MetaTrader4 - The Complete Guide to MT4

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Hi there, I would like to take some time and introduce you to the Metatrader 4 trading platform. I want to show you some of the basics that Metatrader 4 can do. It's a great trading platform, it's free, it's the one that we use with the Forex 'Income Boss Trading System'... and if you have a broker in mind you can go to your brokers website and download it from there... They are going to have one available for you. If you do not have a broker in mind and you do not have an MT4 platform. I'm going to show you exactly where to get it... So we're going to start with our website. We're going to go to the website. Please bear with me, and... This is the Metatrader4 website and this Big Orange button, 'free download' You click this and it's going to download an MT4 setup.exe file Save that onto my desktop If there, we're going to have the mp4 setup file. So I'm going to 'double click this just to get us started. Metatrader4 client terminal, welcome to Metatrader4 setup... So next, click Yes I agree Next, I don't want to launch the MQL5, but I do want to create a desktop shortcut... and I do want to launch the program. This is where it's going to save it on your computer. The program files x86 Metatrader 4 So, next... This green line has loaded, so we've got 'Finish'... and it is as simple as that! It is going to launch the Metatrader 4 platform. So this is what we're going to get when we've launched the platform. It'll launch itself automatically, and this is what pops up. Now we have a default sort of setting here. We've got this is what you're going to be presented; with several charts and some open windows and an open an account option here What I want to do is I'm going to close this down just so I can show you the process here. I'm not going to open an account just yet... I will cancel that, so I'll go to file in the upper left hand corner Click 'open an account' and that window will pop up Now we've got some servers here, we've got a couple of different servers... So I'm going to click the first one and click 'next'... and then it's going to ask me for some information. Now this is a brand new 'demo' account and that's what you want is a 'demo' account. So demo, 'new demo account' is already clicked... So I'm going to click 'next' and then you'll have this window That you want to fill out. After you filled out the window, I agree and then click 'next' And now you are given a login, and the password and an investor password. The login and the password speaks for itself that's how you're going to get into the platform. An Investor password is something you can give to somebody else... You'll give them the login and the investor So if you're trading they can see what you're doing, without being able to manipulate anything. Write this information down if you like, put it somewhere safe, click 'finish' and Now we have got a set of fully functional, you heard the 'bling' (noise). That's the data feed coming into the chart, you got a fully functional set of default charts and that incoming mail, that's all part of the process! What I'm going to do now is... I'm going to close everything and we're going to start from scratch with this. Now we've got other windows open here Now you can choose to use the little X to close the window OR You have some depressed buttons and we can un-depress them by clicking them and that will turn off or on some of these different paints. Now they're for different reasons... We use them for different things, and I'll show them to you. All right now you have got a blank slate You're going to start from scratch we're going to get some charts We're going to put some indicators on it. I'm going to show you some windows and some very basic stuff what you can do with your charts, and so on... What you've got in front of you is a blank slate there's no charts, there's no windows there's no panes there's nothing on your platform. This is as empty as it's going to get! We're going to start by applying some charts. Now they're going to be just naked charts. There's not going to be indicators or anything like that on them... and we will get to that... But first I'm going to choose this 'added chart'. So we have this add chart This new chart button, and from there I can pick a currency pair. We've got the Euro/USD, USD/YEN we have a variety of other pairs and I'm going to show you something else here really soon. So I'm going to pick one: Pound (£) to US Dollar ($) and this is the default chart: it's black chart with the white grid on it. The candles themselves aren't candles it's a bar chart and I'm going to zoom in using the magnifying glass 'click', 'click' and it'll zoom in to the different chart. from here I want to set up Candlestick charts. Those are the charts that I know. and we have those options across the top. This is the current bar chart. We can choose a candlestick chart or we can choose a line chart. I like the candlestick chart! The default time frame is the 'one hour' and again you can change that. Simply by clicking the different time frames, so this is the one week, the one month, one day, four hour, one hour, 30 minutes 15 minutes, five minutes and the one minute. I'm going to choose the 15 minute. So we've got the 15 minute bar chart. I can add a second chart, Euro/USD for example. So now I've got two charts, and at the bottom