Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

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after the end of World War II the world was split into two East and West this marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War flying over Pakistan altitude 30,000 ft approaching Soviet airspace 20 minutes to drop off commencing internal depressurization equipment check our main parachute all right you ready to go drop zone still showing a high pressure Mass Cav okay good we've got high [Music] visibility put out that cigar connecting oxygen hose to Interior connector put on your mask does this panty waste know what he's doing approaching release point 10 minutes to drop off hey are you deaf he said put out the cigar and put on your mask depressurization complete checking oxygen supply 6 minutes to drop off opening rear hatch [Music] Sunrise external temperature - 46° c 2 minutes to drop off stand [Music] up you'll be falling at 130 mph try not to get frostbite from the windchill 1 minute to drop off move to the rear activate bailout H this is one for the history books the world's first Halo jump 10 seconds to drop off stand by status okay all green prepare for drop off countdown 5 4 3 2 1 spread your wings and fly got be with you [Music] Jack I've got some important news the head of the CIA has finally given us the green light for The Virtuous Mission virtual Mission no The Virtuous Mission the future of our Fox unit depends on it if it succeeds we'll be officially organized into a unit virtuous Mission sounds like some kind of initiation ritual you don't get cocky this isn't a training up right so what exactly is this wonderful Mission well about two years ago a certain Soviet scientist requested asylum in the west through one of our moles his name is Nikolai stanovich sokov he's head of the OK b754 design Bureau one of the soviet's top secret weapon research facilities and the east's foremost expert on weapons development soov isn't he that famous rocket scientist the very same on April the 12th 1961 the Soviets achieved the first man space flight in history the Earth was blue but there was no God well spoken the rocket that carried Yuri gagar into orbit was the A1 known as the VTO rocket soof is said to be the man most responsible for the multi-engine cluster used in that rocket after gagarin's flight soof left rocket development to become the head of the newly established design Bureau from a lowly technician to head of a design Bureau that's quite a success story so why'd you want to defect it seems he'd become afraid of his own Creations afraid call it a crisis of conscience and for that he left his country and his family behind and went over the fence not exactly one of his conditions was that his family was also to be taken safely to the West we used a mole to get the family out first and succeeded in sneaking soof over the Berlin Wall shortly afterwards I was the one who conducted the operation the security on the Eastern side was still full of holes back then then what we got soof over in one piece but the whole ordeal had left him exhausted and we checked him into a hospital in West Berlin it took him 2 weeks and more than 600 miles to get from the research facility in the Soviet Union to Berlin he was in no condition to say anything coherent and it was only a week later that we had something much bigger on our hands the Cuban Missile Crisis October the 16th 1962 President Kennedy received word that the Soviets were in the process of deploying intermediate range ballistic missiles in Cuba the president demanded that the Soviets dismantle and remove the missiles at the same time he announced a naval blockade to prevent further missile shipments from reaching Cuba but the Soviets didn't back down instead placing their Armed Forces on secondary alert Soviet transport ships carrying missiles Contin continued on course towards Cuba US and Soviet forces went on alert for an allout nuclear war frantic negotiations were conducted through the un's emergency Security Council and unofficial channels to end the hair trigger standoff finally on October the 28th the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba and so the world avoided a nuclear Holocaust but in order to get the Soviets to pull their missiles out we had to make a deal you mean the one where the US agreed to remove its irbm from Turkey no the Jupiter irbm deployed in Turkey were Obsolete and we were going to get rid of them anyway they had no strategic value whatsoever to either the us or the Russians the turkey deal was a ruse a cover story that was fed to the other intelligence agencies around the world so what did the Russians really want soov they wanted us to return soop you mean the Soviets pulled out of Cuba just to get their hands on so that's right what the hell was he working on at the time we had no idea we were running out of time was either give up soof or risk fullscale nuclear war in the end we had no choice President Kennedy gave into kev's demand the next day I got soof out of the hospital handing him over to agents on the Eastern side sov kept on screaming save me until he disappeared from my side then a month ago we received some new information from one of our moles about soav yes he was taken back to the research facility and forced to continue working on the weapon in question under KGB supervision once more it's on the verge of completion so what kind of weapon is it something to do with space Rockets no missiles same technology I guess you're right we don't know the details but it appears to be a new kind of nuclear device for half a year now the Soviets have been conducting frequent nuclear tests at semi palatin something to do with the weapon I assum we're talking about a secret weapon so big that kusf was ready to pull out of Cuba to get it back is sov still in a facility no according to our intelligence he's in selino Yas a place in the mountains about 3 mil to the West that's known as the Virgin Cliffs the Virgin Cliffs nice name for a virtuous Mission they moved him there just recently why apparently they're conducting a field test of the weapon but it's our best chance to get him back this Mission would never have been possible if he were still in the research facility this is our last chance soof must have known that too when he contacted us [Music] [Music] listen up Jack your mission is to infiltrate selino ask in the Soviet mountains ensure the safety of cof and bring him back to the West if we don't get soof back before that weapon is complete we'll be facing a major crisis the clock is ticking once we've confirmed the rescue of sov standby at the recovery point a recovery balloon will be dropped at that point helium will be pumped into the balloon to inflate it the process takes about 20 minutes once it's complete the gunships arm will latch onto the balloon and pull it up the Fon surfac Air recovery system I'm familiar with the theory take it easy it's been combat proen do you think soab is up to it the shock will be less than during a parachute jump and the arm can handle up to 500 lb so you're planning on going over the Border in a single combat Talon she's equipped with two six barrel 20 mm Vulcan cannons as well as two 40mm machine guns sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of Tanks even with the fuel in the reserve tank we're facing a 4-Hour time limit if all goes well it shouldn't take more than a few hours home and time for dinner but if anything goes wrong you'll be eating dinner breakfast and all the rest of your meals in the jungle [Music] [Music] [Music] do you copy you're already in enemy territory and somebody might be listening in from here on out we'll be using code names to refer to each other your code name for this Mission will be naked snake I'll be referring to a snake from now on you're not to mention your real name snake oh you don't don't like snakes what do you mean you've eaten one before haven't you in survival training I'm glad to hear that I don't know if I'd ever order one in a restaurant but be careful you might not have a choice what about you major what should I call you H let's see I'll be I'll be Tom call me Major Tom this will be a sneaking Mission you must not be seen by the enemy you must leave no trace of your presence is that clear this kind of infiltration is the fox unit's speciality in other words weapons and equipment to procure on site that goes for food as well you're completely naked just as your name implies great now I see why you ask me if I like snakes I suppose calling me snake was your idea of a joke too no there's a good reason for that I'll tell you later when the time is right gotcha getting back to the subject how exactly am I supposed to feed myself you've been issued a night knife and a tranquilizer gun use them to hunt for food you'll also find some medical supplies in your backpack yeah about the backpack I lost it in a tree on the way down I see well you better go back and get it then you know where it is no problem I can see it from here it's stuck on a branch to climb a tree stand in front of a tree that's covered in Ivy and press the action button I'll be monitoring your progress over the radio we can't risk violating Soviet airspace but I'll be in the gunship my frequency is 4.85 I'll give you a call if I need to talk to you if you need to talk to me use the send function okay snake go get your backpack for I see you've retrieved your backpack snake to equip a weapon it's necessary to take it out of your backpack in the survival viewer choose weapon from the backpack your available weapons will be displayed in a window in the upper left from that list choose the weapon you want to equip and press the enter button for other equipped items just do the same thing from item got it use the survival viewer backpack yep that's right survival is fundamental to this mission after you've been out in the field for a while your stamina will start to drop if your stamina gets too low it'll affect your performance you won't be able to shoot accurately for example and your wounds won't heal as smoothly keep an eye on your stamina so you don't run out to recover lost stamina you can hunt for local flora and FAA you can use either your tranquilizer gun or your knife to hunt my only weapon is a mark 22 Hush Puppy tranquilizer gun that's right it's been fitted with its own suppressor however the suppressor will deteriorate every time you fire once its durability reaches zero the noise suppression effect will be gone so don't get too Trager happy with it the suppressor durability is shown in the icon any weapons and equipment beyond what you're carrying now you'll have to find as you go I have to find my own weapons and equipment whose crazy idea was this anyway solo covert actions a standard Fox operating procedure you can't leave any traces of your presence no weapons equipment Footprints sweat or bodily waste the same goes for bullets and cartridges too your presence enemy territory is already a violation of international conventions of warfare there aren't supposed to be any American soldiers in Russia it could spark an international incident you can't let anyone see you you can't let the enemy know you're there this is a stealth Mission you're a ghost snake in every sense of the word and there'll be no rescue if you're captured the military and US Government will deny any involvement in the affair then I'll just have to take care of myself huh I'm afraid so you've been given a fake death pill for that purpose sis guidelines stipulate that soldiers on Covert Ops like this one issued a potassium cyanide capsule tape it to your body so you can take it when you need to how generous of you use it if you're taken prisoner by the enemy it'll send you into a state of false death for a short time fooling them into thinking that I'm really dead so how do I come back to life just take the Revival pill you mean that thing they put my tooth before the mission that's the one but be careful if you remain in a state of false death for too long nothing will be able to bring you back remember that I'll keep it in mind you said this was a solo mission right right I guess that means I can't count on any reinforcements correct the mission rests entirely in your hands a real one-man Army relax there's a support team ready to back you up over the radio who I'll introduce the to you this time survival is of utmost importance the first member of the support team will be in charge of monitoring your physical condition acting as a medic so to speak as well as recording your mission data she's a member of Fox as well and she's here on the gunship with me she hello snake I'm paramedic nice to meet you paramedic as in a medic who comes in by Parachute aren't you going to tell me your real name are you going to tell me yours Mr Snake my my name huh it's John Doe and they call you jack for short you're a regular Captain Nemo a name means nothing on the battlefield after a week no one has a name what's your name Jane do very funny I wasn't joking but I'll tell you my name only if you manage to make it back alive my frequency is 145. 