Microsoft Power BI and Xero

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Microsoft power bi meets zero was a meeting on the 2nd of March 2017 between two different meetup groups the Brisbane cloud accountants and advisers and the Queensland power bi user group Kevin Smith is an Australian born Chartered Certified accountant writer speaker and small business consultant with many zero books to her name Sania cough is co-founder of a technology consultancy company called the missing chair Sania applied 15 years of corporate systems experience to the small business space and this year was awarded as a Microsoft MVP for her work educating people about office 365 craig Bryden as Petra cork is a highly experienced business intelligence and data analytics practitioner Craig currently holds a Microsoft Certified solutions expert business intelligence certification and was previously a Microsoft certified trainer would thanks to our sponsors for the event my name's Heather Smith our owner zero advisor I also wrote armed zero for dummies I think I've written seven six books in the zero series so I know zero to a granular level I'm also a chartered accountant by trade so I'm just going to give you a quick overview zero how many of you know zero okay a really good number here okay so essentially zero is a core accounting solution it's a simple core accounting solution that has all the functionality you would expect of a small to medium-sized business accounting solution and what as you are perhaps aware of it's got this wonderful API is very open though a lot of solutions can come in and plug into so if we talk to lots of solutions commercial property solutions bills and expense solutions and also sort of power bi so we'll plug in and do further functionality inventory management solutions payroll solutions that you require what I wanted to do was highlight to you so you are aware sort of what reporting was available within Xero as you you come from a power bi well you understand it's all driven by dashboards so this is the home dashboard and you can see look you know this is quite exciting for us accountants we've got color we've got graphs appearing here and we're really kind of orientates our clients to look at this all our bank accounts that you can put all your bank accounts on the dashboard you can put account watchlist on the dashboard you can put some KPIs on the dashboard invoices owed and as I scroll down the screen invoices o2 you bills you need to pay everything that you see there that's hyperlink you drill down and get more detail which is very exciting I wanted this to then jump in here to show you our reporting area the reports area if you have used it so I'm showing you look do you need to go to BI what do you have and report this is the new zero reports area it has evolved about three times over the time so if you are speaking with a client make sure they're on the new zero report area highlight one thing please start me that report appears on the drop-down menu but in the evolution they haven't got the new report see that is not so so a lot of people I feel is still using the old reports because they appear on that drop-down bar there so if you are working with someone make sure they're on to the new report when you go into them then a certain amount of functionality in there I can do a certain amount of report customization with in there and settings options so you can see here on the right I have report settings options looking at on a cache in a crawl space that shown decimal this line here is backtracking within zero you have something similar to perhaps jobs called tracking is quite simple you have two tracking categories with unlimited tracking options okay and I do have down the bottom here down the bottom on the left hand side the ability to edit that layout move the chart of accounts around okay and there are few if any of you are familiar with my v-- or desktop solutions in Xero everything is fluid so if you want something at a point in time unchanged by anyone else coming along you have to come in and you have to actually publish the document so here it's saying export print PDF Excel spreadsheets for coming over here you actually publish it as the whole areas or anything that's published it's tagged with the name of the person who has published that document so I'm sort of giving you a high-level quick overview of what you can do in reporting it is quite good for simple businesses ok and but we're looking at power bi when we want more information I'm popping over here and I just want to show you business performance because I think a lot of people are unaware that this exercise as well what this is is little ratios there's about 20 of them that is sitting in there and if you put a starter price on all actually appear on that Home Dashboard they're all common ratios that we would use however when it came to this day they became American centric and they put up an American ratios rather than that ones that we're familiar with we very much follow i studied accounting in england and we very much follow sort of an english tradition in sort of the ratio movement there okay and i just wanted to highlight one more thing if you are in here yep you have about 25 30 reports that you can work with and customized so hopefully that's giving you a quick overview of what data you can get out of zero you have any quick questions for me get show yeah okay so that's a difficult thing the clicking on reports okay reports all reports the thing is I've done this to a granular detail to the wrote the book but what happens is I come in here I can't see it can't you actually cannot see it you have to come up here and go Dan Smith and there appears but I cut that's my top tip what we usually do a report put the name of whatever you want to try and find out because you just can't see the report they've used they tell