here you're going to see two different tabs. Got the Euro/USD tab, which is what we're looking at right now and the Pound/USD tab... So I can switch from chart to chart by clicking on the different tabs. Now if I 'double click' on a tab I can minimise the charts a little bit. I can make them smaller so that they fit inside the window. Now I generally like to have them fullscreen and I'll do that again by double clicking on the tab and that makes them fullscreen, and as I add different currency pairs I will generally be scrolling through the different tabs at the bottom... This is your market watch window. I'm going to click that it's going to open the window. There's a couple of different things about this window Is we have the time of your broker My current time I can't see it on the video My current time is 12:45 a.m. so it's almost 1:00 o'clock in the morning for me. But my broker's time is 6:45 in the morning... The broker's time and your time are generally not going to be the same... This is something you cannot adjust! Unfortunately, Metatrader 4 does not give you the option to adjust the time on the charts. I think every trader would like that option to be present but it just isn't. This market watch window is the only place you're going to find your broker's time. Now we have, on here, several different charts. Our different currency pairs. When you have an open chart this is the Pound/USD I can drag a currency pair onto the chart and we'll change it! This is the USD/Swiss Franc now. Now if I double click, and I have some blank space... I can drag the currency pair onto the blank space and it will add another chart. I can do this a couple of different times as many times as I want. The broker is going to have several different currency pairs more than what you see. Here we only have a very limited number of currency pairs. Now if you're looking for one that's not on here, chances are that the broker has it They will have the data feed for it but it's just not listed What you want to do is anywhere on here just right-click... and you'll see show all you click 'show all' and it is now going to add all of the different currency pairs, plus depending on your broker, and this one has got different stocks as well you might have all kinds of extra stuff, but you'll have lots of different currency pairs. We can create a window, big, small so we have the different currency pairs, add them. If you like, the easiest way to do it is to just drag and drop them on to a blank spot on your platform here. Once you're done with that, click the little X to get rid of it. OR click the mark or watch window gets rid of it, double click on one of the tabs It will full screen your charts and then you can scroll through the different charts that you have. Now another thing you can do is you can reorder the charts Simply by dragging the tabs and putting them wherever you like... You can modify your charts, these are the default charts, with the default colors. But they don't have to stay that way! You can take the grid off, you can put the grid on, you can change the color of the candles... You can increase the size, I'm going to magnify them a bit unmagnify them... demagnify them, make them smaller I can right click on, not a candle but, just a blank spot on the chart let's do that, so this shows up, and then at the bottom we have properties. Properties window will pop up and first thing you're going to notice The first tab is colored, the background color is black the foreground is white The foreground is going to be the numbers and so on on the side The grid that's the grid that you see the squares in the back bar up. Now this is going to be interesting, let me zoom in a little bit, so we can see this better. So I'm going to zoom in alright, so we'll do that again, properties bar up Is going to be a bull candle, outline, and the wicks. So if I change this to 'dodger blue' you can see how in this preview window How the candles are changing All right The bar down again is the outline of the bar and the wicks Let's make that one red. The bowl candle that's the fill so I'm going to make that one Dodger blue as well... and you can see how as I'm making the changes this preview window makes the changes as well Bear candle, I will make that red and we can see how that works, line graph volumes, ask lines, stock levels... I don't need to change anything else. I'm good, I'll click OK, and it will modify the candles Now we have more things we can do. I'm going to go back right click on the chart click properties We have common Now generally what we going to do for the common, is click 'offshore' grid Now we have other options you can do this from different places... You can turn the grid off by doing this and the grid is off... The grid color is going to be this bid price line. This is where the price is right now and it is going to move up and down as the price on the chart moves up and down. We have a couple of different buttons here that I want to show you We've got the chart shift and what that will do if I click it It's going to move the chart over a little bit this is chart shift line here, and I can drag this there you go I can drag this over into the middle of the chart or anywhere in the right-hand side and if I click that off It'll go to the right hand side If I click it on it'll move to where this chart shift is. This is the auto scroll... I turn it off, if I want to