Miami Condo Collapse NEW Security Camera Video, Analysis Updates

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there is a major update in the investigation of the Miami condo collapse of the Champlain towers and in this latest update here in 2024 nearly 3 years after the collapse they are finally making major Milestones as the investigation draws closer to the conclusion today I will give you an update on the analysis that they have gleaned so far from all of the security camera videos that they are still collecting I will also show you the advancements they've made so far with the analysis and test in of the debris in concrete from the Fallen Champlain tow condominium collapse I will also show you the analysis of their failure hypothesis that they are still working on and which ones they've ruled out and what they've really fixed on the most and what's holding them back now we're going to look at some much more high-end technical analysis that was performed on all of the security camera videos that we have available to us and of course with the famous one that we saw the parking garage ramp that was taken by the the street and then of course this one they acquired in December that's a view down the boardwalk right by the beach and then of course there's one inside the hallway of the building just as it was starting to collapse and then let's not forget that other famous one from the 11 stack unit this is from unit 7-Eleven where they had that famous ring camera video and then of course lastly we have that view from the south side of the condo from the 87 Park condo next door so nist now has the official timeline based on all of the videos and they're all synced together and knowing what happened when and it looks like right here as you can see this last timestamp they have the actual time of the Tower collapse to be at 1:22 a.m. and 17 seconds and I think they were saying later on it actually probably happened about a second before because of the motion activation of the cameras but this is our official time right here is 1 12217 and of course the lady that took that cell phone video from across the street looking down the garage after she heard that noise of the pool deck crashing into the garage that happened at 11818 so that was roughly 4 minutes before so this is the progression timeline here that they have between all of their sources of video and this one's a new one the one I told you about that was looking down the boardwalk and this right here folks is the clearest shot we've had to date from that tourist's video looking down into the garage so what they did here was nist got the FBI involved and they brought in their leading Imaging expert and they were able to correct this image get it all cleaned up for us that we could see everything much clearer so we're going to go into this in a second and also using her video they were able to come up with these hypothesis here about the columns and if this looks familiar to you guys it should look familiar to you because a couple of years ago I did a video on this very subject here where I said looking down the ramp it looks like that column m 111.1 is missing and I know a few people disagreed with me that's fine I don't mind that but this vind Ates me here because they're doing exactly the exact same thing that I did so what nist did here was they were showing that you you're looking down the ramp into the garage at this point and they show you that yellow dotted line is the back line of the building the 9.1 column and so what they're able to identify here in this picture is number one here you have a license plate off the SUV that was parked right there and over here they think that's the planter at number three and number five is that missing column M 111.1 it's not there in the picture it's either not there or it's obscured in darkness but I think you and I both know by now it's not there because the pool deck has collapsed already by this point in time and then right here this is that blue patio furniture that was on sarin's patio and we'll show you that in a second and then this right here is the building line for 9.1 that that line that I'm showing you right here so it's very deceiving the the perception here the depth perception is very deceiving you're looking down this ramp but you're really looking almost 100 ft down to where this yellow line is here here's another great shot looking down the ramp that they took in May 2021 this was just a month before the condo collapse and look at this they even put the same perspective line on there that I had where I showed you as a reference cuz I the only thing I could use as a reference was the North Tower which has the same floor plan here in this part of the garage and so I was able to show you how M 111.1 was missing there and same with M1 13.1 so great minds think alike folks here there showing the picture of sarin's blue patio furniture and here in the green box is the area right outside her patio that collapsed along with the pool deck so remember all of this area of the pool deck collapsed and so that's what we were looking at in the previous picture was all of her Fallen patio furniture so she supplied this picture to nist so here's the the point that they're making it official here that they know that the north portion of the PO deck slab collapsed into the basement prior to the global collapse of the eastern part of the Tower so you know we've all sort of known that all along but this was now making it official so now directing our attention to the upper story Corridor video you can see here they've got a 3D rendering here that they've made and so they've able to tell where that video was shot from from with inside the corridors so it gives us a great Viewpoint and you can see where it was in here by looking at the grid lines pretty luckily for us here in terms of Investigation it's right near the