Michel strikes back | Monopoly Plus [ROUND 13-3]

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last time on game grumps [Music] oh don't [ __ ] meow you smug piece of [ __ ] i imagine you prefer me i'm just an initially okay cat over everything derailing the train balls on my bed that's right man i'm just waving a dollar in front of him like looks like i've got more many than you many i have many many oh no that's all going to michelle oh my god all right orals out declare bankruptcy they did it oh crap michelle is more powerful than you could possibly imagine excuse me [Laughter] sorry i threw up [Laughter] dude check out how many monopoly bucks i have nice [Laughter] it's it's you against michelle dawg good luck hey i'm grump i'm not sue and we're the game grumps all right welcome back um welcome back if this is a full episode it means that aaron and michelle really went to town on each other while i uh thought about my life choices out while i was bankrupt oh well we'll see oh my god all right here we go oh god no i can't believe after all that you landed on the next turn on a property that was even more expensive than the one you had to defend oh god aaron oh my god all right i got no that's another michelle property no all right you know what i'll allow it because you landed on saint charles originally holy oh my god [ __ ] that was madness your house believe that in the middle of your street i can't believe you i can't believe you where are you oh john don't bite did he land on ventner okay i'm going to bid i'm going to go i'm going to go for it you know i'm going to go for it oh sucks for you whoops neither can i really but that's okay okay that's the kind of that's the kind of auction when you're like hell yeah um [Laughter] you reach for your wallet yeah okay what's this 20 bucks or something yes 18 all right that's okay as long as i don't roll a one you know what i'm saying land on the green land on the green land on the green green green green green land on the six get a six land on the six get a six that's not s6 six oh that's still mine railroad baby nice okay well done that's bad money oh [ __ ] no it's owned by him excellent oh [ __ ] michelle i swear to god all right all right this is good yeah i think i think i can best michelle why did you land on the one [ __ ] michelle property that's pretty impressive god damn dude i'm farting in here and it smells okay all right take it easy all right michelle got some cash back ugh all right roll oh this is very likely have you thought about upgrading this is very likely what happened what's happening to land on one of my things oh yes three five or six three five four six six six oh [ __ ] you lucky piece of [ __ ] at least you're safe dash [ __ ] at least you're safe no you're not safe in jail probably nobody's safe in jail okay four what's a four it's a five it's a five but i meant like four into the next part of the board i don't know why anyone would have inferred that though i should say what makes sense from now on is that one of yours no that's what it is oh my god michelle [Music] make a [ __ ] miss piggy noise yes i was saying you're full on miss piggy you get over there come on land it on go all right huh great okay okay okay hold on cash money let's see where michelle is at okay okay i've got properties there i've got properties yup all right let's see if we can make this happen this is starting to turn into a real battle between you and michelle all right land on a yellow land on a yellow come on come on come on come on my dad's name is randall stevenson randall's david said brando steven said you [ __ ] legendary sucker of croc oh please not a three oh okay okay i'll take a community chest i'm so tense right now no oh my god for [ __ ] sake man fine yes shut the [ __ ] up you smarmy bastard oh man call for some jerk there's like nothing but haymakers on the board rolling it's like rocky iv in the fight with ivan drago where any of those punches landing would cause immediate and permanent brain damage dude this [ __ ] magenta [ __ ] is oh that's the one that doesn't have the money on it yes nice i can't pay 20 dollars oh my god jesus christ here we go yep i'll take the hundo i'm good i'm good all right good and uh-huh boom baby all right michelle show me what you show me got you got god damn it this [ __ ] cat is so sly so smooth you're gonna buy that property i think he is kill oxford yeah just take it i don't i don't i don't want to [ __ ] wow excellent wow this [ __ ] this goddamn cat's property board looks like the [ __ ] rainbow after a sunny rain [Laughter] oh god all right that's good healthily inching your way down the board staying safe you own that prop yeah wearing a mask all right michelle see what you got oh christ oh man there's a chance i just want the nearest utility you own those oh no no you passed my [ __ ] properties oh no no i'm gonna [ __ ] scream is that you hitting the table i could hear it from here yeah i was hitting a chair i have to pee so bad just [ __ ] let me kill you or you kill me i just want to be able to go back to my life and pee in a toilet like a normal person is that so wrong no can do oh my god nein that's one of michelle's mortgage properties let's roll the dice time to play oh damn oh dude like [ __ ] you i thought it was gonna be a seven go to hell you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] kitty cat [ __ ] boner boner did you say yeah yeah boner that's what i said i'm gonna roll a three watch this oh my god oh that's even worse oh worse but i can't read the market something because i don't have three dollars i can't even panhandle in the streets holy crap oh god you would have had three dollars but you made that three dollar exchange with michelle oh my god you're so right well i guess it was just a net loss of two but still i'm just gonna mortgage all this [ __ ] and then just try to make some more haymakers okay i'm not gonna bloodlet i'm gonna [ __ ] go for the big swings all right where are they okay so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so