Michael Jackson Memorial Service 1958-2009 (4K)

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I've only ever seen this once, live on the day.

I don't think I could watch it again.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/d49k 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
online lottery beating out more than one-and-a-half million who also tried an overflow crowd of more than 6,500 meanwhile we'll be watching across the way on a widescreen video screen at the Nokia Theatre and all over the world people are watching on television and in theaters what they and we will all see includes performances by Stevie Wonder Mariah Carey U-sher, Lionel Richie, Kobe Bryant Jennifer Hudson, John Mayer and Queen Latifah many other celebrities will be in attendance but also of note who we won't see Michael Jackson's good friend Elizabeth Taylor who used Twitter yesterday to say quote she can't be part of the public hoopla in quote and she also said he would understand her feelings because she didn't want to share her grief with millions of people also absent today Beyonce Justin Timberlake as well as Jackson's ex-wives Lisa Marie Presley and Debbie Rowe who said she didn't want to distract from the service let's go to Bill Whitaker who is standing by at Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills bill tell us what transpired there already this morning good morning Katie the Jackson family held its private service here just a short while ago it was a relatively short service about an hour before they headed downtown for the big public tribute at the Staples Center but here at Forest Lawn was the family's time away from the spotlight to say their final quiet farewell it was before 8:00 this morning when the funeral cortege left Jackson's parents home in Encino under the watchful eye of fans and police making its way to the Hall of Liberty here at Forest Lawn last night a casket believed to be Jackson's was delivered to the hall an intimate group of family and friends gathered here among them Michael Jackson's sister Latoya and brother Randy they were back again today this time with Jackson's parents children and other family and friends for a final private service many entertainment luminaries are buried here at this Hollywood Hills final resting place including Mae West and Betty Davis Stan Laurel and Sammy Davis Liberace Lucille Ball and just recently at McMahon now before Michael Jackson is buried here his body goes downtown to the big tribute the big public tribute at the Staples Center now the court has departed the cemetery about a half hour ago limousines private cars 37 and all with a huge police escort all going along the freeways here of Los Angeles to the tribute downtown but now the private service is over and Michael Jackson once again was delivered to his public Katy and bill this of course is all happening under a cloud of some legal troubles and legal wrangling about the Michael Jackson estate as well as custody of his children can you explain sort of what's going on there bill well we know that the battle over the children could be a pretty brutal one we've got Michael Jackson saying that he wants his mother to take care of his children and now Debbie Rowe the mother of the older two of the three children says she might want to take custody so that we'll end up in court we've also got the will that's going to be managed by two of his former business partners yesterday in court the judge took the administration of his estate away from his mother and gave it to these two business partners and they will now be able to handle his money which will be even bigger in the future based on the money that will come in from his name the signature and his image down the line Katie right and I know there's a hearing about his estate bill in August and the first of the child custody hearings will be happening next Monday so it should be very interesting to watch Bill Whitaker at Forest Lawn Cemetery bill thank you so much let's go to Ben Tracy now Ben is here near me on the periphery of the Staples Center with some of the throngs of people who have gathered here to be part of this moment in history Ben what's going on there well that's right Katie we're a long city block from the Staples Center and back here this is what the police are calling the cold zone these are all the people that came down here without tickets simply because they wanted to be a part of this event and some people came from a long ways away including Vernice over here Vernors you came from New York City is that right I came from the Bronx New York Brian I came a long way to see Michael to say goodbye and you told me you're your ticket cost about $900 so you are a big fan why do you want to beat her so badly well you know I've always been a fan I've never seen him since 1978 and now here we are in 2009 I've never gone to a concert because the crowds the crowds the crowds but I had to get down here to say goodbye to him and his family and you know he's just gone too soon he's an icon the King of Pop I just had to be here my family sent me I'm here on Facebook and everything on the telephone right people from New York people from the Bronx I love you thanks mom for helping me get out here now it's highly unlikely you're gonna be able to see a whole lot of anything what would make your day I would just die if I saw a limo or a glove or just anything anything I mean we were sitting out here early I've been here since 7 o'clock this morning I slept on the pole my friends and woman hills I leave tomorrow going back to work thank you so much and hopefully you'll get to see something Katie as you can tell there's a lot of energy out here a lot of people very excited to simply be a part of this day in history but then are they frustrated that they're here but they can't are they frustrated that they're here but can't necessarily see the service itself yeah I don't know if frustrations the right word because I think they expected they weren't going to be able to see a whole lot the police have been very clear the telling people don't come down here because you're not going to see much but obviously there are a lot of people who simply want to be here in the general area for them that's experienced enough alright Ben Tracy Ben thanks so much Jeff Laura meanwhile is covering the law enforcement and security aspect of this monumental event and Jeff this is obviously presenting a lot of security safety and financial challenges to the city of Los Angeles yeah Katie financial challenges at exactly the wrong time right now here's the way this works i EG the concert promoter and the company organizing this service has agreed to pay for everything inside the Staples Center and on Staples Center property however everything outside on surrounding streets has to be handled by the city that means police fire sanitation general city services barricades all paid for by a city that is a half a billion dollars in debt right now they're estimating this whole thing will cost between two and four million dollars so basically the city of Los Angeles is spending money on this service that they don't have and so they've appealed to the Jackson family also to AEG the promoter to try to pick up some of these costs so far as far as we know they have not gotten a response the city then has gone ahead and set up a website soliciting donations from the public they're hoping that a lot of little donations pull it up to a lot of money Katie back to you all right Jeff flora thanks very much now watching along with me our journalist Randy tapper le hui' Randy's written many biographies of celebrities including Michael Jackson the magic and the madness and a 10 time Grammy winner music producer Kenny babyface Edmonds who knew Michael Jackson well and collaborated with him on a number of projects throughout his career gentlemen thanks so much for being here with us nice to see you both Kenny you first met Michael Jackson and you know him really through through his whole life practically but you first met him when you were in eighth grade tell us about that yeah I actually was I was in from Indiana and the Jackson 5 came into the city I wanted to meet him so bad so I pretended to be a journalist and thought the promoter and said that I was mr. Clayton I wanted these kids to interview kids and I got in there first so the first time I met Michael he was we were twelve thirteen years old I interviewed him and at that time he was much shorter I was towering over you know somewhere he got taller than me out it was a amazing to meet all that Ben and you forged a friendship and a working relationship throughout your career you collaborated on a number of songs with Michael Jackson reduced a number of songs and tell us you knew him quite well personally spent a lot of private time with them you know he's such an enigma in many ways Kenny how would you describe him Michael was a really good guy and two I would notice that a lot of people that wouldn't meet Michael there was a certain kind of magic that would happen when you would actually meet and even those that may be questionable about him once you meet him it goes away he had this this magic quality about him and he was a very silly guy he was a did jokes all the time he laughed at me all the time I don't know why exactly but he's I walked in the room he just start laughing he said it was that Indiana thing Indiana because you're from Indiana you're one of six brothers so you must have related to him you're 51 years old yes he was 50 sadly when he passed away so you know and he was in every way a contemporary really I think Michael I wouldn't cut myself put myself on the same level as Michael I don't know that anyone can Michael Michael came into his world as a little bitty kid next door that we all saw get on that stage and and he is that miracle selfishness let me hit that stage and from that point on it was it