Metal Heart (Thesis Film)

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Once again, I can't work with these  scraps. Come back with workable items.  Yeah, yeah. Mirie.  Yes? Come make yourself useful, I need a break.   Don't get distracted. I won't let you down!  Okay, who's next? Number three forty... five? Oh, wow it's completely intact! What I wouldn't   give to get a look inside of-- Mirie!  Sorry, sorry... Heh, on second thought...  Uumm, okay who's next? It's number six three two, okay?  How much for this? I... I don't understand. Let me help. Full droid.  Yeah, get a good look. How did you...   no, no, I-I can't take this-- Mirie. No, I won't buy. What gives!? Pay up. This is the most valuable   scrap that's ever gonna come through here-- you  think I won't just take it somewhere else??-- Pay up.  U-um...   Hello? Helloooooo... Droid? Robot?  Person... I- I got your arm! Hey! You are here. I can fix your arm, I'm a mechanic. Look I don't want your help, just go away. It's just the battery. It powers up and then it  dies... Scrappers took anything that made them...   worth anything. Come on, I know you're here. He must have followed me. This is my fault. We've been through this already. I  really don't feel like doing it again.  Hey, why don't you make this easy on me,   all right? Make me not have  to work so hard! Ha, ha, ha!  I think I have an idea but I need your help.  I'm open to suggestions.  Okay, last chance. You better come on   dow--AAAHHH
Channel: Aiden Burkley
Views: 282,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lXuBJtvaneQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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