you know what i'm gonna i'd drop it on the blue the light blue yeah yeah yeah wait on the light blue yeah just make that a murderer's um all right let's but they're not here right now oh yeah i see what you mean one two three four so if they roll a four which is more common a four or nine i think they're about the same um all right all right i like your style and then i'll [ __ ] right here what what do you mean i don't have enough money to buy more bills it's 200 [ __ ] all right i'll just buy it here um all right all right michelle show me what you got so we want a three or a four a four preferably oh okay that's an eight that's two fours so he's this [ __ ] cat is so damn lucky right now you got twice your wish you got two fours aaron congratulations that's a 10. it's my property [Applause] all right okay okay okay okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go all out baby this is war i already did [ __ ] all right let's see how the the dice roll he's just gonna get a nine and land perfectly on the space oh nope oh you wrote it's a railroad nice nice it's mortgaged and he has to roll again okay well mortgaged all right roller 12 roll 12 roll of 12. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12. then let him win that's the only thing i want less ten dollars a hundred dollars negative fifty billion dollars okay dude this is a war this is a financial war for the ages it's just it's [ __ ] rules that's all it is it's just roles i mean that's all any board game is yeah but we're like not making any decisions or like strategies or whatever it's just like yeah but the strategies are already in place and now oh god oh god 10. [ __ ] i swear to god i swear to [ __ ] christ i'll kill you i'll kill everything about you he's going [Laughter] what the [ __ ] man jesus holy [ __ ] and now i've got this purple [ __ ] death trap in front of me right after you just put up those beautiful hotels [ __ ] you passed it you did it something good is gonna happen oh great i can't see it i can actually hear how angrily you're hitting the keys on the keyboard it's just like tack tack this [ __ ] is gonna stay in jail for three turns this is [ __ ] ridiculous of course he's been in jail like half this game oh holy [ __ ] oh another one of his stupid [ __ ] properties looks like i owe him 18 bucks what am i going to do goodness good [ __ ] jail oh my god you [ __ ] christmas clowns oh my god hey no that's great that's great i mean can i collect money while i'm in jail uh i can't remember i know we found out last time but i don't remember what the answer was you gotta get out of jail you [ __ ] gotta pay the toll i hope you're feeling lucky yes hey [Music] okay awesome [ __ ] yeah that's the game ender baby i don't know i think he can survive it well of course he can survive it but will he thrive it okay all right awesome the only downside is it doesn't go to you whatever well i just mean like if you land on one of his haymakers he'll recover very quickly that's okay fair enough but still that's good that's good he has less properties now for sure man he absorbed that kind of no problem all right i don't have paces for this and i don't want to find out the hard way that i don't make money in jail right of course you need a big number all right good that'll get you there boom jams all right dude my life insurance is maturing like whoa it's a good time to die also there was a joey reference yes but joey from blossom not joey from friends right great and not joey from the kangaroo farm nevermind [Laughter] dude i know so stupid high roll high roll oh my god i think that's really yes i think that's a hit oh my [ __ ] god but he still had to mortgage another property fine die please he's god this is this is pretty [ __ ] epic i gotta tell you dude like i oh damn it i've been out of this game for like half an hour and i'm riveted oh here we go nope you're all right perhaps you should manage your portfolio all right you [ __ ] cat you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] four four roll four oh oh you got it oh thank god i don't think that's much but it's enough it's like 150 or 130 130. oh thank god 130 bucks that is good that's good for me which is spanish for the bonker [Laughter] three three three three three three what is that oh that's far more than three but that oh no that's a community chest oh no no oh he owns it dang oh gosh this is honestly pretty even yeah i guess so well you sound so dejected for someone for one of the only two people that can win this well i just you know i just wanted to be a landslide it always is in the end slowly making money nice consultant thing consultancy consultants i i would like to think that i have a higher price than that but here it is here it is three five or six [Laughter] my god oh my god jesus please we're going to die it's your turn all right let me okay yeah i'm just going to roll [ __ ] [ __ ] it up that's landing right on go baby oh nice okay cool all right all right all right there's no way i'm rolling a three famous last words time to put some stuff on some things yup i'm definitely going to put some stuff on some things oh wow i'm out of money okay that was all right risky maneuver but it can be done all right let's [ __ ] do it come on nope just get threading the house one again get the house one again oh [ __ ] from what being an [ __ ] you come from a long line of [ __ ] michelle oh boy oh man they unmortgaged park place that's kind of a weird move but yeah i swear to god if you roll a three i'm gonna [ __ ] scream okay wait that's mine yeah i wish you would have rolled that all right now's the moment of truth baby is it come on yeah you can roll a 10 or 11 or 12 or just a 10 or 12. all right seven is also within the realm of possibility sure maybe it's time to manage your portfolio oh fine forgetting about that red property there yeah it's not good there's a lot of not goodness oh dear oh my god oh that's not good oh no that's the one that doesn't have houses on it oh thank god oh my god aaron holy [ __ ] this game is so