column k so the camera was probably mounted right over here somewhere and it's aimed this way and this red area is the area that you can pretty much see in the video frame so this camera was activated by motion at 12150 here which is about 30 seconds or so before the collapse of the tower which is way over here at 12214 okay and then you can see here they've got this fitted Contour it's like a a baseboard along the wall there and we have our reference lines here so this is column I right here it's marked on the floor in the wall and we have column K is right here we really can't see that much Beyond K over to like L&M which I would have loved to have seen and of course here's grid line 4 on the floor plan pretty much 22 more feet over to grid line8 the next line down so all of a sudden right here at 12204 this is about 10 seconds before the collapse of the building you can see the floor sag right over here and you can see a little bit of protruding of the base of the wall very hard to see but it is there by time you get to 07 you're seeing changes in the reflected lighting off the floor which probably means this floor is beginning to Sag right here and so the light is reflecting off it in a different angle and so the beginning of the Roaring and the rumbling sounds occurs at exactly 122 and so here's where we're showing where the floors beginning to Sag and then it begins to displace at the north wall right around column K4 so all of this happens in the span of about 7 seconds and right at exactly 12214 the time of the collapse of the tower is when you see more changes in the reflective lighting there on the floor and this right here is the last frame that they have and you notice how there's no vertical deflection here along the ey line yeah so their key Point here from this video was that prior to the collapse there were severe deflections that occurred in the upper story Corridor so you can see if you compare it here's the one from 12155 and then here's what it looks like afterwards so you can see that line there remember that Bas line that we saw from the baseboard you can see how the floor has already started to sink down there in that area now this is a previously unseen video that they got this is another security camera on the side of the 87 Park condo next door this is that condo that everybody was initially blaming for causing the collapse they were looking down the boardwalk here the public walkway to the beach and this is the pool deck for the Champlain Towers right here and so this was triggered here at 12139 so basically almost a minute before the collapse this is now at 12224 so this would be 7 seconds after the collapse so here you're starting to see the dust cloud coming over from the pool and here you can see down here on the timeline see 12217 and so here at 12224 is 7 seconds after the collapse started and so you can see right over here on the if you look at the time stamp says 12217 this is when the South Face camera that's this one right here was activated by the motion of the building collapsing and so this Frame here this larger frame was taken 7 seconds later by the beach access walkway camera aimed towards the beach now we have an accurate depiction of what's going on so that's how they're aligning all of the time stamps here on the timeline and then about 2 minutes later this camera picked up two cops and a civilian that were running down down the boardwalk over here so if you remember from my initial police video they they arrived pretty quickly if you remember the collapse happened here at 122 and the first police arrived at 124 it was actually quite fast and so by 127 as you can see up here on the upper right the cop is walking down the walkway here and heading right over here to the pool so this is where he's overlooking the pool there and shining their light in and they're seeing the big pile of rubble left by the building after it collapsed and so this right here shows where those people were standing when they were looking over that wall into the Champlain tow Rubble pile and here's a view that we haven't really seen before I'm not sure if we've seen this photo before but they showed here what it looked like on this part of the pool deck before the collapse this is probably the best photo I've seen yet of the gate area and looking back into the cars and by the way this photo was supplied by the CTS receiver so for those of you who are unfamiliar the CTS receiver is a lawyer that was chosen by the judge in this whole lawsuit and everything he's the court appointed receiver and basically they handle All the Monies the funds the legal documents everything going on related to that property including photographs documents anything that they find any evidence that they find they turn it over to the government for the investigation these are the key observations and the key point that they're able to glean out of this walkway video next they set out to analyze this now famous ring video that you have probably seen a million times before so this was from unit number 711 and it's basically a 13-second clip so for those of you who have never seen it before here you can see it in action there and here's the floor plan of the unit but I bet what you didn't notice was that that knee wall in the kitchen was never built even though it was part of the floor plan so now we can take a look at this 3D view of the unit there of 7-Eleven and it shows there are those TVs that we saw on the side of the image from The Ring camera so here now the they're showing us the position of the Ring camera inside the unit and there's a shot you've never seen before there's what the unit looked like during the day on the day before so then they built a wireframe model over all of the key components there and they want to see how much do each of these shift at different times of the video based on the before frames and on