Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Mac Powell: Drive-In Theater Tour 2020

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[Music] not to sound cheesy but i really am a huge fan of michaels and steven and i've had the great fortune of not only being a fan of theirs but later on becoming a friend of theirs as well and so i can attest to not only are they great men and great songwriters uh great artists but they're great people off stage as well as on stage and so we get to live that out uh on this tour we you know share things with one another encourage one another and as i'm listening through to all the songs through the night it wasn't it wasn't a lot of rehearsal time for me because i knew these songs i can sing along i had most of them memorized by heart because they're great those are two great guys of course they are legends uh that i look up to even now even more now that i know them more i think sort of the magical part of the night just we're all up there the whole time you know and singing on each other's songs and it's kind of a no-brainer honestly so and i'm glad we could find a way to get out and sing for the people in the midst of this crazy pandemic and i think everybody's loving it they're literally two of my kind of brothers you know from different mothers and so when we when someone threw this idea at me to get the three of us together i was like you tell me where to be and when to be there and i would love to so it's been and as excited as i was and as fun as i thought it was going to be it's been it's been exponentially better it really has i think the people have been loving it everybody's just so excited to be out and about and listening to music worshiping together fellowship and socially distanced of course but it's been amazing it's been so fun i love just getting to be in you know mac powell and michael w smith's band i don't know they can't fire me because my name's on the marquee too so otherwise i'm not sure if if i'd still had the gig but it's been so great [Music] you guys excited cause we are let's settle up head out on a great adventure club started out this morning in the usual way [Music] chance and thoughts inside my head with all i have to do today [Music] pal you and me said we'd all been prisoner god's grace is set us all free somewhere between the pages come on let's go [Music] [Music] is [Music] this is a great adventure yeah yeah yeah come on [Music] religion [Music] [Music] horizons [Music] amazing grace [Music] this is a great adventure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right come on clap your hands everybody y'all sing it with us if you know here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh yes how we doing out here tonight you guys sound amazing you sound almost as excited as we are about being here tonight with you [Music] and being on the road again it's been a little while so thank y'all for coming out we got a little something special for you to celebrate us being on the road again so y'all sing along if you know this one all right ready here we go fellas on the road again i just can't wait to get on the road again the life i love is making music with my friends i can't wait to get on the road again on the [Music] i can't wait to get on the road again [Music] insisting that the world keeps turning our way [Music] the life i love is making music with my friends i can't wait to get on the road again [Music] insisting that the world keeps turning our way and our way on the road again i just can't wait to get on the road i love is again music with my friends i can't wait to get on the road then one more time i can't wait to get on the road again [Applause] [Music] all right everybody put your hands together [Music] till i am so long [Music] [Music] till i have a soul [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i want everybody here tonight to lift your hands up high this is going to be our prayer tonight the singing spirit and the let truth burn for you again let me return to you let me return to you again [Music] for you [Music] me again to you again put your hands together come on [Music] i'm waiting for the day [Music] oh [Music] on mac pal [Applause] all right i'm going to take you back to the go west young men record this place in this world the wind is moving but i am standing still the life of pages waiting to be filled a heart that's so full a head that's full of dreams but this becoming is harder than it seems it feels like i'm looking for a reason to roll me through the night to find my place in this world [Music] my face is [Music] [Music] down on their knees among the many how can you still hear me hear me asking where do i belong is there a vision that i can call my own should a be through the night to find my place in this world my place in this world [Music] my place in this world [Music] to find my [Music] is [Music] mr michael w smith you guys good having a good time thus far all right hey uh we we're gonna need a lot of help from you tonight singing and you guys sound like you're ready for that you've already been singing with us and clapping your hands this one is got some audience participation in it so everybody do this and uh the words are very easy on this one your part is maybe another o in there somewhere i'm not sure all right y'all got it come on here we go tell me there's a day ahead saying god please take all of me and fill me take me come on [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] right take these words [Music] stand right here in my place [Music] [Music] take me over well uh i grew up in a little little town uh in alabama and uh you know i grew up singing in choir and church when i was a kid and if you had told me that one day i would get to share the stage with stephen curtis chapman and michael w smith i would have told you who's stephen curry's chapman and michael w smith because i didn't they didn't have records out at that time but but a few years later and i don't know if y'all understand i don't know i don't