Metatron & the Book of Enoch

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what I wanted to talk about today is the Book of Enoch which is really what I wanted to talk about from the beginning this was what I really wanted to talk about like two months ago but to get to this point we had to do like a three part introduction so this is the final long awaited con conclusion Save The Best For Last we want to talk about the Book of Enoch of the book of K and you know in Jewish tradition transformed into an angel you remember the name of this Angel met met right so meton sometimes people don't use the name they just say me they use the initials or just the letters me so just to start from the beginning who is who is Enoch remember the Torah says in in chapter 5 there's a genealogy of all the descendants of Adam so and it says who lived how many years and this person had a child and they lived this many years and they passed away and they lived this many years and they passed away and so on and just gives all the generations and then it says that there was a person named yed right Jared in English yed lived a certain number of years and he had a son and his son's name was and last time we we talked about the book of jubilees seph and the Book of Jubilee says that yed was called yed because in his around the time when he was born when they named him that's when the Angels a certain group of Angels were sent down to Earth from heaven and they called in English the Watchers in Hebrew shim and in Aramaic thein the these Angels were sent down to earth sometimes they're called Fallen Angels they came down to Earth from heaven and so when they descended yed was born that's why he's called yed which means descent and then yed had a son and his name was and the Torah says that Enoch walked with God and he lived 365 years and unlike like everybody else where it says he lived a certain number of years and died with Enoch it doesn't say he died it just says and he was no more why because God took him that's all it says so everybody else lives a certain number of years has children dies Enoch doesn't die it says he was no more because God took him so what happened to Enoch that's the question and in last time we discussed in the Book of Jubilee how Enoch was taken the Book of Jubilee says how Enoch was taken it means he because God took him up to heaven and he's the one that testified against those angels against the Watchers that started to teach mankind some inappropriate things and perhaps even they took the wives the daughters of man to and married them and so Enoch was taken up to heaven to testify against them and ultimately we have a tradition that he actually stayed there that Enoch was transformed into an angel and the angel's name is Metatron however that's that's what people think Metatron though does it sound Jewish to you does it sound Hebrew no it it sounds like a Transformer it's sounds like an alien uh because it's not a Hebrew name so uh I use the name Loosely some people might say why do you you know there's a tradition not to say the name to say meet but that's not like that's not really a thing because metaton is actually not the name of this Angel we will discover his real name soon but is not his name Metatron is a Greek word which meta Throne really thronos means he's he's near God's Throne okay that's what Metatron is a title that he was given to avoid using his real name so Metatron is actually not his his real name anyways so it's not actually a problem to say it I I read in Z just recently talking about exactly so are they saying it to sort of like confuse you or they don't want to give you the real name yeah yeah so that's the thing metaton was deliberately used by our sages in the tal and the zor to avoid using the actual name so that people would not know the real name of the Angel so metaton is like a title and and other Angels were given such titles Greek titles for example another major Angel is sandalon sandalon is also not a Hebrew word right so the the sages wanted to cover up to conceal the real names of the Angels so they used other like Greek and Aramaic names titles any kind of reason why they want to concealed yeah because so that people don't abuse them and don't try to invoke the angels Don't Pray to them and all kinds of things like that you actually you know his name called have an answer in theory yes so we say the arisal explains that in the pre uh Tower and in the pre flood Generations the people knew the secrets of angels and how to manipulate them because they knew the secrets of the Hebrew language and the secrets of all the Angelic names and through their names they could summon them and manipulate them and that's why God ultimately hid that he did the whole thing where he confounded the languages after the Tower of Babel and so that people didn't know the secrets of the original primordial language the secrets ofes of Hebrew he took that away from them and then Hebrew was restored to Abraham so that's why they wanted to hide the names of the Angels the original names so he was turned into an angel en and the arel says in shulim something really interesting says how did this happen how did a human being somehow become an angel how does that even happen so he explains that there was this great soul that God made at the beginning of time that he gave to Adam the first man Adam and Eve they had a soul from the highest levels of the universes a place called aute I'm sure you've heard this before from like the highest spiritual Dimension is called aute we are considered to be in the lowest Dimension the Physical Realm called AIA and above us there's a realm of Y and above that is Bri and the highest spiritual realm is aute so Adam and Eve they had a a soul from aute okay and so after they consumed from the fruit for the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve they lost that very high Immortal Soul originally they were Immortal right Adam and Eve were made to live forever and God said if you eat from the tree you will become mortal and you will die and so their original soul that they had which came from the realm of aute was Immortal but they lost that high soul and who took it that was able to actually take get that soul and that's what ultimately made him Immortal and that's why he was able to become this Immortal angel in heaven okay so he became as we all know he is called Metatron okay therefore he didn't die just like other people he didn't die because he got that Immortal Soul because that this very high soul is also called It's called The Prince of the world okay and that's a title that we also see in other places in the tal and so on so that Soul has the power to like rule over all the spiritual worlds to Reign Over to reign supreme over all the worlds the highest possible soul and inited that soul and that's how he transformed into an angel and became Immortal so and is actually the talmud refers to Metatron as in one place which we will get to also the talmud mentions Metatron