METROID DREAD: First 90 Minutes! - Luke & Samus vs Killer Robots | Metroid Dread Livestream

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I would love to see Luke doing a full play

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrShasshyBear 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you had told me at the start of 2021 that before the end of the year before the end of october i'll be playing a new 2d metroid game well i'm not sure i would have believed you but here we are friends welcome along uh it's me luke we're playing metroid dread we're allowed to play the first 90 minutes it's out tomorrow along with the oled switch we're allowed to play the first 90 minutes of the game today on today's stream hello everyone in the chat uh i'm going to be checking in with you as as much as i'm able um but uh you know that said we're going to be cracking on as as enthusiastically as possible thanks grossly thank you very much for the super chat much appreciated okay right metroid a virulent floating organism that drained energy from its prey through physical contact run a new save file this is the very first thing you see when you start playing metroid dread i'm now going to press a to go to the next screen because come on we know about metroid's their value as a bioweapon spot several crises and this is just off top my head and as a result i would say all traces of them have been eliminated they're now um extinct i think oh yeah and this is a um well that's that's your ex parasite uh gosh i mean don't know how much uh of that uh information i have off off the dome but um well it's gelatinous parasitic i mean it's an organism um what was the planet it's indigenous too i want to say sr387 no three eight eight it could absorb the dna of its host living or dead and replicate its form when affecting a living host it could even access the host's memories ex-parasites were driven not by emotion but by an instinctive need to replicate and spread to increasingly stronger hosts their inability to be controlled mark them as even more dangerous than this whole predator the metroids like the metroid's they are believed extinct yes sam is like first look at samus yes oh no oh no got by x parasite the worst case scenario it's getting in the vents it's getting in the cooling ducts it's gumming up the fan of the suit oh no with no metroid surviving on sr 388 it became infested with the x horrifying parasites capable of imitating any living being unaware of this i set foot on the planet oh well this is samus's voice got infected and almost died i think this is samus's canonical voice i mean she's never said much i mean apart from any other em but i think this i think this voice is canon now the only thing that saved me was a vaccine created from metroid dna which also left me uniquely able to oppose the x this ability was tested immediately when i went to a biologic space laboratories bsl research station to investigate a distress signal oh no there she is there i battled many powerful x forms including the sax which was the x mimicking me in my power suit at full strength i eventually eliminated the x menace on sr-388 by setting the bsl research station on a collision course with the planet that'll do it that'll that'll eliminate more or less any menace i reckon after that the x and metroids were just memories or so we thought just when it all seemed over the galactic federation received a mysterious video transmission it's the next parasite i see it video proof it showed an x alive and in the wild thorough analysis proved the video was real although the sender was unknown the transmission was traced to a particular planet who's who's filming x parasites and not disclosing who they are tell us so we can go kill it again it was called the zdr if the exit somehow escaped extinction out there they would pose a threat to the entire galaxy the galactic federation dispatched a research team of 7me to investigate sure that goes well uh there they are now i've watched the nintendo direct so i know that big stabby prong is not our friend an emmy is a large research robot designed to capture field samples and extract their dna their incredible mobility and protective plating made of the strongest stuff in the universe practically guaranteed the mission's success oh well game should be a breeze then oh but not long after their arrival on zdr all communication was lost damn samus is so freaking cool ah getting so pumped up by metroid music what a what a thrill what is happening on zdr is the planet really invested with x as the only one immune to the parasites it's up to me to go there and find out let's do it brenter says amazing how much knowledge you have luke if i didn't know better i'd swear you were reading off cue cards or something hey you know you wanna i i what can i say i have encyclopedia it's psychopedic metroid knowledge oh i think jeffrey says hi luke will watch this on catch up when not working just wanted to tell you i have a gift for you and i'll be a doctor on saturday cool see you there we're not doing this mission for bounty hello simon says bounty hunter pipe down computer we're do we're doing this one's personal if there's an x parasite down there it needs to be squished samus um that voice really reminded me of uh samuel hayden from doom which you know there's a theory in there because now obviously doom guy is uh in smash bros ultimate some would say he's been there for a while okay we're coming to on oh there we go oh that looks like a choker okay we're in flashback now i think all right samus play it cool [Laughter] it's clearly an alien shoot it's atmos wearing he's wearing a guy oh my god i know this looks like a cutscene but i'm actually in full control of the game now this is me doing all this all these badass flips yeah pressing the fire button there yep pressing the button to oh yeah