Microsoft Azure Master Class Part 1 - Cloud Foundation

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Cool this dude could either beat me up or teach me Azure I’m glad he chose the latter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BobDope πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm an AWS guy, but this was really well done....thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joelrwilliams1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShreemBreeze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is fantastic, thanks a ton u/JohnSavill.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rippedgeek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone welcome to the first main module of the azure master class cloud and microsoft azure 101. the goal for this module is really to walk through what are the types of cloud service what is a cloud service a quick primer on microsoft azure again those types of as a service infrastructure as a service platform as a service software as a service what do they mean and then getting access to azure and the types of subscriptions so this really is a kind of fundamentals level if you already know anything about the clouds you could probably skip this one and move on to others i'm really trying to set a framework in this module as always please make sure you subscribe comment and share it really will help you see when i release the new videos and helps bring more people to the video so cloud services there are actually many types of cloud service these cloud services don't have to be in kind of that public cloud over the internet i could actually think about a cloud service could be within an organization's own infrastructure you have data centers i can host a private cloud now a private cloud is really all about having a way for users to interact with the services i'm offering maybe a portal self-service i'm pulling resources together so it's not just virtualization it's adding a certain type of management capability on top of that virtualization to give me a private cloud some sets of capabilities on premises it could be from an external party that typically i access over the internet it's multi-tenant it's not a rack of servers just for me that's generally more kind of a hosting scenario this is actually a set of services that are multi-tenant that are ordinarily over the internet but there may also be kind of dedicated access over private connection so think about things like azure amazon web services these are examples of kind of the public cloud and when i have this i only access certain levels of the system depending on what type of service i'm purchasing there are some organizations actually share a set of infrastructure like a community cloud some governments for example some agencies or they share a set of common infrastructures so it's a community cloud just for them and then of course you might have hybrid cloud i have things on premises i have things in the public cloud and they kind of work together so what exactly is a cloud now there are many definitions you could ask five people in a room and you'll get seven different definitions but there's kind of a widely accepted so the us nist they have these five critical characteristics to really be considered a cloud offering on-demand self-service so as a user if i've been given permission and maybe within certain quotas i can just unilaterally go and consume those resources i can go and create a virtual machine through some portal i don't have to put in a ticket and ask someone else to go and create it for me there's broad network access for example i can access these over the network through standard mechanisms i'm pulling resources together often on premises we end up with islands of resource this project buys a set of hosts they buy maybe a sand and it's all theirs and they use a certain percentage of it then another project goes and buys their own set of servers and their own set so you get these islands of resource that are unconnected and all of those islands typically are fairly heavily underutilized from wasting a lot of space so when i think about the cloud i'm going to pour them together i'm going to have resources that use all those different parts of resource all those different capacities be it storage or network or compute and i'm going to bring it together rapid elasticity now this comes from the fact that we're pooling our resources we have a larger amount of resource available to us and when i have that well now i can burst so elasticity means rather than just having this fixed amount of resource i can scale out and i can scale back in again i can change my capacity on demand based on the resource requirement needs and that's really critical when i think about being able to respond to maybe different customer behaviors maybe it's a a big shopping day maybe a new phone is coming out i don't want always the biggest amount of resource i ever need in a year available i want to try and optimize my spend but be able to grow rapidly if i need to there's a measured service um i should be able to see what am i using i might have quotas i might have showback so i show someone what they're actually costing and i have chargeback i'm actually going to build them based on the resources they use and this is kind of a link to the actual article now you're going to see a little theme throughout this presentation pizza is one of my favorite foods wherever i can i'm going to talk about pizza so when we think about types of as a service i'm going to firstly start off with pizza and i can think about if i make pizza at home i'm responsible for all of the layers required to make a pizza i have to provide the pizza dough the tomato sauce the cheese any toppings pepperoni maybe i need the fire the oven electricity gas drinks and the table utensils i have to provide all of that like doing stuff on premises never take and bake i go somewhere i pick up the pizza then i have to take it home and cook it so someone else has been responsible for the pizza itself the ingredients i'm responsible for providing the infrastructure managing the part to actually cook it so i have to put it in the oven set the temperature the right way i have