just three times by name and perhaps one or two more times in other titles like the in and in shimel actually explains where that Soul came from the original primary Soul he it has another name it's called and it was taken from was taken from Adam so nothing evil could affect the soul and it was taken from him because of that original sin in the Garden of Eden because he consumed from the from the tree okay so that's in another place in theel explains the same thing took that initial Soul ofil this highest level of divinity and that's what turned him into an angel the zor says a lot about as well it it mentions many times the Book of Enoch and one of the first at the beginning of the zor it says and so we we have been taught we learned that that had a book presumably This Book of Enoch that we're talking about you know and in that book where all the secrets all the great secrets of wisdom and as we know and what ended up happening to him he was taken from Earth as it says because God took him the so he was taken off from the earth and he is the one called okay one of the names of Metron later we'll see the book of The Book of gives meton 70 names give en and meton 70 names one of them is which means the youth he's called the youth why is he called the youth because he came to heaven and started to be among all these angels who are who lived for thousands of years and he's this young guy he was 365 but that's young compared to all the Angels so the Angels called him the young guy that just joined us up here in the heavens so he was called the na and we'll see where the T also refers to him as as a n we'll get to that in a moment the zoa goes on to say and this is the secret of the verse you remember King Solomon said in very famous verse in Proverbs that you should educate every child according to his way literally means to educate right means education so is the educator was this person was the first teacher the book of jubilees remember tells us that Enoch was the first teacher the Angels taught him those fallen angels that came down those Watchers to taught him the secrets of astronomy and writing and and gave him prophecy and showed him the whole history of the world and so he was like the first scientist mathematician researcher scholar and the first educator the first teacher that's why his name was Kan which literally means the educator he was the original teacher and so the zor says that the secret of the verse in King Solomon that you should educate the simple meaning is educate each child according to his way right every child is unique every child has a unique learning profile you have to teach them in their unique way so you know today in the world of Education speaking as a teacher that's the way it is you know every child has some kind of thing you need to Custom Tailor the educational program for everyone everybody's got their IEP or whatever so you can't there's no one siiz fits-all model like it used to be in the past like when we all just used to sit in rows and everybody got the exact same you the teacher just talked to everybody the same way it was the same test there was no differentiation of instruction whatsoever so that's not that's not how Education Works anymore right teachers are now required to basically Custom Tailor a unique educational experience for everybody and even change assessments depending on and it's a good thing it's a good thing so it allows what's that how's it possible with a teacher with 25 kids how's he going to be doing how can you have time ask me how many hours I slept this week not much you know I I had I taught like six classes in a row today and then like I'm driving home and I'm like I have no energy I'm like I'm done and I'm like no I got to do one more I got to do one more class tonight so yeah yes it's hard it's very hard so yeah you have to Custom Tailor the education King Solomon said that three years uh three years ago 3,000 years ago uh educate every youth according to his way but the zor says no there's a secret meaning to this verse it means like literally the person became the became the that angel meton that young Angel that's what the secret meaning of the verse in means that's what the Z says so he was the became that the says a that you another that you all know you read it pretty probably every day when you say baton what do you say at the end of baton right so this verse that you say at the end of it's entailing I was young and I became old right and then I have not seen a righteous person being forsaken by God we all know that verse in t chapter 37 so the talud says who is this referring to it's this is the that same that we said that the said is right why how do you know because it says it was in was written by King David but could David have said such a thing says I was young and I became old how could you say that it was the talud is asking how could you say that King David wrote this King David couldn't have said this why could King David not have said this it happened way before well he like he wrote this verse that I was young and I became old and I never saw anybody forsaken now the Tal's asking why could it not be that King David said this very simply because how old was King David when he died he was only 70 so the tal says what King David was old that's not old like when you say like you expect somebody who was really old King David died relatively young like he was only 70 so couldn't have been King David so who was it you have to say that it's the s it's got to be Metatron cuz he's the only one that was young he was a human young man and became extremely old right lived for thousands of years basically became Immortal so the tal is saying in that is referring to Metatron who was who is the Nar that's what Nar means remember Nar is this code word for the angel Metatron okay excellent and interestingly as in terms of being the other place where where the talud mentions Metron again it's only in three four places and we're going to get to the main one the main place that discusses Metron is the story of remember the four people that went up to heaven and Elisha saw metaton and then he became a heretic remember that story one of the four Great rabbis that went up to heaven and then he became a heretic because he saw meton but the T doesn't say what happened like why did he become a heretic after that it's not clear so we're going to have to explore that but one of the places where he's mentioned very briefly in a it actually says that in it's a long discussion over there but it says meton is he teaches the school children so there's this Association of Metatron being being the educator being the being the N this youthful relatively youthful man who became an angel okay that's that now the Z continues the same zor continues that all the secrets of the world were given to and then he wrote some of them down and then it was came down into his book and and that's the book called The Book of Enoch so the Book of Enoch is full of all these secrets that he was given