73 she's also in charge of recording your mission data whenever you want to save send a message message over the reserved save frequency 14.96 so saving lets me record my mission data that's right it also records the state of your health good to know there's one more person I want to introduce you to snake speaking of snakes you remember the boss don't you a legendary Soldier and your Mentor actually it was the boss that got the dci's authorization in the first place she's going to be serving as Fox's Mission ad iser the boss is she also helped me plan this Mission she and I were at SAS Together Jack is that you how many years has it been boss that's right it's me talk to me let me hear your voice it's been 5 years 72 days and 18 hours you've lost weight you can tell just by the sound of my voice of course I can I know all about you really well I don't know anything about you what's that supposed to mean why' you disappear on me all of a sudden I was on a top secret mission you didn't need me anymore but there were still so many things I wanted you to teach me no I taught you everything you needed to know about fighting techniques I taught you all I could the rest you needed to learn on your own techniques sure but what about how to think like a soldier how to think like a soldier I can't teach you that a soldier needs to be strong in spirit body and technique and the only thing you can learn from someone else is technique in fact technique doesn't even matter what's most important is spirit Spirit and body are like two sides of a single coin they're the same thing I can't teach you how to think you'll just have to figure it out for yourself listen to me Jack just because soldiers are on the same side right now doesn't mean they always will be having personal feelings about your comrades is one of the worst sins you can commit politics determine who you face on the battlefield and politics are a living thing they change along with the times yesterday's good might be tomorrow's evil is that why you abandoned me no it had nothing to do with you I already told you Jack I was on a top secret mission a soldier has to follow whatever orders he's given it's not his place to question why but you're looking for a reason to fight you are a natural born fighter but you're not quite a soldier a soldier is a political tool nothing more that's doubly true if he's a career Soldier right and wrong have no place in his mission he has no enemies and no friends only the mission you follow the the orders you're given that's what being a soldier is I do whatever I have to to get the job done I don't think about politics that's not the same thing sooner or later your conscience is going to bother you in the end you have to choose whether you're going to live as a soldier or just another man with a Gun there's a saying in the orient loyalty to the end do you know what it means being patriotic it means devoting yourself to your country I follow the president and the top brass I'm ready to die for them if necessary the president and the top brass won't be there forever once their terms are up others will take their place I follow the will of the leader no matter who's in charge people aren't the ones who dictate the missions then who does the times people's values change over time and so do the leaders of a country so there's no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms the enemies we fight are only enemies in relative terms constantly changing with the times as long as we have loyalty to the end there's no point in believing in anything even in those we love and that's the way a soldiers supposed to think the only thing we can believe in with absolute certainty is the mission Jack all right but do me a favor what is it call me snake snake oh right your code name is snake it suits you well that's right the legendary unit that the boss put together during World War II was a snake the Cobra Unit A group of Heroes that brought the war to an end and saved the world as long as you've got a legendary hero backing you up you'll be fine isn't that right snake yeah I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have with me oh and one more thing boss yes it's good to hear your voice again same here after after all who knows if either of us will make it out alive snake you are always best at Urban Warfare and infiltrating buildings but this is the jungle survival is going to be key those CQC techniques I taught you are sure to come in handy CQC Close Quarters combat huh I've been in the Green Berets for the past few years I'm probably pretty Rusty not to worry I'll be here to help you remember after all this is your first actual ual survival Mission I'll be supporting you over the radio where are you Boss next to the major the boss is communicating with us by radio from aboard a permit class submarine in the Arctic Ocean my frequency is 14180 call me if you need my advice on battle techniques gotcha your mission is to retrieve Dr soov Dr soof is being held in an abandoned factory located to the north of your current position void heavy combat and don't let anyone see you don't forget that this is a stealth Mission snake try to remember some of the basics of CQC commencing virtuous Mission now for major I've spotted two enemy soldiers they're probably KGB troops sent to guard soov AK-47s and grenades snake your presence in Soviet territory is already a violation of international law we can't let the Kremlin find out that the CIA and the American govern government are involved contact with the enemy is strictly prohibited don't engage them in battle either this is a stealth Mission got that the major is right the point of this mission is to sneak through the jungle without being seen the success of the mission depends on how well you use your camouflage change your camouflage by selecting camouflage from the survival viewer the uniform option lets you pick your uniform while the face option option lets you change your face paint choosing camouflage that blends in with your surroundings will help you conceal yourself more effectively also don't forget that anything that moves will stand out in the jungle if you just stand up and run around like an idiot you're bound to be spotted but if you crawl instead you should be able to sneak by without being noticed you can see how effective your camouflage is by looking at the camo index the camo index shows how well your current camouflage Blends in with the surrounding area the higher the value the harder you are to spot and vice versa the key is to make yourself one with nature keep that in mind as you go along okay sh yeah for h for major I've reached the abandoned Factory where soov is supposedly being held this place is a dump I can't see soov from here the security is pretty tight there are sentries posted around the perimeter I wonder how many are inside your objective soof is inside the factory they should be holding him in a room in the Northeast section Northeast section got it be careful your mission is to bring soof back alive he must not be exposed to any kind of danger do not approach soof while in the alert phase right oh and one more thing snake you mean there's more no it's just that when you get to soof I want you to tell him something from me and that is sorry for being so late is that all yes understood beginning my approach to the Target for [Music] you must be soov are you one of vulcan's men you'll never get it from me no I'm a CIA agent I've come to escort you back to the other side of the Iron Curtain your CIA yeah I was sent by Major zero the man who got you out two years ago zero I have a message from him what is it he said to tell you sorry for being so late did he know what does it mean it means he's a man of his word but we've got no time for this you have to get me out of here before they arrive who's they Colonel vulgan of Gru you in the west know him as Thunderbolt Thunderbolt never heard of him he's a member of the Army's extremist faction a man who seeks to seize control of the motherland ever since the Cuban Missile Crisis 2 years ago kusov has been pursuing a policy of peaceful coexistence with the West despite resistance and criticism from Hawks in the Army and the provincial authorities kushev has managed to suppress the opposition so far but the failure of his agricultural policies has put him in a precarious position and on top of that the tragedy last November President Kennedy's assassination precisely in a sense kushev has lost his biggest partner and his power base is rapidly crumbling away a certain group is plotting to use this opportunity to seize power by rallying the anti-government forces overthrowing kusf and installing bnv and kigan in his place The Mastermind behind this plot is Colonel vulgan of the guu he has control over another secret weapons research facility much like this one okay AB 812 known as the grin design Bureau and is using it to further his plans but that is not enough to satisfy him now he's plotting to seize the secret weapon I have been developing here and use it as leverage in his bid for power the intelligence says that they are going to make their move during the test then the soldiers outside exactly they wouldn't need that many men just to keep me inside their orders were to prevent colonel vulgan from capturing me even if it meant killing me in the process or so it would [Music] seem vulgan will come I'm sure of it you must get me out of here before then leave it to me by the way your Russian is superb where did you learn to speak it from my mentor is that so America's truly a frightening country having second thoughts no I have no love for this place let's go major this is snake soov is safe with me he's doing fine no injuries good work snake now hurry up and get so off to the the recovery point we'll rendevu with you there Roger what about the sentries No One spotted me I see what about the boss we lost contact with the boss some time ago what happened it's probably just a weak signal just hurry and get soof out of there he freeze so this is the legendary boss huh we meet at last you you you're from the ocelot unit of spetznas huh what's a GRU Soldier doing here Soldier he's the ocelot Commander H that's major ocelot to you and don't you forget [Music] it soop is ours now get out of here an ocelot never lets his prey Escape [Music] what a [Music] [Music] I can't say it feels good to kill a comrade even if it is for the grw soov take cover huh you're not the boss are you [Music] crew operatives what is that stance huh that [Laughter] gun if you're not the boss [Music] then [Music] die major leave it shoot the other one who a [Music] impossible you ejected the first bullet by hand didn't you I see what you were trying to do but testing a technique you've only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart you were asking to have your gun jam on you besides I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place you tend to twist your elbow to absorb The Recoil that's more of a revolver technique you filthy American [Music] dog but that was some fancy shooting you're pretty good pretty good major do you read me I read you snake are you all right I've run into a few snags these guys were after soov 2o apparently they were taking orders from a guw konel named vulgan a grw colel part of an internal Soviet power struggle according to soov something between the KGB and Gru between kev's supporters and vulgan soov was being guarded by the KGB and hunted by Gru snake it sounds like this could be even hotter than Cuba I don't like it something about the whole thing stinks I agree you'd better hurry soov ran off by himself but I'll catch up to him We're counting on you m you okay those men were from the ocelot unit SPN yes the best crew has to offer they're coming for me I'm finished calm down I'll get you out of here I promise and we've got some of the best backup we could ask for look that's what they were making you build yes the shagohod the treading Behemoth a tank capable of launching nuclear irbm it can launch nuclear missiles from that kind of terrain oh yes and without support from friendly units a nuclear equipped tank capable of operating [Music] solo is that thing finished no this is only the end of phase one it won't be truly finished until we complete phase two phase two the weapon's True Form if it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it it will mean the end of the Cold War the end of the Cold War yes and then the age of fear will truly begin a World War I had no choice but to cooperate I didn't want to die I wanted to see my wife and child again in America please take me to America quickly they cannot complete it without my help got it let's go oh [Music] [Music] help boss good work Jack what are you doing here soov comes with me [Music] huh Hornets [Music] my friends let us fight together again I have waited long for this day we will fight with you once more welcome back boss now that all five of us are together it's time we go to the depths of Hell itself it's raining blood is he crying [Music] kabara kabara [Music] ah what a joyful scene Colonel vogan Welcome to My Country and to my unit boss what is this I'm defecting to the Soviet Union soof is a little gift for my new hosts recoiless nuclear warheads these will make a fine gift for me this can't be happening who is he another one of your disciples are we taking him with us no this one is still just a child too pure for us cobras he has not yet found an emotion to carry into battle what are you talking about think you can pull the trigger huh he's seen my [Music] face we can't let him live if kusf finds out about this we're finished he must die wait he's my Apprentice I'll take care of him jack you can't come with us yeah the new blood has been rejected are we done here now onto soov research facility shago is ours drift away my place is with them now oh snake can you hear me yeah just barely snake listen to me you need emergency medical treatment can you move you've got to get those wounds treated hang in there all right let's get you fixed up paramedic okay okay snake just relax and it'll all be over before you know it stay with me I've seen people in worse shape before think you can handle it major the boss she's defected we'll talk about that later first we've got to get you patched up okay here we go first open the survival viewer with the start button if you select cure you can start the treatment healing is divided into treatment using medicine with the item window button and surgical treatment using the weapon window button your injuries include a fractured left elbow and rib bone and lacerations on your upper arms right elbow and abdomen they need to be fixed using surgical treatment move the healing cursor with the left stick to the affected part of your body once you've selected the affected area hold the weapon window button and use the left stick to select the medical item and then press the inner button with this method you can use items to help your recovery process to treat a bone fracture first secure the affected area with a Fastener and then wrap it in bandages that should do it for lacerations you'll need disinfectant to clean the wound sutures to stitch it up stipic to slow the flow of blood and bandages to wrap the wound if you do everything I mentioned the wound should heal completely understood yeah stay with me go into the survival View and treat those wounds what ah [Applause] a good job snake we're coming to get you now just stay where you are we'll drop a recovery balloon can you set it up shago hard [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] excellent a great success thanks to the boss and her cobras I have both soov and the shagohod what are we going to do with the girl who is she apparently she's soal Love's woman [Music] she's a nice catch I'll take her not so fast my dear a kiss of death ukgb we may be able to use her she has spunk shall we take her back to the base perhaps we should we have no further use for calof's research facility I think it's time I gave this marvelous new toy a try Colonel even if they are our enemies they're still our countrymen but it won't be me that pulled the trigger it'll be our friend the American Defector you're going to Nuke your fellow Russians remember the Alo [Music] [Applause] colonel [Music] e [Music] currently flying over the Arctic Ocean altitude 30,000 ft approach Soviet airspace arriving at the designated drone launch Point drone oil pressure and voltage are nominal payload oxygen supply is nominal power supply to payload any3 system shows no problems no gusts all systems go for drone Detachment snake we can't risk a Halo jump this time around airspace security has gotten tighter since we were last here we can't get as close to the ground as we did during The Virtuous Mission so instead we'll be using one of our newest weapons snake you're being given an honor on par with Alan Sheard this is our last chance show your patriotism if you fail you'll be back in a hospital bed again waiting for the fire work so how does it feel to be a patient in one of the most advanced icus in the world would you do me a favor and tell the suits about visiting hours I'll never get better with them assaulting me day and night with their questions must be part of the top brass's