the after frames and what they determined from this was that the movements that were observed in this room were consistent with the movement of grid line 9.1 so nist is telling us that grid line L on the left side of the kitchen had more vertical displacement than the grid line M did on the right side of the kitchen on the next project here they focused their attention on that now famous video from that security camera taken next door here's what it looked like before the building collapsed so there's sort of the view and there's the camera and I showed you this camera and this pretty much this exact same view uh two years ago on one of my update videos when I walked around on the site there for you so your camera's right there and it's shot directly due north at the Champlain Towers building collapse and they came up with all sorts of distortion models here to try to rectify any curves or any other Distortion in the photos they even went so far as to get as granular as trying to figure out how much distance is each pixel on the image and they came up with 4 and 1/2 Ines so here they're showing going from one balcony to the next how many pixels it takes and then they set about to measure motion by looking at key features on the building and so you know you find a unique feature like this one here in the middle of the screen and here's a close-up of it on the right see how it's in yellow and it's shaped like that because of the shutters from all of the windows that were added and so you have this sort of a very unique shape and so we want to follow this unique shape on the building as the building collapses so that's why they have all of these grid lines this top blue line line is the top of the penthouse parit the next Blue Line is the top of the penthouse roof and then this one here is the penthouse floor so what they have to do here now is they want to follow this unique feature down the building as the building collapses so look at this unique feature of the building as it starts to collapse I'm going to step through it for you slowly so you can see what's going on but look how it remains pretty much intact as the building collapses down and here it is again with all of the grid lines on there the K&L columns you can see just right in between K&L it looks nice and perfect all the way down Until It Breaks and so you can see the collapse is just starting here right 12217 that's when the camera was triggered however by time this camera was triggered you could see that the top of the penthouse roof parit has already dropped 100 in and that's based on them counting all the pixels and everything so that's why they think that the collapse actually started maybe a second or so before 12217 so the thing to realize here is that if you look at the bottom of this shape it's right here there's a space between it and the fence and you go down a few more frames till you get to about 12218 so it's about 1 second you can see how far down this unique shape has traversed so this moves uniformly downward indicating that these failures that trigger the eastern part of the tower to drop had to have occurred below the third floor if they had occurred up here you would have seen something Crush here you would have seen some pancaking going on here and this shape would have changed but it didn't this whole shape right here remained the same and it rode down intact all the way down to the bottom and there was also some sagging that took place here and this is called catenary action too when you have something solid like that that turns almost like a chain like a parabola here's one of their summaries here about this slide is they're showing here that the Colum columns for K and L dropped before the columns for M and I dropped now here's something else for your consideration too if you look at this freeze frame from 122 and 19 seconds you can see right here see this outline in Orange this dark this right here is the penthouse roof and you can see it right here on the floor plan next to it there's your Penthouse roof that L shape and if you look at it what's happening is this front edge of it which is right along grid line 9.1 it's the edge of the building it's down whereas the back end of it is up and so this says here that the collapse started on the front edge and progressed northward towards the back side of the building now I can tell you that early on when these videos were first released 3 years ago a number of people online were saying that they thought the collapse started in the back and worked its way forward but this Frame right here clearly shows us the collapse started here because if it had started in the back it could be the other way around this end would be higher and then the back end here would be lower in order to get a better grip on the timeline they talked to some of the residents there in the building and of course we've known this before here over here it says noises in the 11 stack units from above the first floor before 1:00 a.m. Sarah n on the first floor here even reported hearing that when she got home and they said it was like a knocking or a hammer or a table and chairs being moved above and the noises were getting louder and louder and more intense closer to the time of the pool deck collapse too bad that that didn't trigger more people to get up and leave that building U we had other residents who witnessed it from the the 09 stack so right here he said that the direction of the collapse was like this East and Northeast and he's the one that Drew this annotation right onto the map for them and this one is a really shocking one too is apparently there was somebody that seen it drew these lines along the building here for the investigators and they said that they saw three major horizontal cracks going across the the facade of this stucco here and some people said that the sliding doors on the first floor were