Microsoft Azure Reservations (Reserved Instances) Deep Dive

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hey everyone in this video i want to explore azure reservations it's a topic that really is key to a lot of optimizing our spending azure and i just realized i never actually created a video about it before so i thought i'd set that straight as always if this is useful please do like subscribe comment and share and hit that bell icon to get notified of new updates as an organization i'm always looking at ways i can optimize my cost i only want to spend what i have to now there's many ways to doing that we often think about right sizing for example with virtual machines there's lots of different types of virtual machines some that are memory optimized some that compute optimize some that general purpose we'll make sure we pick the right shape by ratios of cpu to memory to storage to meet the workload we think about auto scaling changing the number of instances we have again based on that load these are all things to help us save money but when i think about the actual price of the items how can i save money on the compute and the storage and the other services i actually need well again there are things like azure hybrid benefit i might have existing licenses for windows for sql server maybe even things like red hat and suse linux and what we can do with the azure hybrid benefit as long as those licenses for windows for example and sql server have active software assurance i can utilize those licenses against azure resources thereby reducing the cost of that azure resource because for some types of workload the cost of the workload is yes the compute or the storage but also i'm kind of paying as we go for the license be it windows server or sql server now when i think about that azure hybrid benefit for things like windows and sql server and maybe others check the fine print you actually get 180 days of dual use because maybe i want to take that on premises workload and move it to the cloud well that migration takes time but i want to start optimizing the spend straight away so azure hybrid benefit can help me do that and we see that in things like the azure pricing calculator here for example i'm looking at the windows operating system now this is thinking about windows server and obviously yes there's a windows server license cost so when i look at the overall cost of this workload i can see it's currently 137.24 down here in the corner if i apply that as a hybrid benefit well it changes to seventy dollars and notice the licensing has now gone away because i'm not going to use my on-premises license to apply to that azure resource so now i'm only paying for in this case what is a compute resource note that would be the same if i just picked linux if i pick linux by default it's not assuming any licensing so a linux vm costs the same as a windows vm if i bring that azure hybrid benefit so azure hybrid benefit that applies things like sql server and red hat and suse linux as well that's going to help me optimize as much as i can if i have those things available but what else there is that base cost of the service that virtual machine that database that storage that disk whatever there might be what additional discount can i get now as an organization it could be hey just my application a resource group level it could be for a certain subscription it could be for saying under a structure of management groups could be for my complete enrollment i hopefully have an idea of what my base run rate of a certain type of resource is and i know strategically where i'm going for the next year or maybe three years and if i know what that kind of base level i'm always going to be using is or we can get an additional discount if we're willing to commit for a year or three years to using that certain amount i can think of it like hotel room reservations maybe i have a whole bunch of people in my company they go and check into hotels each night and they would pay a certain amount of money for that hotel room if as a company overall i know that in any given time i will always have 10 people staying in a hotel room even at quiet times 10 is my base number i go and make an agreement with the hotel chain hey i'm going to commit to always having 10 rooms booked any evening and they give me a let's say a 30 discount if i guarantee for a year i'll always fill 10 rooms so then the first 10 people that check in on any night they get the reduced rate people are beyond 10 they pay the regular room rate if i only have 9 people or 8 people on any one night i still pay for 10 nights because i'm committing i'll always use 10 rooms but even if i have nine people or eight people a few nights out the year i'm still saving money even with an empty room because maybe i get that 30 discount so it works out worthwhile because i know that's kind of my commitment well this is azure reservations i commit for a certain amount of resource for a certain amount of time typically one or three years and i get a discount on that number of instances when i use above that amount hey i pay the regular whatever my contracted rate actually is now things do change around azure reservation so i'm going to talk about the overall concept of it but go and check because maybe some things have changed for example there used to be kind of a early termination percentage you would pay right now at time recording they're not enforcing that but they may come back so always go and check the exact terms so i want to think about this idea of load and time so i can think about over a given time period we have a certain amount of load i.e work coming into the system and i could kind of draw it as a regular amount there's peaks maybe there's a low amount maybe there's like a really little drop and then maybe it goes back so we have a certain amount of work that fluctuates now if i was to look at that let's think about from a resource commitment perspective maybe we'll draw the line at let's say 10 that's my base rate now if i draw that line that's kind of my worst use i ever have now you might say look at that tiny little dip but as a company when i'm doing my