to use my own table i get pizza delivery so now all i really have to do is provide drinks and the table they're cooking it for me they're bringing it to me cooked so what's changing is what i as the customer i'm responsible for as i move up the layers i'm responsible for less and less until we get to dining here dining out i'm not really responsible for anything other than shoving it in my mouth they provide everything they're providing the end service i can directly consume that service to meet my need my need is to eat pizza when i dine out i'm not responsible for any component of that they give me a essentially a business service that i can just directly consume it does the complete picture of what i want so let's forget about pizza for a second it's kind of sad if we actually think about layers of infrastructure we have networking storage and the servers that's kind of the fabric we need those things in our data centers to do anything i have to have storage i have to have a network i have to have compute then we run a hypervisor we have virtualization we very rarely run physical os's on physical boxes anymore we carve up a physical machine we create virtual machines and then on those virtual machines well isil operating system windows server linux ubuntu centos red hat enterprise notes whatever that is there's an os on that os i then maybe have certain middlewares i have certain runtimes whatever that may be then i have my data and i have my application but on premises i'm responsible for all of those things and all of those things have certain amounts of work hey i'm updating firmware on networking devices not worrying about capacity on the storage upgrading sands my servers need physical patching protection firmware updates on the boxes hey the virtualization well that has to be packed that requires work os for anti-malware firewalls configuration updates updates backup dr lots of stuff to do so we move to infrastructure as a service that's really kind of the first public cloud service we often think of so here the vendor i.e azure in this case they're worrying about all the core fabric the storage the network the compute they're worried about the hypervisor i don't see that stuff no it is basically based on hyper-v there's no is it's not running vmware for the most part there is a vmware offering but the default azure is running on a flavor of hyper-v what i get is a virtual machine i pick the operating system i can rdp if it's windows i can ssh if it's linux i can go straight into the os i can install anything i want i'm responsible for everything i'm patching the operating system i am worrying about anti-malware i'm worrying about backup there are things to help so in azure there are extensions for anti-malware there's extensions to push declarative configuration using things like powershell dlc chef puppet there are agents to hook into azure backup to back this thing up i can do things without firewall so the things that help me the responsibility is mine i'm updating versions i'm updating java i'm installing my app i'm worrying about my data it's essentially a virtual machine in the cloud that's infrastructure as a service that's often where we start it's most familiar with us i can take a virtual machine from hyper-v from vmware even from other clouds and i can migrate it fairly painlessly to a vm in azure because they're really the same kind of construct now i'm not worrying i can't see the hypervisor i can't see what the real storage is i can't see what the network switches are i can't see what the physical server is i don't care there are constructs that i can create virtual networks there are constructs i can create storage accounts and manage disks to use in my virtual machines so there are things there to let me connect together to give me the durable storage i'm not directly managing those fabric elements so essentially infrastructure's code gives me tons of flexibility i'm getting a vm in the cloud but there's still lots and lots of stuff i'm responsible for without patching backup mal anti-malware et cetera et cetera so it's a platform as a service now a platform as a service i really only care about my app and my data i focus on writing my application and i can deploy it into a pass service and this is actually how azure started azure started as paz because the idea was people don't really want virtual machines people don't want to focus on the os and worrying about the os and all that stuff they just want to focus on the business value which is the app but many things are still vms people weren't really ready for the big shift to a pure pass so then microsoft went back and added in ios but this should still be our goal if i'm writing something new i want to deploy it to the cloud it's saying custom i should be focused on paths as a company i very unlikely want to be dealing with hey i want to worry about patching operating systems and backing up operating systems and upgrading them and updating runtimes i just want to write my app and have it run somewhere and that's what paz gives me so my dog came in and started chewing up the cables so we have pez and then it's software as a service i'm going to eat at the restaurant it's providing the business value directly i'm not having to really write anything there might be some configuration options i tweak think of office 365 would be an example of this i'm not installing exchange the app that provides the business value i'm not installing sharepoint it's provided for me in a managed way it gives me things like evergreen capabilities it's constantly being updated saying i couldn't do if it was on premises and we really try and think about if i'm using a new type of service i have a new capability that i need i try and start here if it's available as sas i should use sas it's less for me to do i'm responsible for a lot less and ultimately the company cares about business value just writing apps and managing operating systems doesn't provide business value how quickly can we provide business value and sas gives me that now maybe the requirement i have is in writing custom it's not available as sas okay so we focused on paths we write our app we focus on our business logic it hosts it for us