Michigan's Offensive Line Talks Why They Are The Best In ALL Of College Football

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all right ladies and gentlemen we are in what town is this we're about 25 30 minutes outside of Ann Arbor Michigan at a country club my worst nightmare possible for a nice little thing for Valiant right this is a valiant thing yeah Valiant what is Valiant uh nio marketing yeah put that mic up close to your face you've been on this thing before yeah yeah got the Hogs with us do a two-time Joe Moore Award winners boys how do we feel about that how does it feel to be historians making history being the best offensive line two years running I mean it feels good I don't know if they'll let us do it three years in a row though what do you mean not let you think they'll give it to us three years you think your politics are like that politics are like that who's uh who's the biggest like rival for you guys in the offensive line category Georgia Georgia yeah Georgia it's kind of weird it's a weird toss over yeah I don't know I mean Georgia came to Second Place what two years in a row yeah and they won the National Championship two years in a row so yeah would you guys rather win The Natty or get the Joe Moore award again Maddie so why don't you guys win it what's the [ __ ] deal that's the plan foreign what happened with TCU yes Stomp that was on us though hey a little bit it was on us on the you think it was on the offensive line no but I mean we just we played our worst game of the season we played that game 10 more times we're gonna win it nine times out of ten yes I agree 100 I mean you have two pick sixes and a fumble on the one yard line yeah but will was it Wilson right Willis who's a Roman yeah he fell in the end zone that was a touchdown yeah we fully believed that was a touchdown right guaranteed we we talked pregame too what did I tell you we're gonna I told you the first player they told me the first play of the game right at the middle broke 60 yards I'm like damn we are going to roll it dude I thought you guys were gonna roll them I was on that Mega cast and I was like you know what if I'm if I'm Michigan I'm going right down the middle first play of the game and sure enough you guys hit it I'm like oh I'm a [ __ ] commentator out here dude I thought I was killing them but man I really it just didn't go well I mean you have a turnover margin like that you're never gonna win the game the the odds are not in your favor so people talk about Georgia obviously they're the new Alabama of the the college football landscape you guys really have like a beat Georgia segment and practice yeah we do what do you guys do it's just 11 on 11 stack the box and music's all the way turned up and go to war go to war so it's legitimately like a scrimmage yeah I mean you can you have like what one play action pass and that's yeah so it's mostly out of 12 12 or 13 personal yeah we'll do two runs then one play action pass and what's the reason for that just because you guys have owned the Big Ten for the last couple of years and now it's like we want to win a National Championship and these are the guys I mean so like when we implemented the beat Ohio drill yeah after the coveted Year dude I was great fun that's a nice move though that's a nice move being there for your boys yeah we had a nice guy yeah no but I think it's just like uh like a mental Factor like a psychology thing like like with the beat Ohio drill ever since we you know implemented that we beat him two years in a row so it's like I mean Georgia's a top dog so like might as well just add it in and get a little psychological psychological psychological warfare yeah just like you know because that's who we're trying to take off we gotta take out the top dog so that's the goal we gotta take them off we gotta keep being Ohio State so when uh when you guys are when you're reading the tabloids you guys probably say you don't read them I know you guys do but people are saying this is Harbaugh's best football team what is your guys's expectation going into this year starts week one you guys have been going to your media classes I see no media classes none no media classes you don't send Harper's and sit in front give you guys rules for media not really no no it starts week one against Eastern Carolina yep the Pirates the Pirates yeah yeah I get it they're a good team there's no question they're they're a good football team however our sights are set on 12-0 Big Ten championship and then possibly getting past the first round of the playoffs this time right that's the goal that is the goal absolutely what do you guys uh obviously the new news about Harbaugh we will get into it too much but the cheeseburgers in there yeah is that what it was people are saying he paid for a cheeseburger yeah I guess I don't know I mean the thing that's so wild to be everyone coming out Hardball is anything horrible is it let's say it's bad let's say he gave a guy ten thousand dollars I have no idea what he did it's nothing near what the SEC does on a day-to-day basis aside from Vanderbilt foreign you don't have to answer that question I will speak for you guys I mean I don't want to speak too much on it but I mean like it's Matt so I heard this story about Matt Stafford with somebody who played with Stafford he was he was a junior about to go in the NFL and he went outside his house and there was 500 000 in his mailbox and he didn't take it and obviously once the NFL was the first overall pick and made way more than five hundred thousand dollars it's a lot of money to find your mailbox that's a lot of money to find your mailbox that's hard to walk away from that is that kind of money especially there with no one IL stuff yeah how is he and IL stuff for the Hogs it's good it's definitely not complaining yeah yeah these are the two yeah here are they getting what kind of deals we talking about here who sponsors you guys uh uh she's got a new Bronco I'm a car dealership that's [ __ ] dumb yeah so that's pretty sweet do you realize that driver's got a scat I got a Scat Pack what's a scat back a charger oh is it charger is like is it like a Hellcat yeah it got broken into it sham did it really midday midday how's the security at champ not so good I mean the camera quality was piss poor but yeah you could it looked like Rod wave was jumping in