Mickey the Brave! | S1 E1 | Full Episode | Mickey Mouse Funhouse | @disneyjunior

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To the Funhouse! [theme music plays] -Hiya, pals!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -Hey, Mickey!</i></font> I'm on my way to see my Funhouse friend! -You wanna go?<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -Oh, yeah!</i></font> Then follow me and let the fun begin! Windy, wind up the Floaty Coaster! Here we go! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Take us to the Funhouse ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse ♪ -[laughs]</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Funny's waiting for us To play ♪</i></font> Next stop, the Funhouse! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Take us to the Funhouse ♪ -[barking]</i></font> -Hiya, Teddy! Hiya, Funny!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -♪ Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse ♪</i></font> Hi, everyone! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Yeah, we wanna go Have some fun today ♪</i></font> Come over and play! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Mickey Mouse Funhouse ♪ -Yeah!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mickey Mouse Funhouse ♪</i></font> Here we go! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mickey Mouse Funhouse ♪</i></font> Everybody! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Mickey Mouse Funhouse ♪</i></font> It's the <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mickey Mouse Funhouse!</i></font> [Mickey]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> "Mickey the Brave!"</i></font> Hi, everybody! It's me, Mickey Mouse. [happy barking, panting] Yeah, and Pluto, too. [laughs] Hiya, boy. Today, I wanna take you to my favorite place, Funhouse Forest! A special spot where my pals and I love to play! And best of all, you're gonna meet a new friend of mine. [Goofy] You'll never catch me! -Roar! -[laughing] Hey! It's our pals! [laughs] Watcha doin'? We're playing knights and dragons and Goofy's the dragon! -Now, come on! -Count me in! [chuckles] Roar! You can help us capture this bad, mean dragon! -Huh? -[skids] -[boings, thuds] -[group] Whoa! Wait a minute-- I don't feel bad. I'm just pretendin'. All dragons are bad! Even a goofy one! Well, some dragons might be good, right? I mean, none of us has ever met a dragon before. [giggles] It's not good to just think they're all bad. Hmm. Are all dragons bad? I don't know. Hey, I was just about to go to Funhouse Forest. Why don't we go there together and ask our new friend? -All right! -Let's do it! To the Funport! [all laugh and agree] [beeps] [computer]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Floaty Cars arriving now.</i></font> [zooming] [tires screeching] All right! -[Mickey] Off we go! -Let's go! -Woo-hoo! -All right! -[quacks] -Whoa! -Yeah! -Woo-hoo! Yahoo! [all cheering] [Mickey] Welcome to Funport Station! Wait'll you see this! -Woo-hoo! -Wee! -Yahoo! -[howls] [computer]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Handy Crane activated.</i></font> [mechanics whirring] Woo! [laughs] [barks] [clunks] To make the Floaty Coaster go, we'll need some help from Windy Weathervane. Oh, Windy! [Windy trills] -Hiya, Windy! -[trills] Take us to Funhouse Forest! [Windy trilling] -[barks] -Yahoo! [chorus] ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Take us to the Funhouse </i>♪</font> -♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse </i>♪ -[Mickey] Hot dog!</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Funny's waiting for us To play </i>♪</font> Welcome to Funhouse Forest! -[barking] -Hiya, Teddy! [happy barks] That's Teddy, he's a doghouse. [laughs] -[Windy trills] -Hello, Windy! [giggles] [cheering] Hi, everyone! [laughing] ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mickey Mouse Funhouse </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mickey Mouse Funhouse </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mickey Mouse Funhouse </i>♪</font> [party horn toots] This is my special friend, Funny. Funny is a magical house who can take us on adventures, and can even join us on our adventures by changing into whatever Funny wants! That's right! If we sail off to the high seas for a pirate adventure, I can become a pirate ship. Yo-ho, mateys! Where be the treasure? Or, if you wanna go to the Old West... Well, howdy, partner! Come on in for a cool sarsaparilla. [chuckles] -[coughs] -[barking] Sorry-- [laughs] I got a tumbleweed stuck in my throat! And I can always change back into my normal self! Woop! So, what can I do for you, friends? Well, my pals and I were just trying to figure out if dragons are good or bad. Well, come on inside and let's find out together. -[Mickey] All right! -[Goofy] Let's go! -Wow! -This is amazing! Hello, friends! So, where do we look to find the dragon? Well, there's usually dragons in places with castles, knights and princesses, right? Correct! And I know just place. But to get there, we'll need to take... The Stairs to Anywhere! Funny's Stairs to Anywhere can take us wherever we wanna go! And where do the stairs go? Up there! Follow me, Mickey! