Michael Finally Gets His Wish - The Good Place

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Can I tell you the thing that broke me about Michael's story? He was ALREADY in The Good Place. He was there. And he chose to become human. To become a wave so he could get a shot at becoming part of the water.

I'm crying again just thinking about it.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Ana_S_Gram 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is Michael the only demon allowed to reincarnate? I thought Eleanor's conversation with the judge "so no one bothers you again" was to allow all demons (and angels?) to reincarnate as humans so they can see what mortality/existence is like.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Aximill 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
- You know, it took me a while to figure it out, but earlier, when you were walking back and forth through the door, it hit me. You will never be at peace until you get the one thing you truly want. - I'm-- I'm gonna be-- - A real boy, Pinocchio. - The Judge gave me the power to make you an actual human. Good-bye, fire squid. Hello, silver fox. - Oh, Eleanor! Oh, my goodness! - Now, you need to be sure about this. You're gonna live down there for, like... some amount of time, you'll die, really die, then you'll enter an afterlife test, be judged on what you did, the whole deal. At least so we think. While you're down there, this entire system could be changed. Shawn might launch a coup. Someone could design a whole new system. You won't really know what's going to happen to you. - That's what makes it special. I won't exactly know what's going to happen after I die. Nothing more human than that. Besides texting people that you're five minutes away when you haven't even left the house. Thank you, Eleanor. Thank you. - You're very welcome. - Hey, Mike. Where you headed today? - Earth, actually. - Oh. Been a while. Here's the return clicker. - No need. One-way trip. - Wow. Okay. Good luck. - Thank you. I have something for you. - Yeah? He's real! - [laughs] - It's real! He's a real frog! - Yes, it sure is. [both laugh] - Thank you. And you know what? I got the perfect name for him. Mr. Jumpy Legs. - Oh. I thought you were gonna-- Never mind. - [laughs] Hello, Mr. Jumpy Legs! - Okay. So, here's your driver's license and your Social Security card. I set up a bank account for you. There's enough money in there so that you don't starve, but not so much that you become an entitled jerk. - Thank you, Janet. - Make a doctor's appointment as soon as you get down there. And no salty food. You have to keep your blood pressure down. You have blood now. - I'll be fine. I'll be okay. - I know. I just worry. [heartfelt music] - I'll see you again, you know. I'll see you when I get back. - [voice breaking] Okay. If you rent a car, don't pay for the insurance. It's a scam. Okay. [sirens wailing distantly] - Man, it's hot. But it's a--it's a dry heat.
Channel: The Good Place
Views: 635,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good place finale, michael becomes human, good place, season 4, final season, ted danson, michael, kristen bell, eleanor shellstrop, william jackson harper, chidi, jameela jamil, tahani, manny jacinto, d'arcy carden, janet, team cockroach, soulsquad, watch good place video, Entertainment, TV Series, Podcast, Celebrities, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Comedian, the good place, nbc, nbc the good place, tv show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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