evaluation it's still cheaper to have this amount covered because even maybe if for a tent for the time it drops below that when it is being used i still get that benefit of the discount it may be this line when i do the calculations actually makes sense to be even higher but i'm trying to take a very simple extreme level on this so with an azure reservation let's just say i'm saying 2 10 units of something so what would happen here for those 10 units of something this is where i get the reduced rate so this line i'm going to pay the reduced rate for those resources now do realize at this particular point in the picture i'd also be paying for resources here that i'm not even using but again if over a one year period let's say i got a 30 discount if uh 10 of the time is not used it's still overall saving me money so i might be willing to do that and then for these additional resources well i pay the regular rate so those i just pay whatever that regular pay-as-you-go rate may be and that's the whole point of these kind of azure reservations it's a way for me to say and this is kind of an extreme picture hey for the stuff i know i'm always going to be using be it compute or storage or databases a whole bunch of services why don't i get a bigger discount by committing and i know strategically for my company i know for the next year maybe it's three years and now i'm going to carry on using that amount so rather than repaying the regular kind of rate let's get a bigger discount i know i'm going to use that amount so this is the point of azure reservations now a key point with azure reservations it's not guaranteeing availability of the resource now normally in the cloud there's huge amounts of resources not capacity issues but if there was a constraint of capacity for some reason an azure reservation is not guaranteeing this amount is available you'll get preferential treatment but it's still not a guarantee of availability i'm not guaranteed there were going to be 10 hotel rooms available to me there is a feature that does that i did a video on capacity reservations a few weeks ago that's kind of linked up there you can click on that and that is guaranteeing and capacity reservations will work with this if i did a capacity reservation of 10 for example well the this reduced rate could apply to those 10 so they can work together but this on its own is not guaranteeing the capacity will be there it will help but it's not a guarantee of it so let's look at this in more detail all i've said is right now hey i get a reduced rate on some reservation but what can i reserve where can i reserve it and who can i reserve it so let's think about what i can actually reserve now there's actually a huge range of services i can cover by reservations if we go and look at the documentation we always think of reserved instances for virtual machines and sure enough they're there but i can also do storage i can do cosmos db data factory data flow sql database vcore synapse analytics data brick is our databases here reddish disk storage for disks over than a p30 and then we talked about software plans now you do want to go and look at the details of this and the reason is there are some caveats for example with storage it's covering the storage capacity it doesn't cover bandwidth or transaction rates so it's not giving me the discount for bandwidth or transactions same for cosmos db hey it doesn't cover storage and networking charges so it's giving me a certain discount for maybe certain aspects of the resource it doesn't mean it's everything that they actually are so there's a whole set of different services that i can apply this to i can actually see this in the portal as well so if i actually jump over to the portal for a second and if i go and look at reservations right now i don't have any but if i said add once again look at all the different services it's showing me that i could go and buy a reservation for so i could select kind of any one of these things that i know hey i'm going to use this for an amount of time one or three years so let's commit to that and get this nice kind of discount for it so i select for example virtual machine and we will come back to this so i can buy a reservation so i think about a reservation for a particular service now when i buy that reservation it is for a particular region so i'm saying maybe it's hey i want a virtual machine of this sku maybe it's the dv2 in east us2 so it's specific i'm buying it for hey a certain service and i'm buying it for a certain region and we saw for the service there might be certain caveats to what is covered in that reservation discount and what isn't now potentially for the service there might be some additional considerations vms are a big one because remember with virtual machines there's lots of different skus about memory optimized compute optimized general purposes and then within those there are different sizes maybe it's two cores four cores eight cores 16 cores etc and so when i purchase something like a virtual machine what we actually get the option of is you'll notice there's this instance flexibility group it's not just showing me the virtual machine which is showing but it's showing there's this instance flexibility group thing and it's showing well those three are part of this series and then if i keep looking well look these bs ones and this d for example well all of these well all of these different sizes are actually part of this instance flexibility group so what exactly is an instant size flexibility group so the whole point of this is if you think about it well they're running the same type of processor they have the same ratios i might get some variation sometimes i need an instance with two cores sometimes four cores sometimes eight cores and so rather than having to commit to an exact size of a particular type i get some flexibility and there's actually a nice little spreadsheet that gives me the details of all of those so if i open up the spreadsheet and let's expand this out a little bit what we can see is all of those different families and what it's showing us here is the number of cores that i'm actually getting with these so