Michigan HC Sherrone Moore Talks JJ McCarthy, Jim Harbaugh & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

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back here on the Rich Eisen show on the Roku Channel our radio audience will join us in a couple of seconds and that means I get to introduce this man multiple times I would do it over and over again certainly since I introduce him as the head coach of the reigning National Champion Michigan Wolverines here at the NFL draft in the great state of Michigan Chiron Moore good to see you thank you for having me appreciate it that's not loud enough of Applause louder there's only two that's right show him love appreciate it oh man I'm just loving seeing all these Michigan fans with smiles on their faces yeah it's so great you must get stopped every two feet walking around in this town I imagine I mean haven't been in the town of Detroit in a while been in an arbor you know recr Spring ball and stuff so excited excited to be here in Detroit it's just so great I mean uh I'll say this just again the the number of times I looked around from the draft set last night and saw maing blue people just going crazy and next to them invariably be be a Michigan State fan or an Ohio State fan and they just would be like this mhm just like this it's so great yeah it's a blessing we had a great year and excited for the future so thank you for allowing me to Crow you're too classy appreciate why am I I don't mean to put in the position what's he going to say well you got to tell him to say it with his chest like he's sitting right here I know say with your chess coach I mean I'm I'm I'm happy we know what we did and we're just excited about the future so we're going to keep rolling you've page turned you have you turned the page still celebrating a little bit you I think every day you you look at the trophy you know it's right outside my office and you get to see that we got our rings on Saturday got four of them so uh pretty exciting to see that and you know happy for our guys and we're we're going to celebrate uh these next couple days as you know our boys get drafted that's right so I got Chiron Moore University of Michigan football head coach here on the Rich Eisen show on the Roku Channel I'm back on the rich E and show radio network sitting at the rich E and show desk furnished by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry Granger has the right product for you call click ranger.com or just stop by the head coach of University of Michigan football Chiron Moore is here on the program in that chair just a couple days ago was JJ McCarthy he's now a member of the Minnesota Vikings did you speak with him last night yeah was that his what is that was that his draft party uh knew that's where he wanted to go that's where his heart was so so excited for him and excited for a future so were they Tire kicking on him from from jump were they calling you up talking yeah I mean uh you know coach conell quacy they were all there they had a day they spent the whole day with them you know watching film working out doing different things and it's been a long process to to see it happen but I knew that's where he wanted to go yeah he wanted to go there because why I mean the weapons that they have on offense the offensive line the receivers obviously JJ throwing to JJ now and uh you know Aaron Jones being there running back back and knew they were stocked and Coach ronnell such a great job developing quarterback so he was so excited for him and you know JJ you know he fell in love with that and kind of knew he wanted to go there from the from the start Josh maau also is the quarterback coach there it does appear to be an outstanding setup what you're looking for when you're being drafted in the NFL at a a top 10 position yeah super great fit for him from a cultural standpoint from the people the fans the just the energy it seems like that comes from that place I think he'll he'll do very well and you know again he was in this chair and I'm wondering if you would mind telling me um from your perspective since he told the story involving you from this chair the other day about um the Penn State game you were the head coach yep and you found out you were the head coach the day before if not confirmed the morning of yeah right like that that is what happened 90 90 minutes before the game you it was confirmed you were coaching confirmed yep so you are now uh in a crucial spot to say the least and you run the ball 32 straight times MH and he said he came up to you afterwards and asked do you not believe in me was that the case yeah yeah he it was the next day and uh we were in the office and he asked me you know he asked me that question I said no it's I just felt like that's what we need to do to win at that time and wanted to protect you and the rhythm of the game and all that and you know I think we came out the next couple games and answered you know if there was a belief between me and him and I've always believed in JJ in every sense of the word in every game and just felt like at that moment in that atmosphere in that stage that's what we needed to do to win the game and how did he take that do you think he was I mean he's the ultimate competitor so I think ultimately he wanted to you know throw the ball more in that game but I think at the end of the day for him his number one thing is he wanted to win and to watch him that day that week in practice um and that you know just the rest of the year to become who he was and how he led our team was super impressive and just spoke to his character as a player well I mean chop Robinson who was a problem uh in that game wound up being the 21st overall pick in the draft last night for a reason but what what about you you're you're the interim head coach for the lack of a better phrase on game day he's coming up to you you've got two more games left Ohio State's right around the corner and he's asking you if you have belief in him how do you as a coach handle a moment like that I mean you just got to continue to believe in the process of what we're doing and you know my ultimate goal was to try to help us win every game and that's all I was going to try to do and I I was saying this also before U he even was talking about he said it was a tough pill to swallow to have to uh you know focus on a Harbaugh run Centric concept to win I never really heard him talk about that um and and for a 20-year-old