yep that yep hit that deflect good got the timing right happy with that oh i missed our live fire doesn't seem to oh yeah i just pressed the get grabbed button um yeah the button i'm going to press now is the i'm just hammering x to stare down the barrel of this energy weapon okay this how good is this suit all right okay [Music] and we're playing amazing amazing amazing feels good feels good right enough faffing uh where is my guns we need guns all right well we're not getting through there fine all right everybody better step off that means you alien that's that's a that's a shoot shoot in the back situation if ever i saw it uh while tilting i'll turn [Music] bugs alien bugs that's all right that's the whole that's the whole format no need to be dismayed when we find a locked door oh okay okay didn't even need the wall jump tutorial i guess yep cool uh i'm already at maximum capacity well yeah because that's because i've been conserving it so well i get through here no that's a more ball hole look oh look look how samus like if you try and press into this mothball hole we can't go through samus sort of does like a lean in fire gun anyway you might kill an alien who's just hanging out um amazing matthew neve says i would love to continue watching the stream but i'm avoiding spoilers have a great day looking forward uh to a hallows stream yeah well um matthew neves hope to see you there uh and no worries no worries i understand if you want to avoid spoilers i don't think we're going to see too much too much in the first 90 minutes but if you're onto a dead end try shooting your surroundings striking some blocks of missiles may reveal how to destroy them all right here we go dr mark says i've been waiting for this for 10 years this being the revelation that samus is canonically voiced by luke i know well now i can i can now reveal that all along i have been the samurai that she got me into voice the first metroid game and i said all right here's line number one so you've accessed the network and i was just silent wow i can write you your vital signs and video a lot from the data you uploaded samus should be silent of course we can no longer um pay you for the session and i said that's fine i don't i i don't do this we're not doing this one for the bounty this one's personal i've run it right we're chatting with adam but i cannot account for why you lost consciousness my readings indicate dramatic physical changes in you whatever caused these changes seems to have stripped you of most abilities you might call it physical amnesia physical amnesia i am checking the federation database against your video log it appears to have been a choice identity is not yet clear i have determined that you are ancient good aliens of cpr your top priority should be to return to your ship on the surface this situation is precarious trust your instincts as you navigate upward trust your instinct this planet appears to consist of multiple areas shuttles elevators and other modes of transport connector keep an eye out for ways to reach the surface the ship's location is marked on your global map check it for yourself you may encounter pockets checking you check it dna renders you vulnerable to such environments spending time in cold areas will be harmful to you all right knighted such cold areas scattered underground do not enter them with your basic policy okay one final thing underground interferences preventing radio transmissions check in with me at any network stations you find i will thanks adam a bit convenient for adam that communications are hampered means adam could just read a magazine in the spaceship or whatever uh open the map all right well here's where we here's where we started and here's where we've got to global map oh my god that purple thing is the spaceship we're trying to head back that's huge all right well let's crack on you alien you obviously need to be shot with guns by me samus ah another another slug i'll get you there okay okay okay okay slide oh slide into cutscene counter all right we're tutorial encounters [Music] okay okay okay okay parry certain attacks x bam oh okay oh yes have some of that have some of that right let's parry something else yes yay alien what yeah yeah that's right parried parried and reposted yeah nice yeah nice try you nice try zubat i've played dark souls come on bam oh that feels good right ah back off get away from me away from me alien uh and you ow you win this round slug alien [Music] slugs slugs and bugs yeah well well um what's that we go to it's not a door uh all right remains sealed fine fine fine fine fine fine fine oh atari and that's where we are if an area on the map is blinking indicates that a hidden item is there well i see it oh oh done we can't go back i guess that's all right we only go forwards anyway uh good good going to need all the missile uh yeah i know what one no fight is just put the games just put me into a funnel no no no fighters do not go quietly into that good funnel no i don't know we've already had our first jump scare ah now this this is this is the emmy from the nintendo direct shoot it samus kill it with your lasers oh okay an enemy's attack can be countered by pressing x at the exact moment of the flash however the timing is extremely difficult to gauge making this a desperate maneuver um is now the right time yeah i guess so slide under it slide under it yes yes it's just cheese it use it is it going to come dude [Laughter] that's right i'd like to see oh no it's effortlessly climbing yeah that's right your claws don't work yeah you're stuck now aren't you i'll shoot you at my leisure what's this some kind of great big brain the energy from the central unit transformed the arm cannon into an omega cannon good omega blaster online all right we got our first power up hold l t's aim mode oh oh okay uh hold r to charge charge all