MI: 2 of 5 | SharePoint Hub Site with a Custom Theme - Modern Intranet

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so I'm super excited to go ahead and get started with this series so this is the first entry in this modern internet series the first thing we're gonna do is establish our hub which is the critical piece to get things started then we're gonna upload our custom logo and actually customize the theme so we're matching everything correctly and then we're gonna play around with the layouts all right let's do it okay so let's go ahead and establish our hub network let's custom brand our site and then let's play around with the layout of our homepage to Primus and get us ready for the future videos okay so here I have the demo three site that we traded in a previous video the first thing we want to do is establish the hub now to do that I'm gonna show you two ways to do that now before prepping for this video I saw that oh now in the SharePoint admin the the modern admin you can actually establish the hub and all the other good stuff right there in the UI you don't need the PowerShell script anymore but just in case your tenant does not have that capability let's walk through those steps now the first thing you want to do is establish the session the powershell and i use the Windows PowerShell ISE and you want to make sure you're running this in admin mode once you have that established you want to make sure you get in the latest module for SharePoint Online and PowerShell and you can do that by executing this command here now don't worry this cheat sheet all the link to this notepad in the description below now you notice that when I ran that module I put the force option on there and that's because I already had it installed and what the force option just like everything else Microsoft was always updating these different tools as well you want to get the latest and greatest and that force which allows you to do that now once I have that let me just go ahead and grab the URL to my site and I want to now do I connect to my services and you want to connect to your tenant which is going to establish like a session power so session witch or tenant now I just established that without any credentials and it's going to prompt me to to login so I'm just logging in with my normal office 365 Chris okay so now I have in this session established with my tenant the next thing I want to do is to actually register that demo 3 site here's the URL for demo 3 as a hub and I'll do that with this command here and the first thing it does once you put that in the URL and notice how they goes up and this is going to be the URL to that site collection not your SharePoint admin site and it's gonna ask me four principles I can easily do this in the UI so I just hit enter there and now my site is established as a hug if I go to the demo 3 hit refresh you will notice that now I have this extra layer that sits on top this is going to be my global navigation for the hub and now this is gonna be a local navigation for this particular site collection again demo 3 is the intro point are the main site for the hub and the main site for the hub you get different options in the hub settings there's one of those options create a site within this hub is another option so let's go ahead and do that so if I click create site this is the same it's the same options the same dialog as you would if we create any other modern site so when you just do those human resources and this is gonna create the human resources and gonna automatically associate that to my intranet hub and you can see that here because this global navigation is carried over and I don't have that create site option if I go to the gear icon I do not see a hub site settings option because again those options are only available to the main entry site so I'm a copy this URL to Human Resources let's just add this to the global navigation and let's just call it Human Resources and this is just gonna give us a sample to see certain features and capabilities that you get with the hub all right so now that's established if I bounced there everything still looks good and we ready to rock and roll so that's the PowerShell way of establishing the for your particular site in our case the modern intranet that we're building now another way you can do that if you go to the SharePoint admin and you have to be in the modern UI for this let me just hit a refresh here let me search on demo and this is going to bring up that demo for site if I select that you notice that you have to use this hub command here in the ribbon and you can click on that drop down and for this site because this Arrius it is established as the hub I get the option to unregister that so I don't need a PowerShell to deregister this site as to hub now another cup piece that we have here associate you know similar to hubs is that I can if I select a site that's not the hub but is associated to a hub network that I this human resource site is associated to the demo 3 hub if I click on this option I can change the hub Association so here I can easily select a different hub to throw that site in if I select a site that's not associated to the hub if I go to here I can either register it as a hub without using PowerShell so we don't have to do those steps you just saw me do or I can associate it to a hub that already exists so right here in the SharePoint admin now they have that command option for the hub yet you don't need PowerShell which is really slick ok hubs established we have a simple site associated to the hub now let's talk about branding now the first thing I want to do is establish a logo for my hub network again anything that I do on this top line is gonna be on every site within this hub now most logos if I go in the hub settings and I update this most logos are gonna have some form of wording with it because in in we run into this a lot with different clients when they are establishing their hubs just that the best thing to do is to use a logo that doesn't have the company's name in it or also you see a lot of redundancy starting to bake in so you have the company name here in the logo then you got the company name here for the hub then you got accompanying here for the main landing page for the the or the intranet so all of these you kind of have to come up with a strategy to wear this one scenario doesn't seem too redundant and it's like okay which one of these are its which even though they mean different things because of the way it's established now the next thing we want to do is go ahead and set up our branding for a main page so you can come here and add a logo for this main site and we're gonna use the red Tesla logo background that's going to be for the main