yeah to have the ability to swallow that Pride or not want to pound a chest publicly I think speaks volumes about him as well but was that an issue do you think behind the scenes were you sensing that as a as a coach involving him no I think the best thing about it is we always talk about any issues we have we always talk about him confront him and address him and get over him after that and you know he came out to me that day you know after that game and asked me that question and I explained it to him and I mean we literally went the next day and it was we were golden and uh you know obviously in the biggest moments of the year you go back to the you go back to the Rose Bowl you know last Drive we're down 20 to 13 and we threw the ball to win the game or to tie the game um so he knew that deep down inside we believed in him and I believed him and uh you know ultimately when it really mattered he he made some huge plays for us he did Blake corm being one who was on the receiving end of a play Roman Wilson being on the receiving end of a play and they are available to be drafted tonight yep uh is Jim Harbaugh interested in any of these guys do you think I mean I think he always is I think he loves our loves the program loves what he developed as a head coach there but we'll see I mean ultimately he has needs for for his program and his organization so we'll see what happens does he have Co he doesn't call you like a normal coach in the NFL might call somebody who's the current College Edge coach no we just talk whenever we talk it's just straight communication of I mean it could be anything so uh whether ideas things that you know we're doing things that he's doing um different things that you know we can change that we can evolve but no the conversations are way different than any other head coach NL course I I imagine it must be uh I want to get your reaction to What Jim said last night I don't know if you saw this sound bite um but this is after they drafted Joe Al y fifth overall and this is you know Keenan Allen no longer on the team he's in Chicago and Mike Williams is now in New York and there was Malik Neighbors on the board romad dun on the board and obviously you would guys would know how good romad dun is firsthand uh they go offensive line Y and this was his answer to a question about not getting offensive weapons for Justin Herbert decision uh and it was like I alluded to earlier I mean it was uh um all the the work that went in uh you know the player that was on the top of our board nobody was nobody rated higher than uh than Joe Al the player when it came to our selection that uh that we picked and you know I know the question is going to come up and you're going to say like you know what about a what about a weapon what about uh offensive linemen we look at As Weapons um that group when we talk about attacking and we we talk about attacking on offense offense alive is the tip of the spear sound familiar to you oh yeah very familiar does he talk like that behind the scenes 100% 100% And you're the foundation of who you are as a program is really built on your offensive line not just on the field but off the field how they carry themselves what they do how they act and you know when I took over the offensive line in Michigan the first thing I said is like if we want to win a championship that that room has to run the team and you know coach fully believed in that Embrace that and that's you know all his coaching career you can go back to Stanford San Diego uh um the ners you know even when he was playing he's talked about that like the o line has to be a huge part of what you do and if you want to win uh that group's got to be strong so but where do receivers actually work in and I'm asking that on behalf of charger fans right now yeah I mean they're important I think everybody has their their piece but if you don't have great offensive lineman those receivers won't get the ball so and and I think he understands to build a team structurally strong it's just like building a house you got to have that Foundation it's all from the bottom and um those guys are going to you know he's going to build them right he's going to build that PR that organization right and uh they're going to be strong and physical Chone Moore Michigan head coach here on the Rich Eisen show so pound the table who about guys that you think we going to hear tonight here in Detroit Michigan you know I I'm biased about all our guys but you know I I don't imagine that you know you don't see Roman Wilson you don't see Chris Jenkins you don't see Blake km uh Zach zener Junior Coulson Mikey Sanders still those guys I know those guys are probably in the group of guys that'll get drafted today and uh excited for everybody excited for that whole class that whole group but you know for sure uh you'll you'll hear those guys' names and we just had Aiden Hutchinson here as well and what he means to the to this entire city right now um and and what the program has become and obviously being a national champion uh Sandra still we had him on the show a couple of weeks ago as well what did did he bring to the equation from every standpoint that you know you might find a little difficult to to back fill now that he's gone here yeah I mean I think what he brought is he filled another void you know when Aiden left Aiden really started the the change in the course of as from a leadership standpoint player Le program and he really taught him and uh Mr Ross and Andrew wardis and Hassan H Haskins started a you know the leadership from within and you know Mikey watched those guys he uh tried to emulate them and surpass them and so did Blake so what Mikey's going to bring is you know and what he you know what we're losing with Mikey is that player leadership but you know I think our guys that are there have watched how he did it and they're going to try to do the same thing and Mike's going to bring to whatever program he he goes to he's going to be tough he's going to be physical he's going to be smart he's going to be dependable and he's going to be a leader in any way possible that he can and Blake corm um when did did he first show up on on your radar screen or anything like that I mean I think it was like the first workout or first Camp uh we had and I mean the dude's just incredible player I mean we had to tell him to stop coming in so late and do extra what do you mean uh he would be in The Bu in the building uh