inquiry more like an interrogation according to them I'm a traitor and an accomplice to the boss's defection they're just looking for a scapegoat does that mean they're after you too let's just say neither one of us is going to be made a national hero out of this does this mean Fox is going to die no this Fox is still one step ahead of the house the reason I came to see you today Jack it's time for Fox to clear its name what are you talking about the situation has changed we still got a chance to come out of this one alive yeah what kind of chance don't get too excited here have a cigar it's Cuba this morning I had a meeting with the CIA they decided when they're going to execute us no something even bigger yesterday the White House received an unexpected call President Johnson yes I hear you Mr chairman it was a hotline call from kusf to President Johnson from the head of the Soviet Union that's right a few days ago one of our country's main design bureaus OK b754 was was destroyed in a nuclear explosion at about the same time our anti-aircraft radar picked up a signature that appeared to come from one of your military aircraft does any of this sound familiar to you in retaliation I have placed our Armed Forces on secondary alert depending on your response I may be left with no choice but to order the military to maximum alert and unleash Armageddon with the help of your predecessor I was able to survive the Cuban incident but my power is not as great as it once was if I am to survive this crisis I must have your full cooperation I should have contacted you myself did you know that one of our soldiers was defected to your country a week ago no so you haven't heard then the man who arranged the defection was a grw colonel by the name of yevi barovich vulgan vulgan of the brna faction go on who is the soldier her name is the boss she's a living legend during World War II she was the one who led us to victory in that war in Russia you know her as vo VOD you mean the boss the mother of your special forces yes that's the one and she took two miniature nuclear shells along with her the boss took two miniature nuclear shells I'm afraid so I believe they were a gift for her new hosts the Davy Crockett Atomic battle group delivery system was completed 2 years ago serious problems were found with the launcher range and precision although they were mass-produced they've never been deployed in battle but SOS research facility was completely wiped out the whole area is polluted I can only offer you my deepest condolences over this terrible tragedy so the boss with Colonel vulgan help stole two experimental nuclear shells and took them with her as gift when she defected then shortly thereafter Soo Design Lab a top secret military research facility was destroyed by one of these weapons and I right so far yes that's correct and the American government denies any involvement in the affair is that right as well that's correct we were not involved in any way then what was a US military aircraft doing on our radar screen it was clearly in violation of our airspace and yet you say it was not acting under your orders that's correct you expect me to believe that this was all the work of a single soldier I don't know what else to tell you the Army insist that this is all a ploy on your part I've said it once and I'll say it again our government had nothing to do with it and I would like dearly to believe you however I'm afraid my power over the military has weakened since the Cuban incident I will need some kind of proof that this was not the action of the American government you have one week you must catch the boss yourselves and recover the remaining nuclear device then you must find some way to prove your innocence prove our innocence yes preferably something painful prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks the boss should be close to Colonel vulgan how about a little co-action I would not expect too much if I were you the political situation here is unstable and Colonel vulin is a member of the brn faction which seeks to topple my government one week week you have only one week and if it is not too much to ask do something about vulgan as well what is that supposed to mean nothing it means nothing call it a modest gentleman's agreement to ensure our continued relationship what if we can't prove our innocence then I will be unable to restrain the military I will be ousted and they will seek their Revenge a nuclear attack on the United States I leave the disposal of the situation entirely to your discretion Mr President disposal huh if you fail it will mean the beginning of a new world war to put it simply in order to avoid a full scale nuclear conflict we have to prove that America was not involved in that explosion and eliminating the boss of ourselves will prove America's innocence right the higher-ups have decided that you're the only one capable of pulling this off you were her last Apprentice screw this one up and we'll both be 6 feet under there's no choice are the Russians going to be helping us the KGB has promised to lend us one of their Communications satellites so that you and I can talk to each other that's it they've also put us in touch with a couple of insiders insiders there was a defection in September 1960 do you remember it you mean the two NSA code Breakers who went over to the Soviet Union precisely since then they've apparently been training with the KGB for exactly this kind of situation their code names are Adam and Eva I've been told that Adam has infiltrated vulgan ranks also arranged for him to provide you with an Escape Route you'll need to rendevu with him when you get [Music] there control unidentified aircraft detected altitude 30,000 ft it's fast estimated air speed exceeding Mach 3 bearing South I'm about to lose [Music] it [Music] all [Music] a this is snake do you read me loud and clear glad to see you landed safely I got blown pretty far off Target snake let's go over your mission objectives one more time rescue soof find out what's happened to the shagod then destroy it and finally eliminate the boss eliminate the boss this Mission will be code named Operation snake because I'll be taking on the boss in our Cobra unit right don't forget about Colonel vulgan I'm not a hired killer I know but that was the kremlin's demand demand you mean it wasn't just request what's it to us if the Cru Chev regime is threatened by the colonel and his faction if supporting the current regime helps us avoid a nuclear exchange then that's what we'll do and what are the cia's demands our priorities are the rescue of sof and the destruction of the shagod Roger that Major Tom hold on snake what now I'm changing my code name it turns out Tom wasn't the most officious Choice what do you mean well the truth is when I chose my code name I picked the wrong one the wrong one did you ever see the movie The Great Escape came out last year must have missed that one anyway it's based on a true story about prisoners who escaped from a p camp in Nazi Germany the prisoners dig three tunnels as part of their plan but the nais find two of the tunnels before they're finished the prisoners succeed in escaping by using the last remaining tunnel the names of those three tunnels were dick Harry and Tom I get it you use the name of the tunnel they escaped in as your code name because you thought it would bring you good luck yes that's exactly right at least that was the plat but but I got the name wrong the one they escaped him was Harry Tom was one of the Unlucky tunnels it was discovered by the Nazis before it was finished I watched the movie again just to make sure in fact I even ordered the actual film from the movie company yeah it doesn't sound like the greatest name to use so what should I call you H you know let's just use zero like we've been doing all along all right then major zero it is we'll start over from square one from Square zero my frequency is 4.85 oh I almost forgot param medic is with us again on this mission is this her last chance too if we fail she'll have her medical license revoked it's more or less the same kind of Fate her frequency is the same as during The Virtuous Mission 14573 she'll be recording your mission data as well just like the last time that frequency is also the same 4.96 and there's one more person on your support team his name is Mr Sig he's an expert on the latest in weapons and Equipment Technology he'll be going up against some of the world's most advanced Weaponry when you infiltrate the research facility if you have any questions just ask him his frequency is 4841 Mr Sig got it Adam your KGB contact is waiting for you at the abandoned Factory up ahead the same Factory soov was being held in last week yes meet up with Adam first he's cleared the way for you to rescue soov How Will I Know This Adam guy when I see him you'll know once you reach the factory the whole area is been polluted by The Fallout from that nuclear blast no one else would dare come close the password is who are the Patriots and l lleo l lulo gotcha you've been equipped with a 45 for this Mission be careful it's noisy I thought standard Fox procedure was procure on onsite weapons acquisition the circumstances are different this time you're now on an official mission for the United States government it would be necessary to make your presence known to a certain extent to the CRF regime at the very least but remember this is still a sneaking Mission snake if you fail this Mission it will mean an allout nuclear war keep that in mind and proceed with Extreme Caution understood commencing operation Snake Eater [Music] paramedic snake it's so good to hear from you again same here it's been a week hasn't it 4 days actually huh I visited you in the hospital you were still unconscious though then you must have seen me naked yeah but you were all wrapped up in bandages and tube so I couldn't do anything but look better luck next time let's hope so but seriously don't forget that you were like that until just yesterday in fact you really shouldn't even be on this Mission keep an eye on your stamina gauge if you start to run low don't push yourself eat something to replenish your stamina and try not to get yourself hurt if you're wounded or get bitten by a venomous animal go into the survival viewer immediately and treat yourself using cure yeah yeah I can see you still know how to nag you're welcome and I can see you still don't know when to keep your mouth shut maybe so by the way I heard you're going to lose your medical license if this Mission fails yes there was talk of that but the mission won't fail will it of course not good I believe in you but you know what I really don't care about my medical license didn't they use that to force you to participate in this operation no I volunteered why so that I could watch over you huh snake you're the best agent I've ever seen but you push yourself too hard you're reckless someone has to stop you from getting into trouble to make sure you and the boss don't kill each other so that's why I volunteered I mean you couldn't ask for a better Guardian Angel than me right thanks stop right there huh you can thank me when you get back okay good luck snake [Music] thanks [Music] ch he looks like death wasn't ready for you [Music] yet boss that arm still hurt what are you doing [Music] here go home go home Gru and my sons are waiting up ahead you don't have a prayer of finishing your mission you're not even armed boss I'm not your boss anymore there's nothing for you here go home go back to your boss there's no need to prove that you are virtuous here this isn't America [Music] that should stir things up a bit you'd better hurry the border is 60 M south of here you ought to be able to run that far why'd you defect I didn't I'm loyal to the end to my purpose what about you jack what's it going to be loyalty to your country or loyalty to me your country or your old Mentor the mission or your beliefs your duty to your unit or your personal feelings you don't know the truth yet but sooner or later you'll have to choose I don't expect you to forgive me but you you can't defeat me either you know me too well just look at that bandanna if you can't put the past behind you you won't survive long if we meet again I'll kill you now go home this is snake major zero I read you snake I was ambushed by the boss you were what the drone's been shot to hell it's Up in Flames that's not good enemy Scouts are going to come looking for you yeah I know but what was the boss doing here in the first place there's got to be a leak somewhere no that's impossible the man the boss is working with vulgan and isn't exactly on speaking terms with Cru chip I lost my gun the boss destroyed it snake I know how you're feeling it's hard for me to believe too that a legendary hero like the boss would go over to the Russians but she' double crosses like this but that's how it is and if you don't accept it you'll never be able to beat her that's not the problem in terms of sheer technique I'll never be able to beat her I know that all too well you've got to do it snake she's your enemy and your objective enemy we were together for 10 years and now you tell me she's my enemy enough hurry to the factory where Adam is waiting Scouts have probably already been sent out to investigate the explosion You've Lost Your Weapon right that means you've got no chance of winning in a battle situation whatever you do don't let them see [Music] you [Music] h sh what's this HQ HQ this is HQ Patrol here we have evidence of an enemy Intruder commence alert formation at sending reinforcements use extra [Music] [Music] caution [Music] is [Music] he [Music] is this is HQ understood return to your position I [Music] w [Music] [Music] sorry I'm late cut the engine they'll hear us are you the agent they sent are you Adam I thought you were supposed to be a man Adam couldn't make it all right say the password who are the Patriots who are the Patriots answer [Music] me [Music] trapped get [Music] down [Music] there is your answer [Music] [Music] the name's [Music] Eva this wasn't part of the plan what happened to Adam what's your code name it's snake snake huh well I'm Eva are you here to tempt me what happened to Adam Colonel vulgan is a very suspicious man he decided Adam wasn't the right person for this Mission and you were yes why because I can do things he can't I heard you used to be a codebreaker for the NSA I was four years ago I defected to the Soviet Union with Adam Mouser military the broom handle it packs quite a punch nice to have when you're on a bike you held it sideways and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep that was impressive bet you've never seen that technique in the west it's imitation isn't it yeah it's a Chinese type 17 pistol around here even that's hard to come by don't worry though the one I've got for you is American ma 45 huh incredible do you like it the feeding ramp is polished to a mirror Sheen the slides been reinforced and the interlock with the frame is tightened for Precision the sight system is original too the thumb safety is extended to make it easier on the finger a long type trigger with non-slip grooves a ring Hammer the base of the