for example i can see hey look the d let's look at the dsv 3 or the dsv2 high memory series there's lots of different virtual machine sizes within the same family they get a different number of cores actually associated with them so the whole point of this and what this means is i can be flexible in how i'm using that reservation because remember when we buy a reservation we're not tying them to particular instances of virtual machines it's a billing mechanism only i essentially say in this example i'm just going to make up some numbers let's just say i bought some ds v2 series ds2s which have two cores so you could imagine let's say i actually bought five of that um d2 v2 so remember the d2 has two cores so i've actually bought is 10 cores that belongs to remember that belongs to this dsv2 family there's different sizes within that so what i'm now owning really with that reservation is 10 cores worth of that family let's say the dv2 so what that would let me do is sure i could have five d2 v2s because they're two cores each or maybe i can have 10 d1 v2s or maybe i could have well let me get into weird numbers two d let's say four that that's why let's say it's four cores each sometimes the naming was different so it uses eight cores and i could have one d2 v2 because they're two cores each so that would be eight cores for two of those and then another two cores that comes to ten cores so i get flexibility i'm essentially buying with that flexibility a certain number of cores of the family so you have all these different families available to us and when i do a purchase i'm buying a number of cores so it was actually a d3 they called it with four cores so i said some of them had weird uh naming so that was a d3 had four cores so if i bought five of that d2 which would have given me ten cores well i could use sure i could run five of those or i could run ten of these that have one core or i could run two of these that have four cores and one that's the one that has two cores so it's giving me the flexibility to change how i'm actually using that so that's the key point i'm going to fix that quickly since they do call that a dv3 just so it's correct on the slide so that's what the flexibility gives us that's the whole point of this it's giving me a certain number of cores worth of that family so you can go and see those so that's what i can buy i buy in a certain region and i buy it at a certain scope now there are different scopes that i can purchase at you will think of a hierarchy in azure so if i think of a hierarchy we always start off with the idea in any hierarchy there's kind of azure active directory you have an azure ad tenant that's for your organization now while we often think of subscriptions there's actually layers above the subscription for example there is a root management group there's actually a whole hierarchy of management groups so i can have a hierarchy of management groups so we can use management groups for the application of policy we can apply them for the application of role-based access control and for budgets because the whole point is anything i apply gets inherited down the stack so we have this whole hierarchy of management groups so when i purchase a reservation i could pick any of these so i can use management groups as the scope and any management group in that hierarchy underneath the management groups well then we have actual subscriptions obviously we can have lots of subscriptions so now i have a particular subscription and i can apply a reservation at a particular subscription as well and then within the subscription well we create resource groups and i again i can have lots of resource groups or i can target a reservation at a resource group as well now additionally be beyond those constructs the management group subscription the resource groups from a billing perspective there are various constructs through which we purchase the services for example if i have an enterprise agreement i have an enrollment so i can have this as my scope i could pick the enrollment to actually be my scope if it's just a regular microsoft customer agreement it can be the billing profile and if it's just individual subscriptions it could be all of the subscriptions under a certain account admin so i have these different scope options so i want to buy a reservation what resources do i want to potentially include in this now obviously the broader i go maybe the bigger the reservation i could buy because any individual resource group well maybe it's got a certain fluctuation right it's got low times and peaks okay so if i have to bite the load type of just one resource group i can buy maybe five well now if i expand it out to subscriptions they might have different peaks and troughs so i could buy more and get bigger discount if i expand it out to a certain management group and go up the chain i have an even bigger reservation i could buy and again it's the probably the floor of all of those things i could now purchase so even if one manager and group set of resources was low maybe another one is higher so i could buy a bigger reservation or maybe i should do it all the way up to my entire enrollment to really maximize now sometimes i want to be able to do a chargeback show back to the different business units and there are reporting mechanisms to actually go and see what that actually is and when i think about a discount maybe i buy a reservation a resource group and a subscription and a management group and an enrollment the order of application is actually kind of i'm reversed in this so it goes outwards so the actual application would be the resource group first would get applied then the subscription so it makes it easier for you to see this let's actually renumber these so this would get applied first if there was a reservation here that would get applied first then it would apply to the subscription then it would use a management group one if you hadn't found a match on any of these and then lastly it would use the billing so that's the order it would actually apply the reservations so i can pick any of those as the scope and if i have multiple reservations at different scopes