Microsoft Build 2024 Updates for Power Apps and Power Automate

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Microsoft build was this week and there was lots of announcements I said the word co-pilot quite a bit so I don't want to run through all those announcements with you what I want to do is go over the power apps the power automate and then give you a little bit of context maybe show you some of them and just kind of help you understand where they fit in and where I think they're going with things right so just kind of an opinion piece quite frankly s fun then let's just switch over to my desktop and take look instead of doing the usual YouTuber thing being like hey what you're looking for us at the end we're going to start with power outs because what most of you aren't here to see right all right let's scroll down here a little bit and we'll kind of jump into the middle so use copil to create and understand power fxs as well as Rich data Models All right so this one is going to do two things right one is the ability that now we can use co-pilot to write power effects you do the little comment symbol and you say you know create me a filter where it filters by this field and sort the columns this way and bingo bango Auto suggest some code it's really interesting right uh it also has the ability to explain it so if you're working on people's existing code which we're going to come back to later um you know you now can also use co-pilot to uh integrate with being search so that way the co-pilot and power apps has more knowledge lot of really cool stuff coming here right and I just did a video on that the four new co-pilots you can go up there and check out that video if you want to see those features in action they are very fun but what feature we haven't seen before that I just saw for the first time yesterday right is this new one here around U describing your data so we know that for a while now we've able to use co-pilot to create tables right so it's first create apps and tables and it was create just tables in Port Excel but one of the first complaints a lot of people had was it couldn't create more than one table of time and it couldn't set up relationships so let's check out this video where they've now added this this new interface uh the new data modeling design here is really cool so let's hit play here there isn't any text but so you can see we have a new interface for creating tables right this is the same option you've had from before just a new UI and so here we're going to use words to describe it now notice below there right there where generate is you see this the little drop down there's a bunch of different options hidden in here around letting you kind of tone it a little bit better but now it's going to go and take the request and look not only did it create three tables at once it also set up the relationship between the tables they can select them now they've got a new interface for looking at this notice that here we've got different buttons so I can use properties to change table names and stuff this is a similar but much more refined version of the experience that we've had for a while all right I skipped over that but now this new table stuff so start with external data they're going to throw an Excel spreadsheet in here look at this throw it in and we've been able to do excel before but now it's going to make it a table in the same interface look at that and they can then go ahead and create the relationship or the lookup on the Fly here just by a little dragging and dropping like what this is so much better so if you've done powerbi before you've had this nice data interface now we've got this great data interface that is coming soon to power apps you know the other really cool thing to think about with this is like this is just another step but you know one of the things that Daniel and I've been talking about for a while now is like this idea that you should be able to you know basically lay out your data model in words and then have have it generate all this for you and man this is a big step in that direction they're going to continue to refine do more awesome things there give us more control I I'm really excited for this data stuff because let's face it data modeling is one of the hardest things for people that are new at using power apps and so this tool is going to make that better okay next up make more powerful co-pilot infused apps what the world yeah basically what they're really saying here is that you're going to have the ability to go in and build in co-pilot Studio a co-pilot right we've talked about the chat bot you know we're going to talk about those more later but now we'll be able to bring those into power apps so we'll be a to use power apps as a way to surface those and once they are inside of power apps not only can we you know talk to them with our words or Mouse clicks we're going to be able to talk to them with our voices as well so that way you can build a rich app that has your chatbot capabilities but then they could still jump over and do the data collection so you know maybe they're doing data collection they're like hey how do I unlock this special door they jump to the chatbot it gives them the instructions for going through all that and they can jump back into the app so having a seamless experience where one app has got both you know conversational abilities and still that data collection stuff that we're used to so this one's pretty cool collaborate in real time with live co-authoring right so if you've ever built a giant power app one of the challenges today is that only one person can work on it at a time so with this new feature they're going to let up to 10 people work on it at a time uh which is very interesting I can't wait to see how this plays out I will point out that today uh you know we have the ability what you can get in there read only and see what's going on if you look under the experimental tab now there's even a button that's available today where it can say show live updates so that way if you're watching someone else work you could see the live update but the actual feature to go in there and you know watch someone else or both of you work on the app at the same time that is still not live but this one's going to help on those larger projects um you know where you need to have multiple people touching the app at the same time I can't wait till the chaos it might also cause from people overwriting each other's changes but you know we we'll get there when we get there right understand the code behind your app so a couple years ago they gave us the ability to download an app use a command line tool to unpack it and you could see all the text underneath the hood that was you know like all the different properties and all that and you could change it repackage it publish it out there it was a neat little demo trick but it wasn't really super practical for a lot of people so what this one is going to finally do is they're going to bring all that but right into studio right so let's hit play on this particular video now I will warn you before I hit play this video is blurry I can't help it that they embed for a lot of these really bad versions of the video I don't know why like people want to see this stuff but if you try to zoom in you can't but what you're about