so there's a Book of Enoch now the question is do we have this book today we have three different books of Enoch three different ones the problem is that we don't have the original of any of them the first What's called the First Book of Enoch is is the ethiopic Book of Enoch because it's only preserved in the Ethiopian Gaz language and in like Greek translations so we don't have the original Hebrew we have fragments of it found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and most of those fragments themselves are Aramaic translations so not Hebrew but Aramaic translations of the Hebrew so we went from like Hebrew to Aramaic to Greek to Gaz so it's like long chain you can get it today in an English translation which is the one that I read yeah so you have the English and yeah that's the first one that's the ethiopic one there's a second Book of Enoch which is called The slavonic Book of Enoch or the Russian Book of Enoch because it was preserved by the Russian Orthodox church and it's in Russian basically or old Russian and there is a Hebrew Book of Enoch that one is in Hebrew and that one is part of what we would call the aot the ancient mystical texts that describe the Heavenly journeys of rabi isma and RAB AKA so there's many books ancient books and a lot of them also had a a strange status they were kind of like name they were kind of apocryphal they were always hidden passed on in secret it's it's hard to also get some of the original copies but there is a whole set of books called aot they are referenced in many mystical texts you can get them today and and one of these Under the Umbrella of the one of them is the and the third Book of Enoch actually Begins by saying that RAB isma Ben Alisha merited to go up to heaven and meet Metatron and so the the the protagonist the protagonist of the third Book of Enoch is rabish and it's his Ascent up to heaven and his vision of seeing meton Enoch so it's part of the aot text of RAB isma who lived in around the first century CE his journeys up to heaven so the third Book of Enoch is the most useful for us because that's the one that's Hebrew that's the one that's rically part of the rinic tradition and the talmud clearly quotes from it so that's the one that I really want to focus on are there any differences in the text yeah they're different the third Book of Enoch is is pretty short the first one is uh more similar the third is a Hebrew yeah the first and second Book of Enoch claim to to be written by Enoch like by Kan the third Book of Enoch is not doesn't claim to be written by Kan it claims to be from about so when the Zar says the Book of Enoch it's not clear which one's referring to and it might not be any of these thear most likely is referring to the original ancient text that's now lost that we don't have so all of these are kind of like grasping at some of the original information but we probably don't have the original Book of Enoch are there any contradictions between them or much some support some more or less it's the same story yeah so the First Book of Enoch doesn't actually talk about Enoch's transformation into Metatron the second one does the third one does uh the First Book of Enoch overlaps significantly with the book of jubilees which we explored last time and that's why some Scholars say it may have been written by the same person sometime in the second temple era you know about 2200 years ago and it also talks about that calendar the Jubilee calendar that we discussed last time the 364 day Jubilee calendar the solar calendar it also discusses the same it pushes that same calendar so it seems to have been written by that same community of people maybe they we we like to think that they were the ases the kumran community the Dead Sea scroll community so that it seems like it came from that group of people and I'm just going to point out some of the interesting things that I got from the First Book of Enoch uh it it agrees with the midash like we said last time that the leader of these Fallen Angels his name was Shem kazai and in rinic Tradition Shem kazai was the grandfather of OG remember OG meash the giant so OG was a giant because he was the B the product of the child of this Union between Angel and man so the the First Book of Enoch says that the leader of these Fallen Angels was Shem kazai just like the midash says it says that there was 200 of these angels there were 20 leaders each with a group of 10 there were 20 groups of 10 and it names them all they all have interesting names kaveel was one kaveel taught mankind the science of the stars as the name suggest Kel he taught them all about the Kim the stars the constellations he taught them astronomy there was barakel who taught them all about astrology and things like that and various Angels taught humans different things and the the bad one the worst of the bunch was yeah who's that was Azazel right so remember Azazel we said last time that that's why we would send a scapegoat on yum kipur to AEL what is the secret of that whole ritual Azazel and the Book of Enoch says this and the Book of Jubilee says it The Book of Enoch says it in more in more detail the First Book of Enoch it says that he's the one as AEL taught humans how to make weapons and warfare and basically started all this killing each other kind of thing The Book of Enoch says that God sent Rafael to catch AEL all the Angels their names end with l right that's like that's how you know that it's an angel they end with soel was sent to catch him and he bound him in the wilderness and that's his punishment and so when they would send a scapegoat to Azazel on yum kipur in biblical times in Temple Times it was to atone for his sins for the sins of Azazel and all the sins that he caused you know other people to to do he also taught women how to use cosmetics and how to beautify themselves and apparently he started prostitution so that's what the Book of Enoch says so he was like really bad so that's a zazel and that's the secret of sending a a goat to Azazel according to this particular tradition let's say so the Angels did all these things and they made it with the humans and produced a uh giant Offspring and the the the main angels that we know M Rafael Gabriel urel God sent them down to clean up the the mess that's on Earth and urel God told urel to go and find Noah and tell him give them the instructions for the ark and tell him about the flood so actually the messenger there the a messenger Angel was urel according to the Book of Enoch and then God wiped out the Earth to get rid of all these Giants and hybrid Offspring and all these Sinners and all of that and restart the world so that was some of the interesting things from from the First Book of Enoch the second Book of Enoch says more about how Enoch transformed into an angel and there we see for the first time that he was given the task of being the Heavenly scribe he is a s he is sitting in heaven and writing things down that's his job he is the Heavenly scribe and that's going to