hey if there's one the resource group is going to use that if it doesn't have maybe any left or match it'll look for one of the subscription if not management group all the different layers again it's going to go up the chain of the different layers of management group and then actually go and look at my billing enrollment so i have all of those different elements when i do a purchase i do pick kind of a payment i can pay it all up front or i can opt to pay it monthly over the term because this reservation also i have a term again it's typically kind of one year or three years i think this are actually a few that are five years so i could pick to pay that over months broken up equally or just pay it all up front there's no penalty for paying it monthly there's no benefit for paying it up front you end up paying exactly the same amount of money it's really up to you how you actually want to distribute that and that's it once you have made your reservation once you've purchased that you don't do anything else i don't have to recreate the vms i don't have to flag the vms or the storage account or the cosmos db it's purely a billing mechanism it wakes up every hour it says okay i've got reservations of this type of resource what can i apply it to okay i'll apply it to that that that that that and i'll go back to sleep the next hour i'll wake up again okay what can i apply this discount to so it's not going to get i can't pin it to certain resources i have no control i can't even work out what it's going to apply it to that's why i can pick different scopes so if i said hey these need the reservation they should get it first then i need to buy at a more limited scope to assure that's where it's actually going to get applied but as an all that may be financing of the company i don't actually care i just want to make sure hey my bill is as optimized as possible so i want to buy the biggest reservation i can to get that that biggest discount and the discount is big i mean if you go and look again at the pricing calculator just to get an idea of what we're actually going to talk about so let's remember i can combine this with azure hybrid benefit so let's say yeah i'm going to use that as well so notice what the discounts are if i do a one-year reserved for this type of resource in this region is 41 percent if i do a three year it's a 62 discount so now if i do one year instead of paying 70 dollars suddenly i'm paying 41 if i do three years suddenly i'm paying 26 dollars so think about that 26 so i'm paying that over the next three years so what i'm going from is 137 if i have azure hybrid benefit then i'm going to 70 if i can commit for one year then it goes down to 41 if i do three years it goes down to 26.64 and this is why you might look at it and go well actually sure because of the discount even if that vm isn't running for maybe a few hours a day it's actually still worth including it because the size of the discount i'm paying 26 dollars instead of what was it 70 dollars if we jump back over yeah 26 instead of 70. so it's a huge discount and obviously mathematically it's not even a few hours out of date it's almost hey if it was not running for half the day or actually more it's still worth covering so that's where you get in some of the mathematics of working out i want to look at well what have i spent what is my strategic plan when i go and create these reservations to really optimize what my costs are because they really do give me a huge saving so i do think for a second about that kind of how it how it is working and it really for most part you probably don't care because the whole point is you can't work out what it's going to apply to um it's just going to give you that discount but let's say we took this example again but to make it simpler for me mathematically let's just say we bought two d3 v2s so remember because the d3 has four cores what that's given me is eight cores worth in that kind of flexibility group so i've got eight cores i can apply now if i think i have some different instances i could say well i've got an application one and the application one we're just that's using one instance that's using a d3 v2 i've got app two which is using again and we'll say this is a d3 b2 so both of these have got four cores remember there's four cores we'll say app3 we'll say that's a d2 so that has two cores so we change the number of cores we actually have and then we'll say well okay at 4 we'll say is kind of greedy and this is actually running a d4 v2 and that's eight cores so these big combinations of what we can use and any of these can apply to that remember because they're all in the same instance family and then if we think of hours i'm not going to do all of them obviously let's just say we do 10 hours and they're all running for a certain period of time so we'll say well app one will say is running for the first three hours we'll say here app two is maybe running for the first two hours um app three will actually have running for a long time and my numbers are not going to align i'm going to wear that fact but we'll try and roughly roughly get something going now so let's just look at the first hour okay i have eight cores available to me so our lovely reservation let's say maybe applies to this one and this one so that's all eight cores used this one wouldn't get covered so i'd pay the regular rate and that would carry on okay now the next hour well this isn't running anymore so it gives the reservation to this one and let's say this one it's going to change how it applies to reservation and then maybe app 4 gets turned on and in this case maybe this one starts back up again so now i've got this running and i've got i'm trying to work out my plan was i planned this out if we say this is running here as well and then this starts back up so at this hour where does it apply it well the most efficient use of those cores at this point would be maybe gives it to this one there will be all eight cores so none of those get it at this point this gets the reservation using eight cores using eight cores this point is only using six some kind of two cores not being used there him using eight cores