landing page but you can also come here for human resources and establish a site of information establish the logo for Human Resources and this is probably not the best logo for HR there's a logo for the site there's a logo for the hub and obviously we can do a logo for a main landing page all right so now that we have the logo let's get our color scheme for this logo our for our brand you know to do that you just to change the look on the main site collection for the hub and any changes we make here it's gonna propagate down to other site collections associated to the hub even if we make this change now and we don't have all of our sites associated to the hub as soon as you add that site it's going to take on this branding it's gonna take on the Google the navigation is gonna take on the custom map that you create in the footer so all that stitching and all that propagation is all baked in which is really nice all right so now if I change to look here I have my red establish and if I scroll down you notice that my accent colors we're taking on that new red my father is taking on that new red one of the things I do want to add let's just go ahead and add and the logo to our footer so if I click upload here select the footer hit apply and now the all Fred really starts arrears you know becomes that more obvious and now this kind of looks bootleg a little bit so what we want to do is the next step is let's go ahead and establish the right color red for our brand and to do that what we need to do is the first we need to get the red the hex color for this red and if I look at my cheat sheet here there's a site that I found just pop this site URL here and what this is gonna be I thought online option would be good for us to kind of work together obviously I can do this and many different image editing programs like Photoshop or you know something along those lines but I think online is easy because you can follow right along and there's no assumption that you have a certain editing program baked in it so now have this up image upload it I just select the red that I want this is going to get me the hex value for that red let me just say this off here and I'm gonna say this off in a different notepad cuz I'm gonna have to start building this up as we go in and customize this so now that I have the hex color the next step is to go to the online theme generator which is really cool and a lot simpler than what we're used to on the classic site if you ever try to customize a theme in a classic SharePoint you have a lot of war wounds and scars from that process here they Microsoft got it really really simple and I think they nailed it I think they really got it right this time so we just take that hex color that we got from our image come here to our this is our actually office UI fabric theme generator because the modern SharePoint uses office UI fabric and react this is all kind of work together it's a multi-purpose multi-use theme generated for react in general and here we're just gonna drop in our hex color and if you scroll down they have all these different buckets so we're in SharePoint classic we had to do this manually but all these different boxes buckets where they take that one hex color and they generate two different shades based off that one color so where we don't have to specify that now that's really cool that's really slick and it's super easy and let's take advantage of it so now our theme is established because any once you drop that in all your different shades are right here in this JSON file if you pick on the power show this is gonna be your JSON document for that so let me just select that copy it go to notepad paste this off and now what I want to do is establish the power shall need it to create a new thing with that color so the first thing you have to do if I'm looking at the cheat sheet is that you want to salvage that JSON and say that to a local variable and I'm gonna do that now so let me just get that local variable oh I don't need those extra characters all right and once you have your local variable established then you want to run this command and when you run this command there's a couple things you want to pay attention to the identity is going to be the name of your thing as this represented in your tenant and that's a tenant because this is not what we're doing we're not customizing the theme just for a site collection we're not customizing the theme just for a hub network we're actually customizing the theme for the company so if someone else comes behind us within the organization to create another network or hub for sales department or for the client port or whatever port oh they need to establish this theme will be available to them for another user our site collection user using an organization if they create a site collection this thing will be available to them so we want to make it meaningful for the organization and if you can create more than one in these guys so you want to be careful of the name into where you're not naming everything Cecily I'm not sure if it'll allow you to do that or not but you know just be unique what you're naming as well all right so here is where you establish the Tessa red in our scenario and then also this local variable that we created for PowerShell you want to reference that local variable here all right let's go ahead and drop this in PowerShell command and get this loaded up so first thing I do is set that variable that that didn't make any changes at all to our tenant we just set a local variable this line here is the one that does all the magic and paste it in hit enter we didn't get an error so we assume everything is good so let's just verify so we go to our demo three site get refresh so that way we can see the latest and greatest go back to our process change to look look under themes and here we go there's our Tesla red and you see how they separate the SharePoint themes or album that we selected from before from versus her company things so anything that we trade us a company will be established under that Heather there which is very convenient and it's easy to identify all right so now we got that I'll save check our footer and there are ready spot on because our logo is just blending in just beautiful all right so now we have our main page and the last thing we want to do is set up our layout for a main page now the problem that we run into this this default theme or this modern site is set up to use still using looks like the v1 you know we talked about the v1 v2 of the modern evolution v1 where and v1 there was only one page layout you only have one option you have one column so any web part that you use you have to drop it in that one column now we're progressed up to where we can customize