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Here and there Up up the stairs! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Climbing up to everywhere! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Funny knows Just where to go! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Up the Stairs to Anywhere! ♪</i></font> Let's climb the stairs! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Here and there Up up the stairs! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Climbing up to everywhere! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Funny knows Just where to go! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Up the Stairs to Anywhere! ♪</i></font> All these doors lead to different fun worlds! Each Adventure Door is an exciting place for us to go! And this is the door to the Kingdom of Majestica! Majestica is where you'll find a dragon! Ohh, I hope it's a good dragon! Well, let's go meet one and find out. Good luck! Come on, gang! [all laugh excitedly] Just look at this place! And look at me! -Oh, boy! -Mmm, forest-y! Cool! Look at me! I'm a robot! [electronic music plays] Oh, Daisy, [giggles] that's armor. You're a knight. -Ohh. -You do heroic things, -like helping people. -Oh! [Funny] Look at me! ["When you Wish Upon a Star" tune plays] I'm a castle! [bubbles] [gasps] How embarrassing! I need to clean my moat. [laughs] Well, I think ya look dandy! [laughs] Oh, thanks, Goofy. Now, gang, Majestica is a big kingdom. If you stay on the road to Shirehaven, your dragon quest will begin! Have fun exploring! Oh! And keep your eyes open [whispers] for a dragon. I'll be here cleaning my moat if you need me. -Sure thing. -[giggles] Thank you, Funny. All right, everybody. Let's go find out if dragons are good or bad! [roar] Is it snowing? I think it's a bit warm for that. [munches] Tastes like popcorn. Delicious! Hm, could use some butter. Look out, unknown visitors! -There's a dragon on the loose! -[squishes] A dragon? Where? -[pops] -Woo! That was closeth! [chuckles] -[muffled] Too close! -[chuckles] -Sorry, little duck. -[groans] Oh, by the way, my name's Pete, Farmer Pete! Gosh, Farmer Pete, was that a real dragon?! Sure was, and his name was Farfus. Well, we wanna find out if dragons are good or bad. Ha-ha! Are dragons bad? Well, just look at what he did to my corn! Whoa! He popped your corn? Sure did! All dragons are fire-breathing beasts! So, you've met other dragons besides Farfus? Nope. Technically, I haven't meteth Farfus, either. But he is so scary, I figure they must all be bad! Well, let's go find out. Oh, and just so you know, I'm a robot! Good for you, metal mallard! Oh, boy! We're gonna meet a dragon! To Shirehaven! [gasps] Is this the village? It looks-- [bird caws] [echoes] Empty. [echoing] Hello! Where is everybody? We wanna meet a dragon. Oh, do you think Farfus scared them away? If he did, he's gone now. -Look! -Aah! -[clangs] -Quackers! It's the heroes, come to save us from the dragon! Oh, yeah. That's right. I'm Lady Clarabelle. I run the pie shop. And I can tell you that Farfus the dragon is always taking my pies without asking! I'm Innkeeper Cuckoo Loca. I run the inn. You know, the place people come to spend the night when they're traveling. That dragon is always makin' a mess! He's a real headache! -He's trouble! -He's a dragon! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Farfus the dragon He's terrible and mean! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ His dragon breath Will blow your house ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Right down to smithereens! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ Farfus the dragon </i>♪ -Aah!</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>He'll swoop Out of them skies! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ And then he makes An awful mess ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-♪ And gobbles up your pies! ♪ -Aah!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ He's fearsome And ferocious! </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>He's awful and atrocious! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ He's dreadful 'Cause you know </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>He is a dragon! