now one of the neat things on the great instances to use this is basically a gallery they can go ahead and display all the images that you want or all the icons that you want on anything which has to be displayed in a nice series like that this is where you do it and you know if you kind of look at it this is not just images over here these are actually each and every one of them are the entries that are coming in from your data source over here and I went ahead and used this vertical gallery which is why it's showing up in this way if I went ahead and did the one that will also show up indefinitely I'll show that to you but the key key thing is since I went and did the vertical gallery the top count over here who always be tense if you go ahead and do a quick count that's always gonna be the 10 and 10 and that that never changes I could actually go ahead and put you know back over here in the gallery in the word wrap put in 100 if I've won but it always just shows up 10 over there so and I could change that to say 5 and that works see 5 shows up and final actually looks a little nicer because I was able to go ahead and you know you know not even see this other data card value which comes in over here but what I want to show was the max that is available is only 10 and it's actually pretty good so another quick thing I can show you is if I go over here and click on another one I'll go ahead and add now a horizontal one a horizontal Gallery will do the same type of thing it actually already has an image well I should just do title and subtitle but I'll actually get rid off say this guy here that's good then same thing data source will go to machines I'll go ahead and pull all of that let's quit and sort that out nicely now if I go to this gallery and if I go ahead and now do its wrap flap count and do 10 this is how it shows up over here now you can go ahead and a time let me obviously make things a little cleaner but now if you notice there's a limit of 10 on the political side and then the horizontal side will keep scrolling as many needs you have with that limit of 10 is specific both on the vertical as well as the horizontal side and that econ really changed but you can make things a little nicer right you go ahead and do that you know I reduce the images sizes a little bit you know just make it a little bit nice and pretty and it works really well so that was the first hidden gem and that is the word the the wrap count over there let's go to the second one in the second one is actually a pretty neat thing that is already available and for the sake of that I'll actually use this this one as an example I'll actually delete that screen over here I'll keep the first screen available now in this screen there is another pretty neat feature that's available and I'm not seeing a whole bunch of people use that I actually use it a lot specific specific me for a lot of galleries and then just to make it a little bit more nicer let's go ahead and do that to say 5:00 that looks good and now in get out even I go ahead and click on gallery right in the sections over here for I mean make sure and which I can just make sure I've selected the gallery over here remember Viva at the word The Wrap count this section over they call transition by default transition is none but when you going to click on it it actually gives you two options it gives you the pop and it gives you the push the reason I really like to use this is because now when you scroll your how are your mouse around it it actually tells you or the end user which item or which data card in that gallery looking at so check this out I'm gonna say let's try pop first so I'll do pop and in fact not back again was that none before so we'll leave it as what I would the Tang was transition was none so now if I go ahead and just take a look at it you know it's all good hovering the mouse around I'm doing clicking and clicking it's all there but now I go back over here in my transition and I change transition to hop watch what happens now when I go in here moment I hover my mouse are on that you see it's actually popping out a little bit that is so cool I really like that because now it gives the end users that feel that oh this is exactly where I'm hovering over especially when you do it on the desktop side when you have a mouse over here and you'll see how it gives you the capability then it's pumping out but there's a flip side version to it as well if I go ahead and now click on pop there is actually also a push almost a similar thing see just a little bit of a difference just a little bit of a difference but all in all it's actually a really nice feature available over here I get out of the box now form wheelers or anything available this is one of those hidden gems the second one that I was showing about and that's what it was the the actual feature or the function that is available inside the gallery and that was transitioned so that was the second one all right let's go to the third one and the third one you actually may have heard quite a few people I've seen and in fact many of my demos in fact my formulas and all the articles that I've had I've already gone and provided this but again I don't see a lot of people use it so I want to provide that to you and the biggest bunch of functionality availability for this one is that now if I go ahead and I see I already have the transition and everything is good if I click on something I don't know which one I clicked and that is a key thing for end-users because especially if you start having a lot of galleries and you do filtering filtering filtering and you need to know where you clicked and there's this really simple functionality that's available in galleries over here so i select my gallery there is this thing called as template fill when i click on template fill by default it is just you know no color but if you put in and then I'll prove I'm providing you this formula we here we just can't copy and paste it and I'll paste this one which I always kind of use but I'll show you how you can change it on with it so now you'll notice that by default and then this also helps in one thing because you know even though you haven't selected it even though you don't really know what it is by default in a gallery the first one is always highlighted it's always selected this really helps you kind of show that