look back in history and I'm just dragging, clicking and dragging the chart. Now the auto scroll, if it's turned on as soon as there's a pip movement as soon as the market makes a little movement, it'll pop back to where the auto scroll is OR where the chart shift is sorry So I tried to move, tried to move and it just keeps popping back again. So if you want to look at something in the past without it popping back all the time you turn that off and then you're free to move it as you notice as I'm moving the chart the chart fills up the window there'll be one spot that has a high in one spot that has a low and it'll always maintain that got the high and the low and they'll always be in the same areas and as the price narrows the chart will widen to accommodate that go back to the front we have some tools that we can use now we have a couple of drawing tools the trend line is a drawing tool that I use a lot I will use this diagonal tool here this is my trendline tool and I can click and drag and I can create a trendline and then I can let go of the check line and this will be my trend lines and angled line now you may not like the trendline to keep going on forever and ever and that's what it does so I'm going to double click on the trendline and what you see are these little squares that pop up these are called nodes this means the trendline is selected so what I can do is on the trendline I will right click and then I'll get trendline properties click that and then from parameters this is the Rae button I can turn that off and if I hit okay you can see it goes from where you started to where you ended if the Ray is on it will just project itself for eternity a lot of traders don't want that I don't want that so I'm going to have the Ray button off again I'm going to double click to deselect it and now it's locked in place I can't manipulate that trend line anymore if I double click again to select it I can take either end and I can move the end as such if I grab the middle the whole trend line will move if I right-click it while it's selected trendline properties I can alter the trendline color and size so I can change the color - lets go lime-green and then I can make it much thicker okay so I can make a thicker trendline trendline properties if you use the thinnest line you have a couple of different styles so you can use a dash or a dot or a dot dash or a dash dot dot and apply that double-click unselect and it's locked in place next one is a horizontal line I can click and drag on the chart and this is great for support resistance levels once I let go it's locked in place and I can't do anything with it I can double click anywhere on that line and it will select it and you'll see the nodes they pop up in either corner on either side and from there I can move it around once I have it in place double-click it locks it in place and the same thing with this right-click after you selected it horizontal line properties I can change the color I can change the thickness if you make it thicker then that thinnest line it's going to be a solid line you can't make a sick doctor a thick dashed line out that is selected I can choose the parameters I can give it an actual price so if I want it to go to two six three zero zero I can do that by putting in the values and I hit okay and it will move it to that exact price it's still selected double-click to deselect and there she goes now the same thing with the vertical line all right select double click Glen properties same thing I can give it a certain time and date I can give it a color thickness all right now I can select everything click to delete just the one thing or if they're all selected and I hit delete on my keyboard everything gets deleted the next thing I'd like to show you is the cause here it's right next to the cursor so you're on the cursor you can move back and forth the crosshair this is a cool tool it is a click-and-drag kind of tool and what it does is it can show you three different pieces of information well first of all it shows you vertical and horizontal lines so you can get an idea of support resistance levels or whatever the case is but if you click and drag there are sets of numbers that pop up right next to it so if I do this what I'm looking at is the first number next to the crosshair now is six so from where I initially clicked it to where I dragged it at six candles so if I can move it over a little bit seven candles eight candles nine ten eleven candles the next number forty five three four five three that's forty five point three pips so where I started right click and drag I'm forty five point three pips away and notice if I go up up up up that number gets smaller and smaller and then it'll start to increase as I go above so we're looking at forty six pips away from that initial cluster and then finally the last number one point two eight to three to where the crosshair is right now with the actual crosshair that's the price the price on the chart so if I click I can see our this range was for example from the top to the bottom is a hundred and eighteen point eight pips and that was ten candles and at the bottom I'm looking at one point two four nine five seven adds the price you can use this tool for all kinds of things I like to use it to determine my stop loss levels if I've got an entry and I want a stop loss to go underneath the swing low I can that's the wrong indicator need