trigger guard's been filed down for a higher grip and not only that nearly every part of this gun has been expertly crafted and customized where'd you get something like this I grabbed it from a western Munitions Armory it probably used to belong to one of your officers and there are more where that came from you had this with you didn't you better take this too what's that a disguise to make you look like a scientist a disguise yes you're here to rescue soov right soov still safe then yes he's being forced to continue his work on the shagohod where at the lab they've got a whole Army of scientists they developing new weapons security is tight but if you disguise yourself as a scientist you might be able to sneak in can we get soov out of there we'll see won't we tell me how to get to the lab the safest way in is from the rear first you'll need to head north Through the Jungle you'll come to a heliport used for shipping materials pass the heliport and continue North and there will be a large crevice descend into that area and you'll reach a cave move through the cave and you will arrive at a mangrove swamp after the swamp there'll be a warehouse make your way through the warehouse and you'll come out just south of the lab got it and just what are you doing there H in close- range combat a knife can sometimes be more useful than a gun by doing this I'll be able to hold a knife at the same time and still keep the gun steady that way I can instantly switch between a gun battle and a knife fight right let's get going wait a minute what now you must be tired why don't you take a little rest I'll be fine you'll never make it in your condition it's a jungle out there there's still an hour before Dawn it's dangerous to be out in the jungle at night without a guide what about you I have to get back I can't be gone for too long they'll start to suspect something don't worry I'll keep you updated over the radio that's it my orders are to provide you with information nothing more you look disappointed all right then I'll do something special for you I'll Stand watch until dawn now be a good boy and lie down what's the matter I don't know you well enough to trust you how well do you have to know me to trust me I don't know if I can trust anybody going to get that she's right snake you should get some sleep although in your condition you really ought to be back in the ICU whenever you save the game and quit you'll go to sleep sleeping allows you to gain back stamina naturally depending on how long you sleep you may also recover naturally from sickness and an injury when you're tired or hurt the best thing to do is just get some sleep so do yourself a favor and take a nap doctor's orders okay yeah okay oh what's the matter we're surrounded I see four of them we've got company it's the ocelot unit let's get out of here hurry don't forget your gear here give me a hand we can use this to get to the basement damn it I a lot I'll get pass them on my bike I'll call you later okay I'll keep them busy huh don't go dying on me now I see him [Music] where did that come from [Music] [Music] ow [Music] w I see him I've been waiting for this moment that's it that's the stance I don't think so what a female spot why this [ __ ] is wearing perfume stay where you are I've had enough of your Judo I see you've got yourself a Single Action Army that's right there'll be no accidents this time you call that an accident well it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been showing off what did you say it's a nice gun I'll give you that but the engraving gives you no tactical Advantage whatsoever unless you were planning to auction it off as a collector's item and you're forgetting one more very basic thing you don't have what it takes to kill [Music] me we'll see [Music] get [Music] six shots that thing only carries six shots the macarov carries eight you have to get a feel for how many you have left this is a high class weapon it's not meant for shooting people damn [Music] this isn't over yet don't why he's still young you'll regret stopping me damn it I've got to get back before he does [Music] [Applause] I for is snake are you there here Eva did you miss me did you make it without any trouble no one saw me so you're back with vulgan in a matter of speaking what about the boss yeah she's here too better be careful thanks I will the boss and I get along pretty well though I guess we Traders have a lot in common why would anyone want a def betraying your country like that I I just don't get it are you talking about the boss why' you do it weren't you born and raised in America yes in a small rural town I never even knew there were other countries other cultures other ways of thinking until I went to work for the NSA then one day i' found I'd lost faith in the things I'd been taking for granted what did you see what was it that made you want to change sides you wouldn't believe me if I told you try me I saw the universe the universe not the actual Universe the universe as the intelligence Community sees it I realize that the gravity in this universe was holding me back that's all people and countries are both Changed by their environment and by the times that sounds like what the boss was saying there's a world of difference between this country and America but it's only a difference of position a difference of perspective coming here made me realize something half of what I'd been told was a complete and utter lie the other half was a conveniently constructed lie where's the truth then it's hidden in the lies are you lying too who knows I've been trained to make even the most severe falsehood sound like the honest truth weren't you no I believe because I have to even if it is a lie that's part of my mission I'll have to remember that if you need me give me a call on the radio my frequency is 14252 see you h for I sh sh [Applause] for h [Music] oh who is that what's wrong nothing here yeah for help yeah I sh oh all tasty ah you're here at last looks like the boss's info was right twice now you've made me taste bitter defeat wow I hate to disappoint the cobras but you're mine now all of you leave [Music] us it's just you and me no one to get in our way ocelots are proud creatures they prefer to hunt alone 12 [Applause] shots this time I've got 12 shots okay [Music] draw you coward shoot get out of [Music] here nice shot you won't get away from [Music] me not bad [Music] damn you fool I've never felt ATT tension like this before that's so different from Simply changing a clip this reload time is exhilarating yes it's the heart of a duel you're all talk I told you to stay out of [Music] this I can't see have that one taste I've never felt attention like this before amazing that's so different from Simply changing a clip damn it he found us no you that's me you were lucky we'll meet again for h h sh h h [Music] f h h sh sh h make take h [Music] I've got you at last we are the sons of the boss I am the pain ha I will guide you to a world of Anguish beyond your imagination let's get started make him feel the [Music] pain R there you are you're [Music] hey up my brothers You're grenade let's see it [Music] hey oh [Music] go [Music] get ah ah hey you're bullets won't work your bullets won't work I told you it's no use grenade use [Music] what how [Music] ow return grenade the pain the pain the [Applause] pain hey disgusting [Music] [Music] h sh [Music] h not too bad sh [Laughter] no I he I is huh get your hands off me I'm not going anywhere really now how many times must I tell [Music] you [Music] each time you resist your lover will suffer the consequences is that clear ven damn you [Music] [Music] hold it right there traitor let's find out just how lucky you are watch closely one of these three guns has a single bullet in it I'm going to pull the trigger six times in a row are you [Music] ready huh looks like your luck hasn't run out yet there's no such thing as luck on the battlefield [Laughter] you'd better stay in line from now [Music] on the cobras will take care of him has the CIA dog been disposed of yet the pain is dead [Music] what he may be a child but he's definitely one of yours I fear kusf may have a hand in this we have no time to lose you must eliminate him before the final test don't worry they'll be able to handle it I'm leaving him to you the field the old man is always sleeping is he all right the end is saving what life he has left in him for battle normally he's dead but he'll wake up when the time is right and when he does it will be the end for the boy soav isn't worth your love you can entertain me until the rain stops kabara KU abara the sorrow is that you huh who was that for sh for for for h I sh for e [Music] sh for I want some more huh huh if you're looking for sockol off he's not here anymore put that thing away you'll spoil my drink so you're the Intruder everyone 's talking about typical capitalist dog no [Music] manners and who are you you mean you've never heard of me and you call yourself an agent very well then I am Alexander leonovich granin a man of some importance if I do say so my myself I am the foremost weapon scientist in the Soviet Union and the head of the Glorious granin design Bureau this is the order of Lenin it is in honor of the greatest magnitude given along with the title of hero of socialism to only the finest workers it was awarded to me in recognition of my brilliant contributions to society since the Great Patriotic War I have created countless weapons in the service of our great communist Society it was thanks to me that we were able to Stamp Out the Nazi scum it was I who created the basic design for the mobile ballistic missile system you know and fear as ss1 [Music] see you're coced aren't you I'm merely drowning my sorrow because of him I've got nothing to do but sit here and drink this crap him sof it's him you're looking for isn't it because of him I hav't stripped of my authority my research has come to nothing look it is a revolutionary mobile nuclear missile system a bipedal tank a bipedal tank yes a walking tank a robot are you familiar with the theory of the missing link between apes and humans well this technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery a kind of metal gear if you will and This Magnificent Metal Gear will Mark a revolutionary step forward in weapons development Metal Gear but I won't be used so easily no no crying myself to sleep for you see I'm going to send these documents to my friend in the United States what these bastards who live to regret this and when they themselves become the targets of my creation they will know my true greatness yes sof's pathetic shago hard pales in comparison to my work what are you going to do with a rocket engine on a tank about soov tank does not need a rocket it needs something else look at these nice shoes no legs legs that allow it to go anywhere just as when humans learn to walk upright that is the real revolution in Weaponry don't you agree but the Fool's in charge CH sov and where is sulo my project has been terminated the Philosopher's Legacy has been handed over to him what the hell are you talking about the Philosopher's Legacy haven't you heard of the philosophers the colonel has inherited their immense Legacy Wan's father was in charge of the philosophers money laundering activities in the confusion of the war they somehow ended up with their treasure and vulgan inherited that treasure illegally we never need to worry about the military budget the development costs at our facility are all paid out of the Cur Colonel's Deep Pockets the weapons borne here will be the genes for creating an entirely new form of warfare the funding for my research came out of that Legacy came out of it now my money my men all have been diverted to the shago hard project tomorrow they will be conducting the final test while soff is making the final preparations in the weapons Factory at Vain's main base the great Fortress of gry grad here I am playing host to an enemy spy and drinking myself into a stuper that's where they move soov yes and the shagohod is there too of course hey you're not thinking of going to grn grat are you mad it's an impend able Fortress I'm sure it is you'll be killed I'll take my chances wait what listen to me you fool I want to help you help me to thank you for your compliment what compliment my shoes Tatiana gave them to me I wanted to thank you for complimenting me on them I'll tell you how to get into The Fortress in return I ask only that you get that idiot out of there and destroy the shagohod there is an underground tunnel that runs around the perimeter of the Fortress you should be able to use it to sneak into the base head for the mountains the entrance to the tunnel is located there take this you passed through a warehouse on your way here didn't you yeah there should have been a locked door inside of it do you remember it ah this key will open that door beyond that door lies the vast jungle you can climb up into the mountains from the far end of the Jungle go back to the warehouse use the key to open the locked door and head for the mountains got it why are you helping me unlike sof the thought of defecting has never once crossed my mind I love my country I love this land I cannot even imagine living anywhere else I wish to remain a hero of the great motherland I cannot bear the thought of being hounded into a corner and left to waste away it's is already Dawn we must hurry I will remain here and nurse my troubles for a little longer to capitalism [Music] supposed to be here somebody support units move [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] sh h is [Music] h hey look here I am the fear that boat is coated in the Venom of the Brazilian wandering spider soon a most Exquisite pain will engulf your entire body your limbs will be paralyzed your lungs cease to draw breath eventually your heart will stop beating ah but what fun with that not the boss's Apprentice I will give you fear such as you've never experienced before come into my web it is time for you to feel the fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] just when the real fear was about to [Applause] [Music] begin the fear the fear I see it the fear fear [Music] sh h delicious h snake are you there Eva where are you in The Fortress in grrad Dr soav is here too is he all right he's fine right now he's busy putting the finishing touches on the shagohod good that means they haven't killed him not yet anyway but you better hurry they've already finished the phase two tests once the final preparations are complete they'll have no more use for him the colonel won't have any qualms about killing him if he thinks the CIA is closing in Eva you can't let soov out of your sight I know snake do you know where grrad is granon told me that I should be able to get there from the mountains to the north through an underground tunnel granon told you yeah he even gave me the key to the warehouse why cuz he was drunk I guess you've got to be kidding me hell if I know snake there's one problem with that route what problem the Mountain entrance to the underground tunnel that leads to the Fortress Is sealed you need a key to get in a key what about the key granon gave me that key won't