know if you fully grasp that when you come to this show tonight this drive-in theater tour show that you're seeing tonight on this stage not one but two living legends of christian music here tonight y'all you know that [Applause] you got not one but two guys who have written so many number one hits and and they're two of the greatest singer songwriters in the history of all of christian music y'all come on get loud for them come on you got two guys up here when you come to this show tonight you got two guys up on this stage that if you were to put their duff awards and their grammy awards and their american music awards and their gold records and platinum all the accolades and that and put them on the stage they wouldn't even fit on this stage tonight i mean literally two legends here tonight that you get to see at the drive-in theater tour and on behalf of me and michael we want to thank stephen for being here with us tonight too thank you stephen kirk just an honor to stand on stage with the legendary backpack but we took like a lot of ideas from steven a lot of ideas from michael a lot of my songs we put them up on a board you know a little card white uh index cards and we threw darts and wherever those darts land that's the songs we're going to do that was by far the toughest part of this tour for sure because we were all looking at each other going well you got to do this this and this and this and this and this and this you know and we got i think we had like 87 songs you know that we wanted to play um like a song a minute one minute per song you know it's about all we have i think that's probably the hardest part probably for all of us you know is that we we're not gonna get to everything there's just no time you know when you got three artists on stage so you just try to you know we just did our gave it a big college try and just try to figure out what what's good for the night you know you know what are some of the signature songs that people absolutely absolutely want to hear i mean we're going through 30 years of music from the three of us and i think when people come here tonight and the times that we're living in it's kind of there's some sadness and there's some struggle but my hope is that people can hear these songs it can remind them whether it was a song from last year or 20 years ago or 30 years ago of these good times that we've had together listening to music like going to concerts being together as brothers and sisters and and celebrating this is a this is a song that uh me and the guys in third day took a few years ago and changed it around a little bit but one of these old school hymns that i grew up singing in church and uh i love modern worship music but i hope we as a church don't forget about these great classic hymns that have been passed down to us through the years this is mine [Music] salvation through jesus of god of his spirit [Music] this is my song [Music] raising my savior all the day this is my story this is my song raising my singer [Music] this is my story this is my song praising myself praising my savior all the days [Music] this is there is hope for the helpless [Music] there is grace and forgiveness mercy and healing [Music] jesus [Music] christ [Music] grace and forgiveness there is grace and forgiveness mercy and healing he'll meet you wherever you are cry out to jesus [Music] cry out to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] above all powers above all kings above all nature and all created things above all wisdom and all the ways [Music] above all kingdoms above all thrones above all wonders the world has ever known above all wealth and treasures up there's no way to measure what you're worth [Music] trampled on the ground and you took the fall [Music] above all power [Music] [Music] of all kingdoms [Music] of all wonders this world has ever known [Music] above all wealth treasures [Music] there's no way to measure [Music] trampled on the ground and you took the fall and thought of me [Music] above [Music] rejected trip on the ground [Music] above [Music] very good [Music] [Music] you are here you're moving in i worship you i worship you you are here you're working in this place i worship you i worship you [Music] my god that is who you are [Music] who you are [Music] you [Music] we [Music] my god that is [Music] that is who you are [Music] is yes it is [Music] that is who you are [Music] and all god's people said amen is it not just such an incredible incredible blessing and a gift to be able to come tonight together and just sing and declare and celebrate what is true to just know this is the truth because it has been such a this season of life for our world our nation for all of our families it's just been such a crisis of i feel like of just truth what is true what's even really going on because you can't tell you hear so many different versions of the truth you know coming at you from all sides and so tonight we get to come and remember it is true that our world is there is a great darkness and confusion and chaos and craziness going on and it's devastated so many and maybe some of you your lives have been devastated economically financially maybe even some of you've lost loved ones you've suffered with an illness you've just you've felt it personally and that is all true jesus said in this world we will have trouble right but then he also said but take heart remember i've overcome this world so put your hope and your trust in me because i am the way the truth the life i'm not going to leave you forsake you i'm going to be faithful i'm going to be a waymaker i will light up the darkness because it's been so dark but he lights the darkness sometimes it's just one step at a time but as we trust him right and so we get to sing that and celebrate it so that's what is most true right so it's true that you know this world is it's crazy right now but what is ultimately true is what we get to sing and celebrate tonight that our god is he's a waymaker and that he is with us and he's for us so so thankful