to cross there I can determine that if my stop loss is going under here that it's seventy-seven pips away I use this tool all the time and generally that's what I use it for comes in handy it's great and if you have a scrolling Mouse one with a scrolling wheel if you scroll backwards the chart goes backwards if you scroll forwards the chart goes forwards if you press your scroll wheel not every mouse has the press of a wheel but if you do it will launch the crosshairs so if I go click there we go I don't have to actually click on the concert icon click and there goes what I want to show you now is how to apply an indicator to your chart there are three ways to get to the indicator window the most common way is through the actual indicator button that's what this green plus is on this side this is a new chart this is add an indicator so if I click the indicator button I'm going to see the first few these are in alphabetical order but these are the most recently added indicators once you start adding them because you have an added any yet what's here is just an alphabetical order now if I want to add a movie average I will mouse over trend and then I will go over and mouse over moving average and go click and now I get the properties box for the moving average and I can choose what kind of moving average I want I have a 14 period let's make it an exponential apply to the clothes I'm going to make it lime-green I want it a little bit thicker all right you can apply it to different things the open to high to low the median price typical price weighted close generally replying it to the close you can shift it forward if you like or even backwards using this very rarely our moving average is shifted you may or may not like to do that again if you have the thinnest line you can choose dot dash whatever the cases so I'm going to go okay and I can add a moving average to my chart now I can double click on the moving average when I put my mouse err that little box pops up tells me what it is I can double click on it and the properties box will pop up and from there I can do the same thing that I wanted to do I can change the parameters I can change the fan when I go 435 moving average and I can do that I can change that and then I can add another one now if I go back to the indicators you'll see moving average is now at the very top because it was the one that I had just recently added if I click this I can add a new one but it'll show me what the last settings were all instead of the previous one so if I want to change that I want to go 55 and I'll make a blue one hit OK and I can add several moving averages if I don't like one I can right click on it and then delete indicator now I'm going to show you this double-clicking opens a properties box right clicking gives me the properties opens the properties box I'm just going to delete this one delete indicator now I'm going to show you a different way to get to it we can go insert indicators and we get to that same window this time I'm going to add an oscillator so we're your relative strength index auto side again we can change what we want RSI some indicators this is an oscillating indicator it has its own window and it moves up and down within that window I double click on the line opens up the properties levels I can add different levels this one comes with a default 30 and 70 level I can add a 50 level which is very common I can remove certain levels so I only want the 50 level and this is what you get we can modify it make the line thicker however you want I want to get rid of it I can adjust the pain as well I can grab the pain the top of the pain and move it narrower wider or just simply get rid of it so I can delete the indicate now what I'm going to do is right-click on the chart and I'll show me indicators list and this these are the indicators I have in the chart and if I have a lot of indicators there'll be a lot of them there so I can choose relative strength index and I can edit it from there the properties box will pop up or I can delete it and it will delete once I hit close closed box and indicators gone so I can modify add/remove indicators this way now there's one other way to add indicators I said there was three ways so we'll do that this is the Navigator window and through the Navigator window I have access to my accounts and I have access to indicators expert advisors and scripts so in the indicators I'll click on the little plus it opens up two different indicators now if I want to add an indicator to a chart come here I just drag and drop it onto the chart I go trend maybe I will add a parabolic SAR so when drag and drop that onto the chart the properties box will pop up okay okay and I have my indicator on the chart and I can get rid of this navigator window by either clicking on the navigator tab or the little X dare she be your English you know how to get them on the chart and off your chart if you're going to install an indicator now I'm going to do that I'm going to do that right now actually I'm going to show you how to install an indicator so what I'm going to do is I'm going to slide this over just a little bit we can see I've got indicators there ex4 files might come across indicators that are mq4 files the same thing if you install an mq4 file onto your charts it's going to automatically convert them into ex4 files so all we really need are the ex4 files the way to install an