reappear in the story with in the story with Elisha Ben Aya which references this idea of of Metatron being a Heavenly scribe the third book the Hebrew Book of Enoch tells us how he was turned into an angel and this is where it gets really interesting strap in your seat Bel this is going to get kind of a while so it says towards the end how you know God increased his stature transformed him into this great luminous Angel and put all the other Angels under his Dominion so he became like the top in heaven and God gave him a throne that's why he's called meta throne in Greek literally means meta Throne rather he near God's Throne that he has his own Throne next to God's Throne okay so he was enthroned by God and he gave him all the secrets and all that stuff and and the wildest thing there is that he called him one of his 70 names he called him Hashem Katan he's like a little God which is bizarre right you read that and like what is that what is that supposed to mean okay he the word yeah that's what it says which is really bizarre we have to explain this okay now why is this what is the the import of this what is this whole why the need to describe a human who transformed into an angel became almost like a mini God which sounds really problematic right why is there a need to have this idea of an Angel enthroned looking like God almost whatever that means now I'll tell you what I think I think the this is it seems to be that our sages grappled with a problem the problem is on the one hand we say that God obviously we affirm and the rambam makes this as one of the fundamental principles of faith that God has is one that God has no form God has no body God has no shape God has no image and if you believe that you're a heretic essentially that's how the rambam phrases it but then there's all these passages in Tanakh where God seems to have a human form how do you deal with that right like you look at some what the prophet sawel in chapter one of Ezekiel he sees The Chariot and he sees God enthroned on the Chariot and it looks like a human he's describing what looks like something humanlike and the Book of Daniel same thing he sees this Chariot and he describes a person literally like a person like atio mean an Ancient of Days person with a Long White Beard that's what he Daniel describes him as having a Long White Beard like the Santa Claus image of God that we reject so the sages had this big problem how do we deal with this like does God have an image or not does God have an image or not so I think plus yes on top of the fact when when you go to Genesis and it says that God was made that man was made in God's image so like what does that mean does that mean like literally we look like God God has a humanlike form or we humans look like it means that we have free choice just like God right that's a rist interpretation yes but like how if you were to go with like a totally yeah how do you deal with all the anthropomorphisms how do you deal with all the anthropomorphisms in the Torah but not physically right so we can say God sees God we can say that it's metaphorical like when God says he took us out of Egypt with an outstretched hand obviously he didn't literally take us in his hand it's a metaphor but when Daniel says I saw God and he came on a Throne I saw his Sapphire throne and he was sitting on a chariot and he has a long white beard and whatever like that how do you take that metaphorically like his interpretation of it could so the that's the rambam the rambam says all of these Visions were just dreams so how do we deal with the anthropomorphisms I think that Enoch was using this tool of Metatron Enoch becoming metaton and being enthroned this was a way to deal with the anthropomorphisms to say you know what Daniel saw and what what saw that wasn't God they saw Metatron they saw this angel that God made semi Divine and so that's what they were seeing okay that's the idea so they identify often all these things and that's what we're going to see in the tal that they identify all these anthropomorphic descriptions of God not as being God but as being this Angel metaton who is called like a Hashem Katan he's like a little Hashem and so that's a way of dealing with that God himself is infinite and no image and no shape but metaton he's like he was a human that became Divine that's it's a way to deal with this anthropomorphization just a quick question so how do we you just said it's all metaphoric and everything so how do we what's the answer to in the Torah when it says my face you shall not see but my back you will see when he pass good so is that is that yeah that's a good quote does God have a face that's exactly what I want to address right now okay that's where I'm going to right to Mount Si okay so that to address this question so on the one hand we're saying it's like he is this Hashem Katan but that sounds heretical there's no way we could say this where does it come from it comes straight from the Torah the tal says this idea comes straight from the Torah why because remember what the Torah says in in schot Exodus Moses is speaking to God on Mount Si God is giving Moshe instructions and what does he say God says I am sending an angel before you God tells Moshe I'm going to send an angel to lead you through the Wilderness and to be with you to protect you on the way and to bring you to the place that I prepared for you right to bring you to Israel to the Holy Land Watch Out you know and pay pay attention to him and listen to everything he tells you don't rebel against him why he will not tolerate your sins because I put my name in him that's the PUK right out of the Torah so God told Moses I put my name in this angel that's why he's AEM [Laughter] Kat why he says I put my name in him so what does that mean I put my name in him no means that I put my my uh well I can't say soul because God doesn't have a soul but I put my Essence in him good good that's exactly it that's exactly right he has the essence of Hashem that's the that's a problem though listen to the full verse though he says listen to him don't rebel against him he won't tolerate your sins right he has my name is in him it's like he made him a little God isn't man made in image so also of yes so but how do you deal with this verse right so you exactly so many of the MIM had the same problem you had so they said no no no no no they said it's not that hashem's name name is in him it can't be that can't be so they said how else can we interpret this verse so the classic way to interpret this is to say if you do the gatria of Metatron me 499 20650 if you add it up the sum is 314 and what's 314 exactly it's Shai the name Shai sh right that's one of the names of God sh so sh is 314 for those who don't like to say that Hashem could put his name in any other thing yeah with a there you go so with a t you get 314 that's the same value as shud so many of the MIM say that's the classic interpretation that's why God that's how God's name is in him because numerically they have the