right well presumably we can use this to uh kill ourselves an emmy still there hear me [Laughter] easy easy good of them to uh right okay so so when an emmy rocks up i have to find one of those things uh why am i going back this way there was nothing here was there no no the map says no uh all right uh well okay oh well well now so i thought that's the thing i fell down when i went quietly into that good funnel um and that's a nice animation let's just appreciate that for a minute got some rave energy it's kind of like a doom doom down to those about to rock damn down down right enough silliness uh cool slugs yeah nice try mate it just just blew up an emmy so go tell your bug leader about that oh no two diverging paths my worst nightmare i'm sure this will be the last time that happens so uh can they get through there oh this looks like a save room maybe yeah it's good let's check in with the chat briefly uh matthew neve says uh oh sorry matthews read your comment already angel beat says hey ox it's my birthday on saturday so you want to say have a great time at egx everyone happy birthday saturday angel beat leonbrook says i don't get to catch many streams live because they're all early morning here but definitely got to take advantage of this opportunity to say hello hope you will and we'll watch the vod later thanks very much leon brooke that super chat comes in new zealand dollars so i think we know where leon brooke is bloody love new zealand i think it's my favorite place i've ever been right now we left we left a path untaken didn't we oh but it was down here and it was the path that we this is where we came from originally then we went yeah then we went over here fell down here went up here got the thing killed the emmy go through this door and now we're up here into the unknown into the unknown um is that a thing we can destroy not from here maybe you're a thing we can destroy no all right i'll get through there water uh if i oh i was about to say if i step in this will i die and i slipped into it but no blue blue tread slowly though i can't get up um okay okay shoot can't slide uh okay water water physics water puzzles in this one oh okay cutting yeah that looks good samus poke you poke your hand in that oh oh no we've entered film grain land uh okay all right here's a big terrifying box to go play in what's that red thing central unit wow this battery is massive uh all right well central unit i kind of want to be heading for the central unit right can't get up there all right because i got no double jump um okay door down there or alternatively door here right two two routes we can take um why don't we take the let's make the lower one first in case it leads to oh no oh we can't take that one right okay that's fine oh it feels really good folks flipping around oh no did i say it feels really good this feels bad soundless no you can't shoot it with conventional weaponry we've done this before sounds ah good luck getting through that i think we've seen the i know we just did this in the cut scene uh all right well that's not a door i can go through let's go up ah what oh no i know where is it going no no no no no no no no no is it ah good bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad oh my god okay well well i see why they call it metroid dread this is better look i'm the boss out here flee little alien animals here out here i'm the apex predator no one no one tell these no one tell these aliens about all the running and screaming i just did oh all right not getting through there fine fine fine get the old breath back the music's probably kicking off now let me know by the way if the sound levels are okay um i did some sound checks earlier but let me you know let me know i want to want everything to sound and look good um missile tank acquired can't go through this door though that's fine we can go this way ah ah check out the glowing now it's like a dark punk concert bird right sorry sorry about that let's talk to adam and i'll be quiet you encountered were clearly trying to capture you they may have been hacked if so it's reasonable to assume all any will be possible yep thanks adam what do we pay you for obviously they're hostile let me send out a pulse to detect vibrations in the air within a certain range essentially they can hear you i can hear you well i've got some bad news adam everything's metal and my suit is made of metal i'm basically a big clanking suit of armor surveillance multitrack okay out of its line of sight when this happens the danger to you increases dramatically okay an enemy that has seen you will begin pursuing part of the pursuit protocol which is the seal bmw this is you must leave its range of pursuit if abney and it will disengage this will also unseal the exits okay leave its range of pursuits to unseal the accidents [Music] their control system must permit them to operate only within that range is okay well stop esther never tell me the odds adam 99 probability 99 probability of deletion when i get back to the spaceship for you adam there may be a very small opportunity to escape but exploiting why didn't and find an exit your highest priority in an enemy zone should be simply to survive that's my highest priority in every zone adam both in the game and out okay okay okay uh good uh save your progress yes please what do i do now okay well we got two paths ahead now got one path ahead now that's good okay am i in the emmy zone no i don't think so i think i have to go through those doors sort of glitch glitchy gates oh didn't see that wall uh okay can i get that i'm not sure i can get that fine fine fine fine um oh good right okay okay let me procrastinate going into the emmy zone by reading uh this comment from gentleman who says hey look getting close to the end of a seven hour train ride about two more hours to go and this stream is exactly the