was an amazing thing let's just go inside the Staples Center because mochi Robinson is speaking and then we'll be able to talk some more Michael wanted me to be there for his children and I will be there if they ever need me I hope today brings closure for all those who loved him Thank You Katherine and Joel for sharing your son with the world and with me I send my love and condolences to the Jackson family Diana Ross dear Jackson family is with great sadness that we learned of the untimely death of Michael Jackson Michael became close to us after he started visiting and performing in South Africa regularly we grew fond of him and he became close member a close member of our family we had great admiration for his talent and that he was able to triumph over tragedy on so many occasions in his life Michael was a giant and a legend in the music industry and we mourn with the millions of fans worldwide we also mourn with his family and his friends over the loss of our dear friend he will be missed and memories about him cherish for a very long time my wife and I our family our friends send you our condolences during this time of mourning be strong Nelson Mandela Randee tell us a little bit about the arrangements for this really huge spectacle of a memorial service was did things run smoothly was there a lot of infighting there seems to have been a fair amount of chaos surrounding the planning of this which may be expected given his untimely death and the speed at which they had to plan this you know Kenny and I was just talking about the fact that Michael would have loved the major event of my wood and of course there's always chaos when you put together something like this you know but I think what we've seen out here is a lot of respect big crowd I've never seen anything quite like this maybe since the Victory Tour in and and it seems to be very fortunately and and I think that this is very well put together considering the amount of time that they had to to orchestrate this tell us a little bit about the comeback tour that he was planning in London there seems to be seems to have been a lot of excitement surrounding that was he excited did he feel responsible obligated do you know how he was looking toward that event well you know that that he then actually started because Michael really wanted to perform the idea of Michael said he's old enough to be able he's young enough to be able to do it this children are old enough to be able to enjoy it he wanted to be able there became a major event as everything involving Michael Jackson eventually did he became very excited about the prospect going out there and he did so well and you know we've seen the footage at rehearsal footage of Michael I'm right here at the Staples Center when he was rehearsing two days before his death and Wow I mean Kenny he looked great the parade I mean it was it really looked like Michael Jackson was on his way you know to coming back and being strong and you know in this field again so I think it was going to be a very interesting and maybe very good comeback and Kenny you told me earlier this morning that Michael Jackson always wanted to talk about the work never stopped trying to do his best and whatever Enterprise he was involved in it had to be the best and I spending sometimes that's why he would put so much money into things it couldn't be anything but the best so whatever it took whatever you have to the best thing as we said this event right here the fact how it's come out and how everyone has come out to support and all the love is that this is kind of the best for him he would look at this this is amazing that's how you want it and I'm sure he was preparing for this tour that in the same way he was he was ready to go and as we as we saw you know he I don't think I don't know if you can even call it a comeback because all he ever had to do is walk on the stage once he walks on the stage then that's it we just have to come back not a car he's just back he was you told me also that you rode with him in a car to a gig once I guess you wouldn't really call it a kid quit you Jenny but to a concert yeah and what that was like tell us about that it was amazing it was in that nice France and he called me over and I went it went over and rode in the car with them with me and my son at the time who's a 13 movie 13 at this point and so he was just we sat in the car or riding and all the fans were just banging on the doors and as it was kind of scary actually and as we went through we went to the concert I stayed on the dressing room off to the side he wouldn't let me leave he just let me stay he wanted me to see there and experience the whole thing of being Michael and it was amazing thing and at that point I got to see how hard he works he works hard every bit of the way he was have you said that before right before we continue our conversation I just want to show folks at home watching we just got this program for the memorial service which obviously had to be done quickly but it obviously features many photographs of Michael Jackson that all those in attendance will be receiving needless to say this is going to become quite a collector's item I'm sure but you know we look at him from his early days on and Randy and and Kenny I was just curious Kenny just talked about all the fans I saw was he able to deal with this superstardom and do you think that in many ways contributed to some pretty obvious problems he had later in his life in terms of just all the scrutiny all the attention while the stardom I remember talking to Michael about that back in the early 1980s when thriller was was becoming the biggest album of all time and I have to tell you you know he really was not prepared for the kind of worldwide attention that he received Michael just wasn't wired that way you know if it had been up to Michael he would have had a much more private life he would be wanted to make great music and he wanted to be number one but paradoxically he didn't want the kind of attention that went with with you know with that status and it was difficult for him I talked to him many times about that over the years he had a tough time adjusting especially when the tabloids began to really create stories about him that he thought were unfair that was that was really hard for him and um and I don't think he ever really adjusted to it no what about you Kenny I mean I know that you told me he was always talking to you about the music when the two of you would get together I mean clearly that's what drove him his artistry and his desire to perform he said many times what it was like to be on stage and I think he did become a different person when he set foot on that stage but did he confide in you at all about what it was like and trying to maintain and it's one thing to reach superstardom but then to try to maintain it is really difficult it was difficult but the one thing that was certain is that Michael loved his fans so he didn't like the press and how they jump on us but in terms of his love for the fans that was that's what pushed him because when he would walk out on that stage and he'd feel that that was that was the thing that kept him going more than anything once you feel that it's an amazing thing just for me to stand to them off to the side of the stage and see feel that love deathless I can't what ultimately pushed him in obviously his kids that's a whole nother thing within his family life that was a whole other thing that was precious that was a world that he wanted no one he was a very loving father did you see him with his children only a couple times and but and he always kind of kept his family kept it separate and cuz he wanted to protect them more than anything he knew what he's been through as a young yes you know with the Jackson 5 I mean and I was there for the Jackson 5 days I was backstage at some of those Jackson 5 show we were kids and it was chaos and you know and Michael had a tough time even as a young I remember them having to carry Michael on the airplane kicking and screaming when he was about 12 because he didn't want to fly you know I mean he had a lot of traumatic experiences as a young as a young kid so he he worked very hard to protect his kids from from any kind of exposure that they would have bad memories of when they were adults let's go to Mark Phillips because he's covering this event from London of course where Michael series of concerts was scheduled for actually early July and and Mark tell us what is our people very cognizant of this memorial service over in London are people paying much attention to it they're absolutely aware of it this is as you say the place where the comeback of Michael Jackson was due to begin just next week and so it's a place that feels that it has a connection to him those 50 concerts that so much has already been said about that well that were plans excuse me we're here right in the keep going we're here right in the center of London and in front of what has become one of the many shrines places of tribute for Michael Jackson this one here this one around the corner this one around the corner on one of London's main squares people have gathered in fact not only all over London but right around the world in anticipation of this memorial and to pay their respects as they have been doing laying flowers leaving these tributes to over the past week this is not just an LA event and not just an American event it's very much a worldwide wake Anu ww I suppose and it's one that's being paid attention to right across the planet it's being carried live I think it's something like 180 countries and that doesn't count the internet saturation that that it will have as well there's a prospective audience being predicted in the three million range it's likely to begin to be the biggest memorial service the world in fact has ever seen pity alright mark phillips mark phillips thanks very much meanwhile