me they've put in hot dogs these little things based on ruler and they hide everything yeah they just hide everything I don't understand why but anyway it's so interesting use it on an iPad because we want everything designed so we can use on an iPad about my fiction don't you yes all you do basically yes is glass license so much knowledge you need no baggage from my altitude if you don't if you understand accounting yeah a convention services mostly there because the uses of the old format yes well yes new business that of those you have an i/o get it so I'm going to talk a bit about power bi now and try and give you the the really ten thousand foot view of power bi and the different components and how it all fits together so this is a nice diagram which I take no credit for and it's publicly available and it be made available by Microsoft so we can use it so what we're looking at here is the power behind how it fits into or how everything fits into it and where it fits into the azure services so what you'll notice is yeah we have this big yellow square which is the power bi service this is a service that's up in the azure cloud and you get free and pro licenses for it there's a lot you can do with the free license to please don't feel scapes go and try it out you do need involved you don't have to have office fee to try but if you have office 365 it integrates seamlessly with that single sign-on all that the big stuff brings along to them so within the power bi service we have dashboards reports and data sets I'll demonstrate this for you in a short time but what's really important is that Microsoft has pulled the data gateway which allows you to suck information from your corporate network straight into power bi and it can refresh as desired and so you don't have to put all your data up in the cloud if you have a massive data warehouse or maybe some just some files sitting on a network somewhere that you want to bring up there is the data gateway can actually facilitate that data moving through for you so just to show you with them we also have the power bi desktop which I'm not going to focus on very shortly now this is the desktop is an authoring tool effectively yes you can use it as an actual proper reporting tool but it is not an enterprise-grade reporting tool so within your companies you probably want to ultimately be using the service but the people creating the content would use power bi desktop to do so so there's a few differences between the tool so power bi desktop has a very good capabilities at manipulating data allowing you to mash up data create very rich data sets for people to use them for their reporting you can't do all that mash-up with the data in the car bi service so if you're doing some kind of complicated combinations of data or putting things together like that or you have a lot of calculations that you need to do you need to start off with the power bi desktop and create your data models from there maybe some basic reports and then you publish that to power bi service which is where all the dashboarding and the real billing comes in but the the underlying power or the initial sort of data manipulation is done in cardio desktop most of the capabilities in power bi desktop but what's actually available in Excel 2016 now so you can also just use it in Excel there you know manipulation of data is there but you obviously don't have the same reporting and dashboard capabilities within Excel okay so I'm not going to spend any more time on that slide I'm actually going to show you guys some things so but I'm going to start with power bi desktop because logically that's where you excite them and you move on to the cloud so this is a desktop tool which means all affects me free of charge and and when you start it up it brings up this nice wizard which has some really interesting links and what recently been added just just for interest sake Microsoft is adding new features to both the power bi desktop and the service on it Oh actually weekly but they publish the power bi desktop once a month with new features the power bi service can have features added weekly and they do you so it's a very rapidly evolving product if you've got a six month old version of power bi desktop you don't know what you're missing I go to I'm given those free it's also very easy to keep up to date these forums these blogs in this tutorial so that's a good place to start if you know absolutely nothing about it so just to show you sort of some of the data ranging features within this window click get data it brings up a list of all the different data sources and this is one of the real powers of power bi is the amount of different data sources that it is already able to handle and they keep adding to this list so just to give you a bit of a flavor it just some files you've got all the expected file format your text XML JSON so far SharePoint folders your all your traditional databases and no catering for all of the mainstream ones there you've got your address services as your sequel database and HD insights and so on and then online services and this is really amazing looks when you look down the list you got dynamically subscribe you got Facebook you got Salesforce MailChimp and the list just keeps going and then you are over and you can actually just scrape information off the web like for those developers in the room HTML pages and have tables of data embedded within them this allows to that web page that you've given it and actually scrape those tables of data off and make them available for you this is a spreadsheet of arms exports by country from the 1960s that has been made available this is from a service that makes public data available worldwide they're a worldwide organization and so it's quite an interesting data set in that it's a typical spreadsheet and you've got yes going along in columns and the countries