work but don't worry I'll figure something out I have an idea there are some ruins at the top of the mountains meet me there the top of the mountains got it wait there's something else I've got to tell you now what I heard that one of the cobras is waiting for you in the jungle at the foot of the mountains he's a legendary sniper called the end yeah I've seen him before that ridiculously old guy right don't underestimate him he's known as the father of modern sniping is he alone no spotter none he's all by himself apparently he doesn't need a spotter you can't be serious the entire Forest is on his side the forest stay alert yeah I'd hate to have it be the end for me for that's tasty what can I say I [Music] oh h hello hello I beg of you grant me the strength to take this final prey let me linger in this world just a little longer I have already slept enough for one lifetime enough for an eternity you have my thanks I have to thank you for waking me if you hadn't shown up my sleep would have been Eternal do you hear me snake I am the end I am here to send you to your ultimate fate you'll make a fine Quarry for my final [Music] [Music] hunt IA I found that sniper you were talking about that's the end he's a legend known as the father of sniping I've got experience sniping in urban and Marine environments what about the forest never I see well that Forest is divided into three areas a river a plateau and a clearing he should be lying and wait for you in one of those places P es sounds like this may take a while it'll be a test of endurance be careful though from what I've heard the end has an almost Supernatural knack for camouflaging himself so whoever moves first loses this guy's over 100 years old though so I should have the advantage in terms of stamina I wouldn't be so sure if I were you why is that I've heard that his body is photosynthetic like a plant what is he some kind of monster I'm on top of that he can speak to the forest too so in other words he knows it inside out uh-huh but he doesn't know you I'm sure you can beat him don't worry I intend to there you call yourself a son of the boss sh h can't complain oh the boss taught you [Music] well what's the matter I'm here good pretty tasty what's the matter I'm over here oh ah spirits of the forest I thank you the boss would be proud of you the time has come for a younger generation to rise I've been wandering for more than a century and now my journey comes to a close what a splendid way to end it all Grand I have no regrets I can return to the for of AR huh for h for h what a thrill what I fear in my heart but you're Supreme I give my life not [Music] for you in my time there be no CME is the way I fly to you I'm still in a dream snake e I'm still in a dream snake e hey this works h the h I [Applause] h h h oh who's that UNR unnown commencing alert steps acknowledged sending reinforcements use extra [Music] caution the enem is here what's wrong [Music] sick what can I [Applause] say who's that h [Music] h look [Music] well that was [Music] quick you look like you could use some rest I'll be fine it's just that playing these two roles hasn't left me much time to sleep where'd you get those cuts the colonel he found out if he knew I'd be dead already no this is his hobby he's a sadist he gets pleasure out of making people suffer he's scum does it look that strange to you no I'm the same way scars all over can I see no where'd you get this one I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union I don't think so it's older than that codebreaking is a desk job where'd you get this kind of Scar you really want to know H well too bad but girls got to have some secrets you know but enough about that you've got to get going the phase two trial of the shagohod is about to start and it looks like someone might be coming to spoil the party Kev his forces are on their way here Colonel is gathering his troops together to meet them if we don't get a move on the security will be even tighter than it is now you'll need this key it unlocks the door to the underground tunnel once you're in there you can follow the tunnel to get inside grrad better take these two they should come in handy and take this too what is it the food of the future a well balanced meal for the Space Age It's good to eat some real food once in a while while I'll bet if I kissed you you taste like a wild beast do you know where exactly in grrat soov is located he's in the heart of the Fortress the weapons lab the weapons lab is divided into three Wings there's the East Wing which houses the research facilities then there's the main Wing where the weapons are assembled that's where the shagohod is finally there's The West Wing which is connected via a passageway to the main building that's where soav is to get in you'll have to enter the main Wing from the East Wing then go through the passageway on the second floor of the main Wing The West Wing of the weapons lab got it there's just one problem not again The West Wing is protected by the highest level of security you need to be Colonel class to get in Colonel class here look at this picture major Ivan renovich ROV pretend you're him how do I do that steel is close you look similar from behind they won't know the difference your face might be a problem so you just have to figure something out he should be somewhere in the East wing all right but how am I supposed to escape once I get soov out of there command said you're supposed to have something ready for me and I do there's a lake 30 m north of here I hit a wig there a wig it's a state-of-the-art ground effect vehicle a ground effect vehicle I can't fly one of those that's okay I happen to be an excellent pilot taking off from a lake is trickier than it looks it's not like riding a motorcycle you've got to be more delicate of course I will you've seen how good I am with the bike right right you handle the Escape then I'll head for grrad wait a minute there's something I wanted to ask you what what's the story between you and the boss she was like a mother and my master and your lover it went deeper than that deeper half of me belongs to the boss [Music] do you love her no nothing like that do you hate her does it have to be one or the other love or hate between a man and a woman you bet for 10 years we lived and died together you couldn't possibly understand and you think you can kill her now that that's your mission isn't it assassinating the [Music] boss snake is there anyone you like someone special I've never been interested in other people's lives you were interested in the boss she was different really how do you feel about me I should be asking you the same question me I can fall in love if it's part of the mission even with you [Music] snake what's wrong see you around snake take care of yourself what about you I've got to hurry back and play my other part are you going to be okay not sure they're not stupid and they know there's a spy there's no way you could have gotten this far all by yourself h [Music] Colonel did he talk no he died before I could get it out of him he wasn't the Spy then look at this a transmitter exactly planted to keep someone informed of his location but does this mean granon was the Spy perhaps he was being used by someone else perhaps this man was our comrade comrade or not he's of no use to us now I don't approve of your methods I don't need your approval I'm in command here and that nuclear shell still feeling sore about that are you what are you going to do report it to the authorities This Is War major a cold war fought with information and Espionage we must root out spies wherever they hide it is kill or be killed potential threats must be weeded out your feelings are a menace to the unity of our organization someone is guiding the enemy's hand a single man can only accomplish so much make no mistake there is a spy among us but casting suspicion on our own comrades the C3 explosives have been stolen you think it was the American no he could not have reached this Fortress yet then who I'd be careful about suspecting your own men boss where have you been the fear and the end have fallen damn it CIA dog that leaves only the fury how can the legendary cobras be beaten so easily he's good fallen for him don't worry I'll take care of him what is he after must be more than just soal America is out to destroy the shagar hard and get its hands on your inheritance the Philosopher's Legacy impossible the Legacy it then they're out to kill me as well Colonel tighten the security on this place he's coming here I'm sure of it I'm going to get the Davy Crocket perfume nice boots make sure you polish them up properly for saving the game snake snake have you heard of the last war nope doesn't ring a bell it's a Japanese movie where the world ends in a nuclear war tensions between East and West reach the breaking point and before anyone can stop it they launch the icbms humanity is wiped out by a war that no one wanted the movie depicts that destruction from the eyes of Ordinary People their simple daily lives are torn apart by the terrible power of a war that has nothing to do with them everybody's afraid of the next big war but there's only so much that one person can do that's why the people who have the power to stop it have to this is horrible I could go for seconds h sh sh [Music] I am the fury the Flames of my rage will incinerate you I came back from space as I returned I had one Vision the world set a blades and do you know what I saw there Fury a great and terrible Fury at being alive now you're going to feel the the scorching heat of that horrible [Music] blackness [Music] [Music] a [Music] I [Music] [Music] SC are you ping [Music] around there son of them [Applause] [Music] ha over there oh help [Music] ha boss this is the end of the copras you've got to live on you're the only one left I'm off to join the sorrow behold the Flames are Fury the fires of Hell will Purge me free I can see it Mission Control do you read me I'm coming home I see the Earth [Music] you sh h sh oh f sh oh what's going [Music] on h sh sir here it [Music] is you can count on me what about the Philosopher's Legacy I don't know anything about that what are you are you trying to kill me what's the matter I know nothing I swear it no one but the colonel knows of the Legacy I see no don't who's there you're the man from the CIA what are you doing here I told you before didn't I I'm going to get you out of here a man of Honor just like your commander but I'm afraid you're too late too late don't tell me the shago hards exactly the final preparations for phase two are complete soav what exactly is Phase 2 to put it in technical terms it's a composite range extension system for medium range ballistic missiles the shagger hod was originally designed as a tank that could launch nuclear missiles from any type of terrain there was just one problem we couldn't figure out how to solve the icbms we have today are simply too big for the shagohod to carry but the military would not hear of it they demanded a weapon that could launch a nuclear missile directly into the American Homeland that is when I came up with the idea for Phase 2 but there's no way you could load an ICBM onto the shahad so how'd you do it by accelerating the shagohod itself accelerating it in phase two a rocket booster unit is attached to the frame of the shagohod the unit incorporates the same technology used in the VTO rocket that sent major Gagarin into space using this booster the shago hard can achieve a land speed of over 300 mph that monster can go more than 300 mph yes and from this state of accelerated motion it launches a nuclear missile so the shagohod acts like the first stage of a rocket yes precisely the range of the missile launched by the shagohod thus increases from 2500 M to 6,000 Mi 6,000 miles that's enough to strike anywhere in the United States not only that with the shago hard there's no need to construct giant silos like the ones used to house icbms all you need is a Runway about 3 m in length or it's equivalent and you can launch a thermonuclear strike against any location in the United States from anywhere in the Soviet Union it cannot be detected by spy planes or satellites it's a mobile Fortress capable of deploying in secret and launching its payload at any time a weapon from Hell A completed prototype now sits in the hanger at present it is the only one of its kind but Vulcan is planning to mass-produce them based on that prototype and deploy them all over the Soviet Union Yes and that's not the end of it he's going to ship them to Eastern Europe to Asia to all the countries of the Eastern block even worse he intends to use the shago Hut as bait to forment Armed uprisings among dictators ethnic insurgents and revolutionary groups throughout the third world his funds are nearly Limitless he could start mass production tomorrow if he wanted the reason that tensions between East and West have settled into a cold war is because each side fears the other's power deterrence the idea of using threats to keep one's enemy in check is the perfect word to sum up this state of affairs but the shago heart goes far beyond the level of threat it will will render the concept of deterrence utterly meaningless if such a weapon is Unleashed on the world it will not be long before all nations are engulfed in Conflict the Cold War will end and the entire planet will be consumed by the fires of War Vulcan and the shago hard will be at the center of it all so you see it's already too late no it's not too late what do you mean we've still got a chance all we have to do is destroy the Prototype and the whole facility before they can mass-produce it but just tell me what I need to do to destroy this place all right the liquid fuel used in the rocket engine is stored in a tank if you can blow it up somehow some C3 ought to be enough to blow the entire hanger to Smither C3 you mean that Cutting Edge plastic explosive it could be molded into any shape the bomb of the future where can I get it there was some in the Armory here but it's gone now it was stolen by a female spy who was here a minute ago Eva no that's not her name her name is Tatiana she made her way in here by becoming vulcan's lover I thought she was your lover mine oh no she is Vin's lover this is my lover who are they my wife and daughter they're in America now I remember your family is in the custody of the CIA how long has taana been here oh only a few weeks a few days before The Virtuous Mission then she said that kusf sent her what did you just give her all of the experimental data for the shagohod please it is essential that you destroy the shagohod I will but first I've got to get you to safety no I'm not going my mission is to rescue you leave me soav cruff has abandoned me I cannot return to my country I would most certainly be sent to the gulags what about the US yes I once thought of that my family's waiting for me there but even if I fled to the United States I would once again find myself creating weapons of mass murder in the end it doesn't matter where I go I am still a weapon scientist to be honest with you I'm tired every day I help create things that should never be used things that should never