for that and so glad we get to do that with you guys tonight on this amazing beautiful incredible night that god has given us thank you so much for that father um so there's no way we're going to get all the songs that we wanted to sing tonight it's just impossible we made a set list i told michael and mac because i'm big biggest fans of both these guys that like you here's here's about 25 songs you each need to sing and there's there's no way they could get to those plus at least a few that i was hoping to sing but there are a few that we have to do tonight and this one is one i really have to do for a few reasons but mainly because in about one week um actually next week next tuesday i will celebrate 36 years of marriage to my very best friend the love of my life mary beth and i will celebrate 36 years what in the world how did that happen partly because we got married when i was 12 because we're like very young and i'm from kentucky and all that stuff so um no not true but we did get we did get married young but 36 years um i married uh a girl that i met at my mailbox in college some of you all know that we met in indiana uh at our mailbox at anderson college and um because her last name started with a c the same letters man in fact her last name was chapman when i met her so i married a girl with the same last name which is kind of weird unless you're from kentucky and it wasn't that strange but just kidding sorry um but this is a song i wrote for my for my wife about 30 years ago actually and um it's been a very special song even though it was born out of a really dark time and it's a good reminder to me and maybe for all of us that out of these really dark times god is working he's always at work even when we can't feel it and can't see it and this song came out of my mom and dad going through a divorce and it was a devastating time uh in my my life mary beth and i have been married already a few years and it was the first really of many many very dark valleys we would go through together tomorrow morning if you wake up and the sun does not appear i i will be here [Music] if in the dark we lose sight of love hold my hand have no fear cause i i will be here i will be here when you feel like being quiet when you need to speak your mind i will listen and i will be here when the laughter turns to crying [Music] tomorrow morning if you wake up and the future is unclear i i will be here [Music] just as sure as the seasons were made for change our lifetimes were made for these years so i [Music] will be here i will be here so you can cry on my shoulder when the mirror tells us i will hold you and i will be to watch you grow in beauty and tell you all the things you mean to me i will be here [Music] i will be true to the promise i have made to you and you the one who gave [Music] me [Music] i will be here and just as sure as the seasons were made for change our lifetimes were made for these years i will be here we'll be together yes we will cause i will be here i will be [Applause] thank you got a lot of friends in south carolina song's for you all tonight so packing up the dreams god planted in the fertile soil of you i can't believe the hopes he's granted means a chapter in your life is through but we'll keep you close as always it won't even see you've gone cause our hearts in big and small ways will keep the love that keeps us strong and friends are friends forever if the lord's the lord of them and a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end though it's hard to let you go in the father's hands we know that a lifetime's not too long to live as friends and with the faith and love god's given springing from the hope we know we will pray the joy you're living here's the strength that now you show who will keep your clothes as always it won't even sing you go because our hearts in big and small ways [Music] will keep the love that keeps us strong all right south carolina pour out those cell phones let's light up the sky and friends of friends forever if the lord's the lord of a friend them not say never cause the welcome will not end though it's hard to let you go in the father's hands we know that a lifetime's not too long to live as friends and friends forever [Music] we know that [Music] [Music] to live as friends michael w smith [Applause] all right okay you guys uh will you'll help us on another one um i need a little help on this i think since we are at the drive-in i got this idea oh come on that maybe we um no i don't know maybe we dive in since we're at the drive-in what do y'all think you're feeling it come on here we go [Music] everybody [Music] long awaited rangers falling hard upon the thirsty ground called the waiter with a while and rushing a river can be found and like the rains i have been carried here to where the river flows my heart is racing and my knees are weak as i walk to the edge i know there is no turning back but once my fitted left village and in the rush i hear a voice telling me it's time to take the leap of bed so here i go the river's deep the river is [Music] [Applause] there's a supernatural power in this mighty river's flow it can bring the dead to life we can feel an empty soul and give our heart the only thing we're living and worth [Music] we will never know the awesome power of the grace of god till we let ourselves get swept away into this holy blood if you take my hand we'll close our eyes count to three take the [Music] [Music] the river is [Music] [Applause] oh y'all singing with us come over here [Music] come on [Music] [Music] mr stephen curtis chapman yeah whoa i'm guessing south carolina i think even though that's an amazing song i love that song i love steven's playing and singing in that song really we we all up on this stage we know and i want to share the information with you in case you missed it the greatest part of that song really is mr chris liedecker on the drums the very last ronnie does come on chris show the people there it is right there ladies and gentlemen well i tell you what uh most of