exploding and others said that a huge cloud of dust was blowing from the garage getting bigger and bigger until nothing could be seen there was another Resident who witnessed it from this end of the building they were standing by a flight of stairs and on every Landing is a metal door with a window on it like you can see here from my picture of Champlain Towers North when I visited it a couple of years so this is would be approximately The View they had but what the person said they saw was that the 11 stack units were coming down like dominoes and that the 10 stack units started to fall before the 11 stack units finished falling and it almost felt like they were being dragged down so the Dilemma they're facing now is they're trying to figure out we know that the pool deck collapsed first and then the building collapsed but the question is is did the collapse of the building initiate that that pool deck collapse or did something happen inside the building that maybe propagated it outward towards the pool deck which made the pool deck collapse and then everything came down together so you can't just cart block say that the P deck collapsed and that caused the building to collapse even though we think that is the prevailing hypothesis right now then they set out to do structural code checks to compare the ASB built building to the codes at the time and what they found was some areas here have severe and moderate column under strength so like this would be the first floor this would be the garage floor that's why they have the two dots here indicated just all on the same spot here but as you can see both on the first floor and in the basement they had a few columns here that were in the severe to moderate column underst strength when you get up to the third floor there was areas all around the perimeter of the slab where there was severe slab flexure going on as well as the columns around here on the third floor being under strength so then they wanted to look at what it what happens here where the pull that comes in to meet that row of columns there along the 9.1 column so this is the south end of the building the pull deck steps down here then you step up to the lobby level and what they found out was that there was inadequate cover over the reinforcement on the balcony slabs and they found too much congestion here like for example here's here's a column here and you can see how it's shifted over as well too all of the rebars in there they're just shifted over and they found congestion in 9.7 5% vertical reinforcement column and you're only allowed to have 8% and on one column they got a size 12% congestion in there when you have too much congestion the concrete cannot flow properly and it will not consolidate properly so you might recall I showed you this slide in one of my videos back in the summer of 2021 where I said that look if the pull duck had collapsed it could in theory tug on this beam right here which is what I was showing you in the previous drawing and this beam could then pull P The Columns down and then this would be how the planter fell here's your BMA right here so they were also looking in some of the column strips where the top Bars were placed and in some cases you know they measured seven spaces between the east and west of the top bars and there was an average was 9 in when it should have probably been 5.75 in and then this is the how the rebar should look or going around the perimeter but yet they found just a complete mess here on one of these and then they said that they had very erratic alignment in the columns so here's one example where it's you could see it's just almost right along the The Edge there look at that Gap yeah so the offset of these columns from one story to the next exceeds the standard tolerances now here they showed a couple of issues with some of the basement columns and you can see the problem that they have here you're supposed to have overlap from the rebar in the column going down into the floor through the foundation just like these other rebars are coming up from the foundation and into the column and this is completely wrong the way they implemented this the way they set up all of their rebar was completely wrong here the rebar stops short right here here's a close-up shot of it it stops right here I can't even tell how many inches off the floor but this rebar is supposed to overlap and go under the foundation and so this is what they found too is that in a number of cases the overlaps weren't even enough and in some cases they weren't tied properly as well so now they they have to go back and build some columns that look like this and test them to see if there's going to be any problems to see if maybe that led to the building collapsing now of course they've taken hundreds of core samples already and they're off being tested right now they're testing them for tensil strength the modulus of elasticity here's the summary of all of the cores that they've extracted and where they are in the testing so far okay so then they looked at areas of where they were finding uh spalling and also corrosion of the reinforcing steel they wanted to quantify how much they have in there and so what happens is when you have a rod like this a reinforcement Rod when it starts to rust the rust builds up on the outside so that now changes the volume and you can occupy up to six times the volume of the parent metal of what it started with and this leads to these cracks forming so here here's one example here where the reinforcement bar was poking through the stains that are dripping through usually you can see that telltale signs you'll see the stains wherever you see cracks in concrete you'll often see the stains so now they were doing testing also where they're trying to create some of these slabs and do accelerated life testing of corrosion by initiating electrolysis yeah so they do all