my backseat I mean it's impressive how he fit through that window he got in and got out it was Porky did you ever catch him no no no he so they pulled up in uh like a maroonish Scat Pack yeah no license plate nothing smart shiesty's gloves everything cracked the back window check out the tracking device and then Roman Wilson walked right past the guy look at the dudes in my car and Roman walked right past the other dude was on Lookout holding a piece at midday at him and all the obviously there's a whole bunch of other cars in there why you yeah and then uh Roman like uh one or Ops guy calls him always like hey that dude is trying to steal Trevor's car and they're chasing him down State Street and the dude was like dodging or even kids getting out of class no [ __ ] yeah what a what a terrible idea yeah a lot of cars have been stolen like from us so because you guys are making so much money now I mean dog when I was in college and I hate being this guy because I remember I remember when I was a girl people coach you would be like you understand when I was in college but here I am doing the same thing I couldn't have a bagel and cream cheese if that was an NCAA violation to have both a bagel and cream cheese and you guys are getting scat backs or whatever the [ __ ] that is new Broncos what do you get a pack of chewing gum it's a baseball cards like what are they giving you out there what are you sniping with yeah thank you a little bit give you a 10 piece maybe a free meal once in a while yeah Keith hooks it up once in a while yeah yeah Keith that spots dude is that not the best spot you went to it last night yeah absolutely the boys what's your first attendees oh what's the order there I like the hoagie I get the hoagie with uh jalapenos banana peppers I get three dozen wings for four of us and then uh when we have I had a pretty milkshake and a post milkshake yeah cheese fries chili cheese fries buddy we just go off in there spend 150 at a college spot that's what we were [ __ ] doing a couple of cheesesteaks but I literally had a milkshake in the beginning waiting for my food after we finished all the food I got a roti milkshake for myself and the boys I made the boys get a milkshake to make me feel better about my second milkshake yeah no they moved it why'd they close it yeah but no one goes there anymore yeah give them the mic give them the mic it used to be open till like 4 A.M I wasn't gonna talk for that long so I was like yeah they closed it it usually it used to be open till 4am yeah I know Bob's Too Close well Pizza Bob's is now where that burger joint used to be on the corner of state and Hill right that's yeah but it's closed now too why'd they close that Cove is over I don't know how the boy's not living there's there's really nothing anymore you got pizza house to go to is that the only spot you really hit like 50 bucks for a [ __ ] Pizza well and I owe money they know we're gonna buy it yeah there's no question yeah well you got ten dollars yeah back in my day you got Joe's Pizza what's Joe's it's like New York style do you guys still get chips shits you guys ever heard of Chets no they would give you like little coupon cards and you can go to Cottage Inn Pizza and get like two medium pizzas and like a two liter of cola and that's what like that was like you got a spot to get like a wings and a hoagie we got it on feeling blue yeah yeah like uh yeah I grabbed the mic if you're going to talk we literally just said I think fueling Blues like that yeah it's just on an app now and you just they have a little tablet there you pop Cottage in their little name pops up and you're like 80 bucks a week 80 bucks a week oh that's what you get you don't spend anybody you get up to 80 a week which is an ungodly amount of food you know what about gin Chipotle let's talk ball for a second what from the success you guys have seen from the beginning to now in your college careers what do you attribute that to like who who's besides Harbaugh obviously who is in your opinion The X Factor of Michigan football I'd say what Andrew Stardust in Hutchinson Josh Ross those guys like yeah I'd say those guys are the ones that change the culture around and then everybody hopped on the train and followed him the promised land what was how do people talk about the old days at Michigan just how garbage it was do people even say anything or we just ignore that I like the plague like that never that never happened we pretend like it never happened no I think I think we talk about it I think like for us older guys uh you know you kind of use that as a little bit of like fuel you know that covered years pretty [ __ ] first year yes but then you know like the new guys come in and they're like all they know is back to back Big Ten championships you know they don't really know the struggle that we went through during covet everyone hated us yeah and uh you know they want to coach our boss head but I mean for o-line at least I think I think Coach Moore coming in was a big change for us you know made it fun again to play uh after that covered year and really brought life back to the room what's coach Moore's coaching style like is he a hard ass or is he let the boys have fun both yeah yeah he's got a good bit of both you know he got a good balance of an [ __ ] and fun yeah he gets real mad when he needs to get mad and then you know happy and then the Motions are there you know some tears you know there's everything's working yeah he let you have it huh yeah everything that's that fires me up dude a good old line coach goes along I do yeah I mean like like the the old days like you said like people don't realize like when you're a season so long and if you suck like walking in the building every day like it's ass yeah like it's not I did it for my whole time at Michigan the whole one year you guys are talking about it would be like a Tuesday practice and like you know you just got your ass kicked you're just like [ __ ] like yeah you know but like when you're winning like when you're winning everything's fine everything's happy yeah I mean you get I mean when you got a locker room like the guys we have like it makes it fun so like those Tuesdays like week 12 and your body's hurting it's not like [ __ ] you're draining but I mean I don't know I think it's just a good group of guys like everybody's like naturally