down the middle so for those of you have done traditional data wrangling you'll know that this immediately poses some problems for a computer to be able to consume this in a nice easy way so what I'm going to go do is go back here get data and you're going to go with web it's that URL in and what what Carl bi is doing right now is going off to that website and actually reading the HTML code on the website and the connect and it's actually picking up that data that's in that spreadsheet so obviously this experience is going to be different depending on where you're connecting to a database or to web pages that sort of thing yeah yeah that's right okay so [Music] well that is interesting though so this is looking perfectly this morning but anyway hopefully I'm going to get away with it so it's gone in terms of table of data and there's some you know you can model multi select columns and remember I'm doing all of this start writing an encoder sort of Excel like so I'm going to just say okay remove these columns we can see that the headers that didn't realize that those the headers that's treating them as the rows of data so we'll just say use the first rows as headers and now we want the years to be we want to normalize those datasets and it's more users user-friendly so just right click over here and turn pivot other columns and immediately we have the year the value as rows so we can rename this to yeah make this export and maybe call this country so in the interest of time I'm not going to go much further but you can see how quickly I took what was a spreadsheet type format with dirty columns no headers and converted it with a few clicks of a mouse to something very usable so once you've finished and you can keep doing other things so while Amenia can do these transformations on the field you can change the data types you can do formatting you can convert text to all applicator lowercase or you can split strings on them based on the limiters anything you can think that you'd want to do today to make it more usable you can you can do Enya and the user-interface means that 99% of those things can be done without writing a single line of code okay so the powers been put in the Avery in everyone times you don't need to be a programmer to use this tool and you can add custom columns and formulas and all kinds of things and statistical functions are built in there and once you finish it goes and brings the data into an environment where you can start doing reporting on that so in the interest of time I'm going to show you one that I've baked before so at this point this is actually the same data set just with a lot more having happened to it in another demo that I do [Music] what I'm showing you guys you can create relationships so you can pull in multiple doses and gnash create relationships so that's the whole thing about combining data from disparate sources and making it useful yeah you can actually see the queries that you've got so you can actually see that I've got three different data sets that are related to each other in this and then yeah is where you actually create your reporting so this is where we build our reports and you can see that we got a whole bunch of different visualization types these are the ones that come out of the box and they recently had interesting we seem to be they've added off GIS maps and the latest release which isn't showing up here but either way you can also get custom visualizations you can build your own so Microsoft has maybe visualizations using a technology called b3j which is open source and a whole bunch of people are used to doing graphic type designing notice language and they can you can create your own visualizations all right now the nice thing is one source data then you can start clicking and as you'll see over the night just by clicking on things within context it forces all the other visualizations as well and you know all kinds of interesting things that's not bad so that's the power bi desktop and that's what it basically allows you to do is get data manipulated to create it an interesting data and then start your reporting from our and actually create a whole bunch of report so you'll notice that I've got more than one refer to a page in my reports here this is the power bi service you sign into this as I said with the office suite subscribe credentials and you have something similar so you notice the status X which is what we had what we are created in the power bi desktop and and all of that would appear yo if I publish that report to to Sonya's instance you've got two reports and you have that they're very hard to manipulate in this environment that's we want to use the power bi desktop to manipulate that but once you have them you can just keep adding more reports based on the same data and keep adding more dashboards so to show you what typical reports of like let's have a look at the human resources sample so this is a sample provided by Microsoft and what we had as a report with four pages in it so we got new hires active separations and so on but anyway the content is inverted let me get across tea tonight so when a more talked about the features that are available to you so as I said when you click on something in power bi everything else on that particular page reacts search if you build your report that way and nectar PA out-of-the-box and you can just keep adding more more as many reports really reports and pages as you like so and you can even and you can obviously design certain pages to be optimized for mobile devices like phones and then what power bi service gives you that you don't get in the day in the desktop is dashboards and this is really where the executives get really excited because as I have all of these reports here I might decide that I like this particular visualization and I can just pin that through one of my dashboards and it even