Michelle Miller is in Harlem where there have been many celebrations of Michael Jackson's life Michelle what's going on there well many people here say if they couldn't be in Los Angeles at the memorial service this is where they wanted to be in the heart of Harlem about a block away from the Apollo Theater where Michael Jackson burst onto the music scene where less than a week ago he was his life was celebrated when thousands gathered and today take a look there five to six hundred people a steady stream of folks who are standing before this Jumbotron in rapt watching what is taking place in Los Angeles they say that they wanted to share this moment in time with people who understood what they were going through these are fans far and wide all ages all races they wanted folks to be here with other people who grew up with Michael Jackson so many here wanted to be in Los Angeles but quite frankly they were barred from participating in the lottery New York State Rhode Island and Florida barred their residents to protect from participating in that lottery so they're here they're sharing one moment in time they say they will never forget which a tease alright Michelle Miller Michelle thanks so much and maybe we'll come back to you and you can talk to some of those fans who have gathered while we wait for the memorial service to continue oddly enough Smokey Robinson spoke spoke a few minutes ago he read a message from Diana Ross who apparently is not in attendance and also from Nelson Mandela and as you can see inside the Staples Center we are waiting for the rest of the memorial service to begin and as we wait let's go to Ben Tracy once more who is outside the Staples Center where many many fans have gathered they do not have tickets they do not have a Jumbotron Tron but they wanted to be a part of this moment in pop culture history Ben tell us maybe you can talk to a few more people who have gathered here this morning exactly you know Katy early on the police feared that there could be as many as a million people descending on downtown Los Angeles then they ratcheted that down to about a couple hundred thousand now they're saying it could be fifty thousand when you look back here at the crowd it looks like a big crowd but we think there's probably only about five hundred people here at this particular barricade but there are barricades like this all around the perimeter down here and as you said these are people who don't have tickets these are people who simply came here because they wanted to be part of this event to help celebrate Michael Jackson and let me show you why things seem to be going pretty smoothly down here you can see there is a significant police presence we're told 3200 police officers are deployed in and around the Staples Center that is a larger police contingent that they had during the 84 Olympics that were held here in Los Angeles so they're clearly hoping that these crowds will just be here have fun trying to participate in the event but there right now they're not expecting any problems Katie all right then Tracy Ben thanks very much let's go to Sandra Hughes she is outside the Neverland Ranch of course Michael Jackson's beloved home for a period of time and Sandra I know there had been some discussion about possibly barring Michael Jackson at the Neverland Ranch sort of turning it into a Graceland type location but that didn't happen and that was because it was prohibited by laws that right well what there was talked about was actually burying him here and that's against California law unless a person is cremated you know I've talked to several of the fans who are gathered here this morning in fact I'm going to just step back a little bit and show you we've got quite a crowd that that is amassing here in front of the gates of Neverland quite a few vendors who are here as well they're selling everything from these Michael Jackson t-shirts to hats to buttons lemonade water you name it there are quite a few entrepreneurs here you know Katie the fans that I talked to this morning said they didn't even try to get into that lottery to uh to get a seat down at Staples Center that they really feel closer to Michael Jackson here at Neverland Ranch no he purchased this ranch when his 29 years old back in 1988 and he spent millions of dollars to just turn it into this amazing childlike Fantasy amusement park it had circus animals they had amusement rides at two trains one of the most steam engine an ice-cream machine that we're told Katie was kept on all the time just in case children would stop by he invited children from the town of Los Olivos right down the road there's a school across the street he would invite children from there to come spend a day at Neverland you know the name even coming from the Fantasy Island and Peter Pan where children never grow up and many people saying that Michael Jackson was trying to recapture some of his youth here and you know quite frankly some of the fans that I'm talking to today say they still expect that there's going to be some kind of a ceremony up here in memorial to Michael Jackson Katie alright Sandra Hughes thank you so much randy taraborrelli let's talk a little bit about Michael Jackson's estate he was terribly in debt and yet his estate is estimated to be at what half a billion dollars yes Katie we're talking about a half a billion dollars in Michael Jackson's estate he is said to be about three hundred million dollars in debt which leaves still leaves you know quite a sizable amount it's interesting that when Michael Jackson hired the lawyer who is the executor of his present will John Branca back in 1980 he was worth $1,000,000 and so you can imagine you know how much money he's accumulated over the years he was a very shrewd businessman Michael was you know that most of that has to do with the atetv catalog which is two Beatles catalogue that we've heard so much about that Michael is a 50% owner hand and so you know it's going to be interesting now to see how the how the estate plays out you know as they tried to settle up all of the bills that Michael has left behind what about what is likely to make in death I mean I read somewhere that Elvis Presley's estate made fifty three million dollars last year I don't know if that's possible but it's likely to be a huge money-making venture is enough there's no doubt about it I mean most most icons when they pass away such as you know when Marilyn Monroe died she died practically with no money at all and her estate is you know is worth a lot of money today many people have asked me do you think Michael Jackson is worth more in depth and in life you know and I just don't believe that that's the case Michael Jackson would have made hundreds of millions of dollars on his present tour if they had continued as they intended it to I mean Michael Jackson was in the prime of his life don't you agree Katie yeah I mean he was going to make a lot of money and and he had an amazing future ahead of him that said yes his state will definitely prosper why do you think he had an amazing future ahead of him one hopes that is the case Randy but clearly he was having a lot of medical issues that we are waiting for the toxicology reports there was dipper man apparently found which is a powerful anesthesia which is only used during procedures and when it is is extremely carefully monitored and obviously he had he was he seemed to be quite frail so why are you so confident that his some his best days were still ahead you know because after the trial Katie after the trial in Santa Maria you know that sort of fire in his belly had been extinguished and had been such a demoralizing experience for him and when he was exonerated it took him years to sort of get over the traumatic experience of the trial and I know from my sources inside the family that in the last year he had just sort of come to come to a point where he was ready to go on and and perform and record and do the kinds of things that he's been known to do now as for the you know the drugs and all that you know I want to wait for the toxicology report to come in before you know I'm gonna comment on that I'm hoping like Germaine and I talked about this I'm hoping you know that that that's the case we'll find out when those reports come in and that'd be very interesting how much he mentioned that the trials really were very demoralizing for him on the other hand there's still many people in this country issue well know Randy who think that Michael Jackson was involved in inappropriate and illegal behavior you know I started that courtroom every single day right behind Michael Jackson and I listened to the evidence and I have to say that I wasn't convinced and you know my opinion our situation let's go inside the Staples Center where I understand the memorial service is about to continue we they want to be in there so this as we wait for the memorial service to continue we're joined by Brian Oxman the Jackson family attorney yes and spokesman our it was great to see you okay nice to see you as well what a day to be here well it's both a sad day and I guess a day of celebration in many ways and we just saw the the Jackson brothers who are the pallbearers for this memorial service carrying the coffin how was the family doing it is extraordinary I never thought we would be here I never thought that this would be how things wind up but the storm and commotion that was Michael Jackson what else could have possibly been and I am proud to call the Jackson family my friends to millions around the world Michael Jackson was an idol a hero even a king but first and foremost this man before us today was our brother our son our father and our friend Michael Jackson was and always shall be a beloved part of the Jackson family and the family of man and so today we gather those who know and love Michael best and those who came to know and love him through his good works we come together