after hours doing extra work and like bro you're going to wear yourself out and he just didn't know anything but hard work and that's that's who the guy is uh he's a he's a you know ridiculous worker tough um and he's a great leader all right I got cheron more a few minutes left with the University of Michigan head coach cuz you're going to the Tigers Royals game right yep yeah we're going to the game taking the team and um first pitch you're going to you g to get on the bump I'm I'm going to delegate that duty to uh two of our players uh will Johnson and Alex orgy will throw out the first pitch okay um simultaneously I mean I don't know how that works I think so I think two catchers go out there I know a couple other guys did it the other day actually was Mikey and Jaylen harell uh so it'll be cool to watch those guys do it did you never play baseball I did I was never a pitcher I was a catcher first base and occasionally center field cuz I was long um okay but never a pitcher but a catcher has to throw the ball back you do you do you just don't want any piece of this thing I don't blame you because you can become YouTube famous that's right uh very fast very you know okay so leave it up to the kids you're doing that um and so the future now M um who's going to be your quarterback do you think this fall yeah we'll see figure that out in Fall camp but excited about all our candidates so you are in a full-on competition for the gig right now yep okay um and what are you what are you looking for what do you think is going to cause you to make your decision when someone that um can operate the offense at at full Full Throttle No limitations and uh you know be dependable and help us go win games and um you have any sense right now you lean at this point in time uh not really a sense you know you'll you'll see and uh we'll figure that out in Paul Campa thing okay and um and then in terms of the expectation level um the sense in the National media of which I am a part but I do not ascribe to what I'm about to say back off guys I already I already sense your judgment um is that Michigan is that was a nice run that we've had MH nice run nice nice Championship you had there but everybody's gone Jim is now in the in the pros and that's uh personally I think disrespectful to you but I will just say um that Michigan's not going to have any shot at winning the Big 10 let alone doing again what they did last year how do you respond to that Jeron more you know I think our goals are always going to be the same to beat our Rivals win the Big 10 and go compete for a national title every year so we're not going to let those goals uh go to the Wayside because people have left you know Michigan is always going to be Michigan and we're going to go compete at the highest level um and we're going to do it our way and you know people are going to say what they want to say and we're just going to we're going to sit back and work keep our head down and work are you going to use this what I just said you're going to use it probably yeah okay have you already used it no okay but the players know so the players definitely I mean they're the ones who were you know as soon as as soon as you got off the plane and pench day we had Chris Jenkins on the other day I'm like how how quiet how how fast did you tweet out the word bet and he was the first one he said he yeah he was the first one at dinner I was sitting right by him what do you mean they were they were all sitting at dinner and uh he just said he said I'm going to Tweet bet and he started he put it out then the rest of them did JJ did and all of a sudden Tom Brady and Derek Jeter did it so I was 're like wow that word travels fast so you were sitting at the uh at the T at the dinner table with them yeah yep did you say don't do that cuz no you just sat back and you're like just let him go yeah and I guess that's the player Le program that you're talking about yep coach thanks again for everything greatly appreciate it um I have my I'll bring it up I have my phone case right here coach beautiful case it is well it was even more beautiful hold on there it is right there Michigan beat everybody I had JJ McCarthy sign it the other day um yeah can you see it coach can you see the it's on there no it's not because you go ahead you could tell him go ahead tell him so you know we're like Rich look you got to you can't use that case anymore or you got to put like some tape or a laminate over it or something CU it's going to smudge it's going to rub off and it's going to be G forever no no no no it's fine I got it it's now gone and now half an hour that thing lasted coach so and Rich was like well I could leave my phone uncovered I'm like you get another phone you can't get another JJ autograph well I'm about to ask for this to be done if you don't mind well coach it's only going to last for 20 minutes no it's not I'm going to actually follow your advice this time fool me once right okay great yeah all right so now I've got the head coach the University of Michigan signing the Michigan beat everybody phone protector and I am now going to have my phone thoroughly unprotected for rounds two through seven of the NFL draft my friend I think that's fine thank you very much there it is okay now you got insurance right there it is there's your winner Chiron Mo I appreciate you you know making yeah great that's great now JJ who the Minnesota vik well hold on a minute all right now I'm going to take this thing off I'll do that in a commercial break almost put it down it's not even yet back off enjoy the uh Tiger game apprciate that is head coach of the University of Michigan Chiron Moore right here on the rich E and show catch the Rich Eisen show every single day on the Roku Channel 12 to3 Eastern for free
Channel: The Rich Eisen Show
Views: 23,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rich Eisen, Rich Eisen Show, sports, NFL, football, college football, CFP, NBA, basketball, MLB, baseball, pop culture, Roku, NFL Network, Chris Brockman, Super Bowl, NFL Draft, sports talk, talk show, Football, CFB, College Football, Baseball, Sherrone Moore, Michigan, Wolverines, Michigan cheating, Jim Harbaugh, JJ McCarthy, Roman Wilson, Mike Sainristil, Kris Jenkins, Blake Corum, Chargers, Joe Alt, Malik Nabers, Justin Herbert, Big Ten, Ohio State, Buckeyes
Id: msdug1HbtBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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