you you know i was joking earlier about the legends but we also we we all know that the real legends are stephen curtis and michael w smith most of you don't know who mack powell is but i sang for a band for about 25 years called third day yeah i see it always happens i say that and there's always some dude over here going oh the third day guy okay now i got it yeah yeah i thought i recognized that voice but anyway i'm gonna do an old school third day song for you guys is one of my favorite that we ever recorded and i hope you like it too but i don't love to explain it but i know the words [Music] don't you know i've always loved you even before you turn away [Music] i want y'all to sing this a little bit later it goes like this [Music] mr stephen curtis on the second verse [Music] please [Music] that he would do anything and that's what i'm gonna do [Music] don't you know [Music] it'd be awesome if we could get the drive-in theater to require to sing together are you all ready let's sing it one two [Music] three don't you know i've always loved you i'm [Music] here [Music] don't you know i always loved you but even before there was don't you know i've always loved you [Music] what can't i always [Music] i've always loved you [Music] yeah mike powell i love that song so much you know mac and i um had the i had the privilege of touring with mac and the third day fellers a few years ago with the sec 3d tour which was so awesome he played guitar for third day i did yeah i did i auditioned for like 15 years finally passed the audition um i kept slipping him 20 though i think that had something to do with it finally he just had to um had to hire me but um it was it was a wonderful time toured with with michael on the united tour about 10 years ago that was amazing so it's just so great uh so fun for us to get to be back together these are two of really two of my best buds uh in the world great great men as great as their music is their their lives their hearts um as dads as husbands as followers of jesus uh are even better than the music so it's good that you can hear that from somebody who's lived with them who knows them very well and mac and i share a lot in common love for a particular school for one thing in the state of alabama we can't say here in south carolina no no no they're not bad that's where my daughter goes to school and um but also um and speaking of of daughter and and sons and and daughters uh in my case daughters and mac's son and daughter uh that came to be a part of our family through the miracle of adoption which has transformed our lives our family's life and uh from hearing mac tell me and he and his bride amy uh were partly inspired and encouraged by hearing our story of adoption that so many of you heard us tell over the years um to to open their hearts uh to that to praying about it and then god has done an amazing thing in their family as well so it's uh it's been such a a huge i think for for both of us you know we both say the music we write the songs everything just the you know the depth of understanding of the grace of god um has become so much more tangible with the miracle of adoption because that is our story that's the story of the gospel is an adoption story the god of the universe calling us his sons and daughters what an amazing incredible awesome thing how great the love is the father has lavished on us that we would be called the children of god so um you know our story i'm the dad of six kids my my uh daughter emily and then caleb and will franklin uh our as we say are our natural children then we have our supernatural children my wife likes to say and um uh caleb and emily and will um were our first three we thought we were done a lot of you've heard me say that you know i would often talk about my three kids and say you know their nicknames are eenie meenie and miney and we're not gonna have no mo right you've heard that probably um because we were done but god had much much more planned for us as it turns out now johanna uh 20 years ago we adopted her in 2000. and she's 21 years old now um stevie joy is 18. we're gonna be 18 next week and then maria sue our youngest has been with jesus for 12 years now and um so anyway it's just been such a huge part of our life not only that but we've also out of that got to start something called show hope um that has just been for about 16 17 years now putting wind in the sails of people who are on the adoption journey or maybe considering it or praying about it that's kind of how it began just with this hope that we could help a few families that said we'd love to adopt we just can't afford it and we we dreamt of helping maybe a hundred and god has allowed us through amazing support to be able to help almost 7 000 families bring children home from 63 different countries all over the world into christian families and then send them out into the world with the miracle you know that their lives represent so it's been an amazing amazing thing and i share that with you because tonight um there's a little uh brochure maybe in your in your packet as you drove in about the work of show hope and if you or anyone you know has ever considered adoption um and it's such a such a need there's still 15 million children without either parent in the world uh half a million here in the u.s and so there's opportunity all around us to do true religion as god calls it james 1 27 and shoho has a website called howtoad.org which takes you through all the steps and and then we exist to really support families financially especially but just to encourage and cheer you on um to equip the people around you so if you know of someone or you've considered it just come check us out come visit us showhope.org or howtoadop.org we'd love to just cheer you on and and encourage you in that process in several different ways and also the great work of food for the hungry tonight which show started our story began with uh our daughter emily going on a trip with an organization like food for the hungry getting a chance to