in this space where only days ago Michael sang and danced and brought his joy as only he could we come together and we remember the time we remember this man by celebrating his life and all of the love that he brought to our own lives for half a century our hearts are heavy today because this man this brother this son this father and this friend is gone far too soon but as long as we remember our time with him the truth is he is never really gone at all as long as we remember him he will be there forever to comfort us in his very beautiful and very human heart Michael Jackson wanted nothing more than to give love to the world to share of his singular talent and his soul and perhaps be loved back in return through his words his music and his countless good deeds Michael did so much to try and heal our world and so for the Jackson family and for all who grieve his loss everywhere in our world may this moment of remembrance a moment of healing a moment of music and a moment of love bring comfort to those who loved our friend god bless you you and we must worry to you Oh just trailer rent no strings - no well it all just go we never will good no no no no no no way we'll be right there you're gonna get we miss you Mariah Carey and her backup singer trailer in singing I'll be there one of Michael Jackson's and the Jackson 5's biggest hit when they have that incredible slew of number-one songs from stop the love you save I want you back ABC and I'll be there very pointed coals that I guarantee you you will have four number-one records and they did being inspired and loving Michael from a distance all of you somehow when Michael Jackson sang and when he danced we never felt distant we felt like he was right there right for us you believed in Michael and he believed in you he made you believe in yourself I loved him all my life one of the first records my brother and I ever bought was dancing machines and I'll never forget the two of us trying to like get the robot going trying to be like the Jackson 5 thank you thank you Michael was the biggest star on earth he let me know that as a african-american you could travel the world there was a world outside of America other people all you people who came here to pay respect to someone who you felt was one of you a human being first this morning I spoke with perhaps one of our greatest poets Maya Angelou and I'm so honored that she asked me to share some words that she wrote for migrant we had him by dr. Maya Angelou beloved's now we know that we know nothing now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind without notice our dear love can escape our doting embrace sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the Moon in the instant we learn that Michael is gone we know nothing no clocks can tell our time and no oceans can rush our ties with the abrupt absence of our treasure though we are many each of us is achingly alone piercingly alone only when we confess our confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us and we did have him he came to us from the Creator trailing creativity in abundance despite the anguish of life he was sheathed in mother love and family love and survived and did not more than that he thrived with passion and compassion humor and style we had him whether we knew who he was or did not know he was ours and we were his we had him beautiful delighting our eyes he raped his hat slant over his brow and took a pose on his toes for all of us and we laughed and stomped our feet for him we were enchanted with his passion because he held nothing he gave us all he had been given today in Tokyo beneath the Eiffel Tower in ganas black star square in Johannesburg and Pittsburgh in Birmingham Alabama and Birmingham England we are missing Michael Jackson but we do know we had him and we are the world thank you Queen Latifah really expressing the views of so many people who grew up listening to Michael Jackson father I know Aaron and Donna the ball by the side of the room to see to LA my fine Oh grace Nexen now aha Mona temptation and as with we'll be our domain his words would be our salvation to be painful gee he won't let you down No for it help me he's gonna pop that star leads me walk with you and that was of course Lionel Richie and Ramsey live but Lionel Richie when he was part of the Commodores had a very close relationship with the Jackson 5 that's right the the Commodores opened for the Jackson 5 in their concert tour Kennedy just told me actually saw that show the Commodores in the Jackson 5 together and did they maintain a friendship throughout their lives of course in Lionel Richie collaborate with Mike with Michael Jackson on we are the world so and that was a huge record that generate a lot of money he was driven by his hunger to learn to constantly top himself to be the best he was the consummate student he studied the Great's and became greater he raised the bar and then broke the bar his talent and creativity thrust him and entertainment into another stratosphere the Motown family mourns the death of our friend and brother Michael Jackson who was like a son to me our deep condolences go out to all his family his parents Joe and Katherine his beautiful children his sisters and brothers and his nieces and nephews Michael Jackson was 10 years old when he and his brothers Jackie Jermaine Tito and Marlon auditioned for me at Motown in Detroit that July day in 1968 and blew us all away the Jackson 5 were just amazing and lo Michael's performance was way beyond his years this little kid had an incredible knowingness about him he sang with such feeling inspiration Michael had a quality that I couldn't completely understand but we all knew he was special aside from singing and dancing like James Brown and Jackie Wilson he sung a Smokey Robinson song called who's loving you he sing it with the sadness and passion of a man who had been living the blues and heartbreak his whole life and as great as smokey sang it I thought Michael was better I went to smoking I said hey man I think he got you on that when smoke he said me too that was Motown Motown was built on love and competition and sometimes the competition got in the way of the love but the love always went out we competed on everything in California we had a baseball game every week the jacksons versus the Gordy's unfortunately for us tito and Jackie were big homerun hitters they would knock the ball out of the park but then so was my son Barry and I'm not gonna tell you who won most of the games but I will tell you that the Gordy's cried a lot and even though little Michael was the catcher for the Jacksons and missed a lotta balls we still cried a lot but we swam that we joked and we played games and when Michael performed his songs you could feel the happiness in his soul because that's what he loved to do Michael inspired me so much that for days I walked around humming a bright little happy tune with him in mind Oh baby then I put a group together and we came up with four hit records for them I want you back ABC the love you save and I'll be there the Jackson 5 was the only group in history to have their first four records go to number one in 1983 the brothers reunited and returned to do Motown 25th anniversary show after a high-powered dazzling medley of their songs Michael took the stage alone and made pop history from the first beat of Billie Jean and the toss of that hat I was mesmerised but when he did his iconic moonwalk I was shocked it was magic michael jackson went into orbit and never came down though it ended way too soon Michael's life was beautiful sure there was some sad sad times and made some questionable decisions on his part but Michael Jackson accomplished everything he dreamed of at 10 years old he had passion he had passion to be the greatest entertainer in the world and he was willing to work as hard to do whatever it took to become what he indeed became the undisputed king of pop the world over what kid wouldn't give his right arm to fulfill his wildest trial hood dreams Michael loved at all every moment on stage every moment in rehearsal Michael loved creating what had never been done before he loved everything and everybody especially his fans I must say though that he did have two personalities offstage he was shy soft-spoken and childlike but when he took the stage in front of his screaming fans he turned into another person a master a take-no-prisoners show man it was like kill or be killed I mean Michael was awesome totally in charge in fact the more I think and talk about Michael Jackson I feel the King of Pop is not big enough for him I think he is simply I think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived Berry Gordy saying that Michael was like a son to him and that quote this little kid had an incredible knowingness about him but he almost turned down the Jackson five didn't he well he had little Stevie Wonder and he said that's enough for one for one company and yeah almost turned it down until we saw a videotape with Michael on the boys and then he knew there was no way to turn that down and it was Suzanne to pass that are definitely made was that stop me better check these guys out she was a Motown powerhouse and she was very instrumental in the career fair yesterday she did the costumes and work with them with the choreographed thank you for the love you will live in my heart forever I love you Berry Gordy told me Randy and Kenny that they had a real code of conduct for which i think was helpful to Michael when he was young and maybe hurtful when he left Motown let's listen to the what Michael Jackson best-selling American video Pioneer Award is driven from Michael Jackson again I say thank you in the past I've gone from where is he - here he is again I love you like oh but I must confess it feels good to be thought of as a person not as a personality fame fortune me we've been watching a video tribute to Michael Jackson