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Farfus the dragon Will trouble you no more! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ For now you have Your heroes here </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>To save the day for sure! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Farfus the dragon You made the village mad! ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ But daring knights Are here to learn ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Are dragons good or bad! ♪</i></font> Ha-ha! Gosh, it sounds like Farfus is pretty bad. -[Minnie] It sure does! -[Daisy] Yeah! Maybe it's all a misunderstanding? Has anyone tried talking to him? Or just asking him to stop? Oh, heavens no! Farfus is too frightening! We're too scared! So, what are you gonna do? Capture him? Well, first, we gotta find him. And then we'll capture him! Now, Donald. We want to meet Farfus, not capture him. Right, Minnie. Okay, everybody, spread out. If anybody spots Farfus, sound the alarm! You got it, Mickey! -Hyuh! Oh! -[thuds] -We have an alarm? -[barks] Thanks, Farmer Pete! Don't worry, guys. We'll find that dragon and get to the bottom of this! [thuds] [whimpering] -[squeaks] -[sniffs] [roars] -Ooh! Ah! -[slurps] [squeals, pants] Ah-ha, it's you! You're a lot bigger than I expected. -[roars] -Aah! Farfus is here! Farfus is here! Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! What alarm? [banging] [happy squeals] [thudding] Whoa! [sniffing] Uh-oh! -[squeals] -Aah! [squeals] Whoa! Aah! [sniffing] He's after my pies! [laughs, munches] Hey! You can't take those pies without asking! [confused squeals] Whoa! You can't take me without asking, either! -[splats] -[munches] Mm! [gulps] That is good! Uh, but still, you can't do that! Don't worry, Mickey! We're coming! [skids] I don't think so! -[laughing] -You put Mickey down! -[ball squeaks] -[barks] Pluto, it's not playtime. -[barks] -Whoa! [thuds] Excuse me, Mr. Farfus? -Sir? Yoo-hoo! -[squeals] -Down here. -Oh? -[squeals] -Finally. Down, please. [thuds] Oh, my! Daisy? [pops] Daisy, are you okay? [Daisy] I'm good! Guys! In here! Mr. Farfus, can I please have Mickey Mouse? Hmm? No. Please? -[roars] -Time to go! Hey, dragon! Peek-a-boo! Look, no hands! [squeals] Wanna play? Waah! [thuds] [curious squeals] -Are you okay? -Yep-- -[barks] -Oh! Okay, boy! Okay! -[laughs] -Mickey! Are you all right? Aw, shucks. I'm okay, Minnie. We were so worried! Hey, guys, looketh! Welp, we got him away from Mickey. -Now what? -Gorsh, I don't know. Great. [curious squeals] My inn! [screams, panic] [roars] That's it! Let's capture that dragon! You mean, talk to him, right? Uh, right, let's talk to him. [chuckles] [Goofy, Clarabelle, Donald] Whoa! [laughing squeals] [happy squeals] [laughing] [happy squeals] [barking] Where'd they go? Hello? [Minnie] Mickey? Daisy? -Mickey? -Thanks, Minnie. Where is everybody? [Pluto barking] -[panting] -There you are! -What now? -Shh, hush. Great hiding spot, Donald! Quiet! -Ooh! -[screams] -What's happening! -Whoa! -Oh! Ooh! -[Goofy] Hey! [Farfus giggling] [screams] This way! -[squeals] -[screams] [happy squeals] -[thudding] -[giggling] Aah! Oh, my gosh! [laughing] Hurry! Whoa! Whoa! Guys! Hurry! Uh-oh! Cannonball! Whoa! -Ugh! -Uh. Whoa! Golly, gee willi-- Oh! Aah! Watch out! Ugh! [barks, slurps] [yawns] Everybody okay? [groans] All good here. [sighs] Hey! Did you find out if dragons are good or bad? Yeah! This one's pretty bad! [sucking] We tried to stop him and he still took your pies, and almost crushed Daisy! This close! And then he grabbed me and destroyed Cuckoo Loca's Inn! And then, he jumped on all the beds! [squeals] Oh, great! He's gone! I thought you heroes were going to stop Farfus! Well, come on, it's not too late. But Majestica is a huge place, we'll never find him. I know where he's going. Guys! Over here! [barking, panting] [chuckles] I am so ready to find that dragon! Me, too! Hyuh! Doodle-quacks! This forest sure is spooky! It's because we're close to Dragon Mountain. Farfus lives at the top. Come on, this way! Come on! This way! [jungle noises] -[panting] -Here you go! [panting] Thanks, Mickey. Anytime. Ooh! [giggles] -[whooshes] -Ah! -[barking] -Hey, Pluto. Whoa! It sure is windy up here. -Here, Daisy. -I'm good. Ooh! Anybody else feeling that? Feeling what? -[whooshes] -[squeals] Okay, Farfus. We need to talk. [laughing] Whoa! I said talk! Not grab me and fly away! Whoa-whoa-whoa! Don't worry, Mickey! I'll activate my robot powers and save you! [Mickey] You're not a robot! Huh. So, that's the problem. Okay, ah, um-- Don't take another step! [gushing] Hey! What're you doing? [Farfus