asked me we're gonna pin it to an existing dashboard or a new one and and for the end users in control of what they see they no longer refer on your effective the no longer dependent on IP people providing them a dashboard that they like they can actually go and create down and it's really really really easy so to show you just an example of some of the dashboards that are there and I'll click with the Human Resources example so this is a combination of visualizations from those other reports so you may have a CEOs interested in one particular visualization that's around Human Resources data that is also interested in something from finance you can actually combine all of those things onto one dashboard or create multiple dashboards whatever makes him happy from here we can do bunch of things so power bi service what does it give you that desktop doesn't you can publish to web from yeah so if you had data that you don't mind sharing with the world and you may be a public you know a government organization that wants to get a particular dashboard or report out there to the public you can actually and and this is for reports actually you can when you're looking at a report you can publish that to the web be aware that that anyone who finds it can do it there is no security around that but that's as simple as clicking publish to web it creates a thing that you can send an email to people with a link or even just engage something in your existing with website so you can have it as embedded in an iframe on the website and in preview right now is export to colorpoint works really well and it's interactive so the way you've seen these reports being interactive on the web people can click on them in the PowerPoint and it does the same thing and there's a whole bunch of other preview features that are also coming down the line that's in fact we've just recently released is the ability to embed it into SharePoint okay so it's still up in power bi and SharePoint is just basically NX wed exposes these you can subscribe to get updates to win the date in a particular report changes once a day it will send you a notification that they've been changes users can subscribe themselves to that sort of thing also what I hadn't mentioned which is really important is that you can now share across organizations so if you have you can actually invite someone from a different office 365 tenant to share a dashboard or report with you so they can you can actually give access to other people so when you click get data you are offered various options you can still get some file data connect your databases these options aren't nearly as rich as it is in the power bi desktop and you don't have the opportunity to go and do all the data wrangling that that I'll show you but the thing that we are to look at really tonight is about the services content packs so when you click on that you get provided a list which is growing all the time obviously as organizations or Microsoft responsible content back for various things but you'll notice we've seen some big names there Google Analytics Salesforce all kinds of things and then right here on the other bottom we have got on the next page we will have 0 okay so that creates mm I hope it so obviously you need an account with the relevant service provider so you must have a subscription to one of these services what these content packs you get datasets reports and dashboards that have pre been predefined for you and they preach the data sets are predefined by the developer of the content packing your con changes you can go and change the reports you can change the dashboards you cannot make the data give you something that they haven't done for you there you can't add calculations so that you can't do that see kind of a demo see which to me is currently one of the things I'd like to see them change about content backs but unfortunately that's the case army and and you can obviously create new reports and new dashboards using that data and we'll demonstrate that now or shortly visit so for me that increase your power bi before Sonya shows us more about the zero integration is there any questions it's proposed to work back a little bit on their dynamics it's just completely public so you gotta live it and there's no way everyone says Vlad I'll make it square icon sliding tendency extra thank Craig and you to lick me in the perfect spots for them to take over for my demo site ok mention there are quite a few sources in here in terms of tax we meet and 0 Google Analytics is another one and for the 0 users in the room if any of you use stripes for payments is actually a connect pack stripe as well so to connect zero into power bi as simple as going to power bi calm and registering for a free account if you've already got an office 365 subscription use your login email address and the account that you use when you log in to office 365 and they'll just connect everything together and I'll show you that in a second when you're in power bi it's that big yellow get data down the bottom that Craig clicks on and as we see it will go and find zero pack and we'll get now so it's going to ask me for an organization nicknames I'm going to what me just because I can okay the authentication method is going to come up and there's actually nothing to choose from in this drop-down list so you don't need to make any changes or remember any weird settings we just need to tell it that we want to find so here is a list of all of the organizations that I've got access to under my Xero login credentials one little trick that I'll tell you is I'm going to choose I'm going to choose one here that I don't have connected but you see in this list I actually have a demo company now the demo company is a set of data that zero provides that a sample data for people to have a play with if you've got a zero account or a zero trial you can get