which was really quite poignant to see him from a young boy to the artist he became shortly before his death we were saying earlier that as a boy he acted more like a man and as a man he acted more like a boy and was always really trying to recapture the childhood he never had wasn't he up to the stage they were very close weren't they Randy oh yes purchase I can say I do know that God is good and I do I do know that as much as we may feel and we do that we need Michael here with us God must have needed him far more Michael I love you and I've told you that many times so I'm at peace my peace with that I am as well told you that I I never ever imagined that I would write a song that I'll be sent to Quincy Jones and you would hear it and my sister Renee would get me the cassette I hear back and be amazed that you did this song and so incredibly so you did the song we can't help but love you forever Michael never dreaming me in some ooh come back me said you would be in the see you'd be the one but my gosh you say morning oh they do breathe man they Oh all those bleeding on charles ii info right here from the start and they won't go but they live people feeling but they can never show that very noble the homeless in Google table and here here he'll give she holla gonna give oh yeah the greed of man will be and my soul will be free and they won't go since my Silk'n see Oh the keen mind will see and they won't go yeah me my I could be where you go Stevie Wonder performing I'd ever dream doodly leave in summer and they won't go when I go to vary appropriate songs as you can see the Jackson brothers are all wearing one by glove is a special tribute to their brother the Jackson 5 by the way sang bank background vocals for Stevie Wonder and you haven't done nothing yet in the early 70s and they've been close friends ever since ever gauge on stage like Michael Jackson when Michael was also a true humanitarian who gave just as much off stage as he did on the stage Michael and his family came from humble roots and Michael always cared very deeply for those in need and beyond all of his records that he broke as a recording artist Michael even made the Guinness Book of World Records for most charities supported by a pop star because he gave so much to do so many of us for so long Michael Jackson will be with us forever I met Jackie Jackson about 30 years ago and he was a season ticket holder for the Lakers as well as his brother Marlon Jackie and I became friends and he began to invite me out to their home then I got to know the brothers and the sisters and his incredible mother and father we loved the plate with firecrackers and just have fun and Barry just like you lost to the Jacksons and softball so did I and we had some incredible times together then Jackie invited me to go on tour with the brothers and then I got to see the genius of Michael Jackson he was so incredible he always had command of not only the band his brothers but also the audience I truly believe that Michael made me a better point guard and basketball player as I watched him be so great and be the greatest entertainer ever from there Michael called me one day and said I want to talk to you about being in a video remember the time but I had to double-check with Jackie to make sure it was really Michael cuz I was scared to death to go over to his house because this was my idol he was everything to be so I went over to his house to have dinner the chef came out and said what would you like I said some grilled chicken so as we begin to talk about the video and what he wanted me to do the chef bought me out the grilled chicken but he bought Michael out a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and I went crazy like wait a minute Michael you eat Kentucky Fried Chicken that made my day that was the greatest moment of my life we had such a good time sitting on the floor eating that bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and I want to say this this is a celebration of his life of his legacy I want to thank Michael for open up so many doors for african-americans to be on daytime shows late night shows he allowed Toby and I to have our jerseys in people homes across the world because he was already there and he opened all those doors for us his three children will have the most incredible grandmother that God has put on this earth to take care of them Michael's three children will have incredible uncles and aunts to take care of them as well and they will have plenty of cousins to play with so may God continue to bless this incredible family we say that we're praying for you remain strong we want to thank the city of Los Angeles for putting this on AEG for putting it on as well and may God continue to bless you Michael Kobe Bryant and Michael Jackson and we're told Michael used to show Kobe Bryant weepy movies like an affair to remember together which paints quite a picture and of course Magic Johnson talking about going to his house and being surprised he it was a be watching up see Magic Johnson also saying thank you to Michael Jackson for opening so many doors forever and I was inside of me you're my friend carry me like you're my brother let me like will you be there in our darkest hour in my deepest despair while you still care you be there in my toilet and my tribulations through our doubts and frustration in my violent in my turbulence to my fear and my confessions in my anguish and my paint my joy and my sorrow in the promise of another tomorrow I'll never let you part so you're always my heart all over the world today people are gathered in love vigils to celebrate the life of a man that taught the world how to love people may be wondering why there's such an emotional outbursts but you would have to understand the journey of Micra to understand what he meant to all of us for these that City as the Jackson family a mother and father with nine children that rolls from a working-class family in Gary Indiana they had nothing but a dream no one believed in those days that these kind of dreams could come true but they kept on believing and Michael never let the world turn him around from his dreams I first met Michael around 1970 black Expo Chicago Illinois Reverend Jesse Jackson who stood by his family till now and from that day as a cute kid to this moment he never gave up dream it was that dream that changed culture all over the world when Michael started it was a different world but because Michael kept going because he didn't accept limitations because he refused to let people decide his boundaries he opened up the whole world in the music world he put on one glove pulled his pants up and broke down the color Kirk we're now our videos are shown and magazines put us on the cover it was Michael Jackson that brought blacks and whites and Asians and Latinos together it was Michael Jackson that made us sing and feed the hundred round before larvae because Michael Jackson kept going he created a comfort level where people that felt they were separate became interconnected with his music and it was that comfort level that kids from Japan and Ghana and France and Iowa and Pennsylvania got comfortable enough with each other to later it wasn't strange to us to watch over on television it wasn't strange to watch Tiger Woods golf those young kids grew up from being teenage comfortable fans of Michael to being 40 years old and being comfortable to vote for a person of color to be the president of the United States of America Michael bid that Michael made us love each other Michael taught us to stand with each other they are those that like to dig around mess but millions around the world we're going to uphold his message is not about mess it's about his love message as you climb up steep mountains sometimes you scar you need sometimes you break your skin but don't focus on the scars focus on the journey Michael be the Michael rose to the top he out sang his cynics he out danced his doubters he outperformed the pessimists every time he got knocked down he got back up every time you counted him out he came back in Michael never stopped Michael never stopped Michael never stopped I want to say to mrs. Jackson and Joe Jackson his sisters and brothers we thank you for giving us someone that taught us love someone that taught us hope we want to thank you because we know it was your dream too and we know that your heart is broken I know you have some comfort from the letter from the President of the United States and Nelson Mandela but this was your child this was your brother this was your cousin nothing will fill your hearts loss but I hope the love that people are showing will make you know he did live in vain and I want his three children to know what nothing strange about your daddy it was strange what your daddy had to deal with but he felt he dealt with it anyway he dealt with it for us so some came today mrs. Jackson to say goodbye to Michael I came to say thank you thank you because you never stopped thank you because you never gave up thank you because you never gave up thank you because you taught down our divisions thank you because you're eradicated barriers thank you cuz you gave us hope thank you Michael thank you Michael thank you Mike sharpton who became a very good friend with michael later in his life and Kenny you were telling me he took Michael to see James Brown's body best work that was something that Michael Micah Micah that's what you get Michael Stern so that was a special thing and now afternoon date in transit when Michael had problems with Sonia now at the press conference to try to help Michael air his grievances with his record company we're waiting for this Memorial Center ceremony at the Staples Center to continue brien Oxman told us earlier that randy jackson was really taking the lead and the funeral arrangement because it was slightly chaotic but over the weekend he is the go-to guy John Mayer who's now