Metamorphosis 2017-Dr. Jazz Sculark (Thursday Night Part two)

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Minna look at the word something now he moves from the cloud and now he talks about some particular kind of women are some unique kind of women are there are some something women are that worth sucking imply women with certain tear oh that word of remains that is women who are sure of themselves is women who are not cocky but confident now oh god I wish I had a TED kind of women up I'm talking about women who are comfortable in their skin or women who don't mind being who they're supposed to be a women who don't mind celebrating who they are and as you taught a women up because they're not confident in who they are they'll try to downgrade who you are but when you know who you are and who you are you don't have to be intimidated by another woman up you can my god pull your sister by the head and say I'm a certain woman yet a certain woman and prize that she knows who she is a certain woman knows that the clothes don't make her the shoes don't make up the car don't make up the job don't make up in shoes at all and he got King Jesus she got more than enough to start all over with a Danish so 10 women in the house or when your mouth any something surfing surfing women because I'm I don't convince me I'm convinced that there is there is day there is this punish women then days Kaddi women Cara wish but then there's something women Cara come on action sister - which one are you are are you Carrie are your childish or usurping daughter I say any women that know that they know that they know that they know that they know you can make me doubt him I know too much about this parish come on step five with your sister say I know him for myself you ain't got to remind me to praise Him when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that is done for me I can open I'm not all by myself there are certain women who are y'all still here who are traveling with Jesus he's traveling with twelve of his homeboys and the text says I'm in verse number 12 three verses and the text says in verse number two and there are certain women women who are sure who they are oh god women who are comfortable with who they are oh god I wish I saw women who are secure in who they are women who are happy and who they are cause the reason why you can't celebrate me is you haven't learned to celebrate yourself but Marta I wish I had a cyst in here the reason why you can't shout for me is cause you can't show for yourself tell your sister SOS right over sub I got a place and I better get it out - out is your mom Meeropol Jay Davis this place the Texas and they are they are traveling with Jesus are y'all still here seven women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom had come seven demons Joanna the wife of Cole's are here wood stood and Susanna and me yeah women yeah I'm ready verse number three now you'll notice how Luke moves from something women there's no name in women he says there are something women that means all of us certain women who happen here oh god I wish I had somebody oh god I'm just looking for people who was sick and the Lord healed him I'm looking for some people that the Lord deliver you from you see when you're not a lord heal you you don't need nobody to tell you the places when you're not a lord deliver you from something you don't need nobody to tell you to show instead to a flashback and see how far the Lord brought you from and if he brought you a little way then give him a little place but if he put you a mighty long way and you wanna walk with your mouth o your head back women who's been who were healed God I own in the book certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities and then that he can't name everybody so he just picked three now I don't know which category you won't fall in but when I get to you you just the first one and notice no different verse number two he says who has been healed of evil spirits and in somebody Mary called Magdalene Oh God , either fool he cast Seven Devils I just I just have to have a conversation with Luke something been bothering me about Luke all week long IV and that is when he named twelve he didn't name their stuff are y'all in here I want this is anybody in here that people always try to remind you of your past god I wish your handsome is there anybody in here that people always try to remind you of your past well your neighbor biter here and the reason why the devil reminds you of your pet is what it doesn't know your future hope every new your future he will leave your past alone now your neighbor Lima pants alone I thought we did my pencil or actually my pencil or inevitably my personal cuz whatever in the past he didn't say either the Casa I wish I had a real children you tell me stop them how come when the brothers talk about it they never said David the adult or let it David a man after God's own heart Yoda but as soon as a woman mess up your name Amy you're angry you're know what appear as soon as a sister dogs and mess up now put it on Twitter Facebook and Instagram and you know what part of me is not the brothers that does that is another woman that doesn't blow woman I came to kill it never tonight somebody open your mouth oh my hear that go on [Music] I mean I mean I mean I'm cut off cut off I mean they they never mention the 12 stuff but every time they talk about Mary Magdalene Charlotte they always bring up anybody got people like that in your life they will never let go of your of your pen they don't understand you live to tell about your past come and the reason why some people are looking at you crazy cause you're shouting is cause they don't know what you've been through they thought you never mess up a day in your life they told you never don't I wish your hair would you look at your sisters the neighbor I don't even look like what happened to have Seven Devils your honor that's a level of alcohol a vegetable opinio a devil [Music] what blocks whether judging to myself had more than seven come on jealousy you know tell him I've had more than seven I've fallen seven times the Bible said they're just men fall it come onstage with authority fall itself but the difference between the saint and the sinner is at least the same head power to get back up again would you tell your neighbor by 2 here and say I don't