epic you can't pay the twenty dollars you're constantly 30 cents short of oh never mind i can't even speak right now i gotta sell a house for two dollars all right man if i ever have to sell a house for two to make two dollars because i can't afford it i'm gonna go to the bank and be like you guys are sticklers uh i'll go outside right now and beg someone for two dollars jesus please perhaps i'll just complain that i didn't get my chips on postmates and they'll refund me that much [Laughter] three three three three three three that's not a three that's a five that's 11. significantly more than a three that's a railroad that's mortgaged oh i can't [ __ ] believe this game dude this is unreal this is unreal of course i land on my [ __ ] yeah all the time and he lands on his [ __ ] all the time this is a [ __ ] war it's like mad max fury road and you're probably fighting for the water it's like dude and battling for the space oh dear now he's going to start buying [ __ ] yes he is oh oh no oh no those are expensive props dude wow two on park place i mean on boardwalk rather i'm gonna [ __ ] fillet this cat [Music] oh he just put those there oh god oh that's so cruel i think you can survive it i i think you could get away with this one because you you have so many houses it's not ideal admittedly it's not ideal okay oh lord okay relaxing island music is really pissing me off oh that's not great that's not great but maybe he rolls it he right here maybe he gets out lands on a hotel sure yeah i'm sure he will nope yep got right past it just like he always [ __ ] does now he's gonna buy a bunch of [ __ ] with all his money yes he is oh god boardwalk is popping right now what the [ __ ] is the point even well why do you put things on hard all the time this is what happens i'm hard don't tell me that please why can't the game be hard i just want a nice little challenge with my friends oh [ __ ] we're done we're done no no no no you're alive you're alive what do you mean i'm alive you're good you're good sell one house and you're fine okay you're good back in the game [Laughter] i don't know i don't want to see you like give up when you could still pull out an amazing victory yo this [ __ ] cat is never going to let me live maybe maybe maybe the bad one again oh yeah that's the bad one yep yeah you hate you love it stop buying stuff stop buying stuff i need that money for me why not me [Laughter] why always me and sometimes why okay is it safe can't wait to land on one of the magentas and lose the game that yeah that probably will be the end but in the b type let's see if he he [ __ ] it up nope he snuck through yet again what do the cards have to say st charles played past my [ __ ] properties oh my lord oh god [Applause] oh [ __ ] dude it's your turn the [ __ ] is wrong with this [ __ ] game dude oh that's gonna do it that's good that's that's all right that's that's probably gonna i that that was like god dates me i do like that you decided to like jump jive and wail your way over there even though you're about to owe seven hundred dollars you know what i love life let's just see if you can make it don't declare bankruptcy just yet let's just see no what the [ __ ] is the point i don't know i just want to see i've invested so much time and all of my properties and your success all right well you know what let's uh let's just destroy all value i've ever had just just just watch it crumble wow you had a lot of money yup it's not enough though 700. you're your hotel yeah the one thing that's gonna make me money cool right now i have the potential to earn forty dollars holy can't wait to see how that turns out oh my god so funny i cannot believe this cat has not landed on a single [ __ ] light blue on anything now he will because like it's perf nope yeah like advance the blue properties [ __ ] and it's gonna be like [ __ ] good time the the the way it made you advance to boardwalk right after he put two incredibly expensive houses on boardwalk was kind of amazing like what do you want me to do man do you want me to just roll until i land on something that kills me no i i suppose i suppose this is it i i thought maybe once you sold all your properties you'd still have like a couple hundred bucks and could maybe like work your way back into the game but this is looking pretty brutal [ __ ] limping my way out of this hey hey here we go i bet a bond is gonna mature things are looking up oh good job michael michelle i guess it's french for michael god an hour and 17 minutes wow you came in fourth oh cool yeah what are you how do they come in fourth i don't know i i don't know how i got second i was surely not deserving oh my god all right well guys wait did did we get objectives nice this is chivo's collecting all right no okay make a token fall on the board we've almost got the gold medal with that one hell yeah all right next time yeah that was uh you did a good job you feel proud you feel strong no do you feel terrible do you feel pained and emasculated yes dope well i had fun and and i like i wonder if that if anyone who keeps track of these sorts of things can you tell us if that was the longest period between one of us going out and the other actually finishing the game i think because i was gone for like a good if we go three episodes with this like i'm gone for the entire third episode yeah well but it was worth it see y'all later friends all right goodbye everyone goodbye farewell all right all right i gotta [ __ ] go to the bathroom good work dude god
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 317,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, monopoly plus, monopoly plus xbox one, monopoly plus ps4, monopoly plus gameplay, monopoly plus review, monopoly plus ssundee, monopoly plus pc, monopoly plus music, monopoly plus trailer, monopoly plus ps4 uplay not working, monopoly plus strategy, monopoly plus xbox, monopoly plus xbox one glitch, monopoly plus soundtrack
Id: LFZp28codcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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