performing john mayer playing the primarily instrumental version of human nature from the 1983 Thriller album the greatest selling album which really catapulted Michael Jackson it just solo superstardom didn't it don't no doubt it is true although off-the-wall also was prior to that it was huge but Michael thought it should have been bigger Dustin thriller he was so driven to repeat the success of thriller after that and was always disappointed when say bad didn't do as well as thriller despite the fact that sold what 25 millions he always pushed himself to meet to better himself be the best I think approaching this microphone as Brooke Shields Michael was one of a kind I am thinking that when we met and the many times that we spent together and whenever we were out together and there would be a picture taken there would be a caption of some kind and the caption usually said something like an odd couple or an unlikely pair but to us it was the most natural and easiest of friendships I was 13 when we met and from that day on our friendship grew Michael always knew that he could count on me to support him or be his date and that we would have fun no matter where we were we had a bond and maybe it was because we both understood what it was like being the spotlight from a very very young age I used to tease him and I'd say you know I started when I was 11 months old you're a slacker you were what five both of us needed to be adults very early but when we were together we were two little kids having fun we never collaborated together we never performed together or danced on the same stage although he did try in vain one night to unsuccessfully teach me the moonwalk and he just basically just shook his head and crossed his arms at my attempt we never filmed a video or recorded a song but what we did do was laugh it was a competition to see who could make the other one laugh more or be sillier Michael loved to laugh his heart would just burst out of him when he was laughing he adored it when I did sin silly imitations or told him stories about my life MJ's laugh was the sweetest and purest laugh of anyone's I had ever known his sense of humor was delightful and he was very mischievous I remember was the night before Elizabeth Taylor's wedding and he had called me prior and asked if I would join him he didn't want to be alone for all the festivities and it was the night before the big day and Michael and I tried to sneak in to get the first peek of the dress and we were just giggling like crazy and we almost passed out in hysterics when we realized that Elizabeth was actually asleep in the bed we thought she was in an entirely different room and we had to laugh and sneak out then at the point of the wedding when there was the first dance basically we had to joke that we were the mother and father of the bride yes it may have seemed very odd to the outside but we made it fun and we made it real when he started wearing the glove I was like what's up at the glove I was like look if you're gonna hold my hand I better be the non gloved one because sequins really hurt me dig in Pete just shake his head and he would just smile he loves to be teased seeing him smile made you feel like everything was going to be all right to the outside world Michael was a genius with unchallenged ability to the people who were lucky enough to know him personally he was caring and funny honest pure non jaded and he was a lover of life he cared so deeply for his family and his friends and his fans he was often referred to as the king but the Michael that I knew always reminded me more of the little prince thinking of him now I'd like to share a passage from the book what moves me so deeply about this sleeping Prince is his loyalty to a flower the image of a rose shining within him like the flame within a lamp even when he's asleep and I realized he was even more fragile than I had thought lamps must be protected a gust of wind can blow them out Michael's sensitivity was even more extraordinary than his talent and his true truth resided in his heart as the little prince also said eyes are blind you have to look with the heart what's most important is invisible Michael saw everything with his heart to his family his brothers and sisters Katherine Jo and to his children Prince Paris blanket my prayers are with you Michael's favorite song was not one of the countless masterpieces that he gave us but it was a song that Charlie Chaplin wrote for the movie modern times it's called smile and there's a line in the song that says smile though your heart is aching today although our hearts are aching we need to look up where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon and we need to smile someone who knows Michael's experience as a young performer very well Brooke Shields has been famous since she was 11 months old doing an office obviously felt a kindred spirit yes you really did paint a picture of Micah that's so true saying that we have the sweetest and purest laugh of anyone I've ever known and really a very intimate betrayal beautiful that really was smile though your heart is aching smile even though is breaking when there are clouds in the sky you'll get by if you smile with your fear and sorrow smile you that life is if you why up your face with hide every trace of gladness Hall for the he that's the time keep trying smile crying you'll find that life it's still the one though your heart is aching smile is breaking with in the sky it's dearly if you just my that's the time you must keep on trying slow what fails and crying you're fine fettle life Oh big brother Jermaine singing Michael Jackson's favorite songs from the 1936 movie modern times and a song that Michael himself recorded Randy yes he did on the history album in the early 1990s it's a great album and a great song what a performance by Jermaine was great just amazing that had to be so difficult for him first I must say to mrs. Katherine Jackson mr. Joseph Jackson the children of Michael Jackson to Michael Jackson's brothers and sisters in the entire Jackson family our prayers and condolences are constantly with you my father once said that in life one must discover what their calling is and when they do they must do their jobs so well that the living the dead are the unborn could do them no better he constantly challenged us to become our best by stating that if you cannot be a pile on the top of the hill well I just be a shrub in the valley but be the best little shrub on the side of the road be a bush if you cannot be a tree if you cannot be the highway just be a trail if you cannot be the Sun just be a star for it isn't by size that you win or you fail you've got to be the best of what you are Michael Jackson was truly the best of what he was and finally Martin Luther King jr. said that in life if it falls ever you're a lot to be a streetsweeper you must sweep streets so well in fact you must sweep streets like Beethoven composed music sweep streets he said like Shakespeare wrote poetry sweep streets like Raphael painted pictures sweep streets so well that all the hosts of a heavens and earth would have to pause and say he lived the great street sweeper that did his job well on June 25th because he was the best I believe heaven and earth did pause indeed to say of Michael Joseph Jackson he lived a great entertainer who did his job well to the Jackson family being a part of a world-renowned family who is also experienced a sudden death on more than one occasion my prayer is that no one and nothing public or private fact or fiction true or rumored will separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus because ultimately at the end of the day it is only God's love that will anchor you sustain you and move you to a higher ground far above the noise of life there you will find the peace comfort and joy to move forward to advance Michael's legacy and for all of us it is apparent that like our father and mother Martin and Coretta King Michael's life and work was inspired by the love of God throughout the ages few are chosen from amongst us to use their gifts and talents to demonstrate God's love in an effort to bring the world together in true sister and brotherhood Michael was such a one he eat he Pitta mised the words of our father that an individual hasn't started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of humanity Michael was always concerned with others with humanity and I want the world to know that despite being embroiled in accusations and persecution as a humanitarian he thought it not robbery to concern himself with this world with one of this world's other greatest humanitarians our mother during her illness just three months before her death in October 2005 I was with mom when Michael called her all the way from the Middle East and although she couldn't speak because of a debilitating stroke she listened as he said to her that he had been praying on his knees every day for that to him she was America's true royalty and he wanted to her to know if music was being played in a room because of its healing effect my only wish is that he could have seen the glow on her face if faces could smile as we know they do that day Michael Jackson made our mother's face smile in spite of her condition what an unforgettable moment he was such a thoughtful and selfless man full of the unconditional love of God and good works that touched and changed lives he was indeed a shining light like our Father Martin and in remembrance of Michael may we all be inspired to go and let our lights shine rest in peace our brother Michael we've been listening to Bernice King and Martin Luther King the third talking about Michael Jackson and Magic Johnson talked about this as well Kenny but he really did open tremendous doors for african-americans do me from the get-go all excited to see this and I hail from Houston Texas but I come to you on behalf of the many members of the United