have existed in the first place every day without [Music] sleep without a word of Praise from others and my Creations do not even benefit mankind they are merely the tools of politicians all I wanted to do was build space Rockets but it was not to be the space race between America and Russia became the the prey of politicians the space race and the arms race are one and the same missiles Rockets what's the difference scientists are always being used please watch over my family major what are you doing here I've been waiting for you in my room who are you don't play dumb with me if you think you can fool me you're solely mistaken I know the major better than anyone else I come here looking for Tatiana and what should I find but a greasy free boter [Music] what is this fairy disguise it's going to rub off on you and then you'll lose sight of who you really are stay out of this I see why they call you the boss what was that some kind of Judo no it's called CQC a basic form of Close Quarters combat he and I developed it together Splendid I'll take it from here are you going to kill him of course but first I will make him pay for hurting [Music] Ivan [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a ah [Music] ah tell me stop it who have you been talking doesn't know what you're talking [Music] about you better start talking please stop this who is kev's laugh dog how can you do this to him I know you gave the data to someone never do you that you monster I guess he's dead now then I hope you prove Pro more entertaining than he was but first let's take a look at your body shall we what a beautiful body you have like a newborn baby but not for long well then let's get started what is your target is it the shagohod or soov or maybe it's the Legacy answer me who is helping you who let you in here you're a tough one but even you must have your limits and I am a patient man here's where the fun really [Music] begins my body carries an electric charge of 10 million volts let's see how you like this now answer me how much does the CIA [Music] know they're after my legacy aren't they your real Target is the Philosopher's Legacy isn't it yes yes Let Yourself Go that's what I want to see it's no use he's not going to talk he's been trained Not To Break trained by me admit it we're after the location of the Legacy the secret fund established by the three great powers during the two World Wars that's what you're looking for isn't it it $100 billion divided up and hidden all over the world and you're looking for a record of where all that money is hidden [Applause] right no matter the boser legacy is safely in my possession in the underground Vault of grrad you'll never let what's this A transmitter who's responsible for this I am I planted it on on him to keep track of his movements why so the cobras could Ambush him if they knew where he was going to be they wouldn't have gotten themselves slaughtered it pains me to do this boss but under the circumstances I'm afraid I must ask you to show me some proof that you and he were not in collusion you don't trust me is that it not that but but he is your Apprentice what do you want me to do let's see cut out his eyes I don't like those blue eyes of his there's nothing more important to a soldier than his eyes you made him a soldier and now you will unmake him yes it'll make for a touching display way he's all yours do it ruin him just as he did the cobras stop what is it Tanya he's he suffered enough well well why are you protecting him that smell Tatiana you're the Spy what are you talking about I know that smell stop it taking a fancy T her May OT no I have no interest in this woman I want to test her I'll let this be the judge do as you like here we go there satisfied now well that was refreshing come we're going to my room so you survived the Colonel's torture eh watching this has made me realize something it's really not that bad it's the ultimate form of expression you got lucky this time Tatiana a run I've prepared an Escape Route for us go out and head West pass underneath the connecting passageway and go north you'll find an open manhole there you quiet go through the manhole down into the sewers the door at the North End of the sewers is unlocked you can use it to get outside the Fortress I've got your equipment we'll meet up later Eva but I can't get too close to your cell you'll have to figure a way out of there yourself I'll be in touch time to eat huh what you don't want this h h out time huh heyy thanks hey hey eat up huh well it's your loss hey you're not such a bad guy after all I yeah I guess not all Americans are dogs you mean it yeah you know before the war started I used to live in America I even had a a wife and a kid you must be pretty lonely yeah I am pretty lonely really lonely what's your kid's name Johnny Johnny nice ring to it really you like it well if you say so I'll believe you actually my name is Johnny too all the firstborn sons in my family are called Johnny my dad's a Johnny and my son's son will probably be a Johnny too A whole clan of Johnnies why do we have a cold war anyway our two countries used to be such good friends yeah I hear you I just want to see my family again must be rough yeah not as rough as you have it though here I fils them from your equipment when the colonel wasn't looking it's uh the least I can do well don't suppose you could let me out of here huh I can't do that hey don't you go getting any funny ideas if you try to escape I'll have to shoot you I've said too much I got to go for huh what h snake you're already in the sewers Eva yeah I just got down here I'm coming to meet you now the door at the North End is open right uh snake let me guess there's a problem yeah what is it this time the Colonel found out you escaped he did huh I figured as much yeah and now all of gry grad is on Red Alert just my luck but once I'm out of the Fortress you can't get out I can't when the Fortress went on Red Alert they sealed off the sewers you've got to be kidding me I'm serious and that means the Escape Route I laid out is is sealed off too right and they just sent a unit out looking for you down here uh-huh they'll be there any minute now you've got to get out quick but isn't the exit sealed off you should be able to get out by heading straight North book it snake if they find you you're dead oh he yeah [Music] oh h I've been waiting for this nobody interfere [Music] this is where it ends [Music] snake huh don't die on me [Music] yet are you one of the cobras sad so sad a host of Sorrows and you are one of them I am the sorrow like you I too am filled with sadness this world is one of sadness battle brings death death brings sorrow the living may not hear them their voices may follow upon death ears but make no mistake the dead are not silent now you will know the sorrow of those whose lives you have ended is true but life is miserable that is why some dear makeing feel sord [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] yourself you this [Music] way Grandpa Grandpa [Music] a dis [Music] [Music] [Applause] boss you have to shoot me I can't shoot me you want to finish your mission don't you then you'll have to shoot me the spirit of the warrior will always be with you don't be sad we'll meet again someday get help [Applause] help [Music] h snake are you all right that was a close call what the hell happened to me you were halfway drowned at the bottom of the river almost crossed over to the other side other side so that really was something on your mind snake major was there a man in the Cobra unit called the Soro yes I've heard of him he was an uncanny soldier who fought alongside the boss what kind of man was he Loro was a man with well special powers he had ESP which was a subject of extensive research in the Soviet Union at the time he was especially gifted as a medium a medium someone who can communicate with the spirit world and evoke the spirits of the Dead in other words he could talk to ghosts they say he could find out what was going on in a battle by talking to dead soldier what about him and the boss what was the story between them I don't know the details why don't we ask sigan yo I finished checking up on this sorrow guy a while ago thought you guys already knew though knew what that he's dead he's been dead for 2 years now died two years ago at seleno Yar you know those clips you were at and the boss is the one who did him in the boss yep two years ago the boss was sent by the CIA on a secret mission to seleno yard that's when she met the sorrow who'd gone back to the Soviet Union after the cobras broke up at the end of the war except this time they were enemies and then what the boss killed the Saro herself and accomplished her Mission at least that's what the records say so he was never there in the first place he just couldn't let go of the boss you okay snake yeah yeah I'm fine it looks like it's not time for me to die yet I sure hope not otherwise the whole mission is shot we're counting on you pal Roger that Eva snake you didn't call I was worried are you all right yeah I took a pretty freaky detour what are you talking about nothing forget it let's just say I'm back good but how did you escape from the sewers I jumped into the River from all the way up there you're out of control yeah I got carried away by the current and almost drowned great that's perfect what do you mean that's perfect I mean if you ended up in the river then I know a good spot nearby let's meet up there where is it keep going Upstream until you get to a waterfall a waterfall huh right behind that waterfall there's a cave we'll meet in there the cave behind behind the waterfall Upstream got it see you there [Music] what [Music] [Music] who's [Music] that [Applause] wo [Music] nice to meet you snake I'm Tatiana here's your equipment Eva you could use a towel so could you [Applause] want some no thanks don't like snakes not for dinner didn't you have to eat them at the KGB in my training we always got the good stuff French Italian that kind of thing a regular Mahari the least you could do is call me Cynthia tell me something how does it feel a spy on your own country I can't say it feels good but it's my job can't even eat a snake during a mission huh I wouldn't mind eating you when this mission's over you'll have to treat me to a nice dinner what do you want to eat let's see how about sushi sushi it's Japanese I hear it's all the rage right now supposedly it's made from raw fish raw fish just the place for my survival techniques snake thank you snake I'll be your eyes from now on [Music] thank you [Music] snake don't worry about it are you all right it's not like I can't see I've got one good eye and can still fire a gun really good Eva didn't you steal some explosives out of the Fortress C3 a highly potent explosive from the West it can be molded into any shape like clay with just this much you could blow up the shago hat and the lab along with it is that right yeah but there's a trick to using it tell me about it well what do you think the Shag ahad's booster unit uses liquid fuel the fuel tanks are in the main wing of the weapons lab in the hanger housing the shago Hat itself so I should blow up the tanks that's the basic idea it should be enough to blow up the entire hanger there are four fuel tanks in order to destroy the hanger you'll have to set explo iives on each of those tanks all four of them it should be no sweat for you besides the scientists have the day off today so the hangers completely deserted not quite they've still got guards posted there so what do I do after I set the C3 the bombs run off a timer once the timer has been set the countdown will begin when the timer reaches zero the bombs will all go off at once how long do I have 20 minutes once the phase 2 trials are finished I wouldn't be surprised if they kill all the scientists to prevent them from talking so you've got to act fast I'll take care of it Eva did you get the data on the shagod from soov yeah that's the mission I was given by Cruz Chev mhm America doesn't have any use for it does it huh but I haven't forgotten my other Mission either helping you out follow this cave and go up the ladder at the end you'll come out inside grrad just Southwest of the weapons lab do you remember when you went to rescue soav remember there was a locked door when you entered the main Wing from the second floor of the East Wing yeah that's the entrance to the Shag ahad's hanger use this key to open open that door the door right when I entered the main Wing got it what about you I'll get things ready for our Escape there's a rail bridge to the north I'm going to set a bomb there so I'm taking half of the C3 with me right I'll set off the weapons lab then try not to be in the neighborhood when it happens gotcha and watch out for ocelot he suspects you're not who you say you are don't worry the colonel still trusts me and I have my ways there's not a man alive who can resist my charms besides you of course I'm just warning you Eva that's all I know okay let's go you seem like you were born on one of those if I didn't ride every day I couldn't go on living when I'm riding the wind hits me so hard that it hurts that pain keeps my mind off the pain of having to be someone else it's not easy always fooling myself like this it's only when I'm on the bike that I'm free to be the real me I only get off my bike When I Fall in Love or fall dead what's your name Tatiana no your real name what's wrong with Tanya okay Tanya don't let anyone see you oh this it's a button camera what did you do that for insurance to make sure you don't double cross [Applause] me hey what you're going to get wet again f sh is come [Music] all move on the top go for for snake I see you've managed to sneak into the hanger yeah the shag's in here the completed phas to shagod represents a grave threat to the West we can't allow it to be mass-produced you've got to destroy it Eva's got the data on the shager hard do you think that's safe well I wouldn't exactly say it's safe but kusf is a shrewd leader I can't imagine he'd use it for anything other than deterrence vulgan however is a different story he's planning to use the shagod to turn the Cold War into a blazing hot one we can't let him have it agreed that leaves just one more mission for you to carry out the boss exactly for now just focus on destroying the shagod yes sir I'll let sigin fill you in on how to destroy it yo like Eva was saying if you're looking to blow the whole place Skyhigh the best way is to take out those liquid fuel tanks with the C3 you know you know there's four tanks in there right you have to put C3 on all four of them to plan a C3 charge all you got to do is equip the C3 and press the weapon button while standing in front of a tank just like TNT but uh make sure you don't plant it in the wrong place you barely got enough C3 as it is right good point I'll make sure not to plant it anywhere else good man and be careful liquid fuel has a nasty habit of going off at the slightest shock so don't go using any heavy Firepower near the tanks unless you're aiming to get yourself barbecued I'll keep that in mind the C3 Chargers all have to go off at once if you want to bring down the hanger