these layouts to where we can have more than one column so what I want to do is go ahead and establish a layout for this main section these are all called sections we're gonna use this right third this 1/3 right which is going to give us enough real estate to not only have our hero graphic which is what that web part was before but now we can ask something a little Ike quickly so let's just go ahead and drop Quick Links here we're not gonna worry about the styling there and the configuration for that as of right now but we do want to change our background color because remember when I talked about in the previous video the SharePoint design or the SharePoint design lookbook where they have the catalog of different designs one of the things that they do pretty friggin this is something that I know this is that they changed these section colors within the page to kind of help break up the different sections or the type of content and it really added a nice look to that so we're gonna take advantage of that as well so I kind of lost my carousel that's scaring me so I must save the draft and I'm hit refresh on the browser okay everything's popping back now and that's the thing like if things start disappearing are you making changes and you get like this blank screen save that draft and refresh because that's just an indicator that you want to keep adding customizations or changes just to find out that you finished a page and you click Save you get an error and all your information is not there it's not good at all all right so for the next section let's go ahead and establish this section for this one let's just split up the news and events so let's just put news here on the left let's put events here on the right and for this the other section lists going to split this to a three column we're gonna do documents there's another links web part here that we got for default by default let's go ahead and establish a site and really for this row here when I'm thinking what we do we I do recent documents for the current user our use are there documents or documents that they modify it what-have-you sites that they visit as the current user and maybe some featured links here so let's just name it rename this to featured links are things you should know or whatever you want to call it right so for our sites very basic configuration for right now let's go with the compact view for a documents we have to we have to reconfigure this document web part to bring in all the documents right so all sites even outside of our network and that's that's when these sources really become very cool because you can say only sites for within this hub or you can say all sites which I don't know if this we have to look into this I don't know if this is gonna include their onedrive or not well you can say all sites and documents which is fine any format type and then we use our filter options to bring in things or the home thing sent for the current user so let's say it recently changed no created by current user and then I'm put in not think this is an or filter modified by current user alright and then the most recent so anything that they edited are creative as the you know as the current user there's going to be easily identified and conveniently located here we're going to do you win cars are we gonna do list let's do cars alright it looks okay alright and that's it for you I mean this stuff is so easy to change that let's just guess for right now actually your process for this tutorial is just all guessing but in a real process will actually spend a lot of time at the planning and design phase because creating this stuff as you see is very easy to do and it's pretty straightforward so spend that you know now you have time to do a real well thought out strategy or well-thought-out plan or prep we're creating a download folder with all the images you're gonna use all the logos and all those other good stuff let's just go ahead and do the prep work to where we go through design these pages we're not trying to do many different assets at the same time and really focus on creating nice compelling and use their story driven tight pages alright so now let's go to this I see something here at the sites I want to do frequent sites for the current user versus the sites in the hub I noticed I only get one site so this is gonna open it up to all sites right we really want to make this page convenient this is this is probably way too many to display for the documents piece so let's trim this down to let's say the top five that cart layout really takes up a lot of real estate doesn't it or maybe we just do less how's that yeah let's do list and then maybe eight all right so it's cool I'm just trying to balance out the pages for them from a height perspective alright so now let's drop this section here to a gray right so that same gray there so we want to alternate that gray a little bit and then for the comments section we don't need that we don't need comments on the main home page and then for this bottom well let's just put a image gallery image gallery there and we should be good to go alright so it's going to look ghostly initially if I have to do some different layouts here for news and events but we're not gonna worry about that now for the most part I think this is really starting to shape up and we added zero content we establish our brand we establish our hub network so I'll be primed for future videos and we got a nice little layout to really kind of segment it and and display a lot more information sooner than later you know versus all this scrolling to consume information and then we got a little personalization in there which hopefully by the end of the series we have the new audience targeting capability baked in and we can really personalize these features and capabilities and talk about some strategies or some solutions on how do you put the right content in front of the right people without replicating so many different sites like creating a lot of noise right for the very large organizations that's key audience targeting it's actually a must because there's so much information flowing if you want to have the right information for the right people the new modern audience targeting system there's gonna be a much better experience of what we have for classic yes therefore this video [Music]
Channel: DeShon Clark
Views: 31,270
Rating: 4.9805827 out of 5
Keywords: spEasyDev, custommasterpage, sharepoint, office 365, o365, share point, sharepoint 2013, ofice 365, sharepoint custom theme, sharepoint hub sites, modern sharepoint, modern sharepoint layouts, sharepoint layout designs
Id: -LnAKbvBmkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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