entertainment i need right now amazing gentlemen mandrel may your train wi-fi hold up okay all right it's fine we'll just if it shows up we'll just sort of you know run away and hide and me and that's fine uh okay so where am i hopefully when i pause the game is like actually paused i we don't know what that item is well well well let's head through this door and find oh here we go we just saw that resource is already at full capacity i can't go through that door right that didn't help us too much i guess it would have if we were out of resources uh this is feeling like somewhere i can't what do you think no this feels like a double jump situation or something okay fine fine fine okay yeah good luck emmy look at me power sliding around what are you gonna do when i start power sliding freak out panic where is it though [Music] okay don't know what that thing is above me see me now uh all right blind running let's go through here was he gonna follow me yes that kissing on the mini-map leave me be leave have i lost it i think i've lost it i think i've lost it i think i've lost it i can't go up here can i no that's more poor territory that's fine well that's fine no you've never seen a samus there was no you are the samus hunt yourself don't swear on the stream luke don't swim is it gonna yeah no i'm not gonna lose it i'm not gonna lose it no okay okay okay okay ah that was the exits i forgot the excess would be sealed i forgot the exits would be sealed leave me alone okay the exits open now don't no don't where's it yeah don't leave no no leave me leave me oh god oh god oh god no this is not productive i've gone backwards i've gone backwards ah okay right all right right right this is this is fine and good this is fine and good because now i know no right let's just get just leave you can't follow me through here right okay all right well well here's what we learned here's what we learned it's better to be underwater can i get what's that i want that i can't have it game won't let me have it that's fine that's fine as long as we've got a way to go that's fine the thing i always dread in these games is like getting oh oh i can't get that can i it's like getting stuck you know or like finding a dead end but we're not there at that point and we're out of the emmy zone as you can see we have explored this much of it probably the emmy won't be hanging around in this bit oh well this seems like a safe room good it's a ss it says save room nowhere safer i like the way thomas kind of i like the way samus kind of stomps into the save thing like stop stop have another look oh it's so it's so trippy seeing like this is like the best samus has ever been animated right you alien obviously you can get exploded uh what's that can't have it i can't have it why can i never have what i want some sort of flying bat oh oh oh no no no god okay all right okay let's not this is not necessarily panic the game wouldn't let me be down here if there was no way i can't make that this water's too sludgy or the sludge is too watery uh okay let's go fishes is it well let's try and miss all on these oh that was quicker all right that's what we'll do next time okay cool cool cool slugs is it oh we drained the water again good uh but i can't go i can't get anywhere though can i definitely come something else in here to shoot is that uh okay i didn't know we could crouch um uh maybe maybe lowering the water level means that something else is now you know a thing i think we can explore oh all right is this adam again hey adam it's me samus what are you saying about knight oh it's not adam it is the planet map data okay oh god oh my god this is enormous area map downloaded save your progress please wouldn't i love to uh on the map the yellow rooms are saving facilities the purple rooms contain transportation devices all right so that's a transportation device that's transported that's a safe room oh my god i have this feeling the game's about to stop holding my hand but i like having my hand held um god and again let's just look at where we've been compared to the global map okay fine and we've we've seen so many rooms we can't go to yet purple rooms contain transportations okay right let's press on oh those three water things that's from okay we're above where we where we were i guess okay well now we have a few different routes to follow i guess oh wow hmm so we can go through here or uh or i guess now we can go down through here but that's the emmy zone so maybe i'll look in here first ah okay fine ow ow sorry i thought it would attack me and i could counter it there we go good this our capacity increased by two if i go down here have i been here before yes yes i have been here before okay yeah oh no no no i didn't actually want to go down at this time how about this counted can i get back in oh no all right that's fine we're going the long way around again ah slugs right so where's the route where you said it so that remember that of course you remember that that's where we were just a moment ago all right okay i'm gonna go back into the emmy zone that's a pretty big map this is our gear and yes okay all right let's get let's get back in let's get back into the emmy zone i'm looking forward to seeing an emmy again ah oh draw that little what's that little thing float down again that i may shoot you with my weaponry come on come on get down here oh no oh no what i moved i moved and it saw me do [Music] [Music] no be still be still all right if i'm still for long enough it'll lose track of it no ah to i'll start the emmy zone well all right well thanks for i guess i appreciate that what i say uh okay right well i feel like i was mostly just panicking and running there so i don't really no [Laughter] all right all right all right all right you give chase if you like you get you you fine pursue me if you can i'm running in fear that's where i