indicator manually because you're going to come across indicators that you'd like to try and whatever the case is and mt4 is really good for this there are thousands and thousands of indicators that are custom made and if you have any knowledge of programming you can maybe make your own how we add an indicator to our charts you have to have the chart open to begin with then we're going to click file and then we're going to open data folder what this is going to do is show us a data folder this is the data folder for this particular set of charts if you have different charts different brokers your data folder is going to be located in a different place this is the location of this particular set of charts is a huge file name I'm going to just scoot this over so that we can see kind of everything you need I have a template and FIV template that I'm going to install and you can tell us a template because it's fib dot TPL that's a template file once I've opened that data folder I have a series of file folders inside that now my templates is going to go into my templates file folder and I can either open that up and drag it into it or I can just simply drag it into the file folder so I'm going to do that I'm going to drag it and drop it into that templates file folder and I'll show you what we're going to do with that but if we want to install an indicator we need to go one level deeper MQL for we're going to open up that one MQL for and you're going to find inside there there's an indicators file folder all of the indicators that you want to install will go into that indicators file folder if I open it up you can see what we've got there's no fib anything in here being here and there isn't anything so what we're going to do is I could drop it in that window or drop it right into the file folder I'm going to do that I'm going to select them all and I'm just going to drag and drop them into a sign folded so if I open that up there's all the FIB indicators awesome that I've got that I don't need that window anymore I'm going to close the window I have a chart with new indicators I won't be able to access them indicators custom they're going to be in this custom area right here but I don't see that there's no fib anything when you install indicators onto your charts you have to shut the platform down and restart it all right so we're going to do that I'm going to shut it down and close the platform all right it's closed I'm going to open the platform now it's open all right it was closed it's open now when I go to the indicated file folder and go over custom you see all the FIB indicators if you install an indicator you have to shut the platform down and then start it up again and another little tip about indicators if you've installed an indicator and it doesn't show up even after you've done this there's a very strong chance that there's a problem in the code when I programmed an indicator and I had something missing somewhere and it there was just an invalidation in the code somewhere it doesn't appear it doesn't load you can't you can't use it so it doesn't even show up that makes me aware that there's probably a problem with the code I go back I fix the code and then it installs and it shows up for me so from here I'm going to add a couple of those fib indicators not going to add them all just a few so I'm going to go to custom fib I'm going to do the fib bands I can click it and the property box will pop up and then I can adjust the colors and so on all right so I've got the DC bands I'm going to add another one I'm going to add custom I'm going to add my momentum modulator then the property box pops up okay momentum modulator and one more I'm going to add the DMP so we'll go custom fib DMP okay this is the system as I like it's not really it's not complete but it's just for the sake of demonstration if I'm going to trade this on several different charts now this is on the US dollar Canadian dollar can see here on the D the tab that's been selected I don't want to trade only the US dollar cane dollar I can trade different currencies different currency pairs I don't want to have to apply each of those indicators every single time so what I want to do is I want to save this as a template that I can apply to each new chart that I open and I'll do this with this tab right here this is my template stub so I'm going to save the template now remember we added an fib template and that's what this fib is but let's say this is a modified version then I want to save it specifically so I'll go save template and then from there I might call it f i-b mod so this is my modified fib so I'll click Save and now when I go into it I'll see there's an fib mod so with the next chart this US dollar Canadian dollar if I apply the fib mod it'll make every single change that I had made previously it'll get rid of the grid it'll change the size of the candles it'll change the colors of the candles will apply the indicators it'll make a carbon copy of that other template of that other chart only applied to this particular currency pair so I can do that euro Frank and I can do that again I can apply a template just like that so we can open a chart PGM and then I can apply a template and that's good to go now if you have a template that you want the FIB for example if I want to apply the FIB this is the FIB complete the way it looks now if I have and I do sometimes have up to 25 