Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 OUT NOW! - Pilot Reviews The Flight Sim

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now hey guys welcome back to the channel and another swiss001 video now today's video is a very very very special one this might be the video of the year 2020. today we are finally reviewing the microsoft flight simulator 2020 which came out just today on the 18th of august 2020. oh yes you can actually get this flight simulator now you can download it from the microsoft store you should do it and yeah today i thought i could make a very very big comprehensive and honest review about this flight simulator is it really as good as people say or is it even over hyped let's check that out today now we are already spawned into the simulator into the flight but let's actually go back to the main menu let's strip this down a little bit now here's the loading screen into the main menu meanwhile i can say i've already had the opportunity to test out this flight simulator for a few months now so you know i have a little bit of experience in this one and i can tell you a little bit about this this is the main menu we are greeted with quite a nice background music personally i don't usually like to have background music in the flight simulators but this one is fine this is quite a nice one yeah this is really not bad and this is the quite simply designed menu that we have we have the world map where we can choose where we want to fly uh there's also a flight school which no one wants to use to be quite honest you know we're all pro pilots already no flight school needed and there's some activities and there's also a landing challenge at courchevel you know the infamous airport in the alps let's actually try doing that challenge later on and we have uh some news thing as well and yeah actually that's pretty much all that is to the menu here we have a marketplace as well as you can see already we can buy add-ons for this flight simulator which is awesome yes i can already see the add-on market for this flight simulator will be very huge we can really look forward to the future on that one but let's actually just check out the world map now obviously as any modern flight simulator pretty much this flight simulator has global flying available yes any airport that is in the world pretty much is in microsoft flight simulator even mountain view in is that kentucky i don't know yeah really any airport around the world whatever it is you can visit it uh let's actually just go to a special place in my heart saint bartholomew you know this is a small island in the caribbean i really like that airport because it really has a short runway which makes landing big planes at it very interesting now let's actually jump over to the planes that we have included now by the way this is the premium deluxe version which has quite a beefy price of 120 bucks on the microsoft store and it does have a few aircraft that are actually pretty good on quality i can already say that um you know we have airliners like a320s 747s 787s but we also have a lot of general aviation vfr planes which is probably for a reason i think this flight simulator was created in the mindset of seeing the world which you don't really get to do in an airliner but you do get to do that in a cessna 152 for example you can do things like sightseeing flights right you cannot do that in the 747. but actually let's pick a suitable plane for a saint barthelemy let's actually go for the cirrus sr-22 actually i fly a cirrus in real life so i can kind of already you know rate the realism of this one so let's just go ahead sir sr20 you already see i've talked way too much let's just jump right into the game now the loading times here are really not that bad and here we are we'll come to the same part of me this already looks amazing doesn't it okay all right we have loaded in that was a little bit of a stutter now we also gotta rate the performance uh the graphics are set to high end not ultra because i don't have that much of a super duper good pc it is very good it is probably very much above average but it could definitely be better and i'm very happy with the performance actually you know this might not be 60 fps gaming or anything this works fine now uh the plane this is a cirrus sr22 probably a g2 or a g3 quite an older version but this flies pretty realistic i can kinda say um but let's get ready for this landing should we just land on the runway two two side which is something that you really do not do a lot but you do have that in real life as well let's just go ahead and get this plane landed and see how that works now i do see that the plane is very sensitive to my control inputs uh my maybe a little bit too sensitive but it's okay by the way we haven't admired the outside view of this small caribbean island isn't this beautiful all right now the landing time for the flare [Music] okay that was not actually beautiful but whatever okay there we go that was an easy stop on runway two 2. now this is so far the best graphics i have ever seen in a flight simulator you know especially considering that this is without any add-ons this is really just straight up downloaded from the microsoft store and launched into the flight in a default aircraft this is all default nothing has been customized in any way you would never achieve that in any other conventional flight simulator that we've had before this one oh oh no okay let's just ignore this very big fail i can actually taxi a series quite well you know this is very nicely detailed something i really appreciate is definitely the 3d trees that we have in the background this rock here looks very good as well this is very nicely detailed we do have people drawn into the cockpits of the plane which always looks a little creepy even in this one i don't know i don't like it it's weird but this is all good now let's