same value okay that's not so impressive to a lot of people so then the Book of Enoch doesn't say that the book of En says no no that's not how God's name is in him this is the one that I like the real name of the Angel Metatron because remember Metatron is just a Greek title some people say give a different atmology and say Metatron comes from an Aramaic word I think it's much clear that it comes from the Greek meaning that he was enthroned because that's what all the way he is described in any case that's not his real name The Book of Enoch says that his real name is Yo that's how he is an angel so the the suffix L is because he's an angel and because God put his name in him so he's Y and now when you think about that for a second who's the only other person that became an angel It's the exact same set of letters elah backwards is it's literally the same thing so the two people that became angels have the exact same composition to their name where did you get that name where did you read that name it's right in the Book of Enoch yeah it lists his 70 titles so one of the the main one that's listed there the first one is y that is his main name so when you tie that into eliyahu works perfectly the two people that became Angels actually have the same name which which really just means that Hashem is God right is L or vice versa same thing now with all of that this whole idea idea of meton somehow caring God's name because the talud is going to speak about this too we can go back now to the story of the four who went to pares and unravel what happened to Elisha Ben Aya so we discussed like I think a year or half a year ago we already had a class about the four who entered PES and we went in depth about exactly what happened this time I just want to focus on Alisha Ben ofuya cuz last time we just kind of skipped it we didn't say what happened to him this time we want to actually see what happened to him what does it mean that he became a heretic what kind of heretic why what did he see so that's what we want to explore now so let's see what it say and this has a parallel in The Book of Enoch so the four sages four sages went up to heaven the El who were they who remembers was the last one who was first so Ben aai Ben Z and then a which is Alisha Ben which they after this this incident they called him the other one they didn't want to name him anymore and four of them went to heaven okay benai benai looked died okay didn't make it didn't survive it was too much for him you know his soul didn't come back to earth he just stayed he stayed up in heaven his soul didn't come back Ben Ben looked and became damaged seems like he became crazy mentally ill and the says he actually died several days after that also so he didn't really make it either cut the shs what does that mean he mowed the lawn he cut the grass he cut the I don't know cut the shoes yeah we have to figure out what that what does that mean to cut the he cut the tree he cut the branch whatever that that is L he maybe Let's see we don't know what that is that's a very interesting metaphorical expression that he cut the branch shom righta is the only one who came out in peace I'm going to skip to all the middle section what happened let's just focus on the T continues so cut the Sho okay what does that mean my he the tal asks what happened why did he cut the shoots why did he become a heretic why did he go off the D and this is what it says he saw Metatron he went up to heaven who does he see oh there you are Enoch we knew you were here and what happened and he met permission was given to him to sit in heaven what did he writ the merits of Israel he is the Scribe that writes things in heaven he was given permission to sit in heaven and write be the Heavenly scribe which The Book of Enoch tells us that's what he was made to be that's his job to write things down and said I I learned I was taught what was I taught up in heaven nobody sits in heaven there's no sitting in heaven only God has a throne in heaven nobody sits there's no you know no competition nobody turns their back to God nobody's like nobody's doing things in heaven so he says it's like it seems like he sees meton sitting apparently on a throne and he says it seems like there's that there's two authorities in heaven that there's two gods in heaven what's going on is this like Greek polytheism is this paganism what is going what does that mean that there's two Gods here there's two people so that's what he saw and that's what made him a heretic and the talud continues what happened to Metron he was punished he should have stood up he shouldn't have been when he saw humans coming up to heaven he should have pretended like he was just another Angel it says they took him and they slashed him with 60 lashes of fire so metaton got lashed for allowing this to happen didn't see the same thing as well he did so what happened there it's a good question that's what we're going to have to ask why is it that raka came in PE came back in peace and it didn't bother him probably because he read The Book of Enoch so he expect so he read The Book of Enoch he said hey guys he should have warned them when we're going to go up there you're going to see Enoch sitting but I guess Alisha didn't read the book so he didn't know what to expect and suddenly he thought oh my gosh there's it seems like there's two Gods okay that's what it says now the tal just says he became a heretic and he went off the D but it doesn't actually say what kind of heretic like what did he joined the Romans perhaps to strike but what does that mean he joined the Romans it's not clear he join the Romans yeah because it says that like he even according to One Source that he even participated in the Roman put down like he helped to Massacre some of the Jews later according to one tradition somehow he became a Roman essentially tradition you meaning that there's differences in how this story is told in the talmi and in the tal okay and and the mid because the same story he's mentioned in a few different places so I'm going to go to the Yi in a minute because it has different slightly different details that we need to look into now that's what we want to figure out and I'm going to go to the because the T doesn't really say much more he became a heretic who he Elisha Aya who saw him at the throne he became a heretic and such a terrible heretic that they didn't even want to call him by name anymore he just became he became the other one like Voldemort exactly He Who Shall Not Be Named we have Megatron Voldemort we have all the pop culture figures so some say that he became auki right that he denied the oral law he denied rinic tradition but that's a stretch because there's no indication that he became auki Heim were also monotheists in fact that Zim denied that there is any Heaven they denied an afterlife right so that can't be it cuz he went to heaven so he couldn't deny that there's a heaven he and he was not a monotheist anymore so and theim more monist so it's not that he