got killed last time that okay all right there's no is that an exit i can't jump up there so no this thing this thing is a pad okay water level water level water level water level water level water level water level water level nice try emmy yeah jump it's not gonna follow me there can't be down there can it no rod i don't know exactly what i'm i think that yeah like there's a yellow flash and i'm guessing that's what i'm supposed to be trying to parry okay that's fine is the water gonna is that water level gonna stay changed do you think or or not ah jumbo rich i'm over it [Music] nope gotta do it again what if it gets me no no no no gotta go okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay right now now keep moving keep moving because we're not safe not as safe as i necessarily assumed having got through that thing yep yep yep yep there's trouble there's trouble there's trouble there's trouble i can't attempt to poke my head through just to laugh at it it's gone good okay okay okay okay right okay fine good energy already at maximum capacity yeah because i died uh right where can i go here i can't get up there can i no i can go through here all right two paths now and go there or there i guess a moment sort of much of a muchness oh that's cool a little parkour thing i don't have to press jump to do that um let's go this way zubats oh oh okay all right can't get that wow all right zubats i'll come back for you with the morph and then we'll see you smart okay [Music] bp phantom says luke pokes head through emmy pokes through head oh god uh all right well this is the thing that explodes again two paths forward let's take the secret he won first maybe oh do you know what hang on let me just check it looks like this one leads to yep yep damaging cold damaging culver can't go there i can see i can look at it look at it on this side of the screen but i can't go there i don't think i can get through this either oh i don't know okay all right that wanted a missile fine good because i was panicking there that was a dead end yeah that's right that's right that's right that's right this animation is really good uh okay oh no pass forward now wait no down here oh yay i think we're getting it i think it's an upgrade oh first may i have it please can you must i shoot must everything be shot yes okay apparently so charge beam [Music] hail sneezer says just wanted to say it's always a good day when fear singing is involved keep up the good work yeah well i mean let's see now where they brought this out to halloween uh folks this beam energy to unleash powerful shots yeah yeah yeah yeah charged beam shots damage enemies immune to normal shots such as robots and bosses okay okay they can also open charge beam doors uh and we can perform a charge attack by spin jumping when the beam is fully charged all right oh that's our jump well well this better be a door but yeah there we go slightly overkill okay well now now we can go through here right i don't really need to kill this thing do i and yet i did uh okay so stay out stay open once oh that's pretty hey wait is this this is where we started the game is it it is it's that door we couldn't go oh look at that we're back at the start amazing i mean i guess that's progress oh now you've moved in sorry sorry man i thought you would attack me got that counter this feels so nice i've not played every 2d metroid game um but the feeling uh i can't go through here can i still even with my charged charge beam that's fine fine didn't even want to anyway did he didn't even want to anyway i can't go through here now i've not been we have not been through here because it's a charge door right shoot this bug in its fundament there you go um oh i would like that please energy tank acquired that's the good cool that's the best collectible love getting an energy tank extra life oh yeah we can see like now up to the wait hang on where should i be up there you see up there there's now like a pink now there's like a pink bar next to my life okay bugs is it laughing at me get back again get down here oh my god i think it's ridley i think it's ridley the space pirate they put him in the game he's so hard to kill i got him though uh that's where i came from okay it's a bit later than you think that's that harry deflect whatever the game is calling felt it good back them away with one hand destroy them with the other uh this looks familiar right so i've been here but over here no and i've been through here as well but there uh but there must be some this is the kind of charge beam door oh that's very useful okay so i can highlight so when i get a new thing i can highlight all of the doors in the game that i like that are like what that is okay well this is where i got it so i came through here right so now i can go through here where i can go before and through here which is where um the central unit is so maybe that's where i want to be headed into deep deep within me territory enemy you see what i'm going for there right um [Music] something hidden in this area that's where i slid in that slid down that thing uh it'll probably be up here in the corner but i definitely couldn't jump that far okay well for now i guess when we head for this charge beam door ow i'm very pleased with that highlight highlight doors thing because i am prone to getting lost in these games so like any favors the map can do you always much appreciate it come on all right making a fool of me on a live stream there we go where was i going again oh yeah up to you there cool missiles there we go i got it got it i got him first try right so wait probably should save this is the thing that one of the things that's so good about metroid is that to the if you were if you were like samus's enemy and you were watching her she's so industrious she's so busy you know she's just like tearing from place to place right okay