born leaders so like there's no problems do you guys uh have an issue with complacency with the younger guys is there ever a point because you do have back-to-back Big Ten championships back to back playoff appearances do you see some guys think oh this is just going to come to us is there a level of keeping people accountable yeah you definitely see like young guys like their freshman year it's like oh like class ain't a thing like don't show up to class like late to workouts it's like us like we've never been late to a workout like our freshman year like we never miss class like we just step set the standard we're like young guys now it's like you got to do the same [ __ ] like you got to be perfect always like you're always good as your weakest link and like if you're freshman or dragging you like that just shows like what your leaders are like so I don't know there's definitely some complacency for sure but you gotta smack that in the ass yeah there's no doubt about it no doubt it's um young guys coming up oh Lyman who do you guys see a lot of potential from who do you guys see kind of hey when we're gone we know this place is going to be in good hands because of these few guys in here yeah I mean there's definitely young guys I mean I think our two offensive line could start at 90 of the places in the country I mean we have a lot of depths I mean Geo Reese Percy I mean we got Raheem Raheem we got like four starting tackles right now two centers I can play Drake just came in so I mean we got a lot of depth in that room I think they're gonna they're gonna be set for a while and you know the younger guys coming in they got they got us to look up to they just follow what we're doing and the other guys I mean they're gonna be set when um every year the past couple years there's always a rumor that Harbaugh's going to the NFL how do you guys handle that like do you guys just say hey it is what it is well do I want to learn a new playbook or not yeah is that I mean that does play a factor into it but like Harbaugh has completely changed this place back to the old what it used to be before me in the Jake Long days like you guys have got it now is there a level of I wouldn't say I guess the for lack of a better word fear that he is gonna go I mean I guess in the back of your mind I guess there's always a little bit it's like yeah he's gonna leave as what does that mean who's stepping in are we going to get new coordinators and a new playbook and all that but I mean at the end of the day I guess it's just the boys are still on the team so I mean whoever's whoever's captain in the ship the boys are still gonna be rolling I guess yeah yeah I think it's a big like thing about I mean yeah if he leaves he leaves it sucks but you also have the boys and you got your boys I had something good to say about that's all right dude yeah that's all right you said the boys like three times sometimes that is like all you need to say yeah because if you got the boys if you don't have the boys what do you got nothing exactly exactly dude uh yeah I'll tell you what I hope Powerball never leaves but if he does Sharon Moore I think that's perfect come on dude I think he's the next guy to step up there's no question and I like I said I don't want Hardball to leave there was a time 2020 portnoise out in our podcast he was like do you want Hardball gone I was like it might be time I think I remember that it might have to be that guy but yeah just like anything that came that news from you came in the show you weren't really a hot commodity in the old show no question dude I was probably I was a cancer to the program big cancer how do we get here now we have a life-size statue of of you as we walk into the weight room here we see your your big ass that is first of all this statue I don't know what the hell they put downstairs but you're packing something thank you statue yeah it's actually it's a proven thing that I used to stuff my pants before games to kind of show off whatever I could so we had these uh we take these pictures like for like flexibility Mobility yeah um and like body shot like pictures and I always just try to take a a sock and just stuff it need to because we had to talk about the piece when you weighed this that thing gets kind of gets turtled up a little bit it's a tough deal I have two belly buttons for sure there's no question but coach Rowe would always look at me and just start dying laughing because I just have a sock just mid thigh hell yeah he's just like ain't no [ __ ] way get that little nickel on the on the right side that's not going down like double-headed monster over there one got more nutrients than the other dude it is it is a wild deal I did definitely I'm willing to say I definitely [ __ ] up saying the hardball stuff and I'm glad you guys low-key keeping me account keeping me accountable even though I did say it you guys never said anything I brought up the attention and it's nice to have a statue in there I hope it never goes away but it probably will to one of you guys there's some big biceps on that statue it is nice makes you look good like Greek mythology you look at all these gods and stuff like that the way they kind of paint them like you can see photos of me back in 2009 to 13. I didn't look like that but when I walked him I'm like hell yeah thank God this is the representation that I am in this building yeah it is nice it's a nice deal we're good boys electric thank you so much for coming much more talkative much more time not so much I gotta work on it what's that gotta work on it we'll get you on again dude perfect it's gonna be awesome I hope you guys uh slap it well today appreciate y'all coming on
Channel: Bussin' With The Boys
Views: 28,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bussin with the boys, will compton, taylor lewan, nashville, tennessee titans, nfl podcast, sports podcast, nashville podcast, nashville tennessee, music city, for the boys, barstool sports, pardon my take, king and the sting, spittin chiclets, podcast, barstool podcast, under the hood, nfl vlog, bwtb, bussin, pro athlete vlog, pro athlete podcast, football podcast, Michigan football, Joe Moore award, trevor keegan, zak zinter, karsen barnhart, Jim harbaugh
Id: ZSiRwn6EkGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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