States House of Representatives I come to you on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman barbara Lee a Californian and I come to you as every man and every woman for I cannot write music or dance or sing but I do know an American story and to mr. and mrs. Jackson and this wonderful family of brothers and sisters and cousins to Michael Joseph and to Katherine Paris and to Prince all of these wonderful beautiful symbols of America and I can tell you as a member of the United States Congress we understand the Constitution we understand laws and we know that people are innocent until proven otherwise that is what the Constitution fan so I mourn today I come to to thank you for many people don't understand the hearts of entertainers they don't know how big their hearts are they don't know how they heal the world on behalf of America when we're at war our icons like Michaels sing about healing the world and so he called us into public service it did not matter whether we were black or white he even told us to beat it beat the violence and look at yourself in the mirror because it meant that if you are going to make a difference look at the man or woman in the mirror I come to you today to say thank you some of you come from all faiths and we respect that here in America but there's a story whose theme is so symbolic of this young and beautiful man I love the story of the Good Samaritan because it talks about those who walk by the diminished the devastated in the poor this was a broken and beaten man laying along a road no one stopped but someone called the Samaritan it could be in any faith it's all about charity and love and I called Michael Jackson the Good Samaritan I called him Michael Jackson who cared and loved for the world it bothered me I grew up with him as all of us and so many did and so what an honor and a privilege to see him up close when he came to the United States Congress in my office and looked some 15 African ambassadors representatives of heads of states sitting in an office listening to Michael Jackson talk about caring and fighting hiv/aids they looked at him he had a twinkle they listened he listened what a miraculous experience to be able to listen and see Michael in action you know there were words cast about but I wonder if anybody was on his shoulder when he walked into Walter Reed Hospital and he walked along the aisles and the rows in the hospital rooms this was in the midst of the Iraq war doctors stopped the nurses stopped and individual soldiers who had lost limbs stopped and were in essence moved and touched as Michael was by his desire to come and thank them for their sacrifice so don't tell me what an American story is all about it is a salt of the earth when this family too the talent that God had given them and made it into a miraculous and wonderful story for America I come today for you to recognize that the flag flies and the people who have spoken have spoken to the people's house they recognize and they speak and those of us who serve in elected office we respond to the people Michael fought for the tolerance of all people in fact I am reminded although I speak in the tongues of all faiths that Michael fought the good fight he was someone who understood and I hope mr. mrs. Jackson and the family will know the Lord is our Shepherd and we shall not want Michael Jackson you've got to know his story and it has not been told by all of what you have heard he was someone who understood if he was burned he built a burn unit if a hospital needed beds he built old vets if they needed money for developing countries Michael gave if he was in Namibia he went to orphanages Michael never stopped giving and he touched those whose lives could be reconstructed because the King yes the King the King stopped and said I care about you that is why on the House floor on January On June 25th 2009 the Congressional Black Caucus and members of the House of Representatives stopped stopped stopped and had a moment of silence for this wonderful legend and icon so to the family let me simply come as someone that wishes she was long-lost Sheila jackson-lee but I'll keep looking and seeing but coming to say to you that America appreciates and thanks you for Michael Jackson's life for that reason we have introduced into the House of Representatives this resolution 600 that will be debated on the floor of the house that claims Michael Jackson as an American legend and musical icon a world humanitarian someone who will be honored forever and forever we are the world and we are better because Michael Joseph Jackson lived on behalf of myself and the people who have spoken Michael Jackson I salute you Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas talking about Michael and how charitable he's been during the course of his life and in fact his estate Randy and Kenny's 40% to his children 40% to his mother Katherine and 20 percent to charity charity which is quite a lot that's the perpetuity so that's a lot of money very much like Michael to do that he was very interested in giving back was me Kenny a lot of the songs that were written giving back from the song we are the world we love you Michael you mean so much to us especially me like a comment plays across the evening sky gone too soon like a rainbow in a twinkling gone too soon and spending Libre i Colossus tonight gone too soon like a castle build upon a sending me come too soon that is just beyond come too soon to me hey one day come on I Oh like the sunset from the raisin moon come to Seoul too soon uh sure singing a song that Michael Jackson wrote for Ryan White who of course everyone followed Ryan White's story he had AIDS and died in 1990 at the age of 18 and their friendship was a very powerful and strong one it was very strong and what an appropriate saw and a beautiful performance by Usher perform and to see the family and its children and also to know that millions of people the world are watching this and breathing with you huh sure is just one example of Michael Jackson's extraordinary musical influence on so many artists today I sure Justin Timberlake he's loving you the Smokey Robinson song that Berry Gordy was referring to Michael covered it and Barry Gordy called smokey and said I think he's got you beat smokey said you're right I wrote that song I thought I sang it I wrote this song back in and few years later he comes as look kid he's 10 years old and Barry had his gathering at his house he said come on once you see somebody very special so I go over there and he's five young guys are there and they sang and danced up a storm a couple weeks later they recorded my song and I heard it I thought to myself now they have pulled a fast one on us because this boy cannot possibly be ten years old this song is about somebody who has somebody who loved them but they treated him bad they treated him so bad till they lost them and now they are paying the price of warding somebody back that they treated bad and lost how could he possibly know these things I quickly went over to him because I wanted to see his birth certificate I did not believe that someone that young could add that much feeling and soul and know he had a lot of no he didn't know something to sing that song like that it was wonderful though as a songwriter man that's a dream come true to have somebody sing when your songs like that and I myself I never thought I would be here on today it's my little brother over there and you just don't think that you you you're gonna see or you'll live to see him gone but he will never really be gone he is going to live forever and ever and ever and ever he has made an enormous impact on all of our lives all over the world I mean in I have young kids coming up to me now you know because I I when I do concerts I sing who's loving you in the concerts and young kids who are at the concerts come up to me and say hey you're singing Michael Jackson's song huh but he will live on forever I am a firm believer in blessings and I have had so many many blessings in my life one of my greatest blessings was I got his chance to know the Jackson family and to know Michael and to see him I'm glad I live in an era when I got a chance to see what everybody's been coming up here saying the greatest entertainer of all times I'm glad that I live in this era I believe so much in God I believe so much that this is not it we have life after this is done so my brothers in a place now where he is most certainly going to live forever in the hereafter so he's gonna live forever twice because he's gonna live forever right here because the world will never ever forget Michael Jackson I love you my brother I celebrate your life I am proud that I had the chance to know you god bless you I know he is Smokey Robinson who spoke at the start of this memorial service you know Randy Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross are not here this would have been so hard for them there's just no doubt about it they were two of the closest people in this life Diana Ross introduced me to Michael Jackson actually you know she was so close to Michael she Mike actually lived with Diana Ross May first moved to Los Angeles so she was a mother figure to him as well Elizabeth Taylor and Michael had a very close relationship it would have been very difficult for the two of them to be here No that was shaking graphically he is a contestant on Britain's back to that line apparently saying that song you know I just want to thank you so much for blessing me and every single individual on this earth was his amazing music and just thank you very much I love you Michael Jackson my name is Kenny my name is Kenny Ortega thank you and I was Michaels partner in the creating and directing of many of his tours including this is it and Shahin was invited by Michael to join him in London for the show so I just wanted to introduce them to everybody and to say thank you for coming