in one Fell Swoop so if I were you I'd wait until after you plant the last charge to start the timer mechanism all right I'll make sure I finish planting all four charges before I start the timer once the timer's set you've got 20 minutes until it explodes right so make sure you get your ass out of that place by then I think that's that's about all I've got the rest is up to you good luck pal we're counting on you snake sh h snake Eva I finished planting the bomb on the rail bridge if we get rid of the bridge the enemy won't be able to follow us that should at least buy us some time I've also set up the Escape Route how are things going on your end I just finished planting the second charge give me a little more time okay I'll be waiting for you at the bridge [Applause] got you this time major I finished planting the C3 I'm on my way out now hurry snake is Eva taking care of the Escape Route yeah are you sure she can handle it all right then we'll hurry up and get out of there snake Why'd You Come [Music] Back [Music] how this woman was found snooping around my underground Vault when she was captured look what we found on [Music] her the philosophers Legacy this micro film contains all the information regarding the Legacy you might say that this film itself is the Philosopher's Legacy it was the smell that gave her away no not the perfume it was gasoline motorcycle gasoline she rre of it to think that lovely Tatiana was a spy we found this radio along with her [Music] too such a fine woman she was it almost pains me to have to kill [Music] [Laughter] her yes she was an obedient one she is my precious little pet isn't that right F what was that do you have something to say to me go to hell you dirty [ __ ] I've had enough kisses from you I should have known soov wasn't man enough to have a lover like that just like the KGB to send something so beautiful yet so deadly what is the Philosopher's Legacy very well I'll explain it before I kill you during the last Great War the most powerful men in America China and the Soviet Union had a secret Pact The Pact was a blueprint for defeating the Axis powers and creating a new world order to secure victory in the war the three countries pulled their resources to conduct the most covert types of operations and research the atomic bomb rocket technology the Cobra unit and they amassed an enormous sum of money to fund these projects enough to fight the war five times over that wealth is the Philosopher's Legacy after the war was won the three countries were to divide the Philosopher's Legacy amongst themselves this explains why the United States and the Soviet Union were able to steal away the best scientific Minds in Germany as soon as the war ended but our great motherland has far surpassed its pathetic Rivals we possess enormous wealth the most advanced technology and overwhelming power assets fitting of our great country my father was one of the men in charge of managing the philosopher Legacy in the confusion that ensued after the war ended he devised a series of ingenious plots to ensure that the Soviet Union would have total control over the Legacy the money was divided up and laundered through through banks all over the world Switzerland Australia and Hong Kong this microfilm contains a record of all those transactions after my father's death I learned of this secret and obtained the microfilm with this money and the support of BNF and his allies I built this Fortress of grrad and granin research facility but that worthless fool granon failed to produce results I was forced to turn to kev's dog soov and his invention the shagohod my position in Gru made it too Troublesome to attack sokolov's facility directly but the Spy Network established by the secret pack still existed I used it to contact the boss and suggested that she defect the boss was conniving enough to see things my way the world was once one but the conflict between the philosophers has torn it in two we will use the Legacy to heal that Rift and make the world whole again to do this we need strength an Unstoppable trump card with enough power to bring order to the world world that trump card was to be the shagohod and the Cobra unit I have lost the cobas but I still have the shagohod and the Legacy there is nothing America can do to stop us boss take this someplace safe take good care of it he wouldn't have come walting back in here unless he had a reason the c3's been stolen he must be planning some sort of sabotage I'll go see if there are any surprises waiting for us I'll dispose of her as well leave everything to me Fight Like a Warrior vulgan but of course let me face him I've been waiting for this moment time to get even ah ah ah no more Judo and no more field strips enough of this he's mine you will stand right there and watch got it please Colonel let me silence [Music] [Music] h sorry for the delay let's get started shall we this is a once-in-a-lifetime battle let's make it a good [Music] [Music] one it's just you and me now and I'm going to enjoy this [Music] [Applause] [Music] s [Music] [Music] you're mine son of the boss [Music] what here it [Applause] [Music] [Music] comeso nice Godel who side are you [Music] on shoot him do you hear me I said shoot him sorry Colonel I'm afraid I can't do that what do you mean you can't I made a promise to the boss silence I am your commanding [Music] officer are you questioning my authority Fight Like a Man vulgan vulgan emergency explosives have been detected all nonod personnel must evacuate immediately oselot find those bombs repeat explosives have been detected all nonod personnel must evacuate immediately move it huh ready for some more Snake time to die [Music] [Music] a [Music] h [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] no oh all person now evacuate repeat all Personnel evacuate faster this way everybody run ah it's going to blow I'm out of here let's get out of here quick hurry we're all going to die we out [Music] evacuate hop [Music] in step on it come on don't give up get moving Eva how did you the boss let me go the boss why I'll tell you later right now we've got to get to the lake and Escape we can't leave yet I've still got one last job to do the boss is already at the lake huh she's at the lake she she's waiting for you there waiting for me I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you I don't want you to fight her but I I've come to realize that there's a special relationship between you two something I can't understand something that goes beyond a man and a woman I envy you really I do but I guess I just can't understand it she asked me to tell you something I've never seen someone with such Clear Eyes there I said it ready to go [Music] [Music] yeah w a hey it's not over yet There Is No Escape we failed not good hold on tight hey up ahead there they are they're over here watch out W up [Music] ahead up my head over there you're over here [Music] I can't shake him the RPG can't put a tent in that armor let's head for the rail bridge bridge I thought you br it a SE fre I did we'll lure him onto the bridge blow him up along with it good plan the bridge is on the other side of the runway we'll have to cut through the middle of the base you ready step on it if he catches up to us we're done for okay here we [Music] go [Music] h [Music] [Music] huh [Music] yeah enemy sighted there they are good one get up [Music] Happ wa damn damn it come on hurry a ah you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I've got a surprise for you you won't be getting away this time son of a [ __ ] [Music] s open fire didn't feel a thing I'll grind you in your duck you're wasting your ammo fire didn't feel a thing that all you can manage I'll grind you with d [Applause] h [Music] snake we've only got one chance we'll lure him over towards the other side when the shagat is on the bridge shoot the explosives the bomb is planted on the strut of the bridge [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] I planted one C3 charge keep your R steady the shadow hot's not here yet let it come closer it's still too early the Shadow's not here yet let it come closer still too early it's here we did it [Music] it's over [Music] look I'm not finished [Music] yet AA you take care of the driving yeah yeah I trust you on one condition though lead the fighting to me you got it I was getting tired of running away anyway Eva let's do [Music] it for luck here [Music] goes [Music] look out it is be left thing you're wasting your [Music] ammo didn't beix SP I can't move what open fire what have you done you're wasting your ammo keep it up why is that happening weing him down open fire damn K me die damn didn't feeless things [Applause] did we beat him no [Music] a get off what I'm going to lure it back here you're going to use yourself as bait are you insane I'm used to this guy I know how to handle him come on you [Music] [Laughter] blockhead open fire I can't move [Music] CR I don't you can [Music] manage [Music] damn didn't be left swing fire now fire [Music] [Music] snake who's afraid of a little Thunder a Fried by a bolt of lightning A fitting end it's finally over no time for this now the escape craft is just up [Music] ahead let's get going them out not bad there they are don't let them get away over there go get him got more it's an ambush they're not going [Music] anywhere over there a [Music] s up ahead WR keep them out nice get snake right here comes the jump hold on time what do you think of that looks like they finally gave up don't start celebrating yet we're leaking fuel damn it tank shot up [Music] crap Eva I'm over [Music] here [Music] huh snake how's it look pretty bad not a sensitive bone in your body Eva what about you snake I'm fine that's good to hear huh we have to get away from here Eva let's go leave me Eva the boss is waiting for you you have to go give me a gun no we're getting out of here if we're still far away from the lake I'll never make it I can't believe thisuh I never thought I'd see you act this week what do you mean listen to me Eva we're doing this together no you Eva I need you say that one more time I need you I can't fly the wig by myself ah all right then I guess I'd better help you [Music] out yeah you're lucky to have me snake can you hear me paramedic thank God Eva's been seriously hurt so have you luckily I think her organs are all intact but calm down snake calm down you'll both be fine as long as you get the proper emergency treatment but you're the only one who can do this understand so you've got to calm down right okay okay now let's open up the survival viewer and treat the injury do you have supplies with you I'm running kind of short then by switching the survival viewer over to Eva you can treat her wounds too now get to work oh and snake I'm pretty sure you know this already but if you don't have enough supplies for the both of you your wounds come first huh do you get my meaning snake you've still got a mission to complete yeah I know what I have to do snake like this can you walk yeah I think so here it's different from the Mouser when you're using a two-hand grip you have to be careful where you put your hands or your fingers will get burned by the exhaust gas from the cylinder Gap snake are you all right I've been better what about Eva I healed her up she can manage good snake you'll take the lead and break through the enemy's line of defense Eva will ordinarily be following behind you if you lie on your belly she'll lie down as well if you slip and fall off a cliff She'll follow right behind you can call out to Eva by pressing the action button head to the lake along with Eva h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this tastes like crap [Music] what's wrong there where did that come from [Music] go [Music] can I have seconds snake the lake is just over that Cliff Eva should be able to climb it if you help her keep her close to you [Music] h what's [Music] wrong [Music] where'd you go [Music] [Music] [Music] the enemy he's [Music] here [Music] [Music] snake [Music] [Applause] e come on snake we made it we made it over there it's the boss isn't it I'll go get the wig ready to take off right I'll leave you you two alone but come back in one piece okay promise me life's end isn't it beautiful it's almost tragic when life ends it gives off a final lingering Aroma light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die I've been waiting snake for a long time waiting for your birth your growth and the finality of today boss why are you doing this why to make the world one again the world used to be whole but with the end of the second world war the philosophers began toight died amongst themselves and the world was torn apart the cobras my comrades who trained and fought alongside me were torn apart as well the foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes ridiculous isn't it yesterday's Ally becomes today's opposition and this cold war think back when I was leing leading the cobras America and Russia were fighting together now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century somehow I doubt it enemies change along with the times the flow of the ages and we soldiers are forced to play along I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other other in battle a soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends so then what is an enemy is there such a thing as an absolute Timeless enemy there is no such thing and never has been and the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us they can only be our enemies in relative terms the world must be made whole again the philosophers must be reunited I will devote my skills to that purpose and with the Colonel's money I will achieve that end just as I once created the cobras they are my family I may no longer be able to Bear children but I still have a family it was November 1st 1951 I was in the Nevada desert participating in Atomic [Music] Testing the name Nevada is derived from Spanish covered in snow white as [Music] snow and snow is exactly what I saw in that Nevada desert it froze my blood White Snake you were an atomic test subject weren't you on bikini at tole that's part of the reason I was drawn to you you and I are alike we're both slowly being eaten Away by the karma of others we'll never have the chance to die peacefully of old age we have no tomorrow but we can still have hope for the future in 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from Space 3 years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik the first man-made satellite in history into orbit this came as a huge shock to the United States in response America threw everything it had into its own man space light project the Mercury program even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees and Rockets the government wanted human data so they secretly decided to send a human being into space I was the one they chose at the time they didn't have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation that's why they chose me after all I'd already been a radiated once of course you won't find any of this in the history books I could see the planet as it appeared from space that's when it finally hit me space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and