again this one gets turned on who knows maybe it goes back to these they're not running anymore hey it would go to this one and you get the idea so the whole point is it's just a billing mechanism i don't flag the resources i don't set them in some special mode i don't do anything i buy the reservation be it virtual machines or cosmos db databases or sqlm it doesn't matter i don't change anything about the resource this is a pure billing mechanism on the hour it wakes up and it says i have this amount of reservation discount i can apply what are all of the resources that are within the scope that i have been bought at that match the type and are in that region let me give out this discount i'm going to give it out to as much as i can based on the amount purchased and then the rest of them i'll just charge at the regular rate so that's the way this works behind the scenes it's literally a billing mechanism there's nothing else i do i buy it and then it will just start applying for the duration of that term of the reservation so what should you buy now maybe internally as a company you have great tooling i might be using log analytics i might know exactly what i'm using those different scopes so i can work out hey i should buy this many units of the dsv2 this many of the b series whatever it might be i have that guidance to know this is the right amount now additionally when i actually go into for example azure reservations you'll notice it's actually telling me a recommended quantity and it's telling me not to buy any so azure reservations will actually look at a certain amount of usage that i can specify so i can say hey give me some recommendations based on the last 7 30 or 60 days use so in this case it will look at historically what have you used and it will give you a recommended number to buy where mathematically for the region you select remember it's per region and for the term you're selecting this is the right number now if we select five years it's like okay there's none there but there are some i think might be a special h series that does apply that have to be available in that region i don't know but i can drill it there are a couple that do five years but it would actually recommend to me and instead of saying all products i can even just say just show me what you recommend i buy so if i'm not sure i can go and look at that now still make sure as a company it's only operating off 60 days maybe a retail company and you've just had a huge um holiday activity so you've been actually been high well the last 60 days may not be a good indication of what your floor is because then over the next 10 months you won't be using anywhere near as much so make sure you do apply logic and knowledge of your company and also apply logic to where you're strategically going maybe you're using vms today but you know actually i'm going to move to app services or i'm moving to serverless or something else i want to build that in when i think about what to do azure advisor will also show recommendations that's just based over the last 30 days though in terms of who can actually buy the reservation so this is the owner role on the kind of scope or there's actually a reservation purchaser role there are some other little specifics around maybe the type of enrollment you have and so just make sure you check out the documentation on who can buy because notice it says even enterprise admins must have owner or reservation purchaser or at least one subscription to purchase and it does talk about some other types of things talks about those scope options i went through as well so the documentation is a really good thing but you kind of saw the purchase experience i mean it is simple to do if you're not sure i would error on being conservative and maybe look at the recommendations if you are a fairly steady amount of usage throughout the year then maybe looking at recommended as a good place to start that will give you again as long as you've been running for a decent period of time it should give you some good recommendations on what you can buy and once you've actually purchased it you would actually see if i come out this within the actual reservations you would see the utilization of those reservations and azure cost management also has a reservations where i can go and see that there's various apis there's power bi views and you can see all of that and obviously i'm not just having to buy one reservation i might use a whole set of different services so i can buy lots of reservations i can buy many reservations for different services different regions different scopes it's all about optimizing my spend at the end of the day you saw those discounts so i can get really big discounts don't forget about all of the elements if i'm doing virtual machines where there's manage disks as well maybe there's storage and there's databases so look at all of those workloads because ultimately if i know i'm running that for a period of time i'm just giving away money so if i can do a reservation i'm gonna save money so that's great i can buy any number of reservations so i have the service the region the scope the term i might have lots of those covering my services and everything is great and then a new generation of vm comes out or a new version of some service comes out a newer instance oh well i i want to go from a v2 i want to use the v4 you can change so what you can actually do is exchange reservations from one to another but it has to be the same type i i can go from one vm instance flexibility group to another type of vm instance flexibility group i can change my reservation i could change it from this region to another region but i couldn't change it from a vm to a cosmos db or a sequel to a cosmos db i can't exchange between those i could take multiple reservations and exchange them to another one now when i exchange so if i actually think about an exchange what actually really happens behind the scenes when i'm exchanging to a new i'm actually basically doing a refund and then a new purchase and that has obviously certain considerations to that so my refund is going to be this pro-rated amount of money so if i bought a