oh good well it takes us straight to an emmy door so i can't destroy that even if i could i can't get through there um oh no oh bother uh all right okay let's just everyone else saw that too right it's not possible to walk slowly in this game you can do this easy samus this isn't as good as i thought it because let's take me somewhere i've already been i guess maybe now i can like go in with oh me up again now now the emmys here ah okay i can make the mini map a bit bigger i don't see an emmy on it so good jolly good there it is i saw it saw it on the map there it is there it is no you saw nothing is it going to patrol this way it is patrolling this way it's already doing it okay all right that's fine i'll simply evade you using techniques using techniques and by keeping my cool and composure slide side side where can i go where can i go it's climbing up it's climbing up the other side it's gonna that's we've been through there before we've been through that we've been through here before i feel like i'm backtracking i feel like i'm not going to where i want to go where can i be going that we've been to i've been through here before hmm [Music] now hmm okay is this bit unexplored still brandon simon says hey luke thanks for giving us a look at metroid uh this will be my first game in the series and it's nice to see what i'm getting into amazing uh okay uh well it's a great series right am i gonna have to backtrack round now uh well well i mean i've ended up here which is not where i wanted to be but maybe i can like where did i enter the emmy zone previously it was like in here right so maybe now i can go in from a different you know what let's just keep let's just keep it let's just keep exploring see what we find whoa did you see that in the background oh wait maybe i haven't been in here yet oh okay oh yeah i hadn't been in here yet uh this is like hot zone as it's probably technically called uh okay well that's yeah let's get that missile tank upgrade is that all i can do in here though for now at least until i open this door i think it might be oh oh no no no no no no no no it is not yeah cool new areas i think i can hmm all right all right fine fine i'm in the tube now i'm not in the emmy zone am i no so i don't know so i've got nothing to fear ah tell you what though enjoy that big cinematic look at some lava i feel like i've wandered off but i guess that's fine isn't it i'm supposed to be exploring oh this is a nice comment from joaquin uh raymond santiago says love the content but still late it's better to be lost in the metroid series especially this game originally originally started production 10 years ago and backtracking is the key in metroid that's a good tip well we've already done some back we've already been back to the start to the very first room in the game so we are we are backtracking right several doors here uh now friends the actual heat haze coming out of here makes me think i shouldn't nope nope nope okay that's fine that's fine we'll come back we'll come back uh is that door also pete hazy i think so yep yep yep no okay that's okay i'll go through there and go through here to save rooms at a map room it's a safe room i think good because i'm desirous to save my progress fabian liven says don't you mean hot new area yeah yeah that's that's what it's officially called wow get here i wish to missile you bring your glowing bum over here that's my thoughts uh this appears to not be a door at all i love the way she sort of presses up against it so nice parkouring right here we go uh well that can't go through there this looks like a thing samus never met a machine she couldn't just jam her gun arm into oh this is an item the thermal's fuel flow has been redirected good nodding my guy get it oh so those that door doesn't open with a ah now can i get that i'll go through this new door in a minute i just want to yes there you go there you go little off the beaten path okay okay so now the fire as you can see here it's like samus is doing a presentation isn't it see the fire here as it flows down here in this pipe well now it's going this this way rather than this way it's now going this way which means we can go through this door to a new area good come at me oh wow done uh right that door's open this is where i've been before yes yes i went through here that this was the cinematic thing we ran thing and the camera went whoa look at the lava uh so we're in exactly we're exactly where we want to be oh watch it right now this is this is taking us back where we were though but hope maybe we can find some more of those new doors in the federation database however there are records of the chosen warrior tribe there is a strong possibility that you are connected chozo warrior tribe you have seen the warrior tribes architecture and artifacts on this planet i conclude that this is this new law but why would someone lead you here and send the enemy after you the footage of the ex-parasite may have been staged to lure you in michael lindell says why do they call the missiles hit isles is much more positive why would someone lead you here and send the emmy after you the footage of the ex-parasite may have been stated right means i'm clear but your priority hasn't changed you must return to the ship how we doing for time we've got 25 minutes left that has restored power to the closed doors seek them out to proceed uh i continue to search for the unique energy you employed against the first enemy it is the only way you can confront them unfortunately this energy is limited you may have noticed it disappearing after an emmy is destroyed yeah so the emmy killing gun is a one shot own six remember that you have no means to confront them remember that samus appears huffy right good well now i can go through here behind any lines okay can i just quickly save here or can we only check in with oh it did