of this in about 3 weeks time on each slab and here you can see they're they're trying to duplicate that pull deck connection that I showed you earlier and they're testing the lap splices and the sustained loads on these lab splices they want to to see how well these are going to perform under these loads they also are looking at vibration impact so for example here's the Champlain Tower south building and they wanted to see what damage the vibration caused by pounding in those sheet piles from the 87 Park condo next door whether that would have done anything now the structural collapse modeling is so complex for them that not no one program can solve everything which is why you know 40 years ago solving this mystery probably would not have been very easy because you have to do certain things in one program and then you go to another program over here to do this then the slab beam column connection testing in modeling you do it in here they didn't have all of this back in the late '70s when Champlain Towers was designed as part of the update on the security camera videos and other potential videos nist told us that there were 26 hard drives and most of them were damaged Beyond repair due to the either the collapse or the exposure in the environment or corrosion or high temperature due to all of the fires that were taking place when the building collapsed but they said they got two additional videos in December which helped them confirm the building collapse timeline so nist also presented all of the pre-collapse data that they collected so here's sarin's patio furniture as we showed you before there's her unit right there that's where it was located and here's the extent of the initial pool deck collapse so you can see it worked all the way over here and stopped just shy of the 9.1 row of columns that's the Southern Wall of the building right there but it was probably enough still to pull down some of those beams there was a few of them going across here those beam a so they're combining all of the data sets and information that they've got on that pool they basically know every square inch of this entire pool deck area and this black area here shows that's the area that collapsed so here's some of the degradation mechanisms that they found so when you're at the pool deck so this is your pool deck these are your pavers up on the top and like I've mentioned to you before as water gets down in there and you've got maybe some stress fractures that open up as soon as water gets in there it will find its way to the rebar and that's how spalling begins because you start corroding the rebar the rebar starts expanding and then you start getting cracks then of course they were examining the whole relationship between the pool slab and the columns along the southern end of the building here which is of course the 9.1 row so one of the issues they're looking at here was okay at the the pool slab connection to the columns on the south side of the building here could there be crushing from weak or poorly confined slab or beam joints or anything like that and the fact that it switched from strong concrete here in the columns to weaker Concrete in the slab and then back to strong concrete again that kind of makes you go hm I wonder what's going on here and from what they were indicating there it it didn't seem that that was allowed of course another possibility that we mentioned earlier was the splice lap distance here so if if it wasn't enough you're not going to get good strength out of that concrete and then of course here was the deterioration of the concrete at the bottom column in the basement they were also hinting what we've been talking about for sometime is that you know if the pool slab had collapsed down like this it's going to go in this kind of a angle and it's going to want to rip these guys right out of that column now you have no more column strength this was a weak column to start with and now it just became weaker if you chew about 50% of it out of there so what could contribute to these failures here and here they list some potential factors the poor consolidation at the bottom of these first floor columns right here they've got some examples of it right here where the concrete did not consolidate correctly and then of course the degradation at the bottom of the columns due to flooding which we saw here in the basement and if you remember from filla's video so they showed some of those and they're also want to look at the porous aggregate so was the final concrete product to porous and allowing too much water into it they've already shown they said the slab was in perfect shape when they got there after the collapse there was nothing wrong with it they only have a quarter of an inch deviation across the entire slab So that obviously wasn't the problem and they were trying to do some pile loading testing here as well so what they were trying to do with these Frankie piles was people were asking okay you know if this thing is built on Sand you know a lot of people say it's built on a sandb it's really not there's a lot of limestone down below could any of these Frankie bars have settled down or or anything like that or could the loads have pushed them down so when they did their testing they found that there's a lot of quartz in the sand below the Champlain Towers area and so because there's so much of that quartz it makes the Limestone very insoluble in other words the limestone is not going to soak up any water and it's not going to create any voids in the Limestone so you're not going to have any Cavin in the Limestone underneath the building now for the failure hypothesis they wanted to determine once and for all did the collapse happen here at the pool deck did it start here and did it propagate to the building or did something happen in in the building that caused the damage over here to the pool deck and make