became auki because they were still Jews theim were still considered part of bet but he was cut off he cut the shoes he was not considered part of the Jewish people anymore he was a right so what really happened to him now if we talk about heresy at that time you know second century what was the big biggest Jewish her the biggest heresy for Jews at the time J paganism right that's right it was JC paganism was on the way out already for Jews especially in Israel there was only one competition and that was Christianity so theim especially were at this point after the destruction of the temple they were done like theim didn't survive because the Christian stuff didn't come up till about 300 years after appear 300 years yeah not 300 no the the the early gospels were already written at the beginning of the second century like at this time at the time of raka the early gospels did exist already they weren't canonized until 320 right the Council of NAIA but the texts existed yeah they were TRS right right the first Christian exactly exactly the first Christians were Jews so these were Jewish hers they pray together were yeah at the beginning yes that's right this is at a time when it was still a heretical aspect sect of Jews right that's the problem and they were generally referred to as minim right sectarians minim exactly exactly so that was composed because of the rise of Christianity right the meim and now when you think about that what do Christians say what is the Christian belief not just that the Messiah came that Messiah who they think is Messiah came but that he is God that he is God on Earth yeah meaning that there's a God in heaven the father and God the son what did what did Alish say there's two Gods why do the Christians say that God has whatever three tripartite division the father and the son and kind of in between this holy spirit so most likely what happened to Alisha Ben Aya what kind of heretic did he become he became a Christian and thei makes that it's pretty clear from the it's not explicit but it's there because listen to what it says in the Yi the Yi asks why did all this happen to him like where did this come from why did Al go off the and it says like this once he was sitting and learning G in the valley of gin okay and he saw a person climb up on a tree you know theah that if you want to take some eggs from a a nest you have to send away the mother bird so that the mother doesn't see how you're taking away her children okay that's the mitzah right and this person didn't do that he very cruy took the mother and he took the babies and the mother did something really terrible and nothing happened to him the next day Alisha saw another guy come go up on the tree he did do the Mitzvah he did send the mother away but he got bit by a snake and died so said wait a second the Torah says the tah says if you send the mother bird the Torah says if you fulfill this Mitzvah you will live long saw a do the Mitzvah come off the tree and die and another person who didn't do the Mitzvah who sinned and lived so from that instance he was already questioning the Torah the doubts began and he started to that that's where the path of heresy began now why do I say questioning that right yeah exactly it seems like this is an innocent passage in thei that's the passage I read to you the whole paragraph what does that have to do with him becoming a heretic now there's two words here and this is what we were saying earlier that you can read something 100 times and miss and miss it what's the key word in this whole passage what's the passage again that's how it starts why did all this happen to him all of this why did it come to him it's right there if you I I saw it and it jumped at me right away no the end of that word what is gin gin place a place where yeah by the K why why is it special because that's where he walked in water and right for us for Jews it's not special it's just another place but for Christians that's where Jesus came out he right before that he walked on water and then he did all these and he did all these Miracles Jesus did all these miracles in Gin giner for the Christians is a is a holy place it's a really big deal and he was in he was learning in bat G in fact some some people say what does ginar even mean some people say the atmology of this term is gay which means a valley means right the in Hebrew right the way the pronounce it so we say in Hebrew but the Hebrew is right with a so G literally means the Valley of the Christians gay gay means a valley right is is a Christian existense when the talmud was written it existed no no no exist this is no but the tal when the tal was written it existed already I understand what does that have to do with the bird no you see this is the this is the slight of hand that's too confusing you were so focused on the bird you forgot that it says he was learning in bad yeah J could right why is he learning in the Valley of the Christians beautiful so in just one cryptic word the Tet is hinting to you something that you totally Miss you're thinking about the bird the bird is not even relevant here right the the big question is why is he learning with the Christians you saying he was already he's hanging out in a place of that's that's a Val that's called a valley of Christians basically right so that's the key word because he was learning get all I'm saying is when we're asking the question is before yeah so that's that's a good question too last time we mentioned when we talked about the four who entered PES when he was circumcised at his bris his father invited all the big rabbis and they I'm just kid we said the s s BR uh so it says that at his that his father invited all the big rabbis and they were sitting and learning and the fire came from heaven and then his father saw this and was like amazed and you know pushed him into that said you know I want my son to be like you guys you know so at his bris already it's like he was destined for this like from his bris already at his when he was born a fire came down from heaven because the rabbis were learning anyway from all of this we see that when the T say that he cut the shoots most likely what happened to him is that he became a Christian now there's more support to that because the gives another opinion and says others say why did it happen to him when his mother was pregnant with him she would walk past idolatrous places and she would smell from that mean and apparently that smell went that smell went into her womb and affected Alisha abuya now again if you think of what's a place what is a in Israel so you're thinking first end of the first century in Israel what aazar is there our sages say that in the second temple era there was no aazar aazar was the sin of the first temple era in the second temple the sages got rid of that nobody had a in the second temple the people were Torah observant they just had but they were Torah observant so what is this aod now in the there was no place the only aod which remember just means Foreign