different chert windows open I don't want to spend the time dragging all the different charts and then applying all the different indicators that's a that's a long time like applying a template to every single one of the charts there's a trick to this and what you can do is all I've got a chart with a template just the way I like it I like how it looks I like the way it is what I'll do is I will save this template I'm going to call it default when I name it default all right so if I go save now the FIB template is this one but the default template is this one so what I'll do now I'm going to minimize some of these just so that we can see how this works minimum sighs minimize minimize minimize so now I've got a blank chart if I open a new one let's go the Australian dollar US dollar click it will automatically apply that template automatically just because it's named default it knows that it's going to take the default template and apply it to a brand new chart so every new chart that you open is going to have this template applied to it little shortcut a little trick to make your life easier so let's get into some orders now I got caught this one time I got caught up with this it's bad I placed an order and I an entry order I got into a trade and I didn't know how to get out of it it's not as obvious as you might hope it would be getting into a trait easy one of the easiest things in the world here we have what is this this is the euro yen one hour let's say now this is just for the sake of example that I want to sell I'm going to click new order a window is going to pop up then I can choose to sell or buy this gives me the lot size this volume is what this is but it's the lot size this is what kind of lots by trading one lakh sure to trade one lot so I'm going to and you can change it you can change it to anything you want I can go two point five six slots so I am going to buy now let's go so okay I'm in the market successful great this dotted line is - dot line tells you here your I've sold at two point five six lots and I'm in the trade so now if the price goes down I'm going to make some money the price goes up I'm going to lose some money straightforward very simple Metatrader used to be a lot more complicated you could not just get out of a trade now there's a couple of ways to do this you can get out of the trade fairly easily now wasn't the case before but before we even get out of the trade let's modify this we're going to add stop loss and take profit and we're going to do this really really quick really really easy way this is a fairly new addition to the mt4 I am going to sit a little up and down arrow when I place my cursor on this entry level I can drag that entry level up or down and it will determine whether it's a take profit or stop-loss now I'm selling so I want the price to go down so my stop-loss would be above my take profit will be in front or below so drag to modify so if I drag up that is my stop loss and it's going to tell me right here how many pips my stop loss is how far away from that entry so let's say I want a 50 pip stop loss and this is what I would do so the easy easy way easy fast alright you only have to do this disclaimer thing one time I accept the terms ok let's do that again stop-loss above is forty six point six pips let go bang it's done I don't know if you heard the whoosh noise now I can do the same thing with the take profit drag it down this time and it tells you again here how many pips you are so--that's I'm going for level of support so I've got my stop-loss and got my cake profit I can modify my stop-loss I can modify my take profit simply by dragging it wherever I want to I can drag it up down I can modify my stop-loss as easy as that simple simple if I want to get out of the trade now if I just want to close it I can right click on the entry line and then from there I can choose to close the trade I can add a trailing stop so you can see the trailing stop I can add a trailing stop or I can modify the trade if I modify the trade I can add a stop loss level take profit level so if I change this to 45 it's okay I can click modify and it will adjust the stop loss level it never used to be this easy you used to have to do it through a different window now there is the trade terminal this is the terminal window icon I'm going to click this and we're going to see some different things I can stretch this up a little bit so we can see better there's a couple of different things you want to really be aware of and that is your trade and that is the current trade that we're in right now that's this one here I can click on it and then I can alter it from here I can go stop-loss take profit double-click and it opens up that same window came with the tape profit you can access the stop loss and take profit from that window I click I can modify or delete if I want to modify order I can do that if I want to see the trades let's get out of this trade I'm going to close this trade so I'll go right click and this is used to be how you have to do it right click on the trade you want to close if I've got several trades going I would choose the one that I want and then close order all right now in the account history it's going to show me the closed trades trades that are open will not be in the account history only the closed trades will it'll show me the entry price to stop loss at a profit and all of the different information