actually move on to um maybe another aircraft or something at least oh you know what i was actually mentioning this live event that is going on right now the landing challenge let's actually go ahead and join that let's try landing this i think this is a robin plane at the airport of course as you can see this is extremely nicely detailed jesus christ now we have a leaderboard here of the best landings here this is quite amazing isn't it let's just go ahead and fly all right the sim has loaded we can already have a little bit of a glance at how the airport looks this is extremely amazing and we have the plane here as well okay now we are inside of quite another plane i haven't ever flown a robin in real life honestly um and i don't really know how to fly it properly i hope i do this kind of well actually this airport requires a special license for pilots as well you need a mountain wheeling license that's what it's called but let's see if i could at least land here in theory okay again this plane is very responsive maybe a little too sensitive i've actually tried changing the joystick sensitivity in the settings but it doesn't work but that's another story again let's admire the graphics a little bit we have a little bit of clouds here which is not very vfr conditions but the lighting looks absolutely beautiful the clouds as well these are actually like completely 3d the clouds which is a first timer for a flight simulator by the way this is really revolutionary graphics wise you know this is a very nice flight in the sunset uh even though this plane is kind of struggling to keep up with our speed and all that i don't like that okay we're looking good now the beautiful landing all right that was actually pretty good i'm happy with that kind of landing we didn't crash that's good and here we've got a score this was really not a bad landing even though i'm uh plays 529 of the best landings all right that might have not been that good but it's really cool that they have this leaderboard here not gonna lie very nice as well but let's go back to the main menu and let's maybe try out another type of plane let's maybe try out some airliners that we have here as well all right what airport should we actually go to um you know what let's actually go to innsbruck let's stay in the alpine region i just want to admire the airport to be honest and as i've said let's try an airliner let's try a plane that you can commonly see here the a320 oh yes let's just go to parking and see how that works here and here we are in our a320 i'm very very this is like a christmas morning isn't it oh wow the mountains in the background all right here we are a little bit of stutter on my pc side oh never mind it's fixed itself now oh my god this is absolutely beautiful let me just mention again this is a default aircraft um and it is incredibly uh realistic even though not all the buttons work apparently but most buttons actually do work for at least some kind of realistic flying uh let's see if i can get this plane started i've never started an airbus properly you know i've only flown the boeing planes which are a lot different how does this work okay that is all going i'm really impressed by this actually now uh let's go ahead and uh start the plane i hope this works all right this is very much against procedure just starting the engines on the ground while people are standing by and without like doing anything but i think i've made it you know what airbus planes are not that complicated after all that really didn't take a while this is really nicely detailed can we actually move inside of the cabin as well that would be awesome all right now the the cabin door is shut okay all right we have started up an a320 i guess you know i really really like the particles here in the flight simulator as well this looks pretty good now let's actually do a landing in a320 let's try and see if that works there we go we can just spawn into a landing again let's see how well i can do that oh wow we are greeted again with amazing graphics this looks amazing all right welcome aboard this a320 we are about to fly like right above the city of innsbruck here in austria let's get this plane ready for the landing that we're about to do as you can just hear we have full atc control here at the airport uh let's ignore that one though right now see there's a lot of features that this flight simulator has that we cannot really cover that much here in the video the atc is very much cool though definitely this plane it flies very very airbusy as well this is actually quite realistic nothing to complain about here and again we're forgetting to admire these beautiful graphics jesus christ how's it even possible that my computer can handle this it is really really impressive that this works alright we're a little fast yeah but we're coming in quite well on this landing i would say we're gonna put this down without any issues let's maybe do a smooth and proper landing this time around as well you know we got to prove my pilot skills now really flying the planes as well in this flight simulator is uh it's a very good experience i would say i already feel home does that make sense like i'm very comfortable just flying around this a320 which is something that i was actually struggling with with fsx switching from x-plane yeah this is absolutely i don't know i'm i'm i'm lost in words and this is going to be a pretty failed landing now oh goodness all right plane just called me a oh this is really not a good landing i don't know now the reverse thrust of this plane comes into play this was really a bad landing again i'm having some trouble with this very sensitive control thing especially on the flare you start actually noticing that but it was uh it was a fine landing right and again this looks absolutely beautiful like the colors as well are very extraordinary you know the green just pops out very well