now there are different levels of pads i can think about serverless like azure functions and logic apps they're kind of there's not even underlying compute that i'm paying for directly i just pay for the compute i'm consuming then there are things like app service plans there are things like containers and containers are an interesting one some people say they're eyes some people will say they're pads with a container we'll talk about this later in the course i pick the image that is the os i pick the image that are the middle wears so you kind of argue well i am kind of picking those things then things like azure kubernetes service is a completely managed orchestrator i have no access to the os for those things so i think things like containers kind of float in the middle it's a kind of gray area on that one but we have all these different levels and sometimes i can't use pads sometimes i have an existing app um i can't rewrite it to work on a paths platform often it can be fairly minimal like there are options of pads that can support all manner of languages and runtimes but i can't i have this existing app the person that rose here has given up life as a computer programmer is now a monk somewhere and i don't know what it does i just have to move it as is because the infrastructure is code with some app i'm purchasing they don't support a path i run it as infrastructure as code we have choice i can run it as is paz sas some things i have to keep on premises and one of the key things about microsoft is they're focusing on that choice hey they have hyper-v they have a whole management stack they're things like azure arc azure arc is all about bringing a lot of the capabilities of azure to things on-prem to things in the cloud other clouds it will go and manage servers it will go and manage kubernetes clusters it will deploy some of their evergreen kind of services like sql and postgres for you so there's going to have different sets of requirements there are different services to meet those needs if you've never used the cloud before it's interesting i have some customers ask this when they're starting out in a real public cloud you're never putting in an order for servers to be racked up there's no lead time of hey i'm putting in this request to this public cloud in four weeks it'll be ready that's not a real public cloud you should think about there's this massive set of capacity in these public clouds some of azure when i go to a portal or i run my declarative template there's a ton of capacity just available the only way is the provisioning of your resource in that capacity talking minutes most of the time there's no concept of have to go and buy the servers and rack for things if you're using something it's like okay well um from this number tell them how many servers you want it'll be ready in a couple of weeks that's not a real public cloud so when i think about using things like azure i go to the portal and i can just go and request resources and they'll they'll be there in minutes that's kind of the key point now when do i use the public cloud um and it's not right or wrong you might have a huge investment in your on-prem data center today great but there might be certain requirements you have that i can't meet i might be moving to a new model as new types of service i want to use things like machine learning i just don't have those things on-prem so there is no definite definitive right or wrong answer different organizations have different priorities some organizations are just all into the cloud and they want to get to the cloud as quick as possible and get rid of their data centers some can operate their data centers at different price points now by and large if i just look at dollars and nothing else which is not the right way to do it but if i did just look at dollars it's very unlikely you can be as cheap as any of the major cloud providers you just there's economies of scale there's something called pue power utilization efficiency it's the amount of power that goes in and the amount of that power that gets used to actually power the servers compared to other things like calling um the azure data centers run at a ridiculously low pua so their electricity bill they buy a lot of it they can run far far more efficiently for some companies i've worked with just the electricity alone costs more on premises than it would cost to run the resource in azure so it's kind of crazy now different companies can run at different costs but pretty much guaranteed the cloud is going to be cheaper if you just look at if i was starting today and obviously you've got sunk investment you've already bought certain things that's not completely accurate there might be requirements for resiliency i can't do on premises i know companies that have a data center but they only have one well they do need to do disaster recovery how do you do that with one data center oh i know another company that had two data centers they were like across the road from each other and so when that tornado came through well they both went i might want to stand up locations on the other side of the country in europe in asia or australia wherever it might be and it's just not practical for me to stand up that sort of infrastructure whereas with the public cloud i can go and spin up a couple of vms in europe a couple in asia a couple in australia it makes a lot more sense for me to do that the key point of the public cloud is it's consumption based and this is this is what really differentiates it on premises you buy servers you buy storage you own it and you buy it in advance so i'm going to go and buy big servers i'll fill it up over the next year buy a big sand i'll fill it up over the next year and i'm always paying for it whether it's full or not i very rarely shut down virtual machines because the server's still there sure i may save a few pennies in electricity but generally you don't bother you leave things running all the time that's why we don't scale on premises very much i just stand up 10 vms because 10 vms is what i need at the busiest time in the cloud is consumption based many things are like a per second so if i consume 100 terabytes of storage i pay for 100 terabytes of storage