access and have a play with the settings and the demo company that demo company and that drop-down list can fall off so if you haven't been into the demo company for a while but you want to connect up to power bi to see what Pavia I can do with some data if you don't see demo company and their drop-down list all you need to do is log in to a browser and log into Xero again and just reflect in your organization list to go back and to do my company and have a look at it that will be enough to prompt this to remember that do my company is one of your organization's so if you haven't used it I don't know what the time limit is but sometimes it falls off and you can't find it and the power bi list I'll just keep one up and go allow access so I previously connected some accounts to this I've actually got two factor authentication turned on to zero so when I use Xero normally it asks me for my two-factor authentication Authenticator code just another way of securing my account that I highly recommend if you've got financial data in the cloud with any service but I've already connected up some other data sources and put in that 2fa code so it's not going to prompt me on this machine again for that so as you can see down the bottom if we go to service it's down here see I've got some of these little zeros that are shown with the sixth annex to them that's the new thing that I've connected that's the new data step that we just connected and if I click on that right now it's not going to do a heck of a lot it will start to feed in the data but that can take some time to pull all that data through so don't do this the next bit you'll see the reports in five minutes and probably actually a good idea to connect to data the day before you need it and just to let it do its thing then that will come right because it's put a default of 0 there I can click on this little open menu and I can rename or us I'm going to have everything looking like zero and I came to mix more than one organization so if I look after multiple different organizations through zero for different customers or if I have different companies I think in each as many of those as I like using the connect pack within this one KVI set and I can rename them just so that I know what's what so that printers so that's as hard as it is get data find your service and put in your login and connect your organization what we get photos fold there's actually a pretty comprehensive set of reports so if we go to the dashboard child these are the dashboard tiles there's a vegetable tools for the G my company out of the zero connector pack so you can see that we put several different types of data to slam on these dashboards there's only cash flow over the last 30 days it's giving us a nice graph the closing balance here is a list of accounts that we see any closing balances over here we've got some nice big bold who gives cash in last 30 days for example as a list of the URL links to click on to go straight into Xero to have a look at what those action items are and as we scroll down a little bit more we've got more graphs we've got a few percentage expensive business growth types of sentences and a whole ton more graphs so there's actually quite a bit of comprehensive detail as standard so if I bring up the report section Eric said we've got a big set of standard courts that we get all ready as well so that cash reports if you get as dynamic if I can just click on series and the graphics will change to just show me the fee briefings for example and yeah you can export to powerpoint you can export things like this to this particular table and here we'll we put some figures we can click on here and we can just export this particular set of data to excel we just want to play with the figures and the labels that are in that table or if we click up here we've actually got an analyze in excel option now as in Excel we'll take a bunch of that data and put it into an Excel format where you can manipulate around the pivot tables I don't know if anyone's because at tables same in the room if you're good with pivot tables you were somewhat of a magician in my mind but that's how you can get the data and place of it into the tables of futsuka think if we go and have a look at our customers tab you so you know we've got some making in here we can click on and zoom around and try and find out whether we're all our customers are us we're going to go and visit them for example we've also got information about suppliers which is very similar layout to our customers we've got some inventory information which is pulling out all the cool things that our company is selling if we are using the infantry part of zero and then some more financial data so our balance shares profit and loss and again these are interactive if we want to click on them there is a performance section as well graphs look pretty cool to be interesting to see those performance health reports compared to what's in the zero vegetable tentatively and there's some pretty graphs that mean more to accountants and they do me so that that is the standard set of reports again as we think you can create your own end edit them as well as in the dashboards we do have we do have somewhat of an natural language query so up here where it is asked a question about the data I can click on here and it's going to give me apples or some suggestions so I might have a look at invoices Picchu it's going to prompt me as I go for what I might be looking for the vegetable if it's a invoices overdue by contact that's going to automatically go and Emily create a report just based on a few things that I've typed in here to try and ask me now sometimes it's a little bit ahead and mess it's it's not 100% bang on what you type in is what you're going to get so it's a little bit of fiddling around and again it also depends on whether or not the connector is actually