three-year reservation and i'm they always use an example of 18 months in let's say it was a hundred dollars a month well that means maybe i paid up front i got eighteen hundred dollars left eighteen months left out of that three year so i have eighteen hundred dollars left your new purchase has to be the same or greater than the commitment you have left so i cannot exchange to a smaller commitment it's a new reservation so that new reservation hey if this was a three year my three years starts again so if i was 18 months in and i i wanted to exchange i start a new three years from that point of the exchange it's not 18 months i start a new three year cycle so that's kind of an important thing to understand as well again i can make it bigger i could maybe go from a one year maybe i'm six months in on exchange to a new skew and change to a three year i can do that as well but it behind the scenes is a refund and a purchase all in kind of one set of actions so i get my term starts again and again i can pick all the things again hey i can pick a different service um i can pick a different region but it has to be of the same overall type and the documentation goes into the details and you want to check the documentation because some of these things change the details change so make sure you go and read the docs they've got very specific guidance on what you can and you can't do so it talks about the exchange you can see it talks about how you can exchange multiple existing to purchase one new it talks about hey this is a refund and a repurchase and it talks about hey basically you get refunded amount of money and then you're fully charged for the new purchase it talks about how you can do this even if the ea has expired and is now a new agreement it talks about that lifetime commit so the new reservations lifetime commitment i the amount of money should equal or be greater than the return reservations commitment and it uses that three-year example hey if you had 1800 left the new one has to be 1800 or more and it says hey this is a new term so i'm starting that timer again and there's no penalty i can do as many um exchanges as i want i can keep exchanging so even though you're making this maybe one or three year commitment if my needs change within the same type of service it's actually not set in stone hey a new generation the vm comes out which is very likely in let's say a three-year term i don't want to do a reservation now i feel i'm stuck i can't go and get the benefits the new features you can i could do an exchange so if i know how i'm going to move to a new sku i can absolutely do that i can go and do now what if my requirements totally change and remember you can only exchange within the same kind of type of service well you can refund and that's what's an interesting thing again about check the details because today you can just do a refund you can cancel now there are limits it's only 50 000 um dollars in any 12-month rolling window so again if we go back this is where it talks about so they used to have this 12 early termination fee and what they're saying is currently they're not they are not charging that 12 early termination fee at the moment but it could come back it's saying hey you can't exceed that fifty thousand dollars in that twelve month rolling window so yes you can get refunds but in any given one year rolling window i can't get more than 50 000 us dollars any refund that exceeds that you're not going to get talked about who can do it how if you're a csp that applies but do understand that so exchanges there's no limit i can do as many exchanges as i want but if you just want to stop and do the refund although there's no early termination fee today at time of this recording could be added back used to be 12 it's not right now it may come back again there's a limit 50 000 us dollars in any kind of rolling window um but that's really it i mean the whole point of azer azure reservations is really all about hey as an organization i have this variation in load for all of my different services i'm leveraging well if there's a certain base amount of resource i'm using be it vms or disks or storage or database you saw all those different types of things i can buy this for why not commit if i know i'm going to carry on that trend i can do a one or three year reservation and get huge discounts huge amounts of money i can save if i will commit to that remember i can add new reservations so if my trajectory is like up like that well i can still do a reservation today and then add another reservation and another like i can keep adding new reservations if overall my trajectory is upwards if my needs change hey i can exchange it there's no limit on how many exchanges i can do within the same type of service of vm to vm sql to sql i can do that so i have still have flexibility i'm not locked into this one specific skew of that type of service azure may add new services i want to take advantage of that i can convert to that by doing that exchange i actually just need my money back because it's never completely different today you can refund fifty thousand dollars in any rolling 365 day window but that's it i hope that was useful again if you don't know where to start go and look at reservations pick 7 30 60 days and see what does it recommend because all the different types of service apply your knowledge of what that previous point in time was was it typical for the rest of the year where am i going and realize i would error especially when you're starting out error on the low side and i can always add to it in the future remember if i do exchange i restart that term so it's just something to bear in mind so that was it remember combine it with azure hybrid benefit as well if it's applicable to get even bigger savings and uh until next time take care you
Channel: John Savill's Technical Training
Views: 18,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure, azure cloud, microsoft azure, microsoft, cloud, azure hybrid benefit, azure reservations, reserved instances, optimize
Id: vpTDXenagcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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