i don't have to pay for 500 terabytes for most services and then use it over time i pay for i'm actually using if a virtual machine runs for 12 hours a month i pay 12 hours a month i don't pay for the other things this is why when we think about the cloud we always talk about scaling so on premises i might have a certain box and that box maybe has four cpus and 16 gigabytes of ram and then i have some process running on it now if that box is getting busier it's getting more and more requests coming in you might think about you scale up so i'm scaling vertically and what that means is essentially well i make the box bigger i put in a bigger box so now maybe it's it has eight cpus maybe it's 32 gigabytes of ram and so now that process well it grows as well but there's limits to that there's limits to how much resource the process can actually use often also that there's limits to how big i can make the box and one of the challenges of this is well when i have to patch this thing i have to shut it all down if it has a failure it all goes down also to resize even in the cloud we have to shut it down so there'll be a downtime so what we prefer in the cloud is to scale out we have smaller instances and we just add more of them and then remember we're paying for it while it's running when it's a quieter time maybe it's night time maybe it's the weekend well we de-provision them i stopped paying for those ones so i pay less money so that's scaling horizontally out and in constantly changing that's more attractive to us in the cloud because at this per second basis that's when i'm paying for that thing so this is why we really focus on that consumption basis and when we talk about the cloud scaling is so important i don't want some fixed amount of resource i want to optimize my spend i want to shut things down deprovision them when i don't need it running and start them up when i need it that's why things like vm scale sets containers auto scaling and app service packs serverless they're so powerful because you pay for what you use it's why we're starting out in azure we're doing a trial shut things down at night when you're not using it shut it down because you're going to save money so the fact that you only pay when something is needed that consumption nature does make it fairly uniquely positioned for certain types of workload so i'll give you an example um the super bowl something i understand nothing about my first year in america i saw a super bowl and it was five hours long and i didn't understand what was going on they did say for 15 seconds and then a different group came on did say 15 seconds it was torture but there's a correlation between the super bowl and pizza we like pizza so an ordinary pizza restaurant on a friday night is three times busier than any other time of the week okay so if i was a pizza restaurant a big chain and i had servers coming in for five hours on a friday i need three times more infrastructure to support the requests than any other time of the week so what a waste of time having to have three times that server infrastructure just to handle friday night so if we go back to our kind of picture for a second if i'm a pizza restaurant here so my typical amount of servers maybe is two i need two servers there and there's gonna be some kind of load balancer for the request coming in balancing them out and then on a friday night well i would need these so that's for friday for five hours so on premises that would be really a lot of resource wasted for the rest of the week super bowl is three times busier than a friday night so now all of that well now there's so many more boxes for five long long hours once a year think of the public cloud for that maybe ordinarily i run these on-prem friday night i can burst to the cloud for five hours or maybe this this always runs in the cloud once a year hey i spin up a huge bunch more for that five hour period i'm sure i'm paying more money for that five hour period but i don't mind so i've got more orders coming in my capacity matches demand that's something i can do in the cloud because of that elasticity there's like infinite amounts of resource available to me and that consumption-based nature so that's kind of the key point of this i only pay for what i'm using they were thinking about big shopping days hey if i'm an online retailer if i'm a tax shop there's a maybe a month out the year i'm super super busy so any type of business where i don't just have kind of this consistent utilization this is super super useful now that consumption-based nature opens up a number of types of model so i can think about predictable bursting that's a good example of kind of the pizza restaurant uh the tax office i know i'm busy at certain times of the week the month the year maybe certain types of the day even again we build per second so when i can scale in that's real money i'm saving growing fast there's kind of a saying i think it's fail fast which is not very encouraging but if you're kind of a small business it's better to fail fast and sort of drag and slowly wither and die well when i use the cloud i don't have to make some huge initial investment in hardware i spin up the the bare required set of services i need if i fail hey i've not sunk a huge amount of money and that's a good thing for investors if i succeed and i'm growing well the capacity is there i just start paying more money as i'm more successful so as i grow hey i've got more business coming in i'll consume more resource so i can grow with my demand unpredictable bursting so that's where for some reason my service just gets hit with a ton of traffic that i wasn't expecting but i've got the right kind of auto scale setting set up maybe hey if a queue depth goes above this level add more instances if my average cpu goes above 80 add more instances maybe i'm a news site i'm a news site some big event happens in the world everyone goes to my new site maybe i sell clothing and john savile wears my t-shirt on a video and everyone wants to buy that t-shirt but everyone goes to the website so it's some type of burst activity we can go to that on and off this could be like a tax company i'm a tax company i do people's tax returns for them i'm