to see here is you're going to click on the ellipses a right click on the control and this says view code right there that shows you the actual source code look at that we can copy that out and then if we take the code we could go dump it into something like notepad like this we paste it in there now we can edit it inside a notepad oh look at that we've edited it we're happy we can copy now we go over here we're going to go to a new screen we're going to uh you know right click there and say paste paste code and look at that it brought the header in so giving you the ability look there's the view code there's all the different pieces it understands the relationships of the code like all the things that make power apps work is going to be exposed to us via yaml so we can start to edit that more directly now this is never something I've really been like hey I really wish I could do that I don't know why but I I know that there's a lot of people out there and it will give us more insight what's going on and I'm guessing when you have to make those bulk updates things like that I don't know this would be an interesting one like I understand the pro code large scale development teams where they don't like this us uh you know you know low Cody people that just kind of build oneoff apps we might be interesting to see how that plays out for us but anyway we'll have access to it and so speaking of those Pro people right we've got the first class devops I don't know what this is all about Warren told me I should be excited Warren I I got nothing for it dude but the devop stuff like the larger companies that are building lots of apps ones that want to have 10 people working on an app at the same time there is a whole layer of this they not we can see the yaml that's going to work better with devops get so if devops is your story then definitely go check this out but this is not something that I find myself doing you know application life cycle management is like do I really want to probably should but I don't do it a lot right someone just told me it's a lot like taxes which didn't help their argument anyway um work securely so there's a new security Hub if you want to be part of the preview I there'll be a link below to click on this right so the security Hub preview is going to give you you know ways to kind of see more of what's going on so kind of governance but that next layer of security who's sharing your data how they're sharing your data what vulnerabilities what updates you need to make you know that type of stuff and then they also have a new co-pilot admin board here uh where you be using a CO co-pilot Hub and so the same type of thing like it's more insight into how much usage is co-pilot for the different features are you seeing where is it turned on you know different security stuff right Microsoft's doing a good job this co-pilot stuff going in saying hey we got to really think about security like we don't want to let too much out so you're going to continually see more of these security dashboards and these co-pilot dashboards come out evolve very quickly because they're really key to a lot of people adopting them so you're going to see security dashboards and I think all the products we're going to talk about so there you go there's my rundown to the power app stuff hey why I remember what I want to say about power automate just a reminder if you want to get up to speed as fast as possible with all this co-pilot stuff whether it's the Microsoft 3 3 65 co-pilot stuff Power Platform or even the Bing stuff then join me with co-pilot jumpstart June 12th me and Daniel L May will be teaching a live one- day class where we're going to go through all that we have Hands-On Labs you get access to On Demand content but we're really just going to focus on hey getting you up to speed as fast as possible making you productive and understanding these co-pilots so go over to training. powerapps and sign up today all right so in the power automate front you're going to see a lot more building with AI and so one of the coolest thing they did was this new thing called AI flows and so I'm not going to play their Fancy video because it's more flash than you know actual product but what AI flows are is this new idea that we're just going to basically go in and describe the outcome here's what I want to happen right like you're not like here's my whole flow but like I need this report and so then the idea of AI flows it's going to understand you know the tools available to it it's going to understand your connections you know it has the graph helping understand it's going to understand the picture and it's going to build a flow for you so it's kind of like to describe it and we'll build it but instead of really like describing the steps and kind of piecing it all together yourself the idea is you just describe the outcome and then it's going to both the pieces together so this is a really big change an idea but man it's interesting right instead of focusing on how we get there just you know can you get me the right answer then I don't really care right it's kind of how I feel about like my kids math homework and this whole Common Core thing right as long as I give you the right number at the end who cares so I think this one's very interesting you know if if you watch the video they've got here uh you know it's it's all Flash and glitter it's not like the working product too much so I don't know I don't want to go through that right now but I think we should look at that and you can kind of see they go down here right so describe what you want you know work through the plan that llm built right so it's going to build something for you and you're going to be able to kind of look at and say hey does that do right we've always want a human in the loop um and then once we do that we want to make sure that you know we're getting the right output and then we we can do it and another thing they announced in here I don't know if it's said right here but one of the things with all these AI flows is you'll be able to go back and look at them you know and see like hey how did it go through each run of the process what determinations did it made so you'll be able to better get insights on what it did you'll have a history of kind of its activity which I think will be very helpful as we try to piece these together one of the things I want to point out here as we go through these right like if you're thinking about well why would I I'm lose my job building flows like I a I don't think that's the case but one of the things I think we're going to continually see with a lot of these tools as they continue to build more for us is that you know they're going to in the beginning build 50% force and it'll be 80 90 95 right but I don't think they're ever going to build everything perfect all the time hopefully one day but in the meantime I think one of the things you're going to see from a lot of us you know these the skills that we have today is we need to continue to refine our skills around updating these understanding what's available you know knowing how to fix it right so if the flow gets and it's 80% of the way there you're oh it just need to do this one other thing right like being able to go in look at their code and update it to add what you need is going to be a key skill set