all the way out here to join us today I am we were here we were right here a little less than a week ago and Michael was with us and the band and Michael Bearden and the singers and the dancers and our choreographer Travis Payne and our designers and our crew we were all here and we were a family and this is what this was our house so when the Jackson family and Randy Phillips asked Ken Ehrlich and I to help put together this memorial we knew we had to do it here we knew we had to invite the world to join us here Michael's house we were immediately surrounded by countless family artists and friends and dear hearts who unconditionally made this day possible as we came together as a team we knew we had to celebrate Michael's life through his music as well as commemorate his passing both Ken and I worked with Michael over the years and Michael and I were here in the final final stages of mounting what we all knew and we all saw I promise you was his triumphant retainment return to the world it was also it was also I think his greatest personal work we did it all right here in this place the staples so before we conclude today's memorial we wanted to present a performance from the London this is it concerts the fans have been asking for it this was one of Michael's very very favorite moments in the show always he created this and brought it to life it is a living testament to his ability to be timeless and timely Musical and magical this was for him his living legacy his care his heart his concern about our planet about the human condition Michael Jackson will live in our hearts for always heal the world make this a better place for our children for our children's children Michael we love you more join us comes a time when we heed a certain call when the world must stand together as one people died it when the head to greatest gift alone we can't go on pretending day by day that someone make a change make a change the Chu day is June the bank just you and me children to it's true we may combine just you and me being up there on stage with Lionel Richie and Smokey Robinson Jennifer Hudson and of course the Jackson family Michael Jackson's chill singing we are the world that raised so much money for people in Africa back in 1985 I can't think of a more appropriate way to end this service really Michael was so proud of that song and he would have loved that so much some of the featured singers were to have been yes that we scheduled for London tickets selling out in four hours amazing amazing response your heart and I know that it much brighter tomorrow please try you'll find there bleh sorrow ways if you can't so let us spirit my heart I feel you my breath we'll cry we a beautiful rendition of heal the world which Michael road and the yes if it is so proud of that it's a break software and again with the very much the same message as we are the world I think he really found it important to keep reminding people of that Michael was very serious and about about the charities I mean she was the chariot is that he started and the hill the world foundation was very important to him he loved money from humanitarian causes people tend to forget that what did that foundation do specifically Randy I'm sorry what did the healed of oil foundation the purpose appealed the world and the foundation was too spurred to disperse food and money too which there is all around the world and Michael took it very first of all a very intense cause it's very important to him there was some discussion that there would be a version of we are the world suck at this memorial service but you were saying how many parts that requires and clearly the London troop was able to fill those roles but you remember when that sing song came out when Sam Oh hold up two seconds we're coming out as you know I'm lost for words I was his voice in his backbone I had his back so did the family but we thank you that's all I can say we thank you very much i iced I stand here trying to find words of comfort solace trying to understand why the Lord has taken our brother to return home from such a short visit here on earth Michael when you left us a part of me went with you and a part of you will live forever within me but also a part of you will live forever within all of us Michael I will treasure them the good times the fun we had singing dancing laughing I can remember when we used to come home from school and we would grab a quick bite to eat and we try to wash the Three Stooges as much of it as possible for mother we're coming to say it's time to go to the restore to the recording studio I also Michael remember a time when I went into the record store and there was this man purchasing a lot of CDs and he would go and grab another batch of CDs he was an older gentleman he had short afro but crooked teeth and his clothes were rumpled I walked up behind him and said Michael what are you doing in his store he turned to me and said Marlon how did you know with me I told him you're my brother I can spot you anywhere regardless of your makeup I know you walk I know your body language and no shoes did not help Michael wore the same shoes wherever we went but I guess that was his way of trying to experience what we take for granted we would never never understand what he endured not being able to walk across the street without a crowd gathering around him being judged ridiculed how much pain can one take maybe now Michael they will leave you alone Michael Michael was the voice of our angelic trumpets and he will continue to be the voice that Angela voice in heaven nears to our creator and waiting us when our day comes to pass Michael I love you I will miss when we said our goodbyes I will hug you and I say I love you and your response was I love you more you know the Lord has a purpose for everything and sometimes we just can't see it or understand it but it will be made clear to us when we reach that ultimate ultimate reward of being in his presence and Michael you there you're right there you have finished your work here on earth and the Lord has called for you to come home with him so I thank you Michael I thank you for all the smiles that you've placed in many people's hearts and I thank you for everything that you've done for others across this globe in the Lord's name and I have one request Michael one request I would like for you to give our brother my twin brother Brandon a hug for me I love you Michael at all busy I thank you or Jenna want to say some I just want to say speak up sweetheart speaker ever since I was born daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine we we want to thank you all for loving my brother and supporting our family thank you and good night talk about putting a human face on a very personal loss you know lest we forget this man was a brother and a father and a and a very important person in a family's life I think 11 year old Paris Jackson I think just reminded the world that this was a man a musician or a dancer or a perform I mean you know every generation has its artists that are produced you know in the 50s that myself is Presley and in the 60 and those were the icons of that period and the icon that emerged in the 1970s was Michael Jackson and he sustained through the 80s and 90s to the present time and he's gonna be greatly missed by so many people thank you to say my my like my children skaters Michael Jackson as video it's the same excitement exist the music sustains isn't this legacy very very moving and loving tribute you really can't underestimate the amount of time and energy involved in putting together something like this which is the people and doing the numbers and I thought it was beautifully done there were tears and tributes of course there was laughter and music Michael Jackson's music sung by the people who really knew him the best for example Jermaine Jackson who sang smile though your heart is breaking which really I think sums up the mood of what we saw here today at the Staples Center and the way the Jackson family brought his casket to the Staples Center for the service his father's serving as pallbearers each wearing Michael's trademark the thousands of people bird performances by Stevie Wonder Mariah Carey Lionel Richie I think Brooke Shields spoke beautifully about their shared someone who could relate very well to Michael the family by the way has not yet made public their plans for Michael's final resting place I guess we'll be hearing much more about the story because the world seems fascinated with Michael Jackson and his legacy by Michael Jackson since the 1970s and and say what you will about him he has been so important to the fabric of our culture and the soundtrack of our lives and the music will live on together it's here forever be proud about today and out well put into the service a little concerned about being out here not being inside insights from someone who really did know Michael Jackson there are a lot of people who say they do a lot of hangers-on a lot of people as you told me he never knew he could trust so we really appreciate you being here and sharing their memories with us and no sacrificing the opportunity to be inside Kenny babyface Edmonds and randy taraborrelli thank you both so so much thank you so much and there will be more about the Michael Jackson story on your local news on GPS station then on tonight CBS Evening News and I'll be anchoring a special edition of 48 hours Michael Jackson the last dance tonight at 10:00 9:00 central until then I'm Katie Couric in Los Angeles I'll see you again soon you
Channel: Bolik Events
Views: 2,614,676
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Keywords: hd, 4k, michael jackson, memorial service, full show, full event, full coverage
Id: C5v4SIgJ8JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 46sec (9826 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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