really busy for a couple of months i just shut everything down and then i turn it all back on again if i'm if i'm broadcasting the olympics or something hey there's a massive massive amount of infrastructure required for a couple of weeks and then nothing for a few years so it really opens up a lot of unique capabilities that i just couldn't do on-prem on prem i have to own the hardware i can't do these things well in the cloud i can do it very easily and all of these things is not just in one location there are regions all throughout the world so the key things i see people start off small and will grow there's an element of trust that has to be built up trust this cloud thing is real plus this cloud thing is secure so trust takes a little bit of time so companies will kind of dip their toe in the water of cloud and get that confidence built up so test and dev is very popular in the cloud it has a high churn create delete create delete create the link stuff people don't want to deal with on-prem hey clouds great use for that i'll do my dev test testing now you want to make sure the final test the kind of unit smoke test is done saying equivalent to production but certainly for development purposes yeah i could do this disaster recovery if you think about disaster recovery like a true disaster recovery what i have is i have a location and in that location let's just simplify it and just say hey i i have a bunch of virtual machines disaster recovery would require me let's say there's a hundred of those virtual machines disaster recovery would require me to have a second data center with a whole bunch of servers that'll be 100 maybe only some of them are critical but i have to stand all of that up for something i hope i never ever use that's a super expensive build when you think about the physical facility and everything else required or i can use the cloud and remember it's consumption based one of the nice things i can do especially things like virtual machines but it could be any kind of app service is as long as i'm replicating the storage the state if there's a disaster then i go and create the virtual machine connected to that storage but ordinarily there are no virtual machines running until there's an actual disaster or i'm testing my disaster plan so my cost ordinarily is really just the storage and kind of licensing to replicate the virtual machine i'm not paying for compute now there may be a few things i want the compute if it's like a tier one sql database i might want to do sql level replication so i may have a sql box but it's smaller and maybe i've got domain controller running up there but certainly for the most part i could replicate most of these things and not have compute charges i'm just paying for the replication license and the storage i have to pay for storage obviously but storage can be pretty cheap and then in an actual disaster then it can create all those vms in a few minutes and i'm up and running so disaster recovery can be hugely popular for the cloud because it's consumption based i'm going to pay pretty little amount compared to trying to run a dr on-prem dmz scenarios maybe i'm happy with my infrastructure but you know what i want to start offering services out to the internet maybe i'm not confident about that network segregation and offering things to the internet maybe i need a dmz in europe and asia and i don't have data centers well i can use azure services for that i might have a special project hey i'm going to run this project for a few months so i need to test this thing i'm going to run that in the cloud many organizations today are just all in sure they have a data center but they're trying to get out of them so they are moving as much as they can some are kind of moving as is they might do some optimizations along the way others are actually looking at well can we can we modernize can we maybe re-architect move to containers maybe we move to app service plans we move to serverless it depends on the organization depends on the app but a lot of companies now just what matters to the business um business value my applications that differentiate my company from someone else that's not my hypervisor that's not my data center companies care about what is value for their business they want to generally get out of the data they want as little to manage as possible so if i can get away from vms to pass if i get away from pads to sass that's all goodness for the company and i'm an infrastructure person um but even i understand if i if i can do sas do sas if you can't do sas do pass um vms they're gonna be times it's the right solution but i'm definitely looking at other things first now this is old i couldn't find a new version this is purely there to give you some idea of the scope of azure we might often think about the cloud as vms and certainly yes um azure has virtual machines buried away down here in the bottom corner of vms but don't think about that as the default target for things when i'm going to the cloud there are services around hosting app services there's database as a service that could be sql that could be open source like my sequel postgres mariadb there are ways to run things like hdinsight there's databricks there's data factory to help do etl and elt pipelines there's machine learning capabilities there's data lakes there's huge amounts of storage and connectivity there's all these amazing things so take some time if you have a requirement just think about well okay well what would maybe help me make this better so take some time to understand the full scope of what is azure there are some good pages out there that talk about there's like a services page that talks about all of the key services in azure so take a look take some time to educate yourselves on those and we're going to again cover a lot of those throughout this multi-part course so how do i get azure so i can get one month trial i get 200 of credit i can go and sign up for that and there are certain services that are always free there are some that are free for like 12 months if you have an msdn a visual studio subscription there's a certain amount of credit like with my msdn i think it's like 150 a month and you can stretch that a long