Microsoft Intune MDM | Mobile Device Management

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hi guys hope you all doing well welcome back to our series of Microsoft Intune and from this video we are going to start MDM which is mobile device management now if you're watching the series from the beginning in the last video we have discussed about the selective wipe a feature available with Indian mom where and you can get only the enterprise data removed from the device whereas the agenda of this video will be knowing what is in tune MDM what are the three different phases of configuration that can be done from in tune MDM console since the first one is device enrollment so we'll start off with that then we will talk about the types of devices that can be enrolled in in tune is there any platform limitation or not and what are the different enrollment methods which are available so let's talk about what is in tune MDM in tune MDM is the service offered by Microsoft in which you can enroll mobile phones and PCs and it can be a user object or an admin anyone can enroll these devices but the question comes why exactly a device enrollment is required now the reason behind that is your enterprise has certain security and compliance standards depending upon that there will be certain compliance policies security policies configuration policies which are created now when you enroll your device all these policies gets pushed to your device if I talk about inventory management and AB deployment this is very common nowadays for every MDM solution but in case of in tune these things are slightly more organized now let's talk about in tune MDM configuration and three different phases the first one is enrollment that means this is the section where you will be defining the settings where in what kind of platform is allowed whether you are allowing the personal devices to get enrolled or not the next section is compliance policies these will be the set of settings on behalf of which it has decided whether your device is compliant or not now when I say compliant I mean that as per the policies which your enterprise is defining whether your device has all those capabilities or not let me explain this with an example think about a scenario with an I am enrolling the Windows 10 PC and the compliance policy of my enterprise says that your device will only be compliant if it has BitLocker now let's say for some reason this setting is not updated as it is in engine service then in that case since this setting cannot be checked my device will not be compliant but still the device is enrolled in in tune the third section is the configuration policy now if you guys have lately observed the endpoint manager console of a new portal which is endpoint dot Microsoft comm all the admin templates that we used to create with group policy objects they are available now so depending upon the users job role if there is any certain configuration that you want to apply at the OS itself this can be done from the configuration policies now all these three section of policies which is enrollment compliance and configuration can't be defined for four different platforms which is Windows iOS Android and Mac OS and practically it is not possible to cover up all of them in one single video and since this is the first video of the MDM series so we are starting off with Windows enrollment settings now as I'm talking about Windows the device which you are trying to enroll it can be personal or it can be corporate owned if you are enrolling your personal device then the enrollment method will be BYOD and in case of corporate owned device you can choose device enrollment manager this is a count which can enroll up to thousand devices or you can choose bulk control or you can choose comma and where a device can be managed from SCCM as well as in tune and the last one is autopilot now I will be covering all these enrollment method specifically in a dedicated video but as of now just remember that for Windows these are the enrollment methods which are available now whenever you enroll a device in any of the MDM solution there are certain process which happens under the hood the first one is that whether a specific enrollment method requires your device to be reset now what do I mean by this that let's say I am enrolling my personal device before my device gets enrolled whether it needs to be reset or not then there is something called user affinity where in the device that I am going to enroll is getting associated with my user object or not and the last set of setting is lock that once I have enrolled my device whether I will be able to unenroll this device or not and all these three components have their own purpose in depending upon the method that you are choosing to get your device enrolled so this is a table which has the references and which method what feature will be available so the key take away from this particular table is that if I talk about reset it will be only done if you are using Windows autopilot enrollment so when Windows autopilot enrollment has initiated by the user a device reset is required in case of BYOD and autopilot enrollment the wise gets associated with the user object and none of the methods as of now offers this capability to get the device completely logged and that's the reason why there is something called de M now understand this enrolling and unrolling a device from an MDM solution requires an admin access but when we will talk about de M I will specifically let you know how you can achieve a use case scenario wherein you want to give an ro device to your users but they should not be able to unenroll the device so this was all about knowing the basic fundamentals which you must know about in June MDM and since we have started with device enrollment we have covered the types of devices which can be enrolled in a nutshell all the devices can be enrolled it can be mobile phone it can be PC can be personally owned it can be corporate owned and when it comes to platforms as of now Windows iOS Android and Mac these four are supported enrollment methods are depending upon the OS that you choose we have covered about Windows so in the next video I'm going to show you the portal configuration that you need to enable so that the users can enroll at their devices and I will be specifically talking about BYOD so if you guys have learned something new please feel free to subscribe if you think that our channel is helping you to learn new technologies please feel free to share this with your technical community
Channel: Concepts Work
Views: 18,373
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Intune, Intune App Deployment, Intune Mobile Application Management, Intune Scope Tags, Intune IOS app deployment, IOS, Intune App, Intune Application, Intune Application Protection, Intune App Protection, Intune Selective Wipe, Intune MDM, Intune Mobile Device Management
Id: QZ00lr945pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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