this pool deck sink down so this is that famous K 13.1 column right here where most people think that it started um including myself now that I've seen all of the evidence that they've provided for it they had damages to these planter boxes out here along the side of the pool before the collapse occurred so like here's that K1 13.1 right here here's where the wall of the planter was and it just poked through right there and that punching share failure and finally nist pointed out here what I showed you back in September I pointed out that you had these huge distances here between these two columns and I was wondering why they never brought this to light in any of the previous nist updates they're also looking to see if the spacing of the reinforcement bars in any of these columns might have had anything to do with it they also pointed out the locations of the drains on the pool deck to see if that might have had anything because they do know that they weren't getting good drainage there and here they showed how the pull deck that was designed to slope towards the drains but yet the connections did not seem to be working here's a shot right here showing how water has collected on here and I showed you this of course a few years ago I showed you numerous spots on the pool deck where water had been pooling and that it collects after it rains and you remember on my slide that I showed you a couple of years ago that what happens is the rain comes in here it gets past the pavers and it soaks up in the sand and it sits there and it adds a ton of weight onto that pool deck so here it is here where just collects up and sits there and it can be days before that ever dries up or evaporates and then they know that there was a history of seepage in the garage as well and these locations are right here here's one of the drains right here and you can see that's where they're pointing to that all of these drains there was problematic issues of leaking around them and here's some complaints that were logged over the years some in 2012 2013 1997 areas in the garage where the drain pipes are leaking so it looks like this building has had had numerous problems with leaking around the pool deck area down into the garage for many years so they checked the chlorine and efflorescence and you can see there was only a couple of areas where there was any higher amounts and of course they pointed out the palm trees being there when when they were not present at the time of the collapse so they had been removed now here's the location of everything that was planned versus actual so the pink Planters here were not in the original floor plan design so that was additional weight that was added to the pool deck in 1996 and some of these Planters had up to 3 and 1/2 ft deep of soil in them as well most of them had 2 and 1/2 ft of soil that adds a lot of weight these are the planters out on the pool deck and as you can see these cracks developed these were taken just weeks before the building collapsed so already you had massive cracks and gaps opening up here in the planter that should have sent a big sign to the engineers who were there at that time and didn't react to it they didn't think there was anything wrong and time and time again we've seen this folks and time and time again we've seen this folks I don't know why Engineers keep making this mistake but I showed you just a month ago on my FIU bridge collapse video how all of those cracks were developing and they were getting bigger and bigger and the engineers ignored it and then of course we know what happened the bridge collapsed and another thing they found too when they were testing the PSI capabilities of the concrete remember this is the dividing line here the slab for the first floor so these are the basement column first floor column here the slab that what they're looking at here on both of these see uh the slab over here is about 4,400 PSI but the column down in the basement is over 8,000 so that's one of the things that they pointed out was that in all of these connections you had weaker Concrete in the slab part going to the floors than you did in the column part and that can be problematic so then nist updated us showing here that they expect all of the work to to end by June of 2025 and to have the complete final report by September 2025 and then for the next 6 months here of 2024 you can see most of their work is going to be around the document review so they've already started doing the pre-collapse documentation and of course they're analyzing all of the Digital Data that they've collected the image analysis is going to be ongoing for the next 6 months and checking all of the properties of the concrete and the reinforcement and the structural testing should be winding down also in the next few months and the structural testing should be winding down in the next few months also while this was quite a bit of information for you to have to soak up I know that but look I took an entire day worth of nist presentations and condensed it so I hope this brings us closer to closure and I hope this gives you a better understanding of what's going on in the investigation and what we know so far and what the prevailing theories are so anyway thank you so much for joining us tonight folks and we'll see all of you on the next one
Channel: jeffostroff
Views: 712,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surfside, condo collapse, miami condo collapse, miami condo collapse update, condo collapse florida, building collapse investigation, nist, champlain towers collapse, champlain towers, miami condo, miami condo collapse video, cts, champlain towers collapse video, nist update, surfside collapse, miami collapse, collapse, condo collapse miami, surfside condo collapse
Id: SUx7LApAQe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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