save didn't it when i did this last time never mind never mind right okay here we go here we go here we go all right emmy where are you oh there it is there it is it's moving away from me which is so great and now it's moving towards me which is so bad oh no okay uh crap go away go away go away no no no no no no no [Music] door open open open oh my god i'm following them blah blah blah i love the pipe pipe lava fight open the door open the door oh my god no no no no no ah no oh god okay well sometimes sometimes sometimes you can be too hesitant okay right well we're not going to make that mistake again we're sprinting through emmys be darned i can see it it's above me it's not seen me but it's uh investigating my sound investigate all you want mate got the door quickly this time i really would like to get that parry wait it's still after me isn't it oh crap no what secret things uh okay okay where do i go where do i go where i go still after me probably yes oh my okay it's coming it's gone somewhere ah jeez okay uh well i can slide through here well i'm doing that because i am being pursued [Music] pursued relentlessly oh no no no no no i went the wrong way i was there it was already there he was there [Music] yeah nice try emmy god that's not a thing okay okay okay get your bearings dude get your bearings uh so i slid through there last time and i'm gonna have to do it again okay okay okay there must be some there must be some yeah yes yes yes it's still coming after you though isn't it we're not we're not actually free slide oh okay slowed into it set into a cutscene that's good oh right okay what are you then you're shooting sonic rings at me which i do not appreciate ah i think it's a missile situation oh yeah nice try nice try dodge all your projectiles mate oh oh of missiles no worries charge shots should do the business order why is that emmy why why what is why would you show why would you show these things happening simultaneously oh good i've got my emmy killing gun arm hold white if fire the omega stream and heat up the shielding all right and then charge it is that what i have to do is that what i have to do with the emmy now i can't just do this i can't just do the charge shot it wouldn't give me this but i didn't have to do it i'm gonna have to melt its face why can't i where is it there it is okay okay okay all right uh oh my god it's gone slow-mo shot ridiculous [Music] we killed it yes we got a spider magnet spider magnet spider magnet allows samus to attach the blue magnetic surface walls and ceilings using a magnetic field telltale in the direction of that walls and scenes grab on right good good good good good good i'll make a cannon depleted and right okay so yes as before oh but look emmy territory has turned green because the emmy is dead that's nice that's a blessed relief okay is that where we came from so now we can spider climb uh oh look [Music] amazing good good because we've been here before but this path is new now oh i'm out of them so this is this all new just down there i have been there before so here oh i've been here before as well but maybe now there's someone new i can get to with my spider climbing skills [Music] back off slug i own these walls yes good good what did that do did that do anything oh it opened it opened an emmy door oh an emmy exit i should say left the emmy zone now or what was the emmy zone because i dispatched the enemy good we've been here before yes that's the safe station i tell you what because i'd quite like to log the fact that we killed that emmy as canon uh jim bazaba says hey luke's wondering you planning play any more of this i'm too much for chicken to play this myself um i can i will absolutely be playing more of this um uh how long will we go for aaron 15 and i i'm loving it um i don't know i don't know if i'll livestream the whole game but ah zubats wriggling out the vents yeah yeah that's right i'm just going to stand here and kill zubats all day no we don't have very long oh that's cool uppercut run i quite like to run into a zubat yes and mangle it yeah okay right i will stop now and progress but maybe just one more just feels good uh okay okay well that looks like a door i can't get through oh there was a there was a parry thing there all right oh i probably should have parried that uh no but never mind harry gtt says you got an emmy now you know how tall back just feel it's that kind of emmy right yeah it's a daytime emmy i've been pursued by a daytime emmy okay [Music] here we go ah oh yeah okay yes right good seconds is that many eyes oh i i have to fight it right okay out okay bullets do nothing it's not one of those it's not the kind of enemy that can be shot let's try missiles ow all right missile missiles it is dodge the tail hit with missiles ow what was part one luke dodge the tail okay well i'm out of missiles i got five i got five missiles back uh maybe i should be conserving some cells okay all right phase two what do you got what do you got raw ring going completely invisible i'm not a fan completely invisible apart completely invisible apart from i would say one fairly telltale thing okay so this doesn't have to be ourselves this can just be normal shots okay good okay your smashing tail has unlocked some spider climbage and it's gone completely yes this really is me playing in in the cutscene i was joking before but i am i mean all i'm doing is pressing the shoot button it trusts me to do that no don't put me back in the real game uh cool all right i guess we maybe do that a few more times look at this clown oh yes go on cough out cough out your spitballs again makes you very easy to aim at my missiles oh no oh no he heard me he heard me he's wise to my tricks how much i got i'm okay i've got 24 but i've got a full tank full tank after it come on really needed that really needed to hit that blob ah okay slide oh