relating in the connector pattern and how that's been dealt to but it's fun to have a bit of a play with so get into that that Q&A to ask ask a question of your data and see what you can find out to some other hidden gems that I'm going to show you as well you see cash-in might be the best one to do vacation in the last 30 days so it's sitting there as a nice number that obviously pulled the information from zero if I click on this is the hot-dogging local to a hot tub now the three dogs so click on the three dots open menu I've got a mother little bunch of icons here and this one little light bulb is going to give me what we call related in so relation in place is really good analyzing your data to find correlations and me that you wouldn't necessarily have got to ask for so in our cache in 30 days for example if we click on what have we got in here cash in by name most of the cash in our last 30 days has gone into our business bank account what a surprise nice correlation there it obviously works but that one's not particularly very useful this one here might be a little bit more useful though so this one for example actually shows me which of the customers had contributed the most to my cash in within the last 30 days so that's a nice little example and a lot of those titles have that little quick insights on it so you can go in and have a bit of a flavour - now that this is my this is absolutely my favorite major trick and it's only just come online Microsoft flow if you haven't heard about it is a product for taking a trigger from one system and doing an action in another system if you played around with it in the consumer space there are two very popular tools one for Bezier the other ones called asbestos in that they are very popular because they support a significant number of services Microsoft flow is definitely more designed for business use and products in the Microsoft stack now it does support some products outside of Microsoft stuff and I will show you that in a minute but because it is Microsoft bouncer it connects with power bi and I'll show you this in action so let's take a scenario that actually going to be useful outstanding receivables okay if you're not an accountant a very high outstanding receivables number is bad because that means all the people are you money haven't paid you yet okay so we really like to keep outstanding receivables as low as we can so that we get cash in as quickly as possible if you're not an accountant you know that getting the money in as quickly as possible is a good thing but they just sits there as a number right now so let's do a little bit of magic with our out receivables what we're going to do is we're going to click on the open menu dot Lord ugh and with a little alarm bell that pops up on that tail for managing the letters I'm going to click on that and and the loop rule now what I want to do for there if I want to skip an alert to tell me tell me when my accounts receivable or actually my outstanding receivables forget the terminology wrong you can yell at me tell me when our expanding receivables is over $5,000 so I'm kidding the role that that particular title is going to be above $1,000 now I can set the notification frequency to be at most once an hour or every 24 hours I'm quite happy just receiving that once a day I get enough emails that I don't need to hear to Ali and this goddess it refreshes every 24 hours anyway so we'll the phase it's 24 hours I don't want it to send me an email as well for this particular alert and I'll show you why in a minute so I'm going to go and save that alert now the way that Microsoft flow works they do actually need to save it and go back in now I've got that alert in Nia I've got the Sloan it'll seem to see on the bottom that so if you use Microsoft slow to trigger additional actions slow is also a free product and is also connecting into your office 365 account so here's a little recipe from slow using car bi when the great things that flow has that the consumer services don't have is the level of complexity that you can drill into with conditions and alerts and what it can submit Ostrava it's actually quite complex um how you can build it to branch out into different things I won't confuse you too much today but I will put a little bit of a little bit of complexity in it so if I click on the drop-down list it's going to load any alert that we have that we set up in power bi and I'm going to create a new step when I create a new step I get a choice to add an action or add a condition and what I'm going to do is on that add a condition because even though the alert says that my are sending receivables have gone over five K I want to set it so that if the value of that time is actually greater than or equal to 20,000 then I want it to do something special and it's going to bring up a list of all the services that it can do something in you okay in this case if it goes over $20,000 I'm going to use outlook to send an email you because I've started typing and then that's already in my organization because I've logged in with my office 365 account it's bringing up the list of other people in my organization that I can send an email to I could type in any email in there if I wanted to but it's handy just to pick up the ones from the organization's something a subject a not only connected in a subject but I can actually add a dynamic condition to the subject so when is email sends is going to send Tony an email see out seeming receivables is whatever the value is that's triggered on the condition and then in the bottom and available body of the email I'm a going to put a link to the Thailand sub tab the ISO Tony has access to that he loves and with his account he'll be able to go straight to that Thailand power bi and drill down into the detail of what happened Advanced Options give me things like CC'ing or BCC and other people