because if you're doing filtering you might not see that by default I'm only signing the first one filter but I want to change that why is this happening well now you know that by default the first one is getting filtered over here so check out this formula over here what I'm basically saying that if this item in that template is selected then go ahead and give it that green yellow color otherwise just have no color over there and then you can go ahead and change these to whatever you want in me without green you can put it at whatever else you want but I'm gonna go with the green yellow and then you can go ahead and change this one as well if you don't want to select it then you can change that color but now you see the combination that's going on I am able to hover with the transition when I select on it the color comes in or - and now I know at any point two things I know there my mouse is over where it's hovering over and then I also know where I went and selected so this little information over here this hidden gems away it really brings out the you know the really good user interface feeling for building that happen so that was the third Jim all right so let's go ahead and now look at the fourth gen so in the fourth one it's actually to do with the confirm before you close to ever pop-up so I'll show you basically what that means and before I move forward I'm gonna go ahead and save that I'll put and publish it to because I'm gonna need to demonstrate this after you guys a bit alright so a couple of things you might have already noticed set so here's the app itself now I go ahead and just refresh in the app nothing big over here I'm selecting it all right select the app I go ahead and play and this is how the app shows up over here alright nothing big nothing fancy if I go ahead and try to say it close it just close this now in this scenario it's really not a bad bad problem because all you're doing is viewing but let's take this app to a little different level I'm gonna go ahead and create another blank screen just to be on the safe side I'll move this screen out so I'll make that as the you know screen primary screen one right it's good let me go ahead and add a data source we'll put in say a data source of my as your sequel and it's basically just me and Turing a very simple form to submit some data in over there nothing too fancy over there but I'm doing this to illustrate that one little you know gem which is there which is basically now it when you have that feature turned on it will confirm before you close so what I am gonna do is I'll just do a primary test it's in the form you will see it's a very simple form just to go ahead and add this data so in this section over here data source primary one and it feels I'll add the field and I just say I'm gonna put in the project name start date description and you'll see my form shows up over here change that to sake 1 columns yep all is good obviously if I go and click on plus I mean playing up it shows up that's because I need to put in for the item I need to put in default you guys all know this but this this is nothing new you know this is still all of the box and none of the things away but I just want to do a quick test ok all right so let's go back and save it publish it and we'll redo that thing there I've got this form to fill i want users to go ahead and fill this form i actually want them to even go ahead and submit it and see if your form is a in a really complicated form where people have to go ahead and fill in information and make sure they don't you know miss anything well in that case if somebody accidentally went they closed the browser or they just closed at one time in the browser we don't want the form to close just like that because there's information which is filled over there and right now out of the box as it is without any changes in the settings if you've gone ahead and started filling the form it's not gonna do anything maybe it'll do I mean it will fill the form and you try to close it it'll just close it let me demonstrate that to you so we went ahead and added that simple field over there and you know the form and I'm gonna say this is a test I'll go ahead and pick today a date for say today ok testing and somewhere in the process I accidentally went ahead and did this it just closed you know there was there was no pop-up or anything that said that oh my gosh I went that Max and he closed it and this was a simple form there were only three different you know fields over there what are those a really complicated form that you had to go and fill and everything and now the end user accidentally went ahead it hit their hand on the back of the hand on the mouse or something like that and it the phone closed you just lost all that input that you put in so in order to save you some of that problems there's actually a couple of features available but the key key that I want to show on right now the hidden gem is the option to not confirm exit so in order for that confirm exit to work right now you just want to go ahead and in the preview features is something called as a delayed load so you want to turn that off now this is not always necessary but it is recommended that you go ahead and turn that delayed load to off it's by default on where in turn that off that way the confirm exit will always work that's one thing second thing is now you come over here on the app and on the app and the on start there's something called as confirm exit so when I go ahead and click on confirm exit by default it is at false well I'm gonna change that to true so you can do that see also if you come to the right over here now confirm exit is set to is on which is because of trool there you can also go ahead and put it in any confirm exit message so I'll say you know you might lose or you will lose all the information so I'll just say that as well all right go ahead and click on file save publish and once it goes through we'll go back to the app over here because that's what I want to do the real testing I'll go ahead and just refresh my browser and make sure I'm not missing anything now I'll click on play and watch what happens just an everyday app when I go ahead and you know see the app loads over there the form comes up and I start filling in some information test testing this new feature you know put in this right here test and