way if you remember to shut things down um you can do a lot of stuff with 150 if you think about things like well aks i don't pay for the management the orchestrator part i only pay for the worker notes and i can scale those things super easily so i might have an aks with just one worker node and it's like a b series virtual machine cost me 30 bucks a month out of that credit and then scale it up when i want to do things then i have some virtual machines that i turn on and off i i can make that 150 go a long way or you can buy it i mean obviously i can create an azure agreement so i can create like an enterprise agreement and then through that i have these various constructs like departments accounts and then subscriptions so subscriptions are where i create stuff these departments of accounts are just layers of management and to be honest department is really going away i would not super focus on department department was there if i wanted to have like a certain budgetary amount because the billing would roll up but we now have management groups which i'm going to cover in the governance module that are far better than this i still have account owners that go and create subscriptions but for the most part i don't super worry about this anymore but i can create an enterprise agreement i might use a cloud service provider and of course there's kind of pay as you go and again if you are using accounts how you structure it again i might have it based on country i might have it based on business unit i have those functional teams i have business divisions i have geographic there's not a right or wrong it's what makes sense for you i might even use application often you'll have like an account owner of a business unit who can then go and create subscriptions so i will probably have that if i'm using an enterprise agreement if you're a smaller company again you might be using a cloud service provider you might be using pay as you go there are soft limits and hard limits in azure um initially subscriptions when you create them have fairly low limits it's really designed to protect you from yourself because it can be super easy to go and create a whole bunch of stuff and run up a really really big bill and then sadness so there were limits in place initially to kind of control what you can create but i i can i can raise those limits so this page is phenomenal it's huge but it goes across the limit of every single thing in azure and it will show you the soft kind of limit if it's a hard limit and to raise them i would go and actually use this subscription usage and quotas request increase so in the portal you go into your subscriptions uh go to my usage and quota and then just request increase there's no charge for that i'm just saying hey i want you to raise my quota if i'm coming at a soft limit and i've not hit that hard limit yet i can put on spending limits so on my account if it's like a pay-as-you-go type thing i can put a spending limit hey at this amount of money stop now realize this is production and you're making things available to the public if it just stops that's not very good for your business so you want to be careful that one of the useful things i can do is budgets budgets let me say hey set an amount and then set alerts at thresholds so it's 70 alert me at 80 alert me at 90 alert me a lot more vigorously 100 start screaming but it gives me ability to track actually what i'm spending and again we're going to cover all of this when we talk about caller governance so reliability in the cloud is maybe different from what you're used to on prem on premises often we think about the hardware is what provides the the high availability i have a san i have clusters of hosts and i migrate vms between hosts when i have some kind of planned maintenance so if i think about that for a second often be it hyper-v be esx whatever it is i have host one i have host two i have some kind of sheds to which if it's not hyper-converged it's hyper-converged storage locally and it kind of replicates and then kind of i have a virtual machine that's using a virtual hard disk on the sand so the sand multiple controllers very very resilient if this box goes down because these are part of some kind of cluster so this box is going to go down from maintenance i would kind of live migrate or vmotion if it's vmware over to here so there's no interruption to the box if this box crashed well the vm would restart over here but realize there's a downtime with with that if this just crashed it has to come up starts in a dirty state if the os crashes in here well then it's down so there's limits to how much hardware level resiliency can really help me yes in a planned scenario i can live migrate or free motion things across if it's unplanned it has to restart there might be certain maintenance things required if the os or the component inside crashes it doesn't this doesn't help me says limits to this it looks really really good on paper there's limits to what it can actually do so and you get this kind of false confidence so i just have one instance of something because it's on the cluster i'm good in the cloud software is used for the reliability and what that really means is we have multiple instances of things that's the model because typically vms are not migrated during maintenance so if we go back to this model for a second if i think about azure there were still racks and racks of servers and there's all these blades in them so let's just say i have multiple racks the way we do things in azure is your service you'll actually have at least two vms ideally to get the full sla they will be part there's doing some sort of class there'll be a load balancer to balance traffic if this node has maintenance this will temporarily now most of the time today azure has these things down to these preserving host updates it may be unavailable for seconds is talking about they don't patch the host they just reboot them to a host image that has the patches they can even inject patches into a running kernel it's crazy stuff but they don't live migrate things around none of the clouds do it's just not something they do so i have multiple instances so if there's planned maintenance it's unavailable