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the American Football League soft the 1966 season spotlighting its newest team the Miami Dolphins the Dolphins debut must go down in football history is the most thrilling first play ever made by any new team anywhere Joe our from nearby Coral Gables High School in a Georgia Tech alumnus takes the opening kickoff and races 95 yards for a touchdown [Music] Graci dropping back to throw looking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the ball is right directly in the center of the playing field he got no game on it they put it down at the 30-yard line this will be an approximate 37 yard attempt waiting for the snap somebody jumps the cheese gets back here's a snapchat dial to check his up he's got the destined 37 yards and the Dolphins are the AFC Championship game as the little guy boots went in from 37 yards off and the dolphin win the ballgame 27 to 24 what a fitting second down five for the Dolphins a scoreless game just under 7 to play in the first period Gracie on a play-action pass going keep the water clearly Dave [Applause] and you seen a rarity a log bomb against the Baltimore dome [Applause] is going deep to heaven intercepted Anderson at the 40 50 40 of Olimar 35 30 a Baltimore 25 20 15 [Applause] videos again nap on the bomb Curtis Johnson tips it up in the air into Anderson's hands and now watch the series of blocks and the cut back and he's over just a little bit that's all that ham needed just that moment's hesitation he made the tackle when Edwards so as a kick return average of nine points to is the single safe disciple standing back the Dolphins 35 now he's gonna Roma the ball 50 45 40 35 in the 30 25 of the 20 the 15 he's out of bounds down at the 12 yard line the Dolphins running on a fake punt formation Larry cyfle was the ball carrier and he picks up a first down as he rambles some 38 yards down to the 12 yard line third and four Graci the corner deploys Danny Boy touchdown first down miami under 30 for playing at Cosi in this third quarter when he had the ball which hasn't been much another big hole open going through is danke the 40 30 miss Beldon one man the longest runs where I thought I've ever seen him a way Kurt we mentioned earlier you may stop them outside but when you've got Mars and donkey in there it is this is a brilliant one manĂ­s I mean dolphins that have got to the quarterback 39 times this year on third down and eight Gilliam back good protection oh and his [Applause] anna-san touchdown and did he read that beautifully we're chucks ago and the move on the ball here's the sideline knees kick high end over end not real deep lifting up more kicks it on the 11 they're looking up to the 15 to the 20 to the 2530 where's after the left a 35 40 gets a great block the 50 of the left side being chased by dr. Michael the 30 the 20 the 15 the 10 touchdown Miami holy Toledo woman openers 89 yards not more for the kickoff return and throw the Miami Dolphins lead the Raiders 7 to nothing with only 15 seconds of this football game having al and here's the pass judiciously to start this Drive he gets him alone sent into the right he's turning the corner knee high little look at 20 down to the 15 here and putting it on the way at the span he goes all the way touchdown dolphins [Applause] send him alone with a sparkling run of 24-yard features full RAM smash tip timers out of the place he went to tackle it it was Thomas who appeared to have him stop and he just banged him off and went into the end zone despite the football and so the Dolphins are packed in front [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cheerio Harris comes down with it Tim Fox took seconds of overtime a very difficult road do make a nice for yard position [Applause] he got from arts partner as they came off but doing bobbling that that was the defensive lineman and him bobbled that football the linebacker and him got ahold of it and now Jeff Hayes to kick off Colton Walker the deep man for Miami he had a 42 yard kickoff return the last time to 59 yards in the shotgun [Applause] second in four [Applause] but open [Applause] Hey [Applause] on touchdown of the day when you cover tight bump-and-run man-to-man you've got to get pressure on that quarterback Bobby Jackson a la duper to get out chuckling that football comes up with the ball and a touchdown for third down the six duper more as late [Applause] oh and are things going right for the Dolphins tonight back to throw fires it is intercepted by louis oliver he's out of the 20 25 30 he may go the distance he's down over 50 he's down to the 30 down to the 20 down to the 15 to the 10 to the 5 and it's a touchdown and I don't see any flags Lewis Oliver [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well that could be a touchdown if Miami has covered it a Dallas dolphins widowed and recovered it's on the run that's not in the end zone it's in the one yard they're going to sort it out the kicking team gets the word of the ball at the spot in the field of play first down received an early holiday present cheer on the phone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 16:14 seconds on the play clock they got a hurry to get this one off they're gonna get oh just before it ran out shotgun merino girls deep downfield it is Claire Moreno courageous call bets on fortune fine [Applause] what a game by Marino you talk about captain v courage they'll save that for field goal patient he has with Ingram and there the guys are stand around phrase is the only guy that rushes and and there is Glenn he's really not paying much attention late in the game the defense needed one last stop to seal the victory now looking [Music] [Applause] on 40 carries including the game-winner in overtime beats the cold on offense this is what that short one back get to New England gravy he's going to get sacked and he's gonna just throw and if not I think you can get a touchdown on fourth down and ten feeling [Applause] Thompson for the touchdown [Applause] Dave Grohl's guilty of the penalty in the pits to Ricky Williams drives us hail Ricky Williams fights it Ricky Williams is that gonna be tough touchdown dolphin [Applause] stephannie couple of hits still going lookout least one one bracket is gone got one man to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jarvis Landry Beckham jr. had one last season what a catch seven seconds left we'll throw it and this will end after the seventh or will [Applause] chuckling protesting [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: RetroActive
Views: 12,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MIAMI DOLPHINS, MIAMI, DOLPHINS, NFL, Marino, Dan Marino, AFC, sports, plays, TV, football, Shula, Csonka, phins, dolphins, south florida, Duper, Bob Griese, greatest plays, hall of fame, moments, HIGHLIGHTS
Id: _MjeSXm_aXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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