care where you're falling I don't care where you mess up the boys that saved you it's a grave that's able to pick you up count your work plant your feet on a solid well this shout is the voice challah is so great Andy for your pockets for great Andy for your house is so good maybe for your job is so good because if it wasn't for the grace of God you will lost your mind along the first woman who's coming out of hiding tonight is Mary Magdalene the second woman he mentions I also there is Joanna the wife of Kozar Herod stood you'll see that the first woman is Mary Magdalene out of whom he cast out our Seven Devils and then the second woman is called whose name at Joanna and Joanna got a booth y'all see that she's she's she's married she's married she's aka Mia right yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna use I'm gonna use me up tonight the first woman is Mary Magdalene out of whom James seven demons right and by the way it's amazing that May Madeleine is the one who's given the good news that Jesus has risen and you can't trust me with your keys he trusts me with the gospel I wish I had the second woman in the Texas by the name what's her name Joanna and Joanna is married I took a brother she's got a brother she's married to this brother she's got it going on she's got substance and she's got style she's got privilege she's got opportunity she's got class now there's no mention there's no mention of Mary Magdalene if she's mad or single of course they said that she was the one who had a little affair with Jesus no I'm just saying what they said I didn't say yeah okay but but but but that's what that was the big country Russo with the Roman Catholic but the bottom line is you've got one who was demon possessed with seven devil seven there now you got this sister Gulf and what's the second sister name her name is Joanna and she is she's made me I'm gonna need you I'm Alicia I'm gonna need you yes she come on money Germany I'm gonna need you I'm gonna need you don't don't listen you got the best woman out of all three oh yeah you got the best woman out of all three imma just need you right what's the first woman name I'm gonna take Mary I'm gonna take me I'm Mary I'm definitely married I'm deaf I'm deaf I'm definite I'm Beth oh I wish I had some ex Mary's up in here I wish I had a couple hi Anna hello when the Mary's that well though God is do with you yet tell your sisters a newsflash I'm not sinless but I'm sinning left god I wish hey yo mr. say neighbor I'm not sinless but I'm sinning left I'm making progress so stop I used to do I don't do it every day job come on tell him I said don't push me cause oh come on who knows it's only by the grace of God where Demaryius you snail got some issues you stabbed Axl's juggle you still get some hang-up and that's what people don't understand what your kid sauce recipe oh say no your mess what's a lot of Labor you see Mary I don't take a whole lot for Mary to shout Mary knows that if she don't show she'll get a house up top Mary knows as you don't praise God she is hurt somebody may we still got some issues inside alone so you never say you know you got some issues you know you just get the joke out of your bed right you don't want to be real you know you're just deliver it was a blazer there's a second woman what's a second woman what's the name Johanna Johanna is married to pass the right come on over here you go you gonna help me much cinnamon Johanna Johanna its married married to uh Herod stored she's she's got she's got privilege she's got access into Howard scored she she's got amazing knowledge she's got amazing opportunity and she's got a she's got a BMW a black man that works I mean I mean but but but listen it's amazing that she she she is in a class different from Mary Mary's from the hood that ghetto but not Jojo and Joanna Gaddy going on yep for some reason both of them I in the same company oh boy I'm about to kill a devil tonight she she got on wear bottoms I got on Gucci okay he got on cynjohn somebody got on pay left y'all in here but yes we are in the same oh my god this is all blessed I got it I got a deal I got a deal with a third woman there's another woman in the text her name is okay so what's the first for my name okay that's me right ain't nobody the second woman is and that's faster come on IV come on up here coming up here come on up here and then there is the third woman who's hey listen Susanna I'm Joanna and Mary Matalin is mentioned in all the other gospel but nap Susanna come on over here that's a Susanna this is the only verse where you are ever mentioned I know yes yeah yes yeah yes there's no other scripture that mentions your name you are the most Oh God you're the most hidden of all of them but the most powerful y'all know ready but y'all y'all ain't ready for me tonight I came for the people who nobody knows your face nobody sees you but God told me after that night he's about to drop your faith [Music] hey women look different walks of life with different status definitely this one shame light lighter chocolate a chocolate lighter caramel I'm caramel vanilla what does these three women have in common I mean I hear any Nabu y'all and ready for me we know at least two out of the three ain't got nobody but I've got three things that the three women have in common and the reason why I bought these two women up here is to let you know we are powerful in our own way god I wish I hit Saba and said we are powerful you know on the way but we've got three things in common nothing one we all hit a jacked-up pass god I wish I had some oh three women in the Bible had something wrong in their pants that means it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside it doesn't matter the fire truck it doesn't matter if you're married or single all of us the Lord delivered us from something in our path is there anybody in here who know so when you look back over your past Josh should not have saved you he should not have delivered you but we may be different share what we've got the same testimony we watch was wrong but now we're fur we used to be prime but how we get [Music] oh god yeah I got my - you're gonna have to get two other sisters sister we all be all got a past we all got a pet touching this we all got a past now tell them say your past it's not my best come on tell them say your past it's not my pants your