for a few seconds if a host crashes or rack crashes i'm still running i have another instance over here if the os or app crashes in one of these well that load balancer that we have up here that's taking kind of that incoming request and then balancing it well it does health probing so if the app stops responding in a healthy status it will stop sending things there and just send it to the healthy ones so what we think about in the cloud and this might be a shift for our app rather than having one big instance of the app with 16 cpus and 32 gig of ram we'd have two or more smaller instances so the cost is the same two vms of half the size cost the same as one big vm but we have much better resiliency i can scale things out now if the app doesn't support multiple instances that's where we can hit a pain point we might have to do some app re-architecture to support those multiple instances but it's definitely saying when i think about moving to the cloud if i can i really want to try and focus on being able to have multiple instances of the application because that's how we really get the good resiliency one big thing that moves around is limited if it crashes inside if the host crashes it's not really the best resiliency so this software level resiliency is actually a better option now the data centers azure are super resilient uh they're phenomenal protection from power failures cooling community redundant communications i mean there's amazing stuff there and if they detect failures are coming there are times it will lie my great things if it detects a hardware failure is imminent it will potentially move some things around but the real protection is multi-instance when you think cloud think two or more instances of my service they're smaller it's costing me the same but it may require my app to have a bit of re-architecture so reliability in the software is the only practical option for mega scale which is what the clouds are but it's actually better but i do have to factor that in as part of my architecture again that resiliency is going to hit far more types of failure be in the guest at the rap level than just some live migration of planned scenario now just super quick there's obviously many clouds out there why should you use azure sight now is one thing some people look at how seriously you take it how important that is to you it varies but they have this kind of magic quadrant thing and generally you want to be over here in leaders leaders kind of means hey i've got a completeness of vision and i've got an ability to execute and so microsoft is in the leader for many many of these but obviously what i'm focusing on right now is cloud infrastructure and platform services so it's one of those three leaders in there right now it's also it was they've actually retired the quadrant for things like server virtualization so it could do a leader in on-prem with hyper-v and in the cloud and there's tons of others like enterprise mobility i mean there's tons and tons of these things it's a leader but it's considered kind of a good horse to bet on so azure and high for your leaders i can therefore get a hybrid solution now this is not that big a deal these days but it used to be what about this feature does azure have this um and and this is kind of this again this is a gartnum this is the gartner hype cycle now you can actually say this applies to anything in life anything in life you find out about something so there's some trigger you get this peak of inflated expectations this is going to solve every problem i have and then when you actually get to use it you're like oh it doesn't you get this trough of disillusionment and then okay you keep at it you get this slope of enlightenment and then you get actually productive using this thing and this this really does apply to everything my kids could kind of a good map to this as well but the point of it is when you first find out about something you only focus on the features that's all you can think about what does it do what does it do does it do this when you're actually really using it you care more about how the things work together how they're going to work with my other components um now again azure today is one of the leaders in this field they are constantly adding new capabilities chance if it doesn't have a feature is on in the way but just bear this in mind if you're new to the cloud it can be super tempting to just look a piece of paper say well which what features you need to understand the complete picture and think okay well how is this going to work how is this going to migrate how am i going to use these things together that gets more important for most of us so what does this all mean as is one of the few realistic big guys in the space um it costs billions of dollars i mean i can't remember what the right number is but it's billions and billions every year microsoft's spending on azure standing up new regions it costs a huge amount of money to do this very few companies obviously the other big one is aws google cloud is also a bit less popular but they're making efforts there are others that are trying to get into the space i think most of the others though will be niche players and outside aws kind of google or azure everyone else will probably carve out maybe a specialized space they will use that's my opinion obviously i'm i'm biased anyway i mean i work for microsoft but i i think that the big three are kind of the aws azure google so you're betting on a good horse and obviously there's doing a lot of things around machine learning and self-awareness so if azure does become self-aware um as an early adopter it'll probably treat you the best so this was the introduction kind of the fundamentals module and the rest of the modules it'd be a lot more kind of hands-on i'll be showing things demo in the technologies this was kind of set the groundwork but any questions please ask in the comments thank you you
Channel: John Savill's Technical Training
Views: 55,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure, foundation, master class, learning, beginner, microsoft azure
Id: aHJe0qBqwmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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