and making it a high priority for example so they're just a couple of just a couple of options here so at the moment how we've got it set up is power bi is going to ding an alert within a bi itself of our outstanding receivables go over $5,000 with Microsoft flow when that alert dings it's going to check and see whether or not that amount of over $20,000 and if it is it's going to seem Tony an email telling the value and Sydney mailing to have a look at them if it's not so if this condition isn't true it's not over $20,000 but we still hit that 5k alert I'm going to do something different I'm going to put a different action on here and what I'm going to do think and Wunderlist okay I'm going to go and create a task in one list and it's going to load all of the different lists that I currently have in my wonder list system you put a Tuscan air into wunderlist so this will happen if we're between the 5 and the 20k Tony you're given email if it's over over fears there are more actions and conditions i couldäôt i could actually get it to do both or you know it's kind of infinitely scalable what I wanted to get it to do but that's just a nice real-world example and Gmail I think Google ships is also supported so if you don't use artistic slide you can use flow to pump into those Google services as well I'll click on correct and flow will do that in the background so the only other thing that I wanted to show you while I was here where they mentioned a couple of times about the office 365 integration you can see that on this tab here I'm in flow if I click on this is called the waffle this is actually the official term for the little squeeze in the corner if this is this is a waffle now we're learning new things tonight and it's taking me time so that that is why maybe in office365 if I'm and slow run on paddy I because I'm using the same login so I have my my Outlook email my calendar my onedrive for business all of the things that I use as part of using my normal mail and calendar and office 365 are all there and power bi is an icon and flow as an icon in there as well so it just shows you how they really are all they we are all integrated compose collusion you build a hotel on my tenant valve actually did help me in the other day delve is a great tool for surfacing information regardless of where it stores so delve is like a search engine within your office 365 tenant if I want to look for something and I can't remember whether or not I saved it in one driver head as an email attachment I headed in SharePoint and maybe it was in Tony's mail file Dell will search across all the information sources that I had access to for the thing that I'm looking for and it's a very cool little powerful search tool we user Sonia showed you that you have what the connector pack you've got the datasets reports and dashboards so one of the things that you can do is you can actually edit these report it is edit the report so if I go back into the demo report we were looking at you'll notice there's an edit report function and so you don't have to only have what they've given you you can change these things so you can click Edit reports it takes you into a very familiar look well if you've done this before the familiar looking report editor you can remove things you can change them you can change the default filters you can add things you can duplicate a page so let's say you're happy with this one but you just want to make a minor change without leaving liver they duplicated and you don't have a duplicate of it and you can go and create your own stuff and just save that and then it's available to your organization and you can also sort a completely brand-new report if you click on any of your data sets it gives you and I'm just going to say don't say that change gives you a blank canvas all right so now we are sitting with a blank reporting canvas and we yet we have all the tables that zero connect to pack makes available to you so with a Content pack as I mentioned unfortunately we can edit this we cannot change us which is unfortunate but and it may change down the line but right now that's where we are so in the interest of time I'm not going to show you everything I wanted to but I'm just going to show you very basically how you use this data that your is providing to create a new visualization so I'm going to use the trial balance data set that is available from zero and when you want to create a new visualization in Carl VI you just you can start in two H can either drop the visualization on and then so editing it or you can actually just start by selecting some better so I'm going to take the month end field click that now what it's doing now is it's trying to figure out well that that field is just a date it's not doing anything for it's at this so we can now either go and change the the actual visualization now or we can keep adding data yeah so yeah look I mean obviously the assessment there's still a lot of features people are asking for in power bi so you know they did Microsoft this focused on that they've got a very big community where they allow us to propose new features people can actually invokes on that to the community votes and the more votes a teacher gets the more they'll look at it and they're actually really good with Carl bi about actually listening to the community and giving us what we are asking for so and that's what's driving this monthly relief cycle of these correct well thank you all for coming and for those who are going to be attending power bi user group will be back yard same time next month [Applause]
Channel: Sonia Cuff
Views: 5,286
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: meetup, powerbi, microsoft, cloud, big data, analytics, xero, fintech, automation, flow
Id: C7412whXYts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2017
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