Service to God the only would have been the Christian temples at that time so she walked and that's why it says remember the minim we're talking about the Christians she walked by churches and probably smelled their incense V of candles I don't know whatever they did yeah and somehow it affected him ultimately he grew up a Jew became this great cabalist went to heaven and suddenly all of that from his birth you know he already had it set in him you know and it was almost like he was set up it's like he was doomed to fail now why would we still have to answer the question this question okay so how did that make him a Christian right like where what's the connection there why associate Metatron with Christianity and that's what we want to conclude with because it's something really interesting because Scholars will say historians will say that without Metatron without this Jewish idea of this Angel Metatron without the Book of Enoch there would never have been a Christianity Christianity would not emerge why because Christianity is built on this idea of Metron a person that transfigured into a Divine Eternal being who's enthroned in heaven the same concept as also up down but do you see how the key elements I hear you but do you see how the key elements are the same I I'll I'll come back to that let me come back to that so anyway anyway this whole idea that Jesus was based on metatrone is actually in the talmud itself listen to this passage in the tal this is amazing okay in Sanhedrin look listen to what it says a mean came a Christian again a Christian came to ra and challenged him what did he say the verse that we mentioned earlier at Mount Si in Exodus what does it say God told Moses come up to Mount Si come up to Hashem what did the Christian tell him tell the Christian said hey it should have said Al right God told Moses what should God have said come to me come to me Al Al but it doesn't say that it's El come up to me but the Christian said no what does it say Al what does that mean God said come to God what's going on what's going on what do you think told him how did rid come out of this he says he sayon he said he was talking abouton why because he has God's name in him why because like the we said I put my name in him nice so a Christian challenges rid and said you should be a Christian look the Torah says that God said hey come up to godid told him no that's metaton because the Torah already tells us that God put his name in him so that's what says that he was in sin learning learning was met was teaching him so you you can interpret it in two ways you can interpret it as on Mount Si it was God but once he left Sinai God told him hey when you're in the wilderness metaton will be in my place I put my name in him he will take care of you right so you can interpret like that that on sin it was God but everything after sin was meon some would say on sin already meton taught mhe and here rid seems to be saying that because rid is saying when God told Moses to go up the mountain he said go up the mountain to meet metaton right that's what he's saying so and then the Christian continues he doesn't give up the missionaries don't give up right so the missionary continues he says okay okay okay fine so you're telling me that that was I'll give it to you God's name is in him so the Christian says fine if that's the case you have to worship him too what's wrong with serving him then you should serve this metaton God told you metaton will go in the desert and you have to Al don't rebel against him right you should serve him what did rid say he says no he says listen to what it says Alo you know what Alo means it says Al don't replace me don't do a don't make sure you don't worship him instead of me who who says this he replied to the Christian he says no means make sure you do not exchange me for him do not worship an angel you worship God Alone he's just an angel yes he has the spirit of God blah blah blah blah blah but he's only an angel and do not make sure you don't worship anything except me that's the pass message so this is where the heresy is the Christians are saying hey you already have Metatron that's just you might as well why are you bothering us with the whole Jesus thing it's the same story you know and rid says no no no no no we still worship only one God we don't make two Gods right and Alisha Ben Aya made this mistake where he thought oh I guess they're right there are two Thrones that there are two Gods that's the mistake now because of this connection because this is so dangerous because Christians were using metaton as a way to say well if you believe that why not believe this that's why we have an alternate tradition where that denies all of this there's a whole rinic tradition that completely denies everything we said everything we have a whole parallel tradition that all of this is It's false translates going back to the very beginning to the first verse that God took him l what does that mean l says that God killed him simple anus lived in this time period remember anus was a convert so anus wants to completely deny any of this stuff he says no that just means he died just like everybody else M was a Roman that converted Roman Roman who died that Enoch he just died he di didn't become an angel and also says what does this mean says he was not written in the scroll of was wicked he wasn't even righteous completely flips everything upside down okay so forget it he died he took God took him because he wasn't even righteous he was a wicked person right so we have a whole learn according to that everything we just learn exactly everything you just learned can throw in the garbage right I just wasted an hour of your time okay it's your choice which tradition I don't know but then you also have to say Risha what did he see then nothing what did he that was also a dream like you have to deny all these in the Tor it's hard to go with this and he was he was a very bright man and he was the greatest he was one of the four top four right so another opinion here is that he was sometimes righteous he was sometimes righteous sometimes Wicked while he's still righteous I'll take him now so there is a whole tradition that wants to deny any connection with this that's also why I'm sure the Book of Enoch was suppressed that's why we don't have original Hebrew copies because there was a a desire to eliminate this whole idea 2,000 years ago so as not to give fuel to various heresies there's one more interesting idea that I thought is worth mentioning that you know there's this idea about the 70 Nations and the 70 angels that rule each Nation so the book of Kan says that Kan was made the prince of all the the 70 Nations okay so he oversees all 70 angels that rule over 70 Nations and because of that he was taught all 70 root languages he knew all 70 root languages all the other Angels basically speak Hebrew lashes and then those 70 angels that rule over their particular domain speak the language of that particular area but Metatron alone