here and my gain I'd have to open up a trade so let's do that we'll open up a trade we'll go new order that's elegant or selling against the grain here so wow this is open we can open the terminal and we can see in the trade the active trade this is how much rough and how much we're down and as the price is in profit will be positive is its negative no we'll have negative from here there is a profit here and then we can choose as points or as the currency the deposit currency for me it's the US dollar my accounts are in US dollars sometimes you want to see the points and what that does is it shows you how many pips so right now this is a five digit broker so I'm fractionally up like it's not a whole Pitt this is 0.5 of a pip right now so it shows you how many pips up and down you are go to profit deposit currency shows me the dollar amount that I am up or down counter history this is the one trade we closed see the other trade is not present it is under the trade so this is the trade terminal or the terminal window and I can close that again and never pay attention to it I don't like to pay attention to it when I'm in the trade but it is handy to see from time to time I'm going to close the trade and I will do that by hitting close and the trade has been exited if I go back into the terminal and look at the account history there is one trade for two dollars and 14 cents and another trade for minus 194 and it gives me a running total profit loss so I've had the $5,000 demo account and over the two trades I've taken I've lost a total of 192 dollars and 60 cents let's take a look at across the top you've got all these little buttons and things and they are adjustable they come in their own kind of mini panes we have the different time frames we've got the monthly weekly daily and so on and we can move it we can actually grab pane and move it around now being a new platform it is Auto clicking into the thing generally I have been able to slide it over I'm not being able to do that apparently right now in this one we have all kinds of tools and there's not a lot available what you can do is anywhere on here is right click and then go customize and it'll show you what tools you can add or take away if I got the vertical line horizontal line a trend line I like those but I don't need the equi distant channel on there so what I can do is click on it and then remove and what it does is it takes it off of there and you saw it just disappear and it puts it into indicators the available tools and I can choose let's say I like the rectangle tool one I do use it so I'll go insert and maybe I like the ellipse tool I can double click it and it'll show up and then once I've got that now maybe I want to reorganize it I want to Fibonacci tool above alright and as I'm doing this it reorganizes it in here and then I'm good so I can close I can do that with any of these I go customize it shows me what I can do and what I can add what I can take away and what I can move around so you might want to check that out and see so what extra are available now there is one other feature that I'd like to show you and that's the f12 it's going to come in handy if you are doing some forward testing when you are looking at a chart or looking for hours you're looking at a chart and you use the arrow keys I'm going to push the arrow keys on my keyboard I'm going to go to the right it's my right arrow key click see what happens is one two three four all right one two three four it the arrow keys do the charts for candles at a time now if you are back testing and you want to see one candle at a time that arrow key is useless you don't want to see four candles you want to see one candle what you'll do is you press f12 and if you do f12 which is what I'm doing now you're going to see one candle at a time let's get that another 1 2 3 4 5 6 so you can see how a trade progresses in real time using the f12 now there's lots of different features there are more to it to this and if you're interested there's information all over the place what I wanted to do with this very basic tutorial was to show you how to get around and after this it is going to be quite simple for you to kind of run with it you can do a little bit more with it you know what I should show you is another indicator this is the TRS now it's not the indicator so much but there's going to be times where you have an indicator on your chart that you just can't modify you can't double click and have a properties box and this is it this is one of them what it's doing is it's printing text and if I click it double click it all it does is select the text I can't modify it so what I'll do is this I know it's the TRS I'll right-click on the chart then I'll go to indicators list and then from there I will find the TRS select it or I can double click it and then click Edit and then pops up the TRS and that's from there I can choose to turn on the alert so every time a candle ends or starts every time I can all start it'll go Bing I can change the color I can change the location but the only way to get to that is through that indicators list so let me do that again just right click on the chart doesn't matter where the five indicators list or control I will open up that indicators list and then you've got access to all the different indicators and you can manipulate them to TRS that's when you have to get through here click Edit do what you