struggle oh it's not my struggle your issue it's not my issue that's why you can't roll your eyes at another sister just cause you got a man in your bed just cause you got a ring on your finger I just told you flying solo there's only two category of people sinners anything god I just said something except there's only two peda going say yes what I said we got a past me we all got we got a past we got a we got a pass we got a pass we got a pen all three women have one thing in common first of all they all have the same the same past it may not be the same exact but they all got something for they got deceptively they got another thing in common there's only one common denominator that lets us hang out together cuz I know you love the spa and God knows you love to shop I don't like the spa I don't like to shop you like the spa and shop am i telling the white okay okay that's why you got a booth we can only do one we ain't got none god I wish I had somebody but pop if you let us hold your credit on you love the stuff you love to shop I don't like it either I love to go you don't like the Gulf and because I try to get you this you pretend you can go so what is the common denominator goes out in my scripture it's one man and it's not me as husband god I wish I had somebody yes Jesus you're missing the one thing we all get in common is the same and deliver Mary is the same man that delivered Johanna and the same in the deliver Susanna Paul your neighbors are we and all get to dress alike we an object ID to like we and all better tried the same talk we all get one thing in common there is a man called Jesus who woke us up this morning started us on our way and if you got the same Savior yet the least you ought to do is give your Savior our place you ain't gotta do it like me or you ain't got to do it like me you ain't have to do it like dad but when you think up subjective Jesus [Music] I said when you think of this you are open your mouth when you think of what he's done for you you are open your mouth well my time is up we got a pass we've got a savior but oh god if y'all catch this I pray to God that you are sitting next to the light to other women because not only did it have a path together not only did it have an encounter with a savior together but all three women although they from different paths and although there's a different background and although they're different shades and although they're different size and although they like different stuff and although they wear different outfits and although they work in different heels and although their praise in different ways and they also get another thing in common it's writing in verse number three it says they all have substance up into prophesied to your neighborhood pull your sister and let your bum to pull it off it's a neighbor ain't just getting blessed neither what every woman that's connected to Caesar is about to get better come on pull your hips up hey after discomforts of doing it asked me Bellona go give you some money so there's counsel you will get to beg anybody for anything yeah cuz when I get some oh you about to get some up all your sister by the hand and say we ain't got the same thing we ain't got the same house we ain't got the same job but we got the same supplier who said my God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory huh get nauseous toes up and God bless you but I can't do you stuff prophesied to you you've been hiding for too long you been down for too long you haven't been seen for too long what night is your night now get ready for your car get ready for your elevation up getting ready for your celebration up oh your sister ahead so we started from the bottom but now and another come on oh they're better and so we started from the bottom but now we why is it up we get it up from him Oh your sister huh hey neighbor when you holla just like that when I scream you scream just like that up when I worries about you plays about just like that when I get up when I get up every sector just connected to me it wise it Oh your system after you get enough to light up you get it up tonight oh yeah yeah [Music] get you to sister get you to sip those three getting on círculo three get in a circle of what I say get in a circle of three your gap three you get three you in a circle of three yes that's the right one wait won't bother him a joke yet on the aisle it won't bother me to get others to get of the seat comfort system how many does they get in a circular one oh gosh I tell you what I'm not trying to tell your business but which one are you [Music] which one are you listen listen in every Soto days are married I said in every summer there's a it's amazing there's a sister in your circle that is battling with something that you're about to go into prayer for them right now right now right now there's a sister there's a sister there's a sister in your so true that is struggling with something that you're gonna start on you will start praying for them right now right now now listen y'all hold in hand like y'all don't like each other you got a lock hand you got a lock in there's a sister in your circle that is thinking about suicide come on stop Prince and Prince and Prince stop please stop please stop playing right now stop toying start Queen there's a sister in your circle now our ladies who I think right here I know y'all wanna do sick but I need three I know y'all wanted I want y'all to be obedient to the Prophet three three three three three three three is a significant number there's a sister in your circle that don't know how she gonna make it stop stop playing stop playing stop stopping stop playing stop put my god if I were to tell you to pray for yourself you screaming right now stop praying for them stop playing for the person in your circle stop playing supreme submarine start start start start playing I mean not know cute little plan mean open your mouth I mean I mean your play is going to break whatever of that oh my god come on come on start point
Channel: Mia K. Wright, Author, Speaker, Influencer, Coach
Views: 26,643
Rating: 4.8267717 out of 5
Keywords: meta2017, Metamorphosis 2017, Mia Wright, Jazz Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Emerge, the fountain of praise
Id: XPrui4B1onM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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