knows all the languages he's the only what was his marriage why that's a good question we didn't know maybe because he was a teacher and he stayed up all night marking his students papers he was I don't know yeah okay why what does it say what I remember was is that he was a a shoe maker and that um every every Stitch he had he had his M always directed towards in other words focused that was a m written by Sho maker yeah so he had so he he was the only angel that knew all 70 languages now why is that interesting because I'm sure you know there's a very famous midash and teach us that YF when he was in jail and he came out of prison and uh he was brought before Pharaoh you remember the story that Pharaoh tested him in 70 languages you remember this story and YF wowed the Egyptian court because he was able to Converse in all 70 languages how did he get those 70 languages we know that an angel came and gave him they added a hay to his name that's why there's one place inim where he's called we read we read it recently on we read that Psalm in so the extra hay was added to his name that extra hay the angel Gabriel came and gave it to him and he downloaded the 70 languages into his brain right so that's how he was able to speak to the pharaoh's people Scholars now the Aral has an amazing spin on on this which is he explains what does that really mean how does that okay so he gave him the hay so what like how does that suddenly download 70 languages into your brain right how does that work so the arel says in same place chapter 31 that night came we know that somehow Gabriel taught him 70 languages how did that happen we know that is meton and he is the prince of the 70 Angels over the 70 Nations and he knows all 70 languages what really happened is they gave y the soul of Metatron and that's how he knew all 70 languages and that same Soul came is who is the protagonist of theot and of the book of he is the one that went up to heaven and met meton and gave us all of this information and he is also gik so that's like the he received that special Soul was given to YF for a little while and then it was given to ishma B Alisha and that's why he merited to go up to heaven and actually converse with metaton so that's the story so I just thought it's worth sharing that as well conversing with Hiser yes EX that's what actually what the arel says that's why the arel says you are a bit of my light right because I gave you I gave you some of my light okay so just to recap and to conclude Kan was this first scholar the first educator the first teacher the first scribe astronomer scientist prophet he saw a vision of the end of days he was taken up to heaven originally to testify against what's happening down on Earth with those angels with the ERS he was turned into an angel he was the angel metaton that taught Moshe that led him through the Wilderness and that God appointed to lead the people and even put somehow a part of his name within him he was the na the youth who is in Danel Danielle says that there's this person the son of man like one like the son of man that comes down from heaven he was seen as this like Messianic figure already back then 2,000 years ago Daniel seems to suggest that the son of man one like the son of man he's an angel but he's like a human So Daniel in his Visions was referring to really metaton coming and being like this mashiah as if Kan would return it's almost like Kan was the original Messianic figure and then Christians used that and interpreted the visions of Daniel to refer to again JC if you like to Jesus and basically converted that whole idea of metaton turned him into cross the line and did what the tal say they could not have done which is Tam they exchanged God for a human essentially crossing the red line and becoming a heresy splitting God and no longer being monotheistic as long as you hold metaton is an angel as great as that angel is just an angel we don't pray to metaton we don't worship metaton we don't serve metaton really for all practical purposes he might as well not exist and for centuries you know there was a whole rinic tradition that ignored this whole idea so it it's it doesn't really matter practically it helps to explain a lot of things like the anthropomorphisms like how did yourf know 70 languages all these stories it helps to explain all these so it gives us a lot of information but ultimately it's not necessary which is why you can really ignore it and because of what happened to Alicia Ben ofuya it was kind of swept under the rug and Christianity kind of ruined the whole idea of Metatron and so it had to be pushed away but where it does matter Maybe for us right now and I'll finish with this in light of what's happening in the world around us and what we talked about on Monday about hopefully being in this time of and hoping that the G is very near and that mashia will come very soon The Book of Enoch actually does end with this or does have a passage like this and it says you know is saw Metron showed him a vision of the end of days and that's actually one of the earliest sources perhaps the earliest source that says he showed him both mhia Ben Y and mashia Ben David wow by the way I just remembered with YF it says elimo right Pharaoh said that the spirit of God was in him so that also explains met going in him the night before says yeah I know I'm just saying the spirit of God because Christians say the same thing that the Divine Spirit was in him because they interpret Elohim as a Divine spirit so just another thing where Christians got that idea from but leave that aside for now the Book of Enoch is probably one of the earliest sources perhaps the earliest that has this idea of the twin Messiahs mhia Ben YF and mhia Ben David and says that in the end of days when mhia comes Metatron will come with him just like eliahu eliahu will return because he never died he became an angel he will come back and Metatron will come back like Daniel foresees like this angel from heaven like one like the son of man and so they'll all come back it'll be a team with mashia benf and mashia Ben David and so with with what's happening now we want to end with a prayer that may we see that day very soon experience the G
Channel: Efraim Palvanov
Views: 26,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metatron, Enoch, Hanokh, Azazel, Book of Enoch, Heikhalot, Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah, Zohar, Arizal, Genesis, transfiguration, Judaism vs Christianity, angels, fallen angels, Watchers, Book of Daniel, Book of Jubilees, pardes, Elisha ben Avuya, Rabbi Akiva, heavenly palaces, apocrypha, Talmud, Jared, reincarnation, Moses, Sinai revelation, Shemhazai, Ezekiel, Merkavah, Merkabah, Ezekiel's vision, merkavah mysticism, son of man, Midrash, gennesaret, end of days, birkat haminim, mashiach, messiah
Id: _hpdjExuJ5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 56sec (3896 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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