got to do click OK and it's done the other indicators you can double-click and the properties box pops up all the other indicators you can do that TRS and you're going to come across others where you have to get to it that way through the indicators list I think another feature that is going to come in handy if you are in the members area and I'm going to assume you are you're going to want to post a chart from time to time the best way to do that is get the chart that you want draw some lines you point pointing to where you need trendline properties is up I can draw some text with the age this is my text tool click and then this is the name of the text they're actually what you're going to write is in the text so I can go this is cool and then I can change the color and font and the point size say I want a 24-point size I'd like to make it a white color Ariel is fine okay this is cool I can double click again the note pops up I can move it anywhere I want double click deselect it and the locks it in place I can choose some arrows I can do an arrow up or an arrow down let's go an arrow up click little tiny red one double click selects it right click arrow properties if I stick in the line it'll make the arrow bigger then I can make it a different color where I want the area where I want to move it double-click locks it in place now I've got my description I've got some text I can save this image so what I'll do is from here I can go to file and then save as picture when I save as picture I will choose the active chart as is you can go active chart and save it to a specific size I like the active chart as is what it does is it doesn't mess with anything there's no squishing there's no resizing or shaping I don't want to post the image online to the mql5 chart so I'm going to make sure that I unselect that active chart as is I'll hit OK it will give me a title here now I'm going to save this to my desktop I'm not going to save it directly to the file that it chooses I'm going to save it to my desktop this is the Euro Pound age for tests I'm going to do this and I'm going to click Save and the window pops open I think you can see this yes yes it's the this is my photo viewer and this is the image this is the actual image that you can post into a forum or whatever you want with it's clean it's crystal clear and it is exactly what we want to see when we're looking in the forum so this is the photo viewer this is an actual photograph of this chart so you've got the chart you've got the photo and are identical exactly this is how you would do it and then you post the image in the forum and we can see what's going on so that is how you would save an image for meditation so Metatrader is really a very powerful tool and I haven't shown you everything I showing you again enough just to kind of get you by in this video is huge and I've shown you a lot maybe there's one more thing that I should show you and what that is is going to be the tiling feature you can choose to tile the windows how you want now I can go here window and tile windows and I can choose different ways to do it I can tile the windows vertically the way they are now let's just get rid of these that what I'm doing is if I minimize the windows they won't tile if I have open windows I've got two of them I can click tile and it'll get them into space in the workspace now let's say I open up a third one right now I'm going to tile all three of those so I've got three windows open now and I can choose to tile them in different ways if I go window I can tile them horizontally now I don't know why you'd want to do this but the option is there for that so a tile tile vertically and I will do this if I am watching a few charts so I can have two or three charts on simultaneously and you're watching them at the same time and and not being distracted by everything else or having to scroll through 15 charts may I do that too if I'm looking at a whole bunch of charts and I'm going through the bottoms click-click click-click I'm scrolling through them but if there's three or four charts so they want and if you're trading a small timeframe that'd be the way to go is tile the charts you're looking at and do it this way makes life a lot easier and that's why the TRS is very small I made it as small as I could so that I can have it on every chart and still be present that's why it's in the corner it's in and that's why it's as small as it is so we've got I think that about covers it we've got indicators templates how to apply a template how to create one where to get the indicators from where to put the indicators when you have a new one where the template goes orders getting in and out modifying it and so on so I think I think we're good again if you've got any questions and you're in the members area you post in the forum we're going to make sure that we help you every step of the way thanks for watching this mp4 tutorial video and we'll talk to you soon bye bye
Channel: Tradeology and Russ Horn
Views: 681,712
Rating: 4.8968172 out of 5
Keywords: Forex, Metatrader4, Metatrader, Forex trading, Metatrader4 tutorial, Forex platform, Forex indicators, MT4, MT4 tutorial, metatrader 4, metatrader explained, metatrader forex, metatrader 4 tutorial, metatrader 4 tutorial for beginners, metatrader 4 guide
Id: dSi_rndHKp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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