ow ow okay slide counter dude all right what do you got now oh my god oh that oh so casual beam charging yes i don't think it's gonna make me do the rest of the fight send it send it send it chef get it out there get it into the restaurant don't touch it so i'm gonna see oh it's dissolved ah i don't think i've ever seen phantom cloak i don't think i've ever seen a bit of metroid media as badass as the bit as that cutscene where she was just looking with contempt upon the wounded boss and then just sauntered away look just looking down anyway i can go invisible now i guess uh good click in r let's use energy uh okay well let's try it out okay so i'm a bit slow that's all right uh that was sick cool [Music] ah so i i assumed this was like a need a pass situation but maybe what if i was not visible how about that oh but i'm not sure i can go anywhere though i've gone through here i think i can get through that okay oh oh okay there's another one here nice and casual samus ah we're back in the hot hot zone oh wow didn't mean to drop drop off that really uh okay is this new territory or previously explored territory what kind of okay in highlight invisibility gates uh okay so there are none over this side of the map that's helpful there's one here i've been through these two so i haven't been through here and i can go through here now so oh look and that's easy to get to i just run along this is the cinematic corridor and then bob's your uncle amazing uh let's check in with the chat jay dobby says looking forward to seeing oxford live for the first time tomorrow i'm heading to egx dressed up as an asterisk inspired steampunk inventor amazing amazing i'm uh super excited um uh yeah tomorrow is gonna be the first live dean diox venture in obvious well since before the unpleasantness uh yeah i am super psyched and yeah looking forward to seeing many of you there uh it's at um there's egx in uh london the excel center uh yeah and we're gonna have a rare old time um uh andy was there doing a recce today um he told me that uh he sent me a picture of the of the map of geth that is on sale oh oh whoa okay if you're invisible for too long you die and also in the game hey look at this oh it's a vehicle section could probably just let this thing live right i killed it now oh okay fire fire is it hey okay slide down a lot quicker than you ah uh right do i go to oh no this looks like it's hot yep hot hot hot hot what's this artaria oh we've only got five more minutes travel to qataris i think we're allowed to show some guitarists yes okay well only five minutes of it though because we're it's nearly time to wrap up blue and dog says damn you nintendo i already have backlog of games to play and just started borderlands 3. now i have to buy this i have to buy this outrageous i mean did i already say this i was i think all the reviews just dropped like i think moments before uh oh got that eurogamer essential just saying right okay uh so we can see a little bit of this new zone no not if i accidentally fast travel away from it we can't no no no i don't want i know i don't want to no cancel um good right see what new oh i like the music in here what a kind of makes we've got a kind of what are you oh okay right you do that why would someone design this robot what what purpose does it serve do i have to shoot these top bits do you think oh man sorry about kicking my butt i can't go through there because it's too hot how about missiles on the ah good that looked like it hurt it wow oh my gosh my last energy dot right don't stop fouling this up it's working should i just run past it [Laughter] the game over all right all right all right come on come on come on i want to see it i want to see one more room before we okay guitarist yes ah maximo lemley says maybe you go invisible yes why didn't i think of going invisible of course what samus i've never ah i've never seen a samus i've never heard of one yes oh wait oh no but this is also this is also the hot zone where samus dies okay i can't go that way either oh looks like i may have finally got lost at the perfect moment because it's time to wrap up the stream that hurt it that for sure hurt it so let's just be nice and cool and clinical let's just hit it on its little shoulders that's got to be hurting it right that's definitely doing some damage yeah there we go well we killed it and it profited us nothing as far as i can tell but the moral victory is ours right that is going to about do it uh because 90 minutes is the limit of what we can stream so looks like i am going to have to oh look and just like that metroid provides uh so i guess this is the way thank you very much everyone um for tuning in really really really appreciate it why not hit the like button on your way out that would be so great um jar jar 14 says hey i never get to see live streams jaymar seems to be rolling in at the end take this token of my appreciation for elizabeth years of entertainment well thank you very much thank you everyone this was a little bit the first 90 minutes of metroid dread it's out tomorrow along with the oled switch uh so yeah got that eurogamer essential which i'm delighted about because my god it's 2d metroid it's a 2d metroid a new 2d metroid in 2021 ah things are good thank you everyone for tuning in this is great fun thank you everyone for uh watching along in the chat and uh we will see you uh next time please enjoy this fancy end screen thing that i made and also as i say hit that like button subscribe if you're new here um and we'll see you next time thank you everyone take it easy bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 140,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: S0OD4lW3mJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 2sec (5642 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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