be exposed to the need that is in our world and it broke her heart and that's how our whole journey started so i love this work of food for the hungry we get to be the hands and feet of jesus and we get to be invited into what god is doing in the world right now because there is a day coming and listen we need to remember this when the word orphan the word needy the word virus the word pandemic all of those words are going to be erased from our vocabulary right that is the promise of god it really is true that he's going to wipe every tear from our eyes from every eye that day is coming so for right now we have just a little while to do something with what he's entrusted to us whatever it is our lives our time our our money to to just to build his kingdom and that's where the joy is that's where the the life is that he came for us to have right so um tonight i want to i want to sing this song that's inspired by my two youngest daughters this song wouldn't exist apart from the miracle of adoption which is one of the kind of many side notes i guess of our story because i wrote this song for my two little girls uh stevie joy and maria one night when they wanted to dance with me and it was late and i was tired and i didn't dance with him that night and um i got him in bed i was like just go to bed it's too late go to sleep and then i felt very very guilty very sad after i sat down to go to work kind of get some stuff done and uh i thought i missed a moment god gave me this moment with my little girls they wanted to dance with me and they once upon a time didn't even have a dad to dance with and i you know it was just like all this shame and guilt and sadness so i wrote a song you know because that's what we do often when we need to remember something us guys up here um especially for me so i wrote a song that night called cinderella just trying to remember not to miss the moments that god would give me um obviously not knowing at all that i would only have about a year and a half before maria would go be with jesus and uh in may of 2008 thank you for praying for me and my family um for all these years i know many of you have and it's part of why i'm standing here still singing these songs believing it with my confident but broken heart that god is good and and faithful and the story is not over yet and that's why i sing this song still and and i want to sing it tonight because it helps me remember and i hope it'll just encourage you to remember that god is working in all things he's not going to waste anything he's working all things together for his glory and for our good as we trust him and that's that's saying a lot because there's some hard things i know that we that we carry but if we trust him with it i know and believe that he is ultimately going to finish the work he started he's going to restore all the broken things he's going to make all the sad things come untrue and wipe every tear from our eyes and so while i'm waiting for that day i have the hope of that day to to bring in to this day in this moment and so i want to sing this song and remember that i'm gonna dance again with my little girl and so uh you guys uh this is cinderella she spins and she sways to whatever song plays without a care in the world and i'm sitting here where [Music] it's been a long day and there's still work to do she's pulling at me [Music] and i've been invited and i need to practice my dancing oh please daddy please so i will dance with cinderella while she's here in my own [Music] cinderella i don't wanna miss even one song it's all too soon the clock will strike midnight and she'll be gone she says he's a nice guy and i'd be impressed and she wants to know if i approve of the dress she says that the prom is just one week away and i need to practice my dancing oh please daddy please so i will [Music] the prince never knew [Music] the clock will strike midnight and shoot [Music] oh well she came home today with a ring on her head just glowing and telling us all they had planned is she says that the wedding was six months away and i need to practice my dancing oh please daddy please so i will dance with cinderella [Music] cause i know something the prince never knew [Music] if midnight [Music] but i know the truth is the dance will go on thank you so much i forget what year it was but steven and i had done like close to 70 or 80 shows together in in two back-to-back uh tours a few years back and i left the stage every single time that he played cinderella because i don't want y'all to see my ugly cry it's a beautiful song uh this is the scariest part of the night for me you know and i really like i when we whenever i do video stuff whenever i'm performing and there's there's the red lights on for the video cameras it like scares me to death so i'm like really freaking out here tonight not only that but now we're doing a scary scary part of the night for me which is request time so i'm going to take a request of anything that maybe you wanted to hear me sing tonight stephen's going to take a request michael's going to take a request so let's just hear it oh they they they made a sign not only did they make a sign they put lights on it all lit up that is impressive i don't i don't remember it i can't play [Music] is i can't believe i got that children we've much redeemed we've been forgiven we are the saints we're the children we are the saints we are the children we've been redeemed [Music] all right when smitty i really know it well it's a birthday request my birthday request [Music] how many times it has never [Music] away [Music] yes to be [Applause] [Music] passed me by and i sing and see if there was something in their eyes but they all look back at me is it to say life just goes on [Music] make the most of your own journey from the cradle to the grave and dream your dreams tomorrow because today life just goes on and on and on [Music] more than these eyes alone can see and there's more than this life alone can be [Music] thank y'all all right michael come over here i i heard