it is just the most beautiful thing i've seen ever all right now so far we've only visited like airports that are like very popular that have been especially designed for this simulator that have like you know that had like special treatment let's actually go to like more of random places that didn't have a special treatment like this you know maybe airports that are more like auto generated right okay so what can we try uh like i don't know let's maybe try a random airport here called uh ctr i've never really heard of this airport ever cannot be that famous right but it does have a 6800 feet long asphalt runway so no problem for something like an a320 let's see how it looks like here in microsoft flight simulator is it still as detailed as the other airports that we've had probably not by the way all right welcome aboard the a320 again we are um actually on final approach to this airport already and oh wow this um i don't know what to say man this is mind-blowing it still looks absolutely beautiful even on this greek island of crete really there is nothing to complain about here but where's the runway it's over here let's see how the runway itself is going to look like all right i do see some casual bugs with the reflection in the water as you can see right in front of us this looks kind of weird maybe it's because of my computer as well but you know it's not perfect like the water reflections in general they look a little weird but yeah the airport that is actually coming up looks again absolutely beautiful this could really be a like a paper add-on for maybe x-plane or something i think this is actually a military base so it's also very interesting how they got a scenery footage for this one because normally you don't really have that especially in countries like greece they really do not give you access to any of the footage like that so that's also another interesting fact i wonder how they got that information from but let's go ahead and oh there we go let's go ahead and blend we're coming in very very low for some reason but this looks like it's going to be a good landing anyway oh you can watch my other videos i promise i always do pretty good landings actually there we go that was a pretty nice one and this is what the airport of sitia apparently looks like even though again this is probably a military place which is why no taxiways are actually in the flight simulator itself that is a little weird but this looks absolutely beautiful anyway all right now another plane that a lot of people are interested in here in the flight simulator is obviously the 747.8 that we have here oh we have a little bit of stuttering okay and now it works fine we are right now approaching the frankfurt airport which is by the way my uh my home airport and again this looks absolutely beautiful we're a little fast maybe now we are flying against the sunrise there's a little bit of uh the visibility is not perfect but the graphics oh my goodness uh now by the way this airliner as well is quite nicely detailed we have in-flight systems and all that stuff this is all very playable again this is a default aircraft you know at the beginning when the flight simulator was only you know announced and all that stuff a lot of people were worried that this was just gonna be an arcade kind of like game like a casual game that everyone can play but no this really isn't this can also be used as a incredibly realistic flight simulator but it can also be used by a normal person to fly around there is several levels of difficulties if you can say it like this and this is by the way the hardest difficulty the most realistic one but there's also easier levels for casual game players i just want to land a 747 at courchevel for example that works in beautiful graphics as well let me just say that too i'll see how well we can land this 747 obviously i haven't ever flown a 747 in real life but it does feel quite realistic again we have the problem that the joystick is very very sensitive to my inputs and again you cannot modify the sensitivity here in the flight simulator which kind of sucks but okay oh wow this really sucked now we have always praised the 747 for being a very quick stopper here in the flight simulator it is also the thing this plane it doesn't need a long runway does it oh yes and here at sunrise again this is absolutely beautiful the reflections as well and you know and especially for graphics like this the simulator is running very very much perfectly fine and now what can i say about this flight simulator get it now get it now that's my conclusion i mean really there is not much to say this is revolutionary this is not perfect again there's a few minor issues sometimes um i kind of miss a replay mode where you can actually see your landings as well because apparently you don't have that but yeah this is really a game changer that's all i can say now for my channel i'm probably going to switch to this flight simulator as well i'm maybe not going to stick with x-plane which used to be the leading simulator i would say or maybe still is but you know this one is uh definitely going to replace it for a while i'll probably switch to microsoft as a primary flight simulator as well you know personally especially for my workflow i don't really have to download any more sceneries because it all looks amazing anyway you know all this really helps me a lot this is amazing um that's all i can say so yeah guys thank you for watching today's video and i'll see you tomorrow as always good night [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Swiss001
Views: 394,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swiss001, video, Swiss 001, Aviation, Planes, Airlines, Flight Simulator, Everything about aviation, aviation film, aviation related
Id: Gnr-0343Rac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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