because a lot of people can build apps and flows from nothing to the end but they struggle on working on other people's code well now you're going to need to build the skills of working on ai's code and once again this is why we want to go on the journey with AI we want to be practicing now so that we are more intuitive we understand better what's going on so that's my little soapbox moment for this stuff you know is work on being able to update these that's going to be one of the core skills in the future now this one's really cool automate your desktop uh with multimodal AI recording what does that mean so today you know you can build flows with words like we've talked about this before or you can like if you're building a desktop flow you can go in there and use the recorder to kind of have it record your screen stuff and then it will replay that so what this is going to be the new AI recorder we're going to go in we're going to say hey I need your help you know um gathering information from my emails and saving it to our power apps right and so what you'll do is you'll turn on the recorder you will then show it and walk it through it so you be like hey so what I do is I go over here to my email and if I get an email from this person with these attachments I download the attachments I then open them up I copy this information out and I go to this site and I put it in right so you kind of walk the tool through what you're doing with both words and showing then it'll take that it'll chug on and then it will build a desktop flow that can then replicate those steps so you don't have to you know not just recording right but it's understanding the context of what you're doing and how you're moving through the process why this is really important is because there'll be something called selfhealing so we all know that websites change software changes you know things break and if you got web recordings today where it's very pixel specific right like they just blow up so the self-healing is going to be like hey you know is we're not we're broken it no more right because I can't find the search button that you taught me about but looking at your new screen I think that this is the new search button do you want to change the step of clicking the search button from this one to this one oh you do cool and then we'll update right so the self-healing because it instead of just mimicking your exact movements it understands your movements when the software the website whatever changes underneath it it is going to say hey I think you need to update me to do this right so it's not just going to change we want the human in the loop to prove the change but once again you know that that's the difference between mimic my moves right fill in the blank Ai and actual contextual it understands so this is a big one forward and if you didn't see the demo from um earlier this week where they showed someone playing Minecraft and then the co-pilot like helping them play Minecraft by telling them you know go here to you know uh you need to stick in a rock or whatever to build an Axe and all the zombies are coming run away like that's pretty awesome it was watching the person play the video game and telling them what to do like a person standing on my shoulder my kids tell me how to play fortnite right so that's kind of in the same line of like understanding what's going on so anyway go check that one out I'm not going to go through that one but oh that one was pretty cool the other one they didn't really mention directly in here but now also you will see that you can do um just use words to build desktop flows so describe it and build it kind of like we have in Cloud flows today so if you don't want the whole magical AI experience I just walked you through you're also going to have the experience of just being able to you know type out what you want and have it go then of course we've got the automation center right I told you you're going to see lots more of these centers around managing it so this is just going to give you more access to what's going on in your power apps you know just once again taking that Center of Excellence kind of theory going one step further more information more of that stuff so helping you guys that are managing large environments do better and then if we scroll down here you know we've got Data Insights all that fun stuff I'm not going to go through all these with you um also your Cloud flows will now be able to use co-pilot to help you understand what's going on with them help you fix them so interesting enough right a few minutes ago I told you that one of the core skills you need to do is develop skills to update and you know add to flows uh fix them right so they're trying to do that with AI as well once again I think it'll do you know especially in the beginning it'll be be able to fix very specific issues which a lot of beginners have but those more advanced you know updates customizations errors oneoff you know random occurrences you're still going to need the you know the old nog in there for a while to to fix those but this this is cool to see them trying to add this into the mix as well building and editing Cloud flows with conversation we've been doing this for a while now uh this is not new I think there's a video up there um where I showed you how to kind of work through this this is just kind of more iterations on that getting better at helping you build flows with words oh there's the one I told you about already building desktop flows with words so that is new oh and this is a nice little change as well so today when you do you know it co-pilot suggests you like some things to do it kind of just gives you generic uh suggestions and so what they're going to do is now they're learning more about you in the graph right the large language model understands you what you're doing inside your environment it's going to try to make uh suggestions around what you're working with so you know that PowerPoint you keep editing or those emails you keep you know going through right so kind of giving is a little more context to its suggestions once again helping those new Builders makers whatever we call Flow Builders you know have a little more context with their suggestions instead of it saying hey build a CO Pokemon card demo like I always do so there you go there's a bunch of the power automate stuff very cool things and so hopefully that gets you excited using this stuff once again go play with this stuff turn it on don't just be like ah I don't need any of that I can do all those things myself today go on the Journey of learning with these tools and you're going to be better for it in the end
Channel: Shane Young
Views: 14,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane Young, powerapps911, PowerApps, Power Apps, microsoft build 2024, microsoft build conference, microsoft build 2024 live, microsoft build highlights, microsoft build conference 2024, microsoft build recap, microsoft build power apps, microsoft build power automate, ai flows, desktop flow power automate, power apps new features 2024, powerapps latest updates, power automate new features, power apps copilot, power automate copilot, power apps devops, copilot hub
Id: bYyXonBsWtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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