squeals] [spitting] Aw, now you're just being silly! [gurgles, spits] Mickey! We're comin' to save ya! Whoa! Shh, Goofy, we're trying to be quiet so Farfus doesn't hear us. Oh, right. Mickey, tell Farfus to ignore what I said! Stairs? There were stairs? [barking] [grunting] Ah, come on! Woo-hoo! Let's go, Donald! Whoa! I'm warning you, stay back! [stammering] I'm a brave knight! [splashes] Whoop! Ha! Um-- Oh! Ha-ha! My trusty-- Corn on the cob? Where'd that come from? [stammers] Get back! You hear me? -Get back! -[sniffs, squeals] Uh-oh! [inhales] [sneezes] [pops] [laughs] Yow! Wha-wha! Hurry! This way! [grunts] -Waah! -[sprays] -[sizzles] -Oh, Mickey! What happened? Farfus toasted my buns and laughed at me! [laughs] -[giggles] -Hey, you pesky dragon! Get away from him! [laughing] [gasps] [Farfus laughing] He's so happy to see us! [laughing] [laughs] Hooray! [laughs] [charging yell] Hurry! Help me with this vine. Here, hold this. Gotcha! Mickey, what are you doing? [laughing] [Mickey] Whoa! Whoa! Hooray! [laughs] Hot dog! I did it! Whoa! -[Minnie] Mickey! -Aah! [squeals] Ooh! Aah! Farfus? You saved me! [Farfus laughs] [Mickey laughs] [both laugh] -[coos] -Aw. [snorts, babbles] Gosh, I think he's trying to be friendly. [squeals, babbles] Oh, could it be that Farfus just wants to play? [babbles] So, maybe he is a good dragon. But what about the village? Yeah! He made a mess! He did take the pies without asking. Maybe he doesn't know he's not supposed to. Yeah, he must have thought it was a game to jump on the beds with Donald. And I don't think he meant to pop Pete's cornfield. Corn just makes him sneeze. -[squeals] -Oh, he just wants to make some friends. -[babbles] -Aw, shucks! I think we've all misunderstood what Farfus has done. But we still should go back to the village and clean up the mess. I can help Lady Clarabelle make more pies. I'll help make the beds at the inn. And I'll watch. [squeals, babbles] [laughs] I think Farfus wants to help clean up the village, too. [happy squeals] ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Farfus the dragon Was just misunderstood! </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And now we might have Learned at last </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>That dragons can be good! </i>♪</font> [laughing] Oh! -[smooches] -[squeals] -Oh, boy! -[laughs] -Ahh! -[squelches] [laughing] [slurps] Yummy! ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Dragons like Farfus Are good and now we know </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Give them a chance To laugh and play </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And watch your Friendship grow! </i>♪</font> Oh, I can't wait to come back and play with you again! -And neither can I! -[Pluto barks] Gorsh. I'm gonna miss ya, ya big dragon! So am I. We'll see you soon. [all] Aww! -So long! -Bye! [squeals] Wow! I guess Farfus is a good dragon. Bye, Farfus! Who's a good dragon? -Who's a good dragon? You are! -[squeals, babbles] Welcome back, dragon adventurers! [chuckles] Watch your step! -[laughs] -Wonderful! Yipee! [laughs] -[quacks] -[clanging] [giggles] Come on, Donald. Time to go. We sure had lots of fun today. And we learned some dragons are good. We sure did! And here's a little something to remember our trip. [group oohs, ahhs] I guess it's time to head home. -Aww. -[barking] But don't worry, we'll be back soon. -Right, Funny? -Right! And I can't wait! Us, too! [laughs] See you next time! Before we say so long, let's sing the Wiggle Giggle song! ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Wiggle, giggle, wiggle! Wiggle, giggle, wiggle! </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Wiggle, giggle, giggle, wiggle Swiggle, wiggle, yay! </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Gotta wiggle, gotta giggle It is such a fun game! </i>♪</font> ♪ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>We can wiggle, wiggle, giggle When we come here to play! </i>♪</font> See you next time! [laughs] [theme music plays]
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 28,714,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mickey mouse full episodes, mickey mouse funhouse full episodes, mickey mouse fun house, mickey mouse dragon, mickey mouse fun house full episodes, mickey's funhouse, mickey mouse mickey mouse, mickey mouse funhouse mickey the brave, mickey's fun house, mickey mouse cartoon, disney junior mickey mouse funhouse, mickey funhouse episodes, mickey mouse funhouse dragon, mickey mouse fun house mickey the brave, mickey the brave, mickey the brave full episode
Id: AMl6cfCiBGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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