hey i heard a kentucky rose that's one of my favorites oh my gosh hundreds hundreds everybody's speaking in tongues [Music] this is here i breathe your holy presence living in me can you sing it this is my daily bread this is my daily bread [Music] spoken to me [Music] and i'm desperate for you [Music] and [Music] rain is falling down i'm not afraid i'm not afraid the healing rain has fallen down even rain is falling down i'm not afraid i'm not afraid walking around these walls i thought by now they'd fall [Music] but you would never fail me waiting for change to come [Music] knowing the battle's one for you have never felt me yet [Music] your promise still stands great is your faithfulness your faithful [Music] i know the night won't last i know the night won't last your world will come to pass my heart will shake your praise again jesus keep me within your love [Music] your promise still stands great is your [Music] this is [Music] me you never failed me yet you never failed me all right churchill you're ready we're going in [Music] he's never found us [Music] [Music] me [Music] where there was no way do it again [Music] [Applause] this is our battles [Music] this is how i find my battle [Music] this is how i find my battles this is how i find my battle in 2020 it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you may look like i was around you but i'm surrounded by you you may look like cows [Music] this is how [Music] this is [Music] but i'm surrounded by you you [Music] around [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] god of wonders beyond our galaxy [Music] the universe declares [Music] oh [Music] lord of our creation the lord of our creation of water earth and sky blue water earth and sky the heavens are your tabernacle glory to the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] early in the morning [Applause] beyond our galaxy [Music] me [Music] of heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] worship the god of wonders tonight he is holy and he is worthy of all on [Music] earth [Music] oh reveal your heart to me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] tearing [Music] hallelujah [Music] worthy is the land [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you [Music] ah [Music] for the lord god almighty reigns [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] what is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] let's pray together father we are so thankful tonight for this amazing privilege of calling you father the god of the universe the god of wonders and yet of all of the amazing breathtaking wonders that you have done god the fact that we can come together tonight knowing that when when we gather in your name that you come to meet with us because you delight in us that you love us that you pursue us that you've shown your love to us in the gift of your son jesus that you didn't hold anything back in your love for us god it's it's more than we can comprehend we say the words and we just ask you for hearts that could be enlarged to really grasp the depth and the width and the height and the breadth of this amazing love from you the god of the universe god of wonders we worship you we bless your name we praise you we thank you thank you that you are the way and the truth and the life that we can know truth god it's crazy what's going on in our world right now we pray for peace we pray for you have mercy god on our land and our nation our world [Music] and god come through us just to love each other with the love that you have poured out on us lavished on us and send us from here tonight encouraged hopeful lord let your grace strengthen us away from fear fear of what's going to happen fear of the unknown to know that we are in the palm of your hand our names are engraved in the palms of your hand so we worship you great is your grace how great is your might how great is your love and how great is your faithfulness to us in jesus name great is thy faithfulness greatest thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see you know it all i have [Music] greatness thy faithfulness greatness thy faithfulness greatness like faithfulness may the lord bless you and keep you or make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countless upon you and give you peace and may he just give you an abundance of favor for the days ahead and i believe in the midst of a as a crazy year as stephen has mentioned and i believe our best days are ahead amen and amen i pray this in the name of yahshua in jesus name and all god's people said [Music] amen thank y'all so much if you've been encouraged tonight have you enjoyed this time because we have loved it so much hey you got time for one more if we go real quick can we do one more because we need to introduce this unbelievable fan up here these guys are incredible musicians incredible guys so will you guys help us thank them show them some love first of all on the drums mr chris light echo everybody and on the bass guitar one of my best buddies in the world an amazing friend an incredible musician record producer songwriter he does it all please say hello to mr brent bill again [Music] and mr on the keyboards the incredible mr jim daniker everybody all right y'all sing this with me [Music] [Music] a picture this i act like nothing ever happened to bury all the money in a coffee camp well i've been given more than reaches never give away i was a dead man who's got to come out of my i think it's time we're gonna make a little noise in south carolina y'all ready come on let's wake the neighbors get the word out come on break up the music [Music] come on [Applause] sing it with us is [Music] [Music] come [Music] is ah [Applause] [Music] god bless your thank you so get much everybody you
Channel: 3rdDayRocker
Views: 44,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0A-0hTPdaBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 14sec (6074 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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