the USSR politics economics the arms race they're all just arenas for meaningless competition I'm sure you can see that but the Earth itself has no boundaries no East no West no Cold War and the irony of it is the United States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion in the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little Celestial body called Earth a world without communism or capitalism that is the world I wanted to see but reality continued to betray me in 1961 I was sent to Cuba to buy de Coos it was part of a CIA sponsored Invasion under the guise of taking Cuban Exiles back to their country but the US government betrayed them our weak need president held back their air support defenseless the Exiles were annihilated by the Cuban Army all I could do was watch in silence I was set up by the very country I'd sacrificed so much for by the very government I dedicated my life to defending I was driven from the surface world and I went underground then two years ago I faced the sorrow my old comrade in battle he was my friend but one of us had to die I was left with no choice [Music] the sorrow gave his life for [Music] me there is no enmity between us one must live and one must die that was the mission the ones who gave me that mission were the philosophers early in the 20th century the true holders of power in the United States the Republic of China and the newly formed Soviet Union gathered together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the wisem men's committee the secret pact they formed there marked the beginning of the philosophers but the last of the original members died in the 1930s after that the organization began to run out of control and the wise men's committee degenerated into a mere shell of its former self the philosophers of today have no sense of good or evil their influence Ence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every war they have become War itself that's how they operate the sacrifices of War cause a shift in the times this shift leads to renewed conflict and in turn triggers the next War like a nuclear Chain Reaction each conflict Sparks countless others forming an endless spiral that will continue on for eternity do you understand what I'm saying snake by consuming me and you the philosophers intend to keep that cycle going forever it was my father who explained all of this to me he was one of them you see I am the last remaining child of the philosophers but after he revealed the truth my father was killed by that same shapeless formless organization and my father isn't the only thing the philosophers have taken from me in June of 1944 the cobras and I took part in the landing at Normandy we'd been given a top secret mission to locate and Destroy enemy V2 rocket installations I was pregnant at the time the sorrow was the father I gave birth on the field of battle a beautiful baby boy but my child was snatched away from me by the philosophers look at this scar this is proof that I was once a mother I gave up my body and my child for my country there is nothing left inside me now nothing at all no hatred not even regret and yet sometimes at night I can still feel the pain creeping up inside me slithering through my body like a snake I've never talked this much about myself before thanks thanks for listening to [Music] me I feel content snake commence the operation I raised you I loved you I've given you weapons taught you techniques endowed you with knowledge there is nothing more for me to give you all that's left for you to take is My Life by your own hand one must die and one must live no Victory no defeat the Survivor will carry on the fight it is our destiny the one who survives will inherit the title of Boss and the one who inherits the title of boss will face an existence of endless battle I'll give you 10 minutes in 10 minutes migs will come and bomb the hell out of this place if you can beat me in less than 10 minutes you'll be able to escape in time let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of Our Lives Jack boss you're a soldier finish your mission prove your loyalty face me let's see what you're made of excellent [Music] Jack here I come you're better than I [Music] remember I found [Music] you take this keep it [Music] safe it's our only [Music] hope a patriot why are you giving s me this Jack or should I say snake you're a wonderful man kill me kill me now do [Music] it there's only room for one boss and one snake [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] me [Music] ready to go snake are you okay snake yeah I told you you could trust me [Music] snake ocelot we're not done [Music] yet Dam you [Music] [Music] h too [Music] [Music] [Music] heavy [Music] snake try to remember some of the basics of CQC not good [Music] h [Music] [Music] I've picked up a few new moves huh it doesn't feel right to shoot an on unarmed man but I'll get over it [Music] Eva what do you say to one last Showdown yeah all right [Music] what's your name snake no not that name you're not a snake and I'm not an ocelot We're Men with names my name is adamska what's yours John very well John plain name but I won't forget it come on w [Music] [Laughter] it's a blank oh that was fun so we meet again John give me a [Music] hand come on pull up [Music] h we made it yeah we sure [Music] did [Music] [Applause] oh no migs there's no way out what are we going to do we've come too far to let them stop us now those things have got to be armed it's no use there's no way we can outmaneuver them they're going to shoot us down we were so close weapon systems on locked on target I got toone you were great Eva huh thanks buul 19 this is control standby for a direct order from the chairman vulk 19 return to base immediately do you read me this is a direct order from Conrad kushev return to base immediately V 19 do you copy understood AB boarding Mission [Applause] RTP look The Bigs are turning back wo [Music] well done snake the mig's disengaged most likely under orders from kusf is this his way of helping us who knows maybe he didn't want things to get messier than they already are or maybe he just wanted us to owe him one the important thing is you made it out alive as long as Cru Chef is with us I don't think they'll be coming after you it should be smooth sailing all the way to Alaska I'm sending someone out to Galina base to meet you to meet me the DCI and the president himself are waiting at Langley don't keep them [Music] waiting [Music] so what are you going to do now go back to the KGB what do you want me to do do you ever think about coming back to America I can't go back I've left America behind me but you saved this country I didn't do it alone and I still owe you a [Music] dinner is that part of your mission too or or is it an order or is it an invitation or a [Music] proposal I don't take orders from anyone nowain [Music] your heart smile for me you're not the only one afraid to fall in love dance with me again and walk this [Music] [Music] away [Music] m Scholars tell us that the first spy in history was the snake in the Book of Genesis in that story it was Eve who was tempted by the snake in the Garden of Eden but this time around it was I who tempted the snake and got away with the forbidden fruit of knowledge forgive me snake good morning snake I hope you slept well first of all I have to apologize I wasn't sent by kushev I'm not a KGB spy and I never worked for the NSA I'm an agent of the People's Republic of China for the general HQ second Department of the people's Liberation Army it was all a lie I tricked you and I'm sorry the philosophers still exist in China too you see my mission was to find out where vulgan was hiding the Philosopher's Legacy and steal it so I infiltrated his base as a KGB spy the two NSA code Breakers who defected in 1960 were actually both men the real Adam never showed up at the meeting place saving me the trouble of having to eliminate him I sneaked in by pretending I was Eva and you and soov and vulgan you all believed me the Philosopher's Legacy was originally held in common between the US Soviet Union and China we couldn't let the Russians and the Americans take it all for themselves the Chinese government had its eye on the Legacy 2 I got the film containing the Legacy and also the nuclear missile launch data from the shagohod 5 years ago the Soviet Union stopped supplying us with nuclear weapons technology since then China's leanda une easing hydrogen bomb and space rocket projects have fallen behind but with this data our country will be able to develop its own nukes we'll create a deterrent Force to rival those of the US and Soviet Union everything has gone according to plan thanks to your help I too am one of the philosophers I'm an agent of the philosophers a graduate one of their charm schools I was raised in a joint us Soviet Chinese facility to become a sleeper agent this was before the war Back Then There Were collecting children from all over the world as a result I'm indistinguishable from a native born American so it didn't surprise me when you and vulgan couldn't tell the difference but she knew right from the beginning she knew because before the war she was at one of the philosopher schools too as an instructor the boss was the only one I couldn't fool she was the only one who knew I was a fake she told me everything why did she open her heart to me like that at the time I couldn't understand it but now I think I do snake she wanted you to know the truth she chose me to tell you that's why she saved my life I've lied to you so many times but not this time my orders from the government were to obtain the Legacy and to eliminate everyone who knew the truth about what happened in other words I'm supposed to kill [Music] you but I can't do it not because we loved each other and not because you saved my life but because I made a promise to the boss and I intend to keep it I just wanted you to know and you have to [Music] live snake listen to me she didn't betray the United States no far from it she was a hero who died for her country she carried out her Mission knowing full well what was going to happen self-sacrifice because that was her Duty you are above even the boss I hereby award you the title of a big boss you are a true patriot [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you know we could use an infiltration unit like fox in the Army someone like him to handle our top secret sneaking missions for us a man who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent the boss's defection was a ruse set up by the US government it was all a big drama staged by Washington so they could get their hands on the Philosopher's Legacy and the boss was the star of the show they planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel vulgan inherited and destroy the shago Hut at the same time only a legendary hero like the boss could have earned vulgan trust finding out where the Philosopher's Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest Mission everything was going according to plan but then something happened that no one could have predicted Colonel vulgan fired an americanmade nuclear warhead at sokolov's research facility Cru Chef demanded that the US government provide proof that it wasn't involved they couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy so the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised the authorities in Washington knew that in order to prove its innocence they'd have to get rid of the boss and that one of their own would have to do the job the public couldn't be allowed to find out about it not ever this they concluded would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps the boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive and she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple that was the way the government wanted it that was the mission she was given and she had no choice but to carry it out her death at your hands was a duty she had to fulfill out of Duty she turned her back on her own comrades a lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden the taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave fure future Generations will revile her in America as a Despicable traitor with no sense of honor and in Russia as a Monster who Unleashed a nuclear catastrophe she will go down in official history as a war criminal and no one will ever understand her that was her final mission and like a true Soldier she saw it through to the end but I think she wanted you of all people to know the truth she wanted to live on in your memory not as a soldier but as a woman but she was forbidden to tell you herself and that's why she told me snake history we'll never know what she did no one will ever learn the truth her story her debriefing will endure only in your heart [Music] everything she did she did for her country she sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land she was a real hero she was a true patriot [Music] [Music] [Music] for yes grne grad and the Gran and research facility have both been wiped out without a trace I understand sir but they were necessary sacrifices yes the CIA has taken care of the boss themselves I believe the White House will be satisfied kushev is finished your time has finally arrived yes the American president is relying on us to keep a lid on the whole Affair we've got him by the balls it should make a valuable trump card in future negotiations yes Chief director of course I'll keep the KGB informed yes it's me the boss has accomplished her Mission the Philosopher's Legacy is now safely with us in America's hands with this money yes the philosophers can finally be revived the film we handed the Chinese was a fake P King must be in an uo right about now I'm afraid so only half the money is made it back to the United States the KGB must still have part of the Legacy yes the weapon has been reduced to ashes that's right gry grad has been obliterated by the Davy Crockett we brought in as well yes that was the boss's work too speaking of which I've obtained something from granon that you might find interesting it's a revolutionary new nuclear attack system perhaps it might just come in handy someday yes we have John I mean snake to thank for that kusf believed it as well yes they bought our story I don't think they'll be making a [Music] fuss in the secondary alert has been lifted as well and the Soviets still haven't discovered my true identity they have no idea that I've been triple Crossing them I will continue my activities as a contact for the new government yes it appears that no one knew that I was Adam of course I'm always at the cia's disposal Mr [Music] director [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Game Archivist
Views: 1,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mgs3, metal gear solid 3, metal gear solid - master collection volume 1, metal gear solid, konami, snake, ending, boss, big boss, how to beat, the fury, the sorrow, intro, cutscenes, movie
Id: n6iwyBUOVms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 451min 23sec (27083 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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