now watch save whatever reason I accidentally go ahead and click this one watch what happens you now get this popup over here basically you know yeah not only is it over here on the cancel side I mean I'm just on this one over here but if I go ahead and try to click close the entire browser I get this over here so you click on cancel even and if I go and try to do that if I had the option to actually go and do a backspace that's also when it will pop up over here so all these three places now give you that secondary scene option to say hey are you really sure you want to go ahead and close this form because if you remember when I did two months ago before I meant that turn on that feature it just closed I mean all the data that I entered I just lost it so now once again with that I confirm exit turned in turn on I get this pop up over here that's available not just for the tab but the entire browser as well it comes up over here so it's a pretty handy thing oh yes so again that was the fourth hidden gem over there and then last but definitely not the least it's someone which I'm actually used a lot it's also been there for quite a while but it's a little bit kind of really hidden because there's no saving anywhere to go turn on it is something that you need to actually add into the browser so I'll show you what that is so once again let me just go and save all of this right it's good we're good over here good over here as well in fact I'll just use this as an example so watch when I when I go ahead and actually let me come back you leave leave I'm here I click the play button or you know the app comes up you see this ribbon over here this is the power apps ribbon that is available if you even go ahead and send somebody say here's the link to the app somebody inside your company you go ahead and say here's the link to the app you know they don't even need to login to the browser in 10 to the power apps and go and click on the app you know you can just basically go and send them the the link to the entire app itself this link you know if they are internal and they are authenticated they will still see this ribbon over here but there's a little trick you can do and it'll actually go ahead and hide that altogether so watch what what do you need to do there's a little trick so I'll eventually copy this over here I'll open it up in this notepad so you can see what is the change that I'm doing see here I'm gonna go ahead and keep this entire as it is I'll keep all of this and then I'll keep the tenant ID and then what I'm going to do next is I'll go ahead and get just the app ID piece so close that away here and I got the power naps I'm ready everything and then you end it with this little code and that code is and hide nav bar equals true so watch what happens I'm gonna do that see right now I see that navigation here I mean I see that ribbon now with my hide nav bar equals true after the tenant ID after the powerups ID watch what happens yeah that's fine you see that I went ahead and lost I went ahead and hit that entire power apps one now somebody might say this is cool but what exactly is the use of it well if you're the person who's going to now just provide links to people to the web see in a city this is like a website the end user won't even know that this is running on power apps because there's no way to see it and unless they actually go ahead and read a URL they won't even know that this is running on power apps because there is no power apps ribbon that is showing over there that ribbon is hidden because of the high navbar equals true so and then like I said you know people if you don't want people to log into power apps in the power of the website and click on the app you can just go ahead and give them this URL you know they're you know in your company anyway they have their subscription to use power apps you just want to directly you want them to go and hit the app directly from the browser and you don't even want them to know its power apps this is the way to do it that you can actually go ahead and now do the high navigation bar option over there so this was the four the fifth hidden gem that I showed and just as a recap we went ahead and actually saw on five you know hidden gems again there was all available over there it's just hidden the event tents saw the gallery section over there you know how we can add the galleries and rows I'm going to fill them up and that you know the the option over there the limit was only 10 for now but it made it really nice I went and showed you how you can do the pop and the push because that just makes the hovering and the UI interface so cool showed you the template fill the template filled because when you this after the hovering is select on something it will highlight it so you actually know what it is that you selected so the combination of pop and push plus that template fill is pretty neat over there the fourth one is a really important one as well and that is to conform before you close and confirm before you close will actually now stop you from deleting you know you actually have the app running it'll stop you from delete from closing it so that you don't lose all the data that you have in the form and then the last but definitely not the least I showed you how you can go and hide this power apps navigation or this power apps ribbon over there by adding that little postfix in the URL so hope this hidden gems video was helpful to you you know it just takes here after that next level makes it a little nicer and I like I said this is just the first of the many more to come and as always if you enjoy these videos go ahead and subscribe you know it will help you to alert you for all the new videos that are going to come out over there and as always keep our happen thanks
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 6,076
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: powerapps tutorial, PowerApps Hidden Gems, PowerApps Hidden Features, PowerApps, powerapps forms tutorial, PowerApps Gallery Rows, PowerApps Gallery Columns, PowerApps Template